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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081199 times)
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The elephant at the party:


Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Islamic State: ‘US failure to look into Saudi role in 9/11 has helped Isis’


The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) has been aided by the continuing failure of the US Government to investigate the role of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks and its support of jihadi movements such as al-Qaeda in the years since, says former Senator Bob Graham, the co-chairman of the official inquiry into 9/11.

Senator Graham, who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that successive administrations in Washington had turned a blind eye to Saudi support for Sunni extremists. He added: “I believe that the failure to shine a full light on Saudi actions and particularly its involvement in 9/11 has contributed to the Saudi ability to continue to engage in actions that are damaging to the US – and in particular their support for Isis.”

Senator Graham, a distinguished elder statesmen who was twice Democratic governor of Florida before spending 18 years in the US Senate, believes that ignoring what Saudi Arabia was doing and treating it as a reliable American ally contributed to the US intelligence services’ failure to identify Isis as a rising power until after it captured Mosul on 10 June. He says that “one reason I think that our intelligence has been less than stellar” is that not enough attention was given to Saudi Arabia’s fostering of al-Qaeda-type jihadi movements, of which Isis is the most notorious and successful. So far the CIA and other intelligence services have faced little criticism in the US for their apparent failure to foresee the explosive expansion of Isis, which now controls an area larger than Great Britain in northern Iraq and eastern Syria.

Senator Graham’s criticism of the US policy towards Saudi Arabia is important because it comes amidst growing doubts in the US about the wisdom of President Barack Obama’s plan announced on Wednesday to look to the Gulf monarchs as crucial allies in the US campaign to contain and, if possible, push back Isis after its victories in Iraq and Syria during the summer.

Saudi Arabia is to host a special training facility for “moderate” Syrian opposition which is to fight both Isis and the government of President Bashar al-Assad. A problem is that Saudi Arabia dislikes Isis today, whatever its role in its creation, but it gives priority to regime change in Damascus.

Senator Graham thinks it is wise to engage with Saudi Arabia because, despite Saudi denials, he says it has been “a central figure in financing Isis and extremist groups”. But he is cautious about success from the US point of view because of the Saudi monarchy’s long-term alliance with the Wahhabi clergy and its commitment to spread Wahhabism, the intolerant variant of Islam which denounces Shia as heretics and treats women as chattels under male control. The Senator says that Saudi Arabia not only gives support to Sunni communities worldwide “but the most extreme elements among the Sunni”.

The Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 has long been public knowledge since 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were Saudis, and the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was a member of the Saudi ruling elite. The 9/11 inquiry found that, for financing, al-Qaeda relied on a core group of private donors and charities in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.

Despite the Saudi connections of the 9/11 conspirators, Saudi Arabia and its citizens were treated with extraordinary leniency in the wake of the attacks. Some 144 individuals, mostly from the Saudi aristocracy, were permitted to fly back to Saudi Arabia within days of the attacks without being questioned by the FBI. The influential Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan was pictured in cheerful conversation with President Bush on the White House balcony a few days after 9/11. Senator Graham recalls that “there were several incidents [in which US officials] were inexplicably solicitous to Saudis”. US officials who went to Saudi Arabia to investigate links to 9/11 found their Saudi counterparts to be persistently obstructive.

Saudi obstructionism continued during the decade after 9/11: in 2007, Stuart Levey, the Under Secretary of the US Treasury in charge of monitoring and impeding the financing of terrorism, told ABC News that when it came to al-Qaeda, “if I could somehow snap my fingers and cut off the funding from one country, it would be Saudi Arabia”. He added that at that stage not one person identified by the US or the UN as funding terrorism had been prosecuted by the Saudis. Eight years after 9/11, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, wrote in a cable leaked by WikiLeaks that “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan] and other terrorist groups.”

As al-Qaeda in Iraq began to reorganise and turn itself into Isis in the years after 2010, politicians and security officials in Baghdad were convinced of the complicity of Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies in funding jihadis in Iraq. They generally avoided public criticism of these states as allies of the US, but in March 2014 Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki identified Saudi Arabia and Qatar as the two countries “primarily responsible for the sectarian, terrorist and security crisis in Iraq”. He said that Riyadh and Doha were “buying weapons for the benefit of these terrorist organisations”. Mr Maliki had his own share of blame for persecuting the Sunni community in Iraq so it gave support to armed resistance by Isis, but Iraqi leaders all believed that the monarchs of the Gulf were bankrolling Sunni opposition in Iraq and would never accept a Shia-dominated government.

The most striking example of Washington’s willingness to protect the Kingdom over complicity in 9/11 is the 28 pages of the official inquiry that were censored and have yet to be published. Senator Graham is not allowed to reveal what is in the chapter that was redacted, but other sources say that they are about connections between Saudi government officials and the 9/11 attacks. Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan, in their book The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11, quote a senior American official, who saw the 28 pages before they were excised, apparently on the initiative of President Bush, as saying: “If the 28 pages were to be made public, I have no question that the entire relationship with Saudi Arabia would change overnight.”

