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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1076629 times)

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
Progress report on the US-Russian war


I am often asked if the US and Russia will go to war with each other. I always reply that they are already at war. Not a war like WWII, but a war nonetheless. This war is, at least for the time being, roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% kinetic. But in political terms the outcome for the loser of this war will be no less dramatic than the outcome of WWII was for Germany: the losing country will not survive it, at least not in its present shape: either Russia will become a US colony again or the AngloZionist Empire will collapse.

In my very first column for the Unz review entitled “A Tale of Two World Orders” I described the kind of multipolar international system regulated by the rule of law Russia, China and their allies and friends (whether overt or covert) worldwide are trying to build and how dramatically different it was from the single World Hegemony and AngloZionist attempted to establish worldwide (and almost successfully imposed upon our suffering planet!). In a way, the US imperial leaders are right, Russia does represent an existential threat, not for the United States as a country or for its people, but for the AngloZionist Empire, just as the latter represents an existential threat to Russia. Furthermore, Russia represents a fundamental civilizational challenge to what is normally called the “West” as she openly rejects its post-Christian (and, I would add, also viscerally anti-Islamic) values. This is why both sides are making an immense effort at prevailing in this struggle.

Last week the anti-imperial camp scored an major victory with the meeting between Presidents Putin, Rouhani and Erdogan in Sochi: they declared themselves the guarantors of a peace plan which will end the war against the Syrian people (the so-called “civil war”, which this never was) and they did so without even inviting the USA to participate in the negotiations. Even worse, their final statement did not even mention the USA, not once. The “indispensable nation” was seen as so irrelevant as to not even be mentioned.

To fully measure how offensive all this is we need to stress a number of points:

First, lead by Obama, all the leaders of the West declared urbi et orbi and with immense confidence that Assad had no future, that he had to go, that he was already a political corpse and that he would have no role whatsoever to play in the future of Syria.

Second, the Empire created a “coalition” of 59 (!) countries which failed to achieve anything, anything at all: a gigantic multi-billion dollar worth “gang that could not shoot straight” lead by CENTCOM and NATO and which only proved it most abject incompetence. In contrast, Russia never had more than 35 combat aircraft in Syria at any time turned the course of the war (with a lot of Iranian and Hezbollah help on the ground).

Next, the Empire decreed that Russia was “isolated” and her economy “in tatters” – all of which the Ziomedia parroted with total fidelity. Iran was, of course, part of the famous “Axis of Evil” while Hezbollah was the “A-Team of terrorism”. As for Erdogan, the AngloZionist tried to overthrow and kill him. And now it is Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey who defeated the terrorists and who will call the shots in Syria.

Finally, when the USA realized that putting Daesh in power in Damascus was not going to happen, they first tried to break up Syria (Plan B) and then tried to create a Kurdish statelet in Iraq and Syria (Plan C). All these plans failed, Assad is in Russia giving hugs to Putin while Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp Quds Force Commander General Soleimani is taking a stroll through the last Syrian city to be liberated from Daesh.

Can you imagine how totally humiliated, ridiculed and beat the US leaders feel today? Being hated or resisted is one thing, but being totally ignored – now that hurts!

As for a strategy, the best they came up with was what I would call a “petty harassment of Russia”: making RT sign up as a foreign agent, stealing ancient art from Russia, strip Russian athletes from medals en masse, trying to ban the Russian flag and anthem from the Olympics in Seoul or banning Russian military aircraft from the next Farnborough airshow. And all these efforts achieve is making Putin even more popular, the West even more hated, and the Olympics even more boring (ditto for Farnborough – the MAKS and the Dubai Air Shows are so much ‘sexier’ anyway). Oh, I almost forgot, the “new Europeans” will continue their mini-war against old Soviet statues to their liberators. It’s just like the US mini-war on the Russian representations in the USA, a clear sign of weakness.

Speaking of weakness.

This is becoming comical. The US media, especially CNN, cannot let a day go by without mentioning the evil Russians, the US Congress is engaged in a mass hysteria trying to figure out who of the Republicans or the Democrats have had more contacts with the Russians, NATO commanders are crapping their pants in abject terror (or so they say!) every time the Russian military organizes any exercise, US Navy and Air Force representatives regularly whine about Russian pilots making “unprofessional intercepts”, the British Navy goes into full combat mode when a single (and rather modest) Russian aircraft carrier transits through the English Channel – but Russia is, supposedly, the “weak” country here.

Does that make sense to you?

The truth is that the Russians are laughing. From the Kremlin, to the media, to the social media – they are even make hilarious sketches about how almighty they are and how they control everything. But mostly the Russians are laughing their heads off wondering what in the world the folks in the West are smoking to be so totally terrified (at least officially) by a non-existing threat.

You know what else they are seeing?

That western political leaders are seeking safety in numbers. Hence the ridiculously bloated “coalitions” and all the resolutions coming out of various European and trans-Atlantic bodies. Western politicians are like schoolyard nerds who, fearing the tough kid, huddle together to look bigger. Every Russian kid knows that seeking safety in numbers is a surefire sign of a scared wimp. In contrast, the Russians also remember how a tiny nation of less than 2 million people had the courage to declare war on Russia and how they fought the Russians hard, really hard. I am talking about the Chechens of course. Yeah, love them or hate them – but there is no denying that Chechens are courageous. Ditto for Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. The Russians were impressed. And even though the Nazis inflicted an unspeakable amount of suffering on the Russian people, the Russians never deny that the German soldiers and officers were skilled and courageous. There is even a Russian saying “I love/respect the courageous man in the Tatar/Mongol” (люблю молодца и в татарине). So Russians have no problem seeing courage in their enemies.

But US/NATO armies? They all act as if Conchita Wurst was their Commander in Chief!

Remember this:

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
None of these man were kind or “nice” in any way. But they mattered. They were relevant. And they wielded some very real power.

Today, real power looks like this:

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
And you know what is really offensive to the AngloZionist leaders?

That this photo shows one Orthodox Christian and two Muslims.

Now that’s offensive. And very frightening, of course.

We are very, very far from the “birth of a new Middle-East” promised by Condi Rice (it is a new Middle-East alright, just not the one Rice and the Neocons had in mind!)

As for the “only democracy in the Middle-East” it is now in full panic mode, hence their now overt plan to work with the Saudis against Iran and their clearly staged leaks about bombing all Iranian assets up to 40km from the Israeli border. But that train has already left the station: the Syrian won and not amount of airstrikes will change that. So just to make sure they still look really fierce, the Israelis are now adding that in case of a war between Israel and Hezbollah, Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah would be a target. Wow! Who would have thought?!

Can you hear the giggles coming out of Beirut?

The scary thing is that the folks in DC, Riyadh and Jerusalem hear them loud and clear which means that sooner or later they will have to do something about it and that “something” will be the usual nonsensical bloodbath this “Axis of Kindness” has been made famous for: if you can’t beat their military, make their civilians pay (think Kosovo 1999, Lebanon 2006, Yemen 2015). Either that or beat the shit out of a tiny, defenseless victim (Grenada 1983, Gaza 2008, Bahrain 2011). Nothing like a good massacre of defenseless civilians to make them feel manly, respected and powerful (and, for US Americans – “indispensable”, of course).

Setting aside the case of the Middle-East, I think we can begin to see the outlines of what the USA and Russia will be doing in the next couple of years.

Russia: the Russian strategy towards the Empire is simple:

    Try to avoid as much as possible and for as long as possible any direct military confrontation with the USA because Russia is still the weaker side (mostly in quantitative terms). That, and actively preparing for war under the ancient si vis pacem para bellum strategy.
    Try to cope as best can be with all the “petty harassment”: the USA still has infinitely more “soft power” than Russia and Russia simply does not have the means to strike back in kind. So she does the minimum to try to deter or weaken the effects of that kind of “petty harassment” but, in truth, there is not much she can do about it besides accepting it as a fact of life.
    Rather than trying to disengage from the AngloZionist controlled Empire (economically, financially, politically), Russia will very deliberately contribute to the gradual emergence of an alternative realm. A good example of that is the Chinese-promoted New Silk Road which is being built without any meaningful role for the Empire.

USA: the US strategy is equally simple:

    Use the Russian “threat” to give a meaning and a purpose to the Empire, especially NATO.
    Continue and expand the “petty harassment” against Russia on all levels.
    Subvert and weaken as much as possible any country or politician showing any signs of independence or disobedience (including New Silk Road countries)

Both sides are using delaying tactics, but for diametrically opposite reasons: Russia because time is on her side and the USA because they have run out of options.

It is important to stress here that in this struggle Russia is at a major disadvantage: while the Russians want to build something, the US Americans only want to destroy it (examples include Syria, of course, but also the Ukraine or, for that matter, a united Europe). Another major disadvantage for Russia is that most governments out there as still afraid of antagonizing the Empire in any way, thus the deafening silence and supine submissiveness of the “concert of nations” when Uncle Sam goes on one of his usual rampages in total violation of international law and the UN Charter. This is probably changing, but very, very slowly. Most world politicians are just like US Congressmen: prostitutes (and cheap ones at that).

The biggest advantage for Russia is that the USA are internally falling apart economically, socially, politically – you name it. With every passing year the once most prosperous United States are starting to look more and more like some backwater Third World country. Oh sure, the US economy is still huge (but rapidly shrinking!), but that is meaningless when financial wealth and social wealth are conflated into one completely misleading index of pseudo-prosperity. This sad, really, a country which ought to be prosperous and happy is being bled to death by the, shall we say, “imperial parasite” feeding on it.

At the end of the day, political regimes can only survive by the consent of those it rules. In the United States this consent is clearly in the process of being withdrawn. In Russia it has never been stronger. This translates into a major fragility of the USA and, therefore, the Empire (the USA are by far the biggest host of the AngloZionist imperial parasite) and a major source of staying power for Russia.

All of the above applies only to political regimes, of course. The people of Russia and of the USA have exactly the same interests: bringing down the Empire with the least amount of violence and suffering as possible. Like all Empires, the US Empire mostly abused others in its formative and peak years, but as any decaying Empire it is now mostly abusing its own people. It is therefore vital to always repeat that an “Empire-free USA” would have no reason to see an enemy in Russia and vice-versa. In fact, Russia and the USA could be ideal partners, but the “imperial parasites” will not allow that to happen. Thus we are all stuck in an absurd and dangerous situation which could result in a war which would completely destroy most of our planet.

For whatever it’s worth, and in spite of the constant hysterical russophobia in the US Ziomedia, I detect absolutely no sign whatsoever that this campaign is having any success with the people in the USA. At most, some of them naively buy into the “the Russians tried to interfere in our elections” fairytale, but even in this case this belief is mitigated by “no big deal, we also do that in other countries”. I have yet to meet a US American who would seriously believe that Russia is any kind of danger. I don’t even detect superficial reactions of hostility when, for example, I speak Russian with my family in a public place. Typically, we are asked what language we are speaking and when we reply “Russian” the reaction normally is “cool!”. Quite often I even hear “what do you think of Putin? I really like him”. This is in severe contrast with the federal government whom the vast majority of US Americans seem to hate with a passion.

To summarize it all, I would say that at this point in time of the US-Russian war, Russia is wining, the Empire is losing and the USA is suffering. As for the EU it is “enjoying” a much deserved irrelevance while being mostly busy absorbing wave after wave of society-destroying refugees proving, yet again, the truth of the saying that if your head is in the sand, your ass is in the air.

This war is far from over, I don’t even think that we have reached it’s peak yet and things are going to get worse before they get better again. But all in all, I am very optimistic that the Axis of Kindness will bite the dust in a relatively not too distant future.

