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2025-03-18, 21:49:32
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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081201 times)
Group: Guest
Do you know which "level" of spookery
you hold in high regard?  Real "spooks"
aren't easy to detect unless they're
careless low level talkatives.


You are correct. It isn't nice and a completely useless post as it can never be proven to anyone but a few.

I'll just change that to - I know what a spook is and isn't and have high regard for all of the real ones, regardless of which side they worked. Nothing I say here would be considered talkative (at any level) by them.


ALL of the web sites I've visited supporting 911-truther claims need serious work before they will justify another real investigation.

I'm just sick of all the conspiracy talk that degrades the sacrifices made willingly and unwillingly, witless .... stopping there  >:(
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
From WW:

If you had a clue of how far out real life was and surely is now you would stop wasting time with the crap information I've seen on nearly all 911-truther web sites.

Now that's not nice. Telling us you have such insider information but not sharing it , and telling us we won't find it on the web.

That's crumb dropping to the max. Superior posturing. Why bother to post what you have posted?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: WaveWatcher

ALL of the web sites I've visited supporting 911-truther claims need serious work before they will justify another real investigation.

I'm just sick of all the conspiracy talk that degrades the sacrifices made willingly and unwillingly, witless .... stopping there  >:(

You've satisfactorily identified your level
of access.  As well as your mission.
Many thanks.

It should be pointed out that MileHigh and
eatenbyagrue have identified themselves
and their mission satisfactorily also.
ID is understood.  [LLSA-MO]

Lowest level.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
You've satisfactorily identified your level
of access.  As well as your mission.
Many thanks.

It should be pointed out that MileHigh and
eatenbyagrue have identified themselves
and their mission satisfactorily also.
ID is understood.  [LLSA-MO]

Lowest level.

Hmmm.... That would place me somewhere in what level? Normal?

Somehow I doubt MileHigh will appreciate me being classified near his level  ;D
Group: Guest
My instructions self-destructed before I listened to the tape and now my clothes stink with the smell of burnt plastic.  I also swallowed my microdot because I thought it was acid.  My shoe-phone rang just as I stepped in a turd.  I suck at this job!

My alter ego:

Group: Guest
I feel your pain. The shoe-phone on the turd is a real drag.

Wait a minute!

Your commander issued you a space sled?  What did you do to deserve that?
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Guys, this should be a very serious topic, thousands lost their lives that day and many more after.   Whoever pulled that off, is nothing short of diabolical.   I'm wondering why al'qaeda members did't try to claim it as their operation?  Such a big event and no bragging?  Osama bin Laden has said in an interview shortly after 9 11 that he did not order the attacks, was he afraid to claim it?  Do you realize this whole thing is the intelligence community telling us things we can't verify easily?   How can you go to war without first doing your due diligence?   I firmly believe 9 11 was an inside job to galvanize the nation to go to war to further their interests.  These people I'm convinced are not loyal to any one nation, else they could not kill so many people in good conscience, perhaps they have rationalized that it takes a sacrifice to active the "greater" good, what ever that is, regime change, world peace, new world order, you name it.   Devil possest people are quite real, and believe it or not there's poor deceived souls out there that make pacts with the Devil in exchange for fame money and power, and the scary thing is, these folks look normal and smile, and you have no clue of the decisions they've made.  Read Roger Morneos books, a total eye opener!   He was a poor jobless soldier returning home after WWII to Toranto, Canada, and was invited to a meeting with all these powerful and famous people, little did he know what he was getting into. Read his story how God saved this guy from the jaws of the "lion". I read the book in one sitting, that's how captivating it was.

It appears we are living in the "end of time", now where did I put that Bible ?

Merry Xmas


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: EMdevices

These people I'm convinced are not loyal to any one nation, else they could not kill so many people in good conscience, perhaps they have rationalized that it takes a sacrifice to active the "greater" good, what ever that is, regime change, world peace, new world order, you name it.

It appears we are living in the "end of time", now where did I put that Bible ?

Merry Xmas


Those at the top (capstone) of the pyramid
are very loyal to their brotherhood and to their
families, excepting those who violate the "trust."

