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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1077210 times)

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 571

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The video you've linked is food for thought Room.

All that has occurred on Planet Earth within the past 100 years,
particularly in the Middle East, has been in accordance with the
PLAN devised by Babylon the Great.

Radical Extremism, Terrorism, staged events utilizing horrendous
brutality;  it is all being managed by those who seek to
fulfill their dream of the New Order of the World.

« Last Edit: 2015-12-12, 02:02:07 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest


Sounds to me like the whole doctrine of Islam is so completely screwed up it takes acts of congress to actually support it.  If left on its own, normal thinking people would bury this disgusting ideology in a very short time.

Funny he mentions Workplace Violence in the same discourse.  I knew it the moment I smelled it at work being pushed down our throats this was part of a much larger agenda.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Greater Israel and the Exodus of Syrians


December 10, 2015

Syrian writer suggests ISIS atrocities are designed to clear the land of all unwanted Syrian citizens, sects and communities which might stand in the way  of Illuminati Jewish designs for a Greater Israel. This is why their puppet politicians in the West accept them. I wonder if we'll see a wave of antisemitism in the West, including false flag attacks, designed to make Jews fill this vacuum.

Syrian Free Press (Excerpt by henrymakow.com)


The Greater Israel Project lies at the very heart of the [Illuminati Jewish] geopolitical triangulation strategy throughout the Middle East. The United States, the United Kingdom and the Modern State of Israel have collaborated quite closely for well over a century to implement this final phase of destruction of several Mideast nations. Because their once clandestine agenda has now become transparent to the many concerned countries, these 3 nations have become known as the true Axis of Evil in the world today.

Just as Israel was born out of terrorism, the outright theft of Palestinian land has occurred by way of incessant false flag terror operations. These and many other highly deceptive and destructive tactics have been used... just as they are now being utilized in Syria. The very essence of their 'Relocation Plan' is the employment of every form of terror. Just like the Armenian Holocaust was implemented by the same Zionist cabal to scare them away from their communities, which it did, the ISIS and Al Nusra terrorist groups have been set up and enabled to do the very same.

The purposeful and slow-motion Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people has likewise furthered the cabal's Greater Israel agenda. Systematically getting rid of those indigenous peoples throughout much of the Middle East is a central component of that agenda. In this particular regard the globalists seek not only to remove the Palestinians, but the Syrians from their lands as well. Witness what is perhaps the largest mass migration in modern history of Syrian people to Europe. Irrespective of the fact that the forefathers of Syrians and Palestinians alike have lived in the Mideast for centuries and in Israel over millennia, the Zionist cabal is intent on their removal.

That the USA funded, equipped and armed ISIS is now a generally accepted fact of life in the Middle East. Even President Barack Obama has yet to deny such a self-evident truth.


All of the intelligence agencies and secret services, to include first and foremost the aforementioned "nexus of the CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD", have a common home in Switzerland. Switzerland is not only the most protected banking capital in the world as demonstrated by its unique neutrality status during WWII, as well as home to the highly secretive BIS (Bank for International Settlements), it is also the true home of the headquarters of the CIA (aka The Company).

It ought to be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that the appearance of ISIS and Al Nusra on the Mideast set -- coming practically out of nowhere as they did -- could only have happened with the enormous support of a well established network the size of The Company. Bearing in mind that the CIA is intimately connected to every Fortune 500 company, as well as to a whole slew of super-secret, privately held corporations across the planet.

Clearly, the rapid emergence of ISIS and Al Nusra was both state and corporate-sponsored in a major way. Given this reality, there are very few state sponsors (with well connected intelligence agencies) that would qualify, and, therefore, which must also be working in concert in order to pull off this con of the millennium. Hence, the CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD must necessarily all be working closely together to maintain the Islamic State. It has even been proven that ISIS-controlled oil wells and transportation routes have been carefully protected by the very same CIA-coordinated network, just as their oil revenues have been safeguarded in their ultra-secret Swiss bank accounts.

Who could possibly refute the effects that so many highly publicized beheadings and crucifixions would have on Syrian communities across the Levant? Just like the Armenian Holocaust, the many spiritual communities which dot the Syrian countryside rightly assessed the danger associated with the Fric & Frac of terrorism--ISIS & Al Nusra. They had seen this all before when the Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks, who also happened to live in the wrong place at the wrong time, were genocided by the Young Turks and their crypto-Jewish masters.

What better way for the Zionist cabal to clear the land of all unwanted Syrian citizens, sects and communities which might stand in the way of their designs for a Greater Israel?

Not only did their scare tactics work, as they did when they crucified the Armenian girls pictured above, and below, they have now overrun Europe with an unparalleled refugee crisis. Because the same Zionist cabal effectively controls all the major leaders of the European Union, it has been quite easy for them to ensure an EU-wide open border policy. In spite of an unprecedented backlash to the ongoing exodus ending up in both Germany and France, both Chancellor Angela Merkel and President François Hollande have obeyed their masters remarkably well.

Very few realize that the unending incidence of beheadings by ISIS and mass shootings by ISIL were carefully scripted to scare the living daylights out of every Middle Easterner. Incidentally, whether these grotesque acts of violence were actually faked is inconsequential at this point. All that the cabal wanted was to sufficiently terrorize the Mideast masses so that they could be corralled into any pen of their making. By instilling the fear of wanton and barbaric terror into so many, the desired mass migration would take place of its own accord. And so it did ... and right on time in 2015!

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
War Is a Racket


War Is a Racket is the title of two works, a speech and a booklet, by retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley D. Butler. In them, Butler frankly discusses from his experience as a career military officer how business interests commercially benefit (including war profiteering) from warfare.

After his retirement from the Marine Corps, Butler made a nationwide tour in the early 1930s giving his speech "War is a Racket". The speech was so well received that he wrote a longer version as a small book with the same title that was published in 1935 by Round Table Press, Inc., of New York. The booklet was also condensed in Reader's Digest as a book supplement which helped popularize his message. In an introduction to the Reader's Digest version, Lowell Thomas, the "as told to" author of Butler's oral autobiographical adventures, praised Butler's "moral as well as physical courage".


In War Is A Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where industrialists whose operations were subsidised by public funding were able to generate substantial profits essentially from mass human suffering.

The work is divided into five chapters:

    War is a racket
    Who makes the profits?
    Who pays the bills?
    How to smash this racket!
    To hell with war!

It contains this key summary:

    "War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

The book has significance historically as Butler points out in 1935 that the US is engaging in military war games in the Pacific that are bound to provoke the Japanese.

    "The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles."

Butler explains that the common rationale for the buildup of the US fleet and the war games is fear that "the great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125,000,000 people."


In the booklet's penultimate chapter, Butler argues that three steps are necessary to disrupt the war racket:

Making war unprofitable. Butler suggests that the owners of capital should be "conscripted" before other citizens are: "It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labour before the nation's manhood can be conscripted. … Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our steel companies and our munitions makers and our ship-builders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted — to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get."

Acts of war to be decided by those who fight it. He also suggests a limited referendum to determine if the war is to be fought. Eligible to vote would be those who risk death on the front lines.

Limitation of militaries to self-defense. For the United States, Butler recommends that the navy be limited, by law, to within 200 miles of the coastline, and the army restricted to the territorial limits of the country, ensuring that war, if fought, can never be one of aggression.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Limitation of militaries to self-defense. For the United States, Butler recommends that the navy be limited, by law, to within 200 miles of the coastline, and the army restricted to the territorial limits of the country, ensuring that war, if fought, can never be one of aggression.

This last point by Butler is itself limited by the technological era he was living in. (WW1)

The delivery system range (V2 rocket) and devastating power of nuclear weapons was not a piece on his chessboard. (first nuclear weapons appeared end of WW2, approx 1945)

The necessity for the Navy carrying nuclear ICBM's on board to operate globally as a permanent nuclear deterrant strategy is a central pillar of MAD doctrine.

Mutual assured destruction


Mutual assured destruction or MAD, is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons of mass destruction by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see Pre-emptive nuclear strike and Second strike).[1] It is based on the theory of deterrence where the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which neither side, once armed, has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Sounds to me like the whole doctrine of Islam is so completely screwed up it takes acts of congress to actually support it.  If left on its own, normal thinking people would bury this disgusting ideology in a very short time.

Funny he mentions Workplace Violence in the same discourse.  I knew it the moment I smelled it at work being pushed down our throats this was part of a much larger agenda.

Hi Matt,

Yes the ideology is so disgusting no one sane would follow or believe it for very long.  Yes your right at this point it is taking legislation to try and keep islam looking sane and normal which it is not.  Dar al harb and dar al islam, the two divisions of the world that islam has made it's doctrine, the world of war and the world of islam, if you are not part of dar al islam then they are at war with you, they leave no other choice for you, it is their doctrine.

A wise thing to do is study what ex-muslims say about islam, people like Noni Darwish, Waffa Sultan, Ayan Hirsi Ali and the man who was a terrorist and then turned Christian Walid Shobat  I may have the spelling of some of their names wrong but you get the idea.

Here is a statement from a group of Bangladeshi apostates living in the U.K. explaining the reasons why they have left islam:

"One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life.  He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin.  One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character.  He must stand above the vices of the people of his time.  Yet Muhammed's life is that of a gangster godfather.  He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives (Qur'an 33:50).  He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia.  Mohammed was bereft of human compassion.  He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way.
  Mohammed was a narcissist, like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin.  He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved then that of a 6 year old child.  He simply could not feel the pain of others.  He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth.  His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sort of crimes and his evil deeds are justified."
These people risk their lives to speak out so please listen to them.

Why is it with islam we must always consider all other possibilities before looking at the obvious. Must be work place violence!

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
Room, It's impossible to deny truthful history, and the way you describe Mohammed, is the description of an intelligent psychopath. It is what it is. No argument here.

However the real problem is the U.S. and co.'s meddling and arming of these nutjobs. Without western support of either direct funding or just ignoring and denying the illegal aid and weapons supplied by the U.S.'s Arab Allies then the weapons would be very limited to them and so would the money from the stolen and smuggled oil ect..

The U.S. and it's partners have nurtured this ISIS group and still do, but out of the other side of their mouth they say they are trying to kill them, but the are helping them.

Does that make the U.S. government criminals, I say yes.

I see no reason to remove Assad as Syria was one country that did have Muslims Christians and other religions all living in peace. He kept the peace.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia and Israel and Turkey would all benefit from Assad being removed and a U.S. puppet government installed.

Personally I see no reason to be religious at all, as long as I live a good and honest life and help others in need then if there is a heaven and a hell I will go to heaven anyway. if not then "God" is wrong and unjust if he exists. I do not believe in Gods though i have no real problem with religion except that I feel that if people need religion to live a good and just life they must have real problems.

I even see people who believe in any God without reservation as having some kind of mental affliction, be it insidious or benign is not my call.

I believe that all public worship of non physical entities or imagined entities should be illegal, there is no need for it. If people want to pray to Jesus or God or Budda or whatever they ought to do it in private, a persons relationship with their God should be personal and private.

I am skeptical that 80 to 90 % of people who claim to be Christians are in actual fact not really Christians, this is evidenced by their actions. Similar goes for some other religions as well. Millions of people use Christianity to further their own goals while not actually being Christians.

I see the entire religious movement as suspicious, that means all religions.

Religion is a form of mind control. I actually think that true atheists should be the only ones allowed in positions of power in Government, otherwise their decisions may be influenced by their religious teachings or beliefs.

It might be controversial to say it but I think sane people are atheists. Many may claim to be Christians just to make themselves more acceptable.

If this U.S. air strike on an ISIS artillery piece is not scripted and the ISIS fighters not warned then I am not sitting here, they vacated the weapon because they were warned via leaflet drop or even direct or relayed comms. No ISIS fighters killed, it looks to be done for show, but ISIS films it and things become more clear.

