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Author Topic: 9/11 debate - enter at your own risk!  (Read 1081217 times)
Group: Guest
When the stormtrooper's come around kicking in dissident's door's during the planned western democide, they do not want to get shot, hence the rabid pursuit of gun control and the mass murder of children to achieve that agenda. (rapid manpower shortage is a problem, it stops the machine)

As I recall in the aftermath of the Boston Bombing, no one was willing to reduce some of the "manpower" ransacking people's homes as they supposedly searched for their planted patsy.  All of that charade was a test balloon to confirm their tactics are sound and that they can do it again anytime they want.

Guns in the hands of a weak and pathetic society is worthless.  I would bet cyanide pills in these same hands would prove far more effective--at least this would reduce some of the tax base feeding these monsters.

You know as well as I do had Cvengros leveled his sights on the middle guy of a seven man sweeper team, you wouldn't be reading about this story.  They would have pulverized anything that walked or crawled in that home.  These monsters don't have "Get out of jail free" cards, they have "Kill anything you want as long as you don't make the judge look dumb" cards.

This is war, this is combat.  People don't think like General George S. Patton Jr.  They have no idea how to win; most don't even know they are at war.

How about this for a standing order:  FIGHT OR DIE!

And if uncertain what to do next, ATTACK!

Just to be clear EA, these statements are not aimed at you.  They are aimed at the limp wristed populace that can't get it through their thick skulls things are changing.  The evidence of where things are headed is voluminous.  What is it going to take?  Does the President have to plainly announce:  "I am going to eliminate all citizens using the tools at my disposal"  Would that be enough to get people off their butts?  I'm not certain anymore.  I'll bet people would think it was a hoax and ignore it.  Who knows, we may get to find out in the near future.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
And if uncertain what to do next, ATTACK!

To not make a decision is always the wrong decision to make.

Just to be clear EA, these statements are not aimed at you.

I understand that. I am not an advocate of violence as a solution, however, historically it has always been necessary to restore balance. This time might just be different, and the stakes have never been higher. My previous comment I feel is still relevant:

If I am forced by circumstance to issue ESO 04 everything you hold dear will already be lost, and a future few of us crave will be the reality.

Work tirelessly to prevent that eventuality from occurring, is my advice.

Read the comments on the Gaurdian article I posted a few posts back. There is not much time left, so redouble your efforts for a peaceful solution before all hell breaks loose.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Press Rebellion in the UK – British Media Launches Protest Against Spying, as GCHQ Places Investigative Journalism in Same Category as Terrorism


Emails from the BBC, Reuters, the Guardian, the New York Times, Le Monde, the Sun, NBC and the Washington Post were saved by GCHQ and shared on the agency’s intranet as part of a test exercise by the signals intelligence agency.
The journalists’ communications were among 70,000 emails harvested in the space of less than 10 minutes on one day in November 2008 by one of GCHQ’s numerous taps on the fibre-optic cables that make up the backbone of the internet.
New evidence from other UK intelligence documents revealed by Snowden also shows that a GCHQ information security assessment listed “investigative journalists” as a threat in a hierarchy alongside terrorists or hackers.

Submitted by Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg:

– From the Guardian article: GCHQ Captured Emails of Journalists from Top International Media

Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, is the United Kingdom’s equivalent to the NSA. As you might expect, it is no less immoral or shady than its domestic counterpart. While most of the surveillance related posts here at Liberty Blitzkrieg have focused on the NSA, GCHQ has been front and center from time to time. For example, see the following from 2014:

How British Spies “Seed the Internet with False Info, Control YouTube Pageviews and Manipulate Online Polls”

In the most recent blockbuster article from the Guardian, we get an inside look at how the British spy agency sees investigate journalists. In two words: The Enemy.

From the Guardian:

    GCHQ’s bulk surveillance of electronic communications has scooped up emails to and from journalists working for some of the US and UK’s largest media organizations, analysis of documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals.

    Emails from the BBC, Reuters, the Guardian, the New York Times, Le Monde, the Sun, NBC and the Washington Post were saved by GCHQ and shared on the agency’s intranet as part of a test exercise by the signals intelligence agency.

    The journalists’ communications were among 70,000 emails harvested in the space of less than 10 minutes on one day in November 2008 by one of GCHQ’s numerous taps on the fibre-optic cables that make up the backbone of the internet.

    New evidence from other UK intelligence documents revealed by Snowden also shows that a GCHQ information security assessment listed “investigative journalists” as a threat in a hierarchy alongside terrorists or hackers.

    More than 100 editors, including those from all the national newspapers, have signed a letter, coordinated by the Society of Editors and Press Gazette, to the UK prime minister, David Cameron, protesting at snooping on journalists’ communications.

    Ripa has been used to access journalists’ communications without a warrrant, with recent cases including police accessing the phone records of Tom Newton-Dunn, the Sun’s political editor, over the Plebgate investigation. The call records of Mail on Sunday reporters involved in the paper’s coverage of Chris Huhne’s speeding row were also accessed in this fashion.

    The GCHQ document goes on to warn that the fact that billing records “kept under Ripa are not limited to warranted targets” must be kept as one of the agency’s most tightly guarded secrets, at a classification known as “Top secret strap 2”.

    That is two levels higher than a normal top secret classification – as it refers to “HMG [Her Majesty’s government] relationships with industry that have areas of extreme sensitivity”.

    One restricted document intended for those in army intelligence warned that “journalists and reporters representing all types of news media represent a potential threat to security”.

    It continued: “Of specific concern are ‘investigative journalists’ who specialize in defence-related exposés either for profit or what they deem to be of the public interest.

    GCHQ information security assessments, meanwhile, routinely list journalists between “terrorism” and “hackers” as “influencing threat sources”, with one matrix scoring journalists as having a “capability” score of two out of five, and a “priority” of three out of five, scoring an overall “low” information security risk.

    Terrorists, listed immediately above investigative journalists on the document, were given a much higher “capability” score of four out of five, but a lower “priority” of two. The matrix concluded terrorists were therefore a “moderate” information security risk.

Go ahead and read that last paragraph again. In some respects,terrorists are viewed as a lower priority than investigative journalists by the GCHQ. More proof that the “war on terror” is a total sham, and that governments around the world see transparency, truth and their own citizenry as the real enemies.

This is precisely why UK Prime Minister David Cameron wasted no time in exploiting the tragic attacks in Paris in order to call for a banning of encryption, i.e., private communications. In case you need to get up to speed:

Britain’s “War on Terror” Insanity Continues – David Cameron Declares War on Encryption

Manufactured Terrorism – U.S. Officials Claim Credit for Stopping Another Terror Attack Created by the FBI

Fortunately, it appears GCHQ tyranny has finally slapped journalists squarely and unapologetically in the face enough times local media is starting to notice. Specifically, more than 100 editors have signed a letter co-ordinated by Press Gazette and the Society of Editors calling for an end this fascist behavior.

The Press Gazette reports the following:

Every national newspaper editor has backed the Press Gazette Save Our Sources campaign and signed a joint letter of protest to Prime Minister David Cameron over police spying on journalists’ phone records.

More than 100 editors have signed a letter co-ordinated by Press Gazette and the Society of Editors to warn that the draft code of practice on use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act puts journalists’ sources at risk.

Politicians promised new controls in the code, but instead the new draft guidance states that police can continue to secretly view journalists’ phone records provided they give “special consideration” to the “proportionality” of doing so.

The draft code appears to encourage police to access journalists’ phone records by stating that they are not “privileged information”.

Society of Editors executive director Bob Satchell said: “Politicians say that terrorism laws should be used where relevant and proportionate. The police have used RIPA when it was neither. Journalism is not terrorism nor criminal.

“A powerful group of senior national, regional and local editors and broadcasters who frequently have different opinions are united in their concerns about RIPA.

 “This is not about terrorism it is about the police using a law for purposes Parliament never intended.

“Ministers should take note.”

Press Gazette editor Dominic Ponsford said: “It is unprecedented in my experience for every national newspaper editor to agree on anything. So it is highly significant that here they have said with once voice that RIPA needs tougher controls to protect journalists’ sources.

“Giving police the ability to secretly view the phone records of law-abiding journalists is not compatible with an open democratic society.”

A further 1,649 individuals, mostly journalists, have signed the Press Gazette Save Our Sources petition which is also to be submitted today as part of the RIPA consultation.

The consultation on the Acquisition and Disclosure of Communications Data Code of Practice closes tomorrow (20 January).

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Iceland overthrew its government and indicted bankers after economic collapse


Iceland Did It, So Can We






Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The example set by Iceland is a good one, however for the Nations of the West it must go much further.

The network of terror that has been set up must be dismantled, every single individual that was involved must be investigated and punished suitably, with the right to a fair trial paramount.

However, as the people that have committed the offences control the very structures that would be relied upon to provide the evidence in their prosecution, they are compromised and virtually useless. Foreign nations will most likely be relied upon to provide the evidence for the prosecution, as well as whistleblowers turning State's Evidence. If the accused are not on record beforehand having demonstrated their integrity by their actions, then they are guilty until proven innocent. Unfortunately, this is the situation we find ourselves in due to the compromised structures previously mentioned.

Additionally, crimes extend well beyond the official state with the poisoning of our ecosystems and the destruction of our health, to name just a tiny fragment of the crime's committed. The people responsible must be investigated which raises once again the question of who is to do the investigating.. I personally do not trust a single one of them unless and until they can convince me otherwise. If any integrity remains in these structures it will be on record by now and will be self evident in the individual persons file, those that have accrued no integrity credit thus far have a very small window of opportunity to do so.

The buggering and murder of children is an especially reprehensible crime for which the entire establishment is currently responsible, all must face investigation on this issue and prove their innocence and non complicity in the crime.

It will take decade's to repair the human condition but it is a job that must be done. The alternative is for individuals to independantly target and engage soft target's and start lopping off heads, a practice that has support amongst some of the population as evidenced in these very pages by the calls for "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS", an act I neither support nor condone, but may well become an eventuality should the sane approach not be chosen.

There is much more to say on this subject, and it must be discussed openly and publicly. Above all a council of elders must be formed to lead and instruct in these troubled times, similar to Iceland's self determination choice.


Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes

Hedge fund managers are preparing getaways by buying airstrips and farms in remote areas, former hedge fund partner tells Davos during session on inequality


With growing inequality and the civil unrest from Ferguson and the Occupy protests fresh in people’s mind, the world’s super rich are already preparing for the consequences. At a packed session in Davos, former hedge fund director Robert Johnson revealed that worried hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway,” he said.

    I know hedge fund managers who are buying airstrips in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway
    Robert Johnson

Johnson, who heads the Institute of New Economic Thinking and was previously managing director at Soros, said societies can tolerate income inequality if the income floor is high enough. But with an existing system encouraging chief executives to take decisions solely on their profitability, even in the richest countries inequality is increasing.

Johnson added: “People need to know there are possibilities for their children – that they will have the same opportunity as anyone else. There is a wicked feedback loop. Politicians who get more money tend to use it to get more even money.”

Global warming and social media are among the trends the 600 super-smart World Economic Forum staffers told its members to watch out for long before they became ubiquitous. This year, income inequality is fast moving up the Davos agenda – a sure sign of it is poised to burst into the public consciousness.

Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and a Davos star attraction after giving the closing address in 2014, said he had spent a lot of time learning from the leaders behind recent social unrest in Ferguson. He believes that will prove “a catalytic event” which has already changed the conversation in the US, bringing a message from those who previously “didn’t matter”.

But as former New Zealand prime minister and now UN development head Helen Clark explained, rather than being a game changer, recent examples suggest the Ferguson movement may soon be forgotten. “We saw Occupy flare up and then fade like many others like it,” Clark said. “The problem movements like these have is stickability. The challenge is for them to build structures that are ongoing; to sustain these new voices.”

So what is the solution to having the new voices being sufficiently recognised to actually change the status quo into one where those with power realise they do matter?

Clarke said: “Solutions are there. What’s been lacking is political will. Politicians do not respond to those who don’t have a voice In the end this is all about redistributing income and power.”

She added: “Seventy five percent of people in developing countries live in places that are less equal than they were in 1990.”

The panellists were scathing about politicians, Wallis describing them as people who held up wet fingers “to see which way the money is blowing in from.”

Author, philosopher and former academic Rebecca Newberger-Goldstein saw the glass half full, drawing on history to prove society does eventually change for the better. She said Martin Luther King was correct in his view that the arch of history might be long, but it bends towards justice.

In ancient Greece, she noted, even the greatest moralists like Plato and Aristotle never criticised slavery. Newberger-Goldstein said: “We’ve come a long way as a species. The truth is now dawning that everybody matters because the concept of mattering is at the core of every human being.” Knowing you matter, she added, is often as simple as having others “acknowledge the pathos and reality of your stories. To listen.”

Mexican micro-lending entrepreneur Carlos Danel expanded on the theme. His business, Gentera, has thrived by working out that “those excluded are not the problem but realising there’s an opportunity to serve them.”

He added: “Technology provides advantages that can lower costs and enable us to provide products and services that matter to the people who don’t seem to matter to society. And that’s beyond financial services – into education and elsewhere.”

Which, Danel believes, is why business was created in the first place – to serve. A message that seemed to get lost somewhere in the worship of profit.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Half of Humanity Now Forms the ‘Resistance’



A day before leaving Srinagar, in the ‘Indian administered Kashmir’, my comrades asked me to address a small gathering of local as well as progressive visiting Indian intellectuals. They mainly wanted to hear about the state of the resistance against Western imperialism. And Western imperialism is what India is now trying to join so eagerly and shamelessly.

It was dark outside, literally and metaphorically. Kashmir has been bleeding horrifically. At least 80,000 people have died, most of them from the terror spread by the fascist Indian state. The victims have been mainly civilians. At least 8,000 people have been “disappeared”. There have been countless, predominantly unreported, rapes and cases of beastly, unimaginable torture. Much of it has happened in just the last two decades.

I am going to write about this, soon, next week. But before I do, let me tell this story.

During that dark night, several men and women were gathered in a cramped room, asking me one simple and essential question: Could the brutality of the Empire be prevented, and if not prevented, could it be stopped?

I replied that “Yes!” And “Yes!” again.

Because no matter how dark the night appears to be, no matter how hopeless the struggles seems to be, the world had changed in the last several years; and it had changed profoundly.


When I stood in the middle of the street on 26th January 2015, just with my camera, right between stone-throwing youth and heavily armed Indian security forces, I was the only person willing to report the event. Later a Kashmiri human rights activist explained to me: “Foreigners don’t dare to do this, local reporters would be, as always, beaten up by the Indian security forces, and if Indians were to dare and come, they would encounter the wrath of those indignant stone-throwing youth.”

And so I was alone there.

But was I really?

Behind me – not visibly behind – but psychologically not too far away, stood a comrade who has been working for a huge international press agency. He couldn’t be here with me, but before I went, he offered his support, contacts, and expertise. Without his help and backing, my work would be next to impossible, or at least much more dangerous than it already was.

The struggle for justice, for true freedom, and above all, for the survival of humanity, is becoming increasingly broad, joined by countries located on all the continents and by individuals from all walks of life.

Two decades ago we lived in a totally different world. The lackeys of the West, with Boris Yeltsin leading the pack, boozed the Soviet Union out. Eastern Europe was mostly led by the children of former elites, such as Vaclav Havel. China was still very far from reversing its moderately toxic pro-market ‘reforms’ introduced by Deng Xiaoping. And Latin America: it was in total disarray, either engaged in civil wars and conflicts, recovering from monstrous pro-Western dictatorships, or run by the market-fundamentalists, or all the above. In Africa and in the Middle East, right-wing dictatorships were consolidating their power, and in many Asian nations, the elites were busy re-grabbing power, applauded by their own private press, as well as by the Western mainstream media.

Language and terminology, the linguistics, had been totally perverted or at least confused. Fascism was called ‘democracy’. Terms like ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ were determinedly and constantly smeared.

What a world it used to be!

But no more: everything has totally changed.


In Kashmir, I told my friends about the new and powerful media; that of Latin America, in Russia, in China, and Iran. It is not ‘alternative’, anymore. In a way it is ‘mainstream’, because in many parts of the world, exposing the crimes committed by the West, by its Empire and by its ‘client states’ like India, Indonesia, Kenya, Rwanda or Uganda, has become something that is considered absolutely natural, something that is to be expected and demanded by the people.

But above all, I explained that just a few years ago, maybe just one decade back, I only had a few close people like Noam Chomsky, ‘covering my back’. Now there are many, from all classes, professions and continents!

One of the greatest international lawyers, Chris Black from Toronto, Canada, and a former World Bank economist, Peter Koenig, are now writing a book with me. Both understood and turned around to confront fascism. Both are overflowing with practical knowledge, because they used to work ‘inside the system’.

Just two months ago I was invited to Eritrea, a great and brave African country that is fighting the direct intimidation and embargos of the Empire. The lady who hosted me, used to work in South Sudan, for the World Bank. She got so disgusted with what she was expected to do – destroying her fellow African people – that she left her highly paid job, just a year ago, in order to set up her own progressive organization, defending the Horn Of Africa. She set up its headquarters in the capital of her native Eritrea, Asmara. Since then she has been courageously fighting for her people, and for those in this totally abused and tortured part of the world.

I have met and worked with countless staff-members of the United Nations: educators and statisticians, academics, economists and other professionals. Some are just lamenting about how the dream of the “World Government” degenerated and gone to the dogs. But others are actively fighting, often behind the scene, breaking countless rules and regulations.

Some quit, unwilling to compromise.

I have to mention my deceased friend, Australian lawyer Michael Hourigan, a former UN genocide investigator from ICTR, who managed to identify those who shot down the airplane carrying the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, in 1994. He was forced to fly to The Hague, and literally ordered to shut up, by a high UN official. That was because all the evidence was pointing at the Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his Tutsi army, RPF. Kagame has been a brutal Western implant, responsible for millions of dead people in the plundered Democratic Republic of Congo.

The shooting down of the Presidential ‘Falcon’ jet triggered the epic 1994 violence, and terrible inter-tribal bloodletting.

Michael Hourigan resigned, in disgust, and returned to his native Adelaide in Australia. He passed the evidence on to me, during the filming of my feature documentary, “Rwanda Gambit”.

Another horror story I was asked to tell to the world, was by Ms. Masako Yonekawa, a former UNHCR head in Goma, perhaps the most tattered and terrorized part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and of Africa in general.

Ms. Yonekawa resigned from the UN, and then went on record, testifying in my film, about the brutality of the RPF, about the Western support for the RPF, and about the UN staff, particularly the Indian peacekeepers, who had been involved in the smuggling of raw materials from the DRC.

There were others, many others, who managed to identify the genocide in the DR Congo, particularly those UN staff members who wrote and consequently ‘leaked’ the reports (including the ‘Mapping Report’) on the involvement of both Rwanda and Uganda in the genocide in Goma and other parts of the DRC.

Two UN statisticians helped me, when I was writing my book on the horrors of modern, post-Suharto Indonesia, “Indonesia – Archipelago of Fear.”

Not everyone has the guts to ‘go public’, or to resign. But I know: whenever great matters are at stake, there are thinkers and teachers, doctors and pilots, UN experts, economists, lawyers, even some government officials and soldiers, who are ready to risk their careers, and support me, or people like me, and therefore directly or indirectly joining the struggle.

These days I never feel desperate or hopeless. Some of the greatest individuals are on our side.

Just look at the “BRussells Tribunal”! Or look at the ‘composition’, the list of those who are writing for The Counterpunch or The Greanville Post.

Of course, the journey, the process, is not without those who betray it. There are always people who put their petty fears and interests above the great struggles. They betray individuals, the fighters, and they also betray entire concepts. But nothing is, or should be ‘perfect’.

Those who betray will, one day, face their own conscience, if they have any at all. They will not be at peace with themselves. As for the honest fighters, traitors will certainly hurt them, but after a while, they will get up, straighten themselves again, and march forward.


There is great hope, everywhere. And not too see it, not to sense it, would take truly great ‘discipline’.

Russia got up from its knees and confronted the Empire. China did the same, in many ways returning to Socialist, even Communist designs. Both big nations are increasingly ‘internationalist’ when it comes to their foreign policy. Both are also deeply concerned with the lives of their people.

Latin America broke the shackles of Western imperialism and of the racist ‘Monroe Doctrine’. Each one of these great nations: Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, is going its own way, but in brilliant solidarity with each other, and as a bloc. Each one is also forging closer and closer links with China and Russia.

Those nations that have been overrun by the West, recently: Paraguay and Honduras are seen clearly as scarecrows. Nobody in their sane mind would like to follow their ‘examples’.

Africa, the most injured continent on Earth, is standing tall at least at its two extremes: South Africa and Zimbabwe in the South, and Eritrea in the north.

As complex as the situation is there, North Korea, Vietnam and Laos are still in the camp of the rebels, and have to be taken seriously.

Were India not to betray the BRICS, were it not to jump into an horrific embrace of the West and Israel, as well as its own grotesque religious and cast-driven nationalism, at least one half of the planet would now be standing firmly against the Empire and its sinister design to fully control the world.


I spoke to my Kashmiri friends about all of this.

But Kashmir is bleeding, from torture and rape, from extra-judicial killings. There, India is conducting joint exercises with both the US and Israel. It is learning how to massacre, control and torture, and it is often outdoing its gurus.

The victims of the bestiality committed by the Empire and its client states are our allies. We will not hide the facts! We will not maneuver. We will speak openly and clearly. If we have any ‘ideological differences’, we will take care of them later. But our message, for now, is clear: enough of torture, enough of rape, enough of genocides.

I told them, to my friends: “Kashmir is not alone. We will stand by you, we will struggle with you, and if needed, we will risk our lives for you!”

The era of cowardice is over. A new age of solidarity has arrived.

As Indian guns were pointed at me, I felt calm. “If anything happens to me, many others will take my place”, I thought. I am not a hero, I don’t believe in heroism, but I am not a coward, either. And after learning what has been taking place in Kashmir, every pore of my body was supporting the victims.

In Kashmir I felt that Leningrad and Beijing, Caracas, Havana, Asmara and Quito are behind me. The songs of resistance from Srinagar were the songs of resistance of the Russian, Chinese, African and Latin American people.

We are all connected. And that is why I was standing there, in the middle of the road, in Srinagar, facing the soldiers of the Indian state – those lackeys of the Empire.

“He is really coming with us!” one of the boys said, in disbelief.

