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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1077247 times)
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841
‘US, Britain and France now air force for terrorists in Syria’


For nearly six years, Washington and its allies have gotten away with playing a cynical double game in Syria’s war. But now the mask is slipping to reveal the ugly face of Western involvement – it is openly siding with terrorists.


And the truly disgusting thing about this criminal collusion is that the Western powers claim to be concerned about international law, war crimes and human suffering.

A well written report, with the exception that Germany and Israel are not mentioned.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
Many Australians are taking the idea of leaving the UN seriously.
I never would have thought so but it seems that the polls I'm seeing
are almost 95% in favour of having nothing more to do with the UN.
I had no idea so many people were feeling that way.


However there is some confusion as the term ausexit is being used for the UN exit idea, but there is also a campaign
to exit the Commonwealth or break from Britain so to speak using the same ausexit term, Independence for Australia in other words.
May be deliberate or maybe not, confusing yes.

Here are my thoughts, we should have nothing to do with the U.N., Australia should be independent and Australia should
also tell the U.S. to remove all military hardware/Bases/missile sites and military personnel from our country at least until
such time as the war mongering elite are dealt with.

We should remove ourselves from the central banking system as a matter of priority as well.

It's high time all the corrupt and criminal governmental behaviour and policies were challenged and ended.

Australia needs to shut up shop and clean house.

Many people need to held accountable for high crimes and jailed. We should start at the top and go back maybe 25 years or more.


We can only hope FarmHand  O0


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Rwanda genocide: France was at fault, Sarkozy admits


Thursday 25 February 2010 15.34 GMT

Nicolas Sarkozy acknowledged today that Paris had made serious mistakes over the 1994 Rwandan genocide, as he made the first visit by a French head of state to the central African country for a quarter of a century.

In carefully worded comments at a press conference with his Rwandan counterpart, Paul Kagame, the president reiterated his belief that the international community, including France, had suffered from "a kind of blindness" in its response to the bloodshed, which killed more than 800,000 people.

But, keeping to the line normally held by Paris, he refused to take the opportunity to apologise for "political errors" by his country.

"We are not here to have fun, to fiddle with vocabulary," he said. "What happened here is unacceptable and what happened here forces the international community, including France, to reflect on the mistakes that prevented it from anticipating and stopping this terrible crime."

Rwandan genocide


The Rwandan genocide, known officially as the genocide against the Tutsi,[2] was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed during the 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994,[1] constituting as many as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide and widespread slaughter of Rwandans ended when the Tutsi-backed and heavily armed Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) lead by Paul Kagame took control of the country. An estimated 2,000,000 Rwandans, mostly Hutus, were displaced and became refugees.[3]

The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the Gendarmerie, government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, as well as Catholic clergy and countless ordinary civilians. Some militias called themselves the 'Army of Jesus' and they believed their mission was to destroy God's enemies.[4] The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which largely comprised Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt against colonial rule. Waves of Hutu violence against the RPF and Tutsi followed Rwandan independence in 1962. International pressure on the Hutu government of Juvénal Habyarimana resulted in a ceasefire in 1993, with a road-map to implement the Arusha Accords, which would create a power-sharing government with the RPF. This agreement was not acceptable to a number of conservative Hutu, including members of the Akazu, who viewed it as conceding to enemy demands. The RPF military campaign intensified support for the so-called "Hutu Power" ideology, which portrayed the RPF as an alien force who were non-Christian, intent on reinstating the Tutsi monarchy and enslaving Hutus. Many Hutus reacted to this prospect with extreme opposition. In the lead-up to the genocide the number of machetes imported into Rwanda increased.[5]

On April 6, 1994, an airplane carrying Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down on its descent into Kigali. At the time, the plane was in the airspace above Habyarimana's house. One person survived but died soon after en route to the hospital. The assassination of Hayarimana ended the peace accords.

Genocidal killings began the following day. Soldiers, police, and militia quickly executed key Tutsi and moderate Hutu military and political leaders who could have assumed control in the ensuing power vacuum. Checkpoints and barricades were erected to screen the national identity cards of Rwandans in order to systematically kill Tutsi.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Guest
Dear All

All our smarthphon are spied by everyone that own your number.

I've change the mobile to a Nokia Gsm

Oilver Stone made a movie on Edward Snowden in Italy will be shown on 1 December.

This link is a movie from a program in Italy that show how is so simple to get information from our smarthphone

I Didn't find in english..... sorrry.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf7kI1GPiuY   here work...
« Last Edit: 2016-10-19, 14:04:53 by TutorialFE »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
« Last Edit: 2016-10-22, 03:26:11 by ronee »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
Prepare for the worst --- it looks like they got Julian



EDIT, October 21, Good news... or at least better news


Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water...


