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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081276 times)

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Oh yes I did read that, I also did some research into JFK's assassination and a guy by the name of I think James Files or similar has admitted to doing the shooting from the grassy knoll. It's obvious he was shot from in front right slightly. Anyone who has shot things with high powered rifles could see that. the back of his head was not blown out by a shot from behind. A hyper velocity round from the front right (JFK's right) would do that, grassy knoll for sure. I think Mr Files claimed that they tried to then kill him several times.

A Green beret friend of mine told me back in the 70's that it was a standard 3 point ambush and knew it immediately from his training, I still believe he is right. I agree with you I have studied the assassination and I think the bullet that took out the back of his head had to come from the front and side I don't see any other way.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
Yes the energy from the kill shot even threw his head back, A .223 with any ammo would do it but with "special ammo" and a marksman it would have been a easy hit from the knoll. The car almost stopped so he could get a "sure shot", they should be trained to accelerate not stop. Very sus. That's what a banker assassination looks like I guess. I would almost bet they filmed it themselves and show the unique footage from an angle not seen by the minions eyes to new presidents so as to let them know what is in store if they do not comply. The unique footage would be proof they did it and a good deterrent.

Ballistic Chart, "custom ammo" could do over 4000 fps.

Rifle below, a bolt action rifle retains a slightly higher muzzle velocity than a semi auto generally, it depends on the auto loading mechanism how much it affects the ballistics I think.

I also think a "take down" version would have been employed in that situation.
Group: Guest
ISIS is almost finished ! The Russians have cut off the finance and shamed the U.S. and Co. into cutting ties with ISIS, now the U.S. is pulling it's fighter jets out of turkey and no longer want Assad to go, the U.S. would seem to be giving the game up with a cut and pull out tactic. I wonder if they will actually stop sponsoring Terrorism or not.


EDIT: Changed link due to Virus concerns. Pays to play it safe.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-19, 13:02:47 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
Here is an article on James Files and the Firearm he claims to have used, a "Remington Fireball", a .222 Caliber buttless rifle or long pistol, I'm not convinced that would have been the actual form of the firearm, I would guess it would be fitted with a removable stock/butt, Scope and possibly most of the pistol grip or at least modified to take an add on butt to the stock of the thing.

Anyway the story sounds plausible.



Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
ISIS is almost finished ! The Russians have cut off the finance and shamed the U.S. and Co. into cutting ties with ISIS, now the U.S. is pulling it's fighter jets out of turkey and no longer want Assad to go, the U.S. would seem to be giving the game up with a cut and pull out tactic. I wonder if they will actually stop sponsoring Terrorism or not.


FH and all

The site above is not safe, my AV is going crazy with it and going back to the forum a lot of writing is deleated for me.


Mike 8)

PS could just be here in Spain

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Here's another link to a different site. I'll put this one above, article is the same words I think.


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
ISIS is almost finished ! The Russians have cut off the finance and shamed the U.S. and Co. into cutting ties with ISIS, now the U.S. is pulling it's fighter jets out of turkey and no longer want Assad to go, the U.S. would seem to be giving the game up with a cut and pull out tactic. I wonder if they will actually stop sponsoring Terrorism or not.


EDIT: Changed link due to Virus concerns. Pays to play it safe.

It's the first smart thing Obama has done, I'm glad Putin put the pressure on him.  Obama's government will never stop sponsoring terror, he basically is a terrorist, I tried to tell people in 2007 that he was/is a muslim and no one believed me, take a poll now.  If we can ever get rid of the democraps and the new democratic party, the Republicants, and get someone who is not beholden to any party or anyone's money we will lose this fight.  At the moment I feel the US is on the wrong side of the fight, I have more respect for Putin by far then Obama but then all you have to do is study something about islam to know why he has done the things he has it's not rocket science.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Obama (aka Obongo or Obomber) was groomed for and installed into
the position of president by those who in reality control the United
States of America.  The Federal Reserve Banking System, a franchise
of the Rothschild Banking syndicate, in conjunction with other "arms"
of Rothschild Banking, is in full control of The West.