They vacated the weapon so a precision strike could destroy a single artillery piece for the bomb camera's to show on the news as the U.S. bombing ISIS. It's sickening that the U.S. is sponsoring these animals and warning them before many airstrikes. The U.S. admits air drops of leaflets to warn the oil smuggling truck drivers of an air strike 45 minutes in advance. They probably even write the exact time of the day and what will be hit. There is evidence of weapons drops as well.


The fact is that even without any Muslims the U.S. would find or create another "boogy man" or movement to hijack and use to further their evil Agenda's given them by the banking Cartel.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: FarmHand
I see no reason to remove Assad as Syria was one country that did have Muslims Christians and other religions all living in peace. He kept the peace.

Precisely!  Which is also precisely why those who have created the State
of Israel and who continue to enable its expansion must first destroy Syria
as they've already done to Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, and Egypt.  Jordan will be
destroyed as well at a future time in their PLAN.

Prophecy tells us that Damascus will be utterly destroyed as if by nuclear
weapon.  It is beginning to look more and more like Israel will be the source
of that event.  Russia's success at eliminating the de-stabilizers and destroyers
of Syria makes it a huge obstacle to the fruition of Greater Israel.

Or it could be the work of NATO as they too seem very determined to destroy
Syria in order to facilitate the rise of Greater Israel.

We should know fairly soon how this will come to pass...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Room, It's impossible to deny truthful history, and the way you describe Mohammed, is the description of an intelligent psychopath. It is what it is. No argument here.

However the real problem is the U.S. and co.'s meddling and arming of these nutjobs. Without western support of either direct funding or just ignoring and denying the illegal aid and weapons supplied by the U.S.'s Arab Allies then the weapons would be very limited to them and so would the money from the stolen and smuggled oil ect..

The U.S. and it's partners have nurtured this ISIS group and still do, but out of the other side of their mouth they say they are trying to kill them, but the are helping them.

Does that make the U.S. government criminals, I say yes.

I see no reason to remove Assad as Syria was one country that did have Muslims Christians and other religions all living in peace. He kept the peace.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia and Israel and Turkey would all benefit from Assad being removed and a U.S. puppet government installed.

Personally I see no reason to be religious at all, as long as I live a good and honest life and help others in need then if there is a heaven and a hell I will go to heaven anyway. if not then "God" is wrong and unjust if he exists. I do not believe in Gods though i have no real problem with religion except that I feel that if people need religion to live a good and just life they must have real problems.

I even see people who believe in any God without reservation as having some kind of mental affliction, be it insidious or benign is not my call.

I believe that all public worship of non physical entities or imagined entities should be illegal, there is no need for it. If people want to pray to Jesus or God or Budda or whatever they ought to do it in private, a persons relationship with their God should be personal and private.

I am skeptical that 80 to 90 % of people who claim to be Christians are in actual fact not really Christians, this is evidenced by their actions. Similar goes for some other religions as well. Millions of people use Christianity to further their own goals while not actually being Christians.

I see the entire religious movement as suspicious, that means all religions.

Religion is a form of mind control. I actually think that true atheists should be the only ones allowed in positions of power in Government, otherwise their decisions may be influenced by their religious teachings or beliefs.

It might be controversial to say it but I think sane people are atheists. Many may claim to be Christians just to make themselves more acceptable.

If this U.S. air strike on an ISIS artillery piece is not scripted and the ISIS fighters not warned then I am not sitting here, they vacated the weapon because they were warned via leaflet drop or even direct or relayed comms. No ISIS fighters killed, it looks to be done for show, but ISIS films it and things become more clear.

They vacated the weapon so a precision strike could destroy a single artillery piece for the bomb camera's to show on the news as the U.S. bombing ISIS. It's sickening that the U.S. is sponsoring these animals and warning them before many airstrikes. The U.S. admits air drops of leaflets to warn the oil smuggling truck drivers of an air strike 45 minutes in advance. They probably even write the exact time of the day and what will be hit. There is evidence of weapons drops as well.


The fact is that even without any Muslims the U.S. would find or create another "boogy man" or movement to hijack and use to further their evil Agenda's given them by the banking Cartel.


FarmHand I don't see much here that I disagree with, I'm not going to get into an argument with you over atheism or belief in the boogyman, you can believe anything you want to as far as I am concerned.  Although when you tell me that what you do believe in, calls for my death at your hands, or my enslavement by you or many other things that directly affect my life and how I live it, now I am concerned!  I don't care who you are or what you believe but don't force it upon me and this is what islam is doing, it's their way of life or none, 'Jihad' and islam give you 3 choices, become muslim, pay an exorbatent tax and be a second class citizen or death.  Our muslim pres won't even let us talk about it, we can no longer say words like islamic, jihad, and many other words , you all know this. How can we hope to combat the ideology of our enemy if we cannot even discuss that very same ideology heck we don't even acknowledge that we are at war or name the enemy or talk about it.  Sounds to me like we have had our hands tied behind our backs and are close to being led out to the firing squad.  The world is in sad shape right now and it is islam that is most of the problem, not all I know, but most.


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
What if I told you that you can't see through the deception unless you embrace that this reality is a voice controlled echo chamber.
Any argument is an addiction to a flavor of that deception making what you believe to be real.


And the longer version that includes current events.

« Last Edit: 2015-12-13, 17:33:09 by giantkiller »


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
EXCLUSIVE: Sarin materials brought via Turkey & mixed in Syrian ISIS camps – Turkish MP to RT


Published time: 14 Dec, 2015 05:03

Islamic State terrorists in Syria received all necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey, Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT, insisting there are grounds to believe a cover up has taken place.

“There is data in this indictment. Chemical weapon materials are being brought to Turkey and being put together in Syria in camps of ISIS which was known as Iraqi Al Qaeda during that time," Erdem told RT.

Furthermore, Erdem argues that the West purposely blamed the regime of Bashar Assad for the August 2013 attacks and used it as part of the pretext to make US military intervention in Syria possible. The MP said that evidence in Adana’s case, according to his judgment, proves that IS was responsible.

Sarin gas is a military-grade chemical that was used in a notorious attack on Ghouta and several other neighborhoods near the Syrian capital of Damascus in 2013. The attacks were pinned on the Syrian leadership, who in turn agreed to get rid of all chemical weapons stockpiles under a UN-brokered deal amid an imminent threat of US intervention.

Reports of massive chemical attack near Damascus as UN observers arrive in Syria


Published time: 21 Aug, 2013 06:27

In July, Russia submitted to the UN its analysis of samples taken west of Aleppo. Russia’s findings indicated that it was rebels behind the Khan al-Assal incident, in which more than 30 people died.

The US contradicted the Russian findings, stressing they had their own data which proved that the government forces were behind the attack. However, Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the UN commission’s inquiry into rights violations in Syria, said the evidence provided by the US did not meet required standards.

The Obama administration repeatedly called the use of chemical weapons in Syria “a red line.”

Syria crisis: Cameron loses Commons vote on Syria action


30 August 2013

MPs have rejected possible UK military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government to deter the use of chemical weapons.

David Cameron said he would respect the defeat of a government motion by 285-272, ruling out joining US-led strikes.

The US said it would "continue to consult" with the UK, "one of our closest allies and friends".

France said the UK's vote does not change its resolve on the need to act in Syria.

Russia - which has close ties with the Assad government - welcomed Britain's rejection of a military strike.

The prime minister's call for a military response in Syria followed a suspected chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of the capital Damascus on 21 August, in which hundreds of people are reported to have died.

The US and UK say the Assad government was behind the attack - a claim denied by Damascus, which blames the rebels.

Assad said Syria would defend itself against any aggression.

Turkey Shuts Off YouTube after 'Syria Invasion Plan' Leak


Access to YouTube has been cut off in Turkey after an explosive leak of audiotapes that appeared to show ministers talking about provoking military intervention in Syria.



Published time: 27 Mar, 2014 15:00

March 27, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "RT"- Access to YouTube has been cut off in Turkey after an explosive leak of audiotapes that appeared to show ministers talking about provoking military intervention in Syria. Other social media have already been blocked ahead of tumultuous local elections.

The latest leaked audio recording, which reportedly led to the ban, appears to show top government officials discussing a potential attack on the tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire.

March 27, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Zero Hedge"- As we noted here, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan had blocked Twitter access to his nation ahead of what was rumored to be a "spectacular" leak before this weekend's elections. Then this morning, amid a mad scramble, he reportedly (despite the nation's court ruling the bans illegal) blocked YouTube access. However, by the magic of the interwebs, we have the 'leaked' clip and it is clear why he wanted it blocked/banned. As the rough translation explains, it purports to be a conversation between key Turkish military and political leaders discussing what appears to be a false flag attack to launch war with Syria.

ISIS Is Closing In On A Turkish Enclave Inside Of Syria — And Ankara Is Facing A Huge Dilemma


Oct. 1, 2014

Turkey has been calling for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to leave office since early in the country's conflict and had one of its fighter planes shot down inside Syria in June of 2012. Turkey's called for a no-fly zone in northern Syria, while barely cracking down on anti-Assad jihadists operating on its territory. It's plotted its policy around NATO or US interventions that never transpired, gambled on Assad's eventual downfall, and perhaps even aided the rise of the some of the militants that the US-led coalition is now bombing in Syria.

Again, none of this ties in with the Tomb of Suleyman Shah, at least not directly. Turkish policy in Syria is hamstrung by all sorts of other factors. But as Stein explained to Business Insider, many domestic critics inside Turkey believe that the Islamist government of President Reccip Tayyip Erdogan supports ISIS outright, while some in the international community are skeptical of what they see as Turkey's half-hearted approach to the fight against the group.

"Most of what's going on is a direct rebuttal to growing, severe domestic polarization in Turkey," he says. So the tomb is a convenient justification for Turkey's equivocal policy in Syria — even if it's one small aspect of a larger and more complicated mess.

Ancient Tomb Helps Push Turkey to Authorize Force Against Islamic State


Threat to Suleyman Shah's tomb helps trigger Turkey's response to the jihadist group.

By Roff Smith, for National Geographic

PUBLISHED Sat Oct 04 06:04:00 EDT 2014

Had it not been for Syria's brutal civil war, the tomb of Suleyman Shah would have likely remained a geographical footnote. But this week the 700-year-old tomb became a flashpoint that helped prod Turkey into entering the battle against the Islamic State (IS; also called ISIS or ISIL).

For centuries the tomb has stood beside the banks of the Euphrates, the river where Suleyman is presumed to have drowned in 1236 while on campaign in what is now Syria.

As the grandfather of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire, his tomb and its accompanying shrine are revered historical sites for the Turks.

One of the clauses in the 1921 Treaty of Ankara, which shaped the boundaries of modern Syria, stipulated that the former Ottoman tomb would remain a Turkish exclave within the new Syria, flying the Turkish flag and protected by an honor guard of Turkish soldiers.

And so it has remained. Even when the tomb itself was physically shifted 50 miles (80.5 kilometers) upstream in 1973 to accommodate flooding from the Assad Dam, its essential Turkishness was never in doubt. Legally, spiritually, emotionally, it remained as Turkish in Turkish eyes as the Golden Horn—even though it lay 20 miles (32 kilometers) inside Syria.

In recent days bitter fighting between extremists from the Islamic State and Syrian Kurdish militias in the area has sent thousands of refugees streaming across the Turkish border. As IS fighters advanced on the town of Ayn al Arab (Kobane), near the tomb, Turkish leaders faced the question of what to do if Suleyman Shah's tomb is captured, let alone destroyed, as IS fighters have been known to destroy tombs and mosques elsewhere in Syria.

On Thursday Turkey's parliament voted 298 to 98 to authorize military action against Islamic State forces. It's unclear to what degree the tomb factored into the decision, but Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has repeatedly said that his country would defend the tomb, which it regards as sovereign territory.