“Yes!” I said, squeezing my camera. As always, I wanted to survive. I wanted to survive so much! But not by all means! Not as a slave, not as a lackey.

Half of humanity is now with us, I thought, as the bandits, those security forces of India, trained openly by US and Israeli began closing in on us, firing teargas canisters, not into the air but directly at people’s heads. And many more will be joining, soon.

Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His critically acclaimed political revolutionary novel Point of No Return is now re-edited and available. Oceania is his book on Western imperialism in South Pacific. His provocative book about post-Suharto Indonesia and market-fundamentalist model is called “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear” (Pluto). He just completed feature documentary “Rwanda Gambit” about Rwandan history and the plunder of DR Congo. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and Africa. He can be reached through his website.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Waging A Phony War on Terror. “Terrorists R US” Defines U.S. Foreign Policy


Waging it isn’t new. Enemies are needed. When none exist they’re invented.

Reagan denounced the “evil scourge of terrorism.” Specifically state-sponsored international terrorism. The “plague of the modern age,” he said.

His Secretary of State George Schultz called it “modern barbarism. (A) form of political violence. (A) threat to Western civilization. (A) menace to Western moral values.”

GW Bush declared war on terrorism. To “rid the world of evildoers. (N)ot let evil stand.”

Orwell said political rhetoric defends the indefensible. So-called wars on terrorism are wars of terrorism. State-sponsored. Against designated individuals, groups or nations.

The late Howard Zinn asked “(h)ow can you make war on terrorism if war is terrorism.” Governments are the greatest terrorist threats.

US Code defines terrorism as activities involving:

    (A) “violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;”

    (B) are intended to -

    (i) “intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

    (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

    (iii) affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

    (C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States….”

The US Army Operational Concept for Terrorism (TRADOC Pamphlet No. 525-37, 1984) calls it “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature…through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear.”

Political terrorism is worst of all. State-sponsored. Including premeditated wars of aggression. Direct and proxy.

Compromised civil liberties. Gross human rights abuses. Committing violent or other extrajudicial acts to advance a political agenda.

Claiming national security concerns. Promoting democracy. America’s most dangerous export.

Calling aggressive wars self-defense. Good v. evil. America arrogates to itself the right to be the world’s sheriff, judge and hangman.

Its sole decider. Publicly supporting right over wrong. Spurning fundamental rule of law principles. Its rules alone apply. Justifying the unjustifiable.

In his book titled “America’s War on Terrorism,” Michel Chossudovsky calls it a complete fabrication.

“(B)ased on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted” America’s entire intelligence establishment.

Waging war on terrorism is a pretext for permanent New World Order wars of conquest. Carving up whole continents for profit and dominance.

Serving monied interests. At the expense of popular ones. Using America’s resources for unchallenged US hegemony. No matter the human cost.

Fictitious enemies are created. Wars on terrorism follow. At home and abroad. Especially post-9/11.

What Project for a New American Century (PNAC) neocons called a “catastrophic and catalyzing event…like a new Pearl Harbor” was needed to advance US hegemonic aims.

Changing rules of engagement. From rule of law observance to anything goes. America declared war on Islam.

Muslims are targets of choice. Terrorism is what they do. Not us. Nazis claimed they were protecting populations from terrorists directed from abroad.

Imperial Japan targeted “Chinese bandits.” Claiming an agenda to create an “earthly paradise.”

Reagan ignored the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) June 1986 condemnation of  ”unlawful (US) use of force.” As well as Security Council resolutions calling on nations to observe international law.

Vetoed by Washington. General Assembly ones affirming the same principles ignored.

Congress significantly increased funding for US-backed Central American death squads. Engaged in “the unlawful use of force.”

At the time, State Department legal advisor Abraham Sofaer explained why America is entitled to disregard World Court rulings.

Saying when most states oppose Washington’s agenda, we “reserve to ourselves the power to determine” how we’ll act.

Policies pursued fall “within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States, as determined (solely) by the United States.”

Washington’s war on terror creates what it claims to oppose. At home and abroad. On an unprecedented scale.

Supported by rogue Western partners. Israel. Other extremist states. Allied against freedom. Making the world safe for monied interests.

At the expense of millions of lost lives. Unspeakable human misery. Unlimited wealth, power and privilege. Genocide is a small price to pay.

America’s human rights record is far and away the world’s worst. Truman administration diplomat George Kennan was Wshington’s leading Cold War architect.

He advised on “dispen(sing) with all sentimentality and daydreaming…”

    Urged focusing solely on “national objectives…(D)ispensing with the aspiration to ‘be liked’ or to be regarded as the repository of high-minded international altruism.”

    “We should (stop talking about) unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization.”

    “The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts.”

    “The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans (ideas and practices), the better.”

Ravaging one nation after another followed. Multiple direct and proxy wars. Homeland ones against freedom.

Militarized madness and then some. Heading things perhaps for armageddon. America, other Western states and Israel are more battlegrounds than homelands.

Anyone can be arrested, charged, prosecuted and imprisoned. On spurious terrorism charges.

Others or none at all. Held indefinitely. Designated state enemies have no rights. Police states operate this way.

Democracy is pure fantasy. Existing in name only. Raw power rules. Challengers risk persecution, imprisonment or death.

Thousands of political prisoners languish in America’s gulag. The world’s largest by far. Israel operates the same way. So do other Western nations.

After retiring from public life, George Kennan softened his views. On the Progressive Radio News Hour, Stop NATO’s Rick Rozoff explained.

Citing a line from Goethe. Warning about being destroyed by monsters of our own creation.

In his 1978 Harvard commencement address, Alexander Solzhenitsyn attacked Kennan. For refusing to apply moral values to politics.

Saying “we mix good and evil, right and wrong, and make space for the absolute triumph of absolved evil in the world.”

In a post-9/11 world, what would Solzhenitsyn say now? Fascism dominates Western and Israeli policy. Masquerading as democracy.

Terrorists R us. Kennan believed people can’t be trusted to do the right thing. Their nature dictates otherwise.

We need to be realists, he said. Because we’re not moralists. John Adams once said: “Power always thinks it has a great soul.”

US policymakers believe they deserve it. In retirement, Kennan said the “tendency to see ourselves as the center of political enlightenment and as teachers to a great part of the rest of the world strikes me as unthought-through, vainglorious and undesirable.”

He lived to age 101. Remained intellectually alert to the end. Dying in March 2005. Opposed war in Vietnam.

Clinton’s Balkan wars. The rape of Yugoslavia. At age 98, he warned of unforeseen consequences of war on Iraq. Saying it bore no relation to fighting terrorism.

What he said about Iraq applies broadly. Warning “(a)nyone who has ever studied the history of American diplomacy, especially military diplomacy, knows that you might start in a war with certain things on your mind as a purpose of what you are doing, but in the end, you found yourself fighting for entirely different things that you had never thought of before…”

    “In other words, war has a momentum of its own, and it carries you away from all thoughtful intentions when you get into it.”

    “Today, if we went into Iraq, like the president would like us to do, you know where you begin. You never know where you are going to end.”

Kennan expressed fears about worsening US/Russian relations. Called NATO enlargement a “strategic blunder of potentially epic proportions.”

Warned against exporting US policies. Argued against subordinating other states to an international juridical regime.

Advocated for balanced power globally. The best way to protect America’s security, he believed.

Historian Wilson Miscamble said “(o)ne can only hope that present and future makers of foreign policy might share something of his integrity and intelligence.”

Not in America. Other Western societies. Israel. Hardline extremism rules. Phony war on terrorism persists.

Last week’s Paris killings are its latest manifestation. Expect more incidents like it ahead. Wall Street Journal editors warned of “the next Islamic rampage.”

A “new offensive by homegrown jihadists carrying European or US passports…(I)nspired by al Qaeda or Islamic State.”

Journal editors urged “more aggressive interventions…” Against anyone “show(iing) signs of embracing jihad.”

Perhaps they mean all-out war. Ignoring the world’s greatest threat. US-state-sponsored terrorism. Possible nuclear war.

In October, FBI director James Comey warned of radicalized Islamists planning attacks on US soil.

Saying they’re “looking to do it very, very soon. (W)e know they’re serious people bent on destruction.”

In his book titled “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror,” Trevor Aaronson chronicled so-called terrorist incidents in America over the last decade. Saying one common theme defines them.

    “The organization responsible for more terrorist plots over the last decade than any other is the FBI.”

    “Through elaborate and expensive sting operations, involving informants and undercover agents posing as terrorists, the FBI has arrested and the Justice dept. has prosecuted dozens of men government officials say posed direct – but by no means credible or immediate – threats to the United States.”

Terror plots are invented. Innocent patsies used advantageously.

Part of America’s fear-mongering campaign. Manipulating public opinion. Supported by scoundrel media misinformation.

Big Lies. Getting people to believe nonexistent terrorists threaten their security. Implementing repressive policies. Eviscerating civil liberties. Waging phony wars on terrorism.

According to Aaronson:

    “(G)overnment-described terrorists were able to carry forward their potentially lethal plots only because FBI agents and informants provided them with all the means…”

    “(I)n most cases delivering weapons and equipment…(I)n some cases even paying rent and doling out…spending money to keep the suspects on the hook.”

    “In cities around the country where terrorism stings have taken place, (key is whether) the FBI catch(es) terrorists or create(s) them.”

Terrorists R us defines US policy. Expect more false flag “terrorist” plots to follow Paris killings.

In European countries. America. Israel. Elsewhere. Expect Washington to be centrally involved.

Complicit with its rogue partners. At what this writer calls the most perilous time in world history.

US hegemonic plans may destroy planetary life. Lunatics infesting Washington, European capitals and Israel make the unthinkable possible.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
US Officials Blow the Whistle on Secret CIA, Mossad Operation in Syria


Aaron Nelson
Activist Post

Detonating a car bomb in a civilian-populated area and denying any involvement in the attack is called terrorism when our enemies do it.

But what if the terror attack is backed by Israel and the United States?

Speaking only under the condition of anonymity, 5 former U.S. intelligence officials told The Washington Post that the Central Intelligence Agency tracked Imad Mughniyah for at least a year before killing him in a joint operation with the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

By studying Mughniyah’s daily routine, a strategy for the attack was masterminded and carried out in secret by the ‘good guys’. A truth which remained untold until last week.

According to their report, it was Israel who initially approached the CIA about the joint assassination, but former U.S. President George W. Bush is who authorized the operation after securing approval from the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Adviser, and the Justice Department.

It’s also illegal.

    –EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333, signed into law by U.S. President Ronald Reagan on December 4th, 1981.

    “No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in or conspire to engage in assassination.”

    –EXECUTIVE ORDER 12036, signed into law by U.S. President Jimmy Carter on January 24, 1978.

    “No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.”

    –EXECUTIVE ORDER 11905, created and signed into law by U.S. President Gerald R. Ford on February 18, 1976.

    “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

After testing the bomb more than 25 times at the CIA’s Harvey Point base in North Carolina, the CIA provided the device to the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service to plant in a spare tire on Mughniyah’s car.

“The way it was set up, the U.S. could object and call it off, but it could not execute,” a former U.S. official said.

Following the assassination, Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema called the car bombing an act of terror. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah blamed the assassination on Israel. The investigation carried out by the Syrian government into the attack did not identify a culprit, but determined Mughniyah was killed by a car bomb that was detonated by remote.