Julian Assagne and His “New” Video Speaking from the Grave

Last night someone sent me this link- supposedly showing Julian Assange giving a speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy- BUT THIS MORNING- I was sent THIS…
“This speech apparently Published 21st October 2016 Is the same speech I found on the internet delivered on Monday 20 August 2012 00.52 AEST Last modified on Thursday 11 August 2016 22.59 (He has identical Hair cut since 2012)”
So I guess they get an A for effort- but an F for actually pulling off this lie…
compared to this one
He is WEARING THE EXACT SAME OUTFIT…says the SAME things to “show” he isn’t dead- but they need to show something NEW- NOT regurgitate something from years ago…


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
I have just been to see the film SNOWDEN, really worth seeing, all 21/2hrs of it


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Inside the invisible government: War, Propaganda, Clinton & Trump


The American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda.

The nephew of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psycho-analysis, it was Bernays who coined the term “public relations” as a euphemism for spin and its deceptions.
In 1929, he persuaded feminists to promote cigarettes for women by smoking in the New York Easter Parade – behavior then considered outlandish. One feminist, Ruth Booth, declared, “Women! Light another torch of freedom! Fight another sex taboo!” Bernays’ influence extended far beyond advertising. His greatest success was his role in convincing the American public to join the slaughter of the First World War. The secret, he said, was “engineering the consent” of people in order to “control and regiment [them] according to our will without their knowing about it.”

He described this as “the true ruling power in our society” and called it an “invisible government.”

Today, the invisible government has never been more powerful and less understood. In my career as a journalist and film-maker, I have never known propaganda to insinuate our lives and as it does now and to go unchallenged.

Imagine two cities.

Both are under siege by the forces of the government of that country. Both cities are occupied by fanatics, who commit terrible atrocities, such as beheading people.
But there is a vital difference. In one siege, the government soldiers are described as liberators by Western reporters embedded with them, who enthusiastically report their battles and air strikes. There are front page pictures of these heroic soldiers giving a V-sign for victory. There is scant mention of civilian casualties.

In the second city – in another country nearby – almost exactly the same is happening. Government forces are laying siege to a city controlled by the same breed of fanatics.

The difference is that these fanatics are supported, supplied and armed by “us” – by the United States and Britain. They even have a media center that is funded by Britain and America.

Another difference is that the government soldiers laying siege to this city are the bad guys, condemned for assaulting and bombing the city – which is exactly what the good soldiers do in the first city.

Confusing? Not really. Such is the basic double standard that is the essence of propaganda. I am referring, of course, to the current siege of the city of Mosul by the government forces of Iraq, who are backed by the United States and Britain and to the siege of Aleppo by the government forces of Syria, backed by Russia. One is good; the other is bad.

What is seldom reported is that both cities would not be occupied by fanatics and ravaged by war if Britain and the United States had not invaded Iraq in 2003. That criminal enterprise was launched on lies strikingly similar to the propaganda that now distorts our understanding of the civil war in Syria.

Without this drumbeat of propaganda dressed up as news, the monstrous ISIS and Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra and the rest of the jihadist gang might not exist, and the people of Syria might not be fighting for their lives today.

Some may remember in 2003 a succession of BBC reporters turning to the camera and telling us that Blair was “vindicated” for what turned out to be the crime of the century. The US television networks produced the same validation for George W. Bush. Fox News brought on Henry Kissinger to effuse over Colin Powell’s fabrications.

The same year, soon after the invasion, I filmed an interview in Washington with Charles Lewis, the renowned American investigative journalist. I asked him, “What would have happened if the freest media in the world had seriously challenged what turned out to be crude propaganda?”

He replied that if journalists had done their job, “there is a very, very good chance we would not have gone to war in Iraq.”

It was a shocking statement, and one supported by other famous journalists to whom I put the same question - Dan Rather of CBS, David Rose of the Observer and journalists and producers in the BBC, who wished to remain anonymous.

In other words, had journalists done their job, had they challenged and investigated the propaganda instead of amplifying it, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children would be alive today, and there would be no ISIS and no siege of Aleppo or Mosul.

There would have been no atrocity on the London Underground on 7th July 2005. There would have been no flight of millions of refugees; there would be no miserable camps.

When the terrorist atrocity happened in Paris last November, President Francoise Hollande immediately sent planes to bomb Syria – and more terrorism followed, predictably, the product of Hollande’s bombast about France being “at war” and “showing no mercy.” That state violence and jihadist violence feed off each other is the truth that no national leader has the courage to speak.

“When the truth is replaced by silence,” said the Soviet dissident Yevtushenko, “the silence is a lie.”

The attack on Iraq, the attack on Libya, the attack on Syria happened because the leader in each of these countries was not a puppet of the West. The human rights record of a Saddam or a Gaddafi was irrelevant. They did not obey orders and surrender control of their country.

The same fate awaited Slobodan Milosevic once he had refused to sign an “agreement” that demanded the occupation of Serbia and its conversion to a market economy. His people were bombed, and he was prosecuted in The Hague. Independence of this kind is intolerable.

