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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081246 times)

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
World Governments Caught Supporting ISIS

Submitted by IWB, on November 26th, 2015


Just how long can the international community pretend to keep it’s dirty secret in the proverbial closet that they actually support ISIS? Lines are clearly being drawn as NATO ally Turkey shot down a Russian jet fighter, and then shot the ejected pilots dead as they descended in parachutes, claiming the jet was in Turkish airspace. Putin claimed the jet was downed 4 kilometers from the Turkish border in Syria . As Putin expressed outrage, calling the attack a stab in the back and threatened consequences, the Russian rescue helicopter attending to the downed jet was shot down. Fired on by Obama’s supposed Moderate Syrian Rebels. The incident occurred just days after Turkish officials warned Russia to “immediately end its operation” against ISIS after warplanes bombed border regions.

Recently it was revealed the Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria. The leaflet drops are justified under the premise that the oil tanker drivers might be civilians and not ISIS recruits.

On Monday the State Department issued a “Worldwide Travel Alert.” You’re not safe anywhere. “ This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016,” the alert posted on the State Department’s website says. If you plan to travel abroad during the holiday, the government says you should register with them.
Incidentally, in standard bullying doublespeak Jeh Johnson at the Department of Homeland Security declared there is no “specific,” “credible” or “imminent” terror threat at this time.

As the Nato Allies and New World Order stalwarts impatiently sit on their hands. It is beginning to become abundantly clear. The collateral damage to the hidden globalist backed ISIS campaign Russia is racking up, is reaching a breaking point.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality

Submitted by IWB, on November 25th, 2015


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
I'll take em on with a bow and arrows. Not got much to lose.

“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” - Robert A. Heinlein

The Gun Debate

Major L. Caudill United States Marine Corps (Retired)


Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that's it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.

The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we'd be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger's potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat. It has no validity when most of a mugger's potential marks are armed.

People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong and the many and that's the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser.

People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don't constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level.

The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I'm looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation and that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act.



Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information.[1] It is closely associated with such characteristically human activities as philosophy, science, language, mathematics, and art and is normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature.[2] The concept of reason is sometimes referred to as rationality and sometimes as discursive reason, in opposition to intuitive reason.[3]

Reason or "reasoning" is associated with thinking, cognition, and intellect. Reason, like habit or intuition, is one of the ways by which thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. For example, it is the means by which rational beings understand themselves to think about cause and effect, truth and falsehood, and what is good or bad. It is also closely identified with the ability to self-consciously change beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and institutions, and therefore with the capacity for freedom and self-determination.[4]

In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies some event, phenomenon or behaviour.[5] The field of logic studies ways in which human beings reason through argument.[6]

Psychologists and cognitive scientists have attempted to study and explain how people reason, e.g. which cognitive and neural processes are engaged, and how cultural factors affect the inferences that people draw. The field of automated reasoning studies how reasoning may or may not be modeled computationally. Animal psychology considers the question of whether animals other than humans can reason.



In physics, a force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object.[1] In other words, a force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate. Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or a pull. A force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. It is measured in the SI unit of newtons and represented by the symbol F.

The original form of Newton's second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with time. If the mass of the object is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object

Related concepts to force include: thrust, which increases the velocity of an object; drag, which decreases the velocity of an object; and torque, which produces changes in rotational speed of an object. In an extended body, each part usually applies forces on the adjacent parts; the distribution of such forces through the body is the so-called mechanical stress. Pressure is a simple type of stress. Stress usually causes deformation of solid materials, or flow in fluids.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Guest
Sound advice I think. omg.
Group: Guest
An excellent post EA!

If a society could be created where the defender is always at an advantage (not just even), war and violence would almost be completely extinguished.

The following quote is a really bad idea:
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face -- forever."
  --  George Orwell

The good news is some are speaking out.


Now will people listen and take action...?
« Last Edit: 2015-11-28, 02:08:42 by Matt Watts »
Group: Guest
I agree the force and reason argument is a sound one, also it can be extrapolated to cover entire countries as individuals. However on the personal level, it would make no sense to allow people with mental disorders to own and carry firearms. This immediately puts them at a disadvantage. There are other groups of the population that fall into a similar category, they cannot for some reason own or carry firearms, and with good reason. That precludes them from ever being in a position to reason with armed people who try to or do force them to do things against their will.

I am an advocate of the right to bear arms. And it is the great leveler. But it is not just the firearms that even the playing field, ie. a bullet proof vest is a class "E" weapon here. If bullet proof vests were legal and common then the police would have to alter their training because shooting at the "center of mass" won't work so well if the target is wearing a BPV. They would need to aim at groin/leg shots or head/arm shots. Bullet proof vests would make the police very nervous because they might need to employ more reasoning in a given situation if the person is wearing a BPV, of course they could give a police direction to the offender to remove the BPV so as to allow them to shoot the said offender dead more easily, I doubt that would work.

All that said I think we all should be able to at least own a bullet proof vest and calling it a weapon is just silly.

Same with a shoulder holster itself is a class M weapon, and that is with no side arm just the empty holster. I'll be trying to become the holder of up to a class "M" weapons licence, but remain not confident of the prospect of any licence even though I have no violent background, I'll see. Even a Category "A" Licence would allow me to own a .22 bolt action rifle and a shotgun. A good start.
First things first I need to build a gun safe, it needs weigh over 150 kilograms not to need to be bolted to the house or floor, no problem, I have a door design in mind. And an ammo/bolt safe as well, it will need to a fair size also.  O0

Queensland Australia.  Weapons categories.

​Category A weapons

(1)    Each of the following is a category A weapon if it has not been rendered permanently inoperable-

a) a miniature cannon under 120 cm in barrel length that is a black powder and muzzle loading cannon, depicting a scale model of an historical artillery piece or naval gun;
b)  an air rifle;
c)  a blank-fire firearm at least 75 cm in length;
d)  a rim-fire rifle (other than a self-loading rim-fire rifle);
e)  a shotgun other than a pump action shotgun or self-loading shotgun;
f)  a powerhead;
g) a break action shotgun and rim-fire rifle combination.

(2)     A conversion unit is also a category A weapon.

(3)   In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category A weapon that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.

Category B weapons

(1)    Each of the following is a category B weapon if it has not been rendered  permanently inoperable--

a) a muzzle-loading firearm;
b) a single shot centre-fire rifle;
c) a double barrel centre-fire rifle;
d) a repeating centre-fire rifle;
e) a break action shotgun and centre-fire rifle combination.

(2)     A conversion unit is also a category A weapon.

(3)    In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category B weapon that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.

Category C weapons

Each of the following is a category C weapon if it has not been rendered permanently inoperable—

a) a semiautomatic rim-fire rifle with a magazine capacity no greater than 10 rounds;
b) a semiautomatic shotgun with a magazine capacity no greater than 5 rounds;
c) a pump action shotgun with a magazine capacity no greater than 5 rounds.

Category D weapons

(1) Each of the following is a category D weapon—

a) a self-loading centre-fire rifle designed or adapted for military purposes or a firearm that substantially duplicates a rifle of that type in design, function or appearance;
b) a non-military style self-loading centre-fire rifle with either an integral or detachable magazine;
c) a self-loading shotgun with either an integral or detachable magazine with a capacity of more than 5 rounds and a pump action shotgun with a capacity of more than 5 rounds;
d) a self-loading rim-fire rifle with a magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds.

(2)  Subsection (1) applies to a weapon mentioned in the subsection even  if the weapon is permanently inoperable.

Category E weapons

A bulletproof vest or protective body vest or body armour designed to prevent the penetration of small arms projectiles is a category E weapon.

Category H weapons

(1) A firearm, including an air pistol and a blank-fire firearm, under 75 cm in length, other than a powerhead, is a category H weapon, regardless of whether it has been rendered permanently inoperable;

(2) A conversion unit is also a category H weapon;

(3) This section does not apply to a powerhead or category C, D or R weapon;

(4) In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category H weapon that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.

For schedule 2 of the Act, each of the following comprises a class of category H weapon—

(a) an air pistol;
(b) a centre-fire pistol with a calibre of not more than .38 inch or a black-powder pistol;
(c) a centre-fire pistol with a calibre of more than .38 inch but not more than .45 inch;
(d) a rim-fire pistol.

Category M weapons

Each of the following is a category M weapon--

(a) any clothing, apparel, accessory or article designed to disguise any weapon or other cutting or piercing instrument capable of causing bodily harm;
(b) any of the following that is primarily designed for the control of native or feral animals-

(i)  an antipersonnel gas of a corrosive, noxious or irritant nature or that is capable of causing bodily harm and any weapon capable of discharging the gas by any means;

(ii)  an antipersonnel substance of a corrosive, noxious or irritant nature or that is capable of causing bodily harm and any weapon capable of discharging the substance by any means;

(c) any knife so designed or constructed so as to be used as a weapon that while the knife is held in  hand, the blade may be released by that hand;

(d) any clothing, apparel, adornment or accessory designed for use as a weapon or a cutting or piercing instrument capable of causing bodily harm;

(e) any incendiary or inflammable device containing any substance capable of causing bodily harm or damage to property that is primarily designed for vegetation management;

(f) any pistol crossbow designed to be discharged by the use of 1 hand (that is not a toy pistol crossbow) that when discharged is capable of causing damage or injury to property or capable of causing bodily harm;

(g) any crossbow designed to be discharged by the use of 2 hands that, when discharged, is capable of causing damage or injury to property or capable of causing bodily harm;

(h) a Chinese throwing iron that is a hard non-flexible plate having 3 or more radiating points with 1 or more sharp edges in the shape of a polygon, trefoil, cross, star, diamond or geometric shape and constructed or designed to be thrown as a weapon;

(i) a flail or similar device constructed and designed as a weapon consisting of in part a striking head and which, if used offensively against a person, is capable of causing bodily harm;

(j) a device known as a 'manrikiguisari' or 'kusari', consisting of a length of rope, cord, wire or chain fastened at each end to a geometrically shaped weight or handgrip and constructed or designed for use as a weapon;

(k) a device known as a knuckleduster or any device made or adapted for use as a knuckleduster and which, if used offensively against a person, is capable of causing bodily harm;

(l) a weighted glove designed or constructed to be used as a weapon;

(m) a mace or any similar article (other than a ceremonial mace made for and used solely as a symbol of authority on ceremonial occasions); and/or;

(n) any device, not a toy, constructed or designed as a telescopic baton, the extension of which is actuated by the operation of a mechanical trigger.

Category R weapons

Each of the following is a category R weapon--

(a) a machine gun or submachine gun that is fully automatic in its operation and actuated by energy developed when it is being fired or has multiple revolving barrels, and any replica or facsimile of a machine gun or submachine gun that is not a toy;

(b) a unit or device that is capable of being used for converting any firearm to a weapon mentioned in paragraph (a);

(c) a firearm capable of firing 50 calibre BMG cartridge ammunition;

(d) an antipersonnel gas, and an antipersonnel substance, of a corrosive, noxious or irritant nature or that is capable of causing bodily harm, and any weapon capable of discharging the gas or substance by any means, other than a gas or substance and any weapon capable of discharging the gas or substance that is primarily designed for the control of native or feral animals;

(e) an acoustical antipersonnel device of an intensity that is capable of causing bodily harm;

(f) an electrical antipersonnel device of an intensity that is capable of causing bodily harm;

(g) a hand grenade, other than an inert hand grenade, and an antipersonnel mine;

(h) a silencer or other device or contrivance made or used, or capable of being used, or intended to be used, for reducing the sound caused by discharging a firearm;

(i) a rocket launcher, recoilless rifle, antitank rifle, a bazooka or a rocket propelled grenade type launcher;

(j) a mortar, all artillery and any incendiary or inflammable device containing any substance capable of causing bodily harm or damage to property, other than an incendiary or inflammable device primarily designed for vegetation management.

