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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1076658 times)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Promise to Abraham

“…and they shall possess the gate of their enemies” Gen.22:17


Jane Vaughn

January 2006

When you read the Bible “devotionally,” you’re not reading to study per se, but you still are reading to hear God’s voice. I was reading in Genesis, the stories of Abraham. In Chapter 22, we re­visit the event of Abraham’s offering of Isaac to the Lord. God saw that Abraham had withheld nothing from Him. In verse 17, God restates His promise of blessing and multiplication of Abraham’s descendants (seed). I found I had underscored the beginning phrases in an earlier reading, but this time, I heard something else. Isn’t God good? I had neglected the third aspect of blessing, the final phrase of verse 17: “and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.”

I immediately thought of spiritual warfare, and was delighted to find another scripture to add to my cache of warfare verses. Amazing truth! As the spiritual seed of Abraham, weChristians are rightful recipients of the blessings of Abraham. We can inherit these promises of God! So! If “I” (or any believer in Jesus Christ) possess the gate of “my” enemy, what does that mean? What is it that is significant about the gates? God impressed on me that the answer to these inquiries would be life­-changing!

In ancient times, in Israel and other eastern cultures, the gates of a city were busy places – for the whole population. The gate was the place of important business transactions. Recall when Boaz, in the story of Ruth, wanted to do the right and “legal” thing for her, went to the elders who sat at the gate of the city (Ru.4:1). A life ­altering business transaction occurred there that changed Ruth’s life forever. So, the gate was the place of legal business transactions. (see also Gen.23:10,18; Deut.21:19).

The gate was also the place of justice. Kings sat in the gate to meet with their subjects, and make legal decisions. Princes and judges sat at the gates and discharged their duties. Court was held there, disputes settled. Priests and prophets delivered discourses, admonitions, prophecies, and counsel at the gate. (2Kngs.7:1; 22:10; Neh.8:1,3; Jer.17:19,20; 36:10; 38:7).

It was the place of public speaking. The people gathered at the gate – or in the courtyard of the gate – for conversation, to share local news, and for discussions of all subjects. It was a likely place for people to congregate informally or formally because of the normal construction (massive vaulted stone structures often with covered courtyards) that offered a cool place to escape the heat of the deserts in the Mideast. It was a place of rest as well.

Furthermore, the gates and the vicinity around them served as the marketplace of the town (2Kngs.7:1). This was the best location for the sale of local produce and crops as everyone who passed through the city had to enter and exit through the gate. The gate to a city was a busy place.

The gate became a symbol of strength, power, and dominion (Ps.24:7), but it was also the weakest point of defense (2Chr.14:7; 26:9; 32:5; Ps.48:12) and therefore heavily defended. Watchtowers were constructed above the corners of the gates as lookout posts – a place where watchmen could see when an enemy was approaching and call the city to alert. At night the gates were closed, barred and guarded (Josh.2:5,7; Neh.7:3), secured by locks with big keys.

To possess the gate was to possess the city! The Israelites, the seed of Abraham, were promised power or dominion over the cities of their enemies (Gen.22:17; 24:60).

Here was my initial thought concerning spiritual warfare: this Scripture in Genesis seems to be quite important – a divine Truth, if you will. In natural wartimes, to possess the gate meant possession of the city and we know – as it goes in the natural, so it goes in the spiritual. An awesome thought! So – if I possess the gate of the enemy, he has no business messing with me! I am the seed of Abraham – I’ve been bought and washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ – I am a child of the King – I possess the gate of the enemy. Hallelujah! Victory is assured through the promise of God!

The next day, God brought me back to this glorious verse. What He revealed was, I think, even more extraordinary and personally freeing than the first part of the revelation! He reminded me that I am, too often, my most fierce “enemy!” I had to agree. (Does that fit you as well?) More times than not, our biggest battles are with our own personages.

Who I am today is a result of years of life­events. We have a whole history of experiences behind us, both positive and negative – and, unfortunately, we seem to allow the negatives of our past to dictate more often and more powerfully than all of the positives put together. We are subconsciously controlled by lingering and unresolved hurt feelings, slights, rejections, unforgiveness, camouflaged resentments or bitterness, and the memory of hurtful “words” spoken to us, against us, or about us.

I believe a legitimate extension of the scripture in Genesis can be applied to the battles I have with myself

– my known weaknesses, my past (that stretches into my present), my self­image (often formed based on words others have said), my goals (visions and dreams for the future), my perceptions of events (past and present), and my self­talk (the conversation I have all day long with myself). I believe we can say, GOD SAYS – I possess my own gates – or, I CAN possess them! It is through His revelation, His power, His enabling, His everything­I­need – but I can take hold of my own gates and possess my own “city” – I have that right. I amnot a “victim” of my past or present circumstances.

I am a city, if you will. I possess my gates. You are a city – and if you are born again you can possess your gates. We can control who (or what) enters in through our gates. Jerusalem had 15 gates at one time, and they each had a name. The name often reflected the major use of a gate or something in particular about it. For instance, the Sheep Gate, near the Pool of Bethesda, was the primary entrance through which sheep were brought to the Temple for offerings. The East Gate was on the eastern wall.

In the Bible, gates are spoken of as being broken indicating an inability to perform their function. They were removed meaning there was no defense against invasion. They were burned – marred, scarred – by an enemy of the past when the defenses were breached. And they were barred indicating a guarded and defended wall. Nehemiah returned with the people of Israel (a remnant of the whole) and began to rebuild the walls (that would be the physical security surrounding a city – they were tall and thick and made of stone). Then they had to repair the gates and hang them in their fortified places.

If I can see myself as a city – what would be my gates? First of all, my eyes are like gates. They allow things to “come in.” It has been suggested that everything we see is logged or filed in the brain somewhere for later retrieval. That can be good, or it can be very detrimental. I need to be careful what I allow my eyes to let into my soul. If I look at pornography? What about read trashy books? Or R­rated movies that have that rating for a reason – which the world has decided is racy or violent, at best. What amI filling up on through my eyegates?

Jesus said, “The light of the body is the eye; if, therefore, thine eye be light (or “healthy”), thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be defective (or “evil”), thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Mt.6:22,23). Case in point – I amreminded of the little Sunday School song, “Oh, be careful little eyes what you see!” That’s so true.

James said, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when that lust has conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death”

(Jas.1:14,15). Lust is an intense craving or longing, especially for what is forbidden. We usually think in terms of sexual impurity when we speak of lust, but we can actually lust for power, or things, or whatever webelieve will satisfy our cravings. “Lust when it is conceived…” Where is something “conceived” – an idea? A thought? It usually comes fromsomething we have taken in through our eyegates.

We could look at most of our 5 senses as gates. Our ears – what we hear – listen to – record in our memories through hearing. We know that “faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God”

(Rom.10:17). So, it is not the gate that is “evil” – it is the unguarded gate, the broken gate, the open gate that we must be careful to watch. Be your own watchman – on the walls. Don’t allow just anything to come into your being unchecked and unchallenged.

Have you considered “passive learning?” I understand that to be what we learn by passive experience – by simply being exposed to things of life – not in a formal learning environment. I see a grave danger here in things like background music – the radio playing softly in the background would be an example. Instrumental music or a Christian station would not be a threat, but just leaving contemporary stations (including the “oldies!”) playing in elevators or stores or doctors’ offices or in your car – or in a plug from one’s ear to an iPod – being exposed to the lyrics of certain types of music can and does desensitize us to the dangers being lodged in the subconscious. Extreme position? I doubt it. Really.

Women should guard their eargates from exposure to gossip. You can receive prayer requests without having to know all the gory details. Men should be watchful concerning the kinds of humor that pervades the masculine arena. We’re admonished (advised) by Paul to not participate in certain kinds of activities. He lists some of them in Ephesians 5, beginning at verse 3. We would expect to (and do) discover the obvious: immorality, impurity, greed. But he continues in the next verse (v.4): “there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.” People know that’s wrong. My husband and I even have had people apologize to us before they tell a crude joke that’s supposed to be funny! I mean people in the church, but not in a church setting.

Guard your ears. Be aware of what’s lying in wait for you in terms of passive hearing. Passive in the fact that you do not actively participate or seek it out – but you hear it all the same. Ask God to cleanse you fromthat exposure and do not allow such things to cause you to compromise a righteous life­choice.

The mouth – a gate. Things particularly come out of our mouths about which the Lord cautions us. In Matthew 12, speaking to the Pharisees Jesus says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things, but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of it in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (verses 34­37). That is quite a statement, and gives us good reason to guard what sort of communication leaves our lips. James says it this way: “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”

What about guarding what enters the mouthgate? I had never thought of this – ever – until the Lord opened my eyes to it just this week. We could think in terms of illegal drugs or alcohol – or – I have struggled with my weight for 50 years! That’s a lifetime of losing battles… It is the one area of my life that I have consistently been defeated. I’ve tried diets that work while you’re actively on them – I’ve counted calories and carbs and fats and sugar…. I’ve tried various forms of strenuous exercise (competitive racquetball, swimming laps, jogging, etc.) – same thing. As soon as you let up at all… defeat. I have begged God to work a miracle in my naturally sleepy metabolism. And I have shed a lot of tears over the failures. Just being honest here.

