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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081202 times)
Group: Guest
I think we can look at what has been happening recently in the middle east as an indication of
the lengths TPTB will go to to achieve their goals, things like organizing a protest
then sniping people in both the protesting crowd and the security people (gov)
when they do that both sides think the other is shooting them so it starts a bloodbath. 


I post this so that we can see what not to fall victim of in the future.
Almost any scenario we can think of, they can put into action. I don't see much of a limit to that.

The people on the ground in the area have no perspective to see it, the media spreads the lies that
are need to keep the violence and confusion going. Peoples heads are being blown apart by snipers rifles
so there is a lot of emotion at the time of the protests.

The people are all hearing who speaks the loudest (media) not who speaks the truth.
The sheer weight of numbers amongst the general populace of almost any country of people who
will believe anything they hear or see on the television news means any good plan will likely succeed.

The ones who can see through it are ignored or called kooks by the majority so TPTB have all those
people working for them for free as dutiful harassers, denouncers and even killers of the awake ones
who try to get people to think for themselves. A lot of people allow conclusions and beliefs to be implanted
into their consciousness  without ever having thought them through themselves.

So what hope is there? How can a few thinkers who don't have a will or want to influence other peoples
thinking help millions of unthinking masses who want to be told what to think ?

Seems to me that TPTB will always have a great number gun jockeys to murder who ever they want
because if they have control of their minds they also have control of their bodies and their trigger fingers.

I don't see how it could play out any other way than the way it is playing out now.

Dumped you are spot on correct I think, it has to happen so it can be seen to happen and so it will not be forgotten easily.

The killing is horrendous, but TPTB are using one group to kill another they are not really telling them how to do it.

It's all very very sad to see.

We must study the destabilizing tactics so we know what to look out for.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: FarmHand
...the lengths TPTB will go to to achieve their goals, things like
organizing a protest then sniping people in both the protesting
crowd and the security people (gov) when they do that both sides
think the other is shooting them so it starts a bloodbath. 


I post this so that we can see what not to fall victim of in the future.
Almost any scenario we can think of, they can put into action. I don't
see much of a limit to that.

Indeed!  World Events are intricately manipulated.


In a Nutshell.

What 9/11 Made Possible.

The Mess.

The Mess, Cont'd.

The Forces for Good have the powers to
make it ALL good.  All those who have died
everywhere will not have died in vain - it
is sad and it is ugly but it must all take place
before the restoration can begin.

Spankings can be very painful but are forgotten
completely when our lessons have been learned.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
 Article today, front-page Asia Times, re 9/11 insider trading on put options:


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Some more research re put options.

The Treasury note transactions included a single $5 billion trade

how hard can it be to track this trade down  :o

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The wall street backup records were in the towers. After the transaction fired the distribution would have occured at the moment of detonation by a finger on the button. Tons of paper were shredded before by the ENRON's brokerage fiasco. Remember it was relatively close in time.
Where the residual accounts are is not trackable due to privacy act or [Who starts the audit?].
Some records point back to building Seven and that Texas confine , and Oklahoma.
Enron was part of the paper trail.
Just Enron's brokerage and look at the links. Its all tied together. J.P. Morgan. & Lehman brothers.

And the movie [Enron] and Jim Carey in [Dick and Jane].
And Kenneth Ley has a heart attack and misses sentencing...

You then enter into the money trail with all the doors closing behind you and each room is a little brighter before the darkness closes in.

You do not want to go down this path. Money stops all invaders.

And the true arrogance is [Who you gonna call and who can stop THEM?]
When this comes to light there will be another diversion and then martial law. The end is fast approaching.
« Last Edit: 2012-03-20, 19:34:47 by giantkiller »


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: giantkiller

And the true arrogance is [Who you gonna call and who can stop THEM?]
When this comes to light there will be another diversion and then martial law.
The end is fast approaching.

Aye, they've built an incredibly complex system
to exercise their simple plan.  They're now in
nearly total control of every aspect of their SYSTEM
and have no fear of being "taken down" by any agency
or government.

But, at the same time, they are well aware that they will
indeed be "taken down."  They know they haven't much
time to finish their PLAN and what ultimately awaits them.

Only The Watchers are able to intervene at just the right
moment - and they will.  The Forces of Good will accomplish
what the people are not able to.  The Meek shall inherit the

The coming war has been planned for a long, long time.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
How it was accomplished from the beginning...


The Long Trail.

For further research.

