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Author Topic: "Zilano" at energetic running her home on something very simple {DS TK ??}  (Read 33945 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

We only have meters for opposites, we can’t measure equals.

Haven't you heard of the Wheatstone Bridge?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
This is false.
Current science has no problems measuring scalar quantities. Barometers and thermometers are examples of such meters.
First one needs to understand the Magnetic Properties of WIND...

You are deflecting and still have not answered my question.
You just discounted the entire field of chemistry.

This has a name: esoterica
It is a well known technique for derailing the scientific debate, research and experimentation, which is the mission of this forum.
I am not falling for it and I am not interested in going down that path with you.

@Peterae, Chet:  This is the mechanism by which the overunity.com forum has deteriorated to what it is today.

Even if I don’t agree completely with Merlyn, I have to say that some truth is hidden in his theories and I don’t think is right to dismiss entirely the role of vibrations and their frequency even for a chemical reaction. Please see the vibrations of graphene on a metal plate that generates electricity. Also see patent of Arie deGeus with 4 transformations to obtain electricity and potassium from transmutation in a chemical reaction.
Group: Guest
Haven't you heard of the Wheatstone Bridge?

You missed my point, even in a bridge configuration, we still only see 'half' of what we term electricity.

The Wheatstone only tells us some missing property like resistance, inductance, capacitance, etc..

it doesn't tell you how many flows there are in an electric current !! it literally can't !

Every electric current is an OCTAVE wave, meaning there are 8 flows of harmonic vibrations within just one current. Even DC.

Ed Leedskalnin found the 2 flows on the outer surface of the wire, and concluded one flow goes against the other. He missed the other 3 pairs as no meters exist for them.

Food for thought.  O0

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Are you fishing for investors?
Are you trying to sincerely teach ?
Or ?
Been too many years to continue to play “ I know something you don’t know”
  you wrote at Stefan’s about having invested much into this
“too much to just give it away”
End quote

At the end of the day , the only valid claims are those which can be replicated independently by others!
Many have claims ..( see most recently Holcomb ( many lawsuits etc))

Also as of this moment , our planet does seem to be going through some unusual changes, faster than previously thought ,
Especially in your part of the world…southern ocean Antarctica region
Are we selling timeshares on the titanic?

Or actual helpful solutions to prevent that ?

« Last Edit: 2023-10-16, 16:15:27 by Chet K »
Group: Guest
Hi Chet!

Don’t need investors, thnx. am not fishing. nor am esoteric disinfo agent.

I am here to support MerLynn.

The task of RE-education is MONUMENTAL. I know what it takes (and can sympathize).

So I offer help where I can. No, I can’t just give it away srry.

I take my cues from Don, Zilano, Joe, Tesla… they didn’t spoon feed answers.
They told where to look, for more insight and to determine truth for oneself!!!  O0

All that is required is an OPEN circuit MIND.

Hero Member

Posts: 1582

Every electric current is an OCTAVE wave, meaning there are 8 flows of harmonic vibrations within just one current. Even DC.

What is the evidence for this belief?
Full Member

Posts: 140
This has a name: esoterica

In 2004 I bought a Thoroughbred horse from the Yearling Sales for 8000 (the av price was 60k)
I consulted google to know which end of the horse to inspect before buying as I knew nothing about horses.
I flipped through the 300 page catalogue and INTUITIVELY marked about 5 pages and handed it to the Trainer who was my bidder for the day. "These are the ones you bid on". I put my money where my mouth is. (or where God's Esoteric or Mysterious Ways tells me to)
From May til Oct 26th 2004 we Bathed the Horse with the Scalar Non Hertzian energy device and treated the horse everyday until its Maiden run at the Most Prestigious Course in Australia Royal Randwick in Sydney for a Saturday event. My first horse in its first Maiden race against 2 of Emirates Park best yearlings as well as a dozen other horses. It was the First Day of Spring Carnival and it wasnt an ordinary race it was the Tattersals Plate. A feature Race.  Odds of 140 to 1. We came home with near 70k in winnings and offers from Hong Kong to buy the Horse. We named its Foal "Esoterica" which means Hidden Science.
Not only can I make Scalar energy, even whitelightningwizard can do it every day of the week.
Perhaps Hidden Science is why OUR has failed to build anything thats viable. Burning books or 'theories' by giving it a label like 'esoterica' might be why critics fail to achieve their goals.

Teslas Science has been hidden from you on purpose. Alchemy was jewed into Chemistry and perverted to keep the Masses ignorant and clearly its working.