I have tried to deal with spiritual issues – current and past: abiding more, walking in the Spirit more, joined Bible studies on weight loss, and how to handle stress. I’ve tried facing the sins of self­indulgence and lack of self­control and lust for food, even greed. I have endeavored to do everything I could think of

– I have confessed and repented and bound and cast out and attempted to crucify; I’ve even “let go and let God.” J And, in this area, I have experienced no “lasting fruit” (Jn.15:16) over the long term– 50 years.

But – I never considered this aspect – of possessing this gate. I can only hope this is the key for ME that God has finally granted. I know it is Truth! (Jn.8:32). And I’m on to it! J I’m now actively conscious of what’s going into my mouth. My goal is to possess the gate. My hope and expectation is that I will experience the weight loss that has eluded me thus far.

We also could talk about heart issues as gates – what do I store up in my heart as treasure? What do I store up that’s not treasure? How have I established my life priorities? We could even discuss our hands and feet as forms of gates… What do I do that gets me into trouble? Where do I go? What do I neglect? How do I spend my leisure time? How do I fill my day? And I think as important as any is the mind. What are you listening to? Whose voice are you heeding? Are you capturing your thoughts and checking themagainst the things God would say?

Gates. Do I actually possess my own gates? It is my inheritance as the seed of Abraham. It’s my “right.” It’s my privilege. It’s MY responsibility. I know that occupation of the enemy’s land is a process (De.2:31). I know the Israelites were to leave “no survivors” when they went in to possess the Land (De.2:34). I know we must bring every thought captive and make them bow to the Kingship of Jesus (2Cor.10:4,5). I know the Promise of God to the Israelites was that He would give them the Land, but they had to go in to possess it, and that meant battles. Victory was sweet – defeat was devastating.

God promised them, “I will be with you, I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and of good courage…” (Josh.1:5b­6a). Let’s remember that the fulfillment of the promises of God is accomplished by meeting the conditions indicated. In Joshua, there were these instructions to the Israelites: “…that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses, My servant, commanded thee; turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wherever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the LORD thy God is with thee wherever thou goest.” (Josh.1:7­9). Notice “then.”

That is Old Testament – old covenant – under the Law. Thank God we live this side of the Cross! We are not to be bound by the legalisms of “religion” (Gal.5:1). So what is it we have in common with them? I believe the similarities are that we are to love God with our whole hearts. And that means we’re to follow in the ways of Jesus – out of love and gratitude for all He has provided for us. Be like Jesus, relying only on what the Father says and does and directs. Then we shall walk in the inheritance that belongs to us – including possessing the gates of our enemies!

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Power of the Subjective Form: Feelings as Perceptive Devices for Care and Connection


by Dr. Arlette Poland

Whitehead teaches us that perception involves several layers of activity. Neuroscience has recently proven his concepts to be accurate. The most simple of examples is our eyesight. Our eyes are not really what see the world. It is the brain that really ‘sees.’ Our eyes perceive upside down and the brain interprets the perceived world. That means our interpretation is the key to our experience of the world. I think this is what Whitehead wanted us to understand. I also think that this is what the Buddha wanted us to realize.

Science of Mind, teachings that were founded by Ernest Holmes in the 20th century, adds that our thoughts or this activity of perception via the device of subjective form not only determines our experience of the world but also significantly creates our world. In short, our thinking is creative of the world. How is that for power!?!

These ideas might prove to be good reasons to investigate how our perceptions are formed and even more importantly how they are or could be changed. After all these perceptions, subjective form for feeling, decide how or if we accept or reject information. In every moment, new information is made available and our subjective form, our perceptive device, decides how or if that new information fits into something already known. Are we stuck in the same patterns and thinking or can we extricate ourselves from habit thinking, perceiving, feeling?

According to Whitehead, novelty or change is the making of life itself. If there is no novelty, then there is no life. We could call this evolution a la Whitehead. Here Whitehead lines up well with Buddhism in that both advocate not only to explore carefully the device of perception but also to decide to alter the thinking towards acceptance of the new.

The subjective form, according to Whitehead, is the perceiving tool for the becoming event in the activity of becoming called concrescence, or becoming concrete. The subjective form is already in existence. It is waiting for the new information. The subjective form could be thought of as the color of the glasses we wear when we prehend (experience and comprehend) all that new information.

If our glasses are fogged with many labels that are fixed, we are likely stuck in thinking a certain way. If we hate the color yellow, then anything yellow might be ‘bad.’ The flower is yellow. Now we hate the flower!

Labels are only that … labels. For us to accept the responsibility for the creative power of our thinking, it is time that we use either Whitehead and/or a form of meditation to explore and constantly update our subjective forms, our world view, our labels.

It is time to focus on the opportunities for greater care and connection for self and others. Such focus means the development of subjective forms and labels that are consistent with this focus. Now.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841

Labels are only that … labels. For us to accept the responsibility for the creative power of our thinking, it is time that we use either Whitehead and/or a form of meditation to explore and constantly update our subjective forms, our world view, our labels.

For awhile there I was afraid they were stuck in just the five senses. But then. a brief glimpse of meditation, alright, the spiritual aspect of the inner mind is being acknowledged.

We come from somewhere and when we die we return to that somewhere. All the clues lie strewn about us and even a brief study of the paranormal should open the door. Edgar Cayce, the Seth Material, NDE's, out of body travel are all hard to label if we stick to just the five senses. Even dowsing is easier to understand if we acknowledge that we are energy in an energy world.

The body is/has seven major chakras for survival in this world but we bump into the "other" world lightly though alcohol but most definitely through the psychedelics. Crudely through LSD, more comprehensively through Magic Mushrooms or Ayahusca, and most effectively  through DTM. Then we realize our true nature, our labels can be reset. We begin to see the illusion for what it is. The hollowness and horror of the man made religions becomes overwhelming.


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
most effectively  through DTM.

I have, other than than some early use of Mary Jane, never used any psychedelics so don;t get me wrong, I am not recommending their use, merely insisting that we need to accept the results of their use as proof of "other worlds" and our spiritual nature.

When the DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is synthesized into crystalline form, it can be vaporized and inhaled. This is the most common method of ingestion. In this form, its peak effects last just 15 minutes or less. But DMT often causes the perception of time to shift so those 15 minutes can feel like hours, or even years. User’s descriptions of their DMT journeys often include such powerful themes as psychic death and rebirth, meeting strange entities, grappling with eternity, traveling to different dimensions and feeling both overwhelming terror and unconditional love.


“I was transported to that extremely alien-like realm that I had been to so many times before. I felt like I was being schooled on existence. A teacher entity that seemed to have some sort of almost condescending power over me was trying to convince me that ‘they’ constructed our reality completely, and tried to get me to agree that this reality was not under our control; it was being constructed and predetermined by an outside force completely. Even though I had lost complete touch with reality, I did not listen blindly. I was skeptical. ([It was] not that I disbelieved it, but I didn’t believe it either… I always like to keep an open mind when it comes to these sorts of existential matters). The entity was so persistent about trying to convince me! I remained neutral on the matter, but courteous and attentive all the same…


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
This reality is an immersive classroom so well done that the participants believe it is real. And this is the process. All beliefs in higher beings are aware of life immortal. Reality is the process by which the participant is tested to see if they have the mental clarity and fortitude to withstand any lesson they are exposed to.
And this reality is a voice controlled, amplifying echo chamber, just like being in a classroom. You raise your hands and ask out loud(pray) for a response. All the faiths do this. Think about it. Jesus said 'You have not because you ask not.' Just change the labels and it truly looks like the matrix classroom. And we call Jesus 'Teacher'. I guess the Holy Ghost is a teacher's aide. Sleep must be recess. Places of worship are assembly halls. God must be the principle. The hierarchy is the same here as there. The students / disciples were amazed at what Jesus could do. Well duh. The teacher has a lot of things they can do that the student has never been exposed to. Why He even lets you argue your point. Your life is your seat in the classroom. How well do you participate?
Taking psychodelics allows you to be a fly on the wall either in the class room or outside.

Now back to this 9/11 thingy:
2001 I worked for D.O.D. As I get ready for work I listen to Christian talk radio. Same routine: Get up, go to bathroom, turn on radio. Only this time there is dead air. And I mean dead air. But there is a slight sniffle sound. Really low volume. I turn up volume. I can hear the sniffling going on off mike so to speak. As someone who knows electronics this just baffles my mind. The station is there but dead air. A real taboo in radio. This I know. I just woke and am awakening to a new realm of interpretation. I flip the station selector and hear other shows. But I quickly turn back to KLOVE. I want to know what is going on with this station. The OCD in me is more intrigued by this presentation. Then the show host, John Rivers comes on and says in a weepy tone "If you haven't turned on your TV you better go this now.' What? The radio is telling me to turn the TV on? Never in my wildest dreams could I have understood this. The radio goes silent. I run and turn on the TV.

As I stood there it was only a minute or two when the seond plane hit and then the towers fell. The sequence of events were to many to absorb. My foray into OU started in 2006 so I was not thinking energy levels or obscure technologies. I was on the 'participant' path. For what I could take in I was overwhelmed. Everybody was. I was in tears and had to go to work to be accounted for. I fell for the brainwashing propaganda hook line and sinker.

I wasn't till later in ~2011 that I saw Dr Judy wood. Having studied Tesla intensely for years I became very aware. Dr wood showed things that we saw on 9/11 that totally escaped everyone. The lack of fire, piles of combustible trash, whole file cabinets and no toilets showed me the jig was up. All pop metal was disintegrated. Hmm. All crystalline material vanished yet combustibles are intact. And car tires were intact. Microwaves!
The bottom line is the refuse displayed is the same as what happens in a microwave oven.
I seethed with anger now knowing I was duped. But I couldn't have put two and two together back then. But afterward...