Restricted Item

The following items are restricted items for section 67 of the Act--

(a) handcuffs, thumbcuffs or other similar restraints;

(b) nunchaku or kung-fu sticks or any similar device which consists of 2 hard non-flexible sticks, clubs, pipes or rods connected by a length of rope, cord, wire or chain constructed or designed to be used in connection with the practice of a system of self-defence and which, if used offensively against a person, is or are capable of causing bodily harm;

(c) a billy club, a baton or any device constructed or designed as a telescopic baton, not being a toy or a category M weapon, that if used is capable of causing bodily harm;

(d) any studded glove which if used offensively against a person is capable of causing bodily harm.
Group: Guest
I did not see any mention of stun guns or just the hand held "shocker".
I guess a stun gun is covered under the blank firing weapons in Category "H",
but a hand held stunner is not a fire arm I guess and was omitted.
It might be covered under some other law.

Interesting that the Bullet Proof Vest is in a category "E" all on it's own and one can legally have a
self loading center fire rifle easier than legally having the BPV. Where is the logic in that I wonder !
BPV must be very dangerous to other people health and safety, lol.
I get the premise but i disagree.

OMG. I found the shocker is in Category "R",
(f) an electrical antipersonnel device of an intensity that is capable of causing bodily harm;
Same category as a machine gun, grenade, Rocket Launcher and Mortar. HFWAFLOBS.

Electric fence must pulse too slowly to be considered able to cause bodily harm, and, luckily for me, in a "Rough Area of Town" it is perfectly legal to arrange an electric fence around the border/fence line as long as it is so many inches inside the fence, this can be done in order to control dogs, I can put an electrified wire all around the inside of the top of the fence so that it would be almost impossible to climb over the fence without getting shocked and if you did get in you would definitely get shocked trying to get out. I could set it on a timer between 6 pm and 6 am. I could even include the handrails to the house and some things in the electrified circuit but on a manual switch that I must open to open the door so as to de-energize that part of the circuit and prevent self shocking, the energizer I have can be plugged into the mains or battery powered so when on mains it really puts out a good shock, which causes me pain for a while after, however if a person or animal gets entwined or stuck in an electric fence they will eventually die from the strain of the repeated shocks. One problem is if they are smart and want to get in they can just short the electrified wire to ground and the fence is then useless past that point if the fence is not arranged to be fed by both ends.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-01, 18:31:17 by Farmhand »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Hmmm..? written by William Hague or an intelligence asset publishing under Hague's name and rank ?

‘Don’t rule out British boots on the ground in Syria,’ says William Hague


Published time: 25 Nov, 2015 12:23

British authorities should not exclude the possibility of sending ground troops to Syria if they want to defeat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) former Foreign Secretary William Hague has suggested.

In a piece for the Telegraph, he argues the extremist group, which controls swathes of Syria and Iraq, cannot be destroyed without boots on the ground.

“That [military presence] should be Syrians, Iraqis or other Arabs, but it would be a mistake for Britain or other Western nations to rule out some of our own forces operating there if that can make the crucial difference to the outcome,” he writes.

Hague’s remarks come a day before Prime Minister David Cameron makes his case in the House of Commons for extending RAF airstrikes against Islamic State from Iraq into Syria. His case will be made before a vote next week.

Hague, who served as foreign secretary between 2010 and 2014, said the case for military operations in Syria is very different to that of the Iraq invasion in 2003.

He said the long-overdue Chilcot Inquiry report into the Iraq war will be “a time to acknowledge that we were wrong about the invasion of Iraq.”

“We relied too much on evidence that turned out to be flimsy, and let our most important ally, the United States, become exhausted when there were many other battles to fight,” he adds.

However, “the contrasting lessons of [the Rwandan genocide] and Iraq should show all of us that there is no simple, binary choice about being pro- or anti-intervention overseas,” he writes.

In Rwanda, the international community failed to intervene, and hundreds of thousands of Tutsi people were slaughtered by members of the Hutu majority.

Hague also believes the memorial to the Rwandan genocide should be visited by “every pacifist, every ‘stop the war’ fanatic, every leader of the opposition who struggles with the concept of using the military at all, for it teaches us that there are circumstances where standing aside is incompatible with basic humanity, morality and mercy.”

The former foreign secretary suggests one solution to the ongoing conflict would be to partition Syria and Iraq.

“The borders of Syria and Iraq were largely drawn by two British and French diplomats in 1916,” he writes. “They should not be considered immutable.”

“If the leaders of either country cannot construct a state where all communities can live together, it will be right to consider international support for their partition. Kurds have shown their ability to run their own affairs. A subdivided Syria might now be the only one that can be at peace.”

Cameron has said he will not hold a vote on airstrikes until he is guaranteed support from MPs.

The Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee has said it is crucial that adequate post-war planning is made. It said Cameron has yet to present a coherent strategy to tackle the extremist group.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is expected to continue to oppose military intervention.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Real Rwandan genocide & brainwashing of the Western mind


Published time: 11 Apr, 2014 10:04

Every year in the first week of April Western media venues are flooded with stories that begin with statements about the anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, “where at least 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus died at the hands of Hutu extremists.”

 Such stories recount the official narrative about the ‘Genocide in Rwanda’, a narrative that has five or six key elements that have been almost canonized and are repeated robotically by Western English-speaking news consumers from all walks of life, economic classes, and political leanings.

1. At least 800,000 people killed;
2. Mostly ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus;
3. Slaughtered with machetes (and picks, hoes, adzes, other crude tools);
4. It was meaningless tribal savagery;
5. Committed by Hutu extremists;
6. In 100 days of genocide;
7. We (Westerners) were ‘bystanders’ and did nothing.

These jingoistic phrases have been systematically cemented into the minds of Westerners through more than 20 years of insidious Western media propaganda, including the printed word, radio programs, still photographs, video and film, and they are generally reproduced ad nauseum by emergent ‘social’ media.

There is little truth to the official narrative.

‘Tutsis as victims, Hutus as oppressors?’

 Twenty years after the pivotal events of 1994, it is time that Western media ‘news’ consumers – scholars, peace workers, academics, clergy, politicians, humanitarian aid workers, everyone – took responsibility for their own participation in the ‘Rwanda Genocide’ hysteria or, as it is, industry.

Let’s set the stage for the so-called ‘100 days of Genocide’ that purportedly began April 6, 1994, and purportedly ended July 15, 1994, in Rwanda. We can offer some critical facts that anyone who wants to mourn and sob about life and death in Rwanda ought to understand before they open their mouths and display sheer ignorance.

To begin with, ‘Hutu’ and ‘Tutsi’ are socio-economic and socio-political categories: these are not ‘tribes’. Most of the ‘Rwanda Genocide’ narrative is mythology relying on simplifications, stereotypes and reductionisms about Hutus and Tutsis as tribal savages. This stuff is right out of Tarzan movies.

Prior to the imperial occupation that began after 1890, ‘Tutsi’ kings ruled Ruanda-Urundi. ‘Tutsi’ cattle herders comprised some 20 percent of the population, ruling over the 80 percent ‘Hutu’ majority with egregious violence. First the Germans (to 1916) then the Belgians (to 1960) ruled ‘their’ colony by nurturing a ‘Tutsi’ power structure to exploit the ‘Hutu’ masses. The ‘Tutsi’ comprador class served the colonial occupation, where brutality, slavery and terrorism were used to keep the ‘Hutu’ masses in the fields. A ‘Tutsi’ could lose all his cattle and descend into the ranks of the peasant ‘Hutu’ agriculturalists and, though far less likely, a ‘Hutu’ could gain cattle and join the Tutsi elites. The colonial fathers issued ID cards, measured noses and cranial dimensions, and duly clarified who be ‘Hutu’ and who be ‘Tutsi’. There was, of course, much money to be made.

 Witnessing the global ‘Third World’ independence (sic) movements of the 1950s, and supported by the Belgian Catholic priests, the ‘Hutus’ in Rwanda overthrew the ‘Tutsi’ monarchy in the ‘revolution’ of 1959-1960. Some people died, some people fled, some people stayed, and the next 30 years saw majority ‘Hutu’ rule, with Rwanda under constant attack by elite ‘Tutsi’ guerrillas.

Noting the winds of change, Belgium quickly swapped their support to the Hutu majority, established a comprador class of ‘Hutu’ elites, and protected their interests. There was, of course, much money to be made. Thousands of elite ‘Tutsis’ connected to the former power structure fled to Uganda, Tanzania, Europe and North America.

At the height of the Cold War, the elite ‘Tutsi’ refugees (sic) influenced the Non-Aligned Movement – newly-independent (sic) states like Brazil, India, Malaysia, etc. – screaming bloody murder and “We are the victims of imperial aggression!” all the while. This is the falsified history of ‘Tutsis’ as ‘victims’ inculcated by the arrogant elite ‘Tutsi’ rulers. These facts are key to the official narrative: Tutsis as victims, Hutus as oppressors.

Like any monarchy, the ‘Tutsi’ elites believe(d) they are God’s Chosen People, the Jews of Africa, the natural-born rulers over millions of Hutu (and Tutsi) peasants.

Adopted by the Non-Aligned Movement – funded, armed, trained outside Rwanda – the elite ‘Tutsi’ guerrillas attacked Rwanda throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, sowing the most egregious terrorism, usually under cover of night. Every time the ‘Tutsi’ guerrillas attacked Rwanda – whether from outside during the 1960s or from inside during the 1990s – the in-country French-speaking ‘Tutsis’ suffered reprisals. The ‘Tutsis as victims’ narrative continued to expand, and while the Hutus were blamed for atrocities, usually retaliatory, the ‘Tutsi’ were coddled and protected.

Guerrilla incursions involved bombings of cafes, nightclubs, bars, restaurants and buses. The very real suffering of the French-speaking ‘Tutsi’ people inside Rwanda – those who ‘stayed behind’ – was written off by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF, a ‘Tutsi’ political party created in 1987 by the Tutsi refugee diaspora in Uganda, now the ruling party in Rwanda) as collateral damage. The English-speaking Ugandans, the elite ‘Tutsi’ refugees (sic), who had Ugandan citizenship and high posts in the Ugandan military, defined them as Hutu collaborators. The RPF didn’t care whether they lived or died.

The foreign element

 Enter, by coup d’etat, the Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana, who ruled Rwanda from 1973 to April 6, 1994, backed by France. Historically, France was to Africa what the United States was to Latin America. Britain and Portugal controlled a few protectorates, Belgium plundered the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, but Francophone power in Africa was vast, deeply entrenched and militarily brutal.

Habyarimana ran a one-party dictatorship, but French-speaking Tutsis who stayed behind were able to achieve some economic status, though they were kept in check, given their small numbers. Of course, this wasn’t good enough for the elite ‘Tutsis’ outside Rwanda. The United States, Canada, Britain and Israel wanted more of the African pie, and Paul Kagame was the man to get it for them.

 English-speaking ‘Tutsis’ who grew up in Uganda – Paul Kagame, James Kabarebe, Fred Rwigyema, Patrick Karegeya, Laurent Nkundabatware, and thousands of others – were the soldiers of Yoweri Museveni’s guerrilla army. They committed massive atrocities in Uganda, (1980-1985), where absolute terrorism was used to remove a socialist government run by an ungrateful African. The victims in Uganda were also blamed for genocide, turning the truth upside-down. This is how Museveni and Kagame – his director of military intelligence – brought Uganda back in line with the geopolitical dictates of the West: aka disaster capitalism. There was, of course, a lot of money to be made.

They burned entire villages. The RPF deceived peasants into coming to meetings only to obliterate them coldly. The RPF even created crematoriums to ‘disappear’ the skeletons and skulls, until they realized the efficacy of the model of the Jewish Holocaust death camp memorials: pile up shoes, clothing, skeletons and skulls; create an industry whose currency is the moral outrage and psychological terror of ‘genocide’. And please do not be confused: nothing is more terrifying to the Western psyche. (Of course, the same ‘device’ was created and used by the Museveni terror apparatus in the Lowero Triangle of Uganda, but it was preceded by Cambodia, where Pol Pot was the preeminent demon of the day, and the carpet-bombing, napalm strikes, or terror operations like Project Phoenix are dismissed.)

