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2025-03-18, 22:26:13
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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081217 times)

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Since 9/11 America has become very aggressive and
pushes hard for total control of the planet.  With the
programs instituted under Dubya and Obongo surging
forward, anything is possible.

There may have been a time when America wouldn't
have done something like that, but it was a long time
ago.  America, it is now known, started the Spanish-
American War by sinking the Maine in Havana harbor.
America wanted the Philippines and other Spanish
possessions in the Pacific and the Atlantic and took
"false-flag" action to acquire them.

America is good at pretending to be good and
wonderful and "the land of freedom" when in
truth, it is quite the opposite in many ways.

America the Beautiful has been "trance-formed"
into The Ugly America...

You are so full of crap, there are many Americans here on this site and your continual put down of Americans with your lying crap has put me off from saying or sharing anything at this site, and I'm sure many others Americans here feel the same way.  When you finally depart here with your islamic, muslim  BS then this site can take off again, but for now you and others like you hold this place down and keep smart intelligent Americans away from here.  Haven't you realized yet that you and your BS has been outed, almost no one talks to you anymore you never bring anything new to the site, most of what you say doesn't need saying and all your technical posts can be found with a quick search online.  You have not brought anything here except division, mistrust, lies and islamic propaganda. If you are allowed to keep putting down America on this site then I will start posting and putting down islam to a degree that will blow you away, believe me I have a shit load more of bad things to say about islam so maybe it is in your best interest to back off the BS on America.  Why don't you take your crap to some site that wants it and get the hell out of here, you are not impressing anyone with your prowess at electronics or any other subject but I will give you the biggest POS at this site prize.  If you make me speak to you again about this I will begin my vendetta against you and you will not like it. This is an ENERGY site, I ask you once again to stop with the islamic propaganda if not, you and I are going to duke it out! Get me going again and I won't stop this time, I will bury you with the TRUTH.
 Americans are not as stupid as you would have people here believe, just because Europeans believe your stupid BS doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
Born and raised in the good ol' USA and not very proud to be an American.  And no, I'm not going to move someplace else.  I want my country back.

There are millions of Americans having no clue whatsoever what has happened behind closed doors.  I was one of them for forty years.  With some digging and application of pure logic, it has become obvious to me where this is all headed.  Like muDped, I was too a U.S. Navy sailor.  I thought I was doing the right things for the right reasons, then came September 11th, 2001 and none of the pieces fit together any more.  I wanted answers.  I wanted truth.  What I discovered was neither.  I had to go digging.  I had to upset people.  I had to find out what was really behind the BS strewn all over the media.  After about five years, I started to find a few leads.  Dr. Jones was very much a part of that.

Yes, this a site dedicated to energy research and I can assure you we all would be much further along if it weren't for the truth being buried.  There are those that know the truth, but getting access to them and squeezing it out is much like getting blood from a turnip.  The trick we need to master is finding the truth before we shed these biological containers and move on to the next phase.  Once found, we need to share it, whether it makes us feel good or terrible.  The truth is the truth in whatever form it can be perceived.

I encourage everyone to stop fighting the data and let the pieces fall where they may.  You don't have to attack someone that doesn't believe as you do.  Just look at the information, think about it and let it soak into the old noggin wherever it may fit.  Do this and eventually the picture will start to form and become clear enough to make sense of.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Born and raised in the good ol' USA and not very proud to be an American.  And no, I'm not going to move someplace else.  I want my country back.

There are millions of Americans having no clue whatsoever what has happened behind closed doors.  I was one of them for forty years.  With some digging and application of pure logic, it has become obvious to me where this is all headed.  Like muDped, I was too a U.S. Navy sailor.  I thought I was doing the right things for the right reasons, then came September 11th, 2001 and none of the pieces fit together any more.  I wanted answers.  I wanted truth.  What I discovered was neither.  I had to go digging.  I had to upset people.  I had to find out what was really behind the BS strewn all over the media.  After about five years, I started to find a few leads.  Dr. Jones was very much a part of that.

Yes, this a site dedicated to energy research and I can assure you we all would be much further along if it weren't for the truth being buried.  There are those that know the truth, but getting access to them and squeezing it out is much like getting blood from a turnip.  The trick we need to master is finding the truth before we shed these biological containers and move on to the next phase.  Once found, we need to share it, whether it makes us feel good or terrible.  The truth is the truth in whatever form it can be perceived.

