No one is saying that our dumb ass governments didn't arm these idiots, but what they DO is PURE ISLAM. The be headings, lining people up at the edge of holes and machine gunning them and then burying them, some alive, the ethnic cleansing, the murder and torture of Christians, Jews, Buddhists basically anyone who is not Muslim. The forced conversions to Islam, the looting, robing, raping, destruction of people, cities, heritage sites, churches, synagogues and I could keep on going. This is all Islam, but most of you do not want to look at the Ideology that is driving all this, you would rather believe the propaganda coming from Islam, which is all over the world now. They are turning us against each other with it (divide and conquer), they have infiltrated all of our institutions, government, military, school systems, all major media, they are the new world order people and they plan on Islam running it all. They have everyone blaming America for all their BS, but they control America with their Muslim president, their Muslim president is the one who did all the arming of them, don't you see how they have everything all turned around, they have everyone blaming the wrong people. All the blame is squarely on the shoulders of Islam and anyone who says anything else is a liar and a pimp for Islam.
You need to understand that I'm not blaming America or Australia which is where I live or any country for any actions of any Islamic extremists.
What I am doing is simply pointing out that certain western governments have supplied and armed these "people/animals" and condoned their actions with one face and then when things go sour they deny and or spend more money taking action against the people they supply and arm, as well they then try to paint Russia as being evil when Russia is only doing similar or less criminal things, I'm not saying that Russia is all good and correct either.
I am against our tax dollars being used to fund any other fighters or wars or insurgencies anywhere. We should not have supplied anyone with weapons of war. It is OK to sell Arms to Valid countries with regular armies, because we can make treaties and pacts with them for just one reason. And be paid a fair price for the hardware for a second reason. Making weapons and handing them out for free seems a bit reckless to me/if not highly criminal and immoral.
If we had not Armed and supplied these scumbags then Libya would not have fallen to them and that country would still be thriving, Assad would have crushed them in no time if the terrorists had not been supplied advanced Arms by certain Western countries.
To put it bluntly, if in general domestic cases of crime any active associates are guilty of the same crimes as the actual perpetrator by association, that is a valid concept and should apply to those who took the actions to facilitate the illegal and immoral Arming of known terrorist groups or affiliates. And I mean the actual individuals/government or government parties, not the countries.
We as the people have lost control of our governments and cannot change the status quo by the current election process as it is stacked full of the same ilk of men and corrupted by political bribery, which is open for all to see.
Federal police are tasked with the protection of the politicians here, so we can;t expect them to arrest any criminal politicians. What I think would need to happen is the "state police" in a given state would need to announce that they have evidence enough to arrest, charge and put to trial any particular federal politician, and will arrest and charge the person should that individual be found within the state borders.
The evidence is there, all that is needed is the police with the know how about the law and the position (commissioner) to gather the evidence and make the arrest orders.
Seems a crazy concept to prosecute criminals for their actions ? Not in my opinion.
P.S. I want to make one thing clear about my stance, I do not condone violence in politics, things should be done by the law and with high moral standards. I want peace for everyone but I realize some people like to fight, I say leave them to it and stay out of it unless they come HERE and start trouble.
I am Australian and I will defend Australia to my last breath I will also defend my friends if i can, but I have no desire to go overseas and interfere in others affairs, if I did that I would deserve everything I got for it. Which is how it should be if the tables were turned about.
I do not appreciate my government indirectly involving me in all this BS over seas, I've never left Australia and never intend to leave. But I must face the terrorists as well.
They might blow up a train I'm on or whatever, I'm not scared, but I have family too. I'm just- Not happy about it all.

It stinks and the smell is on us as well.