Joe once asked for the Halbach magnets, being a bit pricey I never got around to ordering them. He was disappointed as he then explained how to make this 'mono pole' array actually over unity. Nearly every single design thats on this site Joe has looked at. Some he goes down to his shed and builds. Why does Joe succeed and others fail? Does Joe use a NEW SCIENCE BASE as his reverse engineering principles? No one cares as clearly its esoterica and we cant have that.

You may not like 'esoterica' but to make any of these designs work you need NEW Science Theories and this includes the Atomic Structure or Chemistry. Take it or leave it, Either way, after trying to get people interested in building a Samsung motor all I got was the baghdad battery was a super conductor. The Esoterica is the Operating Procedure that Tesla knew and so do the designers of Smart Drive washing machine motors.

My Hocus Pokus works, Your chemistry and electron theory clearly isnt working. The task is Monumental. The Dogma is strong with some.

over 3 decades of research into Cold Fusion and Chemistry and Physics, have failed to reproduce Over Unity ENERGY in ANY format that doesnt come with Negative comments.

When ever I begin to write more IP on any forum and this forum has gotten some of the best of what I have provided, I hear this voice inside my head, reminding me about Pearls of Wisdom and who you are casting before. 

Having freely and without patents, given the world a Scalar, Neutral Centre Energy Device for over unity production (its in the esoteric descriptions on how to extract this) All I got in return is Chemistry or physics dont work that way. So they reversed engineered this GIFT from God, with ions and electrons and pH meters and sell equipment that actually Kills horses rather than making them Champions.
And now accusations are leveled if we feel RESERVED about giving away Esoteric Operating procedures to Scalar Energies.

So let me repeat. Hypercharge water with a Field Generation device. Once the water is Magnetic, it will exhibit over unity energy in several ways. You can be healed by it or you can drop a 'collector' in the water to Vibrate and deliver 2 polarities from the wires connecting to the Collector. The best collector is an old radio tuner. Joes used the Generator as the Collector. The Meter youse all place so much importance on, will NOT measure anything from the 2 wires lighting up a bulb. You cant meter it. You can only use it. In fact the action of connecting a multi meter actually STOPS dead cold any 'output'. You will kill the experiment by trying to measure it. You will declare Magnetic Water a Hoax. Ive heard it all before. Youse cant think outside the box, You have NO IDEA what Non Physical Phenomena is and Tesla considered this study to be PARAMOUNT to any understandings of 'electricity'. Non Physical is HIDDEN or ESOTERIC in Nature. Explaining Non Physical to over educated Bolsheviks hell bent on satanic enslavement Treaties to Trust the Science was never going to be easy.

but even after this post I doubt if anyone other than whitelightningwizard gets it.

"where is the evidence for this BELIEF"  The words used, tell the story that its not factual but only a belief. Such a closed minded question.
Everything Vibrates. Even a Piano. Vibrations have SCALES. Scales are also known as OCTAVES. Scalar energy has NONE and thats why its different and thats why METER HEADS (similar to Petrol heads and cars) cant find it or know anything about it yet I use it every day for fun and profit.

Joe's Esoteric works.
My Esoteric Works
Walter Russell clearly has hidden or Esoteric Knowledge and if you want to fly to the Heavens, its best to learn the Physics of Heaven and Earth. Not mans understanding of same where we still debate about its Flatness and other electron theories.

We are not looking for Shekel investors. We are looking for Esoteric Partners and that eliminates the jewry and other Bolshevik Indoctrinates.

If you understand our Esoteric Pearls of Wisdom, no shekels are needed.
If you understand our Esoteric Operating Procedures no schematics or diagrams are needed.
The Universe is Mental. The Mind is ALL and can effect ALL. Its how real Physics works. Much to the disbelief of Over Unity Research Believers.

@wlw, the orientation of the Magnets to make the magical Scalar Energy from the Samsung Motor must involve the placement of the North Poles in relation to each other. Its North Pole Magnetism thats Over Unity. South Pole is Explosive and we require the Implosion forces or Compression Forces of Walter Russell. We want the North Pole Fields ONLY to be activated by the spinning coils. (there's the Esoteric Knowledge of Magnetism but apparently its only a 'belief'.)

I once built a Ring Magnet set that spun all by itself. It had a ring magnet with a large ball bearing in its centre and if a ring of Magnets was lowered upon it it would spin forever. Now Joe can SEE the North Pole of any magnet (or object like a stainless steel tube) I took the block magnets and placed them near a compass and aligned all the 4 Fields. Joe asked me in a funny sort of way... "did you align these Magnets"? I believe he didnt think I aligned them first. He was surprised that anyone would do this. he said you have discovered why the Planets Spin.
So yes. Perpetual Magnetic Motion is possible because I have done it. I could take this further and waste shekels on a patent but it was MY intuitive Esoteric Knowledge that allowed me to make this design work where many others failed. NON PHYSICAL PHENOMENA. Hidden or Esoteric Science. Just a couple weeks of playing you will learn more than all your previous schoolings.