The Saker

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Inevitable Collapse of Israeli-Saudi-American Alliance Against Iran and Resistance


By Miko Peled

December 04, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  From the earliest years of the Zionist project, the leaders of the movement - which then morphed into the State of Israel - understood that regional coalitions were crucial to its success. But Israel is a settler colonial project and therefor it was and still is very much hated by people in the region. Israel and its leaders invested in creating and promoting corrupt unprincipled despots to lead in the countries around it, men who would control the Arab world by keeping its people poor, uneducated and without representation and would pose no threat to Israel and its policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetuated against the people of Palestine. Israel has had some degree of success in this, especially with the reactionary monarchies. Countries who had leaders that resisted Israel ended up paying a heavy price. These were states like Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya which are now destroyed and so it can come as no surprise that the new Saudi Crown Prince is bending over backwards to please Israel by referring to Iran’s supreme leader as "the new Hitler of the Middle East,” and is even preparing to take his regime’s relations with Israel to a new level, some say he even intends to establish diplomatic ties with Israel.

It is ironic that some of the greatest perpetrators and supporters of terrorism are those who talk of fighting terrorism. The latest unholy alliance between the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt is a source of unspeakable terror which without fail is inflicted on innocent civilians but guarantees Israeli interests will be safe. The new boss calling the shots from Riyadh, Mohammad Bin Salman is for now at the center of this unholy alliance which in the short term will satisfy his hunger for power and influence but is sure to fail and in the meantime, will surely produce more misery in Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon and God only knows where else. But state terrorism like that perpetuated by Israeli military against Palestinians and the Saudis in Yemen is heralded by the weapons suppliers in the US and the UK as heroic while the people who fight for their rights are inevitably forgotten and left to die.

Two issues that have been brought to the forefront by the unholy alliance are Iran and its fictional threat to world peace and stability and its mythical support for terrorism. Iran which has invaded no one and attacked no one but supports Hezbollah and Hamas in their resistance against Israel is the favorite enemy in Tel-Aviv, Washington, DC and Riyadh. The new Saudi boss wants to consolidate regional power and he thinks he can do so by aligning with Israel and the US in order to weaken Iran. What he may not realize is that Iran is not a threat and cannot be threatened. While the Saudi monarchy gets its legitimacy from oil and money and from Israel and the US who supply it with weapons, Iranian legitimacy stems from its people, its long history and extraordinary culture. As for weakening Iranian influence in the region by weakening Hezbollah and Syria, that has been a colossal failure. Hezbollah is strong and well respected and is seen as the guarantee for stability in Lebanon. Furthermore, having been struck by Hezbollah might twice, Israel will not dare challenge it. And in Syria regardless of what one may think of the regime, it has clearly maintained the upper hand as a result of the support of Iran and Hezbollah.

What Israel wants however is legitimacy. It wants to continue the genocide of the Palestinian people uninterrupted, it wants to demonstrate to the world that it won on all fronts and it wants the US embassy to move to Jerusalem once and for all. And while Israel is being allowed to destroy Palestine and kill its people, the Jerusalem issue is a more complicated one and can only happen if ambitious yet ignorant and careless people are in power. And so it happens that at this moment in time there is precisely such a combination in place. With the new Saudi Crown Prince, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, let the games begin. But interrupting the status quo regarding Jerusalem is so dangerous and has such destructive potential that even King Abdullah of Jordan, who himself owes his power to Israel and the US is warning the US to avoid meddling with it. Jerusalem has been a Muslim city with a minority of other religions living in it. It was only the sheer brutality of the Israeli military and the ethnic cleansing campaign Israel has put in place that has somewhat changed the nature of the city. But no recognition was ever given to the Zionist conquest of Jerusalem and hard as they try, it will never be seen as legitimate. Although for seven decades Israel has maintained that Jerusalem is its capital, the rest of the world was not able to swallow this breach of international law and common sense. And even today after seven decades of destruction the city of Jerusalem still maintains its Muslim heritage and is considered to be an icon of Islam peppered with symbols of other religions which reside within it. If Mohamad Bin Salman, Trump and Netanyahu attempt to change this, it will surely hasten the collapse of their unholy alliance but it is also sure to bring a great deal of misery and violence.

In the meantime, the three musketeers have a plan for the Palestinians. They are to give up their dignity, forgo their rights and swallow an indignation designed especially for them. With their land stolen, rights taken away, water denied and existence ignored at best and mostly destroyed, the Palestinian people  should accept a small fraction of Palestine designated as Area A of what used to be the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a Palestinian state. But what if they do not accept this indignation? The US is threatening to close down the PLO mission in Washington DC. The mission is not an embassy and in many ways its existence is in and of itself an indignation which the Palestinian Authority seems to be willing to swallow. Palestinians will be no worse off if it is closed and as was said by my friend Issa Amro, co-founder and leader of Youth Against Settlements in Hebron, recently, there are enough Palestinians in the US to represent the Palestinian voice proudly and truthfully until such time that a real ambassador of an actual Palestinian government presents credentials to the president of the United States.

Mohammad Bin Salman summoning the Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and attempting to force him to discredit Hezbollah - a legitimate and stabilizing part of the Lebanese government - and the summoning of Mahmoud Abbas from Ramallah and ordering him to accept the new peace deal, is nothing more than a show of muscle by a new and inexperienced player. Even the praise Thomas Friedman heaped on him in the New York Times, where Friedman rather foolishly wrote that, “The most significant reform process underway anywhere in the Middle East today is in Saudi Arabia,” can't hide the fact that over reaching and that he is too young and inexperienced to understand the Middle East. Having failed miserably in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, Saudi Arabia lost massive ground to the Iranians and he hopes that Trump and Netanyahu will come to his aid. But he is relying on some very weak allies: The very legitimacy of Netanyahu and the entire Zionist project are now being brought to question and Trump will be fortunate if he is able to see the end of his first term as president without being forced to resign. One hopes that with the inevitable collapse of this alliance a new one will rise, one that will support a free Palestine and a peaceful Middle East.

Miko Peled is a writer and human rights activist. He is an international speaker and the author of “The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine”. https://mikopeled.com/

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
An ominous warning: ‘Netanyahu needs a war with Iran. And he needs it soon’


James North on December 2, 2017

In a dangerous escalation, Israel last night attacked a military base near Syria’s capital, Damascus, using both warplanes and surface-to-surface missiles. News sources in Syria said the target was an Iranian installation near Al-Kiswa, 7 miles south of the city.

This attack — Israeli officials declined comment — is just the latest ominous sign from Israel that the unholy alliance of Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, may be planning to greatly expand war in the Mideast, targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon, and its ally and patron, Iran.

The veteran journalist Larry Derfner reports from Israel that “everybody here feels war is coming.” He adds, “There’s so much tough talk from Israel, and the Saudis would love Israel to fight a war for their interests, and the tension is very high — all this is in the news all the time.” Derfner does not believe Hezbollah or Iran would start the conflict, “because they know they’d get crushed.” He explains, “The only one I see starting it is Israel, because Israel is both strong and paranoid.”

Bradley Burston, a respected columnist in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, also could not have been more clear the other day. His opinion piece was entitled, “Netanyahu Needs a War. He Needs It to Be With Iran. And He Needs It Soon.” Burston argues that Netanyahu has several selfish reasons for wanting a conflict:

1) The Israeli political reality is turning against him. “He’s desperate now because he’s losing ground fast in the latest opinion polls.”

2) He sees he may be out of power soon, and he’s “obsessed by his place in history.” Burston writes, “Netanyahu still has no legacy beyond the number of all those many years in power.”

3) Netanyahu may also provoke war to distract from the ongoing probes into his corruption: “He’s desperate because police detectives and investigative journalists are closing in on him.”

Burston’s allegations are astonishing, especially the last one. Israel’s 2006 invasion of Lebanon to attack Hezbollah cost it 121 lives, and more than 1000 other people also died, most of them Lebanese civilians. Would the Israeli prime minister really put his people at risk just to selfishly cover up his own (alleged) financial criminality?

Earlier this year, Larry Derfner (who has published a compelling memoir about abandoning liberal Zionism) warned in a New York Times Op-Ed article that Israel, not its neighbors, provokes the regular armed clashes. “Counterintuitive though it may be to Israeli and most Western minds, Israel, not its militant Islamic or brutal Syrian enemies, is the aggressor in these border wars.”

Anyone who only reads the U.S. mainstream press will be stunned to learn about this rising feeling in Israel that a wider war is coming. Meanwhile, Derfner reacted to last night’s Israeli strike against the Iranian base in Syria: “I oppose this latest attack just like I oppose all the others. They’re all part of Israel’s ‘neighborhood bully’ policy, which has been going on for decades. Nothing new here. The coming war won’t be anything new, either, except for all the new people who will get killed in it.”

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
A brief history lesson of the British Empire's aggressive warfare foreign policy courtesy of RT:


 UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson attacked British foreign policy critics for playing “into a jihadi narrative.” Politicians like Jeremy Corbyn, and at one time Johnson himself, have argued that current and past British foreign policy drives extremism.

On Thursday, in a speech titled “The struggle against Islamist terror: How global Britain is helping to win,” Johnson was at pains to point out that countries which have no history of foreign intervention have also been victim of terrorist attacks. 

“British foreign policy is not the problem; it is part of the solution,” he said, insisting that unrest in Syria and the Middle East “have been exacerbated not so much by Western meddling as by our aloofness.”

But the UK has over the last 100 years faced accusations of facilitating famine, conducting indiscriminate bombing, and undertaking unjust wars. 


Britain essentially created Iraq, and in 1920, installed a regime that was so unpopular it united even Shia and Sunni tribes. Thousands of Iraqis died in fighting overseen by Winston Churchill, then the Secretary of State for War and Air. In 1924, well before Dresden and Heilbronn, Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, then working in the newly formed Royal Air Force, was quoted saying he had taught Iraqis “that within 45 minutes a full-sized village can be practically wiped out and a third of its inhabitants killed or wounded.”

Iraq formally obtained its independence in 1932. In 1979, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein took power, and the rest is history.

Not even mentioning Gulf War 1 and the patrolling of a no-fly zone for over a decade, in 2003, the British were back in force. Then-Prime Minister Tony Blair, on the coattails of the US, led the UK into the Second Iraq War to find Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction that never actually existed.

It has been estimated that over one million people died in the war and violence that followed.


In the middle of the twentieth century, Britain turned its attention to Iran. Together with the US secret services, British agents orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in a 1953 Iranian coup d'état.

The crisis began when Mosaddegh had sought to audit the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), in an attempt to limit the company’s control over Iran’s petroleum reserves. The AIOC refused, instigating the nationalisation of Iran oils and the expelling of foreign corporate representatives from the country.

In response Britain organised an international boycott of Iranian oil, while seeking militarily to seize the British-built Abadan oil refinery. MI6 and the CIA then used agents and bribery of officials and military officers to undermine then eventually overthrow the government. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, was restored to the throne until the British backed monarch was toppled in the 1979 revolution.

India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

In 1947, fading colonial master Britain divided India into three: Pakistan, India, and what is now Bangladesh. Partition and its effects would lead to one million dead, 13 million displaced, and ethnic and religious tensions that exist to this day.

Before the disastrous partition of India, which saw 14.5 million people displaced and sparked numerous wars between India and Pakistan, came the Bengal famine. In 1943, at least two million Bengalis starved to death, in part due to then-Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s decision to divert food from the area to British soldiers fighting in Greece.

Renowned Indian author Dr. Shashi Tharoor condemned Churchill, stating “This is the man who the British insist on hailing as some apostle of freedom and democracy,” adding that “he is really one of the more evil rulers of the 20th century only fit to stand in company of the likes of Hitler, Mao and Stalin.”

Palestine and Israel

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed by Britain, a 67-word promise to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Although the declaration was not legally binding, the declaration led to consistent Jewish migration to the region to make it a reality.

As well as Iraq, Britain attained Mandatory Palestine in 1922, another spoil from the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. Arab Palestinians revolted three times against British rule, the last being in 1936. The increasingly infamous ‘Bomber’ Harris was tasked with thwarting the uprising, during which the RAF commander endorsed the bombing of civilians, stating: “one 250lb. or 500lb. bomb in each village that speaks out of turn” would satisfactorily conclude the rebellion. 5,000 Arabs were killed in the three year revolt.

In 1922, Britain was handed control of Palestine, and that only ended in 1948 with the creation of Israel. Needless to say, the consequences are still being felt strongly today.