As WikiLeaks has revealed, it was only when the Syrian leader Bashar Assad in 2009 rejected an oil pipeline, running through his country from Qatar to Europe, that he was attacked.

From that moment, the CIA planned to destroy the government of Syria with jihadist fanatics – the same fanatics currently holding the people of Mosul and eastern Aleppo hostage.

Why is this not news? The former British Foreign Office official Carne Ross, who was responsible for operating sanctions against Iraq, told me: “We would feed journalists factoids of sanitized intelligence, or we would freeze them out. That is how it worked.”
The West’s medieval client, Saudi Arabia – to which the US and Britain sell billions of dollars’ worth of arms – is at present destroying Yemen, a country so poor that in the best of times, half the children are malnourished.

Look on YouTube and you will see the kind of massive bombs – “our” bombs – that the Saudis use against dirt-poor villages, and against weddings, and funerals.

The explosions look like small atomic bombs. The bomb aimers in Saudi Arabia work side-by-side with British officers. This fact is not on the evening news.

Propaganda is most effective when our consent is engineered by those with a fine education – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia - and with careers on the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post.

These organizations are known as the liberal media. They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT.

And they love war.

While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life.

In 2011, Libya, then a modern state, was destroyed on the pretext that Muammar Gaddafi was about to commit genocide on his own people. That was the incessant news; and there was no evidence. It was a lie.

In fact, Britain, Europe and the United States wanted what they like to call “regime change” in Libya, the biggest oil producer in Africa. Gaddafi’s influence in the continent and, above all, his independence were intolerable.

So he was murdered with a knife in his rear by fanatics, backed by America, Britain and France. Hillary Clinton cheered his gruesome death for the camera, declaring, “We came, we saw, he died!”

The destruction of Libya was a media triumph. As the war drums were beaten, Jonathan Freedland wrote in the Guardian: “Though the risks are very real, the case for intervention remains strong.”

Intervention - what a polite, benign, Guardian word, whose real meaning, for Libya, was death and destruction.

According to its own records, NATO launched 9,700 "strike sorties" against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. They included missiles with uranium warheads. Look at the photographs of the rubble of Misrata and Sirte, and the mass graves identified by the Red Cross. The UNICEF report on the children killed says, "most [of them] under the age of ten.”

As a direct consequence, Sirte became the capital of ISIS.

Ukraine is another media triumph. Respectable liberal newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Guardian, and mainstream broadcasters such as the BBC, NBC, CBS, CNN have played a critical role in conditioning their viewers to accept a new and dangerous cold war.

All have misrepresented events in Ukraine as a malign act by Russia when, in fact, the coup in Ukraine in 2014 was the work of the United States, aided by Germany and NATO.

This inversion of reality is so pervasive that Washington's military intimidation of Russia is not news; it is suppressed behind a smear and scare campaign of the kind I grew up with during the first cold war. Once again, the ‘Ruskies’ are coming to get us, led by another Stalin, whom The Economist depicts as the devil.

The suppression of the truth about Ukraine is one of the most complete news blackouts I can remember. The fascists who engineered the coup in Kiev are the same breed that backed the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Of all the scares about the rise of fascist anti-Semitism in Europe, no leader ever mentions the fascists in Ukraine – except Vladimir Putin, but he does not count.

Many in the Western media have worked hard to present the ethnic Russian-speaking population of Ukraine as outsiders in their own country, as agents of Moscow, almost never as Ukrainians seeking a federation within Ukraine and as Ukrainian citizens resisting a foreign-orchestrated coup against their elected government.

There is almost the joie d’esprit of a class reunion of warmongers. The drum-beaters of the Washington Post inciting war with Russia are the very same editorial writers who published the lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

To most of us, the American presidential campaign is a media freak show, in which Donald Trump is the arch villain. But Trump is loathed by those with power in the United States for reasons that have little to do with his obnoxious behavior and opinions. To the invisible government in Washington, the unpredictable Trump is an obstacle to America’s design for the 21st century.

This is to maintain the dominance of the United States and to subjugate Russia, and, if possible, China.

To the militarists in Washington, the real problem with Trump is that, in his lucid moments, he seems not to want a war with Russia; he wants to talk with the Russian president, not fight him; he says he wants to talk with the president of China.

In the first debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump promised not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into a conflict. He said, “I would certainly not do first strike. Once the nuclear alternative happens, it’s over.” That was not news.

Did he really mean it? Who knows? He often contradicts himself. But what is clear is that Trump is considered a serious threat to the status quo maintained by the vast national security machine that runs the United States, regardless of who is in the White House.

The CIA wants him beaten. The Pentagon wants him beaten. The media wants him beaten. Even his own party wants him beaten. He is a threat to the rulers of the world – unlike Clinton who has left no doubt she is prepared to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China.