Earlier this year the 30 or so young conscripts who usually guard the sleepy outpost were replaced by 60 Special Forces troops. And this week the nation's senior ranking general, Necdet Özel, issued a statement saying that the Turkish army was prepared to come to the aid of the soldiers guarding the tomb.

Footage shows Paris attack scenes

13 November 2015 Last updated at 23:55 GMT

Scores of people have been killed in multiple shootings in the French capital, Paris, and explosions near the Stade de France.

French media say at least 15 people have been killed near the Bataclan arts centre, where up to 60 people are reportedly being held hostage.

Hugh Schofield reports for BBC World News.

France Pounds IS Stronghold With 20 Bombs


Monday 16 November 2015

France says it has the "legitimacy" to strike back at IS after the Paris massacre and bombs a jihadi training camp and arms depot.

Britain launches airstrikes hours after Parliament backs ISIS bombings


December 3, 2015

(CNN)British fighter jets have taken part in their first airstrikes in Syria, hours after UK lawmakers voted in favor of bombing ISIS strongholds there.

"RAF Tornadoes have just returned from their first offensive operation over Syria and have conducted strikes," a spokesman for Britain's Ministry of Defense (MOD) said early Thursday.

The four jets took off from Akrotiri air base in Cyprus, targeting an oil field in Eastern Syria, the MOD told CNN.

More details on the operation are expected from the ministry later today.

Lawmakers voted 397 in favor of action and 223 against, following a 10-hour debate.

After the November 13 terror attacks in Paris, France asked the U.S.-led coalition to bump up the military offensive against ISIS.

Now that Britain has decided to expand airstrikes that it previously conducted only in Iraq, the spotlight is on the German Parliament, which also is expected to approve greater military commitment against the terror group.

The German plan would activate 1,200 troops in anti-ISIS efforts, but in a support role -- not direct combat.

U.S. President Barack Obama welcomed the British move and said the coalition would work "to integrate them into our coalition air tasking orders as quickly as possible."

Crippled in Syria, Turkey goes for a ‘Sunnistan’ in Iraq


Pepe Escobar

Published time: 9 Dec, 2015 13:01

Turkey’s “incursion” into Iraq is a cold, calculated move. And once again, the name of the game is – what else? – Divide and Rule.

Turkey sent to Iraqi Kurdistan – which is part of the state of Iraq - no less than a 400-strong battalion supported by 25 M-60A3 tanks. Now the Turkish boots on the ground at Bashiqa camp, northeast of Mosul, have reportedly reached a total of around 600.

The short breakdown: this is not a “training camp”- as Ankara is spinning. It’s a full-blown, perhaps permanent, military base.

The dodgy deal was struck between the ultra-corrupt Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and then-Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu in Erbil last month.

Torrents of Turkish spin swear this is only about “training” Peshmergas to fight ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.

Absolute nonsense. The crucial fact is that Ankara is terrified of the “4+1” alliance fighting Islamic State, which unites Iran, Iraqi Shiites and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), as well as Hezbollah, with Russia.

In Syria, Ankara is virtually paralyzed, after the “stab in the back” downing of the Su-24; the Russian revelations of complicity between Turkey’s first family and stolen Syrian oil (Bilal Erdogan, a.k.a. Erdogan ‘Mini Me’, denies everything); and the Russian Air Force relentless pounding of Turkey’s fifth column Turkmen. Not to mention the deployment of S-400s and even a third-generation submarine complete with Kalibr cruise missiles.

So Ankara now switches the attention to Iraq with a “counter-alliance”, made up of Turkey; the KRG (which – illegally – sells oil to Turkey); and Sunnis in northern Iraq under the supposed leadership of the sprawling Nuceyfi tribe in Mosul.

This is textbook neo-Ottomanism in action. We should never forget that for the AKP in power in Ankara, northern Syria and northern Iraq are nothing but former Ottoman Empire provinces, an eastward extension of Turkey’s Hatay province. ‘Sultan’ Erdogan’s (unstated) wet dream is to annex the whole lot.

Meanwhile, Daesh still controls Mosul. But Iraqi Sunnis – as well as the Iraqi Army - are slowly setting up an offensive.

So what Ankara wants with this military base close to Mosul is to be part of the game, coupled with two “invisible” agendas; protect their fifth-column Turkmen, wherever they are, and having more boots on the ground to fight – what else – PKK Kurds taking refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan. 

‘Sultan’ Erdogan’s whole rationale is that Baghdad does not rule northern Iraq anymore (he’s got a point). But the problem, for Ankara, is that the real powers in the region may turn out to be Shiites and the PKK (that’s far-fetched; but that’s Erdogan thinking.)

‘Sultan’ Erdogan has extremely close business deals with the KRG’s ‘Mobster-in-Chief’, Massoud Barzani – as in the oil exporting deal which, illegally, bypasses Baghdad. Barzani, predictably, has no problems with Turkish military designs; after all “his” oil is paid for by the Turks.

As for the clincher, follow geopolitical ace Mick Jagger: it’s a gas, gas, gas.

Ankara’s move plays straight into the ultimate ‘Pipelineistan’ war; the clash between two competing gas pipelines, Qatar-Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Syria-Turkey, or Iran-Iraq-Syria, at the heart of the Syrian tragedy.

Erdogan’s paranoia that Russia may cut off gas supplies to Turkey after the downing of the Su-24 – something that Gazprom simply won’t do – has led Ankara, in desperation, to force Baghdad, mob-style, to “accept” a Qatar gas pipeline crossing Iraqi, not Syrian territory.

Needless to add this far-fetched scheme is an absolute no-go for Baghdad, which is part of the “4+1” alliance. Moreover, expect Iran – and Russia – to go no holds barred exploiting divisions among the notoriously divisive Kurds to bomb Erdogan’s elaborate plans.   

Erdogan’s bottom line is quite something; he is aiming for no less than an Iraqi ‘Sunnistan’ – jointly managed by the ultra-corrupt KRG and assorted Sunnis, but under Turkish security arrangements. As if Washington and Tel-Aviv would let him get away with that. 

The fact is that at least for the moment, while his game in Syria may be going down the drain, Erdogan has decided to change the subject and turbo-charge his strategy for breaking up Iraq.

The gift

And that brings up the question, once again, of how Daesh was able last year to conquer Mosul – the second city in Iraq - without a fight. And this after their notorious convoy of gleaming white Toyotas crossing the desert from Syria to Iraq managed to evade detection by the most sophisticated satellite surveillance system in the history of the Universe.

Regarding the mystery, persistent intel rumblings across the Middle East and among the “4+1” coalition are bound to turn into a volcano.

According to the rumblings, the official - Pentagon - narrative that the Iraqi Army supposed to fight Islamic State in Mosul last year got scared and simply ran away is a myth.

As we know, the Iraqi Army, trained by the Pentagon, left behind a wealth of tanks and heavy weapons duly captured by IS. And IS couldn’t be luckier in collecting this almighty ‘gift’.

The new narrative rules that the Pentagon deliberately “instructed” the Iraqi Army to run away, as a sort of tactical retreat, leaving behind all that fabulous hardware.

So what we have here is the Pentagon fully protected by plausible deniability.

And Islamic State duly weaponized as a proxy/regime change army in Syria. A perfect chaos-provoking tool aligned with the strategic objective of the ‘Empire of Chaos’ in Syria. Which, by the way, does include, in the absence of full regime change, the formation of a ‘Sunnistan’ in Syria as well. 

Oh, but the Pentagon would never engage in such practices, would they?

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
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In a sense it is gratifying to see all of this "dirt" about the
U.S. and the way it conducts its "business."  TRUTH is
indeed often very ugly and painful.

One can only hope that enough people of good-will are
paying attention.  The U.S. and The West have been
infiltrated and taken over by some very bad people.

The Good People aren't being listened to enough:

Quote from: Vaclav Klaus interview
Originally Appeared in the December print issue of COMPACT-Magazine. Translated from the German by Werner Schrimpf

Vaclav Klaus was interviewed by Juri Kotner for COMPACT-Magazine during the Valdai Forum in October, 2015. Vaclav Klaus had a prominent role in European politics for decades.  He was Minister President of Czech Republik from 1992 to 1998 and Head of Parliament from 1998 to 2002. Finally from 2003 to 2013, Vaclav Klaus was President of the Czech Republic.

Longstanding former Czech President Vaclav Klaus keeps on fighting. He envisions the threat of a self- destructing Europe brought on by the politics of Berlin and Brussels, which is characterized by a confrontation with Russia, the catastrophic EURO currency, and particularly by the uncontrolled influx of refugees.

What is your opinion about the concept of a pan-European economic union reaching from Lisbon to Vladivostok?

Vaclav Klaus: Look, I am a realist and a pragmatic politician. In my eyes this concept is, for the time being, not the issue we need solve right now and should solve right now. I would go for a complete liberalization of economic borders and the free market. A common “European House” has always been the basic idea from Mikhail Gorbachev, but this is not the prevailing issue of today. Right now we have to solve “smaller” but nevertheless more important problems. Anything else would be pure idealism and naivety. First and foremost, we have to suspend the disastrous sanctions against Russia.

What other major problems would you see for Europe?

Vaclav Klaus: Europe must survive! This is the most overwhelming and most important issue of them all! The concept of Europe has been sabotaged. First we see the catastrophic common currency of the EURO. Second, we are facing the Ukraine crisis. And finally, the worst issue is the migration crisis. All these problems are tragic failures brought on by European politicians lead by Mrs. Angela Merkel. Europe must not be destroyed, but I am afraid that we are heading to a point of no return.

When looking at the current mass integration do you think this poses a threat to the European tradition of Christianity?

Vaclav Klaus: Absolutely! I would agree 100 percent. And I cannot understand how Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Gauck can be so totally ignorant. They are completely naïve!

Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Gauck – whose interests do they represent? European interests…?

Vaclav Klaus: This is definitely not the case! To that I have to add something. Often you hear from the politicians that “the Europeans” want this and “the Europeans” want that. But there is no “one type of European citizen”. This is a false identity and I hope I never used this term. Instead of the one type of European we see various types of people in Europe. I myself am living in Europe, I am a citizen of Prague, a citizen of the Czech Republic, a citizen of Middle Europe – that is primarily important. The identity with Europe is secondary. I would be 100 percent for a Europe of strong nation states. I disapprove any form of “political correctness” and this is true since my time as President of the Republic and as Minister President.

Whose goal is it to have a centralized European Super State?

Vaclav Klaus: First of all, naive European politicians have this in mind, and further, less naïve political commissioners. On the other hand, I am sure that the U.S. has a hand in this game. Henry Kissinger asked 45 years ago, “Who do I call if I want to speak to Europe?” For the U.S., it would be complicated to deal with 30 single nations individually. That’s why it’s much more convenient for them to address its demands and wishes to one supranational European institution and channel Europe in a certain direction.

Do you think that the Russian military engagement in Syria has a stabilizing effect on the flow of Syrian refugees?

Vaclav Klaus: At the beginning of the so-called Syrian civil war, there were millions of refugees who stayed in Middle East and Turkey. What’s “different” from that right now? The massive flow of refugees coming to Europe. This statement may sound trivial, but I am convinced that this flood of refugees is not by accident and I am convinced there is a master plan behind it. Why is this happening right now and not years before? Who has invited these people? Who has forced and motivated these people to move towards Europe right now? These disturbing events have nothing to do with the Russian engagement in Syria.

But if this is true – who is to blame for the flood of refugees?

Vaclav Klaus: Why don’t you pose this question to Ms Merkel or Mr Gauck…?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

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Erdogan’s Strikes in the Dark and Russia’s Thousand Stings


Russia knows well why Turkey shot down one of its warplanes in hot pursuit. Like Saudi Arabia, the emirate minions and Israel, Turkey of course has been losing its most prized pieces inside Syria–an assortment of the most violent jihadi and ultranationalist elements. The process may be systematic and limited for now, but the losses for the Wahhabi terrorists are truly mind-boggling. Their scale testifies to the vast infrastructure of terror, murder and theft built up with billions of petrodollars.