Media war

 The New York Times led the charge into Rwanda, and the Western media continued to beat the ‘Tutsis as victims’ drum roll. There was, after all, a lot of money to be made. Wall Street vultures began drooling. Military and intelligence operatives like David Kimche (Israel) and Roger Winter (USA) jockeyed for position – organizing logistics, maintaining supply chains, arranging weapons shipments – to support ‘our’ man Kagame and our proxy guerrilla army, the RPF. The Washington Post, Boston Globe, CNN, the Observer all described the RPF guerrillas as a highly ‘disciplined’ army: if any woman was raped or civilian massacred, it was an accident, a rogue soldier, and said soldier would be duly punished (of course, they never were).

Paul Kagame put into practice what his teachers, the military strategists at the US Army Command and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (USA), taught him: psychological operations and how to overthrow a country.

As the English-speaking ‘Tutsis’ marched into Rwanda they conscripted and lured ‘Tutsi’ youth to the ‘freedom’ cause. These were young French-speaking Tutsis who were also subjected to Kagame’s ruthless modus operandi: many of them were tortured, killed, disappeared, but many survived the initiation into the RPF. Kagame and his elite Ugandan comrades didn’t trust Tutsis who had stayed behind, and they clearly sacrificed the French-speaking Tutsis of Rwanda for the cause of absolute military power.

While the power of the Rwandan Patriotic Army grew day by day, supplied from Uganda, funded by World Bank loans to Museveni, the Habyarimana government was attacked on all fronts, shackled with debt, weapons blockades, demonized by the international press, the humanitarians (sic) and world opinion.

Meanwhile, next door in Burundi, the elite ‘Tutsi’-dominated regime committed a genocide in 1972: some 200,000 to 300,000 mostly Hutu people were raped, tortured, and massacred, while hundreds of thousands more fled to neighboring countries, including Rwanda. The preeminent Africa scholar Rene Lemarchand describes this as a genocide ‘denied and forgotten’.

 Instead of punishing the invading ‘Tutsi’ Ugandan forces, led by Kagame, the world punished the Habyarimana regime: political pluralism, multiparty elections, peace accords assuring power-sharing for the RPF: no diplomatic or political sacrifice was enough. Meanwhile, Kagame and the RPF grew in strength and numbers, better equipped, better trained, striking under cover of night like cockroaches – Inyenzi – the term that Tutsi guerrillas of the 1960s proudly self-identified with.

Just as Museveni had infiltrated, massacred and terrorized Uganda (1980-1985), the RPF infiltrated soldiers disguised as civilians into Hutu villages, Hutu political parties, even into Hutu youth groups organized to defend Rwanda from the invading terrorist guerrillas. While the RPF used the airwaves to terrorize the people, scapegoat and stereotype enemies real and perceived, and whip up fear of ‘Hutu power’ – the same kinds of nasty propaganda, often sexualized, used by the Kagame regime to demonize its detractors from the West even today – we only even hear about ‘Hutu power’ hate radio.

April 6, 1994, President Habyarimana, his chief of staff, the president of Burundi, the French pilots – all murdered over Kigali in the surface-to-air missile attack on the presidential jet. Here is another pivotal world event that should be commemorated and remembered: the RPF assassination of two presidents.

The Western media soon began describing this terrorist action as ‘a mysterious plane crash’ and, using the now-entrenched upside-down narrative that defined ‘Tutsis’ the victims and ‘Hutus’ as killers, the double-presidential assassinations were blamed on Hutu ‘extremists’.

The United States blocked every attempt to investigate the ‘plane crash’ and the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda (ICTR) suppressed any evidence that emerged, even removing officials who touched the truth too closely. Kagame, all the while was crying crocodile tears, screaming “We are the victims of genocide,” confronting the West with its blatant ‘moral failure’ to abide the slogan ‘never again’.

Real Hutu extremists

 What is a Hutu extremist? According to the official mythology, a ‘Hutu extremist’ is a Hutu who ruthlessly and coldly set out to wipe every Tutsi off the face of the earth. In reality, a Hutu ‘extremist’ was any Hutu who saw total war coming at the hands of their erstwhile elite Tutsi oppressors. A Hutu ‘extremist’ was someone who understood only too well that the elite ‘Tutsis’ invading from Uganda, the elite ‘Tutsis’ massacring thousands of people, the elite ‘Tutsis’ (read RPF) infiltrating of social, economic, military and political institutions in Rwanda, the elite ‘Tutsi’ Inyenzi bombings of public places and their assassinations of countless political figures and pesky Rwandan journalists, or the elite ‘Tutsis’ slaughtering of thousands of innocent Hutu men, women and children and wiping entire Hutu villages off the map, that these were very real certainties that Hutu’s had a right and necessity to defend themselves against.

What is a Hutu ‘moderate’? Any Hutu who believed that the RPF offered a democratic alternative to one-party dictatorship, that Paul Kagame was sincere in his proclamations of political pluralism, freedom and brotherhood. These were empty promises.

 The genocide of the majority Hutu people, launched October 1, 1990, proceeded unabated during the RPF march to power in Rwanda, and it was even more clearly executed during the RPF hunting and slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children – mostly Hutus – in the Congo. These were organized campaigns of genocide, with intent to rape, murder and disappear Hutu people because they were Hutu people, and the perpetrators were the elite ‘Tutsis’ from Uganda.

No such planning or organization of genocidal intent has been proven against the Hutu government of Juvenal Habyarimana - which, in any case, was decapitated on April 6, 1994 - or against the Interim Hutu government that briefly held sway after April 6, 1994, and the judges at the ICTR have found as such. There were indeed hundreds of thousands of French-speaking Tutsis raped, brutalized and massacred in what amount to very real acts of genocide in Rwanda, and these occurred over the now sacred ‘100 days of genocide’. But there were also hundreds of thousands of Hutus killed, and far more Hutu than Tutsi.

Hutu lands were cleared of their owners, taken by foreign ‘Tutsi’ who flooded in on the heels of the RPF. And by the way, practically everyone in Rwanda owns a machete; there were massive imports in January of 1994, by a British citizen; purchases of machetes occurred using World Bank funds, for agricultural use, not for an evil genocide conspiracy. Anyway, the RPF routinely killed people with machetes, to save on bullets, and disguise the perpetrators.

And today, terror reigns silently in Rwanda.

Facts don’t seem to matter however, because Western hysteria has been whipped up by the media, the Pentagon, the intelligence sector, and by the Kagame regime. The Western psyche has been indoctrinated to believe exactly what Kagame and his benefactors want us to believe. We stood by, we did nothing, we should have stopped ‘the genocide’.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There was a coup d’etat in Rwanda. The victors, the oppressors, the killers have been applauded, shielded, and/or hidden from the eyes of the world. A proxy army of elite ‘Tutsis’ murdered with abandon in Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo, where they are still murdering with abandon.

The real coup d’etat has been the brainwashing of the Western mind and psyche, transforming rational discerning individuals into hysterical self-congratulatory humanitarians (sic), unable to separate truth from lie, and certain of their conclusions, no matter how erroneous. Just show them a machete, or a skull, or a weeping ‘Tutsi’ ‘survivor’ of ‘genocide’ and you can count on their compliance in commemorating the anniversary of ‘Genocide’ in Rwanda, and bowing at the feet of Paul Kagame. There is, of course, much money to be made.

Keith Harmon Snow, for RT

Keith Harmon Snow is a war correspondent and photographer who has worked in 16 African countries, including conflict areas in Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Sudan. A former genocide and war crimes investigator for Genocide Watch, Survivor's Rights International and the United Nations, who has worked at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda, testified at numerous US immigration asylum hearings for Rwandan and Congolese refugees and testified at the Audiencia Nacionale in Madrid, Spain, in support of the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide indictments issued against the top 40 Rwandan Patriotic Front officers. He is persona non grata in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
NATO funds ISIS  >:(

Russia presents proof of Turkey’s role in ISIS oil trade


Published time: 2 Dec, 2015 12:26

The Russian Defense Ministry has released evidence which it says unmasks vast illegal oil trade by Islamic State and points to Turkey as the main destination for the smuggled petrol, implicating its leadership in aiding the terrorists.

The Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing on new findings concerning IS funding in Moscow on Wednesday.

According to Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov, Russia is aware of three main oil smuggling routes to Turkey.

“Today, we are presenting only some of the facts that confirm that a whole team of bandits and Turkish elites stealing oil from their neighbors is operating in the region,” Antonov said, adding that this oil “in large quantities” enters the territory of Turkey via “live oil pipelines,” consisting of thousands of oil trucks.

Antonov added that Turkey is the main buyer of smuggled oil coming from Iraq and Syria.

“According to our data, the top political leadership of the country - President Erdogan and his family – is involved in this criminal business.”

However, since the start of Russia’s anti-terrorist operation in Syria on September 30, the income of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) militants from illegal oil smuggling has been significantly reduced, the ministry said.

“The income of this terrorist organization was about $3 million per day. After two months of Russian airstrikes their income was about $1.5 million a day,” Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy said.

At the briefing the ministry presented photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes on IS oil storage facilities and maps detailing the movement of smuggled oil. More evidence is to be published on the ministry's website in the coming says, Rudskoy said.

The US-led coalition is not bombing IS oil trucks, Rudskoy said.

For the past two months, Russia’s airstrikes hit 32 oil complexes, 11 refineries, 23 oil pumping stations, Rudskoy said, adding that the Russian military had also destroyed 1,080 trucks carrying oil products.

“These [airstrikes] helped reduce the trade of the oil illegally extracted on the Syrian territory by almost 50 percent.”

Up to 2,000 fighters, 120 tons of ammunition and 250 vehicles have been delivered to Islamic State and Al-Nusra militants from Turkish territory, chief of National Centre for State Defense Control Lt.Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev said.

“According to reliable intelligence reports, the Turkish side has been taking such actions for a long time and on a regular basis. And most importantly, it is not planning to stop them.”

“One thing is clear. The role that Turkey is playing in this area is in many ways destructive and it’s affecting the European security, it’s affecting its neighbors. Ultimately it’s affecting its own society,” Uzi Arad, former head of research at Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency told RT.

Responding to the Russian allegations, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that nobody had a right to “slander” Turkey by accusing it of buying oil from Islamic State.

Speaking at a university in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Wednesday, Erdogan once again claimed that he would resign if such accusations were proven to be true and stressed that he did not want Turkey’s relations with Russia to deteriorate further.

Following Russian accusations, the US has again defended Turkey, denying any ties between Ankara and Islamic State.

“We flatly reject any notion that the Turks are somehow working with ISIL. Preposterous. And really very, kind of ridiculous,” Steve Warren, Pentagon spokesman, said.
He called Turkey “a great partner” to Washington in fighting against IS terrorists in Syrian and Iraq.

“They’re hosting our aircraft. They’re conducting strikes. They’re supporting the moderate Syrian opposition,” Warren explained.

Iraq will immediately file a protest in the UN Security Council if claims that Turkey is illegally purchasing oil from Islamic State terrorists are confirmed, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said.

"If the Iraqi government receives enough evidence and details, without any hesitation it will file a protest at the UN Security Council and all other relevant international bodies," Naseer Nuri, ministry's spokesman, told Sputnik.

According to Nuri, certain “general information about the smuggling of Iraqi oil by trucks to certain countries, including Turkey” is already available.

“This oil is used to fund Daesh (IS)”, he added.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
December 19, 2014

NATO’s Destruction of Libya

by Brian Cloughley


On March 19, 2011 the United States led NATO countries in a blitz of aircraft and missile strikes against the government of Muammar Gaddafi,  Libya’s batty dictator who was visited in 2004 and 2007 by British prime minister Tony Blair, in 2007 by French president Sarkozy, in 2008 by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, and in 2009 by Italian prime minister Berlusconi, all of whom cordially assured him that relations between their countries and his were comfortable.

Gaddafi was a despot and persecuted his enemies quite as savagely as the dictator Hosni Mubarak in neighbouring Egypt, but life for most Libyans was comfortable and even the BBC had to admit that Gaddafi’s “particular form of socialism does provide free education, healthcare and subsidized housing and transport,” although “wages are extremely low and the wealth of the state and profits from foreign investments have only benefited a narrow elite” (which doesn’t happen anywhere else, of course).  The CIA World Factbook noted that Gaddafi’s Libya had a literacy rate of 94.2% (better than Malaysia, Mexico and Saudi Arabia, for example), and the World Health Organization recorded a life expectancy of 72.3 years, among the highest in the developing world.