Clinton has the form, as she often boasts. Indeed, her record is proven. As a senator, she backed the bloodbath in Iraq. When she ran against Obama in 2008, she threatened to “totally obliterate” Iran. As Secretary of State, she colluded in the destruction of governments in Libya and Honduras and set in train the baiting of China.

She has now pledged to support a no-fly zone in Syria - a direct provocation for war with Russia. Clinton may well become the most dangerous president of the United States in my lifetime –a distinction for which the competition is fierce.

Without a shred of evidence, she has accused Russia of supporting Trump and hacking her emails. Released by WikiLeaks, these emails tell us that what Clinton says in private, in speeches to the rich and powerful, is the opposite of what she says in public.

That is why silencing and threatening Julian Assange is so important. As the editor of WikiLeaks, Assange knows the truth. And let me assure those who are concerned, he is well, and WikiLeaks is operating on all cylinders.

Today, the greatest build-up of American-led forces since World War Two is under way – in the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, on the border with Russia, and in Asia and the Pacific, where China is the target.

Keep that in mind when the presidential election circus reaches its finale on November 8th, if the winner is Clinton, a Greek chorus of witless commentators will celebrate her coronation as a great step forward for women. None will mention Clinton’s victims: the women of Syria, the women of Iraq, the women of Libya. None will mention the civil defense drills being conducted in Russia. None will recall Edward Bernays’ “torches of freedom”.

George Bush’s press spokesman once called the media “complicit enablers.” Coming from a senior official in an administration whose lies, enabled by the media, caused such suffering, that description is a warning from history.

In 1946, the Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor said of the German media: “Before every major aggression, they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically for the attack. In the propaganda system, it was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons.”

This is adapted from an address to the Sheffield Festival of Words, Sheffield, England.      JohnPilger.com - the films and journalism of John Pilger

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Flashback: Bill Clinton cheered 11th hour indictment that doomed Bush re-election


Whispers of "payback" are being directed at Hillary Clinton after she decried as "unprecedented" the surprise FBI revival of its probe of her email scandal.

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case. “Donald Trump will win the Popular Vote for President”


Word has reached me from Washington that the FBI has reopened the Hillary case of her violation of US National Security protocols, not because of the content of the new email releases, but because voter support for Trump seems to be overwhelming, while Hillary has cancelled appearances due to inability to muster a crowd. The popular vote leaves the FBI far out on the limb for its corrupt clearance of Hillary. The agency now has to redeem itself.

Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal – Part 1


November 2 marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which began the still-ongoing colonisation of Palestine and sowed the seeds of an endless nightmare for the Palestinian people, both those who were forced to flee at gunpoint and those who have managed to remain in the shredded remains of their homeland under Israel’s brutal military occupation.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
How Britain Destroyed the Palestinian Homeland


Ninety-nine years since Balfour's "promise", Palestinians insist that their rights in Palestine cannot be dismissed.

by Ramzy Baroud

When I was a child growing up in a Gaza refugee camp, I looked forward to November 2. On that day, every year, thousands of students and camp residents would descend upon the main square of the camp, carrying Palestinian flags and placards, to denounce the Balfour Declaration. 

Truthfully, my giddiness then was motivated largely by the fact that schools would inevitably shut down and, following a brief but bloody confrontation with the Israeli army, I would go home early to the loving embrace of my mother, where I would eat a snack and watch cartoons.

At the time, I had no idea who Balfour actually was, and how his "declaration" all those years ago had altered the destiny of my family and, by extension, my life and the lives of my children as well.

All I knew was that he was a bad person and, because of his terrible deed, we subsisted in a refugee camp, encircled by a violent army and by an ever-expanding graveyard filled with "martyrs".   

Decades later, destiny would lead me to visit the Whittingehame Church, a small parish in which Arthur James Balfour is now buried. 

While my parents and grandparents are buried in a refugee camp, an ever-shrinking space under a perpetual siege and immeasurable hardship, Balfour's resting place is an oasis of peace and calmness. The empty meadow all around the church is large enough to host all the refugees in my camp.

Finally, I became fully aware of why Balfour was a "bad person".   

Once Britain's Prime Minister, then the Foreign Secretary from late 1916, Balfour had pledged my homeland to another people. That promise was made on November 2, 1917, on behalf of the British government in the form of a letter sent to the leader of the Jewish community in Britain, Walter Rothschild. 

At the time, Britain was not even in control of Palestine, which was still part of the Ottoman Empire. Either way, my homeland  was never Balfour's to so casually transfer to anyone else. His letter read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." 

He concluded, "I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation." 

Ironically, members of the British parliament have declared that the use of the term "Zionist" is both anti-Semitic and abusive.

The British government remains unrepentant after all these years. It has yet to take any measure of moral responsibility, however symbolic, for what it has done to the Palestinians. Worse, it is now busy attempting to control the very language used by Palestinians to identify those who have deprived them of their land and freedom. 

But the truth is, not only was Rothschild a Zionist, Balfour was, too. Zionism, then, before it deservedly became a swearword, was a political notion that Europeans prided themselves to be associated with.

