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2025-03-31, 23:27:25
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Author Topic: Two Oscilloscope tests  (Read 68334 times)
Group: Guest

The above contains information on building a lead-acid recharger.  Much work can be saved.
Group: Guest
The LED Fan toy was too difficult to work with using crocodile clips.  Bought a cheap electric toy car that could produce sound and spin wheels.  The toy used two AA batteries.  The goal is to use one and have a longer battery life.

The circuit is shown below.  Tuning will be required.

The LED hat uses Lead-out Energy successfully.  Will the application to the toy car be the beginning of a toy revolution?
Group: Guest
The LED Fan toy was too difficult to work with using crocodile clips.  Bought a cheap electric toy car that could produce sound and spin wheels.  The toy used two AA batteries.  The goal is to use one and have a longer battery life.

The circuit is shown below.  Tuning will be required.

The LED hat uses Lead-out Energy successfully.  Will the application to the toy car be the beginning of a toy revolution?
I've seen the diagram.   It's simple, and straightforward.   You're probably correct that tuning will be required.   Many types of OU system need tuning.

However, with respect to my posted Replies #70 & #73:

I just finished a schematic of an even simpler circuit having only 6 components in direct visual order.  A description:

Power lug on the far left; to wall mains left of that.   Right of that is a 1:1 toroid.   Right of that is 2 diodes as an opposing polarity half wave rectifier.   Right of that two batteries with opposing polarity and being charged.   Right of that is a DC-DC power supply/converter.   (A full wave bridge with a filter capacitor will serve as a low-cost substitute.)   Lastly---to the right of this is the load.   (I chose a DC 'Frigidaire' as a typically available appliance.)

The toroid can be wound directly or opposing in turns direction.   It can be made of ferrous or non-ferrous material.   Single or multi-layer windings.   Mobius or some other coil-mounted scheme, as you like.   Small primary and step-up secondary, if you like.   Special wire material, if you have it.

Batteries can be any rechargable type.   In series or parallel.   Any voltage you like for the whole system.

Now, importantly, I don't have the money for two oscilloscopes.   There's a hardware store that sells the 'Kill'-A-'Watt' meter for around $50.00--$60.00 American.   A cheaper way to go, obviously.   But how accurate is it?   Is it worth the money?   How about a voltage divider for current and voltage measurements?   People say an analog VOM is more accurate with AC, but if the load is a set of resistors as a power shunt or dummy load, that might work for a digital meter, yes?

This is something I haven't tried yet, and can get very expensive for extensive testing with accurate, expensive instruments that measure power.   Not something I can do now.
       I'm thinking of mirroring this post on a thread at my Bench forum at OUR.com   I can upload a schematic for visual clarity later.

Last statements?
Will this tested system, simple as I say it is---6 components---be proven theoretically, or, does anyone think it can work on a practical level for the average American or worldwide resident?

Group: Guest

It looks like another group is interested in building the lead-acid battery charger.

I shall focus on the AA battery toy car.  May need to get parts from Radioshack or order on-line.  See if the LED can act as a diode.

More Servers of the Divine Wine?
Group: Guest

I shall focus on the AA battery toy car.  May need to get parts from Radioshack or order on-line.  See if the LED can act as a diode.
A light emitting diode is inherently a diode, merely a low powered one, as thery're commercially sold by Radio Shack.   Mind if we see a schematic?

My next schematic will acrually be simple enough for all to understand.   4 components in the system.   For what i have in mind, a "Kill - A- Watt" meter should give reasonable results.

Group: Guest
A light emitting diode is inherently a diode, merely a low powered one, as they're commercially sold by Radio Shack.   Mind if we see a schematic?

My next schematic will actually be simple enough for all to understand.   4 components in the system.   For what I have in mind, a "Kill - A- Watt" meter should give reasonable results.   New schematic at bottom of page.
Additionally, there's this:

Has the author of this thread thought of "etheric" energy additionally coming from the battery terminals?   Does he agree with Brown's assertion(s)?

« Last Edit: 2012-03-10, 00:26:23 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
Witnessed an actual "commercial resonance condition" for LED lighting.

An established LED lighting Company showed me their LED lighting improvement with the Joule Thief/FLEET circuit.  Their test equipments include a DC power supply that can vary from 0 to over 20 volts, two oscilloscopes and all necessary elecctronic components.  They could measure the intensity of light generated by the LEDs.

They lighted up 84 LEDs with just the Joule Thief circuit (improved and tuned) varying the voltage from 1.5 volts to 20 volts.  The brightness of the LEDs increased with increasing voltage - reaching and exceeding the commercial standard.  They then lighted an additional 84 LEDs with the FLEET circuit. 

That already stimulated more investment and research.  One oscilloscope CSV file analysis showed the COP (average Output Power over Average Inout Power) greater than 100.  With this invention, they could reduce the power supply of their existing products.

Another Server of the Divine Wine?
Group: Guest
Additionally, there's this:

Has the author of this thread thought of "etheric" energy additionally coming from the battery terminals?   Does he agree with Brown's assertion(s)?


