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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1077223 times)

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Buy me a beer
Dastardly, but yes, believable.


Scary to say the least


Mike (not so cool)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Scary to say the least

Worse than scary:


As of November 2016, 30 countries worldwide are operating 450 nuclear reactors for electricity generation and 60 new nuclear plants are under construction in 15 countries.

The Death Of The Pacific Ocean Fukushima Debris Soon To Hit American Shores

By Yoichi Shimatsu


Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)


Map reveals status of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors


Any major conflict kicks off on the planet between nuclear bomb armed powers and domestic nuclear reactors become primary targets, and we ALL die.. go tell your children what those war criminals of NATO are deliberately provoking.. while ZOG hide in their luxury bunkers..

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Reason Behind The Sales-Surge For Nuclear-Proof Bunkers


Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

On April 15th, Zero Hedge bannered «Doomsday Bunker Sales Soar After Trump's Military Strikes», but this growth in the market for nuclear-proof bunkers is hardly new; it started during the Obama Administration, in Obama’s second term, specifically after the Russia-friendly government of Ukraine, next-door to Russia, got taken over in 2014 by a rabidly anti-Russian government that’s backed by the U.S. government.

This boom in nuclear-bunker sales is only increasing now, as the new U.S. President, Donald Trump, tries to out-do his predecessor in demonstrating his hostility toward the other nuclear superpower, Russia, and displaying his determination to overthrow the leader of any nation (such as Syria and Iran) that is at all friendly toward Russia. For earlier examples of feature-articles on this booming market for homes that allegedly would enable buyers to survive the first blast effects, and the most immediate nuclear contaminations, of a Third World War, see here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here.

This surging demand for nuclear bunkers started right after the U.S. government arranged a coup in Ukraine that replaced the existing Moscow-friendly democratically elected President by installing a rabidly anti-Russian Prime Minister and national-security appointees from Ukraine’s two nazi Parties, the Right Sector Party, and the former Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine (which the CIA renamed «Svoboda» meaning «Freedom» so as to enable it to be acceptable to the American public). Then, the intensifying U.S. effort to replace the secular pro-Russian Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad by a sectarian jihadist government that would be dependent upon the Saudi-Qatari-UAE-Turkish-U.S. alliance, has only intensified further the demand for these types of «second homes».

Whereas all of the purchasers of these bunkers are being kept secret, the U.S. federal government provides, free-of-charge, to top officials, nuclear bunkers, so as to allow the then-dictatorship (continuation of America’s current dictatorship) to function, in order, supposedly, to serve their country, which they’d already have destroyed (along with destroying the rest of the world) by their determination to conquer Russia. No one knows what the reality would actually be in such a post-WW-III world, except that there would be no functioning electrical grid, nights would be totally dark for anyone whose sole reliance is on the grid, and all rivers and other water-sources would be intensely radioactive from the fallout, so that groundwater soon would also be unusable — and, of course, the air itself would also be toxic; so, lifespans would be enormously shortened, and excruciating, not to say extremely depressing.

No one has published a computer-model of a U.S.-Russia nuclear war, because doing that would be unacceptable to the «military-industrial complex» including the U.S. government, but in 2014 a «limited, regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan» was computer-modeled and projected to produce global ozone-depletion and «the coldest average surface temperatures in the last 1000 years», which «could trigger a global nuclear famine». But such a war would be only 50 bombs instead of the 10,000+ that would be used in a WW III scenario; and, so, everyone who is paying money in order to survive WW III is simply wasting money.

But, somehow, there are people who either want a Russia-U.S. war, or else whose preparations for it are directed at surviving in such a world, instead of at ending the current grip on political power in the United States, on the part of the people who are working to bring about this type of (end to the) world. At least the owners of the major U.S. armaments-firms, such as Raytheon Corporation, would have an explosive financial boost during the build-up toward that war, but buying bunkers in order to survive it, would seem to be a dubious follow-up to such an investment-plan. On the other hand, it might appeal to some thrill-seekers who don’t even feel the need for a good computer-simulation of a post-WW-III world; maybe they’ve got money to burn and a craving to experience ‘the ultimate thrill’, and don’t want unpleasant knowledge to spoil the thrill.

After President Trump threw out his National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and replaced him with the rabidly anti-Russian H.R. McMaster, and then lobbed 59 cruise missiles against the Syrian government (which is protected by the Russian government), the cacophony of press that had been calling for President Trump to be impeached and replaced by his rabidly anti-Russian Vice President Mike Pence, considerably quieted down; and, so, the Obama-Trump market for nuclear bunkers seems now to be established on very sound foundations, for the foreseeable immediate future. And, if anyone in the U.S. federal government has been planning to prepare the U.S. for a post-WW-III world, that has not been publicly announced, and no newsmedia have even been inquiring about it — so, nothing can yet be said about it.

The general message, thus far, is that, after World War III, everyone will be on his or her own, but that the dictators will (supposedly) be in a far better position than will anyone outside that ruling group. However, if the survivors end up merely envying the dead, it will be no laughing matter, regardless of how silly those nuclear bunkers are. It would be nothing funny at all.

On April 17th, Scott Humor, the Research Director at the geostrategic site «The Saker,» headlined «Trump has lost control over the Pentagon», and he listed (and linked-to) the following signs that Trump is following through with his promise to allow the Pentagon to control U.S. international relations:

March 14th, the US National Nuclear Security Administration field tested the modernized B61-12  gravity nuclear bomb in Nevada.

April 7, Liberty Passion, loaded with US military vehicles, moored at Aqaba Main Port, Jordan

On April 7th the Pentagon US bombed Syria’s main command center in fight against terrorists

April 10, United States Deploying Forces At Syrian-Jordanian Border

April 11, The US Air Force might start forcing pilots to stay in the service against their will, according to the chief of the military unit’s Air Mobility Command.

April 12, President Donald Trump has signed the US approval for Montenegro to join NATO

April 13, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg announced the alliance’s increased deployment in Eastern Europe

On April 13th, the Pentagon bombed Afghanistan. The US military has bombed Afghanistan with its GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB)

April 13, the US-led coalition bombed the IS munitions and chemical weapons depot in Deir ez-Zor killing hundreds of people

April 14, The Arleigh Burke-class, guided-missile destroyer USS Stethem (DDG 63) has been deployed to the South China Sea

April 14, the US sent F-35 jets to Europe

April 14, Washington failed to attend the latest international conference hosted by Moscow, where 11 nations discussed ways of bringing peace to Afghanistan. The US branded it a «unilateral Russian attempt to assert influence in the region».

April14, the US has positioned two destroyers armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles close enough to the North Korean nuclear test site to act preemptively

On April 16th, the US army makes largest deployment of troops to Somalia since the 90s.