    What is Boris Johnson going on about? More interventionist foreign policy? With what troops and what money? All Afghanistan achieved was a rusting turbine near the Kajaki dam and lost lives.
    — Annabelle (@trixy022) December 7, 2017

An under-reported Pentagon study released in 2004 concluded that “American direct intervention in the Muslim World has paradoxically elevated the stature and support for radical Islamists.” Johnson takes a different view. Ignoring the lessons from history, he wants to get involved again.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Why The Globalists Need A War, And Soon


Brandon Smith

It is difficult to gauge and understand geopolitical and economic events without first comprehending the fact that much of what happens in the world is engineered to happen and with a specific encompassing goal in mind. If you subscribe to the theory that all is random "chaos" and outcomes are circumstantial or coincidental, then you will be lost in the dark on most things. If you think a globalist "conspiracy" would require "too much control" or foresight, I would point out that organized conspiracy by people in power is a matter of history, not of theory. If such cabals were prevalent in the past, it is rather foolish to dismiss the reality that they are prevalent today.

In my articles "The Economic End Game Explained" and "The Economic End Game Continues," I outline considerable evidence supporting the following conclusion: International financiers and political puppets in Western AND Eastern countries share a deep rooted ideology called "globalism" or the "new world order." This ideology demands total centralization of economy and government resulting in a single global fiscal authority, a single global monetary system and a one world ruling structure. Obviously, such a pursuit would take extensive time and planning. It is a long term project, with moments of accelerated change.

The globalists refer to the process of their intended change as the "global economic reset." A reset of the world's economic processes is not so far fetched as skeptics like to argue. When an organized group of ideologues maintains control over the currency production and interest rates of most nations on the planet, it would hardly be difficult to manipulate politicians, manipulate legislation or even scientifically conjure financial bubbles and collapses. By extension, it would also be simple to trigger international conflicts if needed.

But why would war be a necessary ingredient to globalization?

War is the ultimate distraction, the ultimate divider and, perhaps ironically, the ultimate consolidator. In the past century, war always seems to follow or coincide with economic crisis events that are later exposed as products of the banking elites and their aggressive monetary policies. And, in the aftermath of these wars, supranational institutions are often founded (like the League of Nations, the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund) as "solutions" to preventing mass tragedies from ever happening again. War is a social steroid promoting mutation, usually in an unhealthy way.

In recent years the concept of "world war" has given way to a more insidious trend of constant and sporadic regional wars. In most cases these regional wars have helped to contribute to the steady downfall of the U.S. through accumulating national debts as well as international distrust or hatred. In fact, one might conclude that if we were to look at the macro-picture of the vast array of regional wars being perpetrated by the globalists we would see that all of them combined are amounting to a kind of world war in a different form.

That said, the globalists will need a new and far larger catalyst for their reset, and soon. Why?  Because a sizable distraction is essential to the next phase of the ongoing collapse. A pervasive scapegoat is needed; one that can be blamed for almost any negative scenario. This draws public attention away from the globalists themselves as the culprits behind fiscal crisis, maybe so much so that it will take decades before the mainstream ever questions what actually happened, if they ever question anything at all.

The fear generated through an uncertain war also acts as a form of psychological alchemy, transmuting the collective public mindset to accept centralization they never would have accepted otherwise.

Here is the issue at hand — central banks are seeking a monetary reset more than anything else. A monetary reset demands massive debt, followed by massive stimulus, followed by fiscal tightening, then massive inflation, followed by currency implosion that opens the door to a replacement structure (most likely in the form of blockchain technology and cyrptocurrency). The credit crisis of 2008 conveniently provided at least two of these elements so far, vast debt and stimulus measures. Today, we are beginning to witness the fiscal tightening phase of this process.

As I have been warning since before the Fed taper of QE, the central bank trend will lead to a removal of stimulus support, facilitating a crushing blow to bonds and equities markets. Now, interestingly enough, the Bank for International Settlements is warning of the same thing as 2017 comes to a close. It should be noted that this is not the first time the BIS warned of an impending crash; they also predicted with keen timing the derivatives and credit crash back in 2007. This was, of course, too little too late for the masses to react in any positive way, though.

Their latest warning arrives on the heels of the December Federal Reserve meeting at which it is widely expected that the central bank will raise interest rates yet again while taking the next step towards reducing their balance sheet. Many mainstream and alternative economists doubted the taper of QE and doubted the hiking of interest rates. They were wrong. Just as the doubts over the Fed balance sheet reductions are wrong. The pullback in these measures will invariably strike bonds and equities in a negative way. Time is running out.

But, the banking elites have taken steps. For example, they have in place a perfect distraction in the form of the Trump Administration. With Trump loudly and proudly taking credit for the stock market bull run over the course of the past year, who do you think the public will blame when those same markets go south as the central bank pulls the rug out? Probably not the Fed or the establishment banks.

Trump has also in an odd way created the perfect rationale for the Fed as they increase interest rates and end the cheap money that has been feeding stocks for so long. With the passage of Trump's tax "reform" plan, the fed can now argue that interest rates MUST be raised in order to create incentives for treasury investment and to pay for Trump's intended public works programs and military expansion goals. Meaning, the fed can claim it is not culpable for any negative effects from removing cheap capital from the table because Trump's actions demanded it.

I would also point out that in most cases in history the Fed has lowered interest rates immediately following tax cuts and reforms. They did this after Reagan's tax reforms in 1981 and in 1986, as well as after George W. Bush's tax reforms in 2001. Juxtapose that with 2018, as the Fed intends to continue RAISING interest rates in the wake of Trump's tax reforms. Meaning, they are taking the opposite action from what they have often done in the past.  Something to think about...

Trump's tax plan itself is primarily a distraction from the real problem. First, when comparing tax brackets from this past year to the intended tax brackets for next year under the Trump reforms, there is almost no change whatsoever for the average American. The only major reductions in taxes are, no surprise, in the form of corporate tax cuts; reducing the corporate tax ceiling from 35 percent to 20 percent. This is trickle-down economics at best, and not a solution to a single problem facing the public and the country in terms of the flailing economy.

Second, why are we talking about income tax "reform" when we should be talking about abolishing the income tax and the Federal Reserve altogether? Whatever happened to that dialogue? It has disappeared down the memory hole.

Trump's tax plan will do nothing to slow or undo the current economic crisis because the crisis stems directly from central banking monetary policies and interest rate manipulations.  Tax reform is far too little far too late, and stands as nothing more than meager bone thrown to conservatives to keep them quiet for a while.  This is what Trump's tax reform does do very well, though — it rallies conservatives around Trump, regardless of whether it actually helps them or not. Much like Obama's universal health care bill, which has proven to be a continued disaster in practice, but was rather successful at the time of its passage in rallying the liberal base. Trump is certainly going to need a base of public support if he is going to initiate a major war campaign.

North Korea continues to be the most likely powder keg for the next distraction event.  Two months of quiet led people with short attention spans to dismiss the notion, and perhaps some of them will double down and continue their denials, but it is growing more difficult to ignore by the day.   I would argue that North Korea is the most viable option simply because almost no one expects a war with the isolated nation to happen. The level of complacency despite all the signals to the contrary is palpable.

The U.S. has staged three aircraft carrier groups in the region for the first time in a decade. Major combat exercises are underway, designated Vigilant Ace 18, specifically designed to simulate an invasion of North Korea with over 230 aircraft and 12,000 American troops participating. North Korea has warned of "nuclear war" as a consequence.

North Korea may have the ability to follow through, at least on a limited scale, as they have recently test launched what appears to be a huge leap in missile technology — an ICBM capable of carrying multiple warheads and striking the Eastern seaboard of the U.S.  How the North Koreans came to possess this technology so quickly is a question everyone should be asking.

In response, the war rhetoric has been amplified. White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has stated that North Korea is the greatest immediate threat to the U.S., saying that the potential for war "is increasing every day." Warmonger and enemy of the Constitution, Lindsay Graham, has stated that the families of U.S. military personnel should be moved out of South Korea for their own safety, and that "We're getting close to military conflict."

So how close is close? I maintain that war with North Korea is likely by the second quarter of 2018.  I also maintain the globalists will continue the strategy of multiple regional conflicts and global economic warfare rather than a one-off global nuclear mess that would wipe out trillions of dollars and decades of effort put into infrastructure and surveillance grids.

This would be advantageous to the globalists if they plan to continue interest rate hikes and stimulus removal by central banks around the world. It would help hide the effects of balance sheet reductions on stocks and it could expedite the fall of the dollar as the world reserve as Eastern and European nations apply alternatives like the IMF's SDR basket system in response to the massive debt brought on by a military quagmire for the U.S.  In other words, catastrophic fiscal developments that were already going to happen anyway due to central bank sabotage will be entirely blamed on geopolitical crisis rather than the true culprits.

Finally, will the East step in militarily to prevent a conflict in North Korea? No. China has already stated that if North Korea attacks first, then they will not obstruct regime change by the U.S.

This flies in the face of those that believe in the false east/west paradigm.  China has left the door wide open to potential conflict.  If the globalists want a war in North Korea, they will create a war in North Korea, and the Chinese have publicly admitted they will step out of the way to let it happen. A false flag is probable. More provocations leading to a violent response by North Korea would also be rather easy to produce. So far, North Korea remains the best existing shock and awe event to hide a globally disintegrating economic situation. Would the globalists pass up an opportunity like this? There is no reason for them to do so.


Special Note: Moriarty's speech on the "inevitability of war" is a rather accurate portrayal in my opinion of the globalist mindset - rationalizing the artificial engineering of conflicts because "human nature" dictates that such events will "happen anyway", so why shouldn't they benefit?  Of course, if human nature was a reliable ally of the power brokers, then they would not need to engineer these crises in the first place.  Such is the insane circular logic of organized psychopaths.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
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From the comments of Brandon Smith's article:

Something else too...

written by Anon55 , December 06, 2017

"So far, North Korea remains the best existing shock and awe event to hide a globally disintegrating economic situation."

I agree with that, but I don't think it's the only shock that will happen.

FEMA in 2015 predicted food prices to rise by 400% during the 2020's. What was thought to be the cause? well, it wasn't an economic crisis, although that will definitely have much effect on it as well. Rather, it was crop failures caused by climate change. Now before you say that global warming is a hoax, I know it is, but there's another type of climate change that actually has scientific data behind it and it's called a "Solar Minimum". Even NASA, who is backing global warming, has admitted that a solar minimum is on the way and they expect it to arrive during 2019-2020 but what they do not believe is that it would actually cause any change in climate which is foolish since there is plenty of scientific data backing the claim that solar minimum's are followed by unprecedented cold weather causing crop losses and natural disasters. The last time this solar minimum occurred was in the 1800's and coincidentally, we had the worst food shortage in the whole human history during this period in China.

So while a global economic crisis does also very much affect food prices, the fact that it will be partnered with a solar minimum that makes it much harder to even grow food is likely to bring much more chaos and destruction than any previous crisis that has so far happened in human history.





Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
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Pesticide toxicity to bees


Pesticides vary in their effects on bees. Contact pesticides are usually sprayed on plants and can kill bees when they crawl over sprayed surfaces of plants or other areas around it. Systemic pesticides, on the other hand, are usually incorporated into the soil or onto seeds and move up into the stem, leaves, nectar, and pollen of plants.[1]

Of contact pesticides, dust and wettable powder pesticides tend to be more hazardous to bees than solutions or emulsifiable concentrates. When a bee comes in contact with pesticides while foraging, the bee may die immediately without returning to the hive. In this case, the queen bee, brood, and nurse bees are not contaminated and the colony survives. Alternatively, the bee may come into contact with an insecticide and transport it back to the colony in contaminated pollen or nectar or on its body, potentially causing widespread colony death.[2]

Actual damage to bee populations is a function of toxicity and exposure of the compound, in combination with the mode of application. A systemic pesticide, which is incorporated into the soil or coated on seeds, may kill soil-dwelling insects, such as grubs or mole crickets as well as other insects, including bees, that are exposed to the leaves, fruits, pollen, and nectar of the treated plants.[3][4]

Pesticides are linked to Colony Collapse Disorder and are now considered a main cause, and the toxic effects of Neonicotinoids on bees are confirmed.[5] Currently, many studies are being conducted to further understand the toxic effects of pesticides on bees. Agencies such as the EPA[6] and EFSA[7] are making action plans to protect bee health in response to calls from scientists and the public to ban or limit the use of the pesticides with confirmed toxicity.

