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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081202 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quite often, thanks to our "programming,"
we look at something and believe that we
see it; but alas, we do not.

Islam, just as modern Christianity, is a
"creation" of those who need it to further
their agenda.

Fortunately, many American Jews are beginning
to realize that Israel acts like a rogue nation.
Why should we support Israel, financially as
well as idealistically, when it is clearly the
source of trouble in the Middle East?

Why is Israel so busy with making enemies?

You are right about the true message of
Messiah, but it is being grossly twisted by the
religious organizations for the benefit of those
who control them.

It was all foretold.  The "money changers" have
gotten what they wanted.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: eatenbyagrue
I think your words are wasted.  Anti-semites like Dumped will never change their minds.  They just read jewwatch.com all day and rant against the global jewish cabal that controls everything.

Freudian slip?

Isn't it an amazing fact that very, very
many American Jews would be classified
as "Anti-Semite" by ADL and others who
make use of the term as a "weapon?"

Will wonders never cease?

Is it a miracle that increasing numbers of
American Jews are becoming more and more
disenchanted with the Zionist Machine?

Our eyes are being opened!!

That too was foretold...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Quite often, thanks to our "programming,"
we look at something and believe that we
see it; but alas, we do not.

Islam, just as modern Christianity, is a
"creation" of those who need it to further
their agenda.

Fortunately, many American Jews are beginning
to realize that Israel acts like a rogue nation.
Why should we support Israel, financially as
well as idealistically, when it is clearly the
source of trouble in the Middle East?

Why is Israel so busy with making enemies?

You are right about the true message of
Messiah, but it is being grossly twisted by the
religious organizations for the benefit of those
who control them.

It was all foretold.  The "money changers" have
gotten what they wanted.

At this point I don't think Dumped is a real person, most likely a computer program, no one can be that thick sculled.
All of the above quote is BS no reason to even answer it.  Or Dumped is a muslim.
Israel is the one with it's hand out in peace, but Islam will never allow it to exist.  Anyone who thinks Israel is the problem in the middle east has the brain of a fly and once again, knows absolutely nothing about Islam.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Room3327
Israel is the one with it's hand out in peace, but Islam will never allow it to exist.

Aye, that is indeed how it is hoped that
the peoples of the world will look at it;
but it is all a cunningly conceived and
executed illusion.

Israel has been brought into existence
to be just what it has become.  Its true
purpose regarding the New Order to be
implemented worldwide will become ever
more obvious in the coming months.

There will be war.  Israel needs war.

It is all part of the plan.

In time all will "see" and will understand.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Ah but the bottom line, aside from all the trifle badgering, is Revelation tells of the trouble there will be in the end times. And behold we are there.
Doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The pattern is playing out regardless of how you think.
Let me put it another way:
The Israelites are God's chosen people. Chaosen for what? Like the slip?

Forget your filters and blinders and look through the glass ever so darkly. Peer deep beyond what you think is real as see the reality of the unfolding.

If you are not Islam or Israelite then don't try to join the fight. It is far too old for us to comprehend the vigil.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: giantkiller
The Israelites are God's chosen people. Chaosen for what? Like the slip?

When one examines candidly the whole and
complete history of the Israelites it becomes
apparent. The pattern is undeniable.

Even what may seem to be the most incorrigible
of "stiff necked" of scoundrels can eventually be
turned around.  But first they must "hit bottom."

We are all together in this same boat.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
What works the best is to not take sides, take a step back instead. This enables exclusion of the emotions which when involved always leads to taking sides. The bigger picture is always the grander lesson.

I'd rather watch the battle than take a bullet.  8)

Group: Guest

The hardest thing, in my opinion, is love your enemy.

Evil only obeys ignorance.
Ignorance only obeys men.

Love your enemy.

Hero Member

Posts: 520
What works the best is to not take sides, take a step back instead. This enables exclusion of the emotions which when involved always leads to taking sides. The bigger picture is always the grander lesson.