Obama, for the same reasons as those who preceded him as president,
was put into the position in order to further the PLAN and the AGENDA
of Rothschild Banking.  In the United States of America, the People have
effectively been nullified as any sort of voice within the power structure.

The Dark Side is temporarily in charge of the political, economic, banking,
monetary, industrial, religious and corporate elements of Planet Earth.

The Good News, however, is that they will not realize their ultimate goal.
Until the Forces of Good prevail upon them in the coming conflict we
must endure their rulership without compromising our integrity, our
ethics, or our faith in the Way of Truth.  Our part in the ongoing struggle
is small but none-the-less very important.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Merry Christmas to you as well!

Thanks for the Link to the testimonial by
Ms Anni Cyrus on "Sharia Law."  There are
additional links on the page to other videos
with similar themes.

Islam has suffered corruption in the same manner
that Christianity and Judahism have.  Ideologies
and brutal practices have been adopted in certain
regions which override the quest for goodness
in relations with all peoples while striving to promote
peace and harmony.  Sects and divisions.

We are nearing the Time of the End where the
corrupt practices and endless warfare will intensify
to a level not yet seen in the history of Planet Earth.

Sadly, much of the corruption and radicalization which
we are seeing today is hegemonic foreign policy as
practiced by The West.   


For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Here this is for those who still don't get it, this woman has more balls then most of the men out there, it would be worth your time to listen to what she has to say.


Happy Holidays

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Dan Sanchez on how "War is Realizing the Israelizing of the World."

Quote from: Article
Tel Aviv has long pursued a strategy of “divide and conquer”: both directly, and indirectly through the tremendous influence of the Israel lobby and neocons over US foreign policy.

A famous article from the early 1980s by Israeli diplomat and journalist Oded Yinon is most explicit in this regard. The “Yinon Plan” calls for the “dissolution” of “the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula.” Each country was to be made to “fall apart along sectarian and ethnic lines,” after which each resulting fragment would be “hostile” to its “neighbors.”
 As menacing as jihadi terrorists are to civilians, and as horrific as civil war is for those directly afflicted, the Israeli regime would rather be surrounded by both than to be neighbored by even a single stable Muslim or Arab state not subject to Washington’s and Tel Aviv’s will.

This is partly due to simple imperialism, made especially aggressive by Israel’s Zionist ideology. Israel wants lebensraum, which includes both additional territory for itself and coerced access to resources and markets in foreign territories in the region. Non-client Muslim and Arab states are simply standing in the way of that. Every state lusts for lebensraum. What makes Israel’s lust particularly dangerous is its blank-check backing by the American superpower.

But there is also the more particular issue of maintaining a particular bit of already-conquered lebensraum: the Israeli occupation of Palestine. No matter how weak (like Saddam) and meek (like Assad) Arab rulers are on the subject, the very notion of Arab nationalism is a standing threat to the Israelis as permanent occupiers and systematic dispossessors of Arabs. Israel hates Baathism for the same reason it hated the PLO before the latter was tamed. A nationally-conscious Arab world will never fully accept the Occupation.

Israel is prejudiced against regional stability, because a stable, coherent Arab state is more likely to have both the motivation and the wherewithal to resist Israeli designs on its country, and possibly even to stand up for the Palestinians.

One might wonder how jihadis and civil war are any better in these regards. It’s not like the natural resources under Assad’s barrel bombs or ISIS’s sneakers are any more readily available to Israel. And, setting aside Mossad-related theories about ISIS and Al Qaeda, it’s not like Islamist extremists are necessarily much more forgiving of the Occupation than Arab nationalists.

But the jihadis are preferred by Israel, not as permanent neighbors, but as catalysts for military escalation. By overthrowing moderates to the benefit of extremists, the Israeli-occupied US foreign policy is accelerating further war by polarizing the world. It is making the Israeli/Arab and Western/Muslim divides more severely black and white by eliminating the “gray zones” of co-existence. This is ISIS’s own strategy as well.