Eventually I will get old and tired of trying to teach the Esoteric Nature of this Mental Universe and may just dump it all before Bio WW3 ends with Earth Changes. It will be understood by the next generation because they are no longer indoctrinating them with fake science. They will also be anti vaxxers and purebloods with a working Pineal Gland and have Critical thinking skills not found in the Fluoridated and vaxxed.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
What is the evidence for this belief?
This effect can be observed in any self resonant bucking coil when their length of wire match the source of signal

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
This effect can be observed in any self resonant bucking coil when their length of wire match the source of signal
Nah.  He wrote "Every electric current is an OCTAVE wave ...even DC"  which cannot be observed in a "resonant bucking coil" because in the 3D space/1D time of our daily experience, DC does not manifest itself as a wave.

He also wrote that "there are 8 flows of harmonic vibrations within just one current,...even DC"  which also cannot be observed in a "resonant bucking coil" because in the 3D space/1D time of our daily experience, current is no more than 1 unidirectional (on average) flow of charges.

In 3D space/3D time the geometries are different and directions ambiguous but that is not an usual consideration by any means and cannot be observed in a "resonant bucking coil" of our headset, which does not even resonate with DC.

With guys like that, I'd have to analyze every meaning of every of his word, because the meanings are often redefined without prior definition and I would have to tediously analyze the grammatical structure word by word to decipher what he means, with no beneficial effects except finding contradictions and wasting my time, which might be the entire point of the exercise. 
So, no I will not fall for it and engage with him, but I will support other members (like Paul) that choose to debate him.  If he comes to one of the experimental threads where I am active and starts spewing esoterical stuff there, I will lobby to restrict his write access there. 
I do not want O.U.R. to end up like overunity.com.
Full Member

Posts: 140
@verpies " I will not fall for it an engage with him" yes to understand every word you will need to analyze Walter Russell and learn its not chemistry, as it is clearly Esoteric Science gifted to Walter from the Universal Consciousness.

The difference between Alchemy and Chemistry.
Chemistry is where the Atomic Structure is a Marble construct and chemical reactions are where these Marbles are added or change places to give new products.
Alchemy is to control the Life Force Essence of the Magnetic Field Construct to transmute according to ones Bio Magnetic Will Power.

Examples of chemistry include Iron is smelted and more chromium marbles added to made steel 'stainless' etc
Alchemy is where blood and fingernails are added to iron at Full Moons so as the Iron Blade Vibrates when the owner of the steel blade picks it up and can cut stone and anvils like butter. You know... like magic.
OR...  The Iron Washer is "WILLED" to use magnetic Bio Forces to transmute Salt water into Fresh in an In Line Magnetic Cell. seen here...
https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html  and its real Magic using Magnetics.

Now you can call it Fake all you want, but you cant do it and neither can anyone else do it unless Joe or I or Whitelightningwizaed actually instructs you how to assemble these washers between 2 same poles. Neither can you make Radiant or Scalar Energy from the zero point. All you can do is spin magnets and alternators and coils and test with multimeters or any other variation of reverse engineering of others inventions. If I was wrong... you wouldnt be here.

There are 4 Phases to 'energy' where energy is thought of as Frequency and vibration (Tesla's instructions) We all know of Pos and Neg or as WhiteLightningWizard says Compression and Expansion and then the intermediary phases. WLW can explain how to get these other phases from a couple car batteries and its something you Verpies have never heard of and that doesnt make it fake either. But for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction making 8 types of 'energy'. Each time one is isolated, it springs 2 more 'phases'. Giving a total of 16 'kinds' of 'energy' just like the 49er Gold Panners found the same size gold particles 16 river bends downstream. Study nature not Marble textbooks. Nature is ENTIRELY Esoteric in nature as you understand NAUGHT its Mysteries and Hidden aspects. You need to get out more.

Joe has a 4 Way Cell that can electrically manifest these 4 phases and each phase has 4 more 'distinct actions'. Making 16 in total.
You can see the 2 MOST Profound of these Phases here... https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html

"I will lobby to restrict his write access" you dont have to sound so excited to be able to ban and book burn. You are trying to pick a fight by e-slapping pre-emptively. Just exactly what is your beef with Esoteric Studies applied to Tesla Science, John Keely Science, Victor Schauberger et al ?

Joe, WLW and Myself all use Esoteric, Hidden or Non physical Energies in ALL our devices. If you use 'electricity' to Boil water, you to are using the Esoteric Nature or hidden nature of spinning magnets which is Vibrations and Frequency but you avoid hidden or Esoteric by inventing 'electrons' or believing the Electric Universe Lie about them.

