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2025-03-18, 22:26:13
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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081217 times)
Group: Guest
Did the aircraft disintegrate before it made contact
with any mountain?

Good question as it has been reported the tail section was mostly intact.  So did it just come loose or was it detached by some aerial assault?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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Just finished watching this video. What makes it so different is from 45 minutes on. Gives reason as to why people prefer to just look the other way,and bury there head in the sand. I dont think  it will be long before this is all reopened.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
Lets assume for a moment we could know exactly and with great detail what happened that day.  What would we learn...?
  • About human psychology?
  • Military technology?
  • Financial systems?
  • Organization and structure of governmental systems?
  • Short and long term agendas?

I suspect it would be so revealing no one could deny their present understanding of the world around them to be inconsistent with their actual reality.  And what might that lead to?

Change.  And a lot of it.  I would go so far as to say a complete revolution.  It would be clear to all, power has been amassed in the hands of those not responsible enough to have it.

A complete knowledge of how and why the major events of September 11th, 2001 took place, by every individual on the planet, would forever change the world.  People would no longer take their own knowledge for granted; they would leave no stone unturned.  They would seek proof in everything, a thorough understanding of everything.  The desire for true knowledge would be overwhelming as it would be a way out of our current condition, likely the only way out.

So yes TinMan, we (as a populace) can no longer bury our heads in the sand.  We must engage.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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Lets assume for a moment we could know exactly and with great detail what happened that day.  What would we learn...?
  • About human psychology?
  • Military technology?
  • Financial systems?
  • Organization and structure of governmental systems?
  • Short and long term agendas?

I suspect it would be so revealing no one could deny their present understanding of the world around them to be inconsistent with their actual reality.  And what might that lead to?

Change.  And a lot of it.  I would go so far as to say a complete revolution.  It would be clear to all, power has been amassed in the hands of those not responsible enough to have it.

A complete knowledge of how and why the major events of September 11th, 2001 took place, by every individual on the planet, would forever change the world.  People would no longer take their own knowledge for granted; they would leave no stone unturned.  They would seek proof in everything, a thorough understanding of everything.  The desire for true knowledge would be overwhelming as it would be a way out of our current condition, likely the only way out.

So yes TinMan, we (as a populace) can no longer bury our heads in the sand.  We must engage.
It is funny Matt-the thing that made me take another look at this 9/11 fiasco. Sterling actually kicked it off,and it snowballed from there on in. MarkE of course came into play,and then the sh-t hit the fan . He (and another who shall remain nameless) decided to pay out on Steve(physics Prof),so i up'd the anti.

During that discussion it became apparent that MarkE and a few others there really are in a state of denial. The more MarkE talks and tries to explain thing's,the more apparent it becomes that he just doesn't know what he is talking about in relation to thing's that should be self explanatory . One claim is that he believes that no straight thinking half decent physicist would use the term free fall,as apparently there is no such thing when subjected to earths atmosphere-->this was in reference to tower 7 coming down-just above free fall speed. That discussion bought about me looking at the reports from NIST,and the official report from the national commission on terror attacks really opened my eyes as to just how far fetched the official story is.

I'm hopping Steve will jump in again,and give us any update info on another investigation that may be just around the corner.

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Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

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If anyone is a plant to steer things in another direction, he is, the vibrations around his words are some what uneasing >:-)


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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So put your minds at work guy's,who here can work out what MarkE cannot.
How did building 7 drop slightly faster than free fall speed?-->what is the only way building can fall faster than free fall speed.
When we say free fall speed,we are assuming that there is no air resistance,so free fall speed as in a vacuum.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Sr. Member

Posts: 485

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building 7 is a no-brainer.

They don't ever mention it on the news in the UK at 911 anniversaries

Building 7 is not even worth a debate.
When I have  mentioned it to some of my unaware colleagues they have been  shocked.
Building 7 was HQ to some of US's most secret services and designed to withstand
a nuclear blast.

It's a no-brainer.

Even a six year old can understand the implications.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Ambassador
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A King
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Whenever I went to building 7 during construction to do testing or training  [the last time was for the fireproofing contractor]
everybody on the Job was saying "whats up with the iron here?? why so huge ??