- - - - - - - - - -

Words of Wisdom from Eric Dollard:

"Historically, the works of J.S. Bach suffered the same fate as the works of Nikola Tesla. Shortly after the death of J.S. Bach (1750) all his important work was thrown into the garbage, this regarded as obsolete junk. If it was not for Herr Forkel, who recovered Bach’s work from the garbage and wrote the first book about Bach, all memory of Bach, and his work, would have been lost forever. Today, it is seen by some, that as with N. Tesla, the works of J.S. Bach is inimitable and profound. But it is of no value to modern society. The music of today has degenerated into the gutter sounds of “Hump N’ Slap,” and “Eubonic Barking Savages”, then the Boom….Boom Boom…….. Accordingly it is seen that the so called Science has followed a parallel path. This is known as “Quantum Mechanics”, the science of delusions. This “Science” in reality is no more than one big “Khazarian Circle Jerk”. And finally? Art! What an absolute joke. To criticize it is like slaying the slain. Today one can obtain a grant from the “Sheisenburg Foundation” to express one’s “artistic talent” by smearing human fecal matter onto a large canvas. Upon calling it “God” it will be worth millions. This is society today, COMPLETELY DEGENERATE.

"So verily we are lost souls, hence the importance of reconstructing what has been lost to us. And it is to be noted that even Bach and Tesla themselves are only steps on a path, or as said by Heaviside “There is no finality.” But who is going to support this effort, or who is even interested at all? Rest assured that no support will be provided by our Babylonian society. This endeavor is more like becoming a Christian in Ancient Rome, a dangerous undertaking. See the movie “Fahrenheit 451” for an excellent portrayal of what awaits."


Khazarian Circle Jerk.  Couldn't have said it better!
« Last Edit: 2012-03-26, 21:56:53 by Dumped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Tighten up your belts. The forces of normal humans is now starting to move forward for a major World clean-up.

If this was not done now, within a few months it would have been too late or much harder. The Big Shits are about to eat dirt.



Group: Guest

Some of the strongest denial is from people who still believe that the "bad guys" are winning -- and are unwilling or unable to see the obvious signs of how the whole house of cards is coming down.

It sounds like the timing of your "Divine Intervention" might be in conflict with the timing of Dumped's "Demise of the AGENDA."

Looks like we are headed for a "Battle of the Battle of the Overthrowers of the System."

Get your popcorn!  lol



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: MileHigh
It sounds like the timing of your "Divine Intervention" might be in conflict with the timing of Dumped's "Demise of the AGENDA."

It may indeed!

The prophecies provide a general idea of what things
will be like as we enter into the "end of the age."  During
that soon to be upon us period of turmoil there will appear
a peacemaker who will deceive virtually the entire world.

It will be quite chaotic and ugly for a time but ultimately
the Forces of Good will gain victory at the final battle.

Then will be established the New World which will bring
about the reconstruction; the healing; and life for all -
including all who have died in times past.  Death will be
no more.

Enjoy the popcorn while we are still able - it's gonna be
a show unlike any that has ever occurred upon planet
Earth.  I'll have mine with very fine salt and Real Butter...
With a tall cold glass of Pomegranate Juice.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

That is some sick-ass shit you are linking to you fucking nutcase.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: MileHigh
That is some sick-ass shit you are linking to you fucking nutcase.

Could you be a bit more specific?

That sentiment, very unfortunately, reflects the state
of our present world.  Those who've made it their
purpose to acquire vast wealth, resources and political
power to achieve The AGENDA are some very "sick-ass"

It does not bode well for the common folk who are
being deceived and exploited at every turn.

It  hasn't yet gotten as bad as it's going to get...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

Those Who Know.

Unpleasant Thoughts.

Why is this antisemitic bullshit tolerated on this science forum?

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

Please keep to the 911 topic and refrain from that other stuff, thanks.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055

Henry Makow has explained well the motives of those
who play the "anti-semitic card."

It has become a very powerful weapon to silence
those who expose the truth behind all of the
mayhem in our modern political environment.

Are you saying that 9/11 was really done by
the ill trained and technically incompetent

Quote from: DeepCut
Ye Dumped, i just took a look at those two links and i can't
believe you are into that crap.

I guess its always easier to blame someone else for our
troubles rather than embark on years of self-reflection ?

9/11 was a tragic event.  All of the wars of the
past century and the ongoing wars of this new
century are incredibly tragic.

It will be very difficult for many to comprehend
why all of this tragedy has been made to take
place and who has really been behind it all.

We have all been deceived and we have all been
participants in these tragedies at some level.
Coming to grips with the truth will be very painful
indeed for many.

The major players who are causing the mayhem
were identified long ago.  Their plan has been in the
workings for hundreds of years.  It has finally come
to its culmination.  They have amassed so much power
that they will not be stopped as they proceed with the
last stages of their plan.  "Our troubles" are about to
become far worse than we can possibly imagine.

We will all be faced with making very difficult choices
in the very near future.  Will we side with the deceivers
and choose to become part of them;  or will we side
with what is true and what is good - even if it means
death at their hands?

Death is only temporary.  It will be undone when the
smoke of the final battle clears...

Quote from: poynt99
Please keep to the 911 topic and refrain from that other stuff, thanks.

As you wish it shall be done.

9/11 was years in the making.  The preparations and
planning were extensive.  Thankfully, the truth is
being revealed to those who have suspected from
the onset that something "fishy" has gone down.