I became aware of a much larger and empirical game being played upon the public. From that moment on 'How high can one go up the chain of information?' became my awareness focus. We have been placed at the bottom of the rabbit hole from birth and told, trained, and coerced to never look up.

Update on John Rivers. He fell prey to depression as a wounded Viet Nam vet and succumbed to taking pain pills. It went bad for a while. He was off radio for good. He did recover but stayed out of the public eye. As a patriot he was too embedded into the lie to over come the agony of the 911 event. It happens to the best.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." The term 'red pill' refers to a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix.

Jeremiah 33:3:
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Same as it ever was...

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841

Taking psychodelics allows you to be a fly on the wall either in the class room or outside.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." The term 'red pill' refers to a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix.

Excellent post GK, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Having come late to EA's thread I have wondered how the 9-11 thing turned out here... and the group conclusions.

9-11 was one of "their" most elaborate schemes to date, so very well planed and executed... but, never the less, with just enough glitches as to all fall apart on proper examination.

Titanic was so well done as to fool people for decades. Whereas JFK, Oklahoma City, the London Bombing, the Boston marathon, Chernobyl, Fukushima, all started to unravel almost immediately.  Are people getting smarter? Or are "they" just getting more clumsy and arrogant?

Looking back on 9-11 the unravelling was a piece of cake actually because there must be at least 100 anomalies that just don't add up. And the same cast of characters, or their front groups, the Jesuits, Mossad, CIA, FBI, NSA, MI5/6, keep coming up


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
This is not my thread, I have no moderator rights here.

I reluctantly participate because I need to alert my people, and every people, to an insidious threat that has desires on our total global genocide.

It's a very upsetting time.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won


On December 14, Tom Suárez spoke at The House of Lords, London, at the invitation of Baroness Jenny Tonge. Drawing from his recently published book State of Terror, he addressed the centennial of the Balfour Declaration and his views on the way toward ending today’s Israel-Palestine “conflict”. The following are Suárez’s remarks. The book was reviewed here by David Gerald Fincham.

Good evening, thank you so much for taking time out of what I know are your busy schedules to be here now. My thanks to Jenny Tonge for making this meeting possible; and I would like to thank three people without whom the book would not exist: Karl Sabbagh, my publisher; Ghada Karmi, who inspired the book; and my partner, Nancy Elan, who was my constant alter-ego during my research and without whom I surely would have given up.

My work is based principally on declassified source documents in the National Archives in Kew. When I have had to rely on published works, I have trusted established historians who cite first-hand sources. Everything I will say here tonight is based on such source material.

Our topic is of course the so-called “conflict” in Israel-Palestine, a tragedy that has dragged on for so long that it feels static, indeed almost normalised. But unlike other deadly conflicts, this one is wholly in our power to stop—“our” meaning the United States and Europe. It is in our power to stop it, because we are the ones empowering it.

We are now approaching the centennial of the British Original Sin in this tragedy, the Balfour Declaration. The British role in Palestine was a case of ‘hit & run’: The Balfour Declaration, in which the British gave away other people’s land, was the hit; and thirty years later, Resolution 181—Partition—was the run, leaving the Palestinians abandoned in a ditch.

Zionism was of course among the incarnations of racial-nationalism that evolved in the late nineteenth century. Bigots were Zionism’s avid fans—it was the anti-Semites who championed the Zionists. Gertrude Bell, the famous English writer, traveler, archaeologist, and spy, reported, based on her personal experience, that those who supported Zionism did so because it provided a way to get rid of Jews.

The London Standard’s correspondent to the first Zionist Conference in 1897 I think described Zionism perfectly. He reported that

    …the degeneration which calls itself Anti-Semitism [bear in mind that ‘anti-Semitism’ was then a very new term] has begotten the degeneration which adorns itself with the name of Zionism.

Indeed, most Jews and Jewish leaders dismissed Zionism as the latest anti-Semitic cult. They had fought for equality, and resented being told that they should now make a new ghetto—and worse yet, to do so on other people’s land. They resented being cast as a separate race of people as Zionism demanded.

They had had quite enough of that from non-Jewish bigots.

For others, the idea of going to a place where one could act out racial superiority was seductive. As the political theorist Eduard Bernstein put it at about the time the Balfour Declaration was being finessed, Zionism is “a kind of intoxication which acts like an epidemic”.

By the time the Balfour Declaration was finalised, thirty-plus years of Zionist settlement had made clear that the Zionists intended to ethnically cleanse the land for a settler state based on racial superiority; and it was the behind-the-scenes demands of the principal Zionist leaders, notably Chaim Weizmann and Baron Rothschild.

First-hand accounts of Zionist settlement in Palestine had already painted a picture of violent racial displacement. I will cite one of the lesser known reports, by Dr. Paul Nathan, a prominent Jewish leader in Berlin, who went to Palestine on behalf of the German Jewish National Relief Association. He was so horrified by what he found that he published a pamphlet in January, 1914, in which he described the Zionist settlers as carrying on

    a campaign of terror modelled almost on Russian pogrom models.

A few years later, the Balfour Declaration’s deliberately ambiguous wording was being finalized. Sceptics—and the British Cabinet—were assured that it did not mean a Zionist state. Yet simultaneously, Weizmann was pushing to create that very state immediately. He demanded that his state extend all the way to the Jordan River within three or four years of the Declaration—that is, by 1921—and then expand beyond it.

In their behind-the-scenes meetings, Weizmann and Rothschild treated the ethnic cleansing of non-Jewish Palestinians as indispensable to their plans, and they repeatedly complained to the British that the settlers were not being treated preferentially enough over the Palestinians. And they insisted that the British must lie about the scheme until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.

In correspondence with Balfour, Weizmann justified his lies by slandering the Palestinians and Jews—that is, the Middle East’s indigenous Jews, who were overwhelmingly opposed to Zionism and whom Weizmann smeared with classic anti-Semitic stereotypes. The Palestinians he dismissed as, in so many words, a lower type of human, and this was among the reasons he and other Zionist leaders used for refusing democracy in Palestine—if the “Arabs” had the vote, he said, it would lower the Jew down to the level of a “native”.

With the establishment of the British Mandate, four decades of peaceful Palestinian resistance had proved futile, and armed Palestinian resistance—which included terrorism—began. Zionist terror became the domain of formal organizations that attacked anyone in the way of its messianic goals—Palestinian, Jew, or British. These terror organizations operated from within the Zionist settlements and were actively empowered and shielded by the settlements and the Jewish Agency, the recognized semi-autonomous government of the Zionist settlements, what would become the Israeli government.

There was no substantive difference between the acknowledged terror organizations—most famously, the Irgun, and Lehi, the so-called Stern Gang—and the Jewish Agency, and its terror gang, the Hagana. The Agency cooperated, collaborated, and even helped finance the Irgun.

The relationship between the Jewish Agency, and the Irgun and Lehi, was symbiotic. The Irgun in particular would act on behalf of the Hagana so that the Jewish Agency could feign innocence. The Agency would then tell the British that they condemn the terror, while steadfastly refusing any cooperation against it, indeed doing what they could to shield it.

The fascist nature of the Zionist enterprise was apparent both to US and British intelligence. The Jewish Agency tolerated no dissent and sought to dictate the fates of all Jews. Children were radicalised as part of the methodology of all three major organizations, and by extension, the Jewish Agency.

Britain’s wake-up call regarding the Zionists’ indoctrination of children came on the 8th of July, 1938. That day, the Irgun blew up a bus filled with Palestinian villagers. Now, this was not the first time the Irgun had done something of this sort, but this time the British caught the bomber. She was a twelve year old schoolgirl.

Teenagers, both boys and girls, were commonly used to plant bombs in Palestinian markets and conduct other terror attacks. Teachers were threatened or removed if they tried to intervene in the indoctrination of their students, and the students themselves were blocked from advancement if they resisted, even being taught to betray their own parents if those parents tried to instill some moderation. Jews who opposed and tried to warn of the emerging fascism were assassinated, and indeed most victims of Zionist assassinations—that is, targeted, rather than indiscriminate—were Jews.

From the beginning of World War II through to the summer of 1947, there were virtually no Palestinian attacks, even though Zionist terror against Palestinians continued. A British explanation for the Palestinians’ failure to respond in kind was that they understood that the attacks were a trap, intended to elicit a response that the Zionists would frame as an attack against which they would have to ‘defend’ themselves. This was a Zionist tactic noted by the British as early as 1918, and it remains Israel’s default strategy today, most blatantly in Gaza, but also in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

As late as the fall of 1947, the Jewish Agency was concerned by the Palestinians’ failure to respond to its provocation, but when the end of 1947 came and the Jewish Agency could wait no longer for the civil war it needed, it was simply a matter of ratcheting up the terror.

Throughout the Mandate period, the takeover and ethnic cleansing of Palestine remained Zionism’s unwavering goal. As but one illustration, I will summarize a key meeting of twenty people held in London on the 9th of September, 1941.