As it turns out, this is exactly what these five U.S. officials are now claiming had happened. The device was triggered remotely from Tel Aviv by agents with the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service in communication with CIA operatives on the ground. Facial recognition technology was used to identify Mughniyah as he walked out of a restaurant minutes before the bomb was detonated.

Following the attack, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert denied any Israeli involvement with the car bombing.

“Israel rejects the attempt by terror groups to attribute to it any involvement in this incident. We have nothing further to add,” said former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in 2008, following the attack.

Meanwhile, Israeli officials celebrated the news of Mughniyah’s death.

The acting U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, suggested the Syrian government, or perhaps internal Hezbollah factions, were responsible for the assassination. As it turns out, this narrative was nearly the opposite of reality.

At the time, McConnell claimed U.S. intelligence agencies were investigating his ‘conspiracy theory’. Now many will now surely recognize it as ‘CIA propaganda’ designed to manipulate the narrative told by U.S. corporate media outlets in 2008 while covering the car bombing assassination of Mughniyah.

“There’s some evidence that it may have been internal Hezbollah. It may have been Syria. We don’t know yet, and we’re trying to sort that out.” – Mike McConnell

For decades, U.S. officials accused Imad Mughniyah of masterminding several attacks, most notably the bombing of the 1983 U.S. Embassy in Beirut that killed several CIA agents, though no legitimate evidence of his role has been released.

The extraordinarily close cooperation between the CIA and the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service suggests that secret assassination operations by these intelligence agencies, a tactic considered by many to be a ‘terrorist act’, are probably not uncommon.

Aaron Nelson writes for the TheAntiMedia.org, where this first appeared. Tune-in to The Anti-Media radio show Monday-Friday @ 11pm EST, 8pm PST.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
9/11 Conspirator Admits Saudi Royal Family Funded Al-Qaeda Attacks


"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," appears to be the 'do-nothing-stupid' strategy that Washington continues to play in The Middle East. How else to explain the continuing 'close-ally' relationship with Saudi Arabia given that, as Reuters reports, Zacarias Moussaoui - a former al Qaeda operative imprisoned for life for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks - has told lawyers for victims of the attacks that members of the Saudi royal family supported the Islamic militant group. Saudi officials were quick to denounce these statements as those of "a deranged criminal whose own lawyers presented evidence that he was mentally incompetent," as he included some "extremely famous" Saudi officials as 'donors' during Osama bin Laden's tenure.


Moussaoui made his statements in October at the super-maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado, where Moussaoui has been held since being sentenced to life in 2006. He wrote a letter offering to testify.

Families of Sept. 11 victims allege that Saudi Arabia and a government-affiliated charity knowingly provided funding and other material support to al Qaeda that helped it carry out the attacks.

Plaintiffs include families of the nearly 3,000 people killed, as well as insurers that covered losses suffered by building owners and businesses.

Most of the 19 attackers were Saudi nationals who hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., and into a field in Pennsylvania after passengers revolted.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Entire Oil Collapse Is All About Crushing Russian Control Over Syria


While the markets are still debating whether the price of oil is more impacted by the excess pumping of crude here, or the lack of demand there, or if it is all just a mechanical squeeze by momentum-chasing HFT algos who also know to buy in the milliseconds before 2:30pm, we bring readers' attention back to what several months ago was debunked as a deep conspiracy theory.

Back then we wrote about a certain visit by John Kerry to Saudi Arabia, on September 11 of all days, to negotiate a secret deal with the now late King Abdullah so as to get a "green light" in order "to launch its airstrikes against ISIS, or rather, parts of Iraq and Syria. And, not surprising, it is once again Assad whose fate was the bargaining chip to get the Saudis on the US' side, because in order to launch the incursion into Syrian sovereign territory, it "took months of behind-the-scenes work by the U.S. and Arab leaders, who agreed on the need to cooperate against Islamic State, but not how or when. The process gave the Saudis leverage to extract a fresh U.S. commitment to beef up training for rebels fighting Mr. Assad, whose demise the Saudis still see as a top priority."

We concluded:

    Said otherwise, the pound of flesh demanded by Saudi Arabia to "bless" US airstrikes and make them appear as an act of some coalition, is the removal of the Assad regime. Why? So that, as we also explained last year, the holdings of the great Qatar natural gas fields can finally make their way onward to Europe, which incidentally is also America's desire - what better way to punish Putin for his recent actions than by crushing the main leverage the Kremlin has over Europe?

Because at the end of the day it is all about energy. We made as much very clear one month later when in mid-October we said "If The Oil Plunge Continues, "Now May Be A Time To Panic" For US Shale Companies." The panic time has long since come, but only after we laid out the problem clearly enough for all to grasp:

    ... while we understand if Saudi Arabia is employing a dumping strategy to punish the Kremlin as per the "deal" with Obama's White House, very soon there will be a very vocal, very insolvent and very domestic shale community demanding answers from the Obama administration, as once again the "costs" meant to punish Russia end up crippling the only truly viable industry under the current presidency.     

    As a reminder, the last time Obama threatened Russia with "costs", he sent Europe into a triple-dip recession.   

    It would truly be the crowning achievement of Obama's career if, amazingly, he manages to bankrupt the US shale "miracle" next.

Of course, all of the above was purely in the realm of the conspiratorial, because the last thing the administration would admit is that the tradeoff to its bargain with Saudi Arabia to implement a (largely failed) foreign policy regarding ISIS (which has grown in size since the coalition campaign) was to put at risk the entire US shale miracle, a miracle which is evaporating in front of everyone's eyes. And all thanks to that "closest" of US allies in the middle east: Saudi Arabia.

It was conspiratorial, that is, until today, when thanks to the far less "tinfoil" NYT one more conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact, following a report that "Saudi Arabia has been trying to pressure President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to abandon his support for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, using its dominance of the global oil markets at a time when the Russian government is reeling from the effects of plummeting oil prices."

From the NYT:

    Saudi Arabia and Russia have had numerous discussions over the past several months that have yet to produce a significant breakthrough, according to American and Saudi officials. It is unclear how explicitly Saudi officials have linked oil to the issue of Syria during the talks, but Saudi officials say — and they have told the United States — that they think they have some leverage over Mr. Putin because of their ability to reduce the supply of oil and possibly drive up prices."

As we predicted, correctly, in September: it was all about Syria:

    “If oil can serve to bring peace in Syria, I don’t see how Saudi Arabia would back away from trying to reach a deal,” a Saudi diplomat said. An array of diplomatic, intelligence and political officials from the United States and Middle East spoke on the condition of anonymity to adhere to protocols of diplomacy.

So what would it take for the price of oil to finally jump? Not much: Putin's announcement that Syria's leader Bashar is no longer a strategic ally of Russia.

    Any weakening of Russian support for Mr. Assad could be one of the first signs that the recent tumult in the oil market is having an impact on global statecraft. Saudi officials have said publicly that the price of oil reflects only global supply and demand, and they have insisted that Saudi Arabia will not let geopolitics drive its economic agenda. But they believe that there could be ancillary diplomatic benefits to the country’s current strategy of allowing oil prices to stay low — including a chance to negotiate an exit for Mr. Assad.


    "Russia has been one of the Syrian president’s most steadfast supporters, selling military equipment to the government for years to bolster Mr. Assad’s forces in their battle against rebel groups, including the Islamic State, and supplying everything from spare parts and specialty fuels to sniper training and helicopter maintenance."

Will Putin relent?

    "Mr. Putin, however, has frequently demonstrated that he would rather accept economic hardship than buckle to outside pressures to change his policies. Sanctions imposed by the United States and European countries have not prompted Moscow to end its military involvement in Ukraine, and Mr. Putin has remained steadfast in his support for Mr. Assad, whom he sees as a bulwark in a region made increasingly volatile by Islamic extremism."

Actually that's not it: Syria, as we have been explaining for nearly two years is the critical transit zone of a proposed natural gas pipeline, originating in Qatar, and one which would terminate somewhere in central Europe. The same Qatar which was the "mystery sponsor of weapons and money to Syrian mercenary rebels" who eventually became ISIS. The same Qatar which is now directly funding ISIS. Of course, if Putin were to handover Syria to the Saudi princes (and to Qatar), he would effectively shoot himself in the foot by ending any leverage Gazprom has over Europe.

This too is very well known to Putin. For now he has shown that he has no intention of abdicating Syria, and losing critical leverage when it comes to being the provider of last resort of European gas:

    The Saudis have offered economic enticements to Russian leaders in return for concessions on regional issues like Syria before, but never with oil prices so low. It is unclear what effect, if any, the discussions are having. While the United States would support initiatives to end Russian backing for Mr. Assad, any success by the Saudis to cut production and raise global oil prices could hurt many parts of the American economy.

    After the meeting in Moscow in November between Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, and Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, Mr. Lavrov rejected the idea that international politics should play a role in setting oil prices.   

    “We see eye to eye with our Saudi colleagues in that we believe the oil market should be based on the balance of supply and demand,” Mr. Lavrov said, “and that it should be free of any attempts to influence it for political or geopolitical purposes.”

Which, in retrospect puts the Ukraine conflict, and the western isolation of Russia in a very simple spotlight - the whole point is to inflict as much pain as possible, so Putin has no choice but to hand over Syria.

    Russia is feeling financial pain and diplomatic isolation because of international sanctions stemming from its incursion into Crimea and eastern Ukraine, American officials said. But Mr. Putin still wants to be viewed as a pivotal player in the Middle East. The Russians hosted a conference last week in Moscow between the Assad government and some of Syria’s opposition groups, though few analysts believe the talks will amount to much, especially since many of the opposition groups boycotted them. Some Russia experts expressed skepticism that Mr. Putin would be amenable to any deal that involved removing support for Mr. Assad.   

    Saudi Arabia’s leverage depends on how seriously Moscow views its declining oil revenues. “If they are hurting so bad that they need the oil deal right away, the Saudis are in a good position to make them pay a geopolitical price as well,” said F. Gregory Gause III, a Middle East specialist at Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service.   

    As for Assad, the Syrian president "has shown no inclination to step aside. He said in a recent interview with Foreign Affairs magazine that the true threat in Syria comes from the Islamic State and Qaeda-affiliated groups that, in his words, make up the “majority” of rebellion. American and Arab officials said that even if Russia were to abandon Mr. Assad, the Syrian president would still have his most generous benefactor, Iran. Iranian aid to the Syrian government has been one of the principal reasons that Mr. Assad has been able to hold power as other autocrats in the Middle East have been deposed.   

    And as a major oil producer, Iran would benefit if Saudi Arabia helped push up oil prices as part of a bargain with Russia.

    “You are going to strengthen your enemy whether you like it or not, and the Iranians are not showing any flexibility here,” said Mustafa Alani, an analyst at the Gulf Research Center who is close to the Saudi royal family.

    But the military aid that Russia provides to Syria is different enough from what Damascus receives from Iran, its other major supplier, that if “Russia withdrew all military support, I don’t think the Syrian Army could function,” a senior Obama administration official said.

The conclusion:

    A number of Arab nations have been pushing for the Saudis and Russians — polar extremes in their positions toward Mr. Assad — to find common ground on the matter as a step toward ending the carnage of Syria’s civil war, now almost four years old. But, as one Arab diplomat put it, “This decision is ultimately in Putin’s hands.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what the great oil collapse of 2014/2015 is all about. For those who want to know when to buy oil, the answer is simple: just after (or ideally before) Putin announces he will no longer support the Assad regime. If, that is, he ever does because that act will effectively destroy all leverage Putin may ever have over Europe, and in the process, also end - quite prematurely - his career.