But back to the western figures who flocked to Libya before NATO’s war.  A leaked 2009 US diplomatic cable recorded that  “Senators McCain and Graham conveyed the US interest in continuing the progress of the bilateral relationship” while Senator Lieberman declared Libya “an important ally in the war on terrorism.” Condoleezza Rice said the US-Libya “relationship has been moving in a good direction for a number of years now and I think tonight does mark a new phase,”  and Britain’s Blair considered his meeting “positive and constructive” because his country’s relationship with Libya had “been completely transformed in these last few years. We now have very strong co-operation on counter-terrorism and defense.”

The BBC reported that “As Mr Blair met Mr Gaddafi it was announced that Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell had signed a deal worth up to £550 million for gas exploration rights off the Libyan coast.”  The US oil companies ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil Corporation and the Hess Company were also deeply involved in Libya’s oil production, because it has the world’s ninth largest oil reserves.

Things were looking good for Libya.

But on January 21, 2011 Reuters reported that “Muammar Gaddafi said his country and other oil exporters were looking into nationalizing foreign firms due to low oil prices.”  He suggested that “oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production.”

Then in February, immediately after Gaddafi’s hint of nationalization of Libya’s oil resources, there was an uprising by rebels who wanted to overthrow him and on March 17 the UN Security Council established a ‘no-fly zone’ in Libya “to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country.”   The insurgents were supported by the US, Britain and twelve of their 26 NATO allies (notably not Germany or Turkey), three Arab nations (not including Saudi Arabia),  and Sweden which has abandoned honorable neutrality and become a NATO country in all but name.  Brazil, China, Germany, India and Russia excluded themselves from the Resolution, advocating peaceful resolution of Libya’s internal conflict and warning against “unintended consequences of armed intervention.”

Two days after the “no-fly” resolution the US-led NATO onslaught began and continued for seven months, until the end of October.  On April 30 a US missile killed one of Gaddafi’s sons and three of his grandchildren in what NATO called “a precision strike” against a “military command and control building.”  When asked about a massive attack on Gaddafi’s residential compound the Pentagon’s spokesman announced that “We are not targeting his residence. We have no indication of any civilian casualties.”

At the height of the attacks on Libya US President Obama,  Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and French President Nicolas Sarkozy jointly declared that “as we continue military operations today to protect civilians in Libya, we are determined to look to the future. We are convinced that better times lie ahead for the people of Libya . . . Colonel Gaddafi must go, and go for good.  At that point, the United Nations and its members should help the Libyan people as they rebuild where Gaddafi has destroyed — to repair homes and hospitals, to restore basic utilities, and to assist Libyans as they develop the institutions to underpin a prosperous and open society.”  Gaddafi’s opinion was that “You have proved to the world that you are not civilized, that you are terrorists —  animals attacking a nation that did nothing against you.”

On October 20 Gaddafi did indeed “go for good,” being brutally murdered by one of the rebel groups.  Obama greeted his death with enthusiasm, saying that  “Today we can definitively say that the Gadhafi regime has come to an end. The last major regime strongholds have fallen. The new government is consolidating control over the country. And one of the world’s longest-serving dictators is no more.”

NATO carried out 9,658 air attacks on Libya and the BBC reported that “throughout the seven-month campaign Nato admitted there had been one weapon ‘malfunction.’ On 19 June, several civilians were reported to have been killed when a missile hit buildings in Tripoli. A Nato spokesman later said that ‘a potential weapon system failure occurred and this caused the weapon not to hit the intended target’.”  (There were also 105 US drone strikes about which nothing is known.)

It is astonishing, even miraculous, that out of 9,658 airstrikes only one killed any civilians.  But Human Rights Watch has a different take on the matter (see HRW), and records that there were many civilians killed — although its report is irrelevant because not one single person of any US-NATO country has been or ever will be independently investigated for killing any civilian, anywhere in the world, by missile, bomb or rocket.

We were told that the aim of the US-NATO war on Libya was to achieve democracy by bombing and the UK’s prime minister Cameron declared that “I’m an optimist about Libya; I’ve been an optimist all the way through and I’m optimistic about the National Transitional Council and what they are able to achieve.  I think when you look at Tripoli today, yes, of course, there are huge challenges — getting water to that city, making sure there is law and order — but actually so far, the cynics and the armchair generals have been proved wrong.”

The “cynics” — better described as realists — and armchair generals were right, of course,  in predicting that the country’s collapse was inevitable; just as they had been right about forecasting chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But two highly-placed intellectuals, Ivo Daalder, the US Permanent Representative on the NATO Council from 2009 to 2013,  and Admiral James G (‘Zorba’) Stavridis, the US Supreme Allied Commander Europe (the military commander of NATO) in the same period,  had their own views and wrote in the journal Foreign Affairs in 2012 that

NATO’s operation in Libya has rightly been hailed as a model intervention. The alliance responded rapidly to a deteriorating situation that threatened hundreds of thousands of civilians rebelling against an oppressive regime. It succeeded in protecting those civilians and, ultimately, in providing the time and space necessary for local forces to overthrow Muammar al-Qaddafi.

According to these objective analysts Libya was liberated and became a free country thanks to NATO.  And they were supported by columnists like Nicholas Kristof who wrote that “Libya is a reminder that sometimes it is possible to use military tools to advance humanitarian causes.”  That statement would be hilarious were it not so obscenely bizarre, because Libya has collapsed into anarchic ruin.  Britain’s declaration to the UN in 2012 that “today, Tripoli and Benghazi are cities transformed. Where there was fear, now there is hope and an optimism and belief that is truly inspiring,”  has been shown to be preposterous.  As CNN reports, “Assassinations, kidnappings, blockades of oil refineries, rival militias battling on the streets, Islamist extremists setting up camps, and above all chronically weak government have all made Libya a dangerous place and one whose instability is already spilling across borders and into the Mediterranean.  There is effectively no rule of law in Libya.”  How “truly inspiring,” to be sure.

According to Amnesty International, “since July 2014 at least 287,000 people have been internally displaced as a result of indiscriminate attacks and a fear of being targeted by militias, and a further 100,000 have been forced to flee the country in fear for their lives.”  Western nations have withdrawn their diplomatic missions and Britain warns its citizens “against all travel to Libya due to the ongoing fighting and greater instability throughout the country.”

NATO has done nothing whatever to “repair homes and hospitals, to restore basic utilities, and to assist Libyans as they develop the institutions to underpin a prosperous and open society” which Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy declared so necessary while their bombs and rockets and Tomahawk missiles were destroying homes, hospitals and basic utilities.  And not one of these people —  the excited world leaders, the condescending commentators or the expert intellectuals who foolishly claimed that “NATO’s operation in Libya has rightly been hailed as a model intervention” — has indicated the slightest regret for their enthusiastic approval of the onslaught that led to devastation and disaster.

During their war on Libya, Obama and Cameron declared that “We are convinced that better times lie ahead for the people of Libya.”  Tell that to the millions of Libyans whose lives have been destroyed by NATO’s “model intervention.” The scale of human suffering is not as terrible as that inflicted on Iraq by the US-UK war, but it is still appalling.  On November 30, for example,  Reuters reported that “about 400 people have been killed in six weeks of heavy fighting between Libyan pro-government forces and Islamist groups in Libya’s second-largest city Benghazi.”  So much for the “better times” that were to be enjoyed after NATO’s seven month blitz of missile and bombing strikes.

And what next for NATO?  Where will it chose to mount its next “model intervention” after its destruction of Libya and its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan?

NATO is desperate for a cause to justify its survival and is enthusiastically moving forces further east in Europe, involving thousands of US troops in “exercises” in Ukraine and US and other deployments to Poland and the Baltic States. It has created a multi-national “Baltic Air Policing Mission” and is carrying out the fatuously-named “Operation Atlantic Resolve” to menace Russia.

But NATO, and especially the US, should bear in mind the wise words of Brazil, China, Germany, India and Russia, who warned against the “unintended consequences of armed intervention.”  As Mr Putin remarked on December 4, “Hitler . . . wanted to destroy Russia and got to the Urals.  However, everyone remembers how that ended.”  Exactly.

Brian Cloughley lives in Voutenay sur Cure, France.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
What I think happened in Benghazi


By Michael Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com

UPDATE: It is known now, through the subsequent email and cable releases, that the responsibility for the attack was claimed by Ansar al Sharia, al Qaeda's affiliate on the Arabian Peninsula.

Not a spontaneous mob protesting a YouTube video. But a planned attack by group which has already been exposed as having deep ties to the United States intelligence agencies.

In Hillary's testimony before the Benghazi Committee, it has been confirmed that the State Department and the White House knew the attack was not a spontaneous protest over a video, even though that was the lie told to the American people.

The next obvious question (pointedly not asked by the Benghazi committee) was why this terror attack was concealed from the American people? Terror attacks are very useful for the US Government to justify its aggression against other countries. So much so that the FBI has devoted a large amount of resources to setting up patsies as news-worthy terrorists! So, why was Benghazi claimed to be a spontaneous protest over a video? Perhaps to avoid the question of just why the terrorists attacked that particular target?

We already know that the consulate in Benghazi was a hub for running guns from Libya to ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria, a fact the White House would not want the American people, told that ISIS and Al Qaeda were our enemies, to catch wind of!

But more recently, Paula Broadwell, former CIA Director David Petraeus' biographer/lover, has blown the lid off another secret buried inside the consulate in Benghazi; that it was one of the CIA's clandestine torture dungeons! This means that the attack on the consulate was a rescue mission, to free Libyans being tortured by the CIA. and that too is a secret the White House would not want the American people to catch wind of!

The Consulate in Benghazi was never an official US Consulate. It was never listed as such on the State Department websitem, which chows only the US Consulate in Tripoli.

As we watch the Congressional Hearings and news coverage on the attack on the Benghazi consulate, we see the usual signs of yet another official attempt to generate a highly fictitious official version of events. We see the blame shifting and the pointed fingers as everyone dances the "Potomac Two-Step" to the beat of nervous pulse rates.

What Really Happened?

We may never know, but after some consideration and application of Occam's Razor, this is what I think may have been going on.

First, there are numerous reports that US weapons that had been used against Gadaffi in Libya were being funneled through the Consulate in Benghazi to the mercenary forces fighting the US' proxy war against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. But many of those mercenary forces were Al Qaeda and ISIS, the declared enemies of the United States' "War on Terror!"

Exposure of this covert gun-running threatened to reveal to the American public that the entire "War on Terror" was a hoax, covering up what was actually a program to conquer and control the oil nations of the Middle East (as General Wesley Clarke had revealed in 2003).

The Consulate in Benghazi, as the operations hub for the gun-running, contained all the records that might prove embarrassing should they be revealed, and at some point in late 2012, with Obama looking like a one term President, the decision was made to destroy those records to erase all evidence of the crime and blame terrorists for it.

The official story is that on the night of 9/11/12, coinciding with the anniversary of the false-flag attacks in New York City, "Al Qaeda", enraged over a trailer for a non-existent Mohammed-bashing movie, attacked the Consulate, killing the Ambassador. Bad Muslims, no cookie!

But there are some interesting facts to consider.

There is ample evidence that the US Government knew something was going to happen days, maybe as much as a week, ahead of time. Yet they did not increase security at the Consulate or remove the Ambassador.

There were CIA and SEALS nearby who heard the gunfire but were ordered to stand down. Just where that order came from appears to be the White House, despite an early effort to pin the blame on CIA, which was denied by Patraeus, leading to exposure of a sex scandal and his forced retirement on November 9th.

There are reports that a Predator drone was overhead, "real timing" the video of the attack back to the White House situation room. Given that the Predator only has a top speed of 137 miles per hour, the drone had to be en route to the Consulate long before the violence started.

So here is what I think was going on, over and above erasing the records of gun-running. Since there had to be a "Terror attack" to destroy the evidence of treason, why not also use the attack to boost Obama's re-election campaign?