Colony collapse disorder

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a syndrome that is characterized by the sudden loss of adult bees from the hive. Many possible explanations for CCD have been proposed, but no one primary cause has been found. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has indicated in a report to Congress that a combination of factors may be causing CCD, including pesticides, pathogens, and parasites, all of which have been found at high levels in affected bee hives.[12]

The development of a bee from egg to adult takes about three weeks.The queens daily laying rate will decline if contaminated materials are brought back to the hive such as pesticides.31.6% of exposed honey bees will fail to return to their colony every day while the rest will bring back contaminated pollen which in turn will not only affect the worker bees but also the queen.As a consequence there will be an upset in colony dynamics.[13]

Colony Collapse Disorder has more implication than the extinction of one bee species; the disappearance of honeybees can cause catastrophic health and financial impacts. Honeybee pollination has an estimated value of more than $14 billion annually to the United States agriculture. Honeybees are required for pollinating many crops, which range from nuts to vegetables and fruits, that are necessary for human and animal diet.[14]

The EPA updated their guidance for assessing pesticide risks to honeybees in 2014. For the EPA, when certain pesticide use patterns or triggers are met, current test requirements include the honey bee acute contact toxicity test, the honey bee toxicity of residues on foliage test, and field testing for pollinators. EPA guidelines have not been developed for chronic or acute oral toxicity to adult or larval honey bees. On the other hand, the PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency) requires both acute oral and contact honey bee adult toxicity studies when there is potential for exposure for insect pollinators. Primary measurement endpoint derived from the acute oral and acute contact toxicity studies is the median lethal dose for 50% of the organisms tested (i.e., LD50), and if any biological effects and abnormal responses appear, including sub-lethal effects, other than the mortality, it should be reported.

The EPA's testing requirements do not account for sub-lethal effects to bees or effects on brood or larvae. Their testing requirements are also not designed to determine effects in bees from exposure to systemic pesticides. With colony collapse disorder, whole hive tests in the field are needed in order to determine the effects of a pesticide on bee colonies. To date, there are very few scientifically valid whole hive studies that can be used to determine the effects of pesticides on bee colonies because the interpretation of such whole-colony effects studies is very complex and relies on comprehensive considerations of whether adverse effects are likely to occur at the colony level.[15]

A March 2012 study[16] conducted in Europe, in which minuscule electronic localization devices were fixed on bees, has shown that, even with very low levels of pesticide in the bee's diet, a high proportion of bees (more than one third) suffers from orientation disorder and is unable to come back to the hive. The pesticide concentration was order of magnitudes smaller than the lethal dose used in the pesticide's current use. The pesticide under study, brand-named "Cruiser" in Europe (thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid insecticide), although allowed in France by annually renewed exceptional authorization, could be banned in the coming years by the European Commission.

Based on a risks to bee health as identified by EFSA, in April 2013 the EU decided to restrict thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid. The UK voted against the ban saying it would harm food production.[17] Agrochemical companies Syngenta and Bayer CropScience both began legal proceedings to object to the ban. It is their position that there is no science that implicates their pesticide products.[18]

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
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Starvation and Propaganda as Weapons of War, 1917


By Dan Schlenoff on January 27, 2017

Wartime food shortages in Germany in the winter of 1916–1917 were terrible. The civilian population called it the “turnip winter,” a bitter nickname, given the indignity of having to eat turnips, normally considered to be food fit only for cattle. Alexander Watson in his book Ring of Steel noted that “Germany teetered on the brink of starvation during the second half of the war.” The blockade on imports and exports imposed by the British (and enforced by the Royal Navy) at the start of the war in 1914 is mostly to blame. Some scholars argue that food was scarce but not critically so, but there’s an interesting statistic in a 2003 article by William Van der Kloot that shows the lack of food for people and cattle alike: the average weight of cattle at slaughter dropped from a prewar high of about 550 pounds to a low in 1918 of about 300 pounds.

Against that background, there’s the hopelessly optimistic article from Scientific American written by American citizen, Albert K. Dawson, in Germany (while the U.S. was still neutral) and published 100 years ago today: “Economic Conditions in Germany (part II): A Great National Bread Trust.” There is a charming vignette to begin the tale:

“‘Your bread card please,’ says the waiter and at the same time deftly withdraws the plate of bread for which I am reaching. ‘All right,’ I say, ‘In a minute; let's have one of those rolls.’ ‘Card first,’ says he and moves the plate still farther back. Then follows a search which usually ends in my finding that I have left my bread card at home or in my other coat. This I explain at length, but to no avail. The waiters cannot be coaxed, frightened or bribed. Like the Chinaman who says, ‘No tickie, no washee,’ they stand firm on the rule, ‘No ticket, no bread.’ When relations with the determined waiter reach the point where the average American feels like taking the matter up with our Ambassador, it usually follows that the portly German across the table interrupts with ‘Pardon, mein Herr, but I see you are an American and do not understand our system. May I put my card at your disposal?’ And with a courtly gesture, like one offering another a cigarette, he hands his card across the table. I have gone through this performance not once, but dozens of times, and I have found that, if I argue long enough and loud enough, someone will always come around and offer me his bread card. From this the waiter detaches one of the 25-gram checks for which he then gives me one roll or one slice of bread.

"Such are the workings of the German food system; there is enough for everyone and to insure each one's getting his share the card system is used. The price is fixed by law and the amount any one person can buy at one time is limited to his immediate need, thus making speculation out of the question.”

More descriptions and photographs by the author follow, of warehouses overflowing with food, and he “reveals” a government policy that sounds very thoughtful—except that nobody thought of it:

“At the beginning of the war, as a measure of precaution, the German government required every city of more than five thousand to put away in storage meat in some form to the value of eleven marks per head of population. This means that there is a reserve supply of meat stored away amounting to about thirteen pounds for every person in Germany. (About eighty-five per cent of the population lives in cities of over 5,000 and at the time these supplies were laid in 11 marks would buy fifteen or sixteen pounds of meat). This fact is not generally known. even to the mass of the Germans. I have never seen it published in any of their newspapers.

"The government has probably passed out word to the censor to keep it quiet so as not to cause public discontent. The above figures were given me by one of the men who is in the Central Department, which did most of the buying for the cities. Furthermore, this tremendous reserve was all bought outside of Germany so as not to disturb the home market. In order to convince me of these facts, he gave me letters which allowed me to visit the great warehouses and cold storage plants of the principal cities, where I could see for myself. I did not have time to visit them all; but the amount of meat I saw in storage was beyond belief. It comes in every form: Salted, smoked, dried, canned, pickled and frozen. One single cold storage plant just outside of Berlin contained 6,000,000 pounds of frozen meat which had been in storage since October, 1914.

"These warehouses are guarded night and day like the national treasury, and it was only with much formality and showing of passes that I was allowed to go in at all. Usually photographs were not permitted; but I was fortunate in finding an old friend in charge of this department in Hamburg, so there I was allowed to make photographs.

"This particular municipality has not confined itself to the 11 marks per head prescribed by law; but, with the foresight of a great commercial city, she has laid away several million marks worth of other provisions. According to the guide books, Hamburg has 62 miles of warehouse docks. I did not look into every one, but I saw enough to convince me that Hamburg would be the last city to suffer from hunger.”

Perhaps Hamburg was the last city to suffer from hunger, but the meat ration in 1916 was a third of what it was prewar, and Erik Sass of Mental Floss noted that in August 1916  “the major port city of Hamburg was rocked as hungry workers rioted” and Dr. Helen Boak notes, “In August 1916 a group of soldiers’ wives wrote to the Hamburg Senate demanding its support for a peace settlement: ‘we want to have our husbands and sons back from the war and we don’t want to starve any more.’” Six million pounds of meat would have fed the German army for two days on the reduced rations of 1916. It is a ridiculous fantasy to suggest that the government had the foresight to buy up foreign meat stocks to prepare for a long war when those in charge of the government were convinced the war would be short and sharp and wouldn’t last long enough for hunger and starvation to become the problem that it was. My view from 2017 is that the article is attempting to use a gullible journalist to suggest that the British blockade was ineffective, and therefore not worth enforcing, when in reality, the effects on the civilian population of Germany—especially the poor—were severe enough to cause at least 400,000 deaths from starvation.

External Sources:

Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. Alexander Watson. Basic Books, 2014.

“Ernest Starling’s Analysis of the Energy Balance of the German People During the Blockade, 1914–19.” William Van Der Kloot In Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 22, 2003. http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/57/2/185

“WWI Centennial: Starvation Stalks Europe.” Erik Sass in the online magazine Mental Floss, August 24, 2016.
[Sass, by the way, writes an exceptionally well researched weekly post about events in World War One exactly 100 years earlier]

“Food and the First World War in Germany.” Dr. Helen Boak on the website Everyday Lives in War from the University of Hertfordshire, April 29, 2015. Quoted from “Der Krieg der Frauen 1914-1918: Zur Innenansicht des Ersten Weltkriegs in Deutschland” by Ute Daniel, in Keiner fühlt sich hier mehr als Mensch…’. Erlebnis und Wirkung des Ersten Weltkriegs” edited by Gerhard Hirschfeld et al. (Essen: 1993), p. 131.


The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

Our full archive of the war, called Scientific American Chronicles: World War I, has many articles from 1914–1918 on economic aspects of the First World War. It is available for purchase at www.scientificamerican.com/products/world-war-i/

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
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Starvation as a weapon of war in Syria


Jill Coster van Voorhout 1 September 2014

Since 1993, there have been calls for the legal and political recognition of starvation as a weapon of war. In Syria, it has regained distressing urgency.

After more than three years of civil war in Syria, allegations abound of starvation being used as a weapon of war.

In October 2013 the media were the first to report on a so-called “Starvation until Submission Campaign”. In April 2014 Foreign Policy confirmed this claim in its exclusive entitled “New UN documents expose Assad’s starvation campaign in Syria”. Despite modest improvements in the delivery of food to areas controlled by non-state actors, internal United Nations (UN) reports found a “mass exodus” to government-controlled regions “… in part because” Syrians believe President Al-Assad to be “… the only reliable source of life-sustaining food”.

A confidential report by a team of lawyers and forensic scientists who took evidence from an anonymous witness called “Caesar”, contains photographs of starved bodies, concluding that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute for war crimes, crimes against humanity and torture. Amnesty International investigated Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus with the largest death toll due to starvation.

This brief commentary on deliberate starvation of civilians in Syria draws two parallels. First, a comparison with rape and sexual violence is germane because, despite the references to war crimes above, starvation cannot be prosecuted as a crime in its own right. Second, it is worth recounting the response by the international community to Somalia’s tragedy in 1993.

The recognition of rape and sexual violence as weapons of war started as a response to the events in the former Yugoslavia by UN Ambassador and former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright. Subsequently, the crimes were adopted in the statutes of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda in the 1990s.

Already In 1993, Theodor Meron, who later became the president of the ICTY, called for legal and political response to both rape and starvation. However, the crime of starvation had another fate than rape.

The Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC), lists starvation as a war crime in international conflicts, but not in intrastate conflicts. Without an explanation why starvation constitutes a crime “only” when two or more states are involved in an armed conflict, the drafters defied the authoritative consensus submitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

A pragmatic response to this dilemma for Syria is the prosecution of starvation under other headings. Examples are the war crime of intentionally directing attacks against civilians and, if the sieges and deprivation of food are intended to force civilians to move out of or into certain areas, ordering their displacement (Articles 8(2)(e)((i) and (viii), Rome Statute). Also, starvation can amount to a crime against humanity and genocide, or torture depending on the trying national jurisdiction (e.g. the Netherlands’ international crimes division prosecutes torture).

However, this pragmatic response to starvation in Syria does not acknowledge the crime in its own right, and thereby does not agree with principles of legal certainty and equality. Like rape, starvation can be–and is–deployed as a method of warfare, also in non-international conflicts.