In fact, just before he became Prime Minister, David Cameron declared, before the Conservative Friends of Israel meeting, that  he, too, was a Zionist. To some extent, being a Zionist remains a rite of passage for some Western leaders.   

Balfour was hardly acting on his own. True, the Declaration bears his name, yet, in reality, he was a loyal agent of an empire with massive geopolitical designs, not only concerning Palestine alone, but with Palestine as part of a larger Arab landscape. 

Just a year earlier, another sinister document was introduced, albeit secretly. It was endorsed by another top British diplomat, Mark Sykes and, on behalf of France, by François Georges-Picot. The Russians were informed of the agreement, as they too had received a piece of the Ottoman cake. 

The document indicated that, once the Ottomans were soundly defeated, their territories, including Palestine, would be split among the prospective victorious parties.   

The Sykes-Picot Agreement, also known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was signed in secret 100 years ago, two years into World War I. It signified the brutal nature of colonial powers that rarely associated land and resources with people that lived upon the land and owned those resources. 

The centrepiece of the agreement was a map that was marked with straight lines by a china graph pencil. The map largely determined the fate of the Arabs, dividing them in accordance with various haphazard assumptions of tribal and sectarian lines. 

Once the war was over, the loot was to be divided into spheres of influence: 

- France would receive areas marked (a), which included: the region of south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq - including Mosel, most of Syria and Lebanon.

- British-controlled areas were marked with the letter (b), which included: Jordan, southern Iraq, Haifa and Acre in Palestine and a coastal strip between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan.

- Russia would be granted Istanbul, Armenia and the strategic Turkish Straits. 

The improvised map consisted not only of lines but also colours, along with language that attested to the fact that the two countries viewed the Arab region purely on materialistic terms, without paying the slightest attention to the possible repercussions of slicing up entire civilizations with a multifarious history of co-operation and conflict.

The agreement read, partly: 

"… in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab state or confederation of Arab states." 

The brown area, however, was designated as an international administration, the nature of which was to be decided upon after further consultation among Britain, France and Russia.  The Sykes-Picot negotiations finished in March 1916 and were official, although secretly signed on May 19, 1916. World War I concluded on November 11, 1918, after which the division of the Ottoman Empire began in earnest. 

British and French mandates were extended over divided Arab entities, while Palestine was granted to the Zionist movement a year later, when Balfour conveyed the British government's promise, sealing the fate of Palestine to live in perpetual war and turmoil. 

The idea of Western "peacemakers" and "honest-brokers", who are very much a party in every Middle Eastern conflict, is not new. British betrayal of Arab aspirations goes back many decades. They used the Arabs as pawns in their Great Game against other colonial contenders, only to betray them later on, while still casting themselves as friends bearing gifts. 

Nowhere else was this hypocrisy on full display as was in the case of Palestine. Starting with the first wave of Zionist Jewish migration to Palestine in 1882, European countries helped to facilitate the movement of illegal settlers and resources, where the establishment of many colonies, large and small, was afoot.   

So when Balfour sent his letter to Rothschild, the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was very much plausible.

Still, many supercilious promises were being made to the Arabs during the Great War years, as self-imposed Arab leadership sided with the British in their war against the Ottoman Empire. Arabs were promised instant independence, including that of the Palestinians. 

The understanding among Arab leaders was that Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations was to apply to Arab provinces that were ruled by the Ottomans. Arabs were told that they were to be respected as "a sacred trust of civilization", and their communities were to be recognised as "independent nations". 

Palestinians wanted to believe that they were also included in that civilization sacredness, and were deserving of independence, too. Their conduct in support of the Pan-Arab Congress, as voting delegates in July 1919, which elected Faisal as a King of a state comprising Palestine, Lebanon, Transjordan and Syria, and their continued support of Sharif Hussein of Mecca, were all expressions of their desire for the long-coveted sovereignty.

 When the intentions of the British and their rapport with the Zionists became too apparent, Palestinians rebelled, a rebellion that has never ceased, 99 years later, for the horrific consequences of British colonialism and the eventual complete Zionist takeover of Palestine are still felt after all these years. 

Paltry attempts to pacify Palestinian anger were to no avail, especially after the League of Nations Council in July 1922 approved the terms of the British Mandate over Palestine - which was originally granted to Britain in April 1920 - without consulting the Palestinians at all, who would disappear from the British and international radar, only to reappear as negligible rioters, troublemakers, and obstacles to the joint British-Zionist colonial concoctions. 

Despite occasional assurances to the contrary, the British intention of ensuring the establishment of an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine was becoming clearer with time.

The Balfour Declaration was hardly an aberration, but had, indeed, set the stage for the full-scale ethnic cleansing that followed, three decades later. 