"He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can't think of how he could do that." -- Robert Shapiro, former Clinton official and Obama supporter quoted by Financial Times in July 2010

Polls in September 2012 showed the Presidential race neck and neck. Many media outlets were openly predicting a Romney victory. Obama had failed to garner public approval over the killing of a man claimed (but never proven) to be Osama bin Laden, mostly because of the manner in which the body was disposed of and the obvious faked photos leaked onto the internet.

Obama needed a publicity stunt.

A small team of "Al Qaeda" terrorists, or someone playing at being Al Qaeda terrorists, were supposed to enter the Consulate and take the Ambassador and his staff hostage. Obama would let the drama build for a few days, allowing the media to hype the story, then send in the SEAL teams to "rescue" the hostages, then campaign on how he did not let the situation turn into a repeat of the Iranian hostage crisis, which would have dovetailed with the Iran bashing (and Argo).

But the best laid plans of mice and men (and Candidates) gang aft agley, as they say. We know that the CIA operatives at the annex could hear the gunfire from the Consulate. Looking at the consulate through Google Earth, one sees heavily populated residential areas less than half a mile to the east and southwest, who no doubt heard the gunfire coming from the consulate as well. Given how quickly sympathetic protests erupted across the Middle East during this incident, it is clear that the region is an anti-American powder keg awaiting a spark, which Obama inadvertently provided with his staged terror attack.

The initial "Al Qaeda" (or reasonable facsimile thereof) was a small group, but were quickly joined by Libyans pouring in from adjoining neighborhoods. What was a planned and rehearsed operation to "kidnap" the Ambassador triggered a spontaneous riot with at least 200 participants on the ground, and spun out of control, leading to the deaths of the Ambassador and others.

Obama's carefully prepped operation to make himself look like a hero instantly turned into an epic fail.

Then the "cleanup" began, first with the assassination of one of the main "terrorists" in Cairo on October 25th, an explosion at the Benghazi Police Station on November 4th, and the assassination of the Benghazi police chief on November 20th. Facebook even went as far as to censor the Navy SEALs to prevent anyone there on the ground from speaking out to the net. And the man who made the YouTube trailer for the non-existent film on which the riots were blamed was sent to prison!

This explanation fits all the available facts.

See original article at link for all sources used to build the working model.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
US weapons that had been used against Gadaffi in Libya were being funneled through the Consulate in Benghazi to the mercenary forces fighting the US' proxy war against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. But many of those mercenary forces were Al Qaeda and ISIS, the declared enemies of the United States' "War on Terror!"


Aug 24, 2015

Ex-DIA boss Michael Flynn: White House took “willful decision” to fund, train Syria Islamists ISIS

“Willful Decision” Obama Took “Willful Decision” to Support Free Syrian Army (FSA) Islamists that became (ISIS): Former US Intelligence Chief …

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Syria crisis: Cameron loses Commons vote on Syria action


30 August 2013

Meanwhile, Mr Assad told a group of Yemeni MPs on Thursday that Syria would defend itself against any aggression, according to Syria's Sana news agency.

"Syria, with its steadfast people and brave army, will continue eliminating terrorism, which is utilised by Israel and Western countries to serve their interests in fragmenting the region," he said.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Breaking international law in Syria


Published time: 25 Nov, 2015 11:01

The war drums are getting louder in the aftermath of ISIS attacks in Paris, as Western countries gear up to launch further airstrikes in Syria. But obscured in the fine print of countless resolutions and media headlines is this: the West has no legal basis for military intervention. Their strikes are illegal.

“It is always preferable in these circumstances to have the full backing of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) but I have to say what matters most of all is that any actions we would take would…be legal,” explained UK Prime Minister David Cameron to the House of Commons last Wednesday.

Legal? No, there’s not a scrap of evidence that UK airstrikes would be lawful in their current incarnation.

Then just two days later, on Friday, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2249, aimed at rallying the world behind the fairly obvious notion that ISIS is an “unprecedented threat to international peace and security.”

"It's a call to action to member states that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures against (ISIS) and other terrorist groups," British UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told reporters.

The phrase “all necessary measures” was broadly interpreted – if not explicitly sanctioning the “use of force” in Syria, then as a wink to it.

Let’s examine the pertinent language of UNSCR 2249:

The resolution “calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter…on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq.”

Note that the resolution demands “compliance with international law, in particular with the UN Charter.” This is probably the most significant explainer to the “all necessary measures” phrase.  Use of force is one of the most difficult things for the UNSC to sanction – it is a last resort measure, and a rare one.  The lack of Chapter 7 language in the resolution pretty much means that ‘use of force’ is not on the menu unless states have other means to wrangle “compliance with international law.”

What you need to know about international law

It is important to understand that the United Nations was set up in the aftermath of World War 2 expressly to prevent war and to regulate and inhibit the use of force in settling disputes among its member states. This is the UN’s big function – to “maintain international peace and security,” as enshrined in the UN Charter’s very first article.

There are a lot of laws that seek to govern and prevent wars, but the Western nations looking to launch airstrikes in Syria have made things easy for us – they have cited the law that they believe justifies their military intervention: specifically, Article 51 of the UN Charter. It reads, in part:

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.”

So doesn’t France, for instance, enjoy the inherent right to bomb ISIS targets in Syria as an act of self-defense - in order to prevent further attacks?

And don’t members of the US-led coalition, who cite the “collective self-defense” of Iraq (the Iraqi government has formally made this request), have the right to prevent further ISIS attacks from Syrian territory into Iraqi areas?

Well, no. Article 51, as conceived in the UN Charter, refers to attacks between territorial states, not with non-state actors like ISIS or Al-Qaeda. Syria, after all, did not attack France or Iraq – or Turkey, Australia, Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

And here’s where it gets interesting.

Western leaders are employing two distinct strategies to obfuscate the lack of legal justification for intervention in Syria. The first is the use of propaganda to build narratives about Syria that support their legal argumentation. The second is a shrewd effort to cite legal “theory” as a means to ‘stretch’ existing law into a shape that supports their objectives.

The “Unwilling and Unable” Theory – the “Unable” argument

The unwilling and unable theory – as related to the Syria/ISIS situation - essentially argues that the Syrian state is both unwilling and unable to target the non-state actor based within its territory (ISIS, in this case) that poses a threat to another state.

Let’s break this down further.

Ostensibly, Syria is ‘unable’ to sufficiently degrade or destroy ISIS because, as we can clearly see, ISIS controls a significant amount of territory within Syria’s borders that its national army has not been able to reclaim.

This made some sense - until September 30 when Russia entered the Syrian military theater and began to launch widespread airstrikes against terrorist targets inside Syria.

As a major global military power, Russia is clearly ‘able’ to thwart ISIS –certainly just as well as most of the Western NATO states participating in airstrikes already. Moreover, as Russia is operating there due to a direct Syrian government appeal for assistance, the Russian military role in Syria is perfectly legal.

This development struck a blow at the US-led coalition’s legal justification for strikes in Syria. Not that the coalition’s actions were ever legal – “unwilling and unable” is merely a theory and has no basis in customary international law.

About this new Russian role, Major Patrick Walsh, associate professor in the International and Operational Law Department at the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School in Virginia, says:

“The United States and others who are acting in collective defense of Iraq and Turkey are in a precarious position. The international community is calling on Russia to stop attacking rebel groups and start attacking ISIS. But if Russia does, and if the Assad government commits to preventing ISIS from attacking Syria’s neighbors and delivers on that commitment, then the unwilling or unable theory for intervention in Syria would no longer apply. Nations would be unable to legally intervene inside Syria against ISIS without the Assad government’s consent.”

In recent weeks, the Russians have made ISIS the target of many of its airstrikes, and are day by day improving coordination efficiencies with the ground troops and air force of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies -Iran, Hezbollah and other foreign groups who are also in Syria legally, at the invitation of the Syrian state.   

Certainly, the balance of power on the ground in Syria has started to shift away from militants and terrorist groups since Russia launched its campaign seven weeks ago – much more than we have seen in a year of coalition strikes.

The “Unwilling and Unable” Theory – the “Unwilling” argument

Now for the ‘unwilling’ part of the theory. And this is where the role of Western governments in seeding ‘propaganda’ comes into play.

The US and its allies have been arguing for the past few years that the Syrian government is either in cahoots with ISIS, benefits from ISIS’ existence, or is a major recruiting magnet for the terror group.

Western media, in particular, has made a point of underplaying the SAA’s military confrontations with ISIS, often suggesting that the government actively avoids ISIS-controlled areas.

The net result of this narrative has been to convey the message that the Syrian government has been ‘unwilling’ to diminish the terror group’s base within the country.

But is this true?

ISIS was born from the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in April, 2013 when the group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a short-lived union of ISI and Syria's Al-Qaeda branch, Jabhat al-Nusra. Armed militants in Syria have switched around their militia allegiances many times throughout this conflict, so it would be disingenuous to suggest the Syrian army has not fought each and every one of these groups at some point since early 2011.

If ISIS was viewed as a 'neglected' target at any juncture, it has been mainly because the terror group was focused on land grabs for its "Caliphate" in the largely barren north-east areas of the country - away from the congested urban centers and infrastructure hubs that have defined the SAA's military priorities.

But ISIS has always remained a fixture in the SAA's sights. The Syrian army has fought or targeted ISIS, specifically, in dozens of battlefields since the organization's inception, and continues to do so. In Deir Hafer Plains, Mennagh, Kuweires, Tal Arn, al-Safira, Tal Hasel and the Aleppo Industrial District. In the suburbs and countryside of Damascus - most famously in Yarmouk this year - where the SAA and its allies thwarted ISIS' advance into the capital city. In the Qalamun mountains, in Christian Qara and Faleeta. In Deir Ezzor, where ISIS would join forces with the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA): al-Husseiniyeh, Hatla, Sakr Island, al-Hamadiyah, al-Rashidiyah, al-Jubeileh, Sheikh Yasseen, Mohassan, al-Kanamat, al-Sina'a, al-Amal, al-Haweeqa, al-Ayyash, the Ghassan Aboud neighborhood, al-Tayyim Oil Fields and the Deir ez-Zor military airport. In Hasakah Province - Hasakah city itself, al-Qamishli, Regiment 121 and its environs, the Kawkab and Abdel-Aziz Mountains. In Raqqa, the Islamic State's capital in Syria, the SAA combatted ISIS in Division 17, Brigade 93 and Tabaqa Airbase. In Hama Province, the entire al-Salamiyah District - Ithriyah, Sheikh Hajar, Khanasser. In the province of Homs, the eastern countryside: Palmyra, Sukaneh, Quraytayn, Mahin, Sadad, Jubb al-Ahmar, the T-4 Airbase and the Iraqi border crossing. In Suweida, the northern countryside.

If anything, the Russian intervention has assisted the Syrian state in going on the offensive against ISIS and other like-minded terror groups. Before Russia moved in, the SAA was hunkering down in and around key strategic areas to protect these hubs. Today, Syria and its allies are hitting targets by land and air in the kinds of coordinated offensives we have not seen before.

Seeding ‘propaganda’

The role of propaganda and carefully manipulated narratives should not be underestimated in laying the groundwork for foreign military intervention in Syria.

From “the dictator is killing his own people” to the “regime is using chemical weapons” to the need to establish “No Fly Zones” to safeguard “refugees fleeing Assad”…propaganda has been liberally used to build the justification for foreign military intervention.

Article 2 of the UN Charter states, in part:

“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

It’s hard to see how Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity has not been systematically violated throughout the nearly five years of this conflict, by the very states that make up the US-led coalition. The US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the UAE and other nations have poured weapons, funds, troops and assistance into undermining a UN member state at every turn.

“Legitimacy” is the essential foundation upon which governance rests. Vilify a sitting government, shut down multiple embassies, isolate a regime in international forums, and you can destroy the fragile veneer of legitimacy of a king, president or prime minister.

But efforts to delegitimize the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have also served to lay the groundwork for coalition airstrikes in Syria.

If Assad is viewed to lack “legitimacy,” the coalition creates the impression that there is no real government from which it can gain the necessary authority to launch its airstrikes.