I encourage everyone to stop fighting the data and let the pieces fall where they may.  You don't have to attack someone that doesn't believe as you do.  Just look at the information, think about it and let it soak into the old noggin wherever it may fit.  Do this and eventually the picture will start to form and become clear enough to make sense of.

Yes I feel pretty much the same, I hope you are not saying I am the one attacking because I am countering an attack made on me as an American and if I am not allowed to do this, then why are attacks on me allowed. you attack me and I will attack back, pretty simple.  I have absolutely no love for our current government at all, in my opinion this is the most criminal government we have ever had and the most treasonous. As far as truth goes I realize most people believe their truth is real, but it does not excuse one from common sense.
You can believe anything you want true or not, but please don't tell me I don't know as much as you, I can guarantee you I have read more books on conspiracy then you have dreamed of.  I have not read 100's of books or 1000's of books but more like 10,000 books on all subjects, treat me like a moron and I will treat you like one. I also was a US navy sailor doesn't make me any smarter because of it but unlike you 'I am Proud to be an American'.

Cheers and good day,

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
The "Rod of God" space weapon hey, a purely kinetic weapon ? If it is actually true then the ammunition is limited anyway, that's a plus.

I remember a clip showing a new airplane dropped "anti Armor" kinetic weapon a while ago "a few years", it consisted of a concrete "bomb" shaped object with "guidance", when dropped it is steered directly on to the top of a tank or such and the effect is impressive, or repressive depending on how you see it. Totally destroys a tank and it's cheapish compared to a smart bomb.

I would not be surprised if the "Rod of God" exists. It seems a good way of targeting a particular place in a city with a guided "bomb" or "rod" would be to somehow start an initial blase by a conventional explosion delivered to the target by a car or other means, then the High altitude weapon guidance can target the intense light or heat from the fire caused by the explosion.

An analogy would be it would be much easier to spot and target a burning bush in a big open desert than it would be to spot and target a particular bush without it being on fire.

There does seem to be a large bright flash off to the left of the video screen just before the initial fire explodes into the massive explosion in the Chinese video. It does look odd, but video's can be faked.

Interesting but tragic.

Group: Guest
I actually find it a bit odd how people from the U.S.A. refer to themselves as just "Americans". People from Canada are also "Americans" as are "Mexicans" also "Americans", Colombians are "Americans" too. Colombians are also "South Americans" And Canadians are "North Americans" just like the people from the United States. Here in Australia so as not to confuse people from the U.S. with other Americans we often refer to people from the United States as "Yanks", usually while shaking our head from side to side and preceded by an expletive.

I'm sure that any sane person has nothing against the everyday people of the United States. WE are all just people.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The discussion has taken an "interesting" turn; not
unexpectedly.  TRUTH can be very painful and it certainly
can produce personal symptoms of trauma when one
finally comes to the realization that what they hold dear
is rotten and corrupted.

Yes, that is the supreme point:  Ordinary People no matter
what nationality or race or country of origin tend to be
peace loving and of good will;  not wanting to suffer pain,
indignity, exploitation or deception; and not wanting to
cause others to suffer in any way.  Striving to be happy
and productive contributors to the common welfare.

Room 3327,

Your viewpoint and animosity is a fairly common phenomenon
in the United States of America. Long ago I too once held similar
beliefs.  This was before I began to take an interest in politics
in the U.S.A. and before obtaining employment within the

Before going to Viet Nam I was trained in the Vietnamese Language
for nine months at the Defense Language Institute.  Not long
enough to become fully fluent but a good basic vocabulary.  While
in Viet Nam I witnessed the devastation caused by the U.S.A. and
became intimately familiar with the destruction exacted upon the
peoples, the families, the institutions and the government of Viet
Nam.  It was very, very unpleasant to realize that the brutality inflicted
upon Viet Nam by the U.S.A. was completely unnecessary.  It was
there that my eyes were "opened" to the possibility that what the
U.S.A. was striving to achieve in the World was not for good purpose.

After completing my Naval career I was employed in government and
observed many events which reinforced the notion that certain
officials in positions of considerable power and authority were
enforcing an AGENDA which superseded their oaths of office and
commitment to fully supporting the Constitution of the United States.