Electrolysis is Chemistry. Magnetic Fields are Alchemy and Esoteric in Nature because you Verpies have not spent one second understanding magnetics in any fashion like wlw and I have presented and try to claim the high moral ground that these are fake findings we present by pigeon holing us with the term ESOTERIC like it means anti semitic or is racist or some such nonsense. You bolshevik educated name callers are all the same. You do NOT want to understand that which conflicts with your programming. You cannot refute the science we present cause youve already stated it would be a waste of your ever so precious time. Your closed mind is open for all to see.

Really members have 2 options, Question and Learn or ignore that which doesnt interest you. Not threaten e-slapping. Its childish.

This is how your wish of "I do not want O.U.R. to end up like overunity.com" will be granted.

I would much prefer to have a Bench where these Esoteric Principles can be experimented with. And Verpies you are welcome to ask thought provoking questions. Or you dont have to participate. Free Choice.

"So, no I will not fall for it an engage with him, but I will support other members (like Paul) that choose to debate him"
How to engage and name call by not engaging....  This is double talk or double think or as my Cherokee ancestors said speak with Forked tongue.

attached is the Perpetual Spinning Magnet on a ball bearing. one of the straps broke and needs to be rebuilt. I built it to be able to ask Joe what it is I am seeing, not for Video mass debunking click baits. The only way to learn esoteric Magnetic phenomena is to try it. You will learn NOTHING by replicating that which clearly you cant at this time even if you succeed. It appears the minimizing of shekel spending is the main priority here.

the other pic is the ESOTERIC nature of the Bio Magnetic Flow Chart of Energy within the Human Body. To be able to Heal and Treat Disease with a Car Battery like Joe, wlw and myself do and have done with 1000's, actually MILLIONS of people, you need to understand this Esoteric Knowledge in this Electric Universe. And Billions of people believe this Esoteric Knowledge.

I hope to run courses in Albuquerque next Aug.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
...attached is the Perpetual Spinning Magnet on a ball bearing.

I've done this experiment 30 years ago.  It really spins but only if held by a human hand that makes micro correcting motions.  This is how our muscles and nervous system work to keep something seemingly steady - not bio magnetic energy.

It does not work if held with a mechanical holder.

Full Member

Posts: 140
I've done this experiment 30 years ago.  It really spins but only if held by a human hand that makes micro correcting motions.  This is how our muscles and nervous system works to keep something seemingly steady.
It does not work if held with a mechanical holder.

How did you align the magnets in the Ring or their Field Orientation?
Which Pole of the ball magnet did you have facing the Ring?
What materials (conductors of magnetic energy) did you use?

or didnt you know about the esoteric nature of Field Science interactions?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I just can't ignore a short pointed question  :(
I don't remember everything, it was 30 yeas ago,  I remember a little that it was tested on a pane of glass and I played with it for several days and with ceramic magnets magnetized axially and radially.  So knowing myself I tried all orientations possible.

Show us a video of it working while not being held by a hand, and I will talk to you more about it.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Here we have an excellent example of how Over Unity Research works.

Someone presents a video or patent of some working apparatus.

Highly educated Marble Theorists try to duplicate and join many discussion boards to figure out how it was done.

Lacking in the Intellectual Property about which the apparatus is constructed or newly revealed science principles presented as esoteric, replication fails and clearly I have proven it doesnt work.

and on to the next newest thing.

about that needing hands to preform..... I hadnt thought about that.
In the Egely Wheel one can make the disc rotate in either direction depending upon which way one holds one's hands when activating this VITAL BIO MAGNETIC FORCE Field.

So you may have a point but the direction and the possibility of spin depends upon the orientation of the entire Field of the device and the Hands may (the Y effect) influence this.  So you proved the Y effect which is Reichs Esoteric Knowledge without even knowing it.
Full Member

Posts: 140
I just can't ignore a short pointed question  :(
I don't remember everything, it was 30 yeas ago,  I remember a little that it was on a pane of glass and I played with it for several days and with ceramic magnets magnetized axially and radially.  So knowing myself I tried all orientations possible.

Show us a video of it working while not being held by a hand, and I will talk to you more about it.

You dd NOT try all orientations...  Try to be honest at least.
All you remember is you couldnt figure it out to make it 'perpetual'.
Construction IP is why all JoeCell replicators failed...
You know not the construction IP and would remember orientating all the ring magnets if you actually did it and JUST HOW DID YOU ORIENTATE THEM? claiming senility after 30 years will not suffice to win this debate you so eagerly joined.
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