Until now, the Syro-Russian-Iranian strategy seems to be to secure government-held areas, seal off the borders with Turkey, Jordan and Israel, now that the border with Lebanon is mostly impassable for the terrorists. Sealed in, all the foreign and foreign-controlled terrorist outfits will be more effectively pulled out by their roots.

Russia knows that Turkey simply wanted to complicate its unenviable task in Syria by introducing new, unexpected risks in the sky. But this has not really complicated Russia’s declared first strategic mission to crush Turkey’s pieces and the rest of the foreign Wahhabi presence in Syria. The difference now is that Russia is more determined than ever.

The second goal, in that order, is to ensure proper negotiations take place between the Syrian government and whatever Syrian opposition exists, leaving out the foreign or foreign-controlled outfits around which the West has been dancing. Hence the maneuvering at the Ryadh “opposition” conference to rehabilitate those same Wahhabi terrorists by any means, and the continued demand for the overthrow of the Syrian government, despite the fact that the terrorists are being erased on the battlefield.

The cooperation of some elements of the so-called Free Syria Army with Russia has already begun to produce good results in the fight to dislodge the Wahhabis. This cooperation has extended to coordination on the ground with the Syrian government army itself. In other words, Russia is already wrenching away pieces that the United States to this day pretends are its “allies” and which Britain insists are the fictitious “70,000 troops” ready to assist it against ISIL.

At any rate, Putin has been keen to raise the ante with Turkey with the painful economic sanctions he has so far slapped, a temporary tit-for-tat to make sure nobody fantasizes about the smell of Russian blood and be tempted to repeat Turkey’s “stab in the back.” But hurt Turkey he absolutely will–one step at a time. For starters, he will do it by enabling the Syrian army and the region’s republican forces to crush the Wahhabi terrorist plague in Syria. Further measures will depend on Turkey’s future actions and policy, which apparently are now going off the rails even inside NATO. The Turkish troop-incursion fiasco in Iraq this week is a clear example of desperation.

Then there is the case of Saudi Arabia. It is presently in dire straights in Yemen. Just this week it lost the eighth “Coalition” ship off the coast to Yemeni forces allied to Ansarullah Party led by the Houthis. It is financially exhausted because of this misadventure and diplomatically so isolated that pressure has mounted fast right up to the United Nations Security Council, as we hear today regarding an upcoming discussion of the Yemen. The United States itself has been privately expressing grave concern about the course of its operations.

In hindsight, Saudi Arabia has been planning for decades with Israel to topple every secular republican government and movement, from Syria to Tunisia, in fulfillment of an original plan dreamed up by Britain and France before World War II. For decades, the Saudi monarchy has been on board with that plan to balkanize the Middle East into religio-ethnic enclaves in order to guarantee the survival of the Zionist race colony and to finish with that “troublesome business” of Palestine.

Clearly, Israel is the centerpiece in this unfolding regional drama.

Continuing to trample this wild dream to dust, one that’s more fit for the wild animals, is thus the most effective response that Russia could undertake. This is the same addle-brained balkanization scheme that Bush and his Neocon gang (re: Israel lobby) revived on the pretext of 9-11. But if the United States persists in it, thinking it can redesign the Middle East in its own image, it will go down the tubes even faster than it presently is.

Nothing is going well for either the US or its retrograde allies.

Prof. Anthony F. Shaker, Visiting Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies
McGill University

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Everyman decries immorality
Then there is the case of Saudi Arabia. It is presently in dire straights in Yemen. Just this week it lost the eighth “Coalition” ship off the coast to Yemeni forces allied to Ansarullah Party led by the Houthis. It is financially exhausted because of this misadventure and diplomatically so isolated that pressure has mounted fast right up to the United Nations Security Council, as we hear today regarding an upcoming discussion of the Yemen. The United States itself has been privately expressing grave concern about the course of its operations.

Make that 10 warships sunk followed by a swift retreat of remaining forces:


TEHRAN (FNA)- Yemen's army and popular forces targeted and destroyed two Saudi warships in the waters near Bab al-Mandab Strait on Monday, bringing the number of the Saudi vessels sent down in the waters offshore Yemen to 10.

Other Saudi battleships that were approaching Yemen's coasts retreated fast following the attack.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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The Criminalization of Parliamentary Democracy

Full article at link, well done Prof Michel Chossudovsky!


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, December 11, 2015

Syria is being bombed as part of a “counter-terrorism campaign” allegedly against the Islamic State, an elusive “outside enemy” based in Raqqa, Northern Syria.

While the ISIL is said to be “threatening the Western World”, the evidence confirms that the Islamic State is supported and financed by the Western military alliance, together with Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.  Amply documented, Al Qaeda and its various affiliates including the Islamic State Caliphate Project are creations of Western intelligence.

Moreover, whatever the justification, the bombing of a sovereign country is an illegal and criminal act under international law. It constitutes a war of aggression, namely a crime against the peace under Nuremberg (Principle VI):

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Everyman decries immorality
The fact is, as Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy said; the US has done little to nothing to halt the terror oil trade out of Syria. Russia, by contrast, has destroyed dozens of oil processing facilities and over 1,000 trucks since it began its military intervention less than two months ago – wholesale damage that has cut terror smuggling revenues by 50 percent, according to the Russian military.

Now that Russia has presented a damning picture of how Islamic State and other jihadist terror groups have been financing their terror campaign in Syria a ball of questions is in the US court.

Turkey is a member of the US-led NATO military alliance, the organization supposedly responsible for maintaining security and defense in Europe. Turkey must surely be kicked out of NATO for its role in sponsoring terrorism.
How can France, in particular, remain in the same military alliance with a country that is financing terror groups that were involved in a mass killing on the streets of Paris only three weeks ago?

But Washington and its allies have much more to answer for. Oil convoys heading north into Turkey is just one half of a giant racket, with the other half involving convoys of weapons and jihadists fighters heading south into Syria. US and British military intelligence are implicated in this terror transmission, according to American journalist Seymour Hersh.

The weapons supply from Turkey to terror groups in Syria, with the collusion of Turkish state intelligence, is coming to light with the arrest last week of Turkish journalists who have dared to uncover the state-sponsored oil-for-weapons racket.

Russia’s latest evidence presents a stark choice. The world can now see who is fueling conflict and terrorism in Syria and beyond. Turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism. And other NATO members are also implicated. If legal sanctions do not follow, then we will know, chillingly, that the world has descended into gangsterism and barbarism.
« Last Edit: 2015-12-14, 21:24:54 by evolvingape »

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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Posts: 3055
Qatar Unplugged - How Qatar is aiding The West and
Israel as the game goes on:

Quote from: Analysis

Qatar Unplugged
by Ghassan Kadi

When Qatar received its independence from Britain in 1971, its population was a meagre 100,000. Fifty years or so later, its population has ballooned to nearly 2.2 million, but only 275,000 are actual Qataris. The rest are not migrants, they are not going to be integrated in the population as fully fledged citizens, they are simply hired expats on contracts, performing different tasks, and when they finish their work, they return to their homes.

In the few centuries leading up to its independence, successive Qatari emirs have engaged in fierce battles with rulers of Bahrain and the Wahhabis of Najd (to become later on Saudi Arabia). The Al-Thani family took the throne by the mid nineteenth century, and they continue to do so today.

The peninsula that was marred by regional and tribal conflict was otherwise a quaint pearling centre until oil was discovered in the 1930’s.

When the British declared Qatar as a protectorate, a reciprocal deal was struck between the Qatari rulers and the British, in which Britain wanted to secure safe trade routes whilst the Qataris needed protection from their neighbours and rivals.

The new-found oil wealth might have reduced the need of those warring tribes to continue fighting over limited resources, but their rivalries and hatred towards each other did not go away. As a matter of fact, Qatar refused to join the United Arab Emirates and chose independence instead.

The seemingly united Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is in reality a consortium of ancient enemies who were brought together by common fear over their wealth from would-be invaders. Certainly, over and above their fear of each other, they also fear Iran and this fear goes back to the days of the Shah and beyond, and it is much deeper than a sheer sectarian Sunni-Shiite hatred.

Security has always been a Qatari obsession, and it doesn’t take much research effort to read about the many military conflicts that the Qataris have had with their neighbours. It’s a long story of deception, treachery, distrust, invasions and pillaging. And what is interesting is to note that historically speaking, the Qatari rulers had no qualms seeking protection from friends afar against their local neighbours.

But why would a country, which has never been a true state in its own right till very recently, a so-called nation that has a population that is no bigger than that of a single district of Damascus, Aleppo or Baghdad, why would such a tiny insignificant entity want to be a regional leader? And why would it be so adamant about using Islamist Jihadists to destroy much older and bigger states like Iraq, Libya and Syria?

The more one looks into what Qatar is doing, the question of why it is doing so become less significant. The question changes from why is Qatar doing what it is doing to the question of what Qatar really is.

Qatar is not a nation. It does not have the foundations of a nation. Qatar is not even a state when it has the population of a municipality, and it is definitely not a regional leader.

Qatar ought to be seen for what it is. Qatar is simply a very big and rich company. It is not any different from Shell Oil or BP, with the single difference that it has a UN-given mandate that gives it a seat as a UN member and the legitimacy that comes with it, something that private corporations do not have.

This is on the political scene. On the military scene, Qatar is a much more sinister “company”. In this respect, it is not a Western partner, a colony, a vassal state, an agent state or an ally in strategic military alliance.

Qatar is simply an outpost, a precinct, but not for America as first comes to one’s mind.

The rise of Blackwater Security Company to prominence, a couple of decades ago, raised some eyebrows about the nature of future reliance of rich states on hired security. Qatar most certainly depends on the USA for its defence, just like historically it has depended on Britain. Strategically, it has reciprocated favours with the American “Big Brother” when it offered its soil as a base to launch the attacks on Saddam.

Geopolitically, Qatar has played a big role serving the interests of the same “Big Brother” in Syria. It spent billions on munitions to supply Al-Nusra Front, and other terrorist organizations within Syria. Speaking of Syria, one should not forget the huge role that Qatar played in Libya against Gaddafi.

In both Libya and Syria, the role of Qatar was not restricted to financing revolts, but Qatar has also contributed significantly to the propaganda campaign, using its elaborate Al-Jazeera network to ramp up public anger against both Gaddafi and Assad.

Al-Jazeera has gone to the extent of staging events in Hollywood style productions, creating backgrounds that are similar to iconic places in major Syrian towns and filming scenes of actors dressed up in Syrian Army uniforms performing massacres against civilians.

So once again, how and why would such a small “nation” be so adamant on destroying Syria?

And here’s another big question. America has a major ally in the Arabian Peninsula, and this ally is Saudi Arabia, so why does America need another major ally in the same region? Convenience can be an answer to some situations. For example, when the US needed a base on the ground to attack Iraq, it couldn’t have used Saudi soil (being Muslim holy ground) without angering the Muslim street to an extreme, so Qatar was a handy religiously-neutral ground. By why does the US need Qatar in the fight against Syria? And why would America continue to intimidate its Saudi friends by appeasing their Qatari rivals?

A closer analysis clearly shows that Saudi and Qatari policies in Syria have had many congruencies, but some stark differences as well. In Egypt, The Qataris supported the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi and the Saudis did not. In as much that they both sponsored all terrorist organizations, Saudi Arabia primarily backed the “Free Syria Army” (FSA), The Army of Islam and other minor organizations, whilst Qatar was the main backer of Al-Nusra Front and what later became ISIS.

The polarization of Qatar with Turkey forming an MB-based front against Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi-Salafist front became more obvious when Qatar absconded and refused to attend GCC meetings. Needless to say that the major leadership rival for Saudi Arabia is the Sunni Turkey, not the Shiite Iran.

What is least obvious behind the Turkish-backed support of Qatar is the silent partner; Israel. Now, after the downing of the Su-24, Erdogan wants to build a military base in Qatar. How odd indeed? Why does Turkey need a base in Qatar? And how would America allow having a non-American base in Qatar?