Until then, every single HFT-induced spike in oil is one to be ultimately faded, because as the past few months have shown, it is the Saudis who set the price, and they will not take no for an answer, even if it means crippling the entire US shale, and energy, industry in the process.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Guest Post: Organizing Against Tyranny


Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt-Market blog:


My work and my thoughts lately have turned toward a now constant focus on the concepts of organization, more in respect to underlying philosophy rather than hard, fast rules and structures. If you are one of the slithering acolytes of political theory elitist Saul Alinsky (and you haven’t felt the inclination to jump face first into the nearest punji pit), then the primary tool of organization for you is to lie, and to lie often. Tricking people into action using false premises, telling people what they want to hear rather than opening their eyes to reality, is perhaps the easiest way to build a movement. Of course, that movement will eventually destroy itself as the lies begin to inhibit progress rather than inspire it. But in most cases, by the time the organization self-destructs it has already been exploited for the nefarious purpose it was intended.

For the liberty movement, the movement against globalization and forced centralization of financial and political power, lies are simply not an option. The internationalists have already cornered the market on lies, so we must take a completely contrary approach. We must organize around the truth, no matter how painful it happens to be. This is a much more difficult prospect, one many people don’t understand or appreciate.

There are a lot of complaints in the movement about the lack of what they consider effective organization, and the frustration is in some ways beginning to evolve into fear. Here are some core inconsistencies I believe are at the heart of organizational problems within the liberty movement and what we can do to solve them.

Re-examining Our Concept Of Real Organization

For multiple generations, Americans and most of the rest of the world have been conditioned to believe that organization is a top-down affair that requires a central leadership that hands orders across the ranks of a rigid structure. The people within the structure operate as parts of a greater machine, and the success of the machine is (supposedly) directly related to how close the smaller parts (people) work together and follow those orders. Unfortunately, many activists in the liberty movement also assume that this is what an organization is and how it works.

Surely, there is a need for people with a talent to inspire others to thought and to action. But these men and women are nothing unless they can motivate individuals to eventually take their own initiative without orders. A true leader is a teacher — nothing more. And if he really cares about the future prosperity of the people he is teaching, that teacher’s objective will be for his students to exceed his own capabilities and to become independent in their accomplishments.

For a movement driven by a desire for the preservation of freedom and sovereignty, organization requires structure, but not rigidity or centralized leadership. The collectivist model of the human machine or hive is a flawed model that oppresses individual contributions that could be revolutionary. The corporate model, for instance, is a perfect example of an organization built mostly on lies (just look at the inconsistencies of real debts versus real profits for most major companies) and that fuels itself on the integration of people as replaceable gears and bolts on a rusted, shuddering Ferris wheel ride. Corporations might appear to make money, but they never meet their ultimate potential as organizations because most of the people within them could not care less about the purpose or even health of the system as long as they continue to draw a paycheck. When an organization merely limps along on the thin thread of the survival principle, this is the opposite of success.

The liberty movement has to abandon outmoded and ill-conceived notions of mainstream organizational models and take more stock in decentralized activity. A lack of an arbitrarily designated pecking order or the pyramid scheme of top-down branching management is a good thing for our cause, not a disadvantage.

Legitimate Structure And Purpose

Just because a movement is decentralized does not mean it should lack a foundation, and that foundation should be composed of a primary purpose and a primary plan of action. This is where some liberty activists seem to become most nihilistic in their thinking.

They have been looking for top-down leadership, which doesn’t exist and shouldn’t exist.They have been looking for a set plan of attack, which no one can seem to agree on. And they moan relentlessly about what they see as the lack of a singular, universal vision of what the ultimate goal should be. I have heard the argument more than once that the liberty movement will fail because victory would require us to all agree on one ideological vision and a rather singular strategy. What they don’t appear to realize is that a vision and strategy already exist that most of us agree on.

Again, our society has been conditioned to see through only a very narrow window of what constitutes organization that demands we adhere to the top-down philosophy. However, most liberty activists already agree on the bottom-up goal of self-reliance and self-sufficiency in all things, from food and water to education, security and governance.

There will be no mass majority movement on Washington in a “V for Vendetta”-style march led by some heroic masked man. And even if there were, it would accomplish nothing unless the top of the globalist pyramid was toppled (Occupy Wall Street is a good example of how such theatrics fail). This goal of a mass awakening is a common fantasy and an impractical one; but self-sufficiency, mutual aid and mutual defense are realistic efforts, given the likely short amount of time we have left. The universal vision is right in front of our faces and always has been: to break away from the corrupt mainstream system, to remove our dependency, to provide our own necessities and, thus, to remove our consent.

Every liberty proponent in America should be able to pursue this goal without prompting from any centralized leadership, and it encompasses every aspect of the fight against tyranny. Make your family self-sufficient and secure without aid of government. Make your neighborhood self-sufficient and secure. Make your town or county self-sufficient and secure. If the elites try to stop you, fight back and from a position on the moral high ground. If enough communities defend themselves the prospect of martial law or totalitarian control becomes systemically impossible, politically and strategically. I rarely run into liberty advocates who disagree with this plan, yet they do nothing and refuse to even make the attempt because they are still waiting around for someone to give them a plan. Stop waiting around for the next Gandhi or George Washington and do what you already know needs to be done. It is truly as simple as that.

Changing Our Idea Of Leadership

As stated earlier, you do not need a man on a white horse to ride in and save you from the terrifying idea of self-responsibility. If you are waiting for someone to come down off the mountain with magical stone tablets and lead you to the promised land, you are going to find yourself rather disappointed. Despite popular belief, men do not organize other men; only ideas given focus organize men. Men rally around that which they love or that which they hate. Leadership is often incidental, or sadly, manipulative.

So, by extension, we can conclude that to develop a strong organization, the ideal must be honest and honorable, the plan must be decentralized and natural for individuals to implement, and those who coordinate the organizational efforts must do so with the realization that they are stewards of the principles of that movement and that those principles are more important than their glory. If activists plan to become followers of anything, it should be solid principles. Leaders are secondary.

Destructive Egomania

In my time in the movement, I have seen relatively good men with sound ideals exhibit insane behavior and absurd motives when exposed to a mere 15 minutes of fame. Ego is truly the greatest Achilles’ heel of any activist organization. This is a fact that corrupt governments are highly aware of.

If you look into the history of the FBI’s subversive Cointelpro efforts from the 1950s onward, you will find a common tactic used to dismantle anti-establishment groups, which is to sow discord among organizers and coordinators by feeding egos and turning them against each other. Like the ring of power in the “Lord of The Rings” books, the desire for leadership can blind people to the greater cause. They develop delusions of grandeur, thinking they are the next guru, the next prophet, the next man to lead the charge to permanent historical stardom. Each person believes that if only he had the ring, if only he were the leader, he could resist the temptations of power and achieve what others could not. And so he refuses to work with others or to share the stage, or he even attempts to subvert or co-opt the legitimate accomplishments of more capable men.

The only solution is to cast off the ring forever, to care nothing for the supposed glories of leadership and to work only for the betterment of others.

I have also seen people within the movement fall victim to the admiration of their own fan base. Positive feedback from readers is certainly helpful, but I would be writing everything I write now even if every email I received were laced with vitriol (sometimes they are). The truth does not require fans; it functions fine without them. Liberty champions do, on occasion, receive letters of adoration — from being compared to Thomas Paine all the way to being labeled the next Jesus (the former being flattering and the latter being just plain weird). The problem is not public appreciation; it is the cult of celebrity that many Americans have grown too attached to, as well as the fact that some activists in more public positions have a hard time handling positive attention without their heads expanding 10 sizes too big.

The fact is I don’t matter, liberty leaders and personalities don’t matter, the limelight doesn’t matter, and the level of our fan base doesn’t matter. All that matters is how effectively and efficiently we can get the facts to the public. Organization suffers when the cult of celebrity takes over, whether in the minds of activists or in the minds of the people who represent them in the media.

Fear Of Risk Leads To Inaction

In my work with groups such as Oath Keepers and its Community Preparedness Team program, I have taken what some might consider sizable risks, and I have witnessed others who have gone even further. And in this risk I have seen the kinds of progress in organization I have never seen anywhere else. Without risk, there can be no organization against tyranny and, thus, no chance of success. If you are afraid to be put on the naughty list in the National Security Agency database, if you are afraid you might lose your job, if you are afraid you might be labeled an “extremist” or if you are afraid of uneducated public perception and this has prevented you from building mutual aid and defense groups where you live, then you have already lost everything. Fear leads to inaction, and inaction is death.

I have even witnessed members of organizations attempt to prevent others from taking positive measures like training for community defense because they are so fearful of what might happen due to their affiliation they will actually work against the better goals of the people around them. All I can say is that fear-driven people have to be removed from organizational environments, or they will poison the waters until the entire venture flatlines. Risk is inevitable. It is unavoidable. All anti-establishment, anti-tyranny movements depend on it. The more people willing to take risks, the more effectively “safe” that risk becomes. This includes the fear of defense and the fear of losing one’s life in the process. Every scenario, even the worst-case scenario, has to be considered and then set aside as irrelevant. Fear has no place in the minds or actions of liberty champions. Remove fear, and world-changing organization becomes possible.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Everyman decries immorality
If Your Name Is On This List, Prepare To Be Audited (Or Worse)


Over the weekend we got the latest confirmation that when it comes to enabling of tax evasion and parking of criminal money, HSBC is second only to US real estate in catering to shady offshore oligarchs, dictators, rock stars, monarchs, and even outright criminals.

What happened was the following: The French newspaper Le Monde obtained a version of the tax authority data, which covers accounts of more than 100,000 clients (individuals and legal entities) from more than 200 countries. The newspaper shared it with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists with the agreement that it would assemble a global team of journalists to explore the data and produce this reporting project.

The data comes from three types of internal bank files from different time periods. One reflects clients and their associated private accounts at the Swiss branch of the bank mostly from 1988 to 2007. Another is a snapshot of the maximum amounts in the client accounts during 2006 and 2007. The third is of notes on clients and conversations with them made by bank employees during 2005.

The files show the accounts to hold more than $100 billion in total, from $12.6 billion held in the name of governmental institutions from the oil rich nation of Venezuela under the late former leader Hugh Chávez, to amounts recorded as zero. The confidential files also provide a wealth of other detail, such as secretive offshore companies linked to some accounts.

As Bloomberg reminds us today, the HSBC leak began as a rogue operation by a computer technician, Herve Falciani, who left the company in 2008 with five disks of confidential information. A self-described whistle-blower, Falciani provided details on the 100,000-plus accounts to French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, now head of the International Monetary Fund. She passed details from the cache -- which came to be known as the Falciani List or Lagarde List -- to governments around the world.

The "Swiss Leak" was the topic of last night's 60 Minutes (which was missed by pretty much everyone who was focusing on the brain mush that is the Grammys instead).

More information on link and some disturbing, but predictable, comments..

"Seems like a perfect assassin's list.  Anybody got a .30-06 that's just collecting dust?"