“To be treated as most secret” is the red ink heading of the transcript. Present were Weizmann, who had called the meeting, David Ben-Gurion, and other Zionist leaders such as Simon Marks (of Marks & Spencer); and the prominent non-Zionist industrialist, Robert Waley Cohen. Discussing the path to the proposed Jewish State, the conversation ran along the lines of George Orwell’s still-to-be-published Animal Farm, in which all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Anthony de Rothschild began by stressing that there would be no “discrimination … against any group of its citizens” in the Jewish state, not even “to meet immediate needs”. Weizmann and Ben-Gurion also assured the sceptics: “Arabs”—Palestinians—would have equal rights. However, they clarified that within that absolute equality, Jewish settlers would have to have special privileges. Weizmann’s ‘absolute equality’ included the transfer of most non-Jews out of Palestine while permitting “a certain percentage of Arab and other elements” to remain in his Jewish state, the insinuation being as a pool of cheap labour.

Anthony de Rothschild’s vision of equality and non-discrimination was equally compelling: it “depended on turning an Arab majority into a minority”, and to achieve this, there would be “no equal rights” for non-Jews.

Cohen found the scheme dangerous, submitting that the Zionists were “starting with the kind of aims with which Hitler had started”. Cohen did not stop there: he suggested that if a state with equality for everyone were indeed intended, the state should be named with a neutral geographic term. He suggested … ‘Palestine’. The others were horrified at this idea, arguing that if the state had a non-Jewish name, “they would never get a Jewish majority”, in effect acknowledging the use of messianic fundamentalism as a calculated political strategy.

In another obvious but rarely spoken admission, Ben-Gurion clarified that the ‘Jewish state’ was not based on Judaism; it was, rather, based on being a ‘Jew’, that is, by the Zionists’ racial definition.

Asked about borders of his settler state, Weizmann continued in the same surreal manner. He replied that he would consider the partition plan proposed by the Peel Commission four years earlier, in 1937, but that “the line” (the Partition) “would be the Jordan”. This was nonsensical: the Jordan was the Commission’s eastern border for the two states, and so Weizmann’s ‘partition’ meant 100% for his state, 0% for the Palestinians. He went further still: he would “very much” like to “cross the Jordan”, that is, take Transjordan along with Palestine.

At the end of the meeting Weizmann sought to put his proposals into effect officially in the name of all Jews worldwide. Those against his proposals were, in his word, “antisemites”.

Meanwhile, World War II was raging. What was the Jewish Agency’s reaction to the most terrible enemy Jewry has ever known? From the beginning, it was to lobby the Yishuv, the Jewish settlers, not to enlist in the Allied struggle against the Nazis, because doing so would not serve Zionism—even taking advantage of May Day 1940 to lecture the Yishuv to stay in Palestine rather than join the war effort. Another reaction was to conduct a massive theft ring of Allied weapons and munitions, “as if”, as one British military record put it, “paid by Hitler himself”.

Much has been written on the collaboration between the Zionists and fascists during the war, the best known of course being the Haavara Transfer agreement that broke the anti-Nazi boycott. One of the least known was Lehi’s attempted collaboration with the Italian fascists. In its nearly concluded ‘Jerusalem Agreement’ of late 1940, Lehi would help the fascists win the war, and in return the fascists would uproot any Jewish communities not in Palestine and force their populations to Palestine.

If this sounds like a scheme so extreme that only fanatical Lehi could have conjured it, it is essentially what the Israeli state ultimately succeeded at in the early 1950s—most catastrophically, when it conducted a false-flag terror campaign against Jews in Iraq to destroy that ancient community and move its population to Israel as ethnic fodder.

Violence targeting Jews was, and I would argue remains, a core tactic of Zionism. In fact, the single most deadly terror attack of the entire Mandate period was not the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 as is commonly thought. Even some of the Irgun’s bombings of Palestinian markets killed more people than the King David attack. But the most deadly single terror attack was the Jewish Agency’s bombing of the immigrant ship Patria in 1940, killing an estimated 267 people, of whom more than 200 were Jews fleeing the Nazis.

The Jewish Agency bombed the Patria because it was bringing the DPs to Mauritius, where the British had facilities for them. The Agency needed the DPs to be settlers in Palestine without delay, and was willing to risk the lives of all aboard in order to get the survivors to remain—which, indeed, they did.

In further violence against its Jewish victims, the Agency framed the dead for the bombing. It spread the lie that the DPs themselves blew up the vessel, that they committed mass suicide rather than not go directly to Palestine, posthumously conscripting the dead to serve the Zionist myth.

This was no aberration, but the driving principle of the Zionist project: Persecuted Jews served the political project, not the other way around.

Another major tactic of violence against Jews by the Jewish Agency and American Zionist leadership was the sabotaging of safe haven in order to force them to Palestine. As but one example, in 1944 US Zionist leaders sabotaged President Roosevelt’s provisional success in establishing a half million new homes for European DPs, most of these homes in the United States and Britain. When Roosevelt’s aide Morris Ernst visited the Zionist leaders in an attempt to save the program, he was, in his words, “thrown out of parlours and accused of treason”— ‘treason’, because he was Jewish, and the Zionists owned Jews.

Nor were those already settled safe. In 1946, the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Palestine, Yitzhak Herzog, conducted a massive kidnapping operation of Jewish orphans that had been adopted by European families when their parents perished years earlier. Removing ten thousand children from their homes was the number he cited to the NY Times as his goal. In the National Archives, I found a copy of his own record of the trip.

Herzog railed against the fierce resistance he met in every country by horrified local Jewish leaders who tried to protect the children. But Herzog used his political clout to circumvent them. In France, for example, facing the steadfast refusal of the Jewish leaders to betray the children, Herzog

    met the Prime Minister of France from whom I demanded promulgation of a law which would oblige every family to declare the particulars of the children it houses,

so that those of Jewish background could be exposed and put back in orphanages until they can be shipped to Palestine—quite a Kafkaesque twist on Passover for these children who had just been spared the Nazis.

Herzog’s justification for the kidnappings was that for a Jew to be raised in a non-Jewish home is “much worse than physical murder”. Yet even this ghastly justification fails to explain what was actually taking place, because at the same time Herzog was ‘rescuing’ Jewish orphans from this fate “much worse than physical murder”, his Jewish Agency colleagues were sabotaging Jewish adoptive homes in England for young survivors still in the camps. The real reason for all of it, of course, was that the children were needed to serve the settler project as demographic fodder.

To that end, the Jewish Agency had coerced President Truman to segregate Jewish DPs into Zionist indoctrination camps, despite objections that it echoed Nazi behaviour. For these people who had just survived the unthinkable, then severed from the rest of humanity into these brainwashing camps, there was no such thing as free thought.

The camps nurtured such fanaticism that it shocked a joint US-UK committee that visited in 1946. Before these camps, few DPs wanted to go to Palestine. But now the Committee found them in a delirious state, threatening mass suicide if they did not go to Palestine. Suggestions of new homes in the United States, which had always been the favored destination, were again met with threats of mass suicide.

DPs were also groomed to bring Zionist terrorism to Europe, bombing Allied trains and Allied facilities. The bombing of the British embassy in Rome in 1946, for example, was by DPs brainwashed in these camps, as was a near-catastrophe in the Austrian Alps in 1947 when DPs nearly blew a train off a steep trestle into a deep abyss, which would almost certainly have sent its two hundred civilians and Allied troops to their deaths.

German Jewish immigrants to Palestine during war were outraged by the Zionists’ exploitation of the Nazi horrors they had just fled. This outrage given voice by, among others, the prominent journalist Robert Weltsch, editor of Berlin newspaper until banned by the Nazis in 1938.

Weltsch warned that Zionist leaders

    have not yet understood that the enemy seeks the destruction of the Jews … We who have been here only a few years, we know what Nazism is.

Zionists, rather, are “taking part in the crash of European Jewry only as spectators”, fighting the British and keeping Jews from joining the Allied struggle while getting comfortable and rich from their political project in Palestine. Recent immigrants from Germany and Central Europe, he said, have no representation among the Zionist ruling establishment. If they did,

    we would have demanded that the Yishuv should put itself at the disposal of Britain for the fight against Hitler and Nazism.

But—and I am still quoting Weltsch—

    They do not want to fight against Hitler because his fascist methods are also theirs … They do not want our young men to join the [Allied] Forces … day after day they are sabotaging the English War Effort.

These German Jewish immigrants were shunned by the Zionists, their publications and presses bombed. Even Kiosks were bombed for selling non-Hebrew papers to German Jewish immigrants.

In 1943, a man whom British records describe as “a Jew whose integrity is not open to question” risked his life to warn the British about the threat of Zionism. For his safety, he was referred to only by the code-name ‘Z’.

Z described Zionism as a parallel movement to Nazism. He warned that the Zionist indoctrination of Jewish youth was producing a society of extremists who will use any method necessary to achieve Zionist goals; and he pointed out that, as fascism in Europe has demonstrated, such a society is very difficult to undo once it has taken root. The result, I’m afraid, is what we, or more accurately the Palestinians, are facing today in the so-called ‘conflict’.

How trustworthy is this anonymous testimony? I found at the National Archives a private letter in which Z is identified — he was J.S. Bentwich, the Senior Inspector of Jewish Schools in Palestine.


    would have got further towards rescuing the unfortunates in Axis Europe, had they not complicated the question by always dragging Palestine into the picture

—so judged a report by US Intelligence in the Middle East, dated the 4th of June, 1943, entitled “Latest Aspects of the Palestine Zionist-Arab Problem”. It described “Zionism in Palestine” as

    a type of nationalism which in any other country would be stigmatised as retrograde Nazism,

and stated that anti-Semitism was essential to it. Whereas

    assimilated Jews in Europe and America are noted for being … stout opponents of racialism and discrimination,

Zionism has bred the opposite mentality in Palestine,

    a spirit closely akin to Nazism, namely, an attempt to regiment the community, even by force, and to resort to force to get what they want.