Perhaps the question becomes easier to answer if we ask it in a different manner; if we ask who is it that really needs a military base in Qatar? Again, the only non-Qatari party that would love to have a base in Qatar is none but Israel.

It is easy to allow imagination to fly and go astray, but given the American-Iranian nuclear deal, any Israeli attack on Iran needs a launch pad that is close enough to Tehran, and you cannot get much closer than Qatar. Is the proposed Turkish base in Qatar going to be a disguised Israeli base? This is not a far-fetched speculation.

The relationship between Qatar and Israel is weird, unique, and perhaps the first of its kind. Qatar is not hiring Israel for a fee per se. Israel is protecting the “company” of Qatar and using its UN state membership status to legitimize actions that can only be sanctioned by states; a new type of warfare that not even Blackwater is capable of doing.

Qatar is neither a nation nor a state. It is a major corporation like Haliburton. It has a UN-given guise of a state, but it is a corporation that seeks survival and in doing so, it has contracted its security to Israel. Strategically and geopolitically, Qatar is an extension of Israel in the Gulf, an Israeli outpost and precinct. Its aspirations for regional leadership are just a façade created to hide its actual substance and to mislead observers from what it really is.

A clan with 200,000 subjects who need 2 million foreign expats to look after them, ten expats for each national, in order to make sure that water and hospitals are running, there is food on the supermarket shelves, and teachers are there to teach their children, is not by any measure a regional leader, a self-respecting nation, let alone a nation. A tribe is perhaps a good description of Qatar, but the word “company” hits the nail on the head.

The Al-Thani clan, the owners of the “company” aka Qatar, have gone the full circle. They are back on the track of their treacherous predecessors who were prepared to sign off to the devil in order to guarantee their security. This is exactly what the current Qatari royals are doing with Israel, and the best protection Qatar can get from Israel is by covertly striking a deal with Israel in which Qatar is rendered a military Israeli outpost.

Every other action Qatar does that is not directly related to its security, is simply a cover up and a diversion.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 571
This will make it easier for those who are interested in actually finding out the truth about islam but don't have a koran handy.


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
Qatar Unplugged - How Qatar is aiding The West and
Israel as the game goes on:

Eric has created a new ripple here, the concept of private sovereign countries masking a powerful occupying army of conquest, is not being discussed publicly.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
It might also be a good idea to examine the TRUTH
about the State of Israel.  Remember Palestine?

Quote from: Article
Brutal occupation, land confiscations, the carnage in Gaza, phosphorous bombs, blockades, generations of refugees, the settlers’ binge killing sprees of Palestinians… evidently we’re okay with it all; none of what happens in Palestine offends our slumbering conscience and human sensibilities which seem to awaken with fervent urgency the minute terrorism hits a Western capital, for in moments of “blowback”, terrorism and counter-terrorism; everything is relegated to triviality and irrelevance, and no one even dares mention the Israeli occupation of Palestine; that other decades-old brand of terrorism which manages to cloak itself as a mere “territorial dispute” between the Israelis and the decrepit Palestinian Authority.
Nobody wants the people of Palestine to revolt, protest or even disturb the Israeli occupation with a mere stone’s throw at its unrelenting apparatus of death, torture and destruction; everyone wants (and expects of) the Palestinians to hopelessly cower behind the bullet-ridden walls of their overcrowded, half-demolished homes, heads down to their bellies and surrender themselves to a bleak reality of living as sub-humans, stripped off their most basic rights, under an apartheid regime where arbitrary arrests and summary executions are the orders of the day, unless, of course, they’re torched alive along with their loved ones in the safety of their own bedrooms by state-sponsored, swarming gangs of Zionist settlers.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
It might also be a good idea to examine the TRUTH
about the State of Israel.  Remember Palestine?

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Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Mesopotamian campaign


The Mesopotamian campaign was a campaign in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I fought between the Allies represented by the British Empire, mostly troops from the Indian Empire and Australia, and the Central Powers, mostly of the Ottoman Empire.


The Ottoman Empire had conquered the region in the early 16th century, but never fully gained complete control over the area. Regional pockets of Ottoman control through local proxy rulers maintained the Ottoman's reach throughout Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). With the turn of the 19th century came reforms. Work began on a Baghdad Railway in 1888; by 1915 it had only four gaps, and travel time from Istanbul to Baghdad had fallen to 21 days.

The Anglo-Persian Oil Company had obtained exclusive rights to petroleum deposits throughout the Persian Empire, except in the provinces of Azerbaijan, Ghilan, Mazendaran, Asdrabad, and Khorasan.[4] In 1914, before the war, the British government had contracted with the company for oil for the navy.[4] Kuwait was another strategic factor for the British.

The operational area of the Mesopotamian campaign was limited to the lands watered by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. The main challenge was moving the supplies and troops through the swamps and deserts which surrounded the area of conflict.

Shortly after the European war started, the British sent a military force to protect Abadan, the site of one of the world's earliest oil refineries. British operational planning included landing troops in the Shatt-al-Arab. The reinforced 6th (Poona) Division from the British Indian Army was assigned, designated as Indian Expeditionary Force D (IEFD).

Another reason for British effort in Mesopotamia, especially in the minds of politicians like Austen Chamberlain (Secretary of State for India) and former Viceroy Lord Curzon, was to maintain British prestige with Indian Muslim opinion, and at first it was run by the India Office and Indian Army with little input from the War Office.[5]

The Ottoman Fourth Army was located in the region. The army was composed of two corps, the XII Corps with 35th and 36th Divisions at Mosul and XIII Corps with the 37th and 38th Divisions at Baghdad.

On 29 October 1914, after the Pursuit of Goeben and Breslau, Breslau bombarded the Black Sea port of Theodosia. On 30 October the High Command in Istanbul changed the force distribution. On 2 November Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha expressed regret to the Allies for the operations of the navy. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Sazonov said it was too late and Russia considered this raid as an act of war. The Cabinet tried to explain that hostilities were begun without its sanction by German officers serving in the navy. The Allies insisted on reparations to Russia, the dismissal of German officers from the Goeben and Breslau, and the internment of the German ships until the end of the war. But before the Ottoman government responded Great Britain and France declared war on the Ottoman Empire on 5 November. The Ottoman Committee of Union and Progress's official Declaration of War came on 14 November.[6]

When the Caucasus Campaign became a reality with the Bergmann Offensive, Enver Pasha sent the 37th Division and the XIII Corps Headquarters to the Caucasus in support of the Third Army. The entire XII Corps was deployed to the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. The Fourth Army Headquarters was sent to Syria, to replace the Second Army Headquarters which went to Istanbul. In place of the Fourth Army was "Iraq Area Command" with only the 38th Division under its command.[7]

Mesopotamia was a low priority area for the Ottomans, and they did not expect any major action in this region. Regiments of the XII and XIII Corps were maintained at low levels in peacetime. Lieutenant Colonel Süleyman Askerî Bey became the commander. He redeployed portions of the 38th Division at the mouth of Shatt-al-Arab. The rest of the defensive force was stationed in Basra. The Ottoman General Staff did not even possess a proper map of Mesopotamia. They tried to draw a map with the help of some people who used to work in Iraq before the war, although this attempt failed. Enver Pasha bought two German maps scaled 1/1,500,000.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
For those who may have difficulty finding the page:

Quote from: Remember Palestine
Op-Ed By Ahmad Barqawi

Maybe we’ve just grown tired of the Palestinian cause; maybe Palestine has lost its “revolutionary” luster after the hellish season that was the “Arab Spring”, in favor of “nobler” and more urgent matters in the Arab World, like chasing the Houthis out of the Yemeni capital for instance or liberating Syria from the “Alawite” occupation, according to GGC-media that is.

Maybe it’s the fact that the Palestinian issue cannot be maneuvered into yet another frontline for the Sunni-vs-Shia conflict, or maybe we’ve just become so brand oriented and media-hyped that we constantly need a glittery tagline to identify every little event that occurs in the region, otherwise it’s forgotten or cast as an insignificance not worthy of our already short-tempered attention; maybe it’s the fact that we’ve become so antipathetic towards anything that no longer has a face, a name or at least a catch phrase when we’re still wrapped up in a pointless debate on whether what is currently happening in Palestine qualifies a Third Intifada or not (and if you’re watching Western- or GCC-funded media: it’s no more than rising “tension” in the West Bank).

Brutal occupation, land confiscations, the carnage in Gaza, phosphorous bombs, blockades, generations of refugees, the settlers’ binge killing sprees of Palestinians… evidently we’re okay with it all; none of what happens in Palestine offends our slumbering conscience and human sensibilities which seem to awaken with fervent urgency the minute terrorism hits a Western capital, for in moments of “blowback”, terrorism and counter-terrorism; everything is relegated to triviality and irrelevance, and no one even dares mention the Israeli occupation of Palestine; that other decades-old brand of terrorism which manages to cloak itself as a mere “territorial dispute” between the Israelis and the decrepit Palestinian Authority.

In fact, if the Arab world has spoken, the message is loud, clear and unequivocal: Palestine can wait. And the Palestinians, whether living in the squalid rubble of what used to be their homes in Gaza on a strict, Israeli preset calorie allowance or those disappeared into the black hole of indefinite detention and torture that is the Israeli prison system, will have to stick it out in a wretched, terror-ridden existence till they get their own mainstream media headlines, 24-hour live coverage, hashtags or “safety checks” (as if the concept of safety is strictly reserved to and monopolized for the benefit of white European victims).

Nobody wants the people of Palestine to revolt, protest or even disturb the Israeli occupation with a mere stone’s throw at its unrelenting apparatus of death, torture and destruction; everyone wants (and expects of) the Palestinians to hopelessly cower behind the bullet-ridden walls of their overcrowded, half-demolished homes, heads down to their bellies and surrender themselves to a bleak reality of living as sub-humans, stripped off their most basic rights, under an apartheid regime where arbitrary arrests and summary executions are the orders of the day, unless, of course, they’re torched alive along with their loved ones in the safety of their own bedrooms by state-sponsored, swarming gangs of Zionist settlers.

Every time the hope-deprived Palestinians attempt to rise against the occupation, it is much to the bitter chagrin of the GCC club and its allies; for fear it might steal the “thunder” away from their unholy crusade against the people of Yemen and Syria, and manage to yet again expose the depths of their own hypocrisy and hyperbolic macho rhetoric that passes for foreign policy when it comes to Iran and the “Shiite threat”.

But the Palestinians are not ones to cower in submission, they rose up against their occupiers again just like they’ve done countless of times before… only this time armed with knives and screwdrivers of all things, which only speaks volumes about our own complicity and chronic state of apathy towards the Palestinians and their ongoing plight; the fact that the Palestinians had to resort to kitchen utensils to defend themselves against the disproportionate military might of Israel while only a few kilometers away all manners of sophisticated weapons and multi-million dollar bombs are being recklessly dropped by the “Arabs” themselves on the poorest civilian Arab population in Yemen is both a profound indictment and a glaring testament to the rotten state of affairs that the Arab world has sunk itself into.

Evidently the Arab World is just too busy with its own frivolous sectarian wars and internal bloodletting to bother with the “annoyance” that Palestine has become to some of its Arab brethren, the Arab World is too preoccupied with its own self-inflected cleansing of religious and ethnic minorities to even notice the decades-old, ongoing-still (albeit at an accelerating pace) ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own homeland, and we’ve become too enamored with the notion of (re)partitioning the Arab world along sectarian frontlines to worry about the wholesale land annexation and systematic bantustanization of Palestine. I guess Mark Sykes and François Picot weren’t cynical (or in their case; optimistic) enough when they reworked the map of the region in 1916 into vying, hopelessly disconnected western spheres of influence.