You too have apparently come to the conclusion, based upon your
observations and experiences, that the U.S. Political System is far from
being what it claims to be;  that it does not support either the People
or the Constitution.  So we do have some basis for shared beliefs.

No, I am not Muslim.  In truth I am a believer of The Book and strive to
walk in the path of The Great Teacher who showed us "The Way" while
a humble human man some 2000 years ago.

I am devoted to the publication of TRUTH and making effort to expose
all deception and deceit.  Discovering how the U.S.A. has been effectively
infiltrated and taken over by Agents of the Father of the Lie has been
depressing; even shocking.  Watching the U.S. take war and destruction
to numerous areas of the world for the past several decades without
concern for human life has been very hard to bear.  The illusion that
"America" was "a beacon on the hill" propagating peace, harmony and
goodness was shattered into very tiny pieces.

It seems that those who are in control of the U.S.A. know that their
AGENDA is failing and that they have but a short time to finish their
chosen tasks.  It also seems that one of those tasks is to take the
World down with the U.S.A. as it self-destructs under the heavy burden
of massive corruption.  War and destruction such as the World has
not seen before.

Have World conditions gotten as bad as they can or will they get
worse?  I fear (and this is borne out by prophecy in The Book) that
they will get much worse...


Yes, it is true that all inhabitants of North and South America are
"Americans."  At some point in the past it became commonplace
to refer to the U.S. as "America" possibly because of its prominence
and prosperity with contrast to Europe and other nations.  It seems
to have stuck.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571

I am devoted to the publication of TRUTH and making effort to expose
all deception and deceit. 

Yes we do have some basis for agreement we are both after the TRUTH, the problem is YOUR truth is not my truth, you post all this BS without a shred of real evidence to back up what you are saying.  When you post something like the paper on the Saudis being Jews and think that it is real, you show plainly that you do not know the difference between propaganda and the truth. You apparently don't even realize that this is Iranian propaganda aimed at the Saudis yet you put it on line like it is God given truth.  I don't think you know the difference between propaganda and the truth, you cherry pick what you want because it fits into your twisted beliefs, not for the truth it holds. Open your eyes and do some studying on islam and you will start seeing the truth. By the way the Saudis are NOT Jews no matter what you think! Calling them Jews to their faces will most likely get you killed, but in your case I recommend you go there and do that.

I am very busy today and don't have time to continue this conversation so it will have to wait.
Watch this space.


"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

Dear room 3327, you said:

You apparently don't even realize that this is Iranian propaganda aimed at the Saudis yet you put it on line like it is God given truth.

I  agree with the generality of this statement, not necessarily in the context you used against mudped,  but you must realize it applies to both parties in a debate. Why? because the arguments go so very deep it becomes a quagmire of debate, each side presenting arguments and rebuttals ad infinitum.

To arrive at a reasonable conclusion, you have to use good old Columbp (Peter Falk) type questioning, the most important being "qui bono:" that is who benefits from a given act, why do they benefit, and how do they benefit.

The truth then emerges rather quickly in any given case. This may be simplistic, but since all parties do things for self preservation or profit, these "questioning" templates help to discern truth.

Speaking of propaganda, when given a piece of information on the news or internet, I always ask "What do "they" want me to believe, and how do "they"  benefit" whoever "they" may be.

Note well that a some brave people pay a heavy price for speaking truth, for as one man said "In times of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act" and as you know revolutionaries upset the status quo, therefore they must be "handled". In any society, even so called free societies revolutionary thinkers are "handled". During government purges, it is usually the intellectuals that are rounded up and culled from the "cult-ivation"  lest they infect it, after all, the emperor isurely  has clothes...no?

I would be interested in the titles and authors of just a few of the books you mentioned that you hold in high esteem as having cultivated your "world view". Maybe I have also read them , maybe not, but at least we can get to know each other better.

If not books titles maybe just capsulize your world view, when you have the time of course.

Anyway, I do enjoy your electronic contributions here, but the "debates"........well.......

Kind regards

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Saudi Arabia and the Saud Family seem to be a bit of an
enigma.  The connections of the Saudis to 9/11 have been
well publicized early on, but after a short time were excised
from serious consideration and pursuit by the "commission"
set up to investigate (or cover up) the tragedy.

Our World is not as it seems;  there is much "funny business"
going on.  In order to make some sense of World Events it is
necessary to retain an Open Mind as TRUTH is searched for.