For the ICC to correct this anomaly, an amendment to the Rome Statute would be required. For an ad hoc international criminal tribunal to try the crime, the drafters could adopt it in its statute. The latter scenario is more likely, because the ICC will most probably lack temporal jurisdiction for the Syrian case anyway, while an amendment process is cumbersome and lengthy.

It is therefore suggested that drafters of a statute for a hybrid tribunal in Syria adopt the crime, arguing that it follows the ICRC’s interpretation of international customary law and contributes to the development of international law, while advancing appropriate accountability and justice to the generations of victims of starvation. The Transitional Justice  Roadmap suggests a hybrid tribunal, which combines both national and international law, rather than prosecutions before the ICC because of the added benefits of trials near the crime scene with independent intentional oversight. Its authors conclude “Syrians will need the international community, which failed them before, to rebuild their country and construct their future  institutions in all conditions, and confidence building in it, which is a very important issue. But they should also realize that there are limits to the help that can be provided by the international community and that they must ultimately rely on themselves alone to build their democracy”.

The second parallel relevant for starvation in Syria is the authorization, in 1993, by the Security Council which permitted the international community to intervene under the UN Charter in an essentially intrastate conflict when starvation plagued Somalians (Resolution 733, 1992). This resolution brought about a revolutionary change, as Meron puts it, in our thinking about an interference with state sovereignty, which comes not only with rights but also duties to protect civilians from international crimes at least.

Since Somalia, the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) doctrine has developed to allow the full ‘ladder’ of interventions, including diplomatic efforts, sanctions, embargoes and, as a last resort, a strategy of military intervention authorized by the Security Council. The World Summit Outcome Document of 2005 explicitly identifies four crimes that require one or more of these interventions when a state fails to protect its populations, or even is the perpetrator thereof: “genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”.

The example of Somalia serves as a precedent for an R2P intervention in the intrastate conflict in Syria, and is arguably a stronger case than Somalia´s famine which was caused by an interplay of natural factors and human behavior. After all, the evidence in Syria suggests a man-made disaster imposed by one group of persons on another, with resulting harm to civilians.

Therefore, it is proposed that a coalition of states seeks the backing of the Security Council to intervene under R2P in the Syrian situation, arguing the precedent of the earlier intervention in Somalia in 1993. Certainly, it will be difficult to achieve this aim for any group of countries, considering that at least three Resolutions on Syria have been vetoed. Nonetheless, an R2P intervention is recommended in order to achieve protection of civilians suffering from starvation, death and related harm in Syria.

To conclude, this commentary recommends two courses of action to address the crime of starvation purportedly occurring in Syria. The first recommendation is to ensure the prosecution of this international crime–either under its own heading, if adopted as a war crime in its own right or, pragmatically, under the other available headings of a crime against humanity or torture, for example. The second recommendation is an R2P intervention because the crime of starvation provides the very foundation to invoke the doctrine intended to protect civilians from the harm suffered. Alongside the general and specific deterrence that the aforementioned post-conflict justice measures can offer, an R2P intervention can ensure the more immediate protection of civilians which is so urgently required.

This commentary is the third in a series by The Hague Institute for Global Justice on deliberate starvation in Syria. It is preceded by Deliberate Starvation: Impact on Peace and Reconstruction in Syria by David Connolly and Agnese Macaluso, and Finding Cracks in Syria's Deadly Politics to Deliver Aid  by Eamon Aloyo and Mark Bailey.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
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Saudi-led naval blockade leaves 20m Yemenis facing humanitarian disaster


Julian Borger Diplomatic editor

Friday 5 June 2015 09.56 BST

Aid agencies say embargo imposed by US and UK-backed Arab coalition has had dramatic effect, with almost 80% of population in urgent need of food, water and medical supplies

Twenty million Yemenis, nearly 80% of the population, are in urgent need of food, water and medical aid, in a humanitarian disaster that aid agencies say has been dramatically worsened by a naval blockade imposed by an Arab coalition with US and British backing.

Washington and London have quietly tried to persuade the Saudis, who are leading the coalition, to moderate its tactics, and in particular to ease the naval embargo, but to little effect. A small number of aid ships is being allowed to unload but the bulk of commercial shipping, on which the desperately poor country depends, are being blocked.

Despite western and UN entreaties, Riyadh has also failed to disburse any of the $274m it promised in funding for humanitarian relief. According to UN estimates due to be released next week 78% of the population is in need of emergency aid, an increase of 4 million over the past three months.

The desperate shortage of food, water and medical supplies raises urgent questions over US and UK support for the Arab coalition’s intervention in the Yemeni civil war since March. Washington provides logistical and intelligence supportthrough a joint planning cell established with the Saudi military, who are leading the campaign. London has offered to help the Saudi military effort in “every practical way short of engaging in combat”.

On western urging, Riyadh had promised to move towards “intelligence-led interdiction”, stopping and searching individual ships on which there was good reason to believe arms were being smuggled, and away from a blanket policy of blocking the majority of vessels approaching Yemeni ports. But aid agencies and shipping sources say there is little sign of any such change. UN sources say that only 15% of the pre-crisis volume of imports is getting through, and that the country depends on imports for nine-tenths of its food.

    Hospitals are shutting down ... people are dying of simple diseases. It is becoming almost impossible to survive
    Nuha Abdul Jabber, Oxfam

“There are less and less of the basic necessities. People are queueing all day long,” said Nuha Abdul Jabber, Oxfam’s humanitarian programme manager in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. “The blockade means it’s impossible to bring anything into the country. There are lots of ships, with basic things like flour, that are not allowed to approach. The situation is deteriorating, hospitals are now shutting down, without diesel. People are dying of simple diseases. It is becoming almost impossible to survive.”

In April, Saudi Arabia pledged it would completely fund a $274m UN emergency humanitarian fund for Yemen, but so far none of the money has been transferred to the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Riyadh is nonetheless insisting upon the right to decide which aid workers can enter Yemen.

At Al Hudaydah on Yemen’s west coast, the only major port still functioning, a trickle of humanitarian food supplies is arriving on a handful of aid ships allowed through the naval blockade each week, but many more ships are being turned away or made to wait many days to be searched for weapons.

A State Department official said Washington was pressing for basic goods to be allowed through the blockade. “We continue to urge all sides, including the Saudis, to exercise restraint and avoid unnecessary violence,” the official said in an emailed statement. “We also urge all parties to allow the entry and delivery of urgently needed food, medicine, fuel and other necessary assistance through UN and international humanitarian organisation channels to address the urgent needs of civilians impacted by the crisis.”

Britain’s Royal Navy has liaison officers working with their Saudi counterparts, and they have been trying to urge a more targeted, intelligence-driven, approach to stopping a much smaller number of ships, so far with limited effect. In London, where a pro-Saudi line has been driven principally by Downing Street, there is growing unease over the impact of the blockade.

A Foreign Office spokesman said the UK “urges the coalition to quickly move to targeted naval interdictions of incoming commercial ships”.

“The UK remains in close contact with the government of Yemen and other international partners regarding the situation in Yemen, including the maritime blockade. The foreign secretary discussed Yemen with the Saudi foreign minister while in Paris this week,” the spokesman said.

“We are not participating directly in military operations, but are providing support to the Saudi Arabian armed forces through pre-existing arrangements. A small number of UK personnel are coordinating planning support with Saudi and coalition partners. All UK military personnel have extensive training on International Humanitarian Law.”

The Saudi government did not respond to requests for comment.

The blockade – which is also being enforced in the air and on land – has choked a fragile economy already staggering under the impact of a six-month civil conflict pitting Yemeni forces loyal to the President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, now exiled in Riyadh, against Houthi rebels allied to his predecessor and rival, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

A coalition led by Saudi Arabia and including Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Bahrain intervened in March in support of Hadi, viewing the Houthis as an Iranian proxy force. Iran denies accusations of supplying arms to the insurgents, but British officials believe there are Iranian Revolutionary Guard advisers with the Houthi rebel leadership.

Over 2,000 Yemeni civilians are known to have been killed in the fighting so far, and, according to new UN figures, a million have been forced from their homes. The humanitarian crisis meanwhile, affects the overwhelming majority of the population. Tankers carrying petrol, diesel and fuel oil are also being stopped routinely by the naval blockade, crippling the country’s electricity supply and forcing the mass closure of hospitals and schools. Most urgently, it has stopped water pumps working. Oxfam reckons the fighting and embargo have led to 3 million Yemenis being cut off from a clean water supply since March, bringing to 16 million the total without access to drinking water or sanitation – nearly two-thirds of the population – with dire implications for the spread of disease.

Cooking gas is almost impossible to find. Queues to refill gas cylinders in Sana’a now last for than a week, with people camping out by their cylinders or chaining them down to keep their place in the queue. There are also long lines of abandoned cars waiting for elusive supplies of petrol.

The UN estimate that nearly 20 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance – 78% of the entire population – represents an increase of 4 million since the escalation of the conflict with the Saudi intervention in March. Twelve million Yemenis are “food insecure”, having to struggle to find their next meal, up 1.4 million since March. Five million are described as “severely food insecure”, meaning they often go for days without a meal.

In the cities worst hit by street fighting, such as Aden, civilians are either cowering at home to avoid sniper fire and bombardment or have joined the more than half million Yemenis forced out of their houses and now looking for food and shelter. But the blockade has spread the impact of the humanitarian crisis around the country.

According to Save the Children, hospitals in at least 18 of the country’s 22 governorates have been closed or severely affected by the fighting or the lack of fuel. In particular, 153 health centres that supplied nutrition to over 450,000 at-risk children have shut down, as well as 158 outpatient clinics, responsible for providing basic healthcare to nearly half a million children under five. At the same time, due to lack of clean water and sanitation, cholera and other diseases are on the rise. A dengue fever outbreak has been reported in Aden.

“Children are dying preventable deaths in Yemen because the rate of infectious diseases is rising ,” said Priya Jacob, Save the Children’s director of programmes in Yemen. “The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is a protracted and rapidly deteriorating situation that leaves four out of five Yemeni people in need of aid. The ongoing naval and air blockade means very little aid is getting through, exacerbating the needs of the Yemeni people.”

“The lack of fuel is a real issue – both for our teams and for local people, making it difficult to transport patients and medical supplies,” said Ahmad Bilal, medical coordinator for Médecins sans Frontières based in Yemen’s third city, Taiz. “For ordinary people it means that it is hard to move around the city and it’s an ongoing struggle to access clean water and food. Many people living in frontline areas are unable to travel to clinics or hospitals for medical care both because of the fighting and the lack of fuel. Even those who are able to make it to health facilities find that they are not functioning. At least 12 hospitals in Taiz had to close their doors and stop receiving patients, for these reasons.”
Yemen on brink of humanitarian crisis amid rising food shortages, says Unicef
Read more

A shipping source in Al Hudaydah said the flow of ships into Yemen was down 75% compared with before the March intervention.

“Some ships have been docked in the past week or so, but many others have been stopped and it’s hard to see any pattern. Sometimes the coalition conducts a search and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it depends which navy is involved. In the past few days the Saudis have been more flexible, but the Egyptians have been rigid, not letting anything through,” the shipping source said.

The uncertainty has made some ship owners nervous about having their vessels impounded. Over the past few days, two tankers carrying 70,000 tonnes of diesel, steered away from the Yemen coast and have begun offloading the fuel into small ships offshore. But as of this week, less than a tenth of the country’s monthly fuel requirement of 5m tonnes is getting through the blockade.

“We have heard a lot about international commitments to help Yemen with big sums but we haven’t seen anything here,” Oxfam’s Nuha Abdul Jabber added. “This is the moment for the world to understand the severity of the situation.”

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Here's What The Next Big Middle East War Will Look Like



On Wednesday Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed during the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference that Israel has to “act now against Iran” in order to stop the Iranians from "establishing themselves in Syria,” according to the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post.