Mr. Humor drew attention to an article that had been published in «The Daily Beast» a year ago, on 8 April 2016, «CALL OF DUTY: The Secret Movement to Draft General James Mattis for President. Gen. James Mattis doesn’t necessarily want to be president—but that’s not stopping a group of billionaire donors from hatching a plan to get him there». Though none of the alleged «billionaires» were named there, one prominent voice backing Mattis for the Presidency, in that article, was Bill Kristol, the Rupert Murdoch agent who co-founded the Project for a New American Century, which was the first influential group pushing the «regime-change in Iraq» idea during the late 1990s, and which also advocated for the foreign policies that George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump, have since been pursuing, each in his own way. It seems that whomever those «billionaires» were, they’ve now gotten their wish, with a figurehead Donald Trump as President, and James Mattis actually running foreign policy. Humor also noted that Mattis wants to boost the budget of the Pentagon by far more than the 9% that Trump has proposed. Perhaps Trump knew that even to get a 9% Pentagon increase passed this year would be almost impossible to achieve. First, the unleashed Pentagon needs to place the military into an ‘emergency’ situation, so as to persuade the public to clamor for a major invasion. That ‘emergency’ might be the immediate goal, toward which the March-April timeline of events that Humor documented is aiming.

As regards the military comparisons of the personnel and equipment on both sides of a U.S.-Russia war, the key consideration would actually be not the 7,000 nuclear warheads that Russia has versus the 6,800 nuclear warheads that the U.S. has, but the chief motivation on each of the respective sides: conquest on the part of the U.S. aristocracy, defense on the part of the Russian aristocracy. (Obviously, the U.S. having continued its NATO military alliance after the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact military alliance ended in 1991, indicates America’s aggressive intent against Russia. That became a hyper-aggressive intent when NATO absorbed Russia’s former Warsaw Pact allies. NATO even brought in some parts of the former USSR itself, when in 2004, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, entered NATO, and in 2014 U.S. President Obama tried to get Ukraine into NATO, and these five countries hadn’t even been Warsaw Pacters, but had instead been parts of the USSR itself. It was as if Russia had grabbed not only America’s allies, but some states in the U.S. itself. This constituted extreme aggression, and shows the U.S. aristocracy’s obsessive intent for global empire — to include Russia.)

Any limited war between the two powers would become a nuclear war once the side that’s losing this limited war becomes faced with the choice of either surrendering that limited territory (now likely Syria) or else going nuclear. On Russia’s side, allowing such military conquest of an ally would be unacceptable; the war would then expand with the U.S. and its allies invading Russian territory for Russia’s continuing refusal to accept the U.S.-Saudi and other allies’ grabbing of Syria (on ‘humanitarian grounds’, of course — as if, for example, the Sauds aren’t far more brutal than Assad). After the traditional-forces’ invasion of Russia, Russia’s yielding its sovereignty over its own land has never been part of Russia’s culture: If Russia were to be invaded by allies of the U.S., then launching all of Russia’s nuclear weapons against the U.S. and America’s invasion-allies, would be a reasonably expected result. Here’s how it would develop: On America’s side, which (very unlike Russia) has no record of any foreign invasion against its own mainland (other than the Sauds’ own 9/11 ‘false flag’ attacks), the likely response in the event of Russia’s crushing its invaders would be for the U.S. President to seek to negotiate a face-saving end to that limited war, just as the American President Richard Nixon did regarding America’s invasion and occupation of Vietnam.

However, a reasonable question can be raised as to whether, in such a situation, Russia would accept anything less than America’s total surrender, much as Franklin Delano Roosevelt in WW II was determined to accept nothing less than Germany’s total surrender, at the end of that war. If Trump wants to play Hitler, then Putin (acting in accord with Russian tradition) would probably play both FDR and Stalin, even if it meant the end of the world. For Russia to be conquered, especially by such intense evil as those invaders would be representing, would probably be viewed by Russians as being even worse than ending everything, and this would probably be Putin’s view as well. If America did not simply capitulate, Putin would probably nuclear-blitz-attack the U.S. and its allies, rather than give Trump (or Pence) the opportunity to blitz-attack Russia and to sacrifice all of the U.S. side’s invading troops in Russia so as to ‘win’ the overall war and finally conquer Russia. It would be like WW II, except with nuclear weapons — and thus an entirely different type of historical outcome after the war.

Consequently, either the U.S. will cease its designs on Russia, or there will be WW III. Russia’s sovereignty will never be yielded, especially not to the thuggish gang who have come to rule the U.S. (both as «Republicans» and as «Democrats»). The bipartisan neoconservative dream of America’s aristocrats (world-conquest) will never be achieved. Russia will never accept it. If America’s rulers continue to press it, the result will be even worse than when the Nazis tried. It’s just an ugly pipe-dream, but any attempt to make it real would be even uglier. And nobody who buys a ‘nuclear-proof bunker’ will get what he or she thinks is being bought — safety in such a world as that. It won’t exist.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
US has no moral authority to declare other states as terrorists: Analyst


The United States is engaged in acts of aggression against sovereign countries and it has no moral authority to declare other states as terrorists, says Walt Peretto, a writer and researcher based in Washington, DC.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday his country is considering putting North Korea back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism in order to “bring pressure on the regime in Pyongyang to re-engage with us.”

When asked from where does the US get moral authority to declare other states as terrorists, Peretto said that “because of the long track record of the United States and its intelligence apparatus in engaging in acts of aggression that includes destabilization of countries through proxy mercenaries, assassinations of heads of state, dropping bombs on civilians, etc. -- the US has no moral authority to engage in these forms of aggression.”

“The US and its political and intelligence allies are quick to label certain countries as terrorist states if they are being targeted for regime change and eventual absorption into the Western trilateral bloc of regimes committed to the establishment of a one world government to be controlled by an oligarchy of psychopaths with complete power over a sharply reduced world population of docile workers with a management/enforcement class in-between. At least this is similar to the stated goals of some of the globalists who wield great power today in international banking and other corporate adventures,” he said. 

“The people who do have the moral authority to change the world for the better are the emphatic people who understand with clarity that the world portrayed by the Western mass media is a false paradigm that reflects the ambitions of the globalist psychopaths. Only through this awareness of reality can the common people come together to achieve a higher consciousness,  not together under one political entity, but together in the common goal of undermining the New World Order and creating a new more decentralized patchwork of free people able to manage their own affairs without the rule of a corrupt and self-serving authority,” he stated.

“Instead we have been divided under many forms of division that includes belligerent nationalism, race, religion, political ideologies, economic inequalities, and more. With the common people divided and demoralized the New World Order makes its progressions,” he noted. 

“To think they have any moral standing to declare other countries as sponsors of terrorism is ridiculous. However I do find the North Korean government to be a unique case,” he further said.

"Unlike countries like Libya, the Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, that have recently fallen into Western globalist control with Syria and Yemen now in the process---North Korea represents an experiment in the management of people that I believe the globalists see as useful," Peretto said.

"I don't believe that the West is interested in regime change there in the near future because they are not seen as expansionist and they don't have an abundance of resources that multinational corporations can exploit to any significant degree. Yet they have a unique totalitarian quality that I'm sure the globalists find interesting and worthy of study,” the analyst pointed out.

“The only way I see of stopping a New World Order dystopia from eventually engulfing the planet is for the common people of the world to stop looking to government to solve its problems,” he said.