US intelligence assailed “the crude conception” being spread of the Palestinian people as “a nomad tent-dweller … with a little seasonal agriculture”, as being “too absurd to need refutation”. The report noted the irony that it was from them that Zionist settlers learned the cultivation of Jaffa oranges. Whereas the Palestinians were self-sufficient, the Zionist settlements exist on massive external financing, and should Jews overseas ever tire of supporting the settlers, “the venture will collapse like a pricked balloon”. The conclusion of this early US intelligence report was however naïve, or at least premature: now that the world “has seen the lengths to which the Nazi creed has carried the nations”, it reasoned that the Zionists “are due to find themselves an anachronism”.

After the war, the Jewish Agency discussed its enemies. They were democracy; the Atlantic Charter, which of course became the basis for the United Nations; Reconstruction; and the fall in anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism having always been Zionism’s drug, without which it would be irrelevant. The Agency sought to exploit anti-Semitism and blamed declining anti-Semitism in the United States on America’s so-called “democratic attitude”.

Nor was this merely a post-war abuse. Even as Jews were still being carted off to the death camps, the New Zionist Organization’s Arieh Altman was typical in arguing that anti-Semitism must “form the foundation of Zionist propaganda”, and the Defence Security Officer in Palestine, Henry Hunloke, reported that it was important for the Jewish Agency to “stir up anti-Semitism … in order to force Jews … to come to Palestine”.

Now, today, when anything approaching this topic is raised, it is twisted by some into the pejorative misstatement that the speaker—in this case, me—is blaming Jews for anti-Semitism.

NO. Rather, it is the simple fact that Zionism requires anti-Semitism, is addicted to it, and seeks to insure that it, or at least the appearance of it, never ends. One need look no further than the satisfaction among many Zionists today at the true anti-Semitism of the incoming US administration of Donald Trump, with Israeli journalists like Yaron London openly applauding this anti-Semitism as welcome news. More about that in a few minutes.

I also mentioned Reconstruction. As one former settlement member, a man named Newton, explained, Zionist leaders were afraid that with the improvement of conditions in Europe the pressure on Palestine would subside. Any improvement in Europe was an anathema to their plans.

What was the Jewish Agency’s reaction to Britain’s role in defeating the worst enemy Jewry has ever known? It saw an opportunity for extortion. The war had devastated Britain’s economy; but when Britain turned to the US for a long term loan to recuperate from its battle against the Nazis, the Agency tried to pressure Washington to deny the loan unless Britain acceded to Zionist demands. The loan was of course ultimately approved, but still in 1948 Zionists assailed US Congressmen for being pro- Marshall Plan, and the Truman administration itself dangled the loan in front of British officials when they tried to bring attention to Zionist atrocities.

By 1946, Zionist terrorism had become the defining daily challenge of life in Palestine, and one hundred thousand British troops proved unable to contain it. Anyone or anything that kept Palestine a functioning society was a target of the Zionists. Trains, roads, bridges, communications, oil facilities, and Coast Guard stations were constantly being bombed. Utility workers, telephone repairmen, railway workers, bomb disposal personnel were murdered. Police were long a favoured target and were gunned down by the dozens.

Among the smaller terror organizations that popped up was one specifically dedicated to Zionists’ long-running fear of Jews befriending non-Jews, the ultimate fear of course being polluting what for the Zionists was the pure Jewish race. As a sample of its methods, the terror group doused a disobedient Jewish girl with acid, severely injuring her and blinding her in one eye.

Zionist terror was aided by the Jewish Agency’s phenomenal intelligence network. The Agency had informers all the way to high-placed sympathetic US officials that fed them intelligence, such that the British learned not even to trust direct messages to US President Truman.

When the UN’s Palestine committee, UNSCOP, visited Palestine in the summer of 1947, the Agency had replaced the committee members’ drivers with spies; had replaced the waiters at the main restaurant they frequented with spies; and most productively, sent five young women to serve at what was called a “theatre network” of house attendants at the building where the members, all men, were being housed. The young women were required to be smart and educated, but above all, in the Agency’s word, to be “daring”. Whatever ‘daring’ meant, they extracted a wealth of information from the key people who were deliberating Palestine’s future.

Jewish sex workers were involuntarily recruited as spies. They were told that upon the Zionist victory they would be executed for ‘sleeping with the enemy’, but might be spared if they cooperated now. The practice was so widespread that a standard questionnaire was printed up that the women were to fill out after each British customer. [note: see document detail, above]

To demonstrate the degree to which Jewish Agency plants infiltrated the government and everyday life, a couple of months after one coast guard station was attacked and bombed by the Hagana, it blew up again … but the British were baffled, because this time there had been no attack. They discovered that the construction crew that had rebuilt the station after the previous attack were Hagana, and had simply embedded explosives in the reconstruction, to be detonated when desired.

But the worst problem of infiltration was in the military service, where deadly sabotage by Zionist plants who had joined the forces led, tragically, to orders to remove all Jews from service in Palestine, because there was no way to tell the Zionists from the Jews.

By 1948, this problem spread to key medical personnel. After the Jewish Agency poisoned the water supply of Acre with typhoid in order to expedite the ethnic cleansing of this city that lies on the Palestinian side of Partition, the bacteriologist hired by the British proved to be a Hagana plant or sympathizer, an obstacle to the availability of the vaccine. [Note: see document detail, below. For the injection of typhoid into the aqueduct at Acre, see e.g., Ilan Pappé, Ethnic Cleansing, pp 100-101, and Naeim Giladi, Ben Gurion’s Scandals, pp 10-11]

Selling terror required effective marketing, and for that the Agency harnessed the plight of European Jews at the same time it was exploiting them. A very brief look at the iconic Zionist immigrant story is illustrative—that is of course the USS Warfield, renamed the Exodus for the obvious Biblical iconography.

The Exodus was sold to the world as the desperate attempt of 4,515 Holocaust survivors to reach their last hope of safety and a new life, their promised land. The British, instead, forced them back, not just to Europe, but to their ultimate nightmare: Germany.

That was the story the US and European public got.

In truth, the Exodus was a monstrous propaganda event, grand theatre, not for benefit but at the expense of Jewish survivors. The Jewish Agency knew that Exodus passengers would be turned back, for, among other reasons, their flooding of Palestine with settlers was a tactic to force its political goals. And remember that the entire Exodus cargo of immigrants equalled less than one percent of President Roosevelt’s resettlement plan that the Zionists sabotaged. The DPs themselves were products of the Zionist camps and had been rehearsed to repeat, as one witness described it, whatever Zionist mumbo-jumbo was demanded of them.

As for the return to Germany, it was the Jewish Agency, not the British, that forced the DPs back to Germany. Attempts were being made to find new homes for the Exodus passengers elsewhere—Denmark was one possibility—but this was sabotaged by Ben-Gurion, because it would spoil the Exodus plot.

There was in fact already an alternative to Germany. All the Exodus DPs had the right to disembark in Southern France rather than Germany, but the Agency used violence to prevent them from leaving. The Exodus show required the pathetic spectacle of their forced return to Germany.

The British decided to call the Agency’s bluff. They visited Golda Meir (then Meyerson), and spoke as though it went without saying that the Agency would do anything to spare the DPs the horrific return to Germany. They said that perhaps the DPs do not realize that they are free to disembark in southern France if they wish, or do not believe the British, and suggested that the Agency send a representative to tell them. Meir refused. To paraphrase Israeli Professor Idith Zertal, the greater the suffering of these survivors of the Holocaust, the greater their political and media effectiveness for the Zionists.

A few months after the Exodus affair, the UN recommended partition, with the assumption that a Zionist state would follow. This decision was directly influenced by the certainty of continuing Zionist terror if they did not, as was the disproportionately large land area the UN gave the Zionists.

According to British Cabinet papers, giving the Zionists so much land up front was an attempt to delay the Zionists’ expansionist wars. They knew they couldn’t stop Israeli expansionism, but they hoped to delay it. This appeasement of course failed: within a few months of Resolution 181, the Zionist armies were already waging their first expansionist war, confiscating more than half of the Palestinian side of Partition.

But in a consummately Orwellian irony, the fact that the British were occupying Palestine enabled Zionist leaders to juxtapose their settler project as a liberation movement against British colonizers, and thus for their 1948 terror campaign of expropriation and ethnic cleansing to be spun instead as a war of ‘independence’ or ‘emancipation’.

This so-called war of independence was in truth, to quote the British High Commissioner at the time, “operations based on the mortaring of terrified women and children”. Its broadcasts boasting of their successes, “both in content and in manner of delivery, are remarkably like those of Nazi Germany”. The Zionists were “jubilant” he reported, with “their campaign of calculated aggression coupled with brutality”.

British intelligence, meanwhile, reported that “the internal machinery of the Jewish State and all the equipment of a totalitarian regime is complete, including a Custodian of Enemy Property to handle Arab lands”.

In the Yishuv itself, “persecution of Christian Jews”, by which I assume they meant converts, “and others who offend against national discipline has shown a marked increase and in some cases has reached mediaeval standards”.