During the conference, the Israeli prime minister argued that world leaders should join Israel and the US in pressuring Iran to accept renegotiating the 2015 nuclear deal. Netanyahu even warned that Iran will have nuclear weapons “in a decade” once the nuclear deal is over. Netanyahu also accused Iran of supporting “terrorist organizations” as usual, and said that Lebanese Hezbollah, and Palestinian Hamas would “not last a day without Iran,” according to Jerusalem Post.

Netanyahu's statements are clearly aimed at justifying the recent Israeli airstrikes in Syria. Israeli media claimed that the airstrikes destroyed an Iranian military base, and a missile shipment; however, these claims were not backed by any evidence. The statements also serve the current policy of Israel, which is aimed at holding Iran responsible for all crises in the Middle East - a policy which is coordinated with some Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, according to many experts.

Due to these rising tensions and the past months of escalating events in various corners of the Middle East, it increasingly looks as if the world is on the brink of witnessing a new conflict over Lebanon. While the chances for escalation are high, the essential pre-conditions for a new, large-scale war in the region are still in the works.

To review, on November 22, Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri temporarily suspended his resignation following a request by the country’s president Michel Aoun to reconsider the decision. Hariri originally announced his resignation in a televised speech from the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on November 4 - an event which sparked a new round of tensions between Saudi Arabia on one end and Lebanon with Hezbollah on the other.

Saudi Arabia accused Lebanon of “declaring war” on Riyadh by allowing Hezbollah “aggression” against the kingdom. Meanwhile, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman accused Tehran of delivering missiles to Yemen’s Houthi forces for use against the kingdom, an act he described as “direct military aggression”.

And on November 19, an emergency meeting of the Arab League was held between Saudi Arabia and other Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, calling for a united front, to counter Iran and Hezbollah. In a declaration issued after the meeting, the Arab League accused Hezbollah of “supporting terrorism and extremist groups in Arab countries, with advanced weapons and ballistic missiles.” In turn, the Lebanese authorities and Hezbollah said that Hariri was held captive in Saudi Arabia because he had not returned to Lebanon as he promised. On November 22, Hariri arrived at the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and suspended his resignation. This marked a new phase of the political standoff between the sides.

Hariri is a compromise figure in the Lebanese politics. His appointment as the Lebanese prime minister was de-facto supported by Saudi Arabia, the United States and some influential groups in Lebanon. This move was aimed to serve the “interethnic dialogue” in Lebanon.

However, the recent developments in the Middle East, including the nearing end of the conflict in Syria and the growing influence and military capabilities of Hezbollah, have changed the political situation in Lebanon. Hezbollah units de-facto fulfill functions of the presidential guard. Lebanese special services and the special services of Hezbollah are deeply integrated. Hezbollah’s victories in Syria and humanitarian activities in Lebanon increased the movement’s popularity among people.

All these events have taken place amid the developing crisis in Saudi Arabia where Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has launched a large-scale purge among the top officials, influential businesspersons and princes under the pretext of combating corruption. According to some experts, the move is aimed at consolidating the power of the crown prince and his father, King Salman. Theoretically, the kingdom is seeking to shift its vector of development and to become a more secular state. In 5-10 years, it could even abandon Wahhabism as the official ideology should rumors of reform efforts be true. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is involved in an unsuccessful conflict in Yemen and a diplomatic crisis with Qatar. This situation fuels tensions and a competition for resources among the Saudi clans. As a result, the Saudi regime and the Saudi state in general, are now, in a weak position.

Let’s look at the interests of all parties.

On the one hand, the appearance of a new active foreign enemy could consolidate the Saudi population and its elites. The war with Hezbollah would allow the kingdom to gain additional assurances from the United States. Furthermore, with Israel entering the conflict, the kingdom would significantly reduce the risks of losses in any direct military confrontation with Lebanon and Hezbollah.

On the other hand, Riyadh has a wide range of foreign and internal problems. Considering the current weakness of Riyadh, any push may lead to utter disaster and the further instability of the royal family.

In the case of the conflict in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia will be involved in a military and diplomatic standoff on 3 fronts:

    North – Hezbollah and Iran;
    South – Yemen; and
    East – Qatar.

The conflict will also force a dramatic growth of oil prices. According to various experts, $150 per barrel can be expected by the end of the first month of any potential future conflict, if it is to occur. Some may suppose that this scenario is beneficial for Saudi Arabia or clans that control Saudi Aramco, the largest oil exporter around the world. However, the expected guerrilla war, which will likely erupt in the Shia-populated, oil-rich part of the country, will level out the pros of this scenario. Additionally, there is always a chance, that the main combat actions will be moved to the Saudi territory.

Israel and the West, in general, are not interested in high oil prices. In turn, Russia and Iran, who will not be involved in the initial stages of the conflict, will receive an increase in revenue from this scenario. The problem is that Tehran and Moscow are not interested in this “big new war” as well. Such a conflict in the Middle East will pose a direct threat to their national security

Israel’s attitude is another issue. Tel Aviv believes that the growing influence of Hezbollah and Iran in the Middle East, particularly in Syria and Lebanon, is a critical challenge to its national security. The key issue is that Israeli military analysts understand that Hezbollah is now much more powerful than it was in 2006. Now, Hezbollah is a strong, experienced, military organization, tens of thousands troops strong, which has the needed forces and facilities to oppose a possible Israeli ground invasion in Lebanon.

Iran has also strengthened its positions in the region over the last ten years. It has reinforced its air defense with the Russian-made S-300 systems, strengthened its armed forces and got combat experience in Syria and other local conflicts. Tehran also strengthened its ideological positions among the Shia and even Sunni population which lives in the region.

Thus, Israel will decide to participate in a large-scale conflict in Lebanon only in the case of some extraordinary event. It is possible to assume that in the coming months, a large-scale war in Lebanon will not be initiated. Nonetheless, Israel will continue local acts of aggression conducting artillery and air strike on positions and infrastructure of Hezbollah in Syria and maybe in Lebanon. Israeli special forces will conduct operations aimed at eliminating top Hezbollah members and destroying the movement’s infrastructure in Lebanon and Syria. Saudi Arabia will likely support these Israeli actions. It is widely known that Riyadh would rather use a proxy and engage in clandestine warfare.  This means that stability in the region will not come anytime soon.

In turn, Hezbollah still needs about one-and-a-half years to further strengthen its positions in Syria and to free additional forces, which could be used in other potential flash points. The movement will likely put an end to the separation of power in Lebanon. This would mean that Hezbollah and Lebanon would become synonymous. Hezbollah also needs time to expand its network in the Shia-populated part of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, as Hezbollah’s involvement in the Yemeni conflict deepens, the balance of power in the region may begin to shift, creating further setbacks of the Saudi-led coalition.

According to some estimates, Hezbollah will be ready for a new round of the “big game” in the Middle East in the spring of 2019. But let's hope that such a massive regional war does not come.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Alt-history? Trump claims US won two World Wars & defeated communism


 Donald Trump has delivered his own reading of history that is likely to raise eyebrows in Russia, China, Europe, and beyond. The tycoon-turned-president claimed the US has single-handedly won two world wars and “brought communism to its knees.”

Trump appeared at a rally in Pensacola, Florida to voice his support for the Republican nominee Roy Moore, who is running for the Senate in Alabama. At first, he reprised the themes popular with his supporters, including illegal immigration, criminal gangs, and mainstream media.

The President was about 70 minutes into his appearance at the rally when he made the following remark: “We are the nation that dug out the Panama Canal, won two world wars, put a man on the moon and brought communism to its knees,” Trump proclaimed to a cheering crowd in front of ‘Merry Christmas’ signs.

    We believe that every American should stand for the National Anthem, and we proudly pledge allegiance to one NATION UNDER GOD! pic.twitter.com/r2ITtWwfVs
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2017

The crowd seemed unfazed by the mix of historic events with outrageous claims, cheering loudly when Trump added: “As long as we have the courage of our convictions, and the strength to see them through, then there is no goal beyond our reach.”

Unluckily for Trump, who regularly lambasts media for publishing fake news, his own take on world history does not quite agree with what really happened. The US entered World War I in 1917, just one year before it ended. Washington began sending fresh troops to Europe, claiming some significant victories over the Germans, but mainly because they were unable to replace their losses or provide enough arms, munitions and food supplies for their troops.

For over three years, it was mostly Britain, France and the Russian Empire who bore the brunt of war. The allies engaged in several crucial battles against the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, including the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme. Fierce fighting and heavy losses took their toll on the allies; the Russian Empire collapsed, while France and Britain had to deal with ruined economies, galloping inflation and social unrest.

In World War II, the US focused on fighting the Japanese Empire, its most dangerous enemy in the Pacific. Although the US declared war on Nazi Germany in 1941, in practice it sent military support to the British and the Soviets, delaying direct involvement in hostilities until 1944. By the time of the D-Day landings, the Red Army had already driven the Nazis out of Russia and the east of Europe, bringing the frontline closer to Berlin. Soviet troops captured the Third Reich’s capital in May 1945, forcing Hitler’s generals to surrender.

READ MORE: The sacrifice of the Russian people in World War II must never be forgotten

In a speech to the House of Commons in August 1944, Winston Churchill famously observed: “It is the Russian armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s remark on defeating communism may not sit well with several Asian nations, which are coincidentally trade partners of the US in the region, notably China and Vietnam. The Communist Party of China, ruling over world’s most populous nation, may have a question or two about the alleged “defeat.”

READ MORE: German trains troll Trump over #alternativefacts gaffe

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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God is on the Side of Us Americans. “He May Guide Us to Use It [Nuclear Weapons] In His Ways and for His Purposes”: Truman


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, October 27, 2017

First published by Global Research on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2017

On August 9, 1945 on the day the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, president Truman, in a radio address to the American people, concluded that God is on the side of America with regards to the use of nuclear weapons and that “He May guide us to use it [nuclear weapons] in His ways and His purposes”. A somewhat contradictory discourse which seems embedded in US nuclear doctrine.

According to Truman: God is with us, he will decide if and when to use the bomb:

[We must] prepare plans for the future control of this bomb. I shall ask the Congress to cooperate to the end that its production and use be controlled, and that its power be made an overwhelming influence towards world peace.

We must constitute ourselves trustees of this new force–to prevent its misuse, and to turn it into the channels of service to mankind.

It is an awful responsibility which has come to us.

We thank God that it [nuclear weapons] has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it [nuclear weapons] in His ways and for His purposes

Harry Truman, August 9, 1945

Truman’s statement is diabolical. It intimates that nuclear weapons are a “Gift of God” to Us Americans.

According to the Vatican Council of Bishops:  “Any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the destruction of entire cities or of extensive areas along with their population [Hiroshma and Nagasaki] is a crime against God and man himself.” (Gaudium et Spes, “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” Second Vatican Council).

We must understand that:  “Crime against God and man himself” is now part of a Pentagon military agenda which consists in using nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis (self defense) against alleged enemies of America. In Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, “one hundred thousand people were killed or doomed within 9 seconds”, on the orders of President Truman. And the Americans were told that Hiroshima was a “military base”.

“His Ways and His Purposes”

Theologians can ponder on the implications of  Truman’s words which are embedded in the mindset of US foreign policy makers from George Kennan who formulated the “Truman doctrine” to the Neocons.

A word of hope from Bob Dylan:

“If God’s on our side, He’ll stop the next war”.


I have a dream, we have a dream: criminalize war, abolish nuclear weapons, unseat the war criminals in high office, restore “sanity” in US foreign policy…

Rise up against the dangers of nuclear war.

Spread the word far and wide.

Michel Chossudovsky, Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2017

Bob Dylan, With God on Our Side


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Giving up on moral & ethical values ‘more dangerous than nuclear bomb’ – Putin


Humanity is entering a new stage in its development when abandoning moral and ethical values may cause a larger catastrophe than a nuclear war, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the guests of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi.

The moral and ethical component is an “important circumstance” for any type of activity in modern society, Putin told the young scientists at the festival.

“In the nearest future, humanity may enter and will, most likely, enter a very difficult and important period in its development and existence,” he said, referring to recent scientific breakthroughs.

“What I’ve said now may be more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. Therefore, no matter what we’re doing, we must never forget about the moral and ethical basis of our business,” the president reiterated.