What normal people experience as "conscience"
or "remorse" or "empathy" are impediments to their
ambitions;  their mindset is much more akin to that
of a psychopath.  The death and destruction of others
(cattle) causes them no discomfort.

Not the "end of time" but the end of the present age
or end of the several millennia old worldly system of
nefarious controls and deceptions.  What is to follow
promises to be very, very good.

The above mentioned are very much aware of what
is coming and that they have only limited time to achieve
their goals. The near future is going to be very strange.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Guys, this should be a very serious topic, thousands lost their lives that day and many more after.   Whoever pulled that off, is nothing short of diabolical.   I'm wondering why al'qaeda members did't try to claim it as their operation?  Such a big event and no bragging?  Osama bin Laden has said in an interview shortly after 9 11 that he did not order the attacks, was he afraid to claim it?

This is simply not true.  In a videotaped message, broadcast on the Arabic news network Al Jazera on or about Nov. 1, 2004, Osama Bin Laden takes credit on behalf of Al Queda for the 9/11 attacks.

Hero Member

Posts: 520
Long read but the 911 link is there realizing that the 911 events was only a blotch in the string of history.

Part 1

Part 2


Group: Guest
This is simply not true.  In a videotaped message, broadcast on the Arabic news network Al Jazera on or about Nov. 1, 2004, Osama Bin Laden takes credit on behalf of Al Queda for the 9/11 attacks.



This has become like shooting fish in a barrel. The problem is there is no end to the fish. The WWW is too big and the number of witless contributors at least one magnitude greater.

Sometimes a massive and world destroying conspiracy theory is just needed to get through the day.

I have other demands upon my time. Don't you?

Group: Guest

This has become like shooting fish in a barrel. The problem is there is no end to the fish. The WWW is too big and the number of witless contributors at least one magnitude greater.

Sometimes a massive and world destroying conspiracy theory is just needed to get through the day.

I have other demands upon my time. Don't you?

You are right, it's just so easy to get drawn in.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Insights into the process:

In Depth Analysis

Truth ultimately rises to the surface:

Interesting Scientific Conclusion

Yes, it was foretold that in these times
many would be so immersed in the pursuit
of their pleasures that they would be disinterested
in observing the "signs of the time."

While they may believe that they are escaping
what seems an unbearable realization with their
"higher priorities" in the end they too will come
to "see" what they've painstakingly tried to avoid.

There is no escape from what is soon to come.

The whole truth will be made known to all.

There will be much unhappiness.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
You all exist in your place and time because of the everflowing verdant motion lotion of corrupt finance rubbed on your favorite parts of enlightenment. Without the chaos you play into the Federal Reserve and the IMF would not exist. But we would have a different set of problems.
Orwell called it SOMA. Herbert called it Spice. What do you attach to yourselves that make you better than the next person? That would put you in a place of self anesthetized greater value?
In the statement 'One nation under God' is it a Label, command or a falsehood? We already have the mark and it is capitalism. Everybody speaks the same tongue under this rule. Kill or be killed. Those in power have amassed legions of doped up minions that scurry to and fro of addiction in the [Amassing] game. He who dies with the most toys wins. The very steps taken to aquire something that your brother has not of has already plagued those of lesser ability in the lowest levels of primal gathering.

Utter feebleness behind the mask of terror.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Killer of Giants,

Apparently you too have had
"experiences" within the innards
of The Beast.

You've said it well.

Those who aren't yet able to
"get it" soon will...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
In 2006 I was a daytrader to the tune of moving 12 million dollars, of my own money, in 9 months. I saw way deep, in fact too deep.
I was not fitting to be clad in the asshole suit. When I finally asked the question [Why is this so easy?] I realized what I was dealing with. I had become a global pirate. I raped and pillaged every fund, telecomm, IT company I could get my hands on. It was easy. The beast finally put up firewalls to kill the daytraders. I escaped with the 40k I started with and far more knowledgable about the face behind corruption.

The fortune cookie reads: Where you find death you find corruption. Where you find corruption you find war. Where you find war you find money. And where you find money you find Evil. Enjoy your cookie. Save the fortune. It comes true every moment.

I await a retorte from the bleachers.
Round two isn't so pleasant either.