I have NEVER seen Iron like that , the  Diagonal cross bracing on the lower level really sticks in my Mind, of course
this construction was to a much higher standard than pre 1993 bombing .

I have never really reached out to the guys that were on these jobs... the trades  never talk about accidents
Death or  injuries.[a superstition] and in this case it seems to be quite true, I know that queries would NOT be well received by Men still working in the field [superstitious and "bad Luck to talk about these things"]

I have to say that this belief system grew on me over the years too..

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

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A King
OU.Com is back up

Whenever I went to building 7 during construction to do testing or training  [the last time was for the fireproofing contractor]
everybody on the Job was saying "whats up with the iron here?? why so huge ??

I have NEVER seen Iron like that , the  Diagonal cross bracing on the lower level really sticks in my Mind, of course
this construction was to a much higher standard than pre 1993 bombing .

I have never really reached out to the guys that were on these jobs... the trades  never talk about accidents
Death or  injuries.[a superstition] and in this case it seems to be quite true, I know that queries would NOT be well received by Men still working in the field [superstitious and "bad Luck to talk about these things"]

I have to say that this belief system grew on me over the years too..

Steel cutting charges, the only way that building could come down the way it did, and a lot of them.

I wounder if there was an underground link with the twin towers!!! there maybe your control link to the bringing down of the towers, then after get rid of the evidence, job done ???


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
So put your minds at work guy's,who here can work out what MarkE cannot.
How did building 7 drop slightly faster than free fall speed?-->what is the only way building can fall faster than free fall speed.
When we say free fall speed,we are assuming that there is no air resistance,so free fall speed as in a vacuum.

Most video equipment scans at 30 frames per second, so with video of the building falling and good location markers, one should be able to empirically calculate the speed of gravity, which should be approximately 32 ft/s2.  If by doing the work you find the building fell faster than 32 ft/s2, someone has a little explaining to do, because now we have a recorded event where the force of gravity was actually altered here on planet earth.  I'd seriously like to see that explained outside any possible margin of error.  If this can be proven, I hope you all understand just how sophisticated the real perpetrators of this event are.  Probably wouldn't be too wise to go letting the air out of their tires.

Now, if the increased speed is due to a massive pressure differential between the air above the building and the air (or lack of) inside the building, that's a bit different.  First thing that comes to my mind is something like HHO creating a massive implosion.  I would think under these conditions we would see the exterior of the building crimp in from all sides, not just the top.  Has anyone seen a good profile video of building 7 falling?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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Most video equipment scans at 30 frames per second, so with video of the building falling and good location markers, one should be able to empirically calculate the speed of gravity, which should be approximately 32 ft/s2.  If by doing the work you find the building fell faster than 32 ft/s2, someone has a little explaining to do, because now we have a recorded event where the force of gravity was actually altered here on planet earth.  I'd seriously like to see that explained outside any possible margin of error.  If this can be proven, I hope you all understand just how sophisticated the real perpetrators of this event are.  Probably wouldn't be too wise to go letting the air out of their tires.

Now, if the increased speed is due to a massive pressure differential between the air above the building and the air (or lack of) inside the building, that's a bit different.  First thing that comes to my mind is something like HHO creating a massive implosion.  I would think under these conditions we would see the exterior of the building crimp in from all sides, not just the top.  Has anyone seen a good profile video of building 7 falling?
Here are my thoughts on it. When they refer to falling faster than free fall speed,most demolition mobs include air resistance when they say free fall speed,not free fall speed in a vacuum. This being the case,if a building is bought down using explosives,then what would occur?. When the explosives go of,a huge pressure wave exits in the building due to rapid heating of the air inside .But the rapid heating then turns,and rapid cooling starts once all thermal energy has been released by the explosives. This causes a vacuum in the building for a brief time,and i believe that this is how a faster than atmospheric free fall can occur. When a building collapses due to damage,it always comes down in bit's and pieces,and not all the building collapses.

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Sr. Member

Posts: 485

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Watch this if you dare:  Your life will never be the same.
You have been warned.
It's blue pill or red pill time  (Matrix)


Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Guest
How can we brink these criminals to justice?