“We need more localization, not increased political globalization. We all need to wake up to reality by education untainted by official sources and by the teaching of others, engaging in the teaching of others,” he said.

“We must also reject the Western corporate mass media as a source of reliable and trustful information. We must also work on deprogramming people whose psychology is deeply entrenched into believing the only way to improve society is by working within its established parameters. Lastly, we need a new way of thinking that is based on emphatic moral structures---not established immoral globalist systems of human management,” he concluded.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Prof Michel Chossudovsky asks a very pertinent question, "Who is the Butcher, Mr. Trump?"

Foreign Policy and “False Flags”: Trump’s “War and Chocolate” Reality Show


What kind of president do we have?

Cynical and diabolical?  The plush dinner event with China’s president Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago on the evening of April 6 was carefully planned to coincide with Trump’s missile strikes against Syria.

Xi and Trump were accompanied by their wives; guests, family members and high-level officials from both countries were in attendance at the Palm Beach Mar-a Lago “replicate” of Rome’s Palazzo Chigi 16th Century dining room.

Later that evening on Thursday April 6, it was dessert time:  The Donald was at the dinner table eating a delicious chocolate cake together with Xi Jinping, while also ordering Tomahawk missile strikes against Syria, in the presence of China’s president and his entourage:

    “I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. We’re now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying it,” (TV interview Fox News, see below)

Precedent in the conduct of US foreign policy? Trump ran it as a “war and chocolate” reality show: A shift in the mode of decision-making pertaining to US aggression?

The dinner event was also part of “publications relations” operation with the intent to boost a “pro-American sentiment” by president Xi Jinping and the PRC delegation.

Trump’s order to strike Syria had been carefully timed to coincide with the final “dessert stage” of the official dinner event with president Xi:

    “And I was given the message from the generals that the ships are locked and loaded. [ready to go]

What do you do? And we made a determination to do it.  So the missiles were on the way.”

… “And I said: ‘Mr President, let me explain something to you …this is during dessert… we’ve just fired 59 missiles – all of which hit by the way, unbelievable, from, you know hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, it’s so incredible, it’s brilliant, it’s genius, our technology is better than anybody’s by a factor of five …”

“So what happens is, I said [to Xi] we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq, [sic] …

The 59 missiles had been launched, “heading to Iraq” according to Trump, …

Oops, he rectifies:  “heading towards Syria”, got his countries mixed up.

“I didn’t want him to finish his dessert and go home … and then they say: ‘You know the guy you just had dinner with just attacked [Syria].’”

And then Trump invites the Chinese president to finish his dessert.

    “And he was eating his cake. And he was silent.”

And then Trump intimates (in his interview with Fox News) that president Xi had endorsed his punitive airstrikes via his interpreter. Xi said, according to Trump’s recount:

    “anybody that was so brutal and uses gases to do that [to] young children and babies, it’s OK”. (emphasis added)

“He agreed… He [Xi] was ok with me” said Trump.

China is with us.

Who is Anybody?

Visibly Trump hasn’t the foggiest idea of the workings of international diplomacy.

Nor does he understand that Chinese politicians never reveal their game at an official dinner venue. What they say is invariably intended to hide their real intentions.

Xi’s spontaneous response  –while finishing his chocolate desert– was not an “endorsement” of the People’s Republic of China, which a few days earlier politely abstained in the vote of the UN Security Council Resolution directed against Bashar al Assad.  China also joined the Russian initiative calling for an independent investigation into the chemical weapons issue.

But Mr. President. There no evidence.

The United Nations in a 2013 report confirms that Syrian opposition “rebels” (supported by Washington) “may have used chemical weapons against [Syrian] government forces.”


The UN report refutes Trump’s accusations that Bashar al Assad was using chemical weapons against his own people.

What the UN mission findings confirm is that the US sponsored opposition “rebels” largely composed of Al Qaeda affiliated groups, financed and supported by the Western military alliance were responsible for these 2013 chemical weapons attacks.

Moreover, as confirmed in an earlier report, the Al Qaeda rebels were being trained in the use of chemical weapons by specialists on contract to the Pentagon.  From the horse’s mouth: CNN


Atrocities were committed and Trump ordered airstrikes which have resulted in further deaths of innocent civilians including children.

US intelligence is often based on the art of deceit, i.e. the fabrication of evidence.

But in this case  there was “no art of deceit”. The White House report which Trump used to justify his airstrikes constitutes fake evidence and “sloppy intelligence”. Did it have the endorsement of the intelligence community?

There is ample evidence of a US coverup contained in this scanty White House “intelligence report” which has been refuted.

see Dr. Theodore Postol’s incisive report:


No credible evidence that the Syrian president is killing his own people has been provided.

The false flag does not hold up to scrutiny, yet this “sloppy intelligence” seems to have convinced the President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America, who’s eating a chocolate cake with the president of China…

And the Chinese president knows that the intelligence is fake.

Washington (which supported the opposition rebels in the use of chemical weapons) rather than Damascus is responsible for extensive crimes against humanity.

Who is the Butcher, Mr. Trump?

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Kucinich: Syria strike would turn US into 'al Qaeda's air force'


Airstrikes on Syria would turn the U.S. military into “al Qaeda's air force,” former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) told The Hill.

The outspoken anti-war activist said any such action would plunge the United States into another war in the Middle East and embolden Islamist militants fighting Bashar Assad's regime.

“So what, we're about to become Al Qaeda's air force now?” Kucinich said. “This is a very, very serious matter that has broad implications internationally. And to try to minimize it by saying we're just going to have a 'targeted strike' — that's an act of war. It's not anything to be trifled with.”

The comments echo warnings from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who voted against legislation to arm the Syrian rebels earlier this year by saying such a move would boost al Qaeda.

Kucinich also said President Obama would be violating the Constitution if he doesn't get congressional approval before taking any military action in Syria.

U.S.-NATO Should Not Be “Al Qaeda’s Air Force”


Kerry’s Claim that Syrian Rebels Are Not Associated with Al Qaeda Has Been Thoroughly Debunked

Politico notes:


    “We certainly don’t have a dog in the fight,” [Senator Ted] Cruz said, calling it a civil war in Syria. “We should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve as Al Qaeda’s air force.”

U.S. Admits Airstrike in Syria, Meant to Hit ISIS, Killed Syrian Troops


BEIRUT, Lebanon — The United States acknowledged on Saturday that its warplanes had carried out an airstrike in Syria that resulted in the deaths of Syrian government troops. American military officials said the pilots in the attack, in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, believed they were targeting the Islamic State.

Russia’s defense ministry said the United States attack had killed 62 Syrian troops, wounded 100 more and opened the way for an Islamic State offensive.

The episode comes at a time of escalating tensions in Syria. A partial cease-fire that started on Monday continues to steadily unravel after it was declared with much fanfare by the United States and Russia.

A statement by United States Central Command said that the planes stopped the attack after a warning from Russia that the strikes could be hitting Syrian troops.