Senator Graham has long campaigned to have the 28 pages of the 9/11 inquiry and other documents released. He says, knowing their content, that there is no national security justification for keeping them a secret 13 years after 9/11. He says that some government agencies, notably the FBI, have a motive in keeping information from the public about “their actions and their competence at the time of 9/11”. In Sarasota, Florida, the FBI initially denied having any documents relating to hijackers who were based there but has now handed over 80,000 pages that might be relevant under the Freedom of Information Act, according to Tom Julin, the Miami-based attorney handling the FoI application.

Asked why the US government has been so eager since 2001 to cover up for the Saudis, Senator Graham says that one explanation is the long-term US strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia, going back to the Second World War. There is also the close personal relationship between the Bush family and the Kingdom. But what he finds more difficult to explain is why the “policy of covering up Saudi involvement [in 9/11] persisted under the Obama administration”. Though Mr Obama had pledged to the families of the 9/11 victims during the 2008 presidential election campaign to release the 28 censored pages, it has failed to do so six years later.

Senator Graham does not suggest that the Saudis are directly running Isis, but that their support for Sunni extremists in Iraq and Syria opened the door to jihadis including Isis. Similar points were made by Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, and MI6, who said in a lecture at the Royal United Services Institute in London in July that the Saudi government is “deeply attracted towards any militancy which effectively challenges Shiadom”. He said that rulers of the Kingdom tended to oppose jihadis at home as enemies of the House of Saud, but promote them abroad in the interests of Saudi foreign policy. Anti-Shi’ism has always been at the centre of the Saudi world view, and he quoted Prince Bandar, the ambassador in Washington at the time of 9/11 and later head of Saudi intelligence,  as saying to him: “The time is not far off in the Middle East, Richard, when it will be literally ‘God help the Shia’. More than a billion Sunni have simply had enough of them.”

In allying itself with Saudi Arabia, the US automatically plugs itself into an anti-Shia agenda and limits its ability to monitor and take action against Sunni jihadis who are promoted by Riyadh. In Syria this has led to parts of a jihadi-dominated military opposition being relabelled as “moderate”. President Obama intends to support this group, who scarcely exist on the map, to fight both Isis and the Assad government.

Senator Graham maintains that there is a “dark side” to Saudi Arabia exemplified by 9/11 and its aftermath that the American public need to know about and which has hitherto been concealed. The US and other Western governments have yet to explain why their “war on terror” has so demonstrably failed with the rise of Isis, but tolerance of Saudi complicity in 9/11 will surely be part of the answer.
« Last Edit: 2014-09-14, 17:25:00 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi Sect of extremist Islam has
been a very useful tool of the West (principally the U.S.)
since the advent of the Petro-Dollar and OPEC.

Saudi participation in the 9-11 False Flag was not extensive
but the Saudis have served as a most convenient scapegoat
whose purpose has been to enhance the orchestrated
Conflicting Data.

Everything that happened within the several days just prior to 9-11
until the present has been manipulated and controlled in order to
further deepen the 9-11 psychological programming in the minds
of the global masses.

During the event itself the Media played an important role in amplifying
the fear through repetition and sensory overload.  The fact that the U.S.
Government seemed paralyzed and unable to respond (according to plan)
deepened the fear.  Conflicting reports (many of which were true) during
the first 48 hours which then disappeared from any coverage were carefully
controlled in order to maximize both the fear factor and the confusion.

The period of no-fly nationwide following the event was calculated to drive
the sense of fear very deeply into the subconscious mind of the vulnerable
global masses.

Psychological warfare at its very best.

Learn more here.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Why "Fear" has become such an important component
of U.S. Foreign Policy and Warfare.

World War 2, the war that radically changed how the civilian
populace became targets of destruction.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The roles of the players are often different to how they are portrayed, an interesting and brief summary of the psy-op in play is copy pasted for you below.

“ISIS” is Merely a Backdoor to Ousting Assad. Here’s WHY & HOW…


“ISIS” is obviously an excuse to bomb Syria, as a back door attempt to oust Assad by providing air support for the faltering Free Syrian Army. Russian diplomacy foiled the first neoconservative push to bomb Syria last year.

We’re told by our government and media that we’ve been shown “beheading” videos. That’s not true. If you look hard enough online, you can find the RAW “beheading” videos. But in NONE of the three “beheading” videos (Foley, Sotloff, and Haines) does it show a head being cut off. As “Jihad John” ostensibly starts to saw their necks with his knife, the video fades to black. When the video comes back on, it shows a “headless body” with the purported head of the victim resting on the back.

It reminds me of the alleged Saddam Hussein “hanging” video. NOWHERE did it ever show Saddam hanging. It showed him with the noose around his neck, then the trap door opens and he falls through. BUT THEN THE VIDEO AGAIN GOES BLACK! When the video comes back, we see the ostensibly lifeless body of Saddam laying on the floor with the noose around his neck.

Seeing a pattern?

And where’s the video of the raid that allegedly killed Bin Laden?

It’s amazing that we can be TOLD what we are actually SEEING with our own eyes, and have our own observation be “overridden” by what our government & media tell us.

Edward Bernays would be proud.

The purpose of the fake beheadings is to sway public opinion to support action in Syria — a back door to overthrowing Assad; the first effort being thwarted by clever Russian diplomacy last year.