I do not need to go in the direction of "etheric" energy to explain the Lead-Out or Bring-in Energy Theory.  In Divine Revelation 2, we can bring-in gravitational energy from a pulsed pendulum.  When we apply horizontal force to a pendulum, the pendulum will move both horizontally and vertically.  The Tension of the string can be resolved into two components - one to "oppose" the applied horizontal force (action and reaction are equal and opposite).  One (vertical component) will "oppose" gravity.  Both these components will do work.  The horizontal work = applied horizontal force x horizontal displacement.  The vertical work = weight of pendulum bob x vertical displacement.

You can go to overunityresearch.com ltseung888 bench to study the detailed mathematics under Divine Revelation 2 or energy from gravity.  For small angles, we can mathematically prove that two parts of applied horizontal energy can lead-out one part of gravitational energy. 

The Milkovic two stage pendulum is a practical prototype leading out gravitational energy.

If we can lead-out gravitational energy from an oscillating, pulsed pendulum system, we must be able to lead-out electromagnetic energy from a vibrating or oscillating system.  Ms. Forever Yuen did the magnetic pendulum experiment for me in 2006 and was successful.  Her experiment was to use a magnet as the pendulum bob and place external magnets to increase/decrease the magnetic attraction force.

An orbiting electron around the nucleus can be regarded as a small magnet (dipole).  If we apply an appropriate set up and/or pulsing, we may be able to orientate the dipoles and pulse them with some type of resonance.  We can then lead-out or bring-in the electron motion energy.

Chemical energy is using the difference in electron cloud orientation between different compounds.  This means re-orientation of the electrons can definitely provide energy.  With appropriate set up to “order” the orbiting electrons and “resonating” them, the orbiting electron energy can be led-out or brought-in.  In the more general sense  – we call this technology as leading-out or bringing-in energy from the surrounding environment.

The exact set up mechanism can be in many different forms.  The Joule Thief and FLEET technology is one of these forms.

Thus my explanation is based on “Accepted Newtonian” physics and does not rely on “ether” or “zero point energy”.

Please read my ltseung888 threads for detailed explanations.

I do not regard myself as an inventor nor the originator of the Divine Revelations.  I did not invent the tuning fork.  I did not invent the pendulum.  I did not invent the Joule Thief.  I just applied the standard physics equations to them and showed that still air energy, gravitational energy and electron motion energy can be led-out or brought-in.

Praise the Almighty.
Group: Guest

[4-Component_Free_Energy_AC-to-DC_Power_Supply.pdf (7214.77 KB - downloaded 8 times.)


Your circuit uses mains and two banks of batteries.  You have a toroid.  I do not see any pulsing mechanism.  The toroid may act as a step-up or step-down transformer.  You have to do the actual experiment to check for overunity.  Once you have the mains involved, you will have a difficult time convincing others that your device is overunity. 
Group: Guest

Please use an oscilloscope to do the measurement.  Display the waveforms and analyze your csv files.  You can calculate the COP from the average Output/Input Power.  You may find that you have a negative COP with a numerical value >> 1.

You should use EXCEL to examine the many xls files in this thread.

I have a .CSV file.  How do I analyze it?  Thank you.
Group: Guest
I have a .CSV file.  How do I analyze it?  Thank you.

I hope that you have already done the following:
1.    Use Ch1 of oscilloscope A to measure the Input Voltage.
2.   Use Ch2 of oscilloscope A across a one ohm resistor to measure the Input Current.
3.   Use the oscilloscope feature to save the above waveform results as a bmp and a csv file for Input.
4.   Use Ch1 of oscilloscope B to measure the Output Voltage.
5.   Use Ch2 of oscilloscope B across a one ohm resistor to measure the Output Current.
6.   Use the oscilloscope feature to save the above waveform results as a bmp and a csv file for Output.  (If you have only one oscilloscope, do the Input first and then do the Output.)
7.   Use the attached sample xls file as a template to do the analysis.
8.   The template captures 4500 points for both Input and Output.  You should do the same.  If your csv file contains more, you can still use the same template but use only 4500 points.
9.   Copy the three columns (seconds, Ch1 voltage, Ch2 voltage) of the Input csv file into the Input page of the sample xls file.  You will notice the change in Input Voltage form etc.
10.   Copy the three columns (seconds, Ch1 voltage, Ch2 voltage) of the Output csv file into the Output page of the sample xls file.  You will notice the change in Output Voltage form etc.
11.   Edit the Summary Page to reflect your results.  Examine the COP value in section 5 to see if your prototype is overunity and whether the value is positive or negative.  Examine the Power waveform comparison in section 13 to see if your prototype shows standing wave characteristics.
12.   The wording in the Summary Page should be easy to understand.  Study it carefully and edit to reflect your prototype.
13.   (If you have difficulty, post your two csv files.  I shall edit the file and do the analysis for you.  I shall do the edits in blue color.  All can learn from the sample.)

More Servers of the Divine Wine?
Group: Guest
Witnessed an actual "commercial resonance condition" for LED lighting.

An established LED lighting Company showed me their LED lighting improvement with the Joule Thief/FLEET circuit.  Their test equipments include a DC power supply that can vary from 0 to over 20 volts, two oscilloscopes and all necessary elecctronic components.  They could measure the intensity of light generated by the LEDs.