Nobody's Opinion

2002 Iraqi intel

Shock!  The Saudi Royal Family are what?

As we approach the End of this Age the events taking place
in the Middle East are critical.  Why does it seem that the
United Nations has failed in its purported efforts to render
"War" obsolete?

 The Saudi Led War Against Yemen

War, Saudi Style, is suspiciously nearly identical to the atrocities
against Gaza in our recent past.
« Last Edit: 2015-08-21, 21:19:15 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
Ion, good post, thank you.

Dear room 3327, you said:

I  agree with the generality of this statement, not necessarily in the context you used against mudped,  but you must realize it applies to both parties in a debate. Why? because the arguments go so very deep it becomes a quagmire of debate, each side presenting arguments and rebuttals ad infinitum.

To arrive at a reasonable conclusion, you have to use good old Columbp (Peter Falk) type questioning, the most important being "qui bono:" that is who benefits from a given act, why do they benefit, and how do they benefit.
Seen them all great shows.

The truth then emerges rather quickly in any given case. This may be simplistic, but since all parties do things for self preservation or profit, these "questioning" templates help to discern truth.

Speaking of propaganda, when given a piece of information on the news or internet, I always ask "What do "they" want me to believe, and how do "they"  benefit" whoever "they" may be.

Note well that a some brave people pay a heavy price for speaking truth, for as one man said "In times of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act" and as you know revolutionaries upset the status quo, therefore they must be "handled". In any society, even so called free societies revolutionary thinkers are "handled". During government purges, it is usually the intellectuals that are rounded up and culled from the "cult-ivation"  lest they infect it, after all, the emperor isurely  has clothes...no?
Yes it is brave people like me speaking the truth against all the lies, I will be the first rounded up and 'handled' I know that.

I would be interested in the titles and authors of just a few of the books you mentioned that you hold in high esteem as having cultivated your "world view". Maybe I have also read them , maybe not, but at least we can get to know each other better.
With our history I don't know why you would want to know me better but I truly appreciate the sentiment, unfortunately my getting close to anyone here is probably not going to happen. My outspokeness on islam has put me in harms way and I would not want to take any of you with me, I don't blame anyone for not having my back, I understand that would put them in harms way as well. Maybe in another life. And I am sure we have read many of the same books,

If not books titles maybe just capsulize your world view, when you have the time of course.
My world view is not much different then yours, but I have the added knowledge of islam, which I don't see anyone left here who does. That knowledge is what allows me to see the bigger picture, I am able to fill in the blanks now, it's like Amed Mohammed walks into a store and blows away 8, 10 people and the athorities are searching for a motive, gee can't figure this one out, he was a great kid very religeous where did this come from.  Well DUH! So as usual I advise all of you to do some studying of islam which will answer many of your questions.

Anyway, I do enjoy your electronic contributions here, but the "debates"........well.......
Thank you for that and I feel the same way about the debates and your contributions here.

Kind regards

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
I actually find it a bit odd how people from the U.S.A. refer to themselves as just "Americans". People from Canada are also "Americans" as are "Mexicans" also "Americans", Colombians are "Americans" too. Colombians are also "South Americans" And Canadians are "North Americans" just like the people from the United States. Here in Australia so as not to confuse people from the U.S. with other Americans we often refer to people from the United States as "Yanks", usually while shaking our head from side to side and preceded by an expletive.

I'm sure that any sane person has nothing against the everyday people of the United States. WE are all just people.

U.S.A. stands for United States of America. It's a nationality, not a region or continent. But you don't call Canadians "North Americans" or Mexicans "Central Americans" or Brazilians "South Americans". I guess you could call Germans, Italians, etc. "Europeans" but that really isn't very specific.

Yanks works also. I do a lot of that side to side head shaking myself referring to some of my fellow Americans. I imagine you do a bit of that with some fellow Australians also.
Group: Guest
Fourteen years and counting...
Group: Guest
U.S.A. stands for United States of America. It's a nationality, not a region or continent. But you don't call Canadians "North Americans" or Mexicans "Central Americans" or Brazilians "South Americans". I guess you could call Germans, Italians, etc. "Europeans" but that really isn't very specific.

Yanks works also. I do a lot of that side to side head shaking myself referring to some of my fellow Americans. I imagine you do a bit of that with some fellow Australians also.