And don’t assume that the President or Congress are behind this. It’s much deeper. Powerful interests (whose bidding our politicians do; namely Israel & Saudi Arabia) want Assad removed.

Incidentally, the war in the Middle East is against SHI’A Islam, the House of Saud’s mortal enemy. Look whom ISIS is attacking — Shi’a-ruled countries — Syria & Iraq, with Iran being the ultimate prize, eventually; especially since the American public wasn’t buying the neocons’ lies and push to directly bomb Iran over the last 7 or 8 years. So Syria is a back door to Iran, as “ISIS” is a back door to Syria (Assad).

America doesn’t get its oil from Saudi Arabia, but much of the rest of the world does. And where do the Saudis invest their massive oil profits? Not in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia invests its oil fortune in the U.S. economy. And currently we’re more desperate than ever for that investment. THAT’s the “relationship” between the U.S. & KSA. As with China, the U.S. desperately needs that massive Saudi investment into our debt-ridden, non-producing (except the Defense industry), faltering economy.

Remember a little over a year ago, the media said the U.S. was going to train the FSA (Free Syrian Army) in Jordan? It’s my contention that we armed and trained “ISIS” in the eastern desert of Jordan. And it wouldn’t surprise me if it was Blackwater/ Xe/ Academi (whatever they’ve changed their name to this week) who did the training.

How is ISIS funded? Where do they get their oil? Their arms? How do they manage logistically? Supply lines, etc.?

Of course we’re told they stole U.S. weaponry from Iraqi Army bases in northern Iraq, and that they robbed banks in Mosul (lol). How convenient. Now no one will raise an eyebrow when they see “ISIS” in humvees and shooting M-16s, and not question their funding.

If “ISIS” is as we’ve been told, why didn’t we bomb the holy hell out of them as they drove south from Mosul along the highway toward Baghdad in one, long convoy. We’ve been shown those photos by the media. I’m sure those photos were meant to elicit a feeling of desperation and fear in the American public, but to any thinking, rational, logical person it begged the question: Why aren’t we bombing that “ISIS” convoy like we bombed the retreating Iraqi Army in 1991 on the highway from Kuwait back to Iraq?!

Why? For the same reason “Pentagon lawyers” shut down Able Danger after Lt. Col. Shaffer’s team identified Mohammed Atta and several other “terrorists” in 2000. For the same reason western intelligence knew of Bin Laden’s 10-day stay for medical treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.

And that reason is: Why would the U.S. eliminate the very boogeyman it created? That boogeyman is needed to serve it’s psychological purpose as scapegoat.

Here’s Why

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
Group: Guest
Of course we’re told they stole U.S. weaponry from Iraqi Army bases in northern Iraq, and that they robbed banks in Mosul (lol). How convenient. Now no one will raise an eyebrow when they see “ISIS” in humvees and shooting M-16s, and not question their funding.

Any while no one is looking, the State Department is shedding all the documents connected with Benghazi.

By the time the smoke clears, no one will be the wiser how this was all masterminded.  Oh, except for a few insiders turned whistleblowers that mysteriously end up dead.

What still amazes me is how much the world could be improved (for everyone) by all the energy put into destruction and these deceitful ploys.

"Beam them out of there, Scotty."  --  Star Trek Generations

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
While not directly connected to 9-11, there is a video
of a mysterious building collapse which is eerily similar
to WTC-7 going down.  It is feared that a U.S. Navy
aircraft with a secret weapon may have caused the

Here's the video.

Here's the article which explains it.

The game is getting weirdly serious.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Remote Viewers (whether you believe in them or not) know what happened on that day.


Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Geopolitics of World War III


At 16:40 in the video you will see a map, a very important map.

Anyone remember the 2008 Russia - Georgia war ?


« Last Edit: 2014-09-22, 21:23:07 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

The weapon that Dr Judy Wood describes sounds like a larger version of the beam that Dr Marinov discovered with his MAGVID device.  Rather than projecting a beam of particles, it creates a beam from the particles already there by rotating the space they are in.  Marinov claimed that anything in the beam area would be rotated and heated.  The MAGVID was nicknamed the "desktop pulsar".

was this sort of weapon used in Iraq?  http://www.rainews.it/ran24/inchieste/video/guerre_stellari_english.wmv


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Some sort of "invisible ray" weapon was certainly used.

One of the main reasons for promoting wars and warfare
in numerous places across the globe is the testing of new
technology weapons.  Those who are the "Hidden Hand of
Power" behind the governments of The West are absolutely
ruthless and conscienceless as they rush to implement their
New World Order - One World Government.

Essential to that Plan is the construction of the Third Temple
in Jerusalem and the re-institution of animal sacrifice.  Once
that has been accomplished the End will be very near.

There will be incredible "signs and wonders" as the Bad Boys
make use of very advanced devices and technologies in the
wars to come.  Unfortunately, most are not yet able to recognize
that war has already been declared upon "the people" through
the programs of geo-engineering, genetic modifications of food-
stuffs, electromagnetic saturation (cell phones and other alleged
conveniences), biological man-made disease and weather control.