They lighted up 84 LEDs with just the Joule Thief circuit (improved and tuned) varying the voltage from 1.5 volts to 20 volts.  The brightness of the LEDs increased with increasing voltage - reaching and exceeding the commercial standard.  They then lighted an additional 84 LEDs with the FLEET circuit.  

That already stimulated more investment and research.  One oscilloscope CSV file analysis showed the COP (average Output Power over Average Inout Power) greater than 100.  With this invention, they could reduce the power supply of their existing products.

Another Server of the Divine Wine?

Email extract from the Engineer of the established LED lighting Company:


Dear Brother Lawrence:

I do not have any problem with it (showing the final result).

God has always shown me kindness…………………………..All Glory to him alone…………………………I am only his servant…………………….and all wisdom is from him above.


The attached file showed the Output and Input Power Comparisons.  They have already improved the performance of the prototype and should be on their way to producing an improved LED lighting product.  A revolution in lighting industry is beginning.

Winning the many overunity prizes is clearly possible.  But such prize values are tiny compared with the Market Potential.  I expect both scientific and investment interests.
Group: Guest
Many Companies or Individuals are competing to demonstrate their prototypes or research results.

The moment a Company (Such as the South African Company visited by Sterling Allan) puts a product on the Market; all others will no longer shine.  Those that can only produce inferior results will be totally ignored.

Thus there is a strong motivation from some such Companies or Individuals to publish their results now.  At the same time, they do not want to fully reveal their secrets.  I suggest that they only publish their final power comparison results and the COP values.  They can then satisfy their ego and have something to show for their hard work.

The attached Power Comparison diagram is from Engineer Robert Roberts.  He achieved a COP of over -5,600. That was the highest COP known to me.  The negative sign comes from Input Power.  That implies a recharging circuit.  In other words, the battery supplied some energy to the load - positive power.  At the same time, the battery received some energy fed back by the circuit - negative power.  In this case, the negative power was more than the positive power. 

More Energy was fed back than supplied.  The Input was a recharging circuit!  Theoretically, no energy was required from the battery.  The battery was used to get to the “commercial resonance condition”.  At this condition, there was considerable energy supplied to the load (>5,600 Input).

The actual power in this case was small.  But it clearly demonstrated that energy must be coming from somewhere other than the battery.  The lead-out or bring-in energy theory wins.

Salute to Engineer Robert Roberts.   His name will be recorded in the History of Overunity Device Developments.

Another Server of the Divine Wine?
Group: Guest
Meeting at the Swimming Pool on March 15, 2012

A: “What will happen to your work when you go back to China?”

Tseung: “I shall leave all my equipment and prototypes behind for the teams in USA.  When I left Hong Kong 18 months ago, I also left my equipment there.  They may want to work with me again.  Even if the situation changes, I can repurchase all equipment.  It would cost less than US$2,000.”

B: “We shall miss you.   I shall miss the Chinese Chess Games most.”

Tseung: “You can find someone else to beat.”

B: “But you are a good loser.   You even smile when you lose.”

A: “He does not care about winning at Chinese Chess.  He just wants some company to pass the spare time.”

Tseung: “Life has its ups and downs.  It is just like Chess.  You may think that you are a piece up and are likely to win.  One bad move or a brilliant move by the opponent can change everything.  My lead-out or bring-in energy research is similar.  It has its ups and downs.”

A: “A chess game ends in checkmate.  What is your equivalent end game or checkmate?”

Tseung:  “When a commercial product is readily available on the Market and when the academics accept its validity.”

B: “Are you feeling up or down with the research now?”

Tseung: “I trust in Divine Revelations.  The downs do not devastate me anymore.  I am just a Server of the Wine. “ 
Group: Guest
Lawrence, Why are you going back to China? Are you moving or just going for a visit?

 :) Laurie
Group: Guest
Lawrence, Why are you going back to China? Are you moving or just going for a visit?

 :) Laurie

All are in the Hands of the Almighty.

I am just a servant and/or a server of the Divine Wine.
Group: Guest

It looks like we have more people working on the car battery charger.

The ones that I believe are promising include:
(1)   The Chao Ching Sang Car in China that was demonstrated to drive over 500 Km on one charge in 2008.
(2)   The Wang Shen He Car in China that I shall test drive when I go back.
(3)   My own prototype using improved FLEET technology.  
(4)   The LED Company that successfully used the FLEET technology to reduce their use of solar panels and batteries to one-tenth of what they currently used.
(5)   This above link - Johan Battery Charger based on the Bob Boyce Electrolyser.
(6)   Patrick Kelly as described in Chapter 5 of his excellent e-book.
(7)   The Hong Kong Team that demonstrated a battery charger that recharged phone batteries in 2009 from an AA battery.  (I believe products are available now).

I am sure that there are others.  The chance of one of them demonstrated and proven beyond doubt within the next few months is excellent.

May there be more Severs of the Divine Wine.
« Last Edit: 2012-03-18, 15:49:46 by ltseung888 »
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