A senior Obama administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the strike was still being investigated, said the United States had relayed its regrets to the Syrian government through the Russians for the “unintentional loss of life of Syrian forces” fighting the Islamic State.

Russia, the Syrian government’s main ally, said it would call an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting to discuss the strikes.

The Syrian government insisted that the strike was not a mistake. Instead, the government said it was “a very serious and flagrant aggression” that aided the Islamic State and proved its long-held assertion that the United States supports the jihadist group as part of an effort to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

“These attacks confirmed that the U.S. clearly supports the terrorism of Daesh,” SAMA television, a state-run news outlet, said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. The channel quoted a statement issued by the Syrian military’s general command, which said the attack exposed “false claims of fighting terrorism” by the United States.

Central Command, known as Centcom, denied it would carry out such an airstrike on purpose.

“Coalition forces would not intentionally strike a known Syrian military unit,” the statement said, offering at an unexpected moment one of the clearest signs yet of how far the United States has moved from three years ago.

In 2013, President Obama threatened to strike Mr. Assad’s forces in retaliation for chemical attacks on rebel-held suburbs that killed more than 1,000 people. He instead struck a deal with Russia to dismantle Mr. Assad’s chemical weapons program.

ISIS swoops after Donald Trump Syria missile strike with attack 20 miles away


ISIS jihadis have reportedly launched an attack on a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) base just 20 miles away from the air base targeted by US president Donald Trump.

Trump’s strikes saw 59 Tomahawk missiles rain down on the airbase – believed to have been used for chemical weapon attacks by the Syrian government which killed at least 80 people.

ISIS, also known as Daesh, has attempted to take advantage of the chaos caused by the President’s strikes, launching a powerful offensive on a military base in Al Furqlus, pro-Syrian news site Al-Masdar claimed.

Homs governor Talal Barazi claimed the airbase was used to support operations against ISIS.

Breaking: Israeli Air Force Missile Strikes Syrian Army Positions, Israel Comes to the Rescue of Al Qaeda Terrorists


The details of the Israeli Air Force attack on the position of the Syrian Arab army (SAA) in the in Quneitra Governorate have been disclosed.

As it turned out, Israeli aviation attacked Syrian government troops with unmanned aerial vehicles. The soldiers of SAA’s 90th Infantry Brigade were under fire.

The Israeli Air Force planes struck a missile attack at the positions of the Syrian army in the Khan Arnabeh district of Quneitra Governorate. It was also reported earlier the blow was carried out to the east of the village of Ein Ayshaa.

Two missiles were fired at 06.45 p.m. when government forces were repulsing  Al-Qaeda’s attacks in the vicinity of the city of Quneitra.

The incident led to heavy losses of equipment and material in the Syrian Arab Army.

There are reports that Al-Qaeda terrorists infiltrated Quneitra from the Golan Heights occupied by Israel with the aim to strengthen the front in Madinat al-Ba’ath.

Apparently, Israel had prepared and launched a missile strike in order to provide artillery support to Al-Qaeda terrorists. The Israeli drones recorded in the province of Quneitra make it possible to conclude that Al-Qaeda is provided with reconnaissance information from the battlefields with Israel help too.

Sophie Mangal is a co-editor at Inside Syria Media Center.

Anyone see a pattern ?


A pattern, apart from the term's use to mean "Template", is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
David Cameron ‘badly let down’ by Theresa May during Brexit campaign amid claims she was ‘enemy agent’


Is Theresa May An EU Operative?


Theresa May is a Zionist Operative and the EU is a Zionist project, so yes, she is.

Paul Craig Roberts claims the EU is a CIA project, I disagree, The CIA is a Zionist outfit which runs the EU.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I am posting this 'old news' for the benefit of the zerohedge members who were engaged in a discussion in the comments section of a recent story, but could not remember the source(s). The general theme of which was that the 59 cruise missiles launched by President Trump in an act of aggression against a sovereign nation, constituting a war crime under international law, and based on an obviously unsound pretext (manufactured media intelligence false-flag sarin gas attack) were payback for the Syrians shooting at and downing one of the Israelis American made jet's. Interestingly the attack by Israel on Syria the other day is suspected to have been missiles launched by drones.. draw your own conclusions after performing due diligence!

Syria shoots down one of four Israeli warplanes in its airspace



The Syrian army shot down one of four military aircraft of the Israeli Air Force that entered Syrian airspace.

"Our anti-aircraft systems have shot down one of the planes in the occupied territories. Another aircraft was hit too, the rest flew away," the statement from the command of the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) says.

The statement notes that the Israeli aircraft were targeting objects of the Syrian army in the area of Palmyra.

In turn, the press service of the army of Israel stated that there were no losses incurred on the part of Israel.

Earlier, an Israeli TV channel reported that aircraft of the Israeli Air Force struck targets in Syria, but were attacked by Syrian Soviet-made S-200 anti-aircraft systems, RIA Novosti reports.

The incident occurred on the night of March 17 after pilots attacked several targets in Syria. According to the channel, Israel's missile defense systems were able to intercept one of the missiles.

Previously, Israeli aircraft were attacked in September of 2016 when striking positions of Syrian artillery troops in response to a shell launched in the direction of Israel.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Britain To Become A One Party, Authoritarian Surveillance State


Since Tony Blair took a reinvigorated Labour Party in 1997 to reform the country for the better after Margaret Thatcher introduced the American model of ‘individualism’ and extreme capitalism where a corporate feeding frenzy got underway, there was considerable hope that Britain would rise to the real challenges of the 21st Century. Instead, Blair, in his infinite wisdom, trashed not just the Labour party but damaged trust in politics like no other scandal in British history. And here we are.

Before becoming an MP and as it turned out, the longest serving (6 years) Home Secretary in 60 years, Mrs May’s CV includes working at the Bank of England and in financial services.

Mrs May has a somewhat dubious voting record when considering her vow just last July to look after the interests of the many rather than just ‘the privileged few’ when accepting the role of unelected PM. She voted for the Iraq invasion in 2003, abstained from the smoking ban in both 2006 and 2014, she voted in favour of destroying Libya in 2011, voted for the bedroom tax and against scrapping it in 2014, voted for attacking Syria and backed the Remain campaign. May is a supporter of privatising Britain’s public services.

May has voted both for and against equal gay rights and voted more often against equal rights and human rights and voted against terminally ill people to be given assistance at the end of their life. Nice.

In her role as Home secretary Theresa May resided over the Yarl’s Wood detention centre scandal, failed to identify the child rape rings of Rotherham, Rochdale, Sheffield, Bradford and Oxford and subsequent cover-ups involving the police, politicians and several ‘establishment’ judges, all of whom resigned or who kept shtum.

British policing became worse under her leadership. The Spectator reported in July last year:

    “The nadir of this phenomenon was Operation Midland, one of the most disgraceful episodes in the history of modern British policing. Millions of pounds were spent investigating allegations that various former ministers, intelligence chiefs and other top officials had been part of a pedophile ring that raped and murdered young boys. The fact that that both Detective Superintendent Kenny McDonald, the senior officer on this case and his boss, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, emerged from this sinister debacle with their jobs, was rather more illustrative of Mrs May’s real attitude to the policing establishment than her famous speech to the Police Federation in 2014.”