The Ebola Program has been designed to depopulate vast areas of
Africa and South America.  All "useless eaters" or "human cattle"
will be eliminated in great numbers.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
The elephant at the party:

Insightful picture, Matt.
I would invite you guys to sign up as Supporters (if not as Engineers) at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Note in the upper-left corner, 19,793 "other supporters" -- almost 20,000! That's where you click to read the petition and sign it also.

 I've been watching the number of supporters slowly grow and I think we can surpass 20K by the end of the month, but it will take a little push...
Group: Guest
Things are hotting up in Australia, seems like a lot of Federal Police actions, "Terror" related Raids and arrests, alleged plots of kidnap and beheading of government employees.
And all since Aus. Gov. only just recently announced our SAS, planners and warplanes would take part in bombing and other actions in Iraq. Other odd things are going on as well, one guy attacked a Fed and a Victorian Policeman with some kind of edged weapon and was shot dead with one bullet. Since when do the police fire a single shot at an attacker like that, would seem to me any officer with a legal weapon under that threat would fire at least two rounds in very quick succession maybe a third or a third if necessary. Bit odd that one. The guy that shot him was stabbed twice, the Fed multiple times before that, then one shot, bang you're dead. Wow. Maybe point blank to the nut !


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Gordon Duff reveals newly received information from
Russia (Snowden) regarding 9-11 which names names.

The video (audio recording) of the interview is the first
video listed on the playlist (9-22-14).  The extremely
interesting portion of the conversation begins at approx.
30 minutes into the audio.

It would be a very good idea to use a downloader to obtain
a personal copy of the interview.  It is invaluable.

To make the conversation much more intelligible to my
explosive damaged hearing I used my graphic equalizer
adjustments on my media player set to minimize bass
and maximize treble.  I do this often with audio playbacks.

9-11 is most definitely an "inside job" involving CIA (FBI),
Mossad and Saudi Intelligence operatives.  Highly placed
Israeli Mossad assets and agents within the U.S. government
and numerous state/city governments are/were involved
in the planning and execution of 9-11.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Gordon Duff reveals newly received information from
Russia (Snowden) regarding 9-11 which names names.

Nothing like a good ol' fire side chat with Uncle Gordy.  So he's sitting on the Able Danger documents he got from Snowden via Moscow.  That guy is into everything isn't he.  Now revealed the Oklahoma City Bombing was also nuclear.  And Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent.  The Pentagon was hit with a Tomahawk cruise missile.  It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it.  Is that what they mean by the truth being stranger than fiction?


Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Rumormillnews website server was hacked a few days ago and the entire 300,000+ post archive was deleted.

This video of Cameron's speech at the UN has been posted today. It is certainly an eye opener... If you believe that 9/11 and 7/7 were staged inside job's then you are classified as a "non violent extremist".. and "peddler of lies"..


He accuses the truth movement of peddling lies... Can you believe that!

« Last Edit: 2014-09-27, 17:23:24 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
ISIS Beheadings on Cue from Washington and London?

The question is this: are these shocking executions, with their highly stylized graphic videos, being used to manipulate public consent for Western military intervention in Syria? In that case, ISIS is not acting in some apparent rogue fashion, turning on its Western intelligence masters, but rather it is obeying orders as usual as part of a macabre charade to facilitate Western military intervention.


by Finian Cunningham

The gruesome beheading of a British aid worker by the ISIS terror group in Syria over the weekend provoked a stern warning from Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron who vowed to “hunt down the murderers” for their “act of pure evil”.

The British victim was named as David Haines, a 44-year-old aid worker, who had been held hostage in Syria for many months. A graphic video released by his killers shows Haines kneeling on the ground dressed in an orange jumpsuit as a masked executioner severs his throat with a knife. The dead man’s prone body is then filmed with a decapitated, bloody head placed on the corpse’s back.

Some analysts have disputed the veracity of the video, saying it is a fake. But Haine’s foreboding demeanor and his final words spoken to the camera tend to verify the recording as genuine. The British government has also stated that it believes the footage to be authentic.                                                  

Haines was the third Westerner to be apparently murdered by the ISIS militants in the past four weeks using the same macabre ritual.Earlier this month, on September 3, a video showed American journalist Steven Sotloff also being decapitated in the same grisly manner. Two weeks before that, another abducted American citizen, James Foley, also a journalist, met the same grim fate at the hands of his captors.

A fourth man, another British national named as Alan Hemming, is feared to be the next ISIS victim, with unconfirmed video footage of his execution also posted this weekend.

The shocking scenes of brutality have sparked public outrage in the US and around the world. President Barack Obama addressed the nation in a prime-time television broadcast last week in which he declared that American forces would track down and destroy the ISIS terrorists. The group is also known by the alternative acronyms IS or ISIL, referring ostensibly to an aspired fundamentalist Islamic caliphate that incorporates Iraq and Syria. At the same time that Obama was addressing the nation, US secretary of state John Kerry was in the Middle East drumming up support for an American-led international coalition to launch military strikes against ISIS, whose strongholds are in northern Iraq straddling the border with eastern Syria.

ISIS has been a prominent force among a myriad of militant cohorts that have been waging war against the Syrian state since March 2011. There is substantial evidence that Western governments have been covertly supporting ISIS and other extremists under the guise of assisting the “moderate rebels” for the ultimate purpose of destabilizing the Assad government of Syria and regime change. Assad is a staunch ally of Russia and Iran, and therefore is in the Western crosshairs for regime change.