This mere ‘impression’ provided the pretext for Washington to announce it was sending 50 Special Forces troops into Syria, as though the US wasn’t violating every tenet of international law in doing so. “It’s okay – there’s no real government there,” we are convinced.

Media reports repeatedly highlight the ‘percentages’ of territory outside the grasp of Syrian government forces – this too serves a purpose. One of the essentials of a state is that it consists of territory over which it governs.

If only 50 percent of Syria is under government control, the argument goes, “then surely we can just walk into the other ‘ungoverned’ parts” – as when US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and US Senator John McCain just strolled illegally across the border of the sovereign Syrian state.

Sweep aside these ‘impressions’ and bury them well. The Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad is viewed by the United Nations as the only legitimate government in Syria. Every official UN interaction with the state is directed at this government. The Syrian seat at the UN is occupied by Ambassador Bashar al-Jaafari, a representative of Assad’s government. It doesn’t matter how many Syrian embassies in how many capitals are shut down – or how many governments-in-exile are established. The UN only recognizes one.

As one UN official told me in private: “Control of surface territory doesn’t count. The government of Kuwait when its entire territory was occupied by Iraq – and it was in exile – was still the legitimate government of Kuwait. The Syrian government could have 10 percent of its surface left – the decision of the UN Security Council is all that matters from the perspective of international law, even if other governments recognize a new Syrian government.”

Countdown to more illegal airstrikes?

If there was any lingering doubt about the illegality of coalition activities in Syria, the Syrian government put these to rest in September, in two letters to the UNSC that denounced foreign airstrikes as unlawful:

“If any State invokes the excuse of counter-terrorism in order to be present on Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian Government whether on the country’s land or in its airspace or territorial waters, its action shall be considered a violation of Syrian sovereignty.”

Yet still, upon the adoption of UNSC Resolution 2249 last Friday, US Deputy Representative to the United Nations Michele Sison insisted that “in accordance with the UN Charter and its recognition of the inherent right of individual and collective self-defense,” the US would use “necessary and proportionate military action” in Syria.

The website for the European Journal of International Law (EJIL) promptly pointed out the obvious:

“The resolution is worded so as to suggest there is Security Council support for the use of force against IS. However, though the resolution, and the unanimity with which it was adopted, might confer a degree of legitimacy on actions against IS, the resolution does not actually authorize any actions against IS, nor does it provide a legal basis for the use of force against IS either in Syria or in Iraq.”

On Thursday, UK Prime Minister David Cameron plans to unveil his new “comprehensive strategy” to tackle ISIS, which we are told will include launching airstrikes in Syria.

We already know the legal pretext he will spin – “unwilling and unable,” Article 51, UN Charter, individual and collective self-defense, and so forth.

But if Cameron’s September 7 comments at the House of Commons are any indication, he will use the following logic to argue that the UK has no other choice than to resort to ‘use of force’ in Syria.  In response to questions about two illegal drone attacks targeting British nationals in Syria, the prime minister emphasized:

“These people were in a part of Syria where there was no government, no one to work with, and no other way of addressing this threat…When we are dealing with people in ISIL-dominated Syria—there is no government, there are no troops on the ground—there is no other way of dealing with them than the route that we took.”

But Cameron does have another route available to him - and it is the only ‘legal’ option for military involvement in Syria.

If the UK’s intention is solely to degrade and destroy ISIS, then it must request authorization from the Syrian government to participate in a coordinated military campaign that could help speed up the task.

If Western (and allied Arab) leaders can’t stomach dealing with the Assad government on this issue, then by all means work through an intermediary – like the Russians – who can coordinate and authorize military operations on behalf of their Syrian ally.

The Syrian government has said on multiple occasions that it welcomes sincere international efforts to fight terrorism inside its territory. But these efforts must come under the direction of a central legal authority that can lead a broad campaign on the ground and in the air.

The West argues that, unlike in Iraq, it seeks to maintain the institutions of the Syrian state if Assad were to step down. The SAA is one of these ‘institutions’ - why not coordinate with it now?

But after seven weeks of Russian airstrikes coordinated with extensive ground troops (which the coalition lacks), none of these scenarios may even be warranted. ISIS and other extremist groups have lost ground in recent weeks, and if this trend continues, coalition states should fall back and focus on other key ISIS-busting activities referenced in UNSCR 2249 – squeezing terror financing, locking down key borders, sharing intelligence…”all necessary measures” to destroy this group.

If the ‘international community’ wants to return ‘peace and stability’ to the Syrian state, it seems prudent to point out that its very first course of action should be to stop breaking international law in Syria.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Sharmine Narwani is a commentator and analyst of Middle East geopolitics. She is a former senior associate at St. Antony's College, Oxford University and has a master’s degree in International Relations from Columbia University. Sharmine has written commentary for a wide array of publications, including Al Akhbar English, the New York Times, the Guardian, Asia Times Online, Salon.com, USA Today, the Huffington Post, Al Jazeera English, BRICS Post and others. You can follow her on Twitter at @snarwani

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
From Pol Pot to ISIS: The Blood Never Dried


Published time: 17 Nov, 2015 20:45

Following the ISIS outrages in Beirut and Paris, John Pilger updates this prescient essay on the root causes of terrorism and what we can do about it.

In transmitting President Richard Nixon's orders for a "massive" bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, "Anything that flies on everything that moves". As Barack Obama wages his seventh war against the Muslim world since he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and Francois Hollande promises a "merciless" attack on that ruined country, the orchestrated hysteria and lies make one almost nostalgic for Kissinger's murderous honesty.

As a witness to the human consequences of aerial savagery - including the beheading of victims, their parts festooning trees and fields - I am not surprised by the disregard of memory and history, yet again. A telling example is the rise to power of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge, who had much in common with today's Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They, too, were ruthless medievalists who began as a small sect. They, too, were the product of an American-made apocalypse, this time in Asia.

According to Pol Pot, his movement had consisted of "fewer than 5,000 poorly armed guerrillas uncertain about their strategy, tactics, loyalty and leaders". Once Nixon's and Kissinger's B-52 bombers had gone to work as part of "Operation Menu", the west's ultimate demon could not believe his luck. The Americans dropped the equivalent of five Hiroshimas on rural Cambodia during 1969-73. They leveled village after village, returning to bomb the rubble and corpses. The craters left giant necklaces of carnage, still visible from the air. The terror was unimaginable. A former Khmer Rouge official described how the survivors "froze up and they would wander around mute for three or four days. Terrified and half-crazy, the people were ready to believe what they were told... That was what made it so easy for the Khmer Rouge to win the people over." A Finnish Government Commission of Inquiry estimated that 600,000 Cambodians died in the ensuing civil war and described the bombing as the "first stage in a decade of genocide". What Nixon and Kissinger began, Pol Pot, their beneficiary, completed. Under their bombs, the Khmer Rouge grew to a formidable army of 200,000.

ISIS has a similar past and present. By most scholarly measure, Bush and Blair's invasion of Iraq in 2003 led to the deaths of at least 700,000 people - in a country that had no history of jihadism. The Kurds had done territorial and political deals; Sunni and Shia had class and sectarian differences, but they were at peace; intermarriage was common. Three years before the invasion, I drove the length of Iraq without fear. On the way I met people proud, above all, to be Iraqis, the heirs of a civilization that seemed, for them, a presence.

Bush and Blair blew all this to bits. Iraq is now a nest of jihadism. Al-Qaeda - like Pol Pot's "jihadists" - seized the opportunity provided by the onslaught of Shock and Awe and the civil war that followed. "Rebel" Syria offered even greater rewards, with CIA and Gulf state ratlines of weapons, logistics and money running through Turkey. The arrival of foreign recruits was inevitable. A former British ambassador, Oliver Miles, wrote, "The [Cameron] government seems to be following the example of Tony Blair, who ignored consistent advice from the Foreign Office, MI5 and MI6 that our Middle East policy - and in particular our Middle East wars - had been a principal driver in the recruitment of Muslims in Britain for terrorism here."

ISIS is the progeny of those in Washington, London and Paris who, in conspiring to destroy Iraq, Syria and Libya, committed an epic crime against humanity. Like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, ISIS are the mutations of a western state terror dispensed by a venal imperial elite undeterred by the consequences of actions taken at great remove in distance and culture. Their culpability is unmentionable in "our" societies, making accomplices of those who suppress this critical truth.

It is 23 years since a holocaust enveloped Iraq, immediately after the first Gulf War, when the US and Britain hijacked the United Nations Security Council and imposed punitive "sanctions" on the Iraqi population - ironically, reinforcing the domestic authority of Saddam Hussein. It was like a medieval siege. Almost everything that sustained a modern state was, in the jargon, "blocked" - from chlorine for making the water supply safe to school pencils, parts for X-ray machines, common painkillers and drugs to combat previously unknown cancers carried in the dust from the southern battlefields contaminated with Depleted Uranium. Just before Christmas 1999, the Department of Trade and Industry in London restricted the export of vaccines meant to protect Iraqi children against diphtheria and yellow fever. Kim Howells, parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Blair government, explained why. "The children's vaccines", he said, "were capable of being used in weapons of mass destruction". The British Government could get away with such an outrage because media reporting of Iraq - much of it manipulated by the Foreign Office - blamed Saddam Hussein for everything.

Under a bogus "humanitarian" Oil for Food Programme, $100 was allotted for each Iraqi to live on for a year. This figure had to pay for the entire society's infrastructure and essential services, such as power and water. "Imagine," the UN Assistant Secretary General, Hans Von Sponeck, told me, "setting that pittance against the lack of clean water, and the fact that the majority of sick people cannot afford treatment, and the sheer trauma of getting from day to day, and you have a glimpse of the nightmare. And make no mistake, this is deliberate. I have not in the past wanted to use the word genocide, but now it is unavoidable." Disgusted, Von Sponeck resigned as UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq. His predecessor, Denis Halliday, an equally distinguished senior UN official, had also resigned. "I was instructed," Halliday said, "to implement a policy that satisfies the definition of genocide: a deliberate policy that has effectively killed well over a million individuals, children and adults."

A study by the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, found that between 1991 and 1998, the height of the blockade, there were 500,000 "excess" deaths of Iraqi infants under the age of five. An American TV reporter put this to Madeleine Albright, US Ambassador to the United Nations, asking her, "Is the price worth it?" Albright replied, "We think the price is worth it."

In 2007, the senior British official responsible for the sanctions, Carne Ross, known as "Mr. Iraq", told a parliamentary selection committee, "[The US and UK governments] effectively denied the entire population a means to live." When I interviewed Carne Ross three years later, he was consumed by regret and contrition. "I feel ashamed," he said. He is today a rare truth-teller of how governments deceive and how a compliant media plays a critical role in disseminating and maintaining the deception. "We would feed [journalists] factoids of sanitized intelligence," he said, "or we'd freeze them out." Last year, a not untypical headline in the Guardian read: "Faced with the horror of Isis we must act." The "we must act" is a ghost risen, a warning of the suppression of informed memory, facts, lessons learned and regrets or shame. The author of the article was Peter Hain, the former Foreign Office minister responsible for Iraq under Blair. In 1998, when Denis Halliday revealed the extent of the suffering in Iraq for which the Blair Government shared primary responsibility, Hain abused him on the BBC's Newsnight as an "apologist for Saddam". In 2003, Hain backed Blair's invasion of stricken Iraq on the basis of transparent lies. At a subsequent Labour Party conference, he dismissed the invasion as a "fringe issue".

Here was Hain demanding "air strikes, drones, military equipment and other support" for those "facing genocide" in Iraq and Syria. This will further "the imperative of a political solution". The day Hain's article appeared, Denis Halliday and Hans Von Sponeck happened to be in London and came to visit me. They were not shocked by the lethal hypocrisy of a politician, but lamented the enduring, almost inexplicable absence of intelligent diplomacy in negotiating a semblance of truce. Across the world, from Northern Ireland to Nepal, those regarding each other as terrorists and heretics have faced each other across a table. Why not now in Iraq and Syria? Instead, there is a vapid, almost sociopathic verboseness from Cameron, Hollande, Obama and their "coalition of the willing" as they prescribe more violence delivered from 30,000 feet on places where the blood of previous adventures never dried. They seem to relish their own violence and stupidity so much they want it to overthrow their one potentially valuable ally, the government in Syria.