May left the Home Office with a fully demoralised police force and saw net migration promises of the ‘tens of thousands’ reach a third of a million a year, hardly surprising given her well documented chaotic management of the Britain’s border arrangements. The number of people refused entry to the UK fell by 50 percent whilst illegal immigration soared.

Then she was involved in the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham’s school’s and the firing of the Education Secretary amongst a few more rather dubious ducking and diving events that has kept her image intact.

But it should not be forgotten that Theresa May has a seriously authoritarianism streak and that does not bode well for the rest of us. She doesn’t like bad press or the truth as you and I would call it. An article by Jonathan Foreman from the Telegraph headlined “Theresa May is a great self-promoter, but a terrible Home Secretary” was pulled and withdrawn from the internet after pressure from her campaign team. This has even happened with criticism directed at her by the BBC as you can see HERE.

Theresa May has real authoritarian form. She has been involved in the censoring of over 1,000 pages of information on the internet each week, introduced secret courts, proposed the scrapping of the Humans Rights Act, classified non-violent activism as terrorism, allowed ministers and government agencies to veto Freedom of Information requests, condoned the arrest of journalists under the anti-terrorism act, forced schools to hand over private pupil information and even threatened a 7 year-old with deportation. Tom Pride‘s excellent piece provides all the links for the above and quite rightly states that “Britain is fast becoming a civil liberty free zone.”

No sooner had our new prime Minster arrived at No10, she ordered a clampdown on her own ministers speaking, or even making contact with journalists without gaining explicit prior permission from her office.

The Observer and Guardian headlined “Ministers Alarmed Over No10 clampdown on Media Links “and went on to say

    “three government ministers separately told the Observer that they found the level of control alarming, and that they believed it had been introduced to ensure the government spoke with one mind and consistently on all policy matters. One said: “Any media bid now has to be approved, any quote has to be approved, even if it is with a local television or a radio station on a local issue. It is very frustrating and there is a lot of irritation. It means nothing can be done spontaneously even if it is on subjects that are entirely uncontroversial and show the minister and government in a good light.” They were highlighting what they termed ‘control freakery” at the heart of the new government.

Another article reports that:

    “The slide towards authoritarianism was clear in recent assertions that much of the EU legislation currently regulating our society will be changed, not by an act of parliament, but by undiscussed ministerial orders.”

Even the rabidly right-wing Telegraph complains about Theresa May “In Britain there’s an authoritarian trend” which quotes arch-enemy No2 (behind illegally imprisoned Julian Assange in London) Edward Snowden.

Vice UK describes May as “Blandly Authoritarian,” and across the pond CNN reports that Theresa May’s “extension of near-total power has become a cause for serious concern” and that’s from a country with an orange Ceasar.

A whole host of mass spying and surveillance systems introduced by our now PM is described by many commentators as; totally out of control, extreme, beyond Orwell’s worst fears, worse than scary, the most intrusive in Western history, the most spied on in the world and the worst surveillance offender in the modern world. The UN has valid concerns as well by saying “that the impact of this extreme legislation (Snoopers Charter) will be felt around the world, and copied by other countries.”

As Home Secretary Theresa May presided over the completely illegal practices and antics of MI5 and their accomplices at MI6 along with the lawlessness of America’s NSA and CIA involving all sorts of projects and missions too numerous to mention, but some of the most notable; involvement in the illegal extra-judicial assassination‘s of British citizens, citizenship stripping, spying on friendly nations and leaders, not to mention knowledge of kidnap, complicity in forms of torture and doing little to stop executions of political dissidents and opponents.

TechDirt summed it up two years ago

    “We’ve written a few times about Theresa May, who seems to have scarily authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-free speech views.”

The fact is this; we have a leader about to ascend to the throne of absolute power with no opposition who clearly harbours authoritarian views at the centre of the worlds biggest and largely illegal surveillance system who views civil liberties and human rights as little more than an inconvenience. Make your own mind up as to where you think this is going.

UKIP is the only viable choice at this time to avoid the fate described in this article, if everyone who voted for BREXIT votes UKIP we can stop the Zionist coup and descent into total authoritarianism.

Looking forward to the televised UK General Election debates!


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
General election 2017: TV debates could STILL go ahead without Theresa May


TELEVISED debates between party leaders could go ahead in spite of Theresa May's refusal to take part, broadcasters said today.

ITV confirmed plans for a live clash during the campaign whether the prime minister is involved or not.

BBC bosses said the issue of possible leaders' debates was still under discussion.

The plans mean Mrs May could be represented by an "empty chair" while other leaders including Labour's Jeremy Corbyn and Lib Dem chief Tim Farron spar in front of the cameras.

Mrs May yesterday insisted she would not take part in television debates against her rivals and planned to concentrate on campaigning across the country.

She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We won't be doing television debates."

Mrs May added: "I believe in campaigns where politicians actually get out and about and meet with voters.

"That's what I have always believed in, it's what I still believe and I still do it - as Prime Minister, as a constituency MP, I still go out and knock on doors in my constituency.

"That's what I believe in doing, that's what I'm going to be doing around this campaign."

Later at Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons, she dismissed claims from Labour and the Scottish National Party that she was frightened of debate.

Mrs May told Mr Corbyn: "I have been answering his questions and debating these matters every Wednesday that Parliament has been sitting since I became Prime Minister.

"I will be taking out to the country in this campaign a proud record of a Conservative Government: a stronger economy, with the deficit nearly two thirds down, a tax cut for 30 million people, with four million people taken out of income tax altogether, record levels of employment, and £1,250 more a year for pensioners. That is a record we can proud of."

No details of format or date have yet been released about ITV's debate plans, but it is expected that Julie Etchingham will host a programme, as she did in 2015, when seven leaders including David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg took part in a two-hour showdown.

"If Theresa May is so proud of her record, why won't she debate it?

"She cannot be allowed to run away from her duty to democracy and refuse to let the British people hear the arguments directly."

Responding to ITV's announcement, Mr Corbyn said: "I welcome ITV's decision to attempt to hold a TV debate with the Prime Minister.

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron said: "The British people deserve to hear party leaders set out their plans and debate them publicly. But the Prime Minister has refused to take part in televised leaders' debates.

"Why will she not publicly debate these issues now - what is she scared of?"

A Sky Data opinion poll yesterday showed that 64 per cent of voters quizzed wanted televised debates between party leaders during the campaign.

Only 31% of those surveyed thought no such events should take place between now and 8 June - while 5 per cent said they were unsure.

BBC And ITV To Defy Theresa May And Hold General Election 2017 TV Debates Anyway


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Let’s not get carried away. The Conservatives only won over a quarter of all potential voters.


    A reminder. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a To The Point post on the “real vote shares” achieved by the winning parties at general elections. Its point was that, if you count all registered voters and not just those who actually vote, support for the victors has almost halved over the past 60-odd years. In 1951, over 40 per cent of all registered voters backed the Conservative Party into government. In 2005, only 21.6 per cent did likewise for Labour. This is the consequence of declining turnout and less support for the two main parties.