Israeli hawks prefer ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas to Saddam, Assad, and Arafat, because the people of the West are less likely to be willing to co-exist with the former than the latter. Especially as terrorist attacks and refugee crises mount in the West, the rise and reign of the terrorists may finally overcome public opposition to troop commitment, and necessitate the Western invasion and permanent occupation of the Greater Middle East, followed, of course, by its perpetual exploitation by, among other Washington favorites, Israel and Israeli corporations.

The West may become a Global Israel, forever occupying, forever dispossessing, forever bombing, and forever insecure. And the Middle East may become a Global Palestine, forever occupied, forever dispossessed, forever bombed, and forever desperately violent. That is how war is realizing the Israelizing of the world.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The West may become a Global Israel, forever occupying, forever dispossessing, forever bombing, and forever insecure. And the Middle East may become a Global Palestine, forever occupied, forever dispossessed, forever bombed, and forever desperately violent. That is how war is realizing the Israelizing of the world.

I have to wonder how a backwater country of mostly goat herder's in a non-productive desert region smaller than the province I live in Canada would Israelize the world?. Maybe they plan on selling fanatic religious beliefs or maybe barren wasteland devoid of water?. In any case they cannot even manage their own problems at home let alone world domination. My guess is they like to make a lot of noise and toot their own horn but at the end of the day both groups are simply religious fanatics fighting for a bigger piece of barren wasteland. It's not a threat, more so it's kind of ridiculous but apparently they have nothing better to do with their time... maybe they need a hobby or something?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AllCanadian
I have to wonder how a backwater country of mostly goat herder's in a non-productive desert region smaller than the province I live in Canada would Israelize the world?. Maybe they plan on selling fanatic religious beliefs or maybe barren wasteland devoid of water?. In any case they cannot even manage their own problems at home let alone world domination. My guess is they like to make a lot of noise and toot their own horn but at the end of the day both groups are simply religious fanatics fighting for a bigger piece of barren wasteland. It's not a threat, more so it's kind of ridiculous but apparently they have nothing better to do with their time... maybe they need a hobby or something?.

I'm wondering the name of the "backwater country" you
speak of AC.  Goat herders?  Are you thinking of FantasyLand?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
I think he is trying to Describe Israel itself as a bunch of goat herders. Couldn't be further from the truth, and I wonder how anyone could imagine that to be the case. Israel is a very technologically advanced country, even during WW2 many Jews performed very specialized jobs by force for the Nazi's, some of Hitlers scientists were Jews. And back to present times the Jewish State has a nuclear arsenal, as well as a patriot missile shield courtesy of their slave state the U.S.. Israel has a lucrative tech industry of it's own though, and on top of all that a lot of congress and such in the U.S. is run by dual Israeli-U.S. citizens I believe, then there is the Jewish lobbying of the U.S. politicians and the applause the Israeli leader gets in congress is greater than for the U.S. president, which shows actually where the allegiance of the U.S. lawmakers actually goes. And it is that situation that makes Israel so dangerous.

Describing Israel as a bunch of goat herders is like describing Canada as a state full of troglodytes. Quite misinformed.

There is ample evidence of Israeli and U.S. aid direct to ISIS on a continuing basis. Israeli and U.S. military officers have been giving direction and intel. to ISIS, as well as operating in country in Iraq alongside ISIS brigades. The recent bombing of Iraqi troops by the U.S. was likely to try to kill the Iraqi commanders showing evidence of U.S. air drops of weapons and food/water to ISIS fighters likely with U.S. or Israelis officers embedded in them.

It's one thing to not be so interested in the goings on there and the Ukraine, but it is an exercise in ignorance to believe anything reported in the main stream media. Almost all of our main media outlets get news stories handed to them by the respective Spy agencies and told to report that or else. Anyone keeping count of the murdered Journalists ? There are a few that seem to be obvious enough for the average Joe to even see it plain as daylight. Mass delusion/confusion, mass ignorance and mass cognitive dissonance is exactly what allows these events to unfold as they do in the first place.

No point providing links to evidence for AC. apparently.