All this, to be sure, was before any Arab resistance.

Finally, on the 15th of May, 1948, Britain fled the scene of its crime, for which the Palestinians have been paying ever since. The post-statehood period continued full throttle with the same violent messianic goals, evolving with the new dynamics.

Now, there is no point in my having taken up your time here, no point any tree wasting its paper on this book, unless I thought that it had some value in the collective effort toward ending the conflict. So … How do I think that this book, how do I think my approach, might be constructive?

The historical record makes plain what should already have been obvious from the present reality—that Israel’s and Zionism’s pretenses regarding Jews and Judaism, and in particular its pretense of being a response to anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution, is a fraud. Indeed quite the opposite, it thrives by exacerbating and capitalizing on these, and has turned them into a cynical, deadly business.

Exposing this, in my opinion, is Israel’s—and the conflict’s—Achilles Heel. And this should be a simple case of the Emperor’s New Clothes—except that every time the child points out that the Emperor is naked, he or she is labelled an anti-Semite and silenced.

The US and other governments empower the conflict for their own geopolitical reasons, but why do the publics of those allegedly democratic countries give their tacit acquiescence?

Israel has one of the world’s largest militaries, but its most powerful weapon, the one without which all its others would be impotent, is its Narrative, its creation myth, its auto-biography.

Under the Twilight Zone of this Narrative, Israel is not merely a political entity like any other nation-state, but is transformed into the Old Testament kingdom whose name it adopted for that strategic purpose, striking a powerful chord in the collective Western sub-conscious.

We all know the Narrative more or less, but in order for that Narrative to be ever-present, Israel has crammed it into a 3-word mantra: ‘The Jewish State’.

This phrase—Israel’s self-identity—is a unique construct in the modern world. It is qualitatively distinct from any other country’s relationship with any other religion or cultural group. Judaism is not Israel’s state religion in the sense of a national faith that any nation might adopt. Rather, it presents itself as THE Jewish state, the metaphysical embodiment of Jewry itself, of Judaism, Jewish history, culture, persecution, and most cynical and exploitative of all, the Holocaust.

No country claims it is the Catholic state. Costa Rica, for example, is a Catholic state; it does not suggest that it owns Catholicism, Catholics, or historic Christian martyrdom. We do not have the British government issuing guidelines as to when criticism of the Costa Rican government becomes anti-Catholic hate speech. Norway is a Lutheran state; Tunisia is one of several nations that maintains Islam as a national faith; Cambodia is a Buddhist state. Israel, in contrast, would never acknowledge even the possibility of another Jewish state because it has body-snatched everything Jewish, and holds it hostage to empower its crimes.

Criticise Israeli terror, you will instead hit this three-word human shield—‘The Jewish State’— that Israel hides behind.
What other country on this earth is permitted this perverse tribal claim over a religious or cultural group? This self-proclaimed exceptionalism should strike us as bizarre—even weird—yet we continue to be party to it.

We hear a lot about anti-Semitism these days, and there is of course anti-Semitism in the world, as there are all varieties of bigotry. But let’s just blurt out the obvious: Virtually all of the alleged anti-Semitism we hear about from the Zionists is a lie, smears calculated to silence anyone who seeks to end the horror.

This smear campaign has been compared to the McCarthy witch hunt of the 1950s, but it is in truth much worse, because whereas Communism is merely a political and economic theory that one can argue for or against, anti-Semitism is inherently evil. In other words, with McCarthyism, one could ultimately respond by saying, Well, let’s say I am a communist, so what?

Zionism’s abuse of anti-Semitism, its exploitation of Judaism and historic Jewish persecution for immoral ends, is profoundly anti-Semitic. Zionism, taken at its word, makes Judaism complicit in its crimes, and thus—taken at its word—succeeds where all the conventional bigots throughout the centuries were powerless.

Meanwhile, as we are seeing more bluntly than ever in the United States, true anti-Semitism is embraced by Zionists because it is invariably pro-Israel.

One hundred years ago, MP Edwin Montagu accused the British government of anti-Semitism for colluding with the Zionists. History has proven him correct. If Israel is forced to stop this anti-Semitic abuse, if it is forced to come out from hiding behind its human shield, the conflict will be seen for what it is and so could not continue. Israel-Palestine will become a democratic, secular country of equals.

And what more poetic year than the Balfour centennial for that to happen.

Thank you.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Our topic is of course the so-called “conflict” in Israel-Palestine
Lets cut through the climate change bullshit, shall we?
Its the same thing. Keep repeating the same diatribe and eventually the listeners will create their own diatribe to sound effected, belonging, caring. Snowflakes listen to anything then make shit up to show they, in some grand sense, care about what is going on.

It is written over and over again in the Bible that God commanded the Hebrews to slay all Canaanite offshoots. Why is this so?
Because God was trying to cleanse His/this petri dish of viral bacteria. The infection that was put in place by another non owner.
The rest of time is pure utter friggin noise. Clammer if you will. You're diseased thinking is a product of a massive swirl of false diatribe.
We now live in a world where the survivors have come to believe that everyone is their friend if they care. Slit you own throat, idiot.
The offspring of the fallen ones are way past your doorstep and you don't even have an effin clue you're in trouble.

This final year of Jubilee ends September 23, 2017. The celebration is over. The surviving masses that are aware, understand and KNOW what the hell has happened because there were no great men to do what was commanded, will be taken aside as those who want and breed trouble are given their just due. This was spoken into existence in this chamber and will echo into the ears of those who believe this reality is real.

Time for Truth:
The Israelites gave the Palestinians the Gaza Strip. It was fertile, had a sound infrastructure and businesses. Now, under the Cockroaches, it is a wasted land of demise. Look it up.

Critically abrasive.
p.s. There are no Republicans.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
But, when one examines the landscape and those who
exist upon it, the question is:  "Who really are the Cockroaches?"

Terrorism begets terrorism.  Those who must defend themselves

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841

and tried to get me to agree that this reality was not under our control; it was being constructed and predetermined by an outside force completely.

Interesting video to go with this...



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Interesting video to go with this...


That is way deep, undeniable and irrefutable. As it is written 'All will be revealed.' And this shows it.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." -- Marcus Aurelius

Wise words indeed.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
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Robert Day was for many years the Vice President of the Institute for Scientific Information, the world's largest commercial producer of information services covering the professional literature. Day has written a number of articles and reports on various phases of scientific writing, editing, and publishing. The following selection is from his book How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, considered definitive in its field.

"What Is a Scientific Paper? "

Robert A. Day


A scientific paper is a written and published report describing original research results. That short definition must be qualified, however, by noting that a scientific paper must be written in a certain way and it must be published in a certain way, as defined by three centuries of developing tradition, editorial practice, scientific ethics, and the interplay of printing and publishing procedures.

To properly define "scientific paper," we must define the mechanism that creates a scientific paper, namely, valid publication. Abstracts, theses, conference reports, and many other types of literature are published, but such publications do not normally meet the test of valid publication. Further, even if a scientific paper meets all of the other tests, it is not validly published if it is published in the wrong place. That is, a relatively poor research report, but one that meets the tests, is validly published if accepted and published in the right place (a primary journal, usually); a superbly prepared research report is not validly published if published in the wrong place. Most of the government report literature and conference literature, as well as house organs and other ephemeral publications, do not qualify as primary literature.

Many people have struggled with the definition of "valid publication," from which is derived the definition of "scientific paper." The Council of Biology Editors (CBE), an authoritative professional organization (in biology, at least) dealing with such problems, arrived at the following definition....

An acceptable primary scientific publication must be the first disclosure containing sufficient information to enable peers (1) to assess observations, (2) to repeat experiments, and (3) to evaluate intellectual processes; moreover, it must be sus- ceptible to sensory perception, essentially permanent, available to the scientific community without restriction, and available for regular screening by one or more of the major recognized secondary services (e.g., currently, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, Bibliography of Agriculture, etc., in the United States and similar facilities in other countries).

At first reading, this definition may seem excessively complex, or at least verbose. But those of us who had a hand in drafting it weighed each word carefully, and we doubt that an acceptable definition could be provided in appreciably fewer words. Because it is important that students, authors, editors, and all others concerned understand what a scientific paper is and what it is not, let us work our way through this definition to see what it really means.

"An acceptable primary scientific publication" starts out as the defined substantive, but this gives way to "the first disclosure," which the rest of the paragraph defines. Certainly, first disclosure of new research data often takes place via oral presentation at a scientific meeting. But, the thrust of the CBE statement is that disclosure is more than disgorgement by the author; effective first disclosure is accomplished only when the disclosure takes a form that allows the peers of the author to comprehend (either now or in the future) that which is disclosed.

Thus, sufficient information must be presented so that potential users of the data can (i) assess observations, (ii) repeat experiments, and (iii) evaluate intellectual processes. (Are the author's conclusions justified by the data?) Then, the disclosure must be "susceptible to sensory perception." This may seem an awkward phrase, because in normal practice it simply means publication; however, this definition provides for disclosure not just in terms of visual materials (printed journals, microfilm, microfiche) but also perhaps in nonprint, nonvisual forms. For example, "publication" in the form of audio cassettes, if that publication met the other tests provided in the definition, would constitute effective publication. In the future, it is quite possible that first disclosure will be entry into a computer database.