But latterly ISIS has gained notoriety for its kidnapping and murder of Western citizens.

The newly formed US-led coalition against ISIS includes 10 Arab countries comprising Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan as well as the Persian Gulf kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Paradoxically, it may seem, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been accused of being leading financial sponsors of the extremist groups fighting in Syria, including ISIS. But this link is not so paradoxical when the covert Western-designated role of the terror group is understood, as we shall see.

Washington has also, not surprisingly, garnered the support of Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Australia for its supposed anti-ISIS coalition.

A meeting this week in Paris will allegedly firm up military tactics on how the US-led coalition will carry out its putative strikes. So far, Washington has said that it will not be committing ground troops as in the previous Iraq War (2003-2012) and the ongoing US-led campaign against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Obama said the modus operandi against ISIS would be like its “counter-terror operations in Yemen and Somalia”, where US air power is assisted by “partners on the ground”.

The fledgling Iraqi government of Prime Minister Haider al Abadi has welcomed the US air strikes. Since last month, American warplanes have launched nearly 150 bombing raids on suspected ISIS positions in northern Iraq. Last week saw the widening of these US air strikes to include western Iraq near Haditha. Because of Baghdad’s approval, the US-led coalition has legal cover to operate in Iraq. But this is not the case in neighboring Syria. The Syrian government of President Bashar al Assad has not given its consent to the American plans, nor has it been consulted. Washington claims that Assad has no legitimacy or right to sovereignty because it alleges his “regime” has been repressing the civilian population – a claim that is contradicted by the re-election of Assad as president in June with a massive 88.7 per cent majority based on a voter turnout of 73.4 per cent.

Damascus has pointed out that any US military action in its territory – even if that action is against the enemy ISIS network – will amount to aggression against the Syrian state.

The objective legal position was also stipulated by the Russian government this week. Moscow said that, without Syrian government consent or a United Nations Security Council mandate, any US-led air strikes inside Syria would be “a gross violation of international law”.

Nevertheless, Obama has unequivocally stated that his proposed military coalition will conduct attacks on ISIS bases inside Syria. The legal implications of that contingency, however, appear to be unnerving the main US NATO allies – Britain, France and Germany.

In Berlin last week both the German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his British counterpart Philip Hammond issued categorical statements saying that their countries would not be carrying out air strikes in Syria.

Hammond, like Steinmeier, gave full backing to US strikes against ISIS in Iraq, but he told the Reuters news agency: “Let me be clear: Britain will not be taking part in any air strikes in Syria. We have already had that discussion in our parliament last year and we won't be revisiting that position.” Britain’s top diplomat added that the “legal permissiveness” of military operations in Iraq and Syria was completely different.

Hammond was referring to the vote in the British parliament last year in which MPs voted overwhelmingly against Britain joining a proposed American military intervention in Syria, following the deadly chemical weapons attack near Damascus on August 21. Washington was lining up air strikes on Syria to purportedly avenge the killing of hundreds of civilians from poisonous gas. That incident was blamed on the armed forces of the Assad government but it was subsequently shown to be the covert work of anti-government militants, aimed at contriving as a false flag outrage to elicit Western military intervention.

The British parliament was therefore vindicated in its vote against military intervention in Syria, and that vote put paid to Washington’s plans back then. It signaled a rare British dissent in the “special relationship” with Washington, where Britain is usually a reliable junior partner for American militarism overseas. At the time of the Westminster vote at the end of August 2013, British leader David Cameron was visibly downcast at the rejection of the proposed intervention in Syria. Given that the British government is a major player in the US-led regime-change conspiracy in Syria, Cameron’s dismay was understandable.

This week on the day after Hammond made the announcement in Berlin of non-intervention in Syria, he appeared to be over-ruled by his boss in 10 Downing Street. David Cameron contradicted his foreign minister by telling British media that “nothing had been ruled out” for Britain’s participation in the American-led anti-ISIS coalition. Cameron was clearly indicating that British fighter jets might indeed launch air strikes inside Syria. Such a move would over-turn the British parliament’s landmark vote outlawing military intervention in Syria. It would also negate the majority sentiment of the British public, which has been trending strong opposition to their government becoming embroiled militarily in Syria.

However, graphic videos of extremists slicing off the head of a British aid worker could be a decisive turning point. It’s hard to imagine a more repugnant act of cruel depravity to turn public opinion away from its erstwhile opposition to war toward giving consent for military action to, as Cameron put it, “hunt down this pure evil”.

Note too that in recent weeks Western governments and their mass media have been raising security concerns about Western “jihadists” returning to their home countries to carry out terror missions. Australia’s government of Tony Abbott is the latest to put its country on “high alert”. Abbott told media this weekend that his government was also sending a 600-man military force to the Middle East to join the US-led coalition, and he cited the barbaric beheading of the British national as part of the reasoning for the Australian deployment.

The macabre video executions have also overturned anti-war public feeling in the US. When Obama was planning to launch air strikes in Syria last year following the chemical weapons incident, polls showed that a big majority – 70 per cent – of Americans were opposed to any intervention. That opposition, plus the British parliament’s rejection, was a major factor in why Obama backed down then on his proposed military strikes during September 2013.