For Arab Governments; the Israeli Occupation of Palestine was never a priority, and the sorry lot of Arab leaders and ruling politicians right from the years of Egypt’s Anwar Al Sadat onwards were never serious about challenging the Zionist colonial project, nonetheless paying a lip service to the Palestinian cause at least used to be a mainstay within Arab political discourse, if anything but to get a tinge of legitimacy and pacify an emotionally charged Arab public that was still attached to the central issue that was Palestine at the time.

Alas, nowadays; Palestine is totally forgotten and deliberately sidelined, especially (and most lamentably) on a public level, for it doesn’t fit the strict sectarian brackets through which almost everything seems to be seen, dissected and understood in the region, it no longer fits our current post-Arab spring reality of chronic sub-divisions and religious fanaticism. Our priorities have been drastically reshuffled, altered beyond recognition and reconfigured to best suit the west’s parasitic agenda in our region, and Palestine was thus swiftly pushed down right to the very bottom of that list.

The word “Occupation” is no longer associated with Israel, today it is solely (and excessively) used in the misleading context of the so-called “Iranian influence in the Arab World”, which, for all intents and purposes, is but a direct reference to the centuries’ old presence of indigenous Shiite populations in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

Every little war and military misadventure in the Arab World is a “Holy War”, especially if it’s one that is (generously) funded by the GCC club; except for Palestine… it’s a peace process there, and an endless one at that; never mind the daily massacres, home demolitions and mass arrests which have all become fixed components of every Palestinian’s life, or the fact that Gaza has become one giant killing field and a testing ground for the latest in Israel’s arsenal of internationally banned weapons and chemical munitions, when it comes to Palestine; we’re all proponents of peaceful resolutions, passivity and none-violence.

Billions of dollars are being recklessly spent on the futile “Operation: Assad Must Go!” enterprise in Syria by the GCC; a fraction of which is more than capable of (literally) buying Palestinian lands’ way to freedom from the clutches of the Zionist settler colonial project; not to mention, god forbid, supporting the Palestinians in their struggle against the occupation instead of splurging on throat-slitting terrorist groups and organizations. Yet not a penny for Palestine.

The Zionist usurpation of Jerusalem Al Quds somehow does not even so much as tickle “Sunni” sentiments among Arabs and Muslims, and the now routine ransacking of Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest shrine, no longer triggers explosive “Sunni” hypersensitivities, let alone militancy, which seem to rage on only at the mere mention of Iran or the Shia sect.

The repeated invasions of refugee camps in the West Bank, the night raids into homes and the kidnapping of Palestinians from their beds and in their sleep, defacing mosques, the desecration of cemeteries, the illegal (albeit lucrative) trafficking of Palestinians’ organs… apparently none of that warrants so-called “Sunni solidarity”, while daily scenes of death, assault and point blank street executions of Palestinian schoolgirls and minors does nothing to shake our newfound “Sunni” moral high ground and obligation.

Only Syrian President Bashar Al Assad (and his entire religious sect) is deserving of our blind hatred and antagonism, along with the Houthis in Yemen, and way before them the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, while Israel’s Benyamin Netanyahu is viewed as the “lesser of the region’s many evils” if not an outright dependable ally; for now the conversion is complete and out in the open; the Zionist Israeli entity is not the enemy of the Arab World; it is Iran, or the Shiite threat, or a bizarre combination thereof… with Russian President Vladimir Putin being the latest arbitrary addition to the convoluted “Shiite crescent” against which we, as Arabs and Muslims, can (or are encouraged to) unleash our innermost militant hostility, unmitigated hatred and religious fervor with a Jihadi abandon to our hearts’ content, even if it meant blowing up a civilian airliner carrying tourists for the sole reason of them being Russians, or targeting a poor neighborhood whose residents just so happen to be of the “wrong” religious sect.

And now that the GCC-controlled Arabsat, the main satellite operator in the Arab World, has suspended the only news channels with half-decent coverage of the Palestinian issue from its broadcast, namely Al Mayadeen and Al Manar TV channels; you are forced to dig deep in the wretched morass of Arabic news websites and media outlets, and carefully wade through a cobweb of anti-Iran/anti-Shia sectarian screed and gutter entertainment journalism to find news even remotely related to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and once you do; it’s just pale and watered down versions of the devastating horrors inflected upon the Palestinians day in and day out by their Israeli captors, reported with a thinly veiled bias for the benefit of the Israeli narrative under the convenient pretext of “journalistic objectivity” at a time when Gulf-funded media coverage of events in Syria, Iraq and Yemen is nothing but sectarian, heavily skewed and laden with lies and fabrications to best suit their political agendas in these countries. If this is not normalization with Israel, I don’t know what is.

Who said that you have to have open embassies and ambassadors to have normalized relations? The Arab world at the moment is at the height of its normalization with Israel, be it politically, culturally, athletically and yes even militarily; the Zionist regime is, for all intents and purposes, fully recognized in the Arab world while work is afoot to delegitimize every single regime (Syria, Iran) and organization (Hizbollah) that opposes Israel.

After zealously stampeding all over Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, always leaving a scorched path of failed states and societies on the verge of sectarian fracture in its devastating wake; the GCC club’s newfound (albeit disingenuous and overtly sectarian) drive for so-called democracy and (Sunni) human rights stops dead right at the Israeli Occupation’s (illegally usurped) doorstep; while a handful of Arab countries are swiftly given the full “Operation: Regime Change” treatment in all its gory splendor courtesy of the GCC club and it’s western patrons, for Israel; it is decidedly “regime unchanged”… sustained, and unabashedly allied with.

Evidently Palestine can wait… until the Arab World is done with its endless wars, infighting and purification of minorities and “infidels”. Palestine, with all its martyrs, its displaced population (in and out of Israeli torture chambers), its malnourished people in Gaza, its burnt olive groves and its torched toddlers, its cities and towns, those razed and those on the verge of extinction courtesy of Israeli bulldozers, its vanishing historical landscape and disappearing heritage, can wait until the Arab world settles a 1,400 year-old religious score that has already turned the clock back on the entire region way past and beyond that point in our history.

The Palestinians are alone in this, as they have always been. Their current revolution (of kitchen knives) has so far been disavowed and misreported in a media that seems to only revere and lionize sectarian, head-chopping backward movements on GCC-funded, bought and paid for suicide missions to further dismantle the Arab World into feuding mini statelets only for the benefit of the imperial West and of course Israel.

You won’t hear any of those fiery Fatwas, religious sermons and “Calls to Jihadi-Arms” when it comes to Palestine. Evidently these Fatwas, essentially nothing more than an insidious recruitment ploy and an open casting call for aspiring terrorists to join in the fight against any “infidel” government that the chronically delusional GCC club deems “threatening”, are reserved solely to counter the imaginary “Shiite threat” … and now Russia as well.

You won’t see hordes of trigger-happy volunteer fighters, clad in black, flocking en masse, from all four corners of the earth over to Palestine to fight alongside a beleaguered population against an occupying power.

God forbid we see convoys of brand new Toyota matching trucks stretching as far as the eye can see, juggernauting their way through Israeli checkpoints, liberating Palestinian lands from (infidel?) illegal settlers whose only sport of choice is torching Palestinians, young and old, alive. Only endless convoys of bare-chested martyrs and shackled prisoners and underage detainees with defiant smiles on their faces in Palestine.

Left to their own primitive devices, the Palestinians won’t be showered with hundreds of millions of petro-dollars, weapons, munitions, rampant military aid and unbridled diplomatic support of the kind that has been thrown into the Al-Qaeda-run regime change enterprise in Syria. They, instead, are forced to rummage through their own kitchens, houses and streets for a rusty old knife, screwdriver or a block of rock to defend themselves at the likely risk- nay, the certainty- of being summarily executed, lynched and quartered amid manic chants of “Death to Arabs”; a gruesome fate which is not much different in any way shape or form from what awaits the entire Palestinian population living daily under Israeli occupation, where for the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces, including settlers), it’s not even a policy “shoot first ask questions later”, it is “empty your shotgun’s magazine into the chests of Palestinian civilians first, curse, insult, stampede on and kick their blood-soaked motionless bodies to the curb later”.

In a way, the Palestinians are returning the countless of knives they’ve been backstabbed, front-stabbed and gutted with, time and again, by the so-called International community, Western governments and (especially) Arab governments over the course of more than 67 years, right into the hearts of their own occupiers (assuming of course that the colonial, illegal settler entity that is Israel does indeed have a heart).

It is true that, for the Arab World, Palestine can always wait; but Palestine is no longer waiting for the Arabs to lend a helping hand.

Ahmad Barqawi is a freelance columnist and writer

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
A Special Relationship:  U.S. is teaming up with Al Qaeda again.
The Game in the Middle East has been going on for a long, long

With the exception of the author's report on 9/11 and on the
death of Usama bin Laden, the intelligence is reasonably good.

Quote from: Article
A Special Relationship: The US Is Teaming up With Al Qaeda, Again
Marko Marjanovich 13 hours ago
[Old habits die hard]

Originally appeared at Harper's Magazine

One morning early in 1988, Ed McWilliams, a foreign-service officer posted to the American Embassy in Kabul, heard the thump of a massive explosion from somewhere on the other side of the city. It was more than eight years after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, and the embassy was a tiny enclave with only a handful of diplomats. McWilliams, a former Army intelligence operative, had made it his business to venture as much as possible into the Soviet-occupied capital. Now he set out to see what had happened.

It was obviously something big: although the explosion had taken place on the other side of Sher Darwaza, a mountain in the center of Kabul, McWilliams had heard it clearly. After negotiating a maze of narrow streets on the south side of the city, he found the site. A massive car bomb, designed to kill as many civilians as possible, had been detonated in a neighborhood full of Hazaras, a much-persecuted minority.

McWilliams took pictures of the devastation, headed back to the embassy, and sent a report to Washington. It was very badly received — not because someone had launched a terrorist attack against Afghan civilians, but because McWilliams had reported it. The bomb, it turned out, had been the work of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the mujahedeen commander who received more CIA money and support than any other leader of the Afghan rebellion. The attack, the first of many, was part of a CIA-blessed scheme to “put pressure” on the Soviet presence in Kabul. Informing the Washington bureaucracy that Hekmatyar’s explosives were being deployed to kill civilians was therefore entirely unwelcome.

“Those were Gulbuddin’s bombs,” McWilliams, a Rhode Islander with a gift for laconic understatement, told me recently. “He was supposed to get the credit for this.” In the meantime, the former diplomat recalled, the CIA pressured him to “report a little less specifically about the humanitarian consequences of those vehicle bombs.”

I tracked down McWilliams, now retired to the remote mountains of southern New Mexico, because the extremist Islamist groups currently operating in Syria and Iraq called to mind the extremist Islamist groups whom we lavishly supported in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Hekmatyar, with his documented fondness for throwing acid in women’s faces, would have had nothing to learn from Al Qaeda. When a courageous ABC News team led by my wife, Leslie Cockburn, interviewed him in 1993, he had beheaded half a dozen people earlier that day. Later, he killed their translator.

In the wake of 9/11, the story of U.S. support for militant Islamists against the Soviets became something of a touchy subject. Former CIA and intelligence officials like to suggest that the agency simply played the roles of financier and quartermaster. In this version of events, the dirty work — the actual management of the campaign and the dealings with rebel groups — was left to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). It was Pakistan’s fault that at least 70 percent of total U.S. aid went to the fundamentalists, even if the CIA demanded audited accounts on a regular basis.

