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Author Topic: Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter  (Read 155263 times)
Group: Guest

The first question I would ask is have you ever actually carefully built and measure the circuits you are talking about, including the 100kv microsecond discharge into a 10" SS sphere, with what apparatus and according to what protocol? If so, show us the quantified results and describe the anomalies that you have observed.

Sr. Member

Posts: 479
If that was only Tesla...then we could argue he was mistaken. However he build his magnifier based on experimental results of many pioneers before. There are patents clearly stating about impressing charge imbalance into earth ground and recovering that in receiver many miles  far from transmitter.
My uneducated guess is that Tesla just pulled charge from ground and then "impressed" it back to ground with force generating sound like wave in Earth core , electrified one. Another theory is that he did this in magnetosphere but again by using very fast moving charge - discharge from his elevated capacitance to ground. More or less the same way as lightning is doing disturbance.
Group: Guest
It is far more due to the earth currents than to the radiated energy.  I believe, indeed, that the radiated energy alone could not possibly produce the effect across the Atlantic.
At the transmitter, the cosecant is infinite; therefore, the velocity is infinite.  At a distance of 6,000 miles, the cosecant is unity; therefore, the velocity is equal to that of light.

All is said. He "believed". He believed in longitudinal waves and he believed that these waves could propagate at a variable speed exceeding the speed of light.
But for me the exprimental evidence takes precedence over the theory.
He didn't experimentally demonstrate the reality of this wave, and while he failed with his "magnifying transmitter", radio stations were installed all over the world, according to the transverse waves from Maxwell's theory. Tesla must not be deified, he is a human, even a genius can be wrong some time to time.

If a patent was a proof that a device works and that a possible underlying theory supporting it, is relevant, we would have already hundreds of real "free energy" machines, and Newton's, Maxwell's, Einstein's... theories would lie in a trash for decades.   :)

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The first question I would ask is have you ever actually carefully built and measure the circuits you are talking about, including the 100kv microsecond discharge into a 10" SS sphere, with what apparatus and according to what protocol? If so, show us the quantified results and describe the anomalies that you have observed.

Whoa slow down there big fella this ain't rocket science, First I was using a DIY VandeGraaff generator rated at around 100Kv, 10" sphere with a 10cm discharge approximates to 110Kv ignoring RH as well as a Tesla coil 3' in height 3" secondary 1/4" copper tube primary.. the usual stuff. I used the VDG to fire circuits through various gaps, queched gaps, self-quenching gaps, evacuated tubes,  I used the VDG to fire the tesla coil I did about everything you could possibly imagine in every combination you could possibly imagine and observed the effects. The results are all in my head which we will call experience and I think it was well worth the time spent, in fact it was more fun than is probably legal. On the issue of protocols and anomalies let's not go there shall we because we know where it ends don't we?, let's just say there are no anomalies in my little world there are only things we have yet to understand and put in the proper context. As well the effects I noted are not anomalies, constriction, noise, oscillations in the conductors and the fields etc... are expected and easily explained by conventional theory.
The issue here is that I have observed many things which I found very odd simply because the setup was something designed to produce an action in which I did not know the outcome which sounds a bit like science doesn't it?, for instance what happens when you produce a VAD which is massively self-restricting?, a toroidal PM field and a generated field quenching the gap? well the discharge has little pre-ionization and the discharge time to a conductor isolated or not becomes very small .. no anomalies required. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think your looking for something which does not exist, your looking for some claim of magic which I do not believe exists. Nature is what it is regardless of what we believe and it will do what it is supposed to regarless of any laws we have created ... that is my theory. So if we do see something unusual, something completely bizzare we could not possibly explain then this is normal and expected but we just don't know it yet ... simple.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
This may sound odd but, I can't recall Tesla talking about any longitudinal "wave" I don't see any references to it.
I might be missing the references to it. So I'll ask. Can anyone show me a reference to where Tesla describes this longitudinal "wave".

I 've never really taken any notice, I just put that down to more dubious claims people say Tesla made that he probably didn't make.
To me it seems Tesla is saying that the currents through the Earth are the same as currents in a wire more or less, just that
the Earth does not radiate and wires aren't huge spheres.