US to ISIS supply drops

The Iraqi military leaders know the U.S. is helping ISIS and they want the U.S. out. Iraq is now allying with Iran and Russia. Even those reporting on this issue seem to be a bit confused.



CIA and Mossad are deep inside ISIS.
Quick explanation.


Regardless of what people believe, the reality of the situation will continue.

The sheer number of U.S. made Artillery pieces Humvees and T.O.W. anti tank missiles that ISIS is using should be a clue as to why ISIS continues.

A slew of relevant links show in the link below.

« Last Edit: 2015-12-27, 23:16:44 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, you've said it very, very well indeed FarmHand!!

When one tries to make sense of how our Planet
has gotten to be in such a horrific mess, incrementally,
a small step at a time over the period of several hundred
years, one could easily succumb to establishment propaganda
which would lead us to believe that it all just happened
spontaneously.  Or, with a little digging, one can discover
that it has been a PLAN, devised by a rather small group
of men, and that we are presently nearing the conclusion
of the PLAN.

In the final analysis it may not be too important which way
we swing on the issue;  in due time we shall all be made to
know the TRUTH.  I tend to think that once we reach that
point in our development that our "living" will really begin.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I think he is trying to Describe Israel itself as a bunch of goat herders. Couldn't be further from the truth, and I wonder how anyone could imagine that to be the case. Israel is a very technologically advanced country, even during WW2 many Jews performed very specialized jobs by force for the Nazi's, some of Hitlers scientists were Jews. And back to present times the Jewish State has a nuclear arsenal, as well as a patriot missile shield courtesy of their slave state the U.S.. Israel has a lucrative tech industry of it's own though, and on top of all that a lot of congress and such in the U.S. is run by dual Israeli-U.S. citizens I believe, then there is the Jewish lobbying of the U.S. politicians and the applause the Israeli leader gets in congress is greater than for the U.S. president, which shows actually where the allegiance of the U.S. lawmakers actually goes. And it is that situation that makes Israel so dangerous.

Oh good grief... do I always have to spell everything out.
They are not literally goat herders but metaphorically they are in a sense. If I gave a child a photon cannon are they any more or less a child?, well no and technology cannot always change a person's beliefs. So while Israel may have advanced technology and nuclear weapons this does not change the fact the premise of their disagreements with others relates to extreme religious beliefs. That is the majority strongly believe in the supposed words of an imaginary bearded man in a white dress who created the universe in six days. There is no getting around this and you can spin this any way you want but at the end of the day their tangible actions are guided by the imaginary words of an imaginary God. Psychologically religion empowers the believer with a sense of superiority and purpose because of their beliefs and renders all others as somehow misguided or inferior which is a recipe for disaster as we can obviously see.

So if your looking for logic and reason behind many of the world events we see then your barking up the wrong tree my friend because fundamentally there is none in it.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AllCanadian
... the premise of their disagreements with others relates to extreme religious beliefs. That is the majority strongly believe in the supposed words of an imaginary bearded man in a white dress who created the universe in six days. There is no getting around this and you can spin this any way you want but at the end of the day their tangible actions are guided by the imaginary words of an imaginary God.

There may be some TRUTH in your observation AC.
We shall soon see whether what guides the Synagogue
of Satan is imaginary or real.  And of course, which
"god" they've chosen to follow.

Most of "The West" is being guided by this same "god."
We might even say that most of Planet Earth is under
the influence of this "god."  The Book tells us that he
is the "god of this world."  The father of the lie...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
There may be some TRUTH in your observation AC.
We shall soon see whether what guides the Synagogue
of Satan is imaginary or real.  And of course, which
"god" they've chosen to follow.

I'm not anti-religion and I guess what I'm trying to say is we need to start treating other people like real people regardless of what they believe. We can't keep pigeon-holing other people as inferior to ourselves simply because we see them as different. Different does not mean lesser nor does it mean inferior it simply means they are different.

The real problem was explained by Gustav Le Bon and most individuals are tolerant of other individuals. However when many like minded individuals form groups they become intolerant, indifferent and start to judge anyone outside the group as somehow inferior. The group mentality degrades the human condition to the extent others becomes sub-human.