    An update. I’ve now updated the graph that I produced for that post to include last week’s results. You can see it above. It shows that the Conservatives won only 24.3 per cent of all registered voters to gain their majority. Around 15.7 million of these registered voters didn’t vote. 30.7 million did vote. And 11.3 million gave their votes to the Tories. Do the maths, and you arrive at that 24.3 per cent figure.

    It’s worse in Scotland, obvs. 24.3 per cent is, of course, for the nation as a whole. If you perform similar calculations on the results from Scotland, only 10.6 per cent of registered voters support the Conservatives north of the border. This gap may be unsurprising, but it still ought to be sobering. In 1951, the equivalent number was 39.4 per cent.

    Three-quarters to fight for. Why bother with non-voters when the final election count doesn’t? Because it better captures the public’s enthusiasm for those in power. As it stands, only about a quarter of all potential voters are sold on the Conservative government – and much lower in some regions. As Paul suggested yesterday, Britain may be conservative, but it isn’t necessarily Conservative. The fight continues.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
Let’s not get carried away. The Conservatives only won over a quarter of all potential voters.


Don't vote, it only encourages them

Billy Connolly, Mark Twain et al

Unfortunately the vote is just an illusion to make one think they have a choice. There is no choice as all UK parties have Tavistock/Zionist roots.(see link)

The only reason to vote is to block the Islamic take over. But it is already to late for this as one sees more and more Muslins being voted in, the mayor of London, yeesh you don't even have to speak English as for example the Urdu speech by the nominee for mayor of Manchester. They will make full use of the voting system to further their end

However, see Common Purpose:


What we can see is that Tavistock and Common Purpose share the same pod. Both want to develop ‘leaders’ and they do it in the same way by manufactured consensus that then stamps out all diversity by using those who have conceded their right to free thought to the group psyche. Mind manipulation techniques like Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP are also employed in the language employed to engineer consensus. NLP is a technique of using words to re-programme the body computer to accept another perception of reality – in this case the consensus agreed by the manipulators before their victims even register for the ‘course’.


Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I have always held that view Ron, and I have only changed it as the pace is accelerating and the end times are upon us. I have never voted in my life (I am 38) for the simple reason that I do not vote for liars, thieves, war criminals, paedophiles, or accessories to those crimes (I could carry on listing the immoral establishments crimes all night.. but you get the picture).

I registered to vote for the EU referendum because it was extremely important! We were deceived into joining the EU around the time I was born and at the first opportunity to have a say Britain spoke. Now I use the term 'Britain' very loosely here, it is a false construct. There is only the native English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish in the United Kingdom on these islands. All others are viewed by the natives as ethnically foreign, which they are. Second, third or fourth etc. generation ethnic foreigners can culturally adapt, and many have. My current  doctors for example are both around my age and are the sons of my childhood doctors. These men worked hard to become doctors, funded a surgery on a poor white council estate and looked after me handsomely, as there children now do. The surgery on my estate is now a flat complex because they had to abandon it because it was constantly vandalised by the 'native white locals'. It is a low IQ area of social housing.. so for the last 20 years or so all the mums with sick kids have to go into town to visit a doctor because there are none locally.. I do not live in the catchment area for my doctors surgery but I am still welcome there, and when my children needed a doctor I signed them up and was accepted because of the history between us when by rights I would have been refused.

Nobody has ever called me a racist because I am not a racist so they don't go there, what I do is speak up with the truth of the matter. I am very concerned about what the future holds for my doctors because of their colour, and for their young sons who we chat about on my visits there because they are the same age as mine. We have history and a lot in common, they have earned the right to be here and built bonds with the community based on mutual respect. If it all kicks off.. which it will one day if we don't stand and decry it, I fear for them as the low IQ people will react emotionally with violence and not stoically. I suspect many cannot even spell stoic let alone grasp the concepts, but anyway I digress..

This was a big deal a while back:


Gordon Brown was an unelected Prime Minister, because in this country you vote for the party not the leader of the party. When the war crimes heat got too much for the establishment Blair was dumped and Brown slipped into the seat. Now we have the situation where PM May acknowledges she is unelected and has no mandate from the people.. see how this works ?

So if we fast forward to the general election the Conservatives are probably going to win and do this (is one option amongst many) as a vassal patsy to kick it all off:


If Labour get in because of the revulsion of a pre-emptive nuclear strike ideology (quite right, it is a revolting ideology) then we have bought time.. the end times get pushed a little further into the future. This is what happened with Trump, some might have been foolish enough to 'believe in him' but I did not, he was the best of two bad choices and did to his credit bring subjects into the mainstream narrative that are marginalised, which was a plus! If the Clintons had got in we would now be much worse off, and most people could see that so they got off their arses and voted for a few more moments of life.

Should Labour achieve a shock victory the establishment has it covered because the Labour deputy leader Tom Watson is a Zionist:


In that scenario I would give Corbyn a maximum of 6 months before he is removed and 'Friends of Israel' is right back in the driving seat, same goes for the Liberal Democrats, a controlled party like you say.

UKIP is the_last_chance on the establishments timetable for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and we might kick the can down the road a bit longer before all hell breaks loose.. but each moment that passes is a chance for reason to prevail. People are waking up at quite a rate of knots, they are seeing how their cultures have been subverted and enslaved over the centuries and although the hour is late there is still hope to avoid a total war event, which none of us will survive.

I support Robert David Steeles position that a truth and reconciliation process should replace jail time for the establishment criminals, this is because the immoral backed into a corner can cause an extinction level event for the human race. I am not saying let them off the hook, I would much rather build them a hhophouse.


Some of my friends are right wing 'conservatives' if you like, professionals who have worked all there life and are respected members of their communities. Not the bastardised definition of conservative as debased by the political party of the same name. They 'don't want immigrants here at all' because they are old enough to remember what this country once was like, when it was quite safe. It is therefore very difficult for me to occupy the political center with all the provocations from 'radicalised refugees' who like Le Pen says, and Tommy Robinson quite rightly states:


I am one of the last of the so called Generation X born in the late 70's, I am old enough to know what the UK used to be like.. There was very little tech around, no internet and I loved to read.. I read thousands of books and educated myself. My father also put a huge amount of time into my education, his passion was history, military history in particular and lectured me endlessly even when I didn't want to learn. I thank him for that, it became very useful when I realised the establishment was planning to murder me, and the plan had been hatched before I was even born, so it helped me choose a direction based upon reason not an emotional reaction of force. So i stood.. and I studied, and I worked hard for no money and no recognition. Most people who knew me considered I had wasted my life, my talent, threw it all away.. they did not understand what I was doing.

