"In was no commercial airliner" as the lady said.  It was the E-10 military plane. As it was disclosed later, the military was conducting exercises on 9/11 of exactly such nature, so what went wrong? why did a military E-10 plane go straight into the buildings? Who piloted the plane, was it remote controlled? Did hackers take control of the plane and slammed it into the buildings? This was an "inside job", but I put it in quotes because the ones who did it, even though claiming to be Americans, are not "inside" in their allegiance. Most of the wealthy and powerful in this country may or may not be that loyal to America, which is after all just a melting pot of so many cultures. For example a lot of Jesuits have infiltrated the government, and they hold a higher allegiance, i.e., to the Vatican, who wants to unify the world under their control, just like back in the dark ages, when princes of every nation would bow down to them. Look how many people went and bowed down to the Pope (John Paul) when he died, you see in that famous picture, the Bush family, Clintons, and others, all bowing down. It's a sign of submission. But why attack America? because we have the military power and resources to make war on islam. They needed us to go to war, and we did. We are manipulated to achieve their agendas. EM