The beneficiaries, however, have not always been content to play along with the official story. Asked by the ABC News team whether he remembered Charlie Wilson, the Texas congressman later immortalized in print and onscreen as the patron saint of the mujahedeen, Hekmatyar fondly recalled that “he was a good friend. He was all the time supporting our jihad.” Others expressed the same point in a different way. Abdul Haq, a mujahedeen commander who might today be described as a “moderate rebel,” complained loudly during and after the Soviet war in Afghanistan about American policy. The CIA “would come with a big load of ammunition and money and supplies to these [fundamentalist] groups. We would tell them, ‘What the hell is going on? You are creating a monster in this country.’ ”

American veterans of the operation, at the time the largest in CIA history, have mostly stuck to the mantra that it was a Pakistani show. Only occasionally have officials let slip that the support for fundamentalists was a matter of cold-blooded calculation. Robert Oakley, a leading player in the Afghan effort as ambassador to Pakistan from 1988 to 1991, later remarked, “If you mix Islam with politics, you have a much more potent explosive brew, and that was quite successful in getting the Soviets out of Afghanistan.”

In fact, the CIA had been backing Afghan Islamists well before the Russians invaded the country in December 1979. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national-security adviser, later boasted to Le Nouvel Observateur that the president had “signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul” six monthsprior to the invasion. “And that very day,” Brzezinski recalled, “I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.” The war that inevitably followed killed a million Afghans.

Other presumptions proved to be less accurate, including a misplaced faith in the martial prowess of our fundamentalist clients. As it turned out, the Islamists were really not the ferocious anti-Soviet warriors their backers claimed them to be. McWilliams, who left Kabul in 1988 to become special envoy to the Afghan rebels, recalled that Hekmatyar was more interested in using his U.S.-supplied arsenal on rival warlords. (On occasion, he tortured them as well — another fact the envoy was “discouraged” from reporting.) “Hekmatyar was a great fighter,” McWilliams remembered, “but not necessarily with the Soviets.”

Even after the Russians left, in February 1989, the agency’s favorite Afghan showed himself incapable of toppling the Soviet-supported regime of Mohammad Najibullah. Hekmatyar’s attack on the key city of Jalalabad, for example, was an embarrassing failure. “Oakley bragged in the weeks leading up to this offensive [that] it was going to be a great success,” said McWilliams, who had passed on warnings from Abdul Haq and others that the plan was foolhardy, only to be told, “We got this locked up.” To his disgust, the Pakistani and American intelligence officials overseeing the operation swelled its ranks with youthful cannon fodder. “What they wound up doing was emptying the refugee camps,” McWilliams told me. “It was a last-ditch effort to throw these sixteen-year-old boys into the fight in order to keep this thing going. It did not work.” Thousands died.

Anxious as they might have been to obscure the true nature of their relationship with unappealing Afghans like Hekmatyar, U.S. officials were even more careful when it came to the Arab fundamentalists who flocked to the war in Afghanistan and later embarked on global jihad as Al Qaeda. No one could deny that they had been there, but their possible connection to the CIA became an increasingly delicate subject as Al Qaeda made its presence felt in the 1990s. The official line — that the United States had kept its distance from the Arab mujahedeen — was best expressed by Robert Gates, who became director of the CIA in 1991. When the agency first learned of the jihadi recruits pouring into Afghanistan from across the Arab world, he later wrote, “We examined ways to increase their participation, perhaps in the form of some sort of ‘international brigade,’ but nothing came of it.”

The reality was otherwise. The United States was intimately involved in the enlistment of these volunteers — indeed, many of them were signed up through a network of recruiting offices in this country. The guiding light in this effort was a charismatic Palestinian cleric, Abdullah Azzam, who founded Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), also known as the Afghan Services Bureau, in 1984, to raise money and recruits for jihad. He was assisted by a wealthy young Saudi, Osama bin Laden. The headquarters for the U.S. arm of the operation was in Brooklyn, at the Al-Kifah Refugee Center on Atlantic Avenue, which Azzam invariably visited when touring mosques and universities across the country.

“You have to put it in context,” argued Ali Soufan, a former FBI agent and counterterrorism expert who has done much to expose the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program. “Throughout most of the 1980s, the jihad in Afghanistan was something supported by this country. The recruitment among Muslims here in America was in the open. Azzam officially visited the United States, and he went from mosque to mosque — they recruited many people to fight in Afghanistan under that banner.”

American involvement with Azzam’s organization went well beyond laissez-faire indulgence. “We encouraged the recruitment of not only Saudis but Palestinians and Lebanese and a great variety of combatants, who would basically go to Afghanistan to perform jihad,” McWilliams insisted. “This was part of the CIA plan. This was part of the game.”

The Saudis, of course, had been an integral part of the anti-Soviet campaign from the beginning. According to one former CIA official closely involved in the Afghanistan operation, Saudi Arabia supplied 40 percent of the budget for the rebels. The official said that William Casey, who ran the CIA under Ronald Reagan, “would fly to Riyadh every year for what he called his ‘annual hajj’ to ask for the money. Eventually, after a lot of talk, the king would say okay, but then we would have to sit and listen politely to all their incredibly stupid ideas about how to fight the war.”

Despite such comments, it would seem that the U.S. and Saudi strategies did not differ all that much, especially when it came to routing money to the most extreme fundamentalist factions. Fighting the Soviets was only part of the ultimate goal. The Egyptian preacher Abu Hamza, now serving a life sentence on terrorism charges, visited Saudi Arabia in 1986, and later recalled the constant public injunctions to join the jihad: “You have to go, you have to join, leave your schools, leave your family.” The whole Afghanistan enterprise, he explained, “was meant to actually divert people from the problems in their own country.” It was “like a pressure-cooker vent. If you keep [the cooker] all sealed up, it will blow up in your face, so you have to design a vent, and this Afghan jihad was the vent.”

Soufan agreed with this analysis. “I think it’s not fair to only blame the CIA,” he told me. “Egypt was happy to get rid of a lot of these guys and have them go to Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia was very happy to do that, too.” As he pointed out, Islamic fundamentalists were already striking these regimes at home: in November 1979, for example, Wahhabi extremists had stormed the Grand Mosque in Mecca. The subsequent siege left hundreds dead.

Within a few short years, however, the sponsoring governments began to recognize a flaw in the scheme: the vent was two-way. I heard this point most vividly expressed in 1994, at a dinner party on a yacht cruising down the Nile. The wealthy host had deemed it safer to be waterborne owing to a vigorous terror campaign by Egyptian jihadists. At the party, this defensive tactic elicited a vehement comment from Osama El-Baz, a senior security adviser to Hosni Mubarak. “It’s all the fault of those stupid bastards at the CIA,” he said, as the lights of Cairo drifted by. “They trained these people, kept them in being after the Russians left, and now we get this.”

According to El-Baz, MAK had been maintained after the Afghan conflict for future deployment against Iran. Its funding, he insisted, came from the Saudis and the CIA. A portion of that money had been parked at the Al-Kifah office in Brooklyn, under the supervision of one of Azzam’s acolytes — until the custodian was himself murdered, possibly by adherents of a rival jihadi. (Soufan confirmed the murder story, stating that the sum in question was about $100,000.)

A year before my conversation with El-Baz, in fact, the United States had already been confronted with the two-way vent. In 1993, a bomb in the basement of one of the World Trade Center towers killed six people. (The bombers had hoped to bring down both structures and kill many thousands.) A leading member of the plot was Mahmud Abouhalima, an Afghanistan veteran who had worked for years at the recruiting center in Brooklyn. Another of Azzam’s disciples, however, proved to be a much bigger problem: Osama bin Laden, who now commanded the loyalty of the Arab mujahedeen recruited by his mentor.

In 1996, the CIA set up a special unit to track down bin Laden, led by the counterterrorism expert Michael Scheuer. Now settled in Afghanistan, the Al Qaeda chief had at least theoretically fallen out with the Saudi regime that once supported him and other anti-Soviet jihadis. Nevertheless, bin Laden seemed to have maintained links with his homeland — and some in the CIA were sensitive to that fact. When I interviewed Scheuer in 2014 for my book Kill Chain, he told me that one of his first requests to the Saudis was for routine information about his quarry: birth certificate, financial records, and so forth. There was no response. Repeated requests produced nothing. Ultimately, a message arrived from the CIA station chief in Riyadh, John Brennan, who ordered the requests to stop — they were “upsetting the Saudis.”

Five years later, Al Qaeda, employing a largely Saudi suicide squad, destroyed the World Trade Center. In a sane world, this disaster might have permanently ended Washington’s long-standing taste for mixing Islam with politics. But old habits die hard.

In the spring and summer of last year, a coalition of Syrian rebel groups calling itself Jaish al-Fatah — the Army of Conquest — swept through the northwestern province of Idlib, posing a serious threat to the Assad regime. Leading the charge was Al Qaeda’s Syrian branch, known locally as Jabhat al-Nusra (the Nusra Front). The other major component of the coalition was Ahrar al-Sham, a group that had formed early in the anti-Assad uprising and looked for inspiration to none other than Abdullah Azzam. Following the victory, Nusra massacred twenty members of the Druze faith, considered heretical by fundamentalists, and forced the remaining Druze to convert to Sunni Islam. (The Christian population of the area had wisely fled.) Ahrar al-Sham meanwhile posted videos of the public floggings it administered to those caught skipping Friday prayers.

This potent alliance of jihadi militias had been formed under the auspices of the rebellion’s major backers: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar. But it also enjoyed the endorsement of two other major players. At the beginning of the year, Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had ordered his followers to cooperate with other groups. In March, according to several sources, a U.S.-Turkish-Saudi “coordination room” in southern Turkey had also ordered the rebel groups it was supplying to cooperate with Jaish al-Fatah. The groups, in other words, would be embedded within the Al Qaeda coalition.

A few months before the Idlib offensive, a member of one CIA-backed group had explained the true nature of its relationship to the Al Qaeda franchise. Nusra, he told the New York Times, allowed militias vetted by the United States to appear independent, so that they would continue to receive American supplies. When I asked a former White House official involved in Syria policy if this was not a de facto alliance, he put it this way: “I would not say that Al Qaeda is our ally, but a turnover of weapons is probably unavoidable. I’m fatalistic about that. It’s going to happen.”

Earlier in the Syrian war, U.S. officials had at least maintained the pretense that weapons were being funneled only to so-called moderate opposition groups. But in 2014, in a speech at Harvard, Vice President Joe Biden confirmed that we were arming extremists once again, although he was careful to pin the blame on America’s allies in the region, whom he denounced as “our largest problem in Syria.” In response to a student’s question, he volunteered that our allies were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do? They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.

Biden’s explanation was entirely reminiscent of official excuses for the arming of fundamentalists in Afghanistan during the 1980s, which maintained that the Pakistanis had total control of the distribution of U.S.-supplied weapons and that the CIA was incapable of intervening when most of those weapons ended up with the likes of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Asked why the United States of America was supposedly powerless to stop nations like Qatar, population 2.19 million, from pouring arms into the arsenals of Nusra and similar groups, a former adviser to one of the Gulf States replied softly: “They didn’t want to.”

he Syrian war, which has to date killed upwards of 200,000 people, grew out of peaceful protests in March 2011, a time when similar movements were sweeping other Arab countries. For the Obama Administration, the tumultuous upsurge was welcome. It appeared to represent the final defeat of Al Qaeda and radical jihadism, a view duly reflected in a New York Times headline from that February: as regimes fall in arab world, al qaeda sees history fly by. The president viewed the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011 as his crowning victory. Peter Bergen, CNN’s terrorism pundit, concurred, certifying the Arab Spring and the death of bin Laden as the “final bookends” of the global war on terror.

Al Qaeda, on the other hand, had a different interpretation of the Arab Spring, hailing it as entirely positive for the jihadist cause. Far from obsessing about his own safety, as Obama had suggested, Zawahiri was brimful of optimism. The “tyrants” supported by the United States, he crowed from his unknown headquarters, were seeing their thrones crumble at the same time as “their master” was being defeated. “The Islamic project,” declared Hamid bin Abdullah al-Ali, a Kuwait-based Al Qaeda fund-raiser, would be “the greatest beneficiary from the environment of freedom.”