I'd rather watch the battle than take a bullet.  8)

I agree. The puppets can chatter all they want. The important guy is the one holding the strings. Get him and the show is over. Get the puppet and a new one will just take its place. But you can only see the string puller if you are standing behind the scenes. Good one.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, the Puppet Masters and their numerous
Propaganda Machines (Media) strive very hard
to assure that the masses "take sides."

It's a form of hypnotic mind control that is
easily capable of arousing emotions as it
deceptively develops an allegience towards
whatever cause appeals to us.

The thought of "breaking free" does not occur
to the vast majority.

The only "side" which is worth taking in reality
is that of Truth;  but it must be done cautiously
and with humbleness.  In order to avoid becoming
a "Terrorist Target" one must be as meek as the
dove yet as crafty as the serpent.

One may wield the Spotlight of Truth from a standpoint
of political neutrality - after all we are all members of
the same family no matter where we are physically
positioned on planet Earth.

Quote from: GibbsHelmholtz

The hardest thing, in my opinion, is love your enemy.

Evil only obeys ignorance.
Ignorance only obeys men.

Love your enemy.

Aye, it is hard to love those who do bad.

It is also hard to comprehend what Love truly
is and how it acts.

Our enemies are also greatly deceived and
have no conscious control over what they do
so long as they operate in their "programmed"
mode - blindly following the "orders" of their

Things look very ugly in the World at present
and they will certainly get even ugllier.  But,
the story will have a happy ending.

In time, All will be made Whole.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Here's a rough outline of how I think it could have went down on the day.

The hijackers were enabled to take over the planes and kill the pilots by,
the "you know who group", referred to from now on as TPTB.

To ensure success the planes were droned (remote control fitted) re-badged replica's of the real people carriers.

The hijacker terrorists could fly the planes but could be over-ridden to ensure accuracy and no second thoughts.

The buildings were already fitted with explosives and super thermite destruction devices.

The hijackers take over the planes, the planes are remote controlled at the lasts moments or from when need be
to hit the targets. The plane that crashed in the field was probably a back up which was superfluous or the remote control
or it's operator had problems.

After the planes hit the targets the demolitions of the towers and building 7 are allowed to take their own course
owing to the pre-planned and placed beam melting super thermite devices or they are helped by the demolition
charges if necessary as in building 7, there is also the possibility that the plane that crashed in the field was meant
to hit building 7 and that is why building 7 was rigged and had to be taken down to hide the placed charges.

The pentagon was for authenticity, as if to say "we didn't do it we got hit too".

The question I cannot get around is . How did the hijackers know there was going to be a big military exercise
happening that day to add to the confusion ? That fact alone tells me they were "enabled".
Could that really be a coincidence.


P.S. I'm a metal fabricator by trade, and while I'm not an engineer I have manufactured structural steel members for
the construction of steel framed buildings, I have a fair idea what it would take to build a building like that and I will
know to my last breath that WTC 1 and WTC 2 did not collapse in their own footprints because they got hit by a
couple of planes. And building #7 definitely didn't self destruct without even being hit by a plane.
And I know that even if a 747 were to crash into a solid cliff face just above the ground at full speed
there would still be enough wreckage to identify it as a people carrier.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: FarmHand
...that is why building 7 was rigged and had to be
taken down to hide the placed charges.


Quote from: FarmHand
The pentagon was for authenticity, as if to say "we
didn't do it we got hit too".

Aye, that too.  Strangely, the area of the Pentagon
which was destroyed just happened to be in the
midst of an investigation into the "Lost Billions"
corruption.  All those folks there who were beginning
to see what was really going on conveniently get
blown away, permanently silenced.

You've demonstrated well FarmHand how someone
with experience and knowledge is able to see through
the deceptive charade.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Here's Dr Judy Wood's website, i came across this by accident, opens your eyes a bit when you realize the size of those towers and yet there was little to no rubble.