In his book, Before Their Diaspora, Palestinian scholar Walid Khalidi captured the true collective understanding among Palestinians regarding what had befallen their homeland nearly a century ago:

"The Mandate, as a whole, was seen by the Palestinians as an Anglo-Zionist condominium and its terms as instrument for the implementation of the Zionist programme; it had been imposed on them by force, and they considered it to be both morally and legally invalid. The Palestinians constituted the vast majority of the population and owned the bulk of the land. Inevitably, the ensuing struggle centreed on this status quo. The British and the Zionists were determined to subvert and revolutionise it, the Palestinians to defend and preserve it." 

In fact, that history remains in constant replay: The Zionists claimed Palestine and renamed it "Israel"; the British continue to support them, although never ceasing to pay lip service to the Arabs; the Palestinian people remain a nation that is geographically fragmented between refugee camps, in the diaspora, militarily occupied, or treated as second-class citizens in a country upon which their ancestors dwelt since time immemorial.   

While Balfour cannot be blamed for all the misfortunes that have befallen Palestinians since he communicated his brief but infamous letter, the notion that his "promise" embodied - that of complete disregard of the aspirations of the Palestinian Arab people - is handed from one generation of British diplomats to the next, the same way that Palestinian resistance to colonialism is also spread across generations.

In his essay in the Al-Ahram Weekly, entitled "Truth and Reconciliation", the late Professor Edward Said wrote: "Neither the Balfour Declaration nor the Mandate ever specifically concede that Palestinians had political, as opposed to civil and religious, rights in Palestine.

The idea of inequality between Jews and Arabs was, therefore, built into British - and, subsequently, Israeli and US - policy from the start." 

That inequality continues, thus the perpetuation of the conflict. What the British, the early Zionists, the Americans and subsequent Israeli governments failed to understand, and continue to ignore at their own peril, is that there can be no peace without justice and equality in Palestine; and that Palestinians will continue to resist, as long as the reasons that inspired their rebellion nearly a century ago, remain in place. 

Ninety-nine years later, the British government is yet to possess the moral courage to take responsibility for what their government has done to the Palestinian people. 

Ninety-nine years later, Palestinians insist that their rights in Palestine cannot be dismissed, neither by Balfour, nor by his modern peers in "Her Majesty's Government".

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Of course this is from Aljazeera!  The truth is there never was a nation or country called Palestine and certainly no Palestinians, it was all made up at I believe it was the Oslo accords. Check out the history, it is easy enough to find the truth, you can go all the way back to the Roman Empire. Never was a Palestine, it is islamic propaganda.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
Balfour Declaration


The Balfour Declaration was a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It read:

    "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."[1][2]

The text of the letter was published in the press one week later, on 9 November 1917.[3] The "Balfour Declaration" was later incorporated into both the Sèvres peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire, and the Mandate for Palestine. The original document is kept at the British Library.


I would like to know why none of the rest you have addressed the elephant in the room.  With all this banter no one has brought up ISLAM, which is the elephant in the room,  You say we are fighting terrorism and don't know who our enemy is, I say BS we know who the enemy is! just because no one wants to name the elephant in the room it does not mean the elephant doesn't exist.

If 911 was our own government perpetrating this on us, and you are trying to say the Bush administration came up with this conspiracy, think about it.  Bush was only in the white house for a few months before this happened.  Could you possibly think that that was enough time to plan and execute a conspiracy of this size and plant all the explosives etc. you think were used to carry this whole thing out.  If not Bush then the explosives must have planted before his administration, then you must mean that the Clinton administration did it, at least they had time to plan it and set it up. So are you telling me the Clinton government and the Democrats planned 911 and perpetrated it on us.  Just what are you people saying?

And I really love the accusations of being a disinformant, that is really funny.  Anyone who doesn't agree with your personal twisted beliefs is obviously an agent provocateur and must be working with the enemy, because they couldn't possibly be as intelligent as you people.


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841

Quote from: Room3327 on 2011-11-27, 17:34:31
I would like to know why none of the rest you have addressed the elephant in the room.  With all this banter no one has brought up ISLAM, which is the elephant in the room,  You say we are fighting terrorism and don't know who our enemy is, I say BS we know who the enemy is! just because no one wants to name the elephant in the room it does not mean the elephant doesn't exist.

If 911 was our own government perpetrating this on us, and you are trying to say the Bush administration came up with this conspiracy, think about it.  Bush was only in the white house for a few months before this happened.  Could you possibly think that that was enough time to plan and execute a conspiracy of this size and plant all the explosives etc. you think were used to carry this whole thing out.  If not Bush then the explosives must have planted before his administration, then you must mean that the Clinton administration did it, at least they had time to plan it and set it up. So are you telling me the Clinton government and the Democrats planned 911 and perpetrated it on us.  Just what are you people saying?

And I really love the accusations of being a disinformant, that is really funny.  Anyone who doesn't agree with your personal twisted beliefs is obviously an agent provocateur and must be working with the enemy, because they couldn't possibly be as intelligent as you people.