While the revolutions were ongoing, the Obama Administration settled on “moderate Islam” as the most suitable political option for the emerging Arab democracies — and concluded that the Muslim Brotherhood fitted the bill. This venerable Islamist organization had originally been fostered by the British as a means of countering leftist and nationalist movements in the empire. As British power waned, others, including the CIA and the Saudis, were happy to sponsor the group for the same purpose, unmindful of its long-term agenda. (The Saudis, however, always took care to prevent it from operating within their kingdom.)

The Brotherhood was in fact the ideological ancestor of the most violent Islamist movements of the modern era. Sayyid Qutb, the organization’s moving spirit until he was hanged in Egypt in 1966, served as an inspiration to the young Zawahiri as he embarked on his career in terrorism. Extremists have followed Qutb’s lead in calling for a resurrected caliphate across the Muslim world, along with a return to the premodern customs prescribed by the Prophet.

None of which stopped the Obama Administration from viewing the Brotherhood as a relatively benign purveyor of moderate Islam, not so different from the type on display in Turkey, where the Brotherhood-linked AKP party had presided over what seemed to be a flourishing democracy and a buoyant economy, even if the country’s secular tradition was being rolled back. As Mubarak’s autocracy crumbled in Egypt, American officials actively promoted the local Brotherhood; the U.S. ambassador, Anne Patterson, reportedly held regular meetings with the group’s leadership. “The administration was motivated to show that the U.S. would deal with Islamists,” the former White House official told me, “even though the downside of the Brotherhood was pretty well understood.”

At the same time that it was being cautiously courted by the United States, the Brotherhood enjoyed a firm bond with the stupendously rich ruling clique in Qatar. The tiny country was ever eager to assert its independence in a neighborhood dominated by Saudi Arabia and Iran. While hosting the American military at the vast Al Udeid Air Base outside Doha, the Qataris put decisive financial weight behind what they viewed as the coming force in Arab politics. They were certain, the former White House official told me, “that the future really lay in the hands of the Islamists,” and saw themselves “on the right side of history.”

The Syrian opposition seemed like an ideal candidate for such assistance, especially since Assad had been in the U.S. crosshairs for some time. (The country’s first and only democratically elected government was overthrown by a CIA-instigated coup in 1949 at the behest of American oil interests irked at Syria’s request for better terms on a pipeline deal.) In December 2006, William Roebuck, the political counselor at the American Embassy in Damascus, sent a classified cable to Washington, later released by WikiLeaks, proposing “actions, statements, and signals” that could help destabilize Assad’s regime. Among other recommended initiatives was a campaign, coordinated with the Egyptian and Saudi governments, to pump up existing alarm among Syrian Sunnis about Iranian influence in the country.

Roebuck could count on a receptive audience. A month earlier, Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, testified on Capitol Hill that there was a “new strategic alignment” in the Middle East, separating “extremists” (Iran and Syria) and “reformers” (Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states). Undergirding these diplomatic euphemisms was something more fundamental. Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who returned to Riyadh in 2005 after many years as Saudi ambassador in Washington, had put it bluntly in an earlier conversation with Richard Dearlove, the longtime head of Britain’s MI6. “The time is not far off in the Middle East,” Bandar said, “when it will be literally God help the Shia. More than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough.” The implications were clear. Bandar was talking about destroying the Shiite states of Iran and Iraq, as well as the Alawite (which is to say, Shia-derived) leadership in Syria.

Yet the Saudi rulers were acutely aware of their exposure to reverse-vent syndrome. Their corruption and other irreligious practices repelled the jihadis, who had more than once declared their eagerness to clean house back home. Such fears were obvious to Dearlove when he visited Riyadh with Tony Blair soon after 9/11. As he later recalled, the head of Saudi intelligence shouted at him that the recent attacks in Manhattan and Washington were a “mere pinprick” compared with the havoc the extremists planned to unleash in their own region: “What these terrorists want is to destroy the House of Saud and to remake the Middle East!”

From these statements, Dearlove discerned two powerful (and complementary) impulses in the thinking of the Saudi leadership. First, there could be “no legitimate or admissible challenge to the Islamic purity of their Wahhabi credentials as guardians of Islam’s holiest shrines.” (Their record on head-chopping and the oppression of women was, after all, second to none.) In addition, they were “deeply attracted toward any militancy which can effectively challenge Shia-dom.” Responding to both impulses, Saudi Arabia would reopen the vent. This time, however, the jihad would no longer be against godless Communists but against fellow Muslims, in Syria.

By the beginning of 2012, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and the United States were all heavily involved in supporting the armed rebellion against Assad. In theory, American support for the Free Syrian Army was limited to “nonlethal supplies” from both the State Department and the CIA. Qatar, which had successfully packed the opposition Syrian National Council with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, operated under no such restrictions. A stream of loaded Qatari transport planes took off from Al Udeid and headed to Turkey, whence their lethal cargo was moved into Syria.

“The Qataris were not at all discriminating in who they gave arms to,” the former White House official told me. “They were just dumping stuff to lucky recipients.” Chief among the lucky ones were Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, both of which had benefited from a rebranding strategy instituted by Osama bin Laden. The year before he was killed, bin Laden had complained about the damage that offshoots such as Al Qaeda in Iraq, with its taste for beheadings and similar atrocities, had done to his organization’s image. He directed his media staff to prepare a new strategy that would avoid “everything that would have a negative impact on the perception” of Al Qaeda. Among the rebranding proposals discussed at his Abbottabad compound was the simple expedient of changing the organization’s name. This strategy was gradually implemented for the group’s newer offshoots, allowing Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham to present themselves to the credulous as kinder, gentler Islamists.

The rebranding program was paradoxically assisted by the rise of the Islamic State, a group that had split off from the Al Qaeda organization partly in disagreement over the image-softening exercise enjoined by Zawahiri. Although the Islamic State attracted many defectors and gained territory at the expense of its former Nusra partners, its assiduously cultivated reputation for extreme cruelty made the other groups look humane by comparison. (According to Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, many Nusra members suspect that the Islamic State was created by the Americans “to discredit jihad.”)

Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, driven principally by its virulent enmity toward Iran, Assad’s main supporter, was eager to throw its weight behind the anti-Assad crusade. By December 2012, the CIA was arranging for large quantities of weapons, paid for by the Saudis, to move from Croatia to Jordan to Syria.

“The Saudis preferred to work through us,” explained the former White House official. “They didn’t have an autonomous capability to find weapons. We were the intermediaries, with some control over the distribution. There was an implicit illusion on the part of the U.S. that Saudi weapons were going to groups with some potential for a pro-Western attitude.” This was a curious illusion to entertain, given Saudi Arabia’s grim culture of Wahhabi austerity as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s flat declaration, in a classified cable from 2009, that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”

Some in intelligence circles suspect that such funding is ongoing. “How much Saudi and Qatari money — and I’m not suggesting direct government funding, but I am suggesting maybe a blind eye being turned — is being channeled towards ISIS and reaching it?” Dearlove asked in July 2014. “For ISIS to be able to surge into the Sunni areas of Iraq in the way that it’s done recently has to be the consequence of substantial and sustained funding. Such things simply do not happen spontaneously.” Those on the receiving end of Islamic State attacks tend to agree. Asked what could be done to help Iraq following the group’s lightning assaults in the summer of 2014, an Iraqi diplomat replied: “Bomb Saudi Arabia.”

However the money was flowing, the Saudis certainly ended up crafting their own Islamist coalition. “The Saudis never armed al-Nusra,” recalled the Gulf State adviser. “They made the calculation that there’s going to be an appetite for Islamist-leaning militias. So they formed a rival umbrella army called Jaish al-Islam. That was the Saudi alternative — still Islamist, but not Muslim Brotherhood.”

Given that Jaish al-Islam ultimately answered to Prince Bandar, who became the head of Saudi intelligence in 2012, there did not appear to be a lot of room for Western values in the group’s agenda. Its leader, Zahran Alloush, was the son of a Syrian religious scholar. He talked dutifully about the merits of tolerance to Western reporters, but would revert to such politically incorrect themes as the mass expulsion of Alawites from Damascus when addressing his fellow jihadis. At the same time, Saudi youths have poured into Syria, ready to fight for any extremist group that would have them, even when those groups started fighting among themselves. Noting the huge numbers of young Saudis on the battle lines in Syria, a Saudi talk-show host lamented that “our children are fighting on both sides” — meaning Nusra and the Islamic State. “The Saudis,” he exclaimed, “are killing one another!”

The determination of Turkey (a NATO ally) and Qatar (the host of the biggest American base in the Middle East) to support extreme jihadi groups became starkly evident in late 2013. On December 6, armed fighters from Ahrar al-Sham and other militias raided warehouses at Bab al-Hawa, on the Turkish border, and seized supplies belonging to the Free Syrian Army. As it happened, a meeting of an international coordination group on Syria, the so-called London Eleven, was scheduled for the following week. Delegates from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East were bent on issuing a stern condemnation of the offending jihadi group.

The Turks and Qataris, however, adamantly refused to sign on. As one of the participants told me later, “All the countries in the room [understood] that Turkey’s opposition to listing Ahrar al-Sham was because they were providing support to them.” The Qatari representative insisted that it was counterproductive to condemn such groups as terrorist. If the other countries did so, he made clear, Qatar would stop cooperating on Syria. “Basically, they were saying that if you name terrorists, we’re going to pick up our ball and go home,” the source told me. The U.S. delegate said that the Islamic Front, an umbrella organization, would be welcome at the negotiating table — but Ahrar al-Sham, which happened to be its leading member, would not. The diplomats mulled over their communiqué, traded concessions, adjusted language. The final version contained no condemnation, or even mention, of Ahrar al-Sham.

Two years later, Washington’s capacity for denial in the face of inconvenient facts remains undiminished. Addressing the dominance of extremists in the Syrian opposition, Leon Panetta, a former CIA director, has blamed our earlier failure to arm those elusive moderates. The catastrophic consequences of this very approach in Libya are seldom mentioned. “If we had intervened more swiftly in Syria,” Gartenstein-Ross says, “the best-case scenario probably would have been another Libya. Meaning that we would still be dealing with a collapsed state and spillover into other Middle Eastern states and Europe.”

Even as we have continued our desultory bombing campaign against the Islamic State, Ahrar al-Sham and Nusra are creeping closer and closer to international respectability. A month after the London Eleven meeting, a group of scholars from the Brookings Institution published an op-ed making the case for Ahrar al-Sham: “Designating [the] group as a terrorist organization might backfire by pushing it completely into Al Qaeda’s camp.” (The think tank’s recent receipt of a multiyear, $15 million grant from Qatar was doubtless coincidental.)

Over the past year, other distinguished figures have voiced support for a closer relationship with Al Qaeda’s rebranded extensions. David Petraeus, another former head of the CIA, has argued for arming at least the “more moderate” parts of Nusra. Robert Ford, a former ambassador to Syria and a vociferous supporter of the rebel cause, called on America to “open channels for dialogue” with Ahrar al-Sham, even if its members had on occasion slaughtered some Alawites and desecrated Christian sites. Even Foreign Affairs, an Establishment sounding board, has echoed these notions, suggesting that it was time for the United States to “rethink its policy toward al-Qaeda, particularly its targeting of Zawahiri.”

“Let’s be fair to the CIA,” said Benazir Bhutto, the once and future prime minister of Pakistan, back in 1993, when the consequences of fostering jihad were already becoming painfully clear to its sponsors. “They never knew that these people that they were training to fight Soviets in Afghanistan were one day going to bite the hand that fed them.”

Things are clearer on the ground. Not long ago, far away from the think tanks and briefing rooms where policies are formulated and spun, a small boy in the heart of Nusra territory was telling a filmmaker for Vice News about Osama bin Laden. “He terrified and fought the Americans,” he said reverently. Beside him, his brother, an even smaller child, described his future: “To become a suicide fighter for the sake of God.” A busload of older boys was asked which group they belonged to. “Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda,” they responded cheerfully.
Source URL (retrieved on 12/15/2015 - 22:36): http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/special-relationship-us-teaming-al-qaeda-again/ri11838

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