Regardless of the form of publication, that form must be essentially perrnanent, must be made available to the scientific community without restriction, and must be made available to the information retrieval system (Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, Science Citation index, etc.). Thus, publications such as newsletters and house organs, many of which are of value for their news or other features, cannot serve as repositories for scientific knowledge.

To restate the CBE definition in simpler but not more accurate terms, a scientific paper is (i) the first publication of original research results, (ii) in a form whereby peers of the author can repeat the experiments and test the conclusions, and (iii) in a journal or other source document which is readily available within the scientific community. To understand this definition, however, we must add an important caveat. In modern science (since about the 1930s) the part of the definition that refers to "peers of the author" is accepted as meaning prepublication peer review. Thus, by definition, scientific papers are published in peer-reviewed publications.

I have belabored this question of definition for two very good reasons. First, the entire community of science has long labored with an inefficient, costly system of scientific communication precisely because it (authors, editors, publishers) has been unable or unwilling to define primary publication. As a result, much of the literature is buried in meeting abstracts, obscure conference reports, government publications, or in books or journals of minuscule circulation. Other papers, in the same or slightly altered form, are published twice or more often; occasionally, this is the result of poor ethics on the part of the author, but more often it is the lack of definition as to which conference reports, books, and compilations are (or should be) primary publications and which are not. Redundancy and confusion result.

Second, a scientific paper is, by definition, a particular kind of document containing certain specified kinds of information. A scientific paper "demands exactly the same qualities of thought as are needed for the rest of science: logic, clarity, and precision." If the graduate student or the budding scientist (and even some of those scientists who have already published many papers) can fully grasp the significance of this definition, the writing task should be a good deal easier. Confusion results from an amorphous task. The easy task is the one in which you know exactly what must be done and in exactly what order it must be done.


A scientific paper is a paper organized to meet the needs of valid publication. A scientific paper is, or should be, highly stylized, with distinctive and clearly evident component parts. Each scientific paper should have, in proper order, its Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Any other order will pose hurdles for the reader and probably the writer. "Good organization is the key to good writing."

I have taught and recommended this prescribed order for many years. Until recently, however, there have been several somewhat different systems of organization that were preferred by some journals and some editors. The tendency toward uniformity has increased since 1972, when the order cited above was prescribed as a standard....

This order is so eminently logical that, increasingly, it is used for many other types of expository writing. Whether one is writing an article about chemistry, archeology, economics, or crime in the streets, an effective way to proceed is to answer these four questions, in order: (i) 'What was the problem? Your answer is the Introduction. (ii) How did you study the problem? Your answer is the Materials and Methods. (iii) What did you find? Your answer is the Results. (iv) What do these findings mean? Your answer is the Discussion. . . .

The well-written scientific paper should report its original data in an organized fashion and in appropriate language....

In short, I take the position that the preparation of a scientific paper has almost nothing to do with writing, per se. It is a question of organization. A scientific paper is not "literature. " The preparer of a scientific paper is not really an "author" in the literary sense. In fact, I go so far as to say that, if the ingredients are properly organized, the paper will virtually write itself.

Some of my old-fashioned colleagues think that scientific papers should be "literature," that the style and flair of an author should be clearly evident, and that variations in style encourage the interest of the reader. I disagree. I think scientists should indeed be interested in reading literature, and perhaps even in writing literature, but the communication of research results is a more prosaic procedure. As Booth put it, "Grandiloquence has no place in scientific writing. " Today, the average scientist, to keep up with a field, must examine the data reported in a very large number of papers. Therefore, scientists and, of course, editors must demand a system of reporting data that is uniform, concise, and readily understandable.

I once heard it said: "A scientific paper is not designed to be read. It is designed to be published. " Although this was said in jest, there is much truth to it. And, actually, if the paper is designed to be published, it will also be in a prescribed form that can be read and its contents can be grasped quickly and easily by the reader.


In addition to organization, the second principal ingredient of a scientific paper should be appropriate language.... I keep emphasizing proper use of English, because in this area most scientists have trouble.

If scientific knowledge is at least as important as any other knowledge, then it must be communicated effectively, clearly, in words of certain meaning. The scientist, to succeed in this endeavor, must therefore be literate. David B. Truman, when he was Dean of Columbia College, said it well: "In the complexities of contemporary existence the specialist who is trained but uneducated, technically skilled but culturally incompetent, is a menace."

Although the ultimate goal of scientific research is publication, it has always been amazing to me that so many scientists neglect the responsibilities involved. A scientist will spend months or years of hard work to secure his data, and then unconcernedly let much of their value be lost because of his lack of interest in the communication process. The same scientist who will overcome tremendous obstacles to carry out a measurement to the fourth decimal place will be in deep slumber while a secretary is casually changing his micrograms per milliliter to milligrams per milliliter and while the printer slips in an occasional pounds per barrel.

Language need not be difficult. In scientific writing, we say: "The best English is that which gives the sense in the fewest short words" (a dictum printed for some years in the "Instructions to Authors" of the Journal of Bacteriology). Literary tricks, metaphors and the like, divert attention from the message to the style. They should be used rarely, if at all, in scientific writing. Justin Leonard, assistant conservation director of Michigan, once said: "The Ph.D. in science can make journal editors quite happy with plain, unadorned, eighth- grade level composition" (Bio-Science, September 1966).


At this point, we have defined a scientific paper.... Before we proceed, however, a few related definitions may be helpful.

Let us preserve "scientific paper" as the term for an original research report. How should this be distinguished from research reports that are not original, or not scientific, or somehow fail to qualify as scientific papers? Let us look at several specific terms: "review paper," "conference report," and "meeting abstract. "

A review paper may review almost anything, most typically the recent work in a defined subject area or the work of a particular individual or group. Thus, the review paper is designed to summarize, analyze, evaluate, or synthesize information that has already been published (research reports in primary journals). Although much or all of the material in a review paper has previously been published, the spectre of dual publication does not normally arise because the review nature of the work is usually obvious (often in the title of the publication, such as Microbiological Reviews, Annual Review of Biochemistry, ete.).

A conference report is a paper published in a book or journal as part of the proceedings of a symposium, national or international congress, workshop, round table, or the like. Such conferences are normally not designed for the presentation of original data, and the resultant proceedings (book or journal) do not qualify as primary publications. Conference presentations are often review papers, presenting reviews of the recent work of particular scientists or recent work in particular laboratories. Some of the material reported at some conferences (especially the exciting ones) is in the form of preliminary reports, in which new, original data are reported, often accompanied by interesting specu- lation. But, usually, these preliminary reports do not qualify, nor are they intended to qualify, as scientific papers. Later, often much later, such work is validly published in a primary journal; by this time, the loose ends have been tied down, all essential experimental details are recorded (so that a competent worker could repeat the experiments), and the speculations are now recorded as conclusions.

Therefore, the vast conference literature that appears in print normally is not primary. If original data are presented in such contributions, the data can and should be published (or republished) in an archival (primary) journal. Otherwise, the information may be in essence lost. If publication in a primary journal follows publication in a conference report, there may be copyright and permission problems affecting portions of the work , but the more fundamental problem of dual publication normally does not and should not arise.

Meeting abstracts, like conference proceedings, are of several widely varying types. Conceptually, however, they are similar to conference reports in that they can and often do contain information. They are not primary publications, nor should publication of an abstract be considered as a bar to later publication of the full report.

In the past, there has been little confusion regarding the typical one-paragraph abstracts published as part of the program or distributed along with the program of a national meeting or international congress. It was usually understood that the papers presented at these meetings would later be submitted for publication in primary journals. More recently, however, there has been a strong trend towards extended abstracts (or "synopties"). Because publishing all of the full papers presented at a large meeting, such as a major international congress, is very expensive and because such publication is still not a substitute for the valid publication offered by the primary journal, the movement to extended abstracts makes a great deal of sense. The extended abstract can supply virtually as much information as a full paper; basically, what it lacks is the experimental detail. However, precisely because it lacks experimental detail, it cannot qualify as a scientific paper.

Those of us who are involved with publishing these materials see the importance of careful definition of the different types of papers. More and more publishers, conference organizers, and individual scientists are beginning to agree on these basic definitions and their general acceptance of such definitions will greatly clarify both primary and secondary communication of scientific information.

I have tried to answer the question "What is a scientific paper?" Perhaps a better answer, certainly a more succinct one, was provided by the wag who described a drug as "any substance which, when injected into a laboratory rat, produces a scientific paper."*

*This final paragraph is from the first edition.

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I have tried to answer the question "What is a scientific paper?" Perhaps a better answer, certainly a more succinct one, was provided by the wag who described a drug as "any substance which, when injected into a laboratory rat, produces a scientific paper."*

Ahhhaah! This just sums it all up! With such a high populus of people going for their doctorates there has got to be useless studies out there pertaining to the search to quantify nothing as a new mantra.
Great posts.


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Dogma is an official system of principles or tenets of a church, such as Roman Catholicism,[1] or a philosophy such as Stoicism.