Certainly your government. Well the secret services of your government in co-operation with mossad.

But you fail to go back far enough, the C4 was installed as the building was being built back in the early '70's, Nixon? But american presidents are only puppets so it would be more correct to state that the cartel planned and executed  911.

Islam and zionism, etc (Jesuits, Masons) are only front groups of the cartel/ illuminati/ secret government, what ever you wish to call it.

Their US puppet this year was going to be Killary but that ball of wax seems to be decomposing?


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Balfour Declaration


The Balfour Declaration was a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It read:

    "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."[1][2]

The text of the letter was published in the press one week later, on 9 November 1917.[3] The "Balfour Declaration" was later incorporated into both the Sèvres peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire, and the Mandate for Palestine. The original document is kept at the British Library.



The Romans called that part of their empire Palestine in the same way we talk of the American west, it was a specific area of Roman hegemony, there was no country of Palestine and no Palestinian people, I care not what some English moron wrote in a 1917 letter without a clue as to what he was saying, just like Chamberlain new all about Hitler! Wake up people.  Islamic revisionist history is not fact, it is REVISED, pay attention!
I'd also like to thank you for bringing up an old quote of mine from 2011 as you all know I still stand by my words!

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 571

Quote from: Room3327 on 2011-11-27, 17:34:31
I would like to know why none of the rest you have addressed the elephant in the room.  With all this banter no one has brought up ISLAM, which is the elephant in the room,  You say we are fighting terrorism and don't know who our enemy is, I say BS we know who the enemy is! just because no one wants to name the elephant in the room it does not mean the elephant doesn't exist.

If 911 was our own government perpetrating this on us, and you are trying to say the Bush administration came up with this conspiracy, think about it.  Bush was only in the white house for a few months before this happened.  Could you possibly think that that was enough time to plan and execute a conspiracy of this size and plant all the explosives etc. you think were used to carry this whole thing out.  If not Bush then the explosives must have planted before his administration, then you must mean that the Clinton administration did it, at least they had time to plan it and set it up. So are you telling me the Clinton government and the Democrats planned 911 and perpetrated it on us.  Just what are you people saying?

And I really love the accusations of being a disinformant, that is really funny.  Anyone who doesn't agree with your personal twisted beliefs is obviously an agent provocateur and must be working with the enemy, because they couldn't possibly be as intelligent as you people.

Certainly your government. Well the secret services of your government in co-operation with mossad.

But you fail to go back far enough, the C4 was installed as the building was being built back in the early '70's, Nixon? But american presidents are only puppets so it would be more correct to state that the cartel planned and executed  911.

Islam and zionism, etc (Jesuits, Masons) are only front groups of the cartel/ illuminati/ secret government, what ever you wish to call it.

Their US puppet this year was going to be Killary but that ball of wax seems to be decomposing?


Dear Ronee,
     Your new here so I will cut you some slack, but you shouldn't jump into this fray without knowing what you are talking about.
C4 was it now, you better check in with the physics prof first, he says it was thermite, quite a difference from C4, OK cutting slack.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Romans called that part of their empire Palestine in the same way we talk of the American west, it was a specific area of Roman hegemony, there was no country of Palestine and no Palestinian people, I care not what some English moron wrote in a 1917 letter without a clue as to what he was saying, just like Chamberlain new all about Hitler! Wake up people.  Islamic revisionist history is not fact, it is REVISED, pay attention!
I'd also like to thank you for bringing up an old quote of mine from 2011 as you all know I still stand by my words!


INTRODUCTION By the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M. P.

He wrote this introduction to a book published in 1919, 'History of Zionism 1600-1919' by Nahum Sokolow.

'The Jews have never been crushed. Neither cruelty nor contempt, neither unequal laws nor illegal oppression, have ever broken their spirit, or shattered their unconquerable hopes. But it may well be true that, where they have been compelled to live among their neighbors as if these were their enemies, they have obtain obtained, and sometimes deserved, the reputation of being undesirable citizens. Nor is this surprising. If you oblige many men to be money-lenders, some will assuredly be usurers. If you treat an important section of the community as outcasts, they will hardly shine as patriots. Thus does intolerance blindly labor to create the justification for its own excesses.'
« Last Edit: 2016-11-05, 20:30:10 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
Dear Ronee,
     Your new here so I will cut you some slack, but you shouldn't jump into this fray without knowing what you are talking about.
C4 was it now, you better check in with the physics prof first, he says it was thermite, quite a difference from C4, OK cutting slack.

Well the point I was making is the Saudi thing is a red herring.

However I am glad to open a further line of research for you. The "twin towers" were built to be demolished, that was the plan. They had C4 built in as the quote below shows...

"The method of demolition was that the towers were built with C4 plastic explosive cast into the concrete in 2 basic explosive circuits. The rebar of the concrete shear walls of the tubular cast concrete core was one circuit and each panel of every floor comprised the other circuit.