But after the latest videos showing two American journalists being brutally slain, US public opinion, according to recent polls, is now strongly in favour of Obama’s anti-ISIS bombing coalition; not just operating in Iraq, but more significantly, the American public wants the coalition to go after ISIS inside Syria too. Thus, where the chemical weapons horror last year failed to convince the American public to give its approval for US air strikes in Syria, the beheading of American hostages has succeeded.

For Washington and its close London ally, the British public is a crucial constituency to also win over. It seems more than a coincidence that ISIS has now carried out the same sickening execution of a British national as it did with the two Americans. President Obama said after the videoed slaying of Briton David Haines that the US “stands shoulder-to-shoulder” with the British people.

The question is this: are these shocking executions, with their highly stylised graphic videos, being used to manipulate public consent for Western military intervention in Syria? In that case, ISIS is not acting in some apparent rogue fashion, turning on its Western intelligence masters, but rather it is obeying orders as usual as part of a macabre charade to facilitate Western military intervention.

Once again, what we are seeing is a variation of “humanitarian pretext” to pave the way for the covert, ulterior agenda of Western-orchestrated regime change in foreign countries. That ploy was used previously by NATO forces in former Yugoslavia at the end of the 1990s and more recently in Libya during 2011.

It is well documented that ISIS, IS or ISIL, is a terror network created by US, British and Saudi military intelligence going back to the early years of the Iraq War beginning in 2003, when the group played a vital role in fomenting sectarian strife in Iraq to the advantage of the Western occupying armies.The network has antecedents in Western collusion with radical Islamist mercenaries in Afghanistan during the 1980s against the former Soviet Union, which led to the formation of Al Qaeda, and also in Chechnya in the mid-1990s.

ISIS leader Abu Bakr Baghdadi is known to be a US intelligence asset, according to a former senior Al Qaeda operative, Nabil Naim, among other sources. Former CIA personnel have also disclosed that ISIS, like Al Qaeda, was set up to further geopolitical goals for Washington and its allies in the Middle East. These goals include regime change in target countries, such as Syria, and perpetuating the money-spinning American military-industrial complex by creating an endless security threat. Officially, the network may be a proscribed terror organization and “an enemy of the state”. But in the underworld of black operations, ISIS is a covert instrument of US government and corporate interests.

Given the strategic importance of the US-led regime-change objective in Syria – and in particular the importance of obtaining public support for military intervention in that country – it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the ISIS network is carrying out beheadings of Western citizens on the orders of its handlers in the CIA and Britain’s MI6. Perhaps even, the outward political leadership in Washington and London, Obama and Cameron, are unaware of their own dark forces at work, which gives their public reactions of indignation an air of authenticity and credibility.

Indeed, the evident political consequences from the latest execution of Briton David Haines and Americans Jim Foley and Steven Sotloff are strongly indicative of a Western psychological operation. That makes Washington and London culpable of murdering their own citizens for geopolitical expediency. These victims are sacrificial lambs in the foulest sense.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
Targeting Iraq and Syria, 2003 and 2013

The New Superpower of Global Public Opinion.
Is It Finally Coming of Age?

Social Media, Public Perceptions, and the Changing Mental Environment of War Politics.
The people of the world have reached a critical mass of intolerance towards the rogue terror states of the US, Britain, France, Israel and a few other accomplices. We have watched their relentless mass murder and exploitation of fellow humans in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. We have witnessed how this tiny group of state terrorists imposes on the vast majority of humanity their vile criminality and in the process then insult us with grotesque lies and justifications. We have seen how these rogue states have stolen land, poisoned people’s water, burnt their crops, dispossessed their homes, assassinated families with aerial drones and ground drones in the form of death squads. They have committed all these shocking crimes with lies and impunity to the point where now these state terrorists are operating in more than one country simultaneously in a permanent state of relentless war, pushing the very future of humanity to the brink.

Finian Cunningham, “US Revealed as the Enemy of the World,” 31 August, 2013


A Global Spotlight is Being Placed on the Whole Phenomenon of False Flag Terrorism

The broadly-based rejection of US accusations concerning the identity of guilty parties responsible for chemical-warfare in Syria is drawing the whole subject of false flag terrorism into worldwide prominence. False flag terrorism is a major tactic for justifying illegal aggressive warfare. This trend of international attention on false flag terrorism should be encouraged. The subject should be brought from the margins of political debate to the center of international attention.

nato-och-al-qaida-1This emphasis on the deployment of false flag terrorism can be finessed to kick start various forms of juridical investigations. This emphasis can lead to long overdue reckonings on the part of governments, but particularly those of Israel and the United States, with their own histories of covertly initiating and manipulating many violent episodes followed by the dissemination of well-calculated lies such as those that came in the wake of the Saudi-backed chemical attacks on Syrian civilians. Aided and abetted by compliant media cartels often owned by big military contractors like Westinghouse and GE, false flag terrorism has become standard procedure in cultivating popular support from home constituencies for aggressive warfare.