Yes I shake my head and say %$#^&*# Politicians and %$#^&*# bikies and %$#^&*# Cops ect. ect.

I refer to people from the U.S. as "people from the U.S." or Yanks I don't call Canadians "Americans" no but I don't call U.S. citizens "Americans" either because that isn't very specific is it. People from the Continent of America I refer to as Americans, both north and south America, people from the U.S. of A. I call U.S citizens.

America is a continent the U.S of A. is a country, yes, I guess I could call people from the U.S. "United Statesans" or something. would make more sense.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Considering how the typical inhabitant of the U.S. of A. has been
dumbed down by years of media manipulations, government
propaganda and a broken "educational" system;  the term
Boobus Americanus may be a more appropriate moniker.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
If you all have never heard of Rebekah Roth, you should.  Attached is 49 minutes to get you started.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Considering how the typical inhabitant of the U.S. of A. has been
dumbed down by years of media manipulations, government
propaganda and a broken "educational" system;  the term
Boobus Americanus may be a more appropriate moniker.

The psychology is strange and many have come to believe associations with other people and geography may somehow make they better or smarter as individuals, lol. Then we have the even more strange belief that just because someone might believe in one god or another that somehow this "godliness" has been imparted to them is some way. As if to say that my believing something I view as superior must in part make me superior to others which is absurd.

This explains many things we see such as the religious war between the Christian Americans and the Middle East Muslims. It is a very dangerous situation when groups of people empower themselves with the god like qualities of their beliefs. They become capable of the most vile and immoral acts because in their strange twisted little world they are above the human condition which they believe no longer applies to them. Which is why the war in Iraq, Syria will never be won because they cannot just carpet bomb a belief out of people. The Americans have only made the situation worse, obviously, and it will most likely escalate further ending in disaster. You see for one side to win the other side must admit they were wrong in some way and obviously this is never going to happen because both groups are quite insane. Their gods cannot be wrong therefore their beliefs cannot be wrong therefore they cannot be wrong because they believe...catch 22.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
I don't know how things in Europe are reported in the USA or Aus: or Canada, but we now have a huge and fast escalating problem of all the refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. They are flowing in at a rate of 10's thousands a day, it is a bigger movement than the second world war.

Something is going to go with a big bang very soon, there is just not the facilities for millions of refugees. Maybe it is all part of a bigger plan and why all of a sudden Iran is becoming more of a friend than an enemy ;)


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The 9/11 "Event" was a necessity to the implementation of
the New American Century during which time the U.S. would
tighten its grip over the entire world as it seeks to attain full and
complete control. Looking back, was it worth it?

The European Refugee Crisis was made to happen as the U.S.
and its willing European/U.K. accomplices destabilize and destroy
all potential competition to their hegemony.

What is soon to come if the West has its way is Disaster with a
meters tall "D."

Those who planned the Refugee Crisis.

Those who are committed to revealing TRUTH about 9/11.

Les Visible, in his usual style, enlightens us about 9/11 Propaganda.
The Memory Hole;  reports which have been "disappeared" from the
official story line.

But wait, there may be hope yet.  If the numbers of people who are
"waking up" continues to rise.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-12, 23:17:24 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
The waking up of the masses can only mean one thing...

THEY don't care anymore.  THEY are one step again of us, always.

Enjoy what freedom you have at this very moment, because I highly
expect everything to "change" in a New York minute, when you least
expect it.

As some say, "You haven't seen anything yet."

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
A sad case reported by the Times of Israel.

Those who utilize the various forums to propagate
disinformation and who impersonate terrorists
will be unmasked.  All who make use of the internet
can have no "secrets."

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Oh wow, nasty creature that guy is, somehow I find it almost impossible to believe he was working all on his own without any "handling".
Maybe in the future there will a stomach for legal public executions "explosion style".

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
All Four Hemispheres Of The World Now Engaged In A Single War


If we peer behind the veil of mainstream media oversimplification, lies and propaganda we find that the humanitarian crisis we are faced with today are the straight line consequences of a decades-old policy on the part of the West (defined as the US, the UK, Israel and others ) to subvert and destabilize the very nations that are submerged in civil war and strife.

Faced with a burgeoning refugee crisis in Europe sparked by global extremism, U.S. and European officials said this week that there is a growing consensus that the multinational military campaign against Islamic State must focus more on targeting the group’s nerve centers in Syria.