It seems people have just about had enough. If the fiat financial problems were not enough to push civilisation over a cliff, the use of ISIS as a proxy "terrorist army" to justify illegal wars abroad, and usher in the police state at home is a step too far. Our 'elected' leader's along with the entire establishment are engaged knowingly, or unknowingly (the ones planning to use the "i am stupid defense" at Nuremburg Trials 2), in acts of terrorism and propaganda for geopolitical and personal gain. Things are going to start getting real ugly soon, a significant % of the intelligent people know what's going on and the deliberately planned WW3 is the only way out for the terrorists that created this thrust for world hegemony and personal power. They cannot fight WW3 in Eurasia, and also an asymmetric guerrilla civil war at home if the intelligentsia that know of the deception remain alive. So, do the math..


The Russian Revolution polarized the Russian intelligentsia, together with all other strata of the society. Some of them emigrated, some joined the White movement, some joined the Bolsheviks (and some were Bolsheviks from the very beginning), some tried to oppose Bolsheviks within the political framework of Soviet Union, some remained passive. Eventually the Bolsheviks got rid of all opponents by various means, ranging from forced deportation to execution. The remaining intelligentsia were supposed to serve "the cause of working class". While the importance of this class was not underestimated, it was treated with reservation.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks


Amongst the comments we find many people who cannot read the title and at the same time process context meaning, and specific emphasis... "42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks".. c'mon people think.. We do however find a legal eagle with a very important philosophy to share:

"With a list this long it is only reasonable to assume that when ANY dramatic event takes place that the first reaction should be to question the legitimacy of it on face value. The only reasonable view point is to assume it is a false flag until concrete evidence to the contrary is laid out in FULL discovery."

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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The humbling of David Cameron: On a momentous night, Tory rebellion forces Prime Minister to rule out military strike against Syria... and plunges him into a deep political crisis

    PM David Cameron loses major Commons test over his policy on Syria
    Insisted action to deter chemical weapons is different to 2003 Iraq invasion
    US intelligence does not have 'smoking gun' linking attack to Assad regime
    Labour accused of giving 'succour' to Assad by opposing UK government


The terrorists did not get their False Flag proxy war kicked off with this event... so a year later we got ISIS proxy instead... and as the right honourable Prime Minister of the UK David Cameron threatened through the media:

"We have to fight 'monstrous' ISIS terrorists or face 'mayhem on our own streets', warns Cameron"


Now with the ISIS monster in full swing and having not only survived the wrath of the Western military machine, it has actually grown stronger.. go figure.. and now we get mission creep:

2,000 UK troops, RAF spy plane bound for Jordan to combat ISIS


The UK will send 2,000 specialist troops and a spy plane to Jordan to aid its efforts to defeat the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), a government source has revealed.

The decision follows criticism from the Commons Defence Select Committee that the UK was not committing sufficient troops or resources to the area.

Blowback! U.S. trained Islamists who joined ISIS
Secret Jordan base was site of covert aid to insurgents targeting Assad


[EDITOR'S NOTE: Since publication, this story has been corrected to clarify that the fighters trained in Jordan became members of the ISIS after their training.]

JERUSALEM – Syrian rebels who would later join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The officials said dozens of future ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The officials said the training was not meant to be used for any future campaign in Iraq.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

The Jordanian officials spoke to WND amid concern the sectarian violence in Iraq will spill over into their own country as well as into Syria.

ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah, whom they view as an enemy of Islam.

WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group.

WND further reported that, according to a Shiite source in contact with a high official in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey.

The source told WND that at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located.

He called Obama “an accomplice” in the attacks that are threatening the Maliki government the U.S. helped establish through the Iraq war.

The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS fighters went to Iraq by way of Syria to join the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate subject to strict Islamic law, or Shariah.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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‘Mainstream media orchestrate appetite for war’ – editor Oliver Tickell


Afshin Rattansi goes underground on media misrepresentation of the situation in Ukraine. Oliver Tickell, editor of The Ecologist magazine, warns mainstream media are beating the ‘drums of war’ by portraying an inaccurate picture of Russia as the aggressor, and are part of the international security machine that enables war to happen.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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War with Isis: Jordan's pledge to fight militants on the ground is coup for US and its allies


Amman's promised offensive would solve huge problem for the West as MPs call for beefed-up British response

Hours after one of his pilots was seen being burned alive, an impassioned and angry King Abdullah told members of the US Congress that Jordan would be stepping up air strikes against Isis.[/b] “The only problem we are going to have,” he declared, “is running out of fuel and bullets.” Around the same time on Tuesday, US officials were forced to admit that the United Arab Emirates, a crucial ally, had dropped out of the mission.

The full ramifications of recent shocking events, the burning alive of Flight Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh and the grim retribution taken by Jordan with the hanging of two Iraqis convicted of terrorism are yet to be seen. But what happened has become, for many in the Middle East and beyond, a reason to take stock of the war on Isis.

The decision by the UAE to stop the air raids came after Lt Kasaesbeh’s F-16 was shot down near Raqqa in December. The US, the Gulf state demanded, must dramatically improve search-and–rescue efforts, by placing V-22 Osprey aircraft, which can take off and land like helicopters, closer to the battleground.

But in his dressing down of the new American ambassador, Barbara Leaf, Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan also dwelt at length on the major role that Iran was now playing in the campaign against Isis in Iraq. The same concern about the rise in Shia influence was expressed by Prince Turki bin Faisal al-Saud during a visit to London in December. He was worried that Tehran will use its leverage in the military campaign to win concessions over its nuclear programme.

It is, of course, essential that the US and the West keeps the regional coalition together. This is not just because air strikes must, for diplomatic reasons, include Sunni states as well as Western ones, but what must follow if Isis and its allies are to be defeated – a land campaign. The training camps for “moderate” rebels are being set up in Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in tandem with similar facilities for the Peshmarga and Iraqi forces in Kurdistan and Iraq.

US and Australian, as well as a relatively small number of British special forces, are on the ground. Although their role has been mainly confined to surveillance and calling down air strikes, some have reportedly been involved in setting up ambushes on insurgent convoys carrying “high value targets”.

The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, claimed recently that more than 50 per cent of Isis leadership had been “eliminated”. That level of attrition cannot be done by air raids alone. However, taking and holding ground from Isis would mean the involvement of regular forces.

General Martin Dempsey, the head of the US military, and other Western commanders have repeatedly acknowledged that a counter-insurgency campaign cannot be won by air strikes alone. The fighters on the ground must be Iraqi and Syrian and not American and European. The commanders also acknowledge that it will take far longer to train these forces than initially envisaged. The Syrian border town of Kobani has been recaptured from Isis by Kurdish fighters, but it took months despite the intense air strikes.

The taking of Kobani, was a symbolic and morale-boosting victory for the disparate groups facing the Islamist extremists. But Isis and its allies seized more territories in the Homs, Raqqa, Idlib province and the Aleppo hinterland, mainly from other rebel groups.

One possibility mooted had been to put troops from regional states, such as UAE and Jordan, into Syria to support “moderate” rebels. But it is by no means certain that these governments would be willing to take that risk, with significant internal opposition to joining the US-led venture and fears now, following the terrible death of Lt Kasaesbeh, of what may happen to captured prisoners.

Samir al-Nasri, an Egyptian political analyst, pointed out: “The Arab Street, as the West likes to characterise it, is a volatile place. At present there is great anger against Daesh [Isis] but that anger might go in other directions. The West has to be careful not to get drawn into another Iraq war, but rulers in this neighbourhood have to be careful as well.”

So far, the only officially acknowledged engagement between Western forces and Isis took place last month when Canadian soldiers went to the aid of Iraqi troops. With hundreds more US forces arriving, these clashes are likely to take place much more – “mission creep”.

It seems highly unlikely, however, that British troops will get involved. A report by the Commons defence committee due out today is scathing in its criticism of the Cameron government’s efforts so far. On a visit to Iraq in December, the MPs found that there were only three UK personnel outside the relatively safe Kurdish areas compared with 400 Australians and 280 Italians, let alone the Americans. The RAF, they discovered, had carried out just 6 per cent of air strikes.

The committee chairman, Rory Stewart, was disheartened that the UK is wasting the experience it gained in the country, especially of the Shia south. A commander, who has extensive experience of Iraq following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, cautioned against the murder of Lt Kasaesbeh influencing strategy. Major General Jonathan Shaw, a former head of special forces and British commander in Iraq, said: “It was a terrible thing and obviously one has utmost sympathy for his family. But it was the death of just one man and this should not shape policy.

This is a long war. Isis has made gains, but it is having huge problems as well. The extremists are being damaged, they are turning on each other, not just in Iraq and Syria, but elsewhere. We are seeing Isis followers killing Taliban commanders in Afghanistan, Isis killing al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda killing Isis.

“The lead in fighting the extremists must come from the regional players, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE. It would be a dreadful mistake to put Western, Christian, ground forces back into Iraq and the region.”

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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War with Isis: If Saudis aren't fuelling the militant inferno, who is?


With Riyadh increasingly suspected of funding the terrorist group, the West may have to rethink its relationships, says Robert Fisk

The image of a Muslim burned alive is more terrible for millions of Muslims than that of an “unbeliever” burned alive. So just who are the Muslims who support the immolation of a young Jordanian? And, more to the point, who are their masters? Jordanians, more than half of whom are Palestinians, must now debate the dichotomy of tribal loyalty and religion, and ask a simple question: who are their real allies – and their real national enemies – in the Middle East? The searchlight beam of their attention, and of Washington’s, will now again pass over the Gulf and that most Wahhabi of nations, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Put bluntly, should the world blame the Saudis for the inflammable monster that is Isis?

The US, where the State Department and the Pentagon have themselves been divided over Saudi Arabia’s foundational role in Salafist violence – the former happy to stroke the monarchy as a pro-Western “moderate force for good”, the latter suspecting that all Islamist roads lead to Riyadh – may now have to recalculate its relationship with the Kingdom. While President Obama predictably talked of Isis “barbarism” this week, The New York Times was revealing that the so-called “20th 9/11 bomber”, Zacarias Moussaoui, wishes to testify that he once delivered letters from Osama bin Laden to Crown Prince Salman – now the Saudi King – and that prominent Saudi royals were helping to fund al-Qaeda.

The report was compiled by Scott Shane, who specialises in “security” reporting, and Moussaoui’s allegations refer to events that happened well over 13 years ago. Moussaoui himself was arrested before the 9/11 attacks. It also seems unlikely that a comparatively lowly al-Qaeda functionary would have personal contacts with a Saudi crown prince, or handle a database of al-Qaeda donors which allegedly included Prince Turki al-Faisal, then the intelligence majordomo in the Kingdom, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the Saudi ambassador to the US but now out of favour.

But Saudi Arabia is a Wahhabist state whose 18th-century puritan morality defined the Taliban – which received moral and financial support from Saudis – and whose misogyny and grotesque public beheadings after unfair trials parallel the cruelty of Isis punishments. The Saudis always declare their innocence – sometimes through their lawyers – of any involvement in “terrorism”. But bin Laden was himself a Saudi, who in the 1990s did have a personal meeting with Prince Turki in Pakistan. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers of 9/11 were Saudi citizens. And within months of the US attacks, a classified Pentagon briefing was told by an analyst for the Rand Corporation – set up in 1945 with the help of the US militarythat Saudi Arabia was the “kernel of evil” in the Middle East and was “active at every level of the terrorist chain”.