Dogma is transliterated in the 17th century from Latin (Latin dogma) meaning "philosophical tenet", derived from the Greek 'dogma' (Greek δόγμα) meaning literally "that which one thinks is true" and 'dokein' (Greek dokeo) "to seem good."[2][3]

Dogma refers to positions such as those of a philosopher or of a philosophical school, or in a pejorative sense referring to enforced decisions, such as those of aggressive political interests or authorities.[4][5] More generally it is applied to some strong belief that the ones adhering to it are not willing to rationally discuss. This attitude is named as a dogmatic one, or as dogmatism, and is often used to refer to matters related to religion, but is not limited to theistic attitudes alone. In Pyrrhonist philosophy "dogma" refers to assent to a proposition about a non-evident matter.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
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1. Introduction to the World War 3 predictions

The world has been experiencing an increasing trend of natural disasters, terrorist activities, war and political upheavals over the recent past. There is no respite from this trend and it does not show any signs of slowing down. Many may feel a sense of helplessness they see the world lurch forward uncontrollably towards an uncertain future. A number of seers such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, etc. have predicted turbulent and distressing times ahead of cataclysmic proportions.
SSRF conducted spiritual research to find out whether there are events in the spiritual dimension behind these alarming trends and what lies ahead for humanity. The purpose of this article is to provide information uncovered through spiritual research about:
The spiritual forces at work that are orchestrating worldwide events such as World War 3 and the increase in natural disasters.
Measures that can be taken by humanity to minimise the impact of these events or to protect oneself in the event of a World War.

2. World War 3 predictions and the subtle battle

Unknown to most people, the universe is in the midst of a subtle-battle of epic proportions. Most of this battle is being fought in the spiritual dimension between forces of good and evil. The physical plane, i.e., Earth is also being affected by the events in the spiritual dimension. The consequences of the subtle-battle are mainly in the form of seeds sown for further rapid and progressive deterioration of the world at various levels. This works in two ways:
It decreases the overall sāttviktā in the world.
It strengthens the hold of the forces of evil on humankind.
Since 1993, negative subtle forces (powerful negative energies) began to sow the seeds for the degradation of society and acceleration of unrighteousness. In many ways, society had already set in place the process of degradation (i.e., the increase in Raja-Tama). This was due to a rise in man’s materialistic nature and lack of Righteousness owing to a lack of spiritual practice. Aided by higher-level negative energies, the downslide of society quickly increased in intensity and speed. Over time these seeds would take root and increase the Raja-Tama (spiritual impurity) in society. As society continued to become more and more unrighteous, they played right into the hands of negative energies increasing the Raja and Tama in the environment. An increase in Raja and Tama has a destabilising effect on people and the environment. This current trend will culminate in the increased intensity of natural disasters and the Third World War.
In the following table, (see article) examples of a few mechanisms have been provided that have already been set into motion from the subtle regions by higher level negative energies. From 2015, we have provided a rough guideline about events that will unfold. As the run up to World War 3 reaches its final stages, the timeline for specific events may change depending on various factors

3. Prediction about the severity of World War 3

As stated earlier, the battle in the physical realm, i.e., on Earth is mostly due to events in the spiritual dimension. Hence awareness about the battle’s root causes is limited only to those who are spiritually evolved through the medium of advanced sixth sense. In fact, only a fraction of the battle will be experienced on Earth at the physical level. However, this fraction itself will be catastrophic enough and will be the cause of mass destruction. Humankind will experience this fraction of the battle in the form of increased natural disasters and World War 3 where weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons will be used. The rise in natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanoes will be primarily due to the rise in spiritual impurity fuelled by unrighteousness on Earth. Spiritual research on this phenomenon has been covered in the article on Natural disasters – a spiritual perspective. The people and events that will precipitate World War 3 will be under the control of higher level negative energies known as subtle-sorcerers (māntriks).

4.1 World War 3 predictions - Who is behind World War 3 and what will trigger it?

The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to religious fanaticism. Higher-level negative energies will use this vulnerability in people to push them over the edge and instigate nations to go to war with each other. In all the three World Wars (i.e., from World War 1 to World War 3) powerful negative energies from progressively lower regions of Hell have been the actual root cause of events that have instigated countries to go to war with each other. The following points elaborate on which subtle negative forces from the regions of Hell were responsible for instigating the World Wars.
World War 1: Subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) from the 2nd region of Hell.
World War 2: Subtle-sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler for example throughout his tenure in power was possessed by a subtle-sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to power. Throughout his reign the subtle-sorcerer was fully manifest.
World War 3: Subtle-sorcerers from the 4th region of Hell will be behind the Third World War that will play out in the physical realm. However, in the subtle-battle, subtle-sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell will take part. In the years 2017-2023, subtle-sorcerers from the 6th and 7th region of Hell will be involved in the subtle battle.
The Third World War will begin in 2015 and continue for about 9 years till 2023. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked. However, it may not be obvious to the world. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons will be used. There will be an unprecedented loss of life where approximately 50% of the population will perish. Some countries will be affected more than others. Needless to say, in a highly-interconnected world, all countries will be affected.

4.2 Role of India in World War 3

From times immemorial, India has been the spiritual leader of the world. Spiritual research has revealed that in the battle that is unfolding, India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. Saints of the highest level in India are doing all they can to increase the Sattva component in the world so that it will help reduce the intensity of World War 3. During the war, negative subtle forces will instigate neighbouring countries to attack India to destabilise the pivotal role that it will play. Approximately 50% of the Indian population will perish as a result.
Continued at:


These authors point to India, Edgar Cayce pointed to Russia but please note that Islam, Judaism and the Holy Roman Catholic Church are not mentioned. (having been corrupted, satanism?)


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Christopher Bollyn interview - Christopher explains how 9/11
was an array of crimes within crimes and why it is an ongoing

Christopher is an exemplary researcher for the cause of Truth
who demonstrates how Science should be done.

Those who pursue Truth too effectively face considerable risk.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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Christopher Bollyn interview - Christopher explains how 9/11
was an array of crimes within crimes and why it is an ongoing

Christopher is an exemplary researcher for the cause of Truth
who demonstrates how Science should be done.

Those who pursue Truth too effectively face considerable risk.

An excellent interview, thanks. I have seen his work before. What touched me here was his comments on Building six. This my favourite smoking gun. The earlier photos showed the smoke blackened ground floor windows.... before the planes hit! But much of this evidence has since been 'sanitized'. The number of people complicit in 9-11 who are now highly placed in government follows the Israeli pattern. Terrorists make for good government...right.


« Last Edit: 2017-08-07, 18:52:08 by ronee »

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An excellent interview, thanks. I have seen his work before. What touched me here was his comments on Building six. This my favourite smoking gun.

WTC 7 is better.. there is real time video evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the free fall collapse into it's own footprint was a planned way in advance, controlled demolition.

Controlled Demolition Expert on 9/11


Danny Joenko of a Dutch Controlled Demolition Company will not lose his job for giving his honest opinion on the 9/11 issue. More and more experts are joining AE911Truth.org as they research more and more of the evidence.

Danny Joenko of a Dutch Controlled Demolition Company will not lose his job for giving his honest opinion on the 9/11 issue.

He didn't lose his job, he lost his life shortly afterwards. It coincided with the release of an AE911Truth major presentation [dvd release?] iirc ('if i remember correctly')

Phone Call With Danny Jowenko- Died 3 days later After PressTV interview


Jeff Hill (from Canada)- made this call in Canada to Germany (Danny Jowenko). Three days after PressTV did an interview with Dr. Sabrosky who mentioned Danny Jowenko - Danny was killed in a strange car accident. Demolition expert Danny Jowenko, one of world's leading building demolition experts, was killed in a one-car accident last week when his car slammed into a tree. Jowenko received international attention as the expert who unequivocally described the collapse of Building 7 at the World Trade Center on 911 as a "demolition."

Jowenko made the judgment before he knew it was WTC7 he was watching on the video. He commented: "This is a controlled demolition which was carried out by a team of experts."

Bronn hits Podrick


In the part of the script where Bronn and Podrick meet again, it is disclosed that there are two forms of fighting.. honourable and dishonourable. Bronn offers Podrick the opportunity to learn, which is accepted. There is a lovely bit of dialogue leading up to this section of the scene, but it is definately 18+, so I just post the relevant clipped.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
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Podrick surprises Tyrion and Bronn



Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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Posts: 841

WTC 7 is better.. there is real time video evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the free fall collapse into it's own footprint was a planned way in advance, controlled demolition.

Everyone does building 7. For me building six is more cerebral... same conclusion, one just has to work (think) harder.



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« Last Edit: 2017-08-08, 15:06:05 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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Yep.. because look how obvious it is!





The thing about WTC 7 is that it proves the government narrative is false, which is the point.

PROOF BBC & CNN Knew WTC 7 Would Collapse


Easy mate, I wasn't disputing building seven, just that the main facts already speak for themselves.

Building seven is just the icing on the cake, if that can be said from an investigators point of view.

Building six adds the mystery of the unknown to the mix, were the firemen already fighting the fire there before the first "plane" struck? was it a Jdam that made the hole? As far as I know no one has down a complete time line for building six from moving the records out the night before to where all the center section went?


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Facts VS Beliefs



I'm not exactly a new Christian but one that has struggled with the same question for many years. I was brought up on facts, and that it is facts we trust, not beliefs, not theories or anything else. It's facts that are right, and if it doesnt have a fact about it, then we havent worked it out yet.

Now as you can imagine this contradicts what Christianity is all about. I know it is about a faith in God, and that we believe that Jesus came down, died on the cross for our sins, and then rose again 3 days later.

But I can't believe because this thing in the back of my mine says there is no facts about it. I have tried to pretend it isn't there and believe anyway, tried looking in the Bible and cant find answers there. I running out of faith, and running out of ideas on how to overcome the fact there are no facts.

Pure gold..

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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