As such I refuse to participate in such nonsense and reject the group mentality. Gustav Le Bon got it right, the group is capable of justifying any act no matter how vile, no matter how cruel because they believe they are no longer responsible for their actions as individuals. We see this in governments, police services, military and religious organizations. Thus it is important to understand the psychology here and hold individuals accountable for their individual actions outside the context of the group. We also see the group protecting their own to justify their own existence at which point they are capable of almost anything.

In any case, the group will not change until the individuals within it recognize what they have become and embrace real change for the better. Judging the group never has worked because the group becomes an entity in itself and real change always starts with the individual.

Merry Christmas and a better new year

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2735
Wise Man

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Umm who's Judging who here ?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AllCanadian
I'm not anti-religion and I guess what I'm trying to say is we need to start treating other people like real people regardless of what they believe. We can't keep pigeon-holing other people as inferior to ourselves simply because we see them as different. Different does not mean lesser nor does it mean inferior it simply means they are different.

Aye, that is a truism.  Since we're all very diverse children
of a common family we should indeed have love and respect
for all of our "neighbors."  The difference that concerns men
of good will is whether there are others who devote themselves
to doing what is bad.

Quote from: AllCanadian
The real problem was explained by Gustav Le Bon and most individuals are tolerant of other individuals. However when many like minded individuals form groups they become intolerant, indifferent and start to judge anyone outside the group as somehow inferior. The group mentality degrades the human condition to the extent others becomes sub-human.

Aye, such is the case with those who support the State of
Israel.  If you've not read any of their writings you may
find this difficult to believe.

Quote from: AllCanadian
As such I refuse to participate in such nonsense and reject the group mentality. Gustav Le Bon got it right, the group is capable of justifying any act no matter how vile, no matter how cruel because they believe they are no longer responsible for their actions as individuals. We see this in governments, police services, military and religious organizations. Thus it is important to understand the psychology here and hold individuals accountable for their individual actions outside the context of the group. We also see the group protecting their own to justify their own existence at which point they are capable of almost anything.

Groups have the capability to exist as forces of good or,
conversely, as forces of bad.  A very sad truth is that the
process of converting (trance-forming) a group which delights
in doing good into one which pursues badness is quite easy.

Quote from: AllCanadian
In any case, the group will not change until the individuals within it recognize what they have become and embrace real change for the better. Judging the group never has worked because the group becomes an entity in itself and real change always starts with the individual.

Merry Christmas and a better new year

That pretty well summarizes the "problem" we now face on our
planet.  Many peoples (groups) have been trance-formed and
corrupted by means of nefarious leadership into groups who
wish to inflict destruction and death onto those they've been
led to believe are their "enemies."  Mind Control has been
put to use on a grand scale to accomplish this state of affairs
in order to enable advancement of the PLAN.  Perpetual warfare,
high tech destruction and death have become the [modus] mode
 du jour.

TRUTH will make known those who are bad and those who wish to
pursue good as it deconstructs the propaganda that Bad is Good
while Good is Bad.

All nations of The West are supporters of the State of Israel.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Well I just began a new hobby, which could be called "prepping" in a way. I went to the local pistol club for an introductory shoot and it was good to revise basic fire arm safety as well as have a few shots, we were only meant to fire 20 rounds but I managed to somehow get an extra 5 off by the looks of the target. The gentlemen at the club were very accommodating and informative. A few more shoots and I'll try to begin the licencing process.

Here's my target. First five hits were covered by the black dots before the rest were fired in 5 round lots. I think I blitzed it for the beginners, we all used Ruger 22-45 type with long barrels of course. I chose the one with a rubber grip expander thingy which made the thing better to hold in a fairly big hand.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Looks as if you've got a good eye and a good steady trigger
hand!  Well placed groups on the target.

Here's an interesting report which may shed some light on
the origins of the elusive "Free Energy" or "Overunity" quest.

And perhaps on why some are more "successful" than others.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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