Deciding who is funding Isis – and who should take the heat for its survival – depends upon the degree to which the world believes that the “Islamic State” is self-financing
. Western governments have detailed the production of oil wells in Isis territory and the vast amounts of cash supposedly stolen from Mosul banks after Isis took over, but smuggling fuel and ransacking vaults can hardly sustain an Islamist “nation” which controls an area larger than the UK.

Millions of dollars must be arriving in Isis hands from outside Iraq and Syria, and the question must be asked: if it doesn’t come from within Saudi Arabia – or Qatar – who on earth is providing the wherewithal? Iceland? Peru?



Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Debunking the "The Saudis did 9-11" nonsense!


The official story of 9-11 is collapsing almost as fast as the Obamacare website. Most Americans are now well aware of the strange collapse of WTC Building 7, the video that captures the sound of the actual explosion that initiates the collapse of WTC7, the very strange behavior of the Secret Service as President Bush read about goats at Booker Elementary School. We have all seen the photographs that confirm the remains of demolition "cutter charges" in the remains of the towers. And we all know how the BBC reported that Building 7 collapsed 26 minutes before it actually happened. indicating a script was being followed (but alas, not carefully enough).

With the official story in free fall, Americans are wondering just who did this heinous deed. With the US Government itself the prime suspect, many are asking if the US Government had help from an outside nation, one with a long track record of world-changing dirty tricks.

There is a great deal of evidence that implicates the nation of Israel as a co-conspirator with the Bush administration. First, there was the massive Israeli spy ring uncovered in the United States just before 9-11, and how some of the "Dancing Israelis" arrested after being seen cheering and dancing as the World Trade Towers collapsed turned out to be Mossad spies! Then there was the strange case of Odigo, an Israeli-owned company whose New York offices received a warning about the attacks before the planes used in the attacks had even left the ground! All four of the hijacked planes departed from airport gates whose security was provided by the same Israeli security company. Israel has a long track record of playing dirty tricks against the United States and other countries, including the Lavon affair (framed on Egypt), Israel's attack on the USS Liberty (initially framed on Egypt), and Israel's smuggling a radio transmitter into Libya that was used to send fake messages that tricked President Reagan into bombing Libya.

As people start to seriously examine the plethora of evidence regarding Israel's numerous perfidies it comes as no surprise that recently we have seen Israel's "useful idiots" launch a propaganda campaign to claim that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9-11 attacks, based on a lawsuit brought against Saudi Arabia by the families of the victims, and a secret report that Representatives Stephen F. Lynch and Walter B. Jones are demanding be made public; a report that purportedly claims Saudi arabia was behind 9-11. But anyone can bring a lawsuit against anyone for anything. That does not mean the lawsuit allegations are true. Nonsense lawsuits are a reality of the modern US court system, as are lawsuits staged primarily as political and propaganda stunts, which is what this appears to be. Likewise, the report the Representatives wish to make public appears to be the US Government's attempt to "get ahead of the ball" and craft a new lie to replace the one that has failed. At the very least these two pieces of propaganda are intended to deflect interest away from Israel. At worst, it is the start of the campaign to justify military invasion of that country, just as Saddam's nuclear weapons were the excuse to invade Iraq, and the more recently (and thankfully failed) attempt to justify invasion of Syria by claiming Syria's government was gassing their own people.

As I have mentioned before, the best way to tell if you are being lied to is to look for what should be there but isn't. In the case of the claim that Saudi Arabia was behind 9-11, what should be there and isn't is a motive for Saudi Arabia to do something like that.

George Bush had a motive to do 9-11. He needed that "new Pearl Harbor" to enrage Americans into the century of war called for by the Project For The New American Century. Israel certainly had a motive to do 9-11 and frame Muslims for it, to trick Americans into siding with Israel's continued land grabs and wars against Israel's enemies, with Israel's agenda being (as it was with the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty, and the Libyan radio hoax) that Americans fight those wars for them!

Saudi Arabia does not have a history of dirty tricks, nor a demonstrated ability to carry out such deceptions. More to the point, Saudi Arabia has no motive to attack the United States. The Saudi princes have grown very rich indeed through the Petrodollar arrangement. Saudi Arabia buys many American products and weapons ($61 billion in 2011), and unlike Israel, the American taxpayer does not have to give them the money first with which to buy those weapons. Whereas Israel constantly takes money out of the US, the Saudis pour it in! Private Saudi investment in the US economy is over $400 billion. Saudi Arabia is a major creditor to the US Government. Exact figures are hard to find but Saudi Arabia has loaned the US Government hundreds of billions of dollars.

Saudi Arabia is not going to risk an attack on the US because all that wealth would vanish. The Saudi wealth inside the US would be frozen or seized, and the outstanding loans to the US would never be repaid. The "useful idiots" trying to save Israel by blaming 9-11 on Saudi Arabia have yet to come up with a motive for the Saudis to do something like 9-11 that risks losing all that cash.

Remember that Saudi Arabia was being framed for 9-11 right from the start. One of the accused hijackers, a Saudi Pilot named Saeed Al-Ghamdi, was still alive after 9-11 and sued the US Government for defaming him.

And finally, here is some common sense that totally undermines the attempt to frame Saudi Arabia for 9-11. If Saudi Arabia really wanted to hurt the United States, they don't need to fly airplanes into skyscrapers to do it. All they have to do is ask for their money back, all at once. The resulting damage to the US financial system would make 9-11 look like a minor inconvenience in comparison.

And it would be perfectly legal for Saudi Arabia to ask for their money back.

Which is why we know that the claim that Saudi Arabia was behind 9-11 has no more basis in fact than the claim that Saddam had nuclear weapons or that Assad gassed his own people right in front of the UN chemical weapons inspectors.

As the media tries to blame Saudi Arabia for 9-11, it is worth recalling that the Bush administration initially claimed that Iraq was behind 9-11 to sell the 2003 invasion, then later admitted Iraq had actually been innocent. So there is a pattern of the US simply using 9-11 as a "one size fits all" excuse to invade yet another oil rich nation.

At the very least, even if you accept the new claim that Saudi Arabia was behind 9-11, then it means the US Government was lying when they claimed Afghanistan and then Iraq were behind it! So why would you trust them now?

The text in red indicates source link's at original article location for further study, plus Video of George W Bush admitting they lied about Iraq being involved in the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
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Venezuela announces defeat of US-funded coup attempt


Venezuela’s president has announced the defeat of a US-bankrolled coup attempt against the country, which was being plotted by five aviation officers.

Speaking in the capital Caracas on Thursday, Nicolas Maduro said, “We have broken up and foiled a coup attempt against democracy and the stability of our country.”

Upon potential realization, the coup, financed by the United States and directed “from Washington,” would have seen an aerial attack on the presidential palace or another target, he said.

    “This was an attempt to use a group of military aviation officers to provoke a violent event,” added the Venezuelan chief executive.

Maduro further said one of those detained was “an aviation general called Hernandez, alias el Oso (the bear),” adding that he had plotted along with four other officers.

Caracas has repeatedly stated that the opposition seeks to launch a coup d’état in the South American country with the backing of Washington.

Maduro said last December that he had “recordings” which reveal the US was seeking to corrupt Venezuelan government officials.

Caracas and Washington remain at odds since late Hugo Chavez became president in 1999. Both sides have refused to exchange ambassadors since 2010. The countries have chargé d’affaires running their respective embassies.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

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SAS rushed in to guard our streets as Al Qaeda warns 'you're next'


SAS troops are patrolling the streets of Britain to prevent a Paris-style terrorist outrage.

The elite Special Forces have joined counter-terror police and 1,900 Army personnel in the biggest security operation since the 2012 London Olympics.

The news comes as Al Qaeda warned that France was only its third preferred target after Britain and the US.

Most of the Special Forces will be wearing civilian clothes, while some have donned police uniforms to accompany police officers who visit the homes of persons of interest in response to intelligence leads by MI5.

The security operation was rolled out after the Paris atrocities, in which 17 people, including three police officers, were killed as Islamic gunmen ran amok across the French capital over three days.

The bloodshed, masterminded by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, sent shockwaves around the world.

On Wednesday, fanatical brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi ambushed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, known around the world for its regular depictions of the prophet Muhammad.

In the slaughter, 12 people were killed including five cartoonists, two police officers and the editor-in-chief Stephane Charbonnier.

In a chilling threat laid bare on news website The Intercept, an Al Qaeda spokesman said: “Why is France so thick in learning from its past mistakes. You come third in the target list, after US and Britain. If I were the latter, I would rather pull my sleeves up.”

The Sunday Express has learned that a 30-strong SAS team, divided into smaller groups, has been allocated to the Police Counter Intelligence Unit by the regiment’s inner sanctum, dubbed the Kremlin.

They form part of a “liaison plan” in which SAS troops work with the police in order to make sure that if required they already have good contacts.

An entire squadron of SAS soldiers is on permanent standby to react to an incident in the UK. Helicopters attached to 7 Squadron RAF were last night primed to rapidly transport the elite force.

Separately, members of a covert “human intelligence” unit based in the Midlands are working alongside police and intelligence officers to identify threats.

The “Humint” unit is thought to consist largely of Asian and Muslim operatives, and was used extensively in Afghanistan.

In addition members of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment were last night engaged in intercepting mobile communications.

A further 120 commandos of the Special Boat Service have also been called on to provide “maritime counter measures” to the Home Office.

Their task is to provide an immediate reaction force against the threat of a tanker or major vessel being hijacked off Britain’s coastline.

Regular exercises are held across the country and ports where local authorities, the police, military and Home Office test their procedures.

Last night senior sources confirmed that an additional 1,900 regular soldiers would be on standby as soon as they are selected from high-readiness regiments by Army HQ in Andover, Hampshire.

They will guard key installations with specialist intelligence units supporting the Home Office along with surveillance and electronic interception operations.

MI5 chief Andrew Parker warned that Al Qaeda radicals working out of Syria were planning mass casualty attacks in Britain and the West, targeting iconic landmarks.

A senior Army source said: “We are on firm footing – and at the state of readiness we were at the height of the security operation during the Olympic Games.”

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said any contingency plans were not a result of Paris. He added: “As you would expect, potential responses to threats are regularly reviewed as part of prudent planning.”

French-Algerians Said, 34, and his brother Cherif, 32, had long-established terror links.

They escaped to an industrial unit 25 miles north-east of Paris where they were shot dead during a fire fight with French Special Forces on Friday afternoon.

The pair belonged to the same Paris jihadi underground network as Amedy Coulibaly, who stormed a Jewish grocery store in the east of the city on Friday taking 15 hostages and killing four.

Coulibaly, 32, who was also shot dead by commandos, murdered rookie policewoman Clarissa Jean-Philippe after blasting her in the head on Thursday.

It emerged yesterday that the wife of the extremist who mentored two of the terrorists lives in a taxpayer-funded house in Britain.

Djamel Beghal, once accused of being Osama Bin Laden’s chief recruiter in Europe, groomed Cherif Kouachi in jail and also knew Coulibaly. Beghal’s wife Sylvie, 45, moved to Leicester because she wanted to bring up their children in an Islamic environment.

Last night Jewish communities fearing a rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe were urged by Israel to emigrate, where they would be “welcomed with open arms”.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
The Intelligence Corps



I was trained to do a job, and I am doing it, to the best of my ability.. my soul is not for sale!

I am not a terrorist, I am not a mercenary.