Simple.  Continue to do nothing.

After they have eaten and destroyed everything good in this world, they will begin eating themselves, because it's all they know, it's all they are.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Whistle Blower reveals secret program to train
terrorists for America's hegemony.

While the U.S. likes to accuse other nations of being
"sponsors of terrorism" it looks as if the greatest
sponsor of all is the U.S. itself.  Of course, many of
you already knew that...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Whether you are an Akula fan or not, I found it interesting he shared this video on his Google+ page:


Seems to me the only ones left to convince are those "resources" still engaged in the hegemony.  Everyone else already knows...

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: EMdevices
I just watched this incredible documentary on the conspiracy of 9/11, so much research all put together.  Wow!   It's long but so absorbing of ones attention, make sure you watch it till the end.

The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11

Thanks for the link.

Aye, the last two minutes are very strange.  Where were
the calls actually made from and how was it pulled off?

One day we will know all of the details;  all of the TRUTH.
The psychopaths who dream up these "events" and carry
them out seem not to be aware that all human activity is
"watched" and "placed into the record" for future
accountability.  They really believe that they're getting away
with murder...


The Moon Landing Hoax Compilation
tells a great story.  The deception and coverup is conceived of
and executed from the very highest levels of government.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
The Moon Landing Hoax Compilation
tells a great story.  The deception and coverup is conceived of
and executed from the very highest levels of government.

It just seems odd to me, wasn't it JFK that initiated the space-race?  They had already killed him in '63.  So why concoct such a hoax in '69.

It reminds me of the line in Apocalypse Now where Captain Willard tells Colonel Kurtz, "I don't see any method at all."

These creatures truly want the freedom to do anything, any time they have the urge.  They simply exist to do, without conscience, without morals or ethics.  I'm not convinced ending one of these creatures lives is actually murder.  First it would have to be proved to me beyond a reasonable doubt they are actually alive.  Sure would be nice to find some old wizard hiding in a cave someplace that could tell us how to end this curse.  There has been enough lies, deception, murder, torture, destruction and other atrocities committed in the last few centuries to last the entire lifetime of earth itself.

To get back on topic, here's another article:
« Last Edit: 2015-08-01, 10:13:45 by Matt Watts »
Group: Guest
One more on the Moon Hoax.  Just for the record.

Group: Renaissance Man
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Dear All.

My wife came across this little snippet this morning.


Relevant ??

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3650
One more on the Moon Hoax.  Just for the record.
That's pretty cool !  Projective transformations are insufficient to cohere these moon images.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3650
My wife came across this little snippet this morning.
I know a U.S. "prepper" who is convinced that this will happen on this September 13.   He'd even made a 1oz of gold bet with me about it.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
The Story of 9/11 is far from being complete as ever so
slowly more and more TRUTH comes to the fore
all of the "noise" of deception and disinformation.

One day fairly soon we shall have the complete narrative
of how it all came down...

Even then, the majority of the "brainwashed masses" will
no doubt refuse to come to grips with the reality that
government is a liar.

All TRUTH must yield to the New World Order AGENDA as
it forcefully marches on.  Government will see to that.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

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Did not know where to put this but thought this was as good as any without starting another topic.


Do you really think this happened as talked about, that is one hell of a crater, no arguement where the center was and had to be small nuclear or very close to it. Also there is no chain of explosions, so, had to be a small very potent explosive, and in a shipping port!!!!!!!


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Since 9/11 America has become very aggressive and
pushes hard for total control of the planet.  With the
programs instituted under Dubya and Obongo surging
forward, anything is possible.

There may have been a time when America wouldn't
have done something like that, but it was a long time
ago.  America, it is now known, started the Spanish-
American War by sinking the Maine in Havana harbor.
America wanted the Philippines and other Spanish
possessions in the Pacific and the Atlantic and took
"false-flag" action to acquire them.

America is good at pretending to be good and
wonderful and "the land of freedom" when in
truth, it is quite the opposite in many ways.

America the Beautiful has been "trance-formed"
into The Ugly America...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
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