This is nothing new, as the following leaked UK-US intelligence file illustrates:

"In order to facilitate the action of liberative [sic] forces... a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals [and] to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria. CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main [sic] incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals... a necessary degree of fear... frontier and [staged] border clashes [will] provide a pretext for intervention... the CIA and SIS should use... capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension."

That was written in 1957, although it could have been written yesterday. In the imperial world, nothing essentially changes. In 2013, the former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas revealed that "two years before the Arab spring", he was told in London that a war on Syria was planned. "I am going to tell you something," he said in an interview with the French TV channel LPC, "I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria... Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer Minister for Foreign Affairs, if I would like to participate... This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned."

The only effective opponents of ISIS are accredited demons of the west - Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and now Russia. The obstacle is Turkey, an "ally" and a member of NATO, which has conspired with the CIA, MI6 and the Gulf medievalists to channel support to the Syrian "rebels", including those now calling themselves ISIS. Supporting Turkey in its long-held ambition for regional dominance by overthrowing the Assad government beckons a major conventional war and the horrific dismemberment of the most ethnically diverse state in the Middle East.

A truce - however difficult to negotiate and achieve - is the only way out of this maze; otherwise, the atrocities in Paris and Beirut will be repeated. Together with a truce, the leading perpetrators and overseers of violence in the Middle East - the Americans and Europeans - must themselves "de-radicalize" and demonstrate a good faith to alienated Muslim communities everywhere, including those at home. There should be an immediate cessation of all shipments of war materials to Israel and recognition of the State of Palestine. The issue of Palestine is the region's most festering open wound, and the oft-stated justification for the rise of Islamic extremism. Osama bin Laden made that clear. Palestine also offers hope. Give justice to the Palestinians and you begin to change the world around them.

More than 40 years ago, the Nixon-Kissinger bombing of Cambodia unleashed a torrent of suffering from which that country has never recovered. The same is true of the Blair-Bush crime in Iraq, and the NATO and "coalition" crimes in Libya and Syria. With impeccable timing, Henry Kissinger's latest self-serving tome has been released with its satirical title, "World Order". In one fawning review, Kissinger is described as a "key shaper of a world order that remained stable for a quarter of a century". Tell that to the people of Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Chile, East Timor and all the other victims of his "statecraft". Only when "we" recognize the war criminals in our midst and stop denying ourselves the truth will the blood begin to dry.

John Pilger

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality

UK military's secret plan to train Syrian rebels to topple Bashar al-Assad


The British military drew up a secret plan two years ago to train a 100,000-strong Syrian rebel force aimed at toppling president Bashar al-Assad.

The plan was the brainchild of General Sir David Richards, then chief of staff. The military regularly draws up contingency plans for all kinds of scenarios, but this one was considered more seriously than most and widely circulated – including to Downing Street and senior US military staff. It was shelved as being too risky.

The Ministry of Defence declined to confirm or comment. But according to the BBC, Richards proposed an international coalition to vet and train an army of moderate Syrian rebels at bases in Turkey and Jordan for about a year.

It would then march on Damascus, with air cover from western forces and Gulf allies. The plan was drawn up at a time of strong support in the UK and US governments for intervention in the Syrian civil war by arming and training the rebels. Among prominent supporters in the US were then secretary of state Hillary Clinton, then defence secretary Leon Panetta and David Petraeus, who served as the head of the CIA as well as the head of US central command and the coalition forces in Afghanistan.

But Barack Obama, who had devoted much of his presidency to getting US troops out of Iraq, opposed the prospect of becoming caught up in another Middle East conflict – particularly arming rebels from hardline militant groups hostile to the US.

Any chance of British involvement was finally scuppered when MPs voted against action in August last year.

Lord Richards' proposal was aimed at ending a civil war estimated to have cost more than 100,000 lives.

Two years on, Obama – worried about increased instability in the region – has had a rethink as hardline militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is taking over swaths of Iraq and parts of Syria. He has asked Congress to approve $500m (£291m) in funding to train Syrian rebels.

Monzer Akbik, from opposition group the Syrian National Coalition, told the BBC: "A huge opportunity was missed and that opportunity could have saved tens of thousands of lives actually and could have saved also a huge humanitarian catastrophe.

"The international community did not intervene to prevent those crimes and at the same time it did not actively support the moderate elements on the ground."

Training a rebel Syrian army is the wrong way to end the bloodshed


Last updated: July 4th, 2014
Con Coughlin

The revelation that General David Richards, the former head of Britain's Armed Forces, drew up plans to train a 100,000-strong Syrian rebel army shows just how desperate the British government was to become embroiled in Syria's brutal civil war.

During his three-year tenure as Chief of the Defence Staff, Lord Richards of Herstmonceux, as he has now become, was deeply sceptical of the Coalition's willingness to embark on ill-considered – and potentially catastrophic – military adventures in the Arab world.

In his capacity as a senior advisor to the National Security Council, which David Cameron personally chairs, Lord Richards was deeply sceptical of the Prime Minister's obsession with overthrowing the Libyan regime of Col Muammar Gaddafi. You only have to look at the disastrous state in which Libya today finds itself, with rival Islamist militias vying for control, to see whose judgement was more sound on this issue.

And it was a similar case with Syria, with Lord Richards, together with Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, consistently urging the Coalition to proceed with caution, rather than get itself involved in another open-ended Middle Eastern conflict.

At the time Lord Richards drew up plans to train a rebel army, David Cameron and his advisers were pressing hard for Britain to undertake some form of military intervention in Syria, whether it was the establishment of a no-fly zone to protect civilians from the Assad regime's murderous tactics, or providing arms to the rebels.

Indeed, the Coalition's bewildering obsession with involving Britain militarily in the Syrian conflict only ended with last summer's disastrous Commons vote, where the overwhelming majority of MPs voted against launching air strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Throughout this turbulent period Lord Richards was against half-hearted military gestures, not least because he understood – as Mr Cameron did not – that taking such actions, however well-intentioned, ran the risk of escalation and of deeper British involvement. For example, if you set up a no-fly zone and it comes under attack from the Syrian regime, then you have to respond. Then, if you respond, the the Assad's regime's allies – notably Russia and Iran – will feel compelled to intervene themselves, and before you know it you have the seeds of World War Three being sown.

To counter the Coalition's gung-ho attitude, Lord Richards's contrary proposal was that, if Britain really did want to involve itself in the Syrian conflict, then the best solution was to train up a proper Syrian force that could the job on Britain's behalf. Apart from keeping British personnel out of the conflict, training a Syrian army might also give Britain some influence over the conflict's outcome.

The plan was ditched by the Coalition as being too ambitious, and not in keeping with Downing Street's desire to be seen grabbing all the headlines by leading from the front, rather than involving itself in the sort of clandestine operation the CIA thrives upon.

Personally, I am not convinced it should even have been considered in the first place. The last thing Syria and the rest of the Middle East needs at the moment is more guns and militiamen. To my mind that is simply a recipe for disaster.

Rather than pushing for military intervention, perhaps our ministers would have been better employed trying to put pressure on the warring parties to agree a ceasefire, and bring to an end the murderous cycle of violence that has so far killed in excess of 120,000 people.

Con Coughlin is the Telegraph's Defence Editor and a world-renowned expert on global security and terrorism issues. He is the author of several critically acclaimed books. His new book, Churchill's First War: Young Winston and the fight against the Taliban, is published by Macmillan in London and Thomas Dunne Books in New York. He appears regularly on radio and television in Britain and America.

Syria conflict: UK planned to train and equip 100,000 rebels


3 July 2014

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
#SyriaVote: MPs to vote on whether to launch UK airstrikes against ISIS in Syria Live updates


MPs are holding a full-day, 10 1/2-hour debate on whether British should launch airstrikes against Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria. They will vote at 22:00 GMT. Anti-war protesters will stage a mass “die-in” outside the Houses of Parliament.

Less then one hour until the vote, 21:13 GMT here now.

Remember that IS/ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State/Daesh/Al Qaeda/Moderate Rebels/ etc.. is a Western creation, it is a proxy force designed to justify an action that is repugnant to a moral human.

British MPs have voted 397 to 223 in favor of launching airstrikes against ISIS in Syria - a 174 majority.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-02, 23:06:28 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Yes we armed and trained them but the Ideology they follow is pure Islam, we did not teach them that!

That is the biggest problem, islamic ideology, but our dumb arse's in charge just can't get it through their heads. So consequently we are on the wrong side of things, can't wait to get rid of the muslim in the white house!

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
I owe you an apology Room3327.

I listened to a guy by the name of Larry Nichols and he pretty much confirmed what you have been saying.  He even gave out on-the-air the coordinates to some of the key ISIS command and control sites in Syria, which were promptly destroyed, probably by Russia.

So we know these people mean us harm, but we also have to look behind the scenes and determine who is funding them.

We have our work cut out for us, then comes the mass of public hangings once we find those responsible.

No rest for the weary...

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
I owe you an apology Room3327.

I listened to a guy by the name of Larry Nichols and he pretty much confirmed what you have been saying.  He even gave out on-the-air the coordinates to some of the key ISIS command and control sites in Syria, which were promptly destroyed, probably by Russia.

So we know these people mean us harm, but we also have to look behind the scenes and determine who is funding them.

We have our work cut out for us, then comes the mass of public hangings once we find those responsible.

No rest for the weary...

Apology accepted, I thank you for that, I have been beating my head against a wall for almost ten years trying to get people to wake up to the the threat we all face.  I have been called most anything you can think of by people who don't know a thing about what they are talking about, but I'm the bad guy. Why is it everyone wants to shoot the messenger?  I have no hate for muslims I merely look at the facts, I do however hate Islam for the POS it is and anyone who has actually looked into it would agree with me.  May the Truth Live!  Wake up people!


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Yes we armed and trained them but the Ideology they follow is pure Islam, we did not teach them that!

I acknowledge your statement that the Western Establishment is behind the perpetual state of terrorist war tension, as correct.

I do not acknowledge your statement that the ideology 'they' follow is pure Islam, as correct.

I implore you to define the difference between Islam and Muslim in contrast to the statements you have made and the erroneous conclusions you reach:

I have no hate for muslims I merely look at the facts, I do however hate Islam for the POS it is and anyone who has actually looked into it would agree with me.


What is the difference between Muslim and Islam?

Thus, at the outset the word Islam means a religion whereas the word Muslim means a person who follows Islam. This is the linguistic difference between the usages of the two words. The word Islam is also at times used to denote a community of belief. Islamic thought means religious tenets that pertain to Islam.

The word Muslim is used to denote or distinguish a person that practices the religion of Islam. Look at the usage, ‘Do you know the Muslim that lives in your neighborhood?’ The usage ‘Muslim religion’ is wrong. The usage should be ‘Islam religion’ for that matter.

Takfiri extremists wage war on Islam


They say they are fighting for an “Islamic state.” But their actions tell a different story.

Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:59AM

By brutalizing civilians and committing war crimes, the Takfiri extremists in Syria are violating the very shariah they claim to be fighting for.

On Thursday, UN officials said the Takfiris are committing “a ‘soaring’ number of executions” that appear to be war crimes. The Associated Press reported: “U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay says that over the past two weeks her office has received reports of a succession of mass executions of civilians and fighters who were no longer participating in hostilities in Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa by hardline armed opposition groups in Syria, in particular by the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”

By claiming they are fighting for an “Islamic state” while committing horrendous war crimes, the Takfiris are waging a public relations jihad against Islam. No wonder the Zionists support them!

I recently debated Michael Parenti, a secularist critic of religion, on my radio show. When I mentioned that Islam is the most tolerant of the three Abrahamic monotheisms, citing historical examples of Muslims protecting religious diversity, Parenti responded: Yes, that may have been true in the past, but look at Muslims now! Look at what they're doing in Syria!

I tried to explain that the Takfiri extremists in Syria do not represent the world's Muslims. But since the Takfiris use and abuse the word “Islamic,” and draw support from Saudi Arabia – the custodian of the Muslim holy cities – people like Michael Parenti use them as examples of the alleged extremism of Islam.