“Everything that we’ll be doing must benefit the people and empower humanity, not destroy it,” he said.

Putin used genetic engineering as an example to illustrate his words, saying that this discipline can bring both positive and negative results.

“It’s great” that it can provide the possibility to change the genetic code of people suffering from serious diseases, he said.

“But there’s another component to this process. Humanity also receives an opportunity to meddle with the genetic code, which was created either by nature or, as people with religious views say, God,” the president added.

The possibility of “creating a human with predesigned characteristics” is already around the corner, he said.

READ MORE: 'United by the power of a dream': World Youth Festival opens in Sochi, Russia

“It may be a genius mathematician or musician, but also a soldier, who will fight without fear, compassion and regret, without pain,” Putin warned.

The head of state expressed hope that the young scientists who were presenting their projects in Sochi would take his words to heart in their future work.

The 19th World Festival of Youth and Students runs until Sunday at the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi.

Earlier, President Putin said that the 2017 event was expected to bring 30,000 people together, becoming the most representative in history.

READ MORE: #WeAreFuture: World Festival of Youth & Students parade kicks off in Moscow

The festival, organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) along with the International Union of Students since 1947, is being held in Russia for the third time after being staged in Moscow in 1957 and 1985.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Bibi’s Bible stories: How Netanyahu invokes holy scripture to justify Israel's interests


 Israel’s prime minister is a big fan of the Bible – especially when the 2,700-year-old holy book can be used to demystify Israeli policy. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Bible citation while defending Trump’s Jerusalem move is the most recent example of this phenomenon.

During their meeting in Sochi in August, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented Netanyahu with a copy of the first-ever Bible printed with commentary by Rashi, a renowned  medieval French rabbi and scholar. It was a fitting gift, considering that the Israeli prime minister is known for his fondness of citing the Bible as if it were a UN Security Council resolution.

Following Donald Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, Netanyahu lectured EU leaders about following suit. His argument? The Bible supports Trump’s move. “You can read it in a very fine book – it’s called the Bible,” Netanyahu told French President Emmanuel Macron Sunday.

But Bibi’s love for Bible-thumping goes back to the time of the pharaohs.

Netanyahu uses Bible to prove Jewish ties to Hebron

In July, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee voted to recognize Hebron’s Old City and the Tomb of the Patriarchs as Palestinian heritage sites. In response, Netanyahu read from Genesis 23:16-19 during his weekly Cabinet meeting, insisting that the passage definitively shows “the connection between the Jewish people and Hebron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs is one of purchase and of history which may be without parallel in the history of peoples.”

In his address to the UN General Assembly in September, Netanyahu remarked, “Is there no limit to the UN's absurdities when it comes to Israel? Well, apparently not. Because in July, UNESCO declared the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron a Palestinian World Heritage Site. That's worse than fake news; that's fake history. Mind you, it's true that Abraham, the father of both Ishmael and Isaac, is buried there, but so, too, are Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca – Sarah's a Jewish name, by the way – Sarah, Rebecca and Leah, who just happened to be patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people. Well, you won't read about that in the latest UNESCO report, but if you want to, you can read about it in a somewhat weightier publication. It's called 'the Bible.' I highly recommend it. I hear it even got four and a half out of five stars on Amazon. And it's a great read. I read it every week.”

Putin not impressed by Bibi’s ancient Bible stories

In a visit to Moscow in March, Netanyahu cited ancient history in an attempt to persuade Putin that Iran is an ancient Persian menace. Putin began their meeting by wishing Netanyahu a happy Purim, which is a traditional Jewish holiday that marks the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, a vizier in the ancient Persian Empire.

In response, Netanyahu said Persia made “an attempt to destroy the Jewish people that did not succeed” nearly 2,500 years ago, stressing that “today there is an attempt by Persia’s heir, Iran, to destroy the state of the Jews.”

But Putin appeared unmoved by Bibi’s Bible stories, responding that the events in question had taken place “in the fifth century BC,” and that “we now live in a different world.”

Netanyahu disappointed that UNESCO doesn’t read the Bible

In a separate UNESCO-related outburst, Netanyahu chided UNESCO for not consulting with the Bible before ruling on historical landmarks.

Criticizing a UNESCO decision in 2016 regarding the status of holy sites in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said, “even if they do not read the Bible, I would suggest that UNESCO members visit the Arch of Titus in Rome. The Arch shows what the Romans brought back to Rome after they destroyed and looted the Second Temple on the Temple Mount 2,000 years ago. There, engraved on the Arch of Titus, is the seven-branched menorah that is the symbol of the Jewish People, and today is the symbol of the State of Israel.”

Time for Netanyahu to go back to Sunday School?

But not everyone is in awe of Netanyahu’s knowledge and interpretation of the holy book. In a 2015 interview with NBC, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif called out Netanyahu’s constant Bible references – especially when used to “prove” that Iran seeks the destruction of the Jewish state.

“He even distorts his own scripture,” said Zarif of Netanyahu. “If you read the book of Esther, you will see that it was the Iranian king who saved the Jews.”

Zarif then did some historical recounting of his own, noting that “it is truly, truly regrettable that bigotry gets to the point of making allegations against an entire nation which has saved Jews three times in its history: Once during that time of a prime minister who was trying to kill the Jews, and the king saved the Jews; again during the time of Cyrus the Great, where he saved the Jews from Babylon, and during the Second World War, where Iran saved the Jews.”

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Russia’s Syria success highlights US mission mess


Finian Cunningham
Published time: 11 Dec, 2017 17:37

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to withdraw his county’s forces from Syria makes sense militarily, politically, and strategically. The war has been won. Job done. Now it’s time to win the peace.

Making a clear-cut end to military operations in Syria in this way only emphasizes what everyone knows, or should know. The Syrian state has been saved from being over-run by a US-backed covert war for regime change, largely because of Russia’s decisive military intervention.

Claims by the US and France it was their coalition forces defeating terror groups in Syria rightly deserve derision. It is obvious to the rest of the world that Russian military intervention, beginning in October 2015, was decisive in turning the war in favor of the Syrian government forces. Allies Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, as well as Iraqi militia, were also crucial in defeating the foreign-backed insurgents.

Putin arrival in Syria’s Latakia province Monday morning to address troops at the Khmeimim airbase conveyed an appropriate air of mission success. Greeted by Syrian President Bashar Assad and accompanied by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Putin thanked the Russian servicemen and women for their valor and said it was now time for the Russian forces to return home.

Russia will still, of course, retain an airbase at Khmeimim and its naval port at Tartus. Putin said his forces would be ready to return immediately if “terrorists ever raised their heads again.”

Winding down military operations serves to underscore Russia’s achievement in securing the Syrian state. It accentuates the coherent mission undertaken by Russian forces, as Moscow has consistently stated for the past two years. That is, deployed at the request of the Syrian government in a legal and principled manner.

Militarily, the objective conditions show the war is over. Apart from diminishing pockets of insurgents, there is no territory, city, town or village under the control of anti-government militants. When Syrian troops liberated Deir ez-Zor weeks ago that breakthrough marked final victory.

With the Syrian Arab Army in control and with Iranian forces vowing to remain in the country, as legally mandated, there is no military need for Russian troops to stay. The country’s security from Daesh and other Al-Qaeda-linked terror groups is largely checked.

As Putin noted, it’s time now to win the peace. A UN-sponsored peace process can be enabled by non-violent conditions on the ground for a political settlement to the nearly seven-year war. As the Russian leader also remarked, Syrian refugees are returning in droves to liberated areas which were once besieged by terrorists.
With Putin also announcing last week he is running for another term as president in elections next year, the success of Russian forces returning from Syria is another important political boon.

But moreover, the strategic, geopolitical import of Russian withdrawal is that it throws into sharp focus the malevolent forces behind this brutal war in which up to 400,000 people died, and millions were displaced from homes, a human tragedy that has dramatically impinged on Europe’s refugee crisis.

Just as Russia withdraws its troops, the Pentagon announces its forces are to remain, and at a level four times what it previously declared. The American-led Operation Inherent Resolve also involves other NATO members, Britain and France.

The presence of US-led forces in Syria has never been convincing. Purportedly they are there to “defeat ISIS (Daesh)” and other terror groups. Such claims are contradicted by evidence of the American CIA and other Western and Arab states giving covert support to the same terror groups. Even Western media cannot avoid reporting the glaring reality of evidence the US-led coalition has been caught providing safe passage to terror groups out of Raqqa.

Washington and Paris have lately tried, somewhat laughably, to belittle Russia’s contribution to defeating the terror groups and winning the war. They have claimed the threat of ISIS and other terror groups remain, and therefore the US-led coalition must remain in Syria.

Russia’s military withdrawal, leaving the country in the able hands of the Syrian army and its Iranian ally, emphasizes the bogus nature of the Western governments’ claims. It also focuses attention on the illegal nature of American, British and French presence in Syria. Those powers have no legal mandate to fly their warplanes over the country or infiltrate their special forces.

If the war is over – and it is – then what are these NATO forces doing in Syria? They are evidently imposters, violating Syrian sovereignty and liable for prosecution as aggressors.

Last week, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, Brigadier General Qassem Soleiman issued a stark warning to US forces in Syria. “No American soldiers in Syria will be tolerated. I advise you to leave by your own will or you will be forced out,” said the commander.

Putin’s order for Russian forces to redeploy from Syria is a prudent de-escalation of military traffic. Recently, there have been reports from the American and Russian sides of increasing risk from warplanes colliding.

It doesn’t make sense for Russian operations to continue in Syria when the task of defeating the terror group is substantially complete. Continuing Russian air operations is just a waste of fuel. It also gives the American a cynical opportunity to create a confrontation – under a phony pretext of “protecting” its ground forces among residual Kurdish and Arab fighters.

It’s better therefore for Russia to call a clear withdrawal from Syria. That lets the world see who the real victors in the Syrian War are. It also exposes – more than ever – the deeply pernicious role played by the US and its NATO allies.

The US mission in Syria is an impossible mess, just as it has been in other countries, from Afghanistan to Iraq, Libya to Yemen. It’s impossible because it is riven with lies and false objectives. There has been no credible fight against terrorism. It has instead been an American and NATO fight with terrorism for a criminal objective of regime change.

Leaving the American forces to stew alone in Syria for no inherent good purpose, only for fraudulent objectives, will highlight another US-made criminal mess.

Russia can rightly claim a military, political and moral victory in Syria. The victory is clear-cut, along with the valiant efforts of Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

There’s no need to linger when the mission is a success. Not only is it fitting that Russian forces bow out with dignity and pride. It is also fitting that US forces are left behind to illustrate their culpability in trying to destroy yet another Middle East country – and failing.

Granted, there is a danger the US military could still try to destabilize Syria. Washington’s machinations might try to rekindle an insurgency from the dregs of routed proxies. That’s possible, as is the regrouping of the terror networks to infest some other unfortunate Mideast country targeted for US-led regime change.

Though it’s improbable as a future threat to Syria, given the scale of defeat to the US-led proxy war forged by Russia.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
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Origin Theories of the Rare Rh-Negative Blood Factor


The Collective Theories of Rh Negative Blood Origin...

Welcome to the Origin Theory page of the Rh-Negative Registry.  There are a lot of theories and stories that pertain to the origin of the Rh-Negative Factor; mostly because it has not yet be found or explained completely by science, history or medicine. Below you will find a broad collection of Origin Theories related to the Rh-Negative Factor. These theories have been widely shared online on many other websites, blogs and forums.

PLEASE NOTE: These are not OUR stories! We do not endorse any particular theory as true or correct, these stories are the intellectual property of the actual authors. We have simply and only, made them available to you in a central location on this website, so that you may review and compare them with easy. As new theories, ideas or proof becomes available, that information will be added here as well.  If you have any questions about these theories, we will try to answer them based only on the related information and research we have available.

If you are interested in learning more about how our health and wellness may be affected by our blood type and factor, please click here and become a Member of the new Rh-Factor Autoimmune Condition Community!

Give your opinion in the Origin Theory Poll >

There's NO known origin, so these are all theories... Which story do you believe is most accurate or related to the cause & origin of the Rh- Factor? (Only 10 Fit in the Poll!)

