... So no need of a conspiracy theory, it's obvious that God is the instigator of 9/11. 
Well, not entirely, although there are some who would certainly agree with you. It is true that Our Father knows what each of us will do even before we do it; and He knows our most intimate thoughts. But, He doesn't interfere with our decisions or our actions - we have the freedom to do as we please be our desires right or wrong. Our actions are all observed for future reference when there will be an accounting and corrective instruction. Our Father does assume responsibility for all of the badness in our World and will, in time, show us the better way of doing good. Our present lifetime is just the beginning of a very long future of growth and development as we learn (often painfully) how to overcome our desires to be mischievous and malevolent. In time even the Father of the Lie will be made good... None of us gets away with anything.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.