Using thousands of people flowing into Europe every day as a pretence, France and Britain are both poised to join Washington in carrying out more airstrikes with greater and greater levels of aggression against Islamic State in Syria.

U.S. allies also are responding to rising concerns about extremists in Syria planning attacks on western targets, such as a thwarted attempt last month by a lone gunman to kill passengers on a Paris-bound train and the Tunisia attacks on British citizens in June. The stage is set. Cameron will convince Parliament, Britain will engage in a new war.

But is all this activity about beating islamic State in Syria or is about a much wider conflict?

This week, there has been a serious escalation that should be of concern to everyone.

Russia constructs runway, deploys military advisors in Syria, : Report


Russia is establishing a runway in Syria’s western province of Latakia and has brought hundreds of its military advisers, experts, and technicians to the war-torn country, a report says.

“Russian forces are building a long runway capable of accommodating large aircraft near the Hmaymim military airport in Latakia province,” the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a report on Sunday, adding that during the past week, Russian warplanes loaded with military equipment landed at the airport in the coastal province.

According to the UK-based monitoring group, Moscow is also working on expanding an agricultural airport in the al- Hamidiya region in the western province of Tartous. The airport is currently used by planes that spray crops with pesticide.

The right group, citing its unnamed sources, also claimed that Russian experts were working on a plan to build a long runway in the International Airport of Damascus.

On Friday, Lavrov called for military-to-military cooperation with the US to avert “unintended incidents" as it conducted naval exercises off Syrian coast, adding that Moscow would continue arming the Syrian government in its fight against the Takfiri Daesh terrorists, urging other countries to take a similar stance and help Damascus in the battle.

Syria has been facing a foreign-backed militancy since 2011. The violence has also forced over four million Syrians to take refuge in neighboring countries, including Jordan and Lebanon. More than 7.2 million others have been displaced internally, according to UN figures.

Russia seeks to prevent Libya-style regime change in Syria: Analyst


The Forgotten War – Understanding the Incredible Debacle Left Behind by NATO in Libya


In retrospect, Obama’s intervention in Libya was an abject failure, judged even by its own standards. Libya has not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it has devolved into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses have increased severalfold. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya now serves as a safe haven for militias affiliated with both al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). The Libya intervention has harmed other U.S. interests as well: undermining nuclear nonproliferation, chilling Russian cooperation at the UN, and fueling Syria’s civil war.

As bad as Libya’s human rights situation was under Qaddafi, it has gotten worse since NATO ousted him. Immediately after taking power, the rebels perpetrated scores of reprisal killings, in addition to torturing, beating, and arbitrarily detaining thousands of suspected Qaddafi supporters. The rebels also expelled 30,000 mostly black residents from the town of Tawergha and burned or looted their homes and shops, on the grounds that some of them supposedly had been mercenaries. Six months after the war, Human Rights Watch declared that the abuses “appear to be so widespread and systematic that they may amount to crimes against humanity.”

As a consequence of such pervasive violence, the UN estimates that roughly 400,000 Libyans have fled their homes, a quarter of whom have left the country altogether. 

– From Alan Kuperman’s excellent Foreign Affairs article: Obama’s Libya Debacle

Further Details Emerge on the Epic U.S. Foreign Policy Disaster that is Syria


With all the U.S.-trained fighters dead, captured or missing and their leader in the hands of Al Qaeda, top U.S. commanders are scrambling this week to determine how to revive the half-billion dollar program to create a moderate Syrian army to fight the Islamic State.

The outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, who viewed the force as a critical element of the military strategy in both Syria and Iraq, is conferring with top Pentagon officials behind closed doors to figure out what options are left for what is widely considered a policy and military failure, according to senior defense officials.

Sen. Chris Murphy, the Connecticut Democrat who sits on the Appropriations Committee, returned from a trip to the region last week where he was briefed on the effort. His assessment of the program: “a bigger disaster than I could have ever imagined.”

– From the the Politico article: The Pentagon’s Syria Debacle

Engineered Refugee Crisis to Justify "Safe Havens" in Syria


September 7 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - While the Western media attempts to portray the sudden influx of refugees suddenly appearing out of no where at Europe's gates, the reality is that for years they have been gathering in expansive, well-funded refugee camps in Turkey.