There are not many like me who do this kind of work.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
Clampdown on Social Media in Britain


When several thousand Muslims crowded into Downing Street to protest the latest anti-Muslim cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo magazine, it was an angry and indignant protest.  But as with gunman breaking into a Paris office and murdering cartoonists, it was a display of powerlessness and political impotence more than anything else.

If you wanted to see real power at work, you only needed to just click on the BBC where it was revealed that an All Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-semitism had resolved to introduce legislation outlawing “anti-semitism” on social media.

The cross-party inquiry wants prosecutors to examine whether prevention orders like those used to restrict sex offenders’ internet access could be used against “anti-semites”. With the weight and power of the organised Jewish lobby behind it, this now stands a good chance of becoming law and thus another avenue of criticism about Jewish power could be about to be closed off in Britain.

Predictably, the BBC put an optimal spin on this, saying that the Muslims too could benefit as they are under attack from Islamophobes. All this is less than two years after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby and only a month after Charlie Hebdo.

Indeed, the environment for free speech of all kinds continues to deteriorate in the UK. Just today the Guardian reports that police are questioning newsdealers to get the names and addresses of people who bought the first post-massacre issue of Charlie Hebdo.

After demanding that the laws of the land be changed for the convenience of a community of less than a quarter of a million, the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis continued to up his demands. He wants “a government fund to be set up to cover the costs of security at synagogue. Fresh research on identifying and explaining anti-semitic language and finally, guidance for teachers on how to handle the Middle East conflict in the classroom” — the last presumably a plea to make the talking points of the Israeli right part of the British school curriculum.

It is interesting to note that the only piece of political violence in Britain of any note recently was inflicted by Jewish Zionists against the pro-Palestinian MP George Galloway. Far-leftist Galloway is one of the oddities of British politics. He was a Labour MP for decades until he was pushed out of the party because of his opposition to the Iraq war. He is now effectively a one-man band and represents an overwhelmingly Muslim constituency in Bradford. He is anti-White and usually to the fore when Muslim issues are concerned, whether it is Guantanamo, education or anything else. While no friend of White nationalist causes, he is a relentless and unstinting critic of Israel on the Palestinian issue.

His strange place in the political firmament — a critic of Israel from  the left — allows him a certain amount of latitude on the political scene. His appearance on BBC’s Question Time was one to remember, not least  because the organised Jewish community tried to get him thrown off the panel, saying it was insensitive to Jews.

He got a rough ride as can be seen in this video from about 39 minutes in. Why is anti-semitism rising in the UK?  The moment he opens his mouth he is shouted down, which shows the limits of discourse about Israel: only from the left and then in only a very circumscribed manner.

He described how he had been assaulted on the street (a Jew has been jailed for the attack) and, while being strongly heckled,  says to the Jews in the audience:

    You are in favour of some political violence and against some political violence. You are in favour of freedom of speech for some people but not for all people. Not a single Jewish community spokesman or newspaper has condemned the assaults on me … for which one man has been imprisoned and two fined.

Indeed so. Here is Ben Cohen, an analyst for JNS (Jewish and Israel News).org, in a ‘reflection’ on the Galloway assault:

    I will readily admit that, like many Jews, my reaction to the news was one of unbridled joy, tempered by the guilty realization that, in a democracy, violence is rightly frowned upon as a means of dealing with one’s political opponents. However distasteful someone’s views—and Galloway’s views are, without question, highly distasteful—there are legal and constitutional channels available to challenge them.

And here is some more nobility and humanity from the Jewish Press blog. And if you think this is bad, then go and read the comments underneath it.

    Galloway has been released from the hospital, but it is doubtful that the attacker was able to beat some sense into his head. The MP, who has built his political career on loving Saddam Hussein and Hamas and hating Jews and Israel, was posing for pictures in west London Friday night when the attacker jumped on him while calling him “Hitler.”

    The name of his one-MP party is Respect, which indicates his ignorance of the English language.  The party’s name is a very contrived acronym for Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environmentalism, Community and Trade Unionism. A more accurate acronym would be “Racist, Extremist, Satanic, Pisher, Ethnic=hating, Crude and Twisted.

    We wish Galloway a speedy recovery and hope that some of the medicine he needs is made in Israel.

And remember the Rev Stephen Sizer, the vicar who was suspended from his job after he tweeted his scepticism about Israel and 9/11? Well the joint Board of Jewish Deputies/ Church of England investigation has decided to be lenient on him. He will keep his job but is banned from using social media for six months.

The Diocese of Guildford launched an investigation after the Church of England vicar posted a link to an article entitled “9/11: Israel did it”, and reportedly wrote: “It raises so many questions.” Doubtless the fulsome apology from the Rev Sizer helped him to hang onto his job.

This sustained clampdown on social media is reminiscent of what happened in France in 2013 when French Jewry effectively forced Twitter to begin censoring content critical of Jewish power in that country.

A  Jewish student union asked Twitter to reveal information that could be used to identify what they insisted on calling “anti-semitic” tweeters. Twitter refused; the social-media company prides itself on its protection of free speech, and argued that taking down the individual tweets was enough. The student group took the case to court. Twitter lost and a civil court in Paris ruled that the company must hand over the names, or other identifying information, of the users who had tweeted anti-semitic content, so that they can be prosecuted.

And of course TOO readers will only too readily remember the case of the 21-year-old Merseyside man Garron Helm who made fun of a Jewish female MP who was crowing about Labour’s mass immigration policy. Twitter not only revealed Garron Helm’s identity but he was jailed for a month. For his tweets.

Forget a bloody massacre by unhinged desperadoes. Forcing Twitter to hand over user information, that is real power.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2502
Everyman decries immorality
DHS Is “Positioning” to Secretly Arrest American Dissidents In Preparation for World War III


In my article this morning, I stated that Americans are war weary and when the anger related to the tragic death of Kayla Mueller subsides, Americans will resist supporting the commitment that World War III will require of all us in terms of labor, capital and the sacrifice of personal liberties. And make no mistake about it, the coming war is not about Kayla Mueller as a war is never about the death of one person.

When American forces pursue ISIS into Syria, Putin will respond in force. Putin has previously threatened to nuke the United States if it invaded Syria in violation of international law. Syria is critical to the Russians on a number of fronts.  For a complete explanation of the dynamics related to Putin’s threat and the Federal Reserve’s overt strategy to invade Iran and how Syria factors into this equation, please click here. This is the beginning of World War III.

America Jails War Protesters

Through the 20th century, America has been a nation which has jailed war protesters in ever-increasing numbers (e.g. World War I, internment of Japanese-American CITIZENS in World War II, and of course during the Vietnam where deadly force was even used at Kent State in 1970). Even Lincoln jailed citizens and journalists who have dared to object to the draft during the Civil War.

History Will Soon Repeat Itself

America is about to engage in the same behavior of citizen subjugation in preparation for a coming war. Only this time, protesting will not be permitted and protesters will be “dealt with”. Along these lines, I am in receipt of the following which is very troublesome:

   “SAN FRANCISCO — President Obama will announce a new executive order on the sharing of cybersecurity threats and information at Friday’s cybersecurity summit at Stanford University, the White House said.

    Most importantly to Silicon Valley, the president’s proposal is expected to cement the role of the Department of Homeland Security, rather than the National Security Agency, as the government lead for information-sharing with the private sector.”  

One of my colleagues in the media sent me the press release. Within 15 minutes, I had two very high level confirmations of what this meant. One of the sources is a high ranking government official with oversight responsibilities and the other is an ex-military intelligence asset with multiple and strong connections to dissident military types serving today. However, this is a story that writes itself. I really do not need unnamed sources in order to demonstrate where this is likely headed. The President’s intention to transfer intelligence information on American citizens from the NSA to the DHS is both ominous and the purpose is self-evident. My sources simply serve to reinforce the obvious intent. Also, this information is beginning to leak out in the independent media.

Anyone who has read my articles over the past two years knows that I have obtained information that the NSA’s massive data mining of every person is inextricably tied to creating a Threat Matrix Score for each and every American based on key word analyses of their cell phone conversations, emails, social media statements, etc. Also, a “known associates” file is maintained to determine the amount social reach a potential dissident has. For example, the bigger their reading audience or listening audience or Facebook following, the higher a person’s Threat Matrix Score.

This is Old News

Visionaries such as Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann have been warning us for decades about the creation of a so-called “Red List”. The Red List is a modern-day interpretation of Nixon “Enemies list”. However, what is happening today is much more nefarious. The “Red List” is a “dissident removal list” and it will be conducted with extreme prejudice.

The people who have referred to such lists and those brave enough to expose them, as “fear-mongers”, may soon change their tune. After reading this article, these people are going to have a little harder time sleeping tonight.

Why Is Obama Transferring Intelligence Gathering on American Citizens from the NSA to the DHS?

This is the $64 million dollar question. When the NSA gathers information on Dave Hodges, the information may be shared with the Fusion Threat Centers and various domestic law enforcement agencies. However, the NSA’s intelligence is not immediately actionable. For NSA intelligence to be acted upon, a second generation set of agencies have to be involved. This is cumbersome and slow.

Who has the ability to oversee intelligence gathering and simultaneously act upon the intelligence? It is none other than the Department of Homeland Security. It is also the DHS that has, in the past two years, acquired 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition as well as 2700 armored personnel carriers, not the NSA. It is clear that DHS is the army of the central bankers who have hijacked our government and they are preparing to remove dissidents.

Keep in mind that this coming war is a war to preserve the Petrodollar and it will be waged at all costs. All opposition will be eliminated.

The optimistic part of me would like to believe that this transfer of power is only about streamlining our war on terror, then I am reminded who started al Qaeda and ISIS.

Dissident Roundups Are Coming

Through several conversations I have had in the 45 minutes prior to writing this article, I have learned the following:

There are two programs designed to round up people who are viewed as a danger to the status quo. The two operations are labeled “Operation BOA”, as in boa constrictor, and “Operation Lightening”. I have some operational details, but at this point they are still sketchy. Suffice it to say that Operation Lightening is the 3AM round up of all perceived dissident journalists and even some local politicians. This will be accomplished on a single night of terror. Operation BOA is a more deliberate process and will focus on more non-media threats such as outspoken veterans, gun rights activists, etc.

There Will Be No Martial Law Declaration

Martial law will not be called martial law, it will be labeled as “Continuity of Government”. The announcement of the procedures designed to enhance the “Continuity of Government” policies will be made by a four star General from NORTHCOM.

There is no definitive timeframe for this announcement. Logic would dictate that it will come in close proximity to launching new ground operations in the Middle East against the CIA created ISIS.

What Can Be Done?

There is no need for you to be concerned about what you say on Twitter, Facebook, on the phone or in print, that ship has already sailed. You already have a Threat Matrix Score and that score could eventually hold very significant consequences for you and your family.

Can anything be done? Probably not. However, the only thing that I think that may actually back up the enforcement of this plan is if enough people express awareness and outrage as to these violations of our 4th and 5th Amendment rights. As I wrote about in this morning’s article, this actionable intelligence will be supported by the NDAA and Executive Order 13603 which involves civilian round-ups (NDAA) and civilian conscription (EO 13603).

In the interest of self-preservation, it would be a good idea to circulate this article and the dozens that will certainly follow on this topic.

How many people do we have to reach? The magic number needed to enact significant social change is 10% according to social psychology research. That means we have a short window to head this off.

Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs.
Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security.
Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.
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