The peasants have no clue....


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Long read but the 911 link is there realizing that the 911 events was only a blotch in the string of history.

Part 1

Part 2


Aye, excellent links indeed!

Sadly, those who might most benefit from
understanding these things will not get past
the first screen page...

The modern "media-cultivated" attention span
won't permit such "boring" substance to enter
the cranium.

Ah well, those who can make a difference will
study it carefully and will verify with patience.

Many thanks!

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

Embedding disabled!  It's a conspiracy...

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The video "report" is cleverly done
but, as is always the case with dis-
info productions, the "wrong" people
were presented.

The Denver Airport Operation is indeed
separated from and lacks knowledge of
any other operations which may be
located in adjacent areas.

Those who have knowledge would not
be in a position to acknowledge or
otherwise disclose any classified facilities.

In time the truth regarding this and all other
deceptions will rise to the surface into the
light of day.

Patience.  Even the unbelievers will be made
to understand...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I see the DIA murials all the time. Its not about pornography. They are about death.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Further Insights

into the planning and execution
of the 9/11 Operation.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
With the passage of time more and more
pieces of the puzzle will emerge into


Numerous people were involved in the
planning and execution of 9/11.  Few knew
of the complexity of the plan or of the
purpose of the plan.  Slowly and gradually
all of the plan will be exposed.

It is important to seriously consider "who has
benefited most from 9/11 and its outcome?"

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Good one Dumped    O0

Also, for any interested in GMO and Aspartame, here are 3 documentaries to watch

The future of food

Sweet misery A poisoned world

The world according to Monsanto

And a very good read,  Seeds of Destruction

All can be found via torrent, Emule etc.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Numerous people were involved in the
planning and execution of 9/11.  Few knew
of the complexity of the plan or of the
purpose of the plan.  Slowly and gradually
all of the plan will be exposed.

You know there is another 9/11 theory which few want to consider however it is easy to understand. The events of 9/11 happened because of complete incompetence by those in charge and a complete failure of the lines of communication and security. The problem is that on the surface everything usually seems fine and there is a certain amount of trust that those in charge have things under control, that is until something unexpected happens. Like the nuclear meltdown in Japan, everything was fine and most were confident that they could handle any situation however this is delusional because mother nature does not play by our rules we must follow her. This is why we continually see some half-wit experts telling us nothing can ever happen yet apparently it always does which does not give them a great deal of credibility in my opinion.
In any case if we follow the chain of events from the start the only word which comes to mind for me is Fubar.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
You know there is another 9/11 theory which few want to consider however it is easy to understand. The events of 9/11 happened because of complete incompetence by those in charge and a complete failure of the lines of communication and security. The problem is that on the surface everything usually seems fine and there is a certain amount of trust that those in charge have things under control, that is until something unexpected happens. Like the nuclear meltdown in Japan, everything was fine and most were confident that they could handle any situation however this is delusional because mother nature does not play by our rules we must follow her. This is why we continually see some half-wit experts telling us nothing can ever happen yet apparently it always does which does not give them a great deal of credibility in my opinion.
In any case if we follow the chain of events from the start the only word which comes to mind for me is Fubar.


They are so caught up in the lies they cannot see the truth and they believe the lies are the truth!

Islam never ever takes responsibility for it's deadly actions, they are the perennial victims and it is always because of something we (Infidels) did or said that caused them to go berserk and murder many people. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that their god has ordered them to take over the entire world for Islam and authorizes them and blesses them for killing any Kufar or Infidels that stand in their way to do so.  It is always our fault no matter how much they have to lie to prove it!  Most of the conspiracy theories about the WTC were started and are propagated by Islam and what they like to call Useful Idiots, people that buy their lies and help them out with keeping the deception going.  Kufar like 'dumped', aid and abet their agenda without knowing what they are doing (unless they are actually Islamic, working taqquia or dawa).  Until people that have bought the big lies from Islam, actually find out what their agenda really is, they cannot see the whole picture of what is happening on Earth! At any rate people like 'dumped' are either unknowingly working for Islam as useful idiots or are actually Islamic plants here to keep the rest of us in the dark about Islam. So in either case AC you will probably never get through to him.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
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