   Jewish/Israelites (Abraham or Founding Mothers)
   The Blood of the Gods
   Hyperborea or Atlantis
   Ancient Aliens/Anunaki
   The Basque People
   The Black Sun/Vril Society
   The Original Europeans & Ireland
   Jesus (Yashua's) Nazarene
   Adam's Alien Genes
   Reptilian or Nephlim

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Wheelchair-bound man killed by IDF in Gaza during Jerusalem protest


A disabled Palestinian man missing both legs is among those killed by Israeli security forces that opened fire on demonstrators in the West Bank and along the border with Gaza, Gaza’s health ministry said.

Abu Thurayeh, 29, was shot dead east of Gaza City, according to Gaza’s health ministry as cited by the Times of Israel. He is one of four Palestinians who were killed during a protest over the decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Abu had lost his legs in an Israeli attack on Al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza. “He was injured in 2008 by an Israeli helicopter that targeted him after he brought down the Israeli flag and raised the Palestinian flag along the border,” his brother Samir said. “It did not stop him from demonstrating for Jerusalem. He went alone every day to the border.”

Social media have been flooded with videos and photos of Abu Thurayeh a few hours before his death, sitting in his wheelchair and waving a Palestinian flag. “This land is our land, we will not give up. America has to withdraw its decision,”Abu Thurayeh reportedly said in a video seen by AFP.

In the meantime, the Israeli military said in a statement that Palestinian rioters had hurled stones and firebombs at their soldiers, who were forced to respond. Protests continue in Palestine, often turning violent and resulting in injuries, after US President Donald Trump officially declared the US embassy to Israel will be moved to Jerusalem. Trump’s declaration has been met with condemnation and protests around the globe.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Conspiracy Theorists Were Right: Corporate Media Finally Forced to Admit America Armed ISIS


Source: Rachel Blevins


While the mainstream media opted to protect the United States government by treating anyone who dared to question the government’s role in the rise of ISIS as crazy conspiracy theorists, a new report is forcing the MSM to admit that those “conspiracies” were true all along.

Now, mainstream media outlets such as Reuters and USA Today are suddenly reporting that the United States and its close ally, Saudi Arabia, were instrumental in supplying weapons and ammunition to ISIS. Both reports cite an investigation conducted by Conflict Armament Research (CAR), which looked at 40,000 items recovered from Islamic State militants between July 2014 and November 2017.

A final report from CAR titled “Weapons of the Islamic State,” concluded that the vast majority of the weapons used by ISIS were supplied in the thousands, given their origin and the fact that they were found “in numbers far beyond those that would have been available to the group through battlefield capture alone.”

More than 97 percent of the weapons and 87 percent of the ammunition used by ISIS were “Warsaw Pact calibers—originating primarily in China, Russia, and Eastern European producer states,” according to the report. However, the weapons were not distributed to the militants by China or Russia.

The weapons and ammunition were originally purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia, and then distributed to rebel groups opposing the administration of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. While the U.S. claimed to be fighting ISIS, the fact is that ISIS was one of the Syrian rebel groups opposing Assad, and as the report noted, nearly all of their weapons came from those purchased by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

    “Unauthorized retransfer—the violation of agreements by which a supplier government prohibits the re-export of materiel by a recipient government without its prior consent—is a significant source of IS weapons and ammunition. The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) Member States in Eastern Europe.”

While the report claims that many of the weapons were intended for other Syrian rebel groups before they ended up in the hands of ISIS militants, it also notes how quickly the transition between groups happened, after the weapons were originally supplied.

In one case, an advanced anti-tank guided weapon was “manufactured in the EU, sold to the United States, supplied to a party in the Syrian conflict, transferred to IS forces in Iraq, and documented by a CAR field investigation team following its recovery from IS forces.” The report noted that “the full chain of transactions occurred within two months of the weapon’s dispatch from the factory.

The serial numbers on the weapons are also crucial in determining how the militants acquired them. According to the report, almost half of the weapons that were investigated featured “serial numbers that are close in sequence to those of other, identical weapons in the sample.” As a result, they found at least “240 sets of weapons that were manufactured in the same production runs and probably exported in the same, or successive, batches.” This suggests that in some cases, the weapons were delivered to the militants by the thousands.

The report noted that in many cases, the “supplies of materiel into the Syrian conflict” from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia allowed ISIS “to obtain substantial quantities of anti-armor ammunition. These weapons include ATGWs and several varieties of rocket with tandem warheads, which are designed to defeat modern reactive armor.”

As the investigation by Conflict Armament Research concluded, although the United States and Saudi Arabia both claimed to support coalitions that were formed for the purpose of defeating the Islamic State, the thousands of weapons they were supplying rebel groups did the opposite.

    “These findings are a stark reminder of the contradictions inherent in supplying weapons into armed conflicts in which multiple competing and overlapping non-state armed groups operate. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to exert effective control over which groups ultimately gain custody of weapons. As this report demonstrates, Iraq and Syria have seen IS forces use large numbers of weapons, supplied by states such as Saudi Arabia and the United States, against the various international anti-IS coalitions that the two states support.”

While the mainstream media has failed to ask questions about some of the most obvious red flags in the United States’ foreign policy, The Free Thought Project has provided in-depth coverage of both the United States’ hypocrisy in the Syrian conflict, and Saudi Arabia’s assistance in helping to strengthen the same group of militants that the two countries claimed to be working to defeat.
« Last Edit: 2017-12-26, 14:06:45 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Everyman decries immorality
Political Immorality and Personal Immorality


written by Ron Paul

Many Americans have been shocked by recent revelations of the extent of sexual harassment in Congress. However, no one should be too surprised that those who spend their lives defending and expanding the welfare-warfare state engage in immoral personal conduct. It is only natural that an immoral system, like the welfare-warfare state, tends to attract individuals likely to practice personal immorality.

The welfare-warfare state is built on a foundation of taxation and fiat currency controlled by a secretive central bank. While some type of taxation may be necessary to fund the few legitimate functions of government, taking people’s money to fund a redistributive welfare state at home and a global empire abroad is nothing more than theft. The Federal Reserve’s erosion of purchasing power is also a form of theft.

The welfare-warfare state relies on violence. Every law preventing us from living our lives as we choose — whether forbidding us from working for below minimum wage, preventing us from smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk, telling private business owners who can and cannot use what restroom, or requiring us to purchase government-approved health insurance — rests on the threat of force being used against those who refuse to obey.

The warfare side of the welfare-warfare state is obviously rooted in violence. War inevitably leads to deaths, including the deaths of innocents. A permanent warfare state is also the quickest way to lose our liberties. This is why the Founding Fathers counseled against standing armies and foreign entanglements.

The neocons and “humanitarian interventionists” who control our foreign policy have disregarded the wisdom of the Founders. They actually promote endless wars not to protect our security but to promote “democracy” and “universal human rights.” They are impervious to evidence of the failure of military interventions to achieve these goals and indifferent to the human and fiscal costs of endless war. They dismiss the loss of innocent lives — including the deaths of children — as unavoidable “collateral damage,” while using their influence in the media to spread pro-war propaganda. They also smear their opponents as aiding America’s enemies and sympathizing with terrorists.

No one holding political power wants to admit the system he supports is immoral and a failure. Therefore, defenders of the welfare-warfare state rely on lies and deceptions. They ignore all evidence of the failure of big government to accomplish its ends, instead pretending they can fix the system with a few reforms. They also work with allies in the media to promulgate the lie that without the welfare state the masses would remain poor and uneducated, and without the warfare state we would be overwhelmed by those who hate us for our freedoms. They never mention that many foreigners hate America because of the suffering caused by our hyper-interventionist foreign policy.

The welfare-warfare state is built on violence and deceit. It is thus inevitable that many of those participating in this immoral system will combine their immoral politics with immoral personal conduct. Hopefully the revelations of sexual misconduct among the welfare-warfare state’s Capitol Hill and media defenders will lead more Americans to question the morality and the wisdom of allowing the federal government to run the world, run the economy, and run our lives.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841
Political Immorality and Personal Immorality


written by Ron Paul


About what one expect from a Jesuit, hogwash


The protocols of the Elders of Zion is a far better fit for the evils of the world today

“We shall 1)
Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. 2) Destroy the family life. 3) Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices. 4) Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature. 5) Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called “Higher Criticism” so that the old fundamental faith is shattered and quarrels and controversies become permanent in the churches. 6) Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spend thrift ideas so that the ality for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost. 7)Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking. 8) Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons. 9) Instigate class hatred and class war among the different classes of people. 10) Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high traditions by excessive taxes and replace it with the “Knights of the Golden Calf.” 11) Poison the relations between the employees and employers through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation. 12) Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by adverse publicity raise the hate of the people toward them. 13) Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry by wild speculation. 14) Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the people into a labyrinth of impractical ideas. 15) Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the first necessities of life. 16) Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting armaments. 17)Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the destiny of nations depend upon ignorant people.18) Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far as possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our obedient servants. 19) Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism. 20) Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the “hour” when the industrial crisis will start. 21) Destroy all financial stability; increase economic depressions to the extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy; stop the wheels of industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money worthless; accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of a certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic. 22) Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food – hunger creates slaves!” (“The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion”)



Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
About what one expect from a Jesuit, hogwash

Seems like a classic case of shooting the messenger to me, your opinion of the messenger has blinded you as to the content of the message.

I could quite easily have written a piece like that. I am not a Jesuit or affiliated with any illusory construct, would you have designated the message as 'hogwash' under those circumstances ?

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Everyman decries immorality
Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?


Paul Craig Roberts

Identity Politics has responded with outrage against People Magazine’s choice of white male country singer Blake Shelton as “sexiest man in the world.” According to adherents of Identity Politics, the choice indicates that People Magazine is itself racist and part of the white supremacy movement to elevate white people above people of color. The choice is doubly outrageous because, according to a writer in Salon, it reinforces and celebrates toxic white male sexuality and elevates a white man to a position of popular acclaim.

Every white person needs to read this article — http://www.unz.com/article/the-end-of-white-celebrity/ — to understand how they are being demonized and marginalized to the point of oblivion. By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative “misogynist”, but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness.

Reading this article in The Unz Review reminded me of an article I read last November in a Texas university newspaper that declared white DNA to be an abomination. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/11/30/texas-student-newspaper-blasted-over-anti-white-your-dna-is-abomination-column.html

Think about this for a minute. Suppose the writer had said “homosexual DNA is an abomination,” or “black DNA is an abomination,” or, heaven forbid, “Jewish DNA is an abomination.” Anyone who declared homosexuals, blacks, or Jews to be an abomination would be instantly fired, sued, charged with hate crimes and driven so deep into the ground that they would never reemerge.

The article in the student newspaper was a bit too much for Texas and produced a furor of its own. Lost in the furor was the realization that the writer was correctly interpreting the Identity Politics that today defines the liberal/progressive/left. Hillary Clinton herself expressed Identity Politics when she declared Americans who rejected her as president to be “deplorables.” CounterPunch printed an essay by its radio host that concluded Trump’s election was not legitimate because he was elected by racist, sexist, homophobic white male Trump deplorables.

In other words, Identity Politics cannot be dismissed as some sort of idiocy on the part of a few kooks. It is institutionalized in American politics and culture and is becoming a habitual way of thinking. The growing demonization of white people parallels the demonization of the Jews and can result in marginalization and physical destruction.

The immigration policies of white countries have created a diversity basis for ganging up on whites. If we put together a diverse population with the anti-white ideology of Identity Politics, we have a political and cultural trap for white people.

It seems paradoxical that Identity Politics is led by white/liberal/progressive/leftists advocating their own marginalization. However, as it is a correct conclusion from Identity Politics that white DNA is an abomination, white adherents of the ideology can logically see their demise as a benefit to humanity. But why should they be allowed to condemn whites who do not see themselves as an abomination?

What we are seeing unfold with Identity Politics was foretold by Jean Raspail in his futuristic novel The Camp of the Saints. Perhaps white people should read it as an indication of their possible fate.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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