The End.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Are you saying that 9/11 was really done by
the ill trained and technically incompetent


They weren't incompetent. They killed the flight crews, and flew the planes into the towers and Pentagon,and the ground in the other case.

What I've come to realize is that for a lot of people, that fact that 19 or so nutcases can do so much harm, so simply, using our own naivete and unpreparedness against us is so disconcerting they have to invent grand conspiracies to explain it all, because it feels safer to them to abstract the power away from those who actually did it.

Then they don't have to worry about more nutcases coming along, because well, it's a conspiracy, and it will be revealed some day. And those other guys, they didn't do it. The puppermasters did it.

Operationally, 9/11 was cake. Because back then, you -could- take over a plane with box cutters and carnage.

Group: Guest
Sorry, AG.

I just want a copy of your simple clarity of thought kept for posterity  O0

I think I frightened some folks a couple of days ago when they found out that I could (and have) flown a helicopter with absolutely no formal training. Technical incompetence means nothing. If there is enough drive the target will be met.


They weren't incompetent. They killed the flight crews, and flew the planes into the towers and Pentagon,and the ground in the other case.

What I've come to realize is that for a lot of people, that fact that 19 or so nutcases can do so much harm, so simply, using our own naivete and unpreparedness against us is so disconcerting they have to invent grand conspiracies to explain it all, because it feels safer to them to abstract the power away from those who actually did it.

Then they don't have to worry about more nutcases coming along, because well, it's a conspiracy, and it will be revealed some day. And those other guys, they didn't do it. The puppermasters did it.

Operationally, 9/11 was cake. Because back then, you -could- take over a plane with box cutters and carnage.


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them to abstract the power away from those who actually did it.

The only problem with this is that some of the people that supposedly did it are still alive and were no where near 911 events, I thought this had been proven.

That is some sick-ass shit you are linking to you fucking nutcase.


Milehigh there's no need for talk like this.


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

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Does the Jewish bible really have those quotes in it? See it's not hard to dismiss this stuff is it, as i am sure the Jewish bible cannot have such content. So you see all the foul language in the world does not work but a simple sentence like there's no way the Jewish bible has that stuff in it would kill the whole debate and should be easily proven right.
Group: Guest

And, as Peter says, 6 of those hijackers were proven not to be them at all, their identities had been stolen and used, this is all a matter of public record even though the BBC still has the pictures of the originals on their website saying they are the ones that did it.

I do not think this has been proven at all.  The only way you could possibly conclude this has been proven is through severe confirmation bias.
« Last Edit: 2012-04-03, 16:44:14 by eatenbyagrue »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
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The simplest of rules is only one rule:
Do not associate with the labels or monikers of a described pattern of an event.
Concern yourself not with the actors but with the act and you begin to see the truth.
For any decisive action of thought throws the mind into a side of commadarie or enemy.
And this is where the enemy wants you.
Sifted like wheat from the chaff. Quote from the Bible... Luke 22:31

If any of you choose to get aggitated then you are a weak target and succeptable to derangement.
Easily done by the enemy that finds you emotionally respondent.

If you are to quote ancient texts then provide a link. Otherwise you are part of the derangement process.
Spout is the same as shout. Reveal is likened to truth. Quote by me.

In regards to 911: Where did the Thermite come from? Is this a standard construction material? What burns for weeks?
Where did the gold in the basement vaults go?
Why were the brokerage firm records stored in the same buildings as the brokerage firm?
And what are the odds of building seven demolition being planned on the same day and with no notice?

If any of you know these things then it is just better to watch and enjoy the show. Exercising caloric output of such a large subject is a waste of energy. The corrupt are far greater than your view over the fence.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: DeepCut

And (Dumped), even if Mossad did do it, it doesn't mean its the fault of the
Jewish people at large, you can't blame a people for the actions of their
government, unless we want to go down the road of discussing the fact
that all governments lie and they always have done and why do we still
believe in the political system ?

Please do not mis-interpret the evidence.

No one is suggesting the entire Jewish people
are either directly involved or supportive.  There
is discord within the greater Judah-ism with its
sects and divisions - only a few are at the core of
Zionism.  The vast majority are being deceived and

Jews are speaking out plainly and truthfully but
their tiny voices are overpowered by the massive
media.  Yet they continue speaking truth.

Please study the evidence carefully to avoid reaching
the wrong conclusions.  Propaganda is rampant.

What is the Talmud?

The truth about the Talmud.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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We need psychological evolution, how and when that will happen i haven't got a clue !

If only our psychology evolved at a tenth of the rate of CPU's everything would probably be fine.

“Every eye see Him” (Revelation 1:7) and every knee bow (Philippians 2:10)

Told 2000 years ago. There is no escape...

Group: Guest
Or maybe just by reading quality newspapers of the time :


Of course, this doesn't tell us who stole the identities ...

This does not mean the hijackers are alive.  Also, it is just one story of many on the subject.  Remember confirmation bias.
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