In fact, Turkey has brought in over 2 million refugees with a suspiciously eager "open door" policy and has spent upward to 6 billion USD on building and maintaining these immense camps. They have done so as part of a long-standing strategy to justify creating "safe havens" in northern Syria - essentially NATO invading and occupying Syrian territory, protecting their terrorist proxies within Syria's borders so that they can strike deeper toward Damascus and finally topple the government of President Bashar Al Assad.

US plans to carve out a "safe haven" or "buffer zone" in northern Syria stretch back as far as 2012 - before a real crisis even existed. In their "Middle East Memo #21," "Assessing Options for Regime Change," it was stated specifically (emphasis added):

    An alternative is for diplomatic efforts to focus first on how to end the violence and how to gain humanitarian access, as is being done under Annan’s leadership. This may lead to the creation of safe-havens and humanitarian corridors, which would have to be backed by limited military power. This would, of course, fall short of U.S. goals for Syria and could preserve Asad in power. From that starting point, however, it is possible that a broad coalition with the appropriate international mandate could add further coercive action to its efforts.

Brookings would elaborate upon this criminal conspiracy in their more recent report titled, "Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country." It states:

    The  idea would be to help moderate elements establish reliable safe zones within Syria once they were able. American, as well as Saudi and Turkish and British and Jordanian and other Arab forces would act in support, not only from the air but eventually on the ground via the  presence  of  special  forces  as  well. The  approach would  benefit  from  Syria’s open desert  terrain  which  could  allow  creation  of  buffer  zones  that could  be  monitored  for possible  signs  of  enemy  attack  through  a  combination  of  technologies, patrols,  and other methods that outside special forces could help Syrian local fighters set up.

    Were Assad foolish enough to challenge these zones, even if he somehow forced the withdrawal  of  the  outside  special  forces,  he  would  be  likely  to  lose  his  air power  in ensuing  retaliatory  strikes  by  outside  forces,  depriving  his  military  of  one  of its  few advantages over ISIL.Thus, he would be unlikely to do this.

Unfortunately for US policymakers, little justification or public support underpins any of these plans to intervene more directly in Syria in pursuit of what is obviously regime change dressed up as anything but.

Bring in the Refugees

However, in hopes of solving this lack of public support, the West appears to have taken a huge number of refugees created by its years of war upon the Middle East and North Africa, and suddenly releasing them in a deluge upon Europe. The Western media itself implicates Turkey as the source of these refugees, and reports like that from the International New York Times' Greek Kathimerini paper, in an article titled, "Refugee flow linked to Turkish policy shift," claims (emphasis added):

    A sharp increase in the influx of migrants and refugees, mostly from Syria, into Greece is due in part to a shift in Turkey’s geopolitical tactics, according to diplomatic sources.

    These officials link the wave of migrants into the eastern Aegean to political pressures in neighboring Turkey, which is bracing for snap elections in November, and to a recent decision by Ankara to join the US in bombing Islamic State targets in Syria. The analyses of several officials indicate that the influx from neighboring Turkey is taking place as Turkish officials look the other way or actively promote the exodus.

This wasn't done until after years of staged terror attacks across Europe, in attempts to ratchet up fear, xenophobia, racism, and Islamophobia. Every attack without exception involved patsies tracked by Western intelligence agencies in some cases for almost a decade. Many had traveled to and participated in NATO's proxy war on Syria, Iraq, and Yemen before returning home to carry out predictable acts of violence.

How many ISIS mercenaries are hidden within the refugee tidal wave ?

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, the NeoCon controlled U.S. does seem to have gone "bonkers"
in its savage efforts to eliminate all potential opposition.

Failed States may in fact be the true goal of the agenda of aggression.

Re-arrangement of the Middle East has long been a dream of the State
of Israel.  Failed states on all sides will make the task of Israeli expansion
to extend its borders a cake-walk.

The U.S. is acting as the muscle and the hammer to enable Israel to
look un-involved and innocent as it fulfills its decades old mission.

The U.S. is determined to turn up the heat in Syria while Russia strives
to quench the West's duplicitous war-mongering there.

The Book contains a catastrophic prophecy regarding Damascus.
One must wonder whether we are approaching the time of its fulfillment?

« Last Edit: 2015-09-15, 06:21:41 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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