Now we come to a sticky subject, when I was a young man I assessed the human species and decided that they should all be wiped out, a plague on the planet. An understanding of the horrors committed throughout history surely helped shape that opinion. I decided to help and I studied and eventually I had hhop. I did not give it to humanity though, I sat on it, because I didn't think humans deserved it. I was not about to unleash humanity on the rest of the universe while they demonstrated the preference to destroy everything. I even had an argument with a member on this forum when they 'demanded' I give them what they suspected I was sitting on, and I told them where to go, it was my work and I would do with it what I wanted. I had earned that right of ownership over it.

It may or may not surprise you to know that I was raised as an atheist, my father was one after all.. but he did a wonderful thing.. he supported me in religious choice. I was given the freedom to explore any religion I wished and I did, I studied many as a young boy and none of them sat right with me, they seemed to be the word of man and not the word of God. If there is a God then the universe is the Book, and I have been privileged to decipher a chapter, which is hhop, a new fundamental principle. I had a good chuckle when they tried to David Icke an atheist.. someone has a loose mouth or the communications were intercepted and attempted to be used against me.. either way I chuckled BIGLY!

Now do you understand why I founded the Everymen ? A movement, philosophy if you like based upon morality. It transcends politics, skin colour, religion and everything and allows all souls to stand under one banner, nurture and support each other and defeat Lucifer in the moment. Even immoral souls can choose to become Everymen, to vow to act morally from this moment forward, all sins forgiven. Can we not find the courage to try and move forward as one, exploring our reality and the universe together forever. I truly do hope so.

I hate to type and this was very personal but from my choice to share this position with you I hope you appreciate how late I consider the hour to be. Stand now, let your voice be heard.
« Last Edit: 2017-04-25, 23:25:15 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Hi Rob.

Thank you.

One of the few articles here that I felt compelled to read. From the heart, that's what matters.   O0

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
Now do you understand why I founded the Everymen ? A movement, philosophy if you like based upon morality. It transcends politics, skin colour, religion and everything and allows all souls to stand under one banner, nurture and support each other and defeat Lucifer in the moment. Even immoral souls can choose to become Everymen, to vow to act morally from this moment forward, all sins forgiven. Can we not find the courage to try and move forward as one, exploring our reality and the universe together forever. I truly do hope so.

I hate to type and this was very personal but from my choice to share this position with you I hope you appreciate how late I consider the hour to be. Stand now, let your voice be heard.

I didn't know that you had. However, thank you for the very heart felt post, it explains a lot.

I always had a desire to know how things work, mostly mechanical and electrical but of later years how society itself works (or doesn't) it has been a shocking revelation to uncover the monstrosity of it all. Some points (many points) are just unbelievable.

I have attempted to become more spiritual. I work with David Lowrance...


If this subject interests you?


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: Ronee
...but of later years how society itself works (or doesn't) it has been a shocking revelation to uncover the monstrosity of it all.

The ugliness and depravity of the "monstrosity" is
nearly beyond belief:

Insider confirms nature of the beast

Watch the video if convenient - it is powerful

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
The ugliness and depravity of the "monstrosity" is
nearly beyond belief:

Insider confirms nature of the beast

Watch the video if convenient - it is powerful

Excellent, thank you

I have reposted it on HTW 595


Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality


A triumvirate (Latin: triumvirātus) is a political regime ruled or dominated by three powerful individuals known as triumvirs (Latin: triumviri). The arrangement can be formal or informal. Though the three are notionally equal, this is rarely the case in reality. The term can also be used to describe a state with three different military leaders who all claim to be the sole leader.

In the context of the Soviet Union and Russia, the term troika (Russian for "group of three") is used for "triumvirate". Another synonym is triarchy.

Roman triumvirates

Originally, triumviri were special commissions of three men appointed for specific administrative tasks apart from the regular duties of Roman magistrates. The triumviri capitales, for instance, oversaw prisons and executions, along with other functions that, as Andrew Lintott notes, show them to have been "a mixture of police superintendents and justices of the peace."[1] The capitales were first established around 290–287 BCE.[2] They were supervised by the praetor urbanus. These triumviri, or the tresviri nocturni,[3] may also have taken some responsibility for fire control. [4] The triumviri or tresviri aere argento auro flando feriundo (for the casting and striking of bronze, silver and gold) supervised the issuing of Roman coins.

Three-man commissions were also appointed for purposes such as establishing colonies (triumviri coloniae deducendae) or distributing land.[5] Triumviri mensarii served as public bankers;[6] the full range of their financial functions in 216 BCE, when the commission included two men of consular rank, has been the subject of debate.[7] Another form of three-man commission was the tresviri epulones, who were in charge of organizing public feasts on holidays. This commission was created in 196 BCE by a tribunician law on behalf of the people, and their number was later increased to seven (septemviri epulones).[8]

In the late Republic, two three-man political alliances are called triumvirates by modern scholars, though only for the second was the term triumviri used at the time to evoke constitutional precedents:

    The so-called First Triumvirate was an informal political alliance of Julius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus ("Pompey the Great") and Marcus Crassus.[9] The arrangement had no legal status, and its purpose was to consolidate the political power of the three and their supporters against the senatorial elite. After the death of Crassus in 53 BCE, the two survivors fought a civil war, during which Pompey was killed and Caesar established his sole rule as perpetual dictator.

    The Second Triumvirate was recognized as a triumvirate at the time. A Lex Titia formalized the rule of Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. The legal language makes reference to the traditional tresviri. This "three-man commission for restoring the constitution of the republic" (tresviri rei publicae constituendae) in fact was given the power to make or annul law without approval from either the Senate or the people; their judicial decisions were not subject to appeal, and they named magistrates at will. Although the constitutional machinery of the Republic was not irrevocably dismantled by the Lex Titia, in the event it never recovered.[10] Lepidus was sidelined early in the triumvirate, and Antony was eliminated in civil war, leaving Octavian the sole leader.

In various municipalities under the Principate, the chief magistracy was a college of three, styled triumviri.

Biblical triumvirates

In the Bible triumvirates occurred at some notable events in both the Old Testament and New Testament. In the Book of Exodus Moses, his brother Aaron and, according to some views their nephew or brother-in-law, Hur acted this way during Battle of Rephidim against the Amalekites.[Exodus 17:10][11] In the Gospels as a leading trio among the Twelve Apostles at three particular occasions during public ministry of Jesus acted Peter, James, son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were the only apostles present at the Raising of Jairus' daughter[Mark 5:37], Transfiguration of Jesus [Matthew 17:1] and Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane[Matthew 26:37]. Later, at the time of the Early Christian Church this triumvirate of the leading apostles changed slightly, as it became composed of Peter, John and James, brother of Jesus.[Galatians 2:9][12]

The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe


The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation.

Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law.

But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union.

After publishing the book, Kalergi received help from Baron Louis de Rothschild who put him in touch with one of his friends, banker Max Warburg. Warburg then supported Kalergi with considerable funds to help form his European movement. The main problem lays with the fact that what Kalergi called for was not only the destruction of European nation states but also the deliberate ethnocide of the indigenous, mostly Caucasian race of the European continent. This he proposed should be done through enforced mass migration to create an undifferentiated homogeneous mass of serfs to be dominated by a wealthy self electing elite.