What kind of “Islam” advocates ripping out the heart of a dead enemy and eating it for the camera? What kind of “Islam” allows the procuring of women for illicit temporary relationships with soldiers? What kind of “Islam” condones mass executions of people because they are Christians or moderate Muslims?

Though war is a bloody and unpleasant business, Muslims commanders and soldiers have historically been known for their unusual degree of chivalry, mercy, and restraint. When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conquered his absolute worst enemies – the Meccans who had so horribly persecuted him and his followers – he foreswore revenge and commanded mercy. The opening of Mecca was the nearest thing to a bloodless conquest in the history of warfare.

The example of the Prophet (PBUH) has inspired countless examples of Muslim chivalry, or “futuwwa,” throughout history. Indeed, it was the “futuwwa” of the courteous, compassionate, self-abnegating Muslim warriors of Islamic Spain – whose kind, gentle, devoted treatment of women was then-unheard-of in Europe – who brought the notions of chivalry and courtly love to the West.

By contrast, it was the Muslims’ most fanatical enemy, Hind, who ripped the liver out of the fallen Muslim warrior Hamza and ate it on the battlefield. The Takfiri cannibal who ate the Syrian soldier’s heart was symbolically declaring to the world that he was an enemy of Islam – just like Hind. Most Muslims understand this. But non-Muslims around the world who witness such atrocities are likely to mistakenly attribute them to Islam, or “Islamic extremism.”

The Takfiris are committing more and more atrocities, not only against Syrian government forces, Christians, and moderate Muslims, but also against each other. According to news reports, infighting between the al-Qaida affiliate Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and other Takfiri and anti-government groups in Syria has killed hundreds of people over the past two weeks.

The Takfiris make a habit of executing people who do not share their fanatical misinterpretation of Islam. This practice is utterly un-Islamic. Throughout history, Muslims have been enjoined to protect people of other religions. One noteworthy example: When the great Christian Saint Francis – the current Pope’s namesake – decided he wanted to become a martyr, he traveled into Islamic territory in order to preach Christianity and argue strongly against Islam. Francis expected the Muslims would kill him, just as the Christians would have killed a Muslim who entered Christian territory to argue strongly against Christianity. It was, after all, the year 1219, and the Fifth Crusade was raging.

But no matter how hard he argued against Islam, Francis could not provoke any Muslims to violence. Sultan al-Kamil, the nephew of Salah ad-Din (Saladin), welcomed Francis to his camp and spent long nights with him in religious discussions. Neither converted the other, but the outcome was mutual respect.

Sultan al-Kamil’s uncle Salah ad-Din had similarly won the respect of Christians when he re-conquered al-Quds (Jerusalem) and followed the prophetic example of showing mercy to his enemies.

Today, the headlines are dominated by the likes of al-Qaeda, which claims to be defending Muslims, but actually seems to be an anti-Islam public relations campaign. Ordinary Muslims are caught between the self-styled “Islamic terrorists” and the only slightly less obnoxious, foundation-funded “professional moderate Muslims” who are willing to sell out their faith and keep their mouths shut about the 9/11-triggered War on Islam. It's a New World Order pincer operation, designed to weaken Islam and make the world safe for usury, Zionism, and crass materialism.

Fortunately, the world's Muslims are increasingly speaking out against the Takfiris in general, and the persecution of Christians in particular. A group called the Covenants Initiative is asking Muslims to sign a statement bearing witness to the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the Christians of the World. The Covenants Project is on-line at www.CovenantsOfTheProphet.com.

Genuine Islam is a moderate “middle way,” not a fanatical, intolerant, or violent faith. Its strongest defense against the Takfiris and their New World Order sponsors is the truth. As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said, “The best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant.”

So we know these people mean us harm, but we also have to look behind the scenes and determine who is funding them.

We have our work cut out for us, then comes the mass of public hangings once we find those responsible.

No rest for the weary...

While a Superpower like Russia champions international law as a choice of reason before force, I will support them.

The moment such difference potential is perceived to cease to exist internationally, I will issue ESO: 04 and stand within the law.

My sacrifice will highlight the tyrannical oppression in the social suppression of self determination and sovereignty, and define me for eternity.

Work with me to avoid such potential outcomes, I implore you. The right to a fair trial based upon the unobscured evidence, is paramount to Everyman's future existence.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Guest
Here's one Room3327.  She explains it in pretty simple terms:

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
I acknowledge your statement that the Western Establishment is behind the perpetual state of terrorist war tension, as correct.

I do not acknowledge your statement that the ideology 'they' follow is pure Islam, as correct.

I implore you to define the difference between Islam and Muslim in contrast to the statements you have made and the erroneous conclusions you reach:


What is the difference between Muslim and Islam?

Thus, at the outset the word Islam means a religion whereas the word Muslim means a person who follows Islam. This is the linguistic difference between the usages of the two words. The word Islam is also at times used to denote a community of belief. Islamic thought means religious tenets that pertain to Islam.

The word Muslim is used to denote or distinguish a person that practices the religion of Islam. Look at the usage, ‘Do you know the Muslim that lives in your neighborhood?’ The usage ‘Muslim religion’ is wrong. The usage should be ‘Islam religion’ for that matter.

Takfiri extremists wage war on Islam


They say they are fighting for an “Islamic state.” But their actions tell a different story.

Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:59AM

By brutalizing civilians and committing war crimes, the Takfiri extremists in Syria are violating the very shariah they claim to be fighting for.

On Thursday, UN officials said the Takfiris are committing “a ‘soaring’ number of executions” that appear to be war crimes. The Associated Press reported: “U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay says that over the past two weeks her office has received reports of a succession of mass executions of civilians and fighters who were no longer participating in hostilities in Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa by hardline armed opposition groups in Syria, in particular by the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”

By claiming they are fighting for an “Islamic state” while committing horrendous war crimes, the Takfiris are waging a public relations jihad against Islam. No wonder the Zionists support them!

I recently debated Michael Parenti, a secularist critic of religion, on my radio show. When I mentioned that Islam is the most tolerant of the three Abrahamic monotheisms, citing historical examples of Muslims protecting religious diversity, Parenti responded: Yes, that may have been true in the past, but look at Muslims now! Look at what they're doing in Syria!

I tried to explain that the Takfiri extremists in Syria do not represent the world's Muslims. But since the Takfiris use and abuse the word “Islamic,” and draw support from Saudi Arabia – the custodian of the Muslim holy cities – people like Michael Parenti use them as examples of the alleged extremism of Islam.

What kind of “Islam” advocates ripping out the heart of a dead enemy and eating it for the camera? What kind of “Islam” allows the procuring of women for illicit temporary relationships with soldiers? What kind of “Islam” condones mass executions of people because they are Christians or moderate Muslims?

Though war is a bloody and unpleasant business, Muslims commanders and soldiers have historically been known for their unusual degree of chivalry, mercy, and restraint. When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conquered his absolute worst enemies – the Meccans who had so horribly persecuted him and his followers – he foreswore revenge and commanded mercy. The opening of Mecca was the nearest thing to a bloodless conquest in the history of warfare.

The example of the Prophet (PBUH) has inspired countless examples of Muslim chivalry, or “futuwwa,” throughout history. Indeed, it was the “futuwwa” of the courteous, compassionate, self-abnegating Muslim warriors of Islamic Spain – whose kind, gentle, devoted treatment of women was then-unheard-of in Europe – who brought the notions of chivalry and courtly love to the West.

By contrast, it was the Muslims’ most fanatical enemy, Hind, who ripped the liver out of the fallen Muslim warrior Hamza and ate it on the battlefield. The Takfiri cannibal who ate the Syrian soldier’s heart was symbolically declaring to the world that he was an enemy of Islam – just like Hind. Most Muslims understand this. But non-Muslims around the world who witness such atrocities are likely to mistakenly attribute them to Islam, or “Islamic extremism.”

The Takfiris are committing more and more atrocities, not only against Syrian government forces, Christians, and moderate Muslims, but also against each other. According to news reports, infighting between the al-Qaida affiliate Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and other Takfiri and anti-government groups in Syria has killed hundreds of people over the past two weeks.

The Takfiris make a habit of executing people who do not share their fanatical misinterpretation of Islam. This practice is utterly un-Islamic. Throughout history, Muslims have been enjoined to protect people of other religions. One noteworthy example: When the great Christian Saint Francis – the current Pope’s namesake – decided he wanted to become a martyr, he traveled into Islamic territory in order to preach Christianity and argue strongly against Islam. Francis expected the Muslims would kill him, just as the Christians would have killed a Muslim who entered Christian territory to argue strongly against Christianity. It was, after all, the year 1219, and the Fifth Crusade was raging.

But no matter how hard he argued against Islam, Francis could not provoke any Muslims to violence. Sultan al-Kamil, the nephew of Salah ad-Din (Saladin), welcomed Francis to his camp and spent long nights with him in religious discussions. Neither converted the other, but the outcome was mutual respect.

Sultan al-Kamil’s uncle Salah ad-Din had similarly won the respect of Christians when he re-conquered al-Quds (Jerusalem) and followed the prophetic example of showing mercy to his enemies.

Today, the headlines are dominated by the likes of al-Qaeda, which claims to be defending Muslims, but actually seems to be an anti-Islam public relations campaign. Ordinary Muslims are caught between the self-styled “Islamic terrorists” and the only slightly less obnoxious, foundation-funded “professional moderate Muslims” who are willing to sell out their faith and keep their mouths shut about the 9/11-triggered War on Islam. It's a New World Order pincer operation, designed to weaken Islam and make the world safe for usury, Zionism, and crass materialism.

Fortunately, the world's Muslims are increasingly speaking out against the Takfiris in general, and the persecution of Christians in particular. A group called the Covenants Initiative is asking Muslims to sign a statement bearing witness to the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the Christians of the World. The Covenants Project is on-line at www.CovenantsOfTheProphet.com.

Genuine Islam is a moderate “middle way,” not a fanatical, intolerant, or violent faith. Its strongest defense against the Takfiris and their New World Order sponsors is the truth. As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said, “The best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant.”

While a Superpower like Russia champions international law as a choice of reason before force, I will support them.

The moment such difference potential is perceived to cease to exist internationally, I will issue ESO: 04 and stand within the law.

My sacrifice will highlight the tyrannical oppression in lack of self determination and sovereignty, and define me.

Work with me to avoid such potential outcomes, I implore you. The right to a fair trial based upon the unobscured evidence, is paramount to Everyman's future existence.

Man talk about obfuscation of the issue, you're obviously one of the people I was talking of that have a lot to say about something they know little about.

All these groups you are talking about are working from the same play book, called the Koran try reading it once if you think it is an Abrahamic religion.  It is not! Yes Mohammed plagerized the Jews and Christians some, but to call it an Abrahamic religion you know not what you are saying.

The mess your talking about above is a direct result of Islamic doctrine and Ideology but you would have to understand that to know.  So instead of talking big why don't you try reading the ideology or are you too politically correct to bother.  I am so tired of this same crap from people that know nothing about Islam but they are going to defend it come what may.  I have heard all the rebuttals, I have been called many names, and I still stand my ground.
I am not wrong and someday those that don't know it now, will.  All the intricacies of whats happening like you and Muppethead talk about are just symptoms of the real problem which is the koran and islamic ideology. All the rest is just bumpkin heads who have no idea of what their doing, most of our governments included in that, keeping up the political correctness and multi-culti BS because they have not taken the time to really find out and it sounds so good, anyone spouting it must be a good person yes re-elect me because I sound so good. Get a clue.

« Last Edit: 2015-12-03, 21:33:38 by Room3327 »

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Getting to the very core of the matter, where the rottenness
originates, is a very difficult task for the many.  Overcoming
the propaganda induced mind-set is more unsettling than
the many are willing to endure.  Taking refuge in wrong beliefs
is much more comfortable than opening one's eyes to "see"
the painful truths.

The Son of Man provided us with answers which are affirmed
by the Protocols of the Learned Elders.  Taking an honest
look at how our World is managed today will clearly indicate
by whom we are being dis-informed.  But only if we are willing
to endure the painful Truths.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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