So references please. Is there any reference to Tesla referring to this "longitudinal wave".


OK i found this statement. Which clearly states that the currents passed into the Earth are stored there as electromagnetic momentum, an "LC tank", is the way i look at it.


That is what I want you to explain.  I must be mistaken, because my conception does not fit in with your statements.


All right, I will explain that.

In my first efforts, of course I simply contemplated to disturb effectively the earth, sufficiently to operate instruments.  Well, you know you must first learn how to walk before you can fly.  As I perfected my apparatus, I saw clearly that I can recover, of that energy which goes in all directions, a large amount, for the simple reason that in the system I have devised, once that current got into the earth it had no chance of escaping, because my frequency was low; hence, the electro-magnetic radiation was low.  The potential, the electric potential, is like temperature.  We might as well call potential electric temperature.  The earth is a vast body.  The potential differences in the earth are small, radiation is very small.  Therefore, if I pass my current into the earth, the energy of the current is stored there as electromagnetic momentum of the vibrations and is not consumed until I put a receiver at a distance, when it will begin to draw the energy and it will go to that point and nowhere else.
« Last Edit: 2012-10-21, 01:41:54 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
I found some math from a coiler's page.  http://www.richieburnett.co.uk/operation.html

The terrific voltage gain of the Tesla Coil comes from the fact that the energy in the large primary tank capacitor is transferred to the comparatively small stray capacitance of the secondary circuit. The energy stored in the primary capacitor is measured in Joules and is found from the following formula:

Ep = 0.5 Cp Vp²

If, for example, the primary capacitor is 47nF and it is charged to 20kV then the stored energy can be calculated.

Ep = 0.5 x 47n x (20000)² = 9.4 Joules

If we assume there are no losses in the transfer of energy to the secondary winding, the theory of conservation of energy states that this energy will be transferred to the secondary capacitance Cs. Cs is typically around 25pF. If it contains 9.4 Joules of energy when the energy transfer is complete, we can calculate the voltage:

Es = 0.5 x 25p x Vs² = 9.4

Vs² = 9.4 / (0.5 x 25p)

Vs = 867 kV

The theoretical voltage gain of the Tesla Coil is actually equal to the square root of the Capacitance ratio.

Gain = sqrt (Cp / Cs)

The voltage gain can also be calculated in terms of the inductances…

For the Tesla Coil to work, the resonant Frequencies of the Primary circuit and the Secondary circuit must be identical. I.e. Fp must equal Fs.

Fp = 1 / 2 pi sqrt (LpCp) = Fs = 1 / 2 pi sqrt (LsCs)

Therefore: LpCp = LsCs

The ratio of the inductances is the inverse of the ratio of the capacitances, and therefore the voltage gain is as follows:

Gain = sqrt (Ls / Lp)

Step up transformer would have N/n = sqrt (Ls/Lp).  This means a Tesla coil is a normal transformer?  This can't be right. 

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: allcanadian
Nature is what it is regardless of what we believe and
it will do what it is supposed to regarless of any laws
we have created ... that is my theory.  So if we do see
something unusual, something completely bizarre we
could not possibly explain then this is normal and
expected but we just don't know it yet ... simple.

Quote from: Amit Goswami - Physicist
Ultimately, it boils down to what you, the observer,
want to see.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Hi Gibbs, Well it is in some ways yes, except mainly for the way it is used. A sparking Tesla coil as Richie describes has no real load.
I think he's talking of a single bang and with no load or leaks the energy is added to by successive bangs until the terminal breaks out (great resonant rise)
It's all waste, most have loose coupling. But power can be taken from them in different ways. No matter the q of the circuit or the possible resonant rise,
if all the energy is taken from the secondary circuit as it is added by the primary and the input frequency is less than full frequency there will be no continuous
wave, it will be damped I think is the term. Tesla coils can be a good source of HV. They can receive radio broadcasts too.

Tesla explains in the Colorado Springs Notes that transmitting energy using the Earth is possible with simply a high rate of transformation, meaning normal HV transformers.
And he says for power transmissions it must prevail. But one transformer can do both, to a degree, depending on how it is used.

Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter

I'm not so sure it would work so well with a steel cored HV transformer, but air it should.


P.S. In fact tonight I think I'll setup a big terminal of some kind connected to the active of my supply transformer and tune it to resonance at a few kHz and see what I can see
on the scope connected to a ground connected coil of some kind, the experiment can be done with a pair of ignition coils I guess. Just need the terminal capacitances and resonance.
My supply transformer will only have about 360 volts at resonance.

Group: Guest
Whoa slow down there big fella this ain't rocket science, First I was using a DIY VandeGraaff generator rated at around 100Kv, 10" sphere with a 10cm discharge approximates to 110Kv ignoring RH as well as a Tesla coil 3' in height 3" secondary 1/4" copper tube primary.. the usual stuff. I used the VDG to fire circuits through various gaps, queched gaps, self-quenching gaps, evacuated tubes,  I used the VDG to fire the tesla coil I did about everything you could possibly imagine in every combination you could possibly imagine and observed the effects. The results are all in my head which we will call experience and I think it was well worth the time spent, in fact it was more fun than is probably legal. On the issue of protocols and anomalies let's not go there shall we because we know where it ends don't we?, let's just say there are no anomalies in my little world there are only things we have yet to understand and put in the proper context. As well the effects I noted are not anomalies, constriction, noise, oscillations in the conductors and the fields etc... are expected and easily explained by conventional theory.

"Results" must be quantified. Physics without measurement is not science. Nevertheless it's not necessary here, as you acknowledge that there are not anomalies, so you observed what every one else, including scientists, have observed from Ampère's time.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think your looking for something which does not exist, your looking for some claim of magic which I do not believe exists. Nature is what it is regardless of what we believe and it will do what it is supposed to regarless of any laws we have created ... that is my theory. So if we do see something unusual, something completely bizzare we could not possibly explain then this is normal and expected but we just don't know it yet ... simple.

I agree. But to see "something unusual", you must be aware of what is usual, and even it is unusual, for example due to an unusual experimental setup, you must be aware if it is possible according to physical laws, or not. In both cases, you must know what is already known by those who made the physics science. All the anomalies at my knowledge and that are alleged here and there, are due to ignorance, to misinterpretations, and even to oversimplifications neglecting the causes of the so-called anomalous effects! The longitudinal waves in vacuum are of this kind. For instance, Meyl is the archetype of the guy who takes the (numerous) holes of his knowledge for "unusual" effects while their causes are perfectly explainable with the current theories. As already said, the less one knows, the more one may imagine.
A mysterious effect is generally mysterious for the experimenter only. Instead of invoking anomalous or mysterious effects, the first step must be modestly the question: how does science explain this point? If it can't, then the point becomes interesting.

Group: Guest

We know that energy transmission at a distance, between coupled circuits, is perfectly possible. It is even commercially available for weak powers and short distances. The principle is scalable for higher powers and longer distances: for that, the dimensions of the circuits, the voltages and the currents must be scaled proportionnally to the distance and the needed power. We see that the limits are rapidly attained well before a possible coupling around the earth: the voltages should exceed the disruptive conditions in air, the size of the coils and terminal capacitors and their height, would exceed the mechanical strength of the towers and so on. Moreover the efficiency of the process is weak.
Once again, even if we could transmit wireless energy at some kms with tremendous means, which is not yet done and is doubtful, under no circumstances it would be the sign of a possibility to do the same thing around the earth. It's not the same scale. And even if it was possible, which is not, it wouldn't be free energy but transmission of energy, and would pose severe ecological problems of electric and magnetic fields pollution. It's a dead end.

Group: Guest
Well I'm not talking wireless as in no conductor.

Tesla states the currents he passes into the Earth are stored there as electromagnetic momentum.
We should be considering this based on the full sized arrangement operated at less than 35 kHz.
Forget the radiation if the Earth is disturbed enough to cause a continuous variance of potential at the receiver
and the receiver is tuned to that frequency it will cause currents in the receiver because of the constantly varying (EDIT Correction)
potential between the ground and the terminal.

The commercially available stuff is not ground connected and high frequency.

I think your wrong. I disagree. Where are the results from experiments with transmitters with non radiating terminals run at millions of volts
and below 35 kHz to show the effect is weak. I think they are done by the military and ELF transmissions are used by them I think.

On the free energy, I will say again that I have not and do not claim the transmitters to be free energy devices.
I don't understand why you would comment on that to me. I did not start this thread. I am in fact trying to convey
that I don't think it does Tesla any justice when people claim the transmitters are free energy devices and that Tesla
claimed them to be free energy devices. When I see no evidence he did.

As for the longitudinal stuff I have some doubts on that too.

But here is a question. What are the waves we see in a tank circuit. Are they Hertz waves ?

Anyway I'm not claiming Tesla claimed the transmitters are free energy devices nor am I claiming they are free energy devices.
All the usable disturbance in the ground is created by mankind. No free energy there I don't think. Unless free means just no pay.

« Last Edit: 2012-10-21, 22:27:44 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
Hi Gibbs, Well it is in some ways yes, except mainly for the way it is used. A sparking Tesla coil as Richie describes has no real load.
I think he's talking of a single bang and with no load or leaks the energy is added to by successive bangs until the terminal breaks out (great resonant rise)
It's all waste, most have loose coupling. But power can be taken from them in different ways. No matter the q of the circuit or the possible resonant rise,
if all the energy is taken from the secondary circuit as it is added by the primary and the input frequency is less than full frequency there will be no continuous
wave, it will be damped I think is the term. Tesla coils can be a good source of HV. They can receive radio broadcasts too.

Tesla explains in the Colorado Springs Notes that transmitting energy using the Earth is possible with simply a high rate of transformation, meaning normal HV transformers.
And he says for power transmissions it must prevail. But one transformer can do both, to a degree, depending on how it is used.

Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter

I'm not so sure it would work so well with a steel cored HV transformer, but air it should.


P.S. In fact tonight I think I'll setup a big terminal of some kind connected to the active of my supply transformer and tune it to resonance at a few kHz and see what I can see
on the scope connected to a ground connected coil of some kind, the experiment can be done with a pair of ignition coils I guess. Just need the terminal capacitances and resonance.
My supply transformer will only have about 360 volts at resonance.


Hi Farmhand,

Yes, I can see the art of storing and transferring energy.  You are right we can use a normal high permeability transformer and pump it up to million of volts.  Stick one end to the ground and the other end high up in the air, if we could reach an ion layer where air is conducting, that is a plus since we can use it as another sending/return wire. 

I think Tesla coil is much easier to make today.  We can determine the secondary frequency by ping it and record the decay frequency using a scope instead of doing all the calculation like he did.  I can see the problem with energy being sent back to the primary after resonant rise on this method though.  I also doubt he knows about capacitive coupling and radiant energy at the time being. lol 
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
It's not the same scale. And even if it was possible, which is not, it wouldn't be free energy but transmission of energy, and would pose severe ecological problems of electric and magnetic fields pollution. It's a dead end.
On this point we can agree, in another time with proper resources and development possibly but it's time has long since passed. There is no way in hell we could fire up one of these machines in this day and age and even on a small scale it wouldn't be long before someone would be knocking at our door.

However fundamentally the concept has points which could be applied, for instance I am using an inductive discharge boost/buck transmission scheme to power a water pump in a well I drilled for the horses some 250' away from my barn. 120/220v AC systems have major restrictions due to the regulations however low voltage has almost none, my pulsed DC system ... well none of them seem smart enough to know what in the hell to think. It's not AC, it's not really DC, it's low frequency and it produces a voltage rise on long high resistance runs but not all of the time, lol, which seems to have everyone confused for the moment.
In any case it is a super easy and very cheap solution to an old problem concerning long conductor runs and the losses associated with them. I am using a single #20 AWG conductor on the 250' run to charge a 12v battery and this goes to a PLC controlling the pump water flow based on the tank level and the OAT (outside ambient temperature) so the tank cannot freeze. Technology at work is a wonderful thing.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Well I don't see anyone proposing to build one, I'm not/didn't. Nothing less than the full sized apparatus would even have a hope of working.
They are not meant to be in a persons backyard, they are meant to be at an industrial location to transmit large amounts of energy to another location closer to need
but still it could be out of town. What I said about considering this as a full sized apparatus, is just for the sake of theorizing.
Nothing short of the full sized setup would have a hope of working efficiently even 80 years ago.

GIbbs, To say Tesla didn't know about radiant energy is laughable, he has a radiant energy patent.
Putting the terminals up high is not necessary with the last patented transmitter, it is an improvement on the atmospheric power transmission device
which did require it's terminal at great height, the improved transmitter does not require great height, in fact I think it interacts with the ground and needs to.

I'm just pointing out some misconceptions. Referring to the improved transmitter.

It's not a radiant energy collector.
It's not a free energy machine.
It's not a device for creating Hertz waves.
It's device for the transmission of energy by ground currents.
It's meant to work at frequencies below 35 kHz for power transmission.
When tuned to resonance there is no broadband interference.
It produces a continuous sine wave.

When speaking of what Tesla has said or intended in a thread references should be given to back up what is said
otherwise anyone can say Tesla said anything they wanted him to have said or meant. At least references should be
available if asked for. If a person is not prepared to provide references when asked then they have no right to ask for references themselves.

Why did I build a small model coil, ? Because I felt like it and I can, did I do it to try to make efficient transmissions. Hahahaha, no.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Farmhand
It's device for the transmission of energy by ground currents.

There are a a couple of methods which have been tried to
transmit both audio waves and radio waves through the
ground to distant locations.  None have yet met with much
success as a means of power delivery although weak signals
can be detected for considerable distances.

Could it be that Tesla was wrong?  Many do tend to place
him on a pedestal but in truth he was wrong about certain
of his theories.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
But why try to transmit audio or radio waves ? Did they try to do it by way of the method described by Tesla and with the
huge voltages and low frequency, passing currents into the Earth, because even he said without meeting all the criteria it won't work.
There is every chance with all the devices connected to the ground now it would not be applicable or practical. But the point is with all the talk of radio
waves and capacative coupling to a coil on the other side of the planet. It seems people either don't get or don't want to get it.

I think people are debunking it on false premise. There is of course chance Tesla was wrong, but as he said he was working to previous observations.
The subject is much confused by many, and I see that as an insult to his work and legacy. I think many of the theories people put forward about how they think
the system was meant to work don't hold with Tesla's theory. They talk of interference as if the thing was spark making machine. The truth is when tuned to
resonance there would be little to no interference to other frequencies because if there was all radio now would interfere with everything.

Anyway it has no real place on an OU forum, unless someone can show one exhibiting OU.
Ex. would agree with that I think.


Group: Guest
Well I'm not talking wireless as in no conductor.

Tesla states the currents he passes into the Earth are stored there as electromagnetic momentum.

The fact that there are (obscure) theories about earth currents, is irrelevant: even if there are earth currents, there are also tremendous electric and magnetic fields, and this point alone suffices to speak of pollution by electromagnetic fields.

The commercially available stuff is not ground connected and high frequency.
I think your wrong. I disagree.

There are commercially available stuff either in the low frequency domain as well as in high frequencies. While circuits are resonant, grounded or not grounded doesn't modify the fields.

Where are the results from experiments with transmitters with non radiating terminals run at millions of volts and below 35 kHz to show the effect is weak.

I would like that the Tesla's followers clarify their speech. If they pretend that energy transfer is possible around the earth according to standing waves, 35 Khz is not the right frequency.
If they use 35 Khz, they must be aware that this frequency is not less dangerous than 50 or 60Hz, whose the magnetic effects are harmful to health when the field is strong, for instance under power lines.

Group: Guest
It's device for the transmission of energy by ground currents.

This is an oversimplification.
There is a current going back and forth in the coil, from the terminal capacity to the earth and vice versa at each alternation. At the foot of the coil when it is connected to the ground, of course there is an earth current in the same way there is also a current charging/discharging the terminal capacity. It's the same current which is on the order of the charge of the terminal capacity divided by the transfer time, i.e. a half-period of the signal. So the earth current is limited to an earth volume of the same order than the capacity, which is enough to balance the current going back and forth. The earth current is rapidly fading away from the connection point. It's an advantage, otherwise the energy would be entirely dissipated in the ground resistance if the current had to propagate through the earth up to the receiver.
There is another way to see the system, which confirms this analysis. The terminal capacity constitutes a capacitor whose the other "plate" is the earth. The electric field lines in the dielectric, which is air, follow the shortest path of the capacitor and loop from the terminal capacity towards the earth at the closer location from the connection point. Only a near resonant receiver can redirect the field lines and recover a part of the displacement currents.

« Last Edit: 2012-10-22, 10:03:37 by exnihiloest »
Group: Guest
There are a a couple of methods which have been tried to
transmit both audio waves and radio waves through the
ground to distant locations.  None have yet met with much
success as a means of power delivery although weak signals
can be detected for considerable distances.

The reason is that a current must loop. We must always inject current between two poles, for example between a big capacity above the ground, and the ground.
When charges move, they influence in their environment other charges that move also. There is a global redistribution of charges that tends to cancel the electric field. At high frequencies, this current reduces to a vibration of charges and atomic dipoles about their rest position. In vacuum (or air), the displacement current is due to the influence of the field onto the electrons/positrons pairs of the ZPF. In any case, the wire being a real wire or the earth, there is never transmission of current through a "single wire" alone.

My record of transmission using a terminal capacity which was a wire at a height of 12 mtr, powered by 1 KV at 2 Khz, was only 50 mtr! And I don't even speak about energy recovering but of signal detection. Only EM waves propagate and so can be detected at long distances. Ordinary near fields remains linked to their source, with the field lines looping just around.

Sr. Member

Posts: 479
What you are talking about ? It's not about EM waves or fields. It's about electrostatic disturbance like sound wave in electrified rod.Longitudinal wave of charge distribution....I think the same is possible in magnetic field.  So we should get from Maxwell equations if they are complete : one transverse EM wave and two kinds of longitudinal disturbances in ambient background (in charge and magnetic field of Earth). If that is what Tesla used then problems should fade out...

Tesla used experience of pioneers, for example Dolbear patent 350299

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
testable hypothesis?
Group: Guest
The reason is that a current must loop. We must always inject current between two poles, for example between a big capacity above the ground, and the ground.
When charges move, they influence in their environment other charges that move also. There is a global redistribution of charges that tends to cancel the electric field. At high frequencies, this current reduces to a vibration of charges and atomic dipoles about their rest position. In vacuum (or air), the displacement current is due to the influence of the field onto the electrons/positrons pairs of the ZPF. In any case, the wire being a real wire or the earth, there is never transmission of current through a "single wire" alone.

When the ground disturbance causes a greater potential difference between the terminal and the ground  current flows into the terminal capacity as a result, which I think causes displacement currents to the atmosphere and the Earth, then when the ground disturbance causes a lesser potential difference between the terminal and the ground the current flows back the other way because the capacity of the terminal discharges through the coil to the ground. There is a loop. The receiver is tuned to the period of the disturbance (vibration) or a harmonic of it.

That's why a single wire transmission line won't work well, the terminal cannot displace current to it well because of it's capacity and physical form. The capacity of the Earth is immense and the ground surrounds the transmitter.
With a single wire transmission line the receiver terminal would still displace current to the Earth. And the terminal would still discharge through the coil.

The transmitter and receiver are separate systems, the transmitter can disturb the ground by itself. Then when a receiver is connected to the disturbed ground the effect is it that the receiver transformer is operated in reverse manner to the transmitter, rather than disturb the ground it takes the disturbance out of the ground. Simple. The transmitter and receiver are not connected except by the Earth.  

You need to consider the transmitter would be disturbing the ground even with no receiver in place. This is a big point, the receiver could operate regardless of what is disturbing the ground, it's just that the transmitter does it best. The transmitter does not transmit as such to the very distant receiver. It disturbs the ground to resonate, the receiver then is disturbed by the ground. It's really very simple, and easy to visualize.

The way you explain it is like without the receiver the ground would not be disturbed, that is not reality in my opinion.

My record of transmission using a terminal capacity which was a wire at a height of 12 mtr, powered by 1 KV at 2 Khz, was only 50 mtr! And I don't even speak about energy recovering but of signal detection. Only EM waves propagate and so can be detected at long distances. Ordinary near fields remains linked to their source, with the field lines looping just around.

Of course a wire will radiate, the terminal needs to be a sphere or an improved terminal as described in this patent. http://www.google.com/patents?vid=1119732
You would need a lot more than 1 kV to cause a disturbance to a distance and the frequency should be a harmonic of the Planet. The transmitter should be operating with a continuous sine wave.
There is only one transformer in the patent because that is all that is needed to disturb the Earth, the receiver just need to tap the Earth disturbance it need not be a big thing, there could be many
small ones or small ones and bigger ones it would not matter. The transmitter works alone to disturb the Earth.


The terminal is designed to hold the charge, a piece of wire can't do that because of it's tiny radius, the curvature is too great to allow an accumulation of charge, with a wire the charge leaks off.


EDITED: Here is a rough drawing of the way I see it. The ground disturbance is produced by the transmitter which is designed not to radiate,
the terminal holds charge and is charged and discharged by displacement currents to the earth, ultimately caused by the exciting circuit (primary).
The receiver terminal is charged and discharged by displacement currents to the Earth as well but the cause of the current is the potential difference
between the terminal and the ground caused by the constantly varying potential of the ground disturbance. The output is via the "output" coil coupled to the receivers
oscillating coil. There is no voodoo about it. A non magnifying receiver would also work to utilize the potential difference but without magnification the potential is very low
and so not much current can be forced through the load. The phase of the receiver compared to the transmitter would depend on the distance to the receiver from the transmitter and the wavelength of the disturbance.

I neglected to draw the displacement current path on the "non" magnifying receiver. And the other lines I drew to represent the displacement currents are not meant to be an accurate depiction of the actual paths.

The drawing is not to scale in any way either, the transmitters/receivers would not be that big in relation the the planet.  ;)

The real beauty comes when travelling (walking) waves and/or beat frequencies are used.
And without an extremely good ground connection the current will face significant resistance in the surface before being able to reach the more conducting deeper layers of the Earth,
and so the energy would be dissipated quickly. The receiving apparatus should also have an extremely good grounding to bypass this higher resistance layer.

Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter

« Last Edit: 2012-10-23, 03:47:21 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
When we look at the picture above we can also see (in my opinion) that the transmitter is using the Earth like a big secondary "LC tank".
And the "LC Tank" can be attached to and tapped anywhere on the planet, doing so would cause the transmitter to input more energy to
maintain the oscillations in the tank. No free energy or voodoo needed.

A receiver could be acted on efficiently if the receiver is tuned to a suitable "harmonic" of the Earth disturbance.


P.S. Another way to look at it I think is as though the transmitter is working the ground in the area it sits in as an electrical diaphragm.
The resonating disturbance also comes back to work the diaphragm and return energy not removed from the system.
This is where the efficiency comes from. Again this is just a general drawing to explain how I see it.

Not to any scale.
Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter

« Last Edit: 2012-10-23, 06:59:26 by Farmhand »
Group: Guest
What you are talking about ? It's not about EM waves or fields. It's about electrostatic disturbance like sound wave in electrified rod.

Every unbalance between positive and electric charges is accompanied by an electric field. Every motion of charges is accompanied by a magnetic field. Charges and fields are linked, it's the same physical reality.
An electric disturbance doesn't exist without fields.

Group: Guest
A receiver could be acted on efficiently if the receiver is tuned to a suitable "harmonic" of the Earth disturbance.

Not one experiment supports this idea.

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