It seems, therefore, that it is imperative for the new superpower of global public opinion to draw our own red lines on the political careers of our elected officials. An exit from the repeated pattern of military madness requires that we end the war machine’s misrepresentation of its own manufactured violence with the hidden goal of shaping public opinion to pursue a predetermined course of action.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Alternative Media Success Panics NeoCons


A funny thing happened on the way to dystopia.

As Western mainstream media fall into the hands of lying billionaires, Zionists, and intelligence agencies (three categories with significant overlap) – and as neoconservatives script big media’s ignoble lies – a surging internet-based alternative media has arisen to challenge the elite’s false narratives. Thanks to alt-media, fewer and fewer people are buying the simplistic feel-good myths peddled by the mainstream.

While most old people still cling to the corporate media worldview, the young are skewing ever-harder toward alternative perspectives. In Thursday’s Scottish independence referendum, for example, the London Daily Mirror reported that 71% of 16-17 year olds voted “yes” while those over 65 voted “no” by a 73%-27% margin.

Why does the vast majority of Scottish young people favor independence, while an equally crushing majority of old people opposes it?

Short answer: Old people still believe BBC propaganda, while the young do not.

During the run-up to the referendum, huge crowds of young people gathered to protest the BBC’s biased coverage of the campaign. John Robertson, Professor of Media Studies at the University of the West of Scotland, said: “My research indicates that our public broadcaster, funded as much by Yes as by No voters, has betrayed its charter on impartiality.”

Older Scots grew up inside the bubble of the mainstream media monopoly. Most do not understand how the BBC and other mainstream outlets used subliminal cues as well as blatant bias to push for a “no” vote; nor do they realize how utterly corrupt their government and media have become.

Younger Scots, by contrast, grew up in the internet era and follow alternative media. Many know that the BBC covered up the Jimmy Saville pedophilia scandal in order to protect Tony Blair and other leading politicians. They know that the BBC reported the “collapse” of World Trade Center 7 twenty minutes before it happened. They know the BBC has worked overtime covering up not only 9/11-anthrax, but also follow-up false flag attacks including the 7/7/2005 London bombings. They know the BBC mis-portrays conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. And they realize that the Western “democracies” are rotten with election fraud – which makes the mainstream’s refusal to sponsor the usual exit polls in the Scottish referendum highly suspicious.

“Lies”, says Cameron, as he launches another war

by Ian Fantom, UK

(2014-09-25) – Britain is again on the verge of war. Every time they say it’s different this time, and it never is. They say the first casualty of war is truth, but it’s not true; the truth is dead before the war even begins. War is the result of lies, and this war is no exception.

A 93-year-old said to me: “I’m getting confused on who’s fighting who”. I replied, “We’re all confused. It’s ludicrous”. Who is ISIS? No-one seems to know. Has a war ever been won by bombing alone? No-one seems to know. “What could be the purpose of posting videos of beheadings?” No-one seems to know. What is the long-term strategy for winning this war? No-one seems to know. It’s as if the political establishment together with mainstream political journalists have gone into premature dementure.

Clearly, the purpose of the public beheadings can only be to enrage public opinion in the West to such an extent that they will allow their governments to send in their armed forces into the areas said to be controlled by ISIS. Who would want to do that? Would Middle-Eastern Islamicists intent on setting up an Islamic State in Syria and Iraq want to provoke and enable the mightiest military force the world has ever known to move in and obliterate them? Of course not.

Many people now think that ISIS is in all probability a creation of the US, or at least of the Neoconservative-Likud-CIA-MI6 alliance that seems to be running the Military Industrial Complex. It is said to be an offshoot of Al Qaeda, which originated as a US database of fighters opposing the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The case for war is being fabricated, and David Cameron is every bit as bad as Tony Blair, when he fabricated the myth of Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to give a pretext to invade Iraq. He is every bit as bad as Tony Blair when he told the House of Commons that he had proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, but that he wasn’t going to tell them what that proof was, but would deposit it in the House of Commons Library; he didn’t. David Cameron is every bit as bad as Adolf Hitler when his men burned down the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists. Mercifully we haven’t yet had a Kristallnacht in the UK, but I fear that’s where we’re heading.

On 24 September David Cameron made a speech to the UN Security Council, which was posted on the Prime Minister’s website under the title: “Only a coherent, coordinated response can tackle what is a truly global and indiscriminate threat”. It’s a rehash of the Policy Exchange stuff, in which he links Islam with terrorism through constant use of the word “extremism”. What, I wonder, is the “poisonous ideology of extremism” he refers to? Is it not extremist to go to war? Then he spews out the Policy Exchange stuff about non-violent extremism: “But as the evidence emerges about the backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist of offences, it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose world view can be used as a justification for it”. What evidence? After his Munich speech, saying that multiculturalism had failed, I gave a talk to our Keep Talking group in London, tracing his speech to Policy Exchange. I listed all those convicted of terrorist offences. I could see no evidence of these people being influenced by preachers. Look at the wording, “convicted of terrorist offences”. That has to exclude all alleged suicide bombers, the most notorious of which would be the four alleged Muslim terrorists behind 7/7 – the terrorist attacks on the London transport system of 7 July 2005. They were just declared guilty by the coroner before the inquest opened, and because they were guilty they were excluded from the inquest. Were they fanatical Muslim extremists? Well, no. This is pure deception on David Cameron’s part.