Kalergi in his own words:

    “The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2735
Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life.

Nonsense, we can run from the problems we have created only to re-create them in another place or we can grow a set of balls and solve the problems at hand. Obviously always running away from our problems is not a solution to anything nor will it ever be. Personally I like a good fight, maybe it's a Canadian thing?.

And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law.

Sympathy is defined as feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune and Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. As such I do have feelings of sympathy for others however empathy tells me we cannot keep running from problems or we will always be running. It's like that kid who's parents were not much sharper than a bag of marbles and destitute and yet they became a Nobel winning physicist. We should understand their parents had every opportunity to progress but remained stupid by choice where their child did not.

My point is that at some point we must take responsibility for our circumstance concerning where we find ourselves and what we do. If we want to accept our plight or continuously run like cowards then we we always be running. If we want to plant our feet and take on the problems we face as men then there is no need to run anywhere. Their is no refuge from our own fear, inaction or stupidity... we own it.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
United Nations Genocide Conventions


The crime of genocide is defined in international law in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.

The law protects four groups – national, ethnical, racial or religious groups.

A national group means a set of individuals whose identity is defined by a common country of nationality or national origin.

An ethnical group is a set of individuals whose identity is defined by common cultural traditions, language or heritage.

A racial group means a set of individuals whose identity is defined by physical characteristics.

A religious group is a set of individuals whose identity is defined by common religious creeds, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I didn't know that you had

The Everymen were activated in late 2013 with the issuance of ESO: 01 in response to the threat made by the Jewish media in the UK that ISIS will attack us here if we don't allow the bombing of Assad. This crossed the line, I was not about to sit idly by while a fake proxy army was used abroad to terrorise the Syrian sovereign nation and be dual tasked to terrorise the host nations population back home in the UK. As is evidenced in this thread they quickly realised they had gone too far and sought urgent damage limitation with a Blackberry.

I have attempted to become more spiritual. I work with David Lowrance...


If this subject interests you?

David Lowrance ? Yes I have heard of him, even studied his position a bit many years ago but found spirituality to be more logical when combined with a study of the sciences. Science is based on facts we know (or think we know until proven false), religion and spirituality are based on faith. I prefer to make my own mind up based upon the evidence rather than a blind faith in what other men tell me is true, hence atheism as a God given right!   O0

P.S. linking to a Yahoo group only works for people who can log into Yahoo, and I don't use it.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
How to Reverse the Tide of War. A Global People’s Movement. Say No to Nuclear War


A necessary condition for bringing down the rulers is to question their legitimacy and eventually dismantle their propaganda campaign.

“Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

“The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.” (William Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor)

Except for fools and madmen, everyone knows that nuclear war would be an unprecedented human catastrophe. …

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Don't vote, it only encourages them

UKIP has blown it big time Ron. Everymen do not support international war criminals in the Genocide of the people of Yemen.

BOJO'S FREEBIE Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson given free run by Ukip in safe Uxbridge seat


The Tories have been in talks with Ukip on a series of electoral pacts

THE pact between anti-EU Tories and Ukip deepened today as it emerged the Brexit party would not field a candidate against Leave campaign champion Boris Johnson.

The chief-Brexiteer turned Foreign Secretary will be given a free run in his safe West London seat of Uxbridge.

One Year of Bloodshed in Yemen: US and UK are Accomplices in Saudi Coalition War Crimes


27th March 2016

“Almost one year has passed since Operation Decisive Storm was launched. The appalling level of human suffering, combined with a mounting sense of hopelessness, is exacerbating internal divisions and sectarian animosity. Status quo is clearly not sustainable. The resilience of people in Yemen has been stretched beyond human limits.” ~ Ms Kate Gilmore, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights

On the 26th March 2015, one year ago today, the Saudi led coalition launched its ‘Operation Decisive Storm’ against the Yemeni people.  One year on, the intensity of the attacks has not subsided and the wholesale slaughter of civilians and deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure continues unabated. Aided and abetted primarily by the US and the UK, the Saudi regime is destroying Yemen’s cultural heritage, bombing masjids, schools, hospitals, market places, wedding parties, fishing boats, telecommunication centres, electrical power plants, factories, agricultural lands and livestock.

The Saudi regime is doing everything in its power to ensure the Yemeni people have no means of  survival or sustenance under a crippling blockade that has been in place since the inception of the war of aggression against Yemen.  A blockade that is “lamented, decried and condemned” by an international community that hides behind familiar rhetoric while ensuring the flow of arms continues unhindered into Saudi weapons depots.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
UKIP has blown it big time Ron. Everymen do not support international war criminals in the Genocide of the people of Yemen.

It seems to me to be quite predictable, how any "reasonable party" can not stay on track but as soon as it emerges into the light is taken over and subverted.

Thus we end up with a self perpetuating system of loose cannons such as Boris Johnson and John McCain at the top of the heap.

Trump's swamp cabinet is a shining example of this theory...McMaster ... oh the list is just too long for here, LOL

I wonder how "the" French election will do today? Not much hope if Macron is "elected"


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I wonder how "the" French election will do today? Not much hope if Macron is "elected"

The polls just closed so we will know soon enough, and if what is found in the Macrongate emails is true.. well see for yourself:



The Macron leaks contain secret proposals that would lead to the islamisation of France and Europe. These are shown in a Powerpoint presentation which appears to have come from the Institut Montaigne. Harmonising education between countries on different sides of the Mediterranean is one of the key objectives.

    Create a common history textbook with Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (3) in order to put in historical perspective the mutual contributions and religious convergences between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

    Within the 3+3 framework, we recommend the creation of a commission of historians responsible for drawing up a common history textbook. The aim of this work will be:

    -to create a common base of objective historical knowledge founded on the logic of a historical "draw" [stalemate]

    - to develop a sense of belonging to a common history

    - to reduce the fantasies of victimisation on one side as well as civilisational superiority on the other

The document also recommends the introduction of Arabic teaching to French schools, including bi-lingual classes. This is justified by with the claim that Muslims are currently getting their "Arabic fix" from mosques, where they risk being radicalised. I previously noted that "soft islamisation" is being advocated as the remedy for "hard islamisation" and that this represents a kind of de facto reward being offered to jihad violence. Jihad gets results. It leads to societies being islamised, one way or the other.

Other plans for measures to islamise France include facilitating mosque construction by making it easier to arrange finance for it and providing reserved Muslim areas in municipal cemeteries. Again this is justified by claiming that it will lead to the emergence of a "French Islam".


For those expressing scepticism about this, here is more information. The exact email is called "Fwd: Notes à date (1) : REGALIEN", sent by quentin.lafay@gmail.com to sarah.gallitre@gmail.com and amiel.dvd@gmail.com on 31 August 2016. It can be found in the quentin.lafay archive within the set of Macron Leaks files. Here is a magnet link if you want to download it and have a torrent client installed (link).

As this Figaro article (link) shows, some references to these proposals have already been made in the mainstream press so it is not even that far-out in terms of the thinking of the left-wing intelligentsia in France. What wasn't known was that Macron's people were on board with it.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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