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Author Topic: Romero and Wire X Dilemma  (Read 106380 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
R-UK ("R" u kidding me?  HAHA) said the self-runner doesn't exist anymore.  Is he implying that they took it away?

RUK also uses the term "our":

Well my friend, I can prove to you or anyone that I do have a working OU device, small but working, not the one everyone is trying to replicate now, that as I said milion times does not exist anymore. Is there any law that will force me or anyone to disclose our findings?

Hmm.   Interesting.  Why doesn't he show this "small but working" OU device, or discuss the mechanism of gain that it uses?

He claims he had a "visit", but he is still active on the forums as RomeroUK, and still talking about his devices.  If he had a "real visit", he would not be on a forum without painstakingly hiding his identity.

One day, some brave person is going to show the real-effin-deal and all of these charletans will cease to garner any attention.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
From:   wattsup
@Romero does not know why his wheel is not working. Just because you build a bigger model, it does not mean it will work. Most guys will start small, see that the device does not work, then their next move is always "well if I make it bigger, or use bigger coils, or put more coils per plate, etc., THEN IT HAS TO WORK. But months later, the same thing happens. It becomes an obsession that we all have to be careful about to not get caