You have to make up your mind is it DC or AC? If it is powered from the AC mains directly there can be no Anode or Cathode. The first drawing showed a + and - so I called them Anode and Cathode. Then it was DC at 1.2 kHz   Now it is back to 60 Hz mains power. Whats up with that? A clearly written engineering style spec along with the drawing would dispel a lot of confusion e.g: Applied Voltage: Applied Current: (disregard if self limited) Applied Frequency: Expected Power Usage: (Watts) Can Resonant Frequency: Ring Resonant Frequency: Length of Can (mm): Diameter of Can (mm): Diameter of Ring: (mm): Gap between innermost part of ring to can (mm): Size of outer vessel (L, W, D mm) Material of outer vessel: Size of inlet and outlet ports: Flow rate: (L / min or Gal / min) Transport medium or working fluid: Temperature of inlet medium: Temperature of outlet medium: etc
« Last Edit: 2011-09-11, 00:08:27 by ION »
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