Very interesting video interview on the page

Interesting that in this video 11:47 for about 10 seconds after the impact of the second plane a shinny object can be seen flying away.
« Last Edit: 2012-03-17, 11:49:53 by Peterae »
Group: Guest
Yeah Peterae, I've seen that object from a different angle or better footage similar angle in the video below
you can see it come in from the left at about 23 seconds, it goes almost past the towers then goes up into the smoke for
about two minutes before the second plane hits, then just after the second plane hits the building the object moves
out of the smoke plume and heads off to the right, it is very suspicious looking, but is it a real object ? If it is then it is
very strange, i would guess it to be a spotter drone helicopter or some kind of device like that, a real helicopter maybe
trying to rescue people ? Hard to tell I don't think a real helicopter would have attempted to land inside the smoke plume
and end up leaving the way this object did.  


Any thoughts on this object ? In my opinion it doesn't move like a regular helicopter.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Although Dr Judy Wood raises some interesting points, having just watched a video compilation of demolished building, there does appear to be loads of smoke, there maybe a much more down to earth reason why the towers disintegrated into dust and that could have been server corrosion of the internal beams, she said she could not understand how easily the alu plane went through the outer sheaf of steel, what if it was so oxidized and weakened it was only luck that was holding it together in the first place, she also mentions that most other building have been rebuilt even ones that were not hit, again suffering from the same server rusting maybe, and then she goes on to say the new building are super insulated and strengthen at their bases, this could to stop server rusting.

Whats with the car engines missing, we had snow here for the first time in a long time 2 years ago, it shut off the road to the remote village i work in, there was a very steep hill that goes down and then up, cars got jammed at the bottom and could not get out so were abandoned, 2 engines went missing then as well.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Did not look like a helicopter in the video i watched, i thought all air traffic was grounded at the time?
Group: Guest
WOW look at 44 seconds into the video I linked and you can see another object just to the left of the rear tower
inside the smoke plume. This one clearly looks like a flying saucer and it moves and it's not on the camera lens.
Could this video be doctored ? That is really strange. I will need to watch this video really closely to see if I can see anything else.

You can see it from 44 seconds to 48 seconds, it seems to leave a disturbance trail in the smoke plume.

WOW.  :o
Group: Guest
Yeah I agree the whole thing was so far out and shocking, a lot of strange stuff happened.
I wouldn't rule out DE stuff or some kind of Exotic device being used. I watched another eyewitness video
last night and the person video taping the event says clearly that the second plane was a military plane.
And the video goes funny at the moment of the impact so it was definitely cut or altered,
probably by the authorities when the video was given to them for evidence. The most important parts are missing.
There is something that flys off to the right in this video too just after the second impact. The objects seem to be in multiple video's.

Something funny happens to the video just as the first collapse begins.



OK I've looked more closely, there is more, the video seems to have been altered even though it appears to be continuous.

The first strange object that moves from left to right seems to disappear at the top of the right tower,
but it reappears just below the lighthouse to the center right of the screen. Then when it goes off screen to
the right, the second one appears in the smoke plume moving left to right.

The second plane enters the frame about 2:14 in a dive, then disappears by 2:17.

Then the impact then a bit later the white thing fly's off again this time from the area behind the spire of the closest tower.


Group: Guest
These objects should have been identified before, I wonder if there is any analysis
of all the video taped aircraft in the area on that day. Does anyone know of a video analysis like that ?

I'll see what I can find.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Judy's web site is an incredible resource for
those who are wondering what really happened
and are searching for answers.

One must use their own powers of discernment
since it is possible that some of the "information"
is disinformation - those who are responsible for
the deed are yet engaged in cover-up and massive
distraction efforts.

But, what is clear is that the event of 9/11 was very
carefully and methodically planned long in advance;
many precautions were in place to assure that it did
occur in a fashion faithfully following the script.

There were some surprises; the buildings didn't respond
to the initial attacks quite as they were planned, particularly
Building 7.  And, a number of very strange things were caught
on video tape which reveal how high technology was used to
assure that things happened as they were planned in case
"help" was needed to overcome unexpected difficulties.

9/11 was a necessity to assure that we'd be brought to where
we are just now:  America flexing its warmongering muscle
according to the script provided by THE CITY OF LONDON to
Wall Street/District of Columbia.  Afghanistan and Iraq were
stepping stones in the "War on Terror" which enabled America
to set the stage for the coming War with Iran.

Actually, it will be much more than war with Iran.  America knows
full well that it (The King of the South) is initiating actions which
will ultimately provoke the King of the North to take responsive
actions.  America will cease to exist as we now know it - it will
be defeated and subjugated in the coming battle.

Then it will be more apparent to those who survive how Tel Aviv/
Jerusalem fit into the scheme of things.

America is presently controlled by external powers who have
infiltrated the Political System and effectively taken over.  The
American Military is in the service of that Power.  What is soon to
come is not because the American People want it to happen.

We're living in the foretold "End of the Age" when we'll see things
occur on Planet Earth unlike any which have previously occurred.
It's an exciting and crazy time to be sure, but it will be very
unpleasant and dangerous in the coming months/years.

Fortunately, in the end, the Good Guys do prevail.  What will take
place then is...  Well, just wait and see - it'll be unbelievable!

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
There is more, I found a fast mover at 3:04 to 3:06 going from right to left across the top of the closest tower.
It's moving very quick and is visible for only a second or few. It's very fast, white.


It's best seen in full screen.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Certainly some of those videos have been tampered with, it's so hard to know whats true anymore  :'(
If i was clever enough i would take all the videos that are available and time sync them all, it maybe the only way to see if bits are tampered/missing.

The first video i posted has certainly had the important bits cut out, why would they do that unless there was something funny going on, the women filming said in the video something like that was a military plane, but because it was not in view on the camera we only have her word for it. Grrr.

Well Dumped, if something bad does happen i do feel it will be too late for us to really do anything about it, i cannot afford to excavate a bunker under my lawn, Here in the UK unless you are part of the criminal world you just cannot get your hands on anything you could fight back with, most things are outlawed, they even banned Sodium Nitrate one of the best weedkillers you could ever get your hands on and it was cheap, now you have to pay £8.00 for a couple of saches of roundup which the weeds seem come back after a little while, i know years ago they tried adding fireretarding agents to stop it being used for bombs, last i heard that was not very effective, or maybe they banned it because roundup were loosing too much money.

The technology that is available to the elite is amazing, we as normal people would not stand a chance.
I was watching a documentary, there's a bomb that has a 100 sublet bombs, each one looks like a hockey puck, when released they spin, a laser locks onto a target and each hockey puck guides itself to a target and when a certain distance is reached a charge melts a block of copper, another charge then fires this molten copper at the armour of a tank or similar and it penetrates it taking the vehicle out, this can take up to 100 armoured tanks on a battle filed in the blink of an eye.

The only thing i keep thinking is these elite could not survive without the masses to do the work and build the devices that power their lives, it takes a lot of hard work to maintain just the technology they have and feed the troops, if time is shifted by depopulation then we would step back quiet a few 100 years where disease rules, these elite would be very susceptible to new diseases and any other natural disaster, just maintaining things like satellites and new launches would take quiet a work force that needs feeding.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Just an FYI Peter,

I think Roundup was banned in many countries (including Canada) because it is just NASTY harmful stuff.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Peterae
...they even banned Sodium Nitrate one of the best weedkillers you
could ever get your hands on and it was cheap...

Aye, the substances removed from easy access
will no doubt increase as the New Order becomes
firmly entrenched.  In truth, it is quite firmly in place
as we speak...

There are ways to make some of those materials
with electricity and a little bit of ingenuity.  Weed Killer
is very easy to make in small quantities.

But, as you've pointed out, it is futile to even think of
mounting a massive resistance to what is coming.
The power they've amassed is phenomenal so there
is scant little that can be done to prevent the AGENDA.

It's just as well;  evil tends to destroy itself given enough
time and latitude.  Not only that, all of what is happening
now must play out to conclusion before the forces of
Good will enter the fray.  The Bad Boys at the core will be
taken down just when they believe they've gotten all there
is to take...

Yes, they do need the "people" to provide their labor and
resources but, as they've said openly many times, they
don't need ALL of us.  To them the people are like cattle
to be done with as they please.  The thinning of the herd is
coming soon Worldwide...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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