But then he accuses the truth movement of telling lies: “And we know what this worldview is–the peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or the 7/7 London attacks were staged; the idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy; the concept of an inevitable clash of civilisations. We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism. That means banning preachers of hate from coming to our countries. It means proscribing organisations that incite terrorism against people at home and abroad. It means stopping extremists whether violent or non-violent from inciting hatred and intolerance in our schools, in our universities and even sometimes in our prisons. In other words, firm, decisive action – to protect and uphold the values of our free and democratic societies”.

Who is making the allegation that 9/11 was a Jewish plot? Certainly evidence has been appearing that extremist Israeli nationalists were involved, but I have been at pains to point out in my newsletters, that it’s not “the Jews”; most British Jews were against the setting up of a Jewish state in Palestine, and many have been protesting more recently about the genocide in Gaza. David Cameron is putting out a straw man argument, in order to deflect from the blatent lies in the 9/11 cover-up. He is now maliciously using 9/11 in order to justify yet another post-9/11 war.

He accuses us of telling lies about 7/7. How could 7/7 not have been staged? Note the careful use of language here. The plain fact is that the government’s version of events just does not tie up. They even took a year to acknowledge that the train from Luton to London by which MI5 claimed the terrorists had travelled had in fact been cancelled that day. Are MI5 seriously incompetent, or was that blatent deception? How could the government simply dismiss that as a mistake, with no consequences?

Having gone to the UN Security Council to tell them that some of his own citizens are liars, when all they want is to know the truth about 9/11 and 7/7, he is now recalling Parliament on Friday 27 September, in order to get the go-ahead for war – or at least to pacify Parliament, because he doesn’t formally need Parliament’s approval; in the case of 9/11 there was just an adjournment debate, in which there was no substantive motion. Only the Prime Minister and the Queen can decide to take Britain into war. On the Prime Minister’s website there is no motion, but just a statement that the purpose of the recall is “to debate the UK’s response to the request from the Iraqi government for air strikes to support operations against ISIL in Iraq”.

I should have thought that any political journalist in the UK would be able to understand such elementary points. One has to wonder who their paymasters are.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
911 2nd plane Pinocchio's NOSE emerges undamaged on the other side of Tower.mp4


I stood in the NAFFI at around 10am ish on September 11th 2001 amongst a large crowd of soldiers watching this clip play over and over again on the big screen. I had just finished morning class of the Airframes and Engines course, studying to become an Aircraft Technician in the British Army. This was the very first image of the terrorist attacks that I saw and remains with me vividly until this day.

An airplane nose cone structure would never penetrate through that building, it is a crumple zone filled with magic black boxes. Therefore the image I was being shown repetitively, almost hypnotically, must be false as it violates the known laws of physics. That is when I knew something was wrong with the information I was being presented with, and the collapse of WTC7 via controlled demolition later that evening, became the icing on the cake. I knew I was being lied to, and that that lie was prepared well in advance of it's delivery.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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And not for a minute would anyone suspect this guy of having bad intentions:


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« Last Edit: 2014-09-29, 15:56:26 by Grumpy »

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Everyman decries immorality
911 2nd plane Pinocchio's NOSE emerges undamaged on the other side of Tower.mp4


I stood in the NAFFI at around 10am ish on September 11th 2001 amongst a large crowd of soldiers watching this clip play over and over again on the big screen. I had just finished morning class of the Airframes and Engines course, studying to become an Aircraft Technician in the British Army. This was the very first image of the terrorist attacks that I saw and remains with me vividly until this day.

An airplane nose cone structure would never penetrate through that building, it is a crumple zone filled with magic black boxes. Therefore the image I was being shown repetitively, almost hypnotically, must be false as it violates the known laws of physics. That is when I knew something was wrong with the information I was being presented with, and the collapse of WTC7 via controlled demolition later that evening, became the icing on the cake. I knew I was being lied to, and that that lie was prepared well in advance of it's delivery.

Those were my two big questions at the end of day one, Pinocchio's NOSE and WTC7's collapse, they were the things that stood out that forced me to question how I was interpreting what I was seeing and hearing that day.

Thirteen years on enough time has passed for the momentary shock trauma to dissipate from my mind, I see those events clearly now.

Pinocchio's NOSE event:

It is impossible for an airplane nosecone to penetrate completely through WTC2, intact and with no elastic or plastic deformation.

It is possible for a CGI overlay of the Pinocchio's NOSE event to be offset in human error, working under extreme pressure.



Weak proof.

Probability of accuracy 0%.

WTC7 event:

It is impossible for WTC7 to collapse into it's own footprint at freefall speed if the prime mover of the event is a small localised regular fire.

It is possible for WTC7 to collapse into it's own footprint at freefall speed if the prime mover of the event is controlled demolition technology, timed to sever all super-structure load bearing members simultaneously, therefore insuring an implosion event occurs.



Incontestable proof.

Probability of accuracy 100%.

« Last Edit: 2014-09-29, 18:02:47 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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The nose cone has the radar antenna inside, here is a report of a 757 collision with the nose cone



Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

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