All that need to be done was the setting of detonators by digging our paraffin plugs sealing and preserving the C4 where blasting caps were placed. Digital counters were wired into redundant security telephone circuit that ran throughout the towers. One audio tone on that circuit set the digital counter counting and each floor was timed for 75 seconds more delay descending and every 40 foot of core followed the floors down at a rate of free fall.

The core detonation circuits were inside the core and protected by the blasts of the floors by the thick core walls."

However it was a long time from 1974 and the concern was... is the C4 still viable?  So to make sure they added thermite wherever they could and installed a mini nuke to take out the core and had a beam weapon on standby.

This is why the "fall" was so dramatic, there was so much overkill on the explosives.

If you wish we can continue this and I can provide links



Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I care not what some English moron wrote in a 1917 letter without a clue as to what he was saying.

The Balfour Declaration was a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It read:

    "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I think he knew exactly what he was saying!

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 571

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Some very interesting information there, that I was not aware of. Thanks for posting.


Not many people are aware of this, and many other things, that the elite are trying desperately to hide, so your welcome. I just ask that you do not try to tell me about islam, after more years studing it then most PHD's do for their degree, I know islam better then the majority of muslims practicing it.  Then we will get along great Ronee.


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841
Not many people are aware of this, and many other things, that the elite are trying desperately to hide, so your welcome. I just ask that you do not try to tell me about islam, after more years studing it then most PHD's do for their degree, I know islam better then the majority of muslims practicing it.  Then we will get along great Ronee.


LOL, I was just concerned with your linking Islam and 9-11. I am well aware of the horrors of islam

But in the case of 9-11 we should ask, cui bono?--- Islam? no --- Saudi Arabia, not much, a couple of favourable arms deals maybe.

But Israel, yes! 9-11 brought the great military might of the USA in to smash Israel's problems, Iraq, Syria, Libya, mind you Lybia was not a direct threat but it did free up arms and terrorists for the Syria offensive. The preferred target was of course Iran, but they just couldn't manage to get that one hotted up.

 Are we pretty much on the same page now?



Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
LOL, I was just concerned with your linking Islam and 9-11. I am well aware of the horrors of islam

But in the case of 9-11 we should ask, cui bono?--- Islam? no --- Saudi Arabia, not much, a couple of favourable arms deals maybe.

But Israel, yes! 9-11 brought the great military might of the USA in to smash Israel's problems, Iraq, Syria, Libya, mind you Lybia was not a direct threat but it did free up arms and terrorists for the Syria offensive. The preferred target was of course Iran, but they just couldn't manage to get that one hotted up.

 Are we pretty much on the same page now?


There are many unanswered questions concerning 911, will we ever know the real truth? Not anymore it has been too obscured, but bringing in C4 and thermite and Atomic bombs to take down the twin towers is too far for me to go to be on the same page as you.  If you read what Physics Prof has written about it, he makes a good case for thermite possibly having been used, but I can't buy C4 or atomic bombs so we'll see I'm sure our thoughts will cross here and there.


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 841
There are many unanswered questions concerning 911, will we ever know the real truth? Not anymore it has been too obscured, but bringing in C4 and thermite and Atomic bombs to take down the twin towers is too far for me to go to be on the same page as you.  If you read what Physics Prof has written about it, he makes a good case for thermite possibly having been used, but I can't buy C4 or atomic bombs so we'll see I'm sure our thoughts will cross here and there.


It is just common sense really. The evidence for the use of thermite is quite clear but thermite is an exothermic reaction and mostly releases its energy in the form of heat. In other words melts steel, as we see in the cascades of molten steel pouring down the sides of the tower. But it is slow and often used for welding --- welding steel train tracks for example.

But what is need to quickly cut steel columns is a cutter charge, that is C4 between shaping plates as is seen in the next two videos. The second video is using a similar product, "dioplex" but see how it cuts an H beam. Now compare that to all the column pictures you have seen with there neatly cut ends, either square or diagonal cuts.



A mini nuke is not too hard to grasp if you look at the evidence, for example...


Keep in mind I am not making this stuff up, dozens, hundreds? have already figured it out


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: Ronee
The evidence for the use of thermite is quite clear but thermite is an exothermic reaction and mostly releases its energy in the form of heat. In other words melts steel, as we see in the cascades of molten steel pouring down the sides of the tower. But it is slow and often used for welding --- welding steel train tracks for example.

The Thermite mixture which is used for welding consists of rather large
particles of Aluminum and Iron Oxide in order that it will burn slowly
and non-explosively.  If, on the other hand, the particles are made very
small (micro-particles) and the mixture is thoroughly incorporated in
much the same fashion as Black Powder or Flash Powder, then it is
capable of very rapid deflagration and explosion.

Military Thermite Mixtures (Super Thermite) which are used to destroy
structures are composed of such thoroughly incorporated nano-particles.
These mixtures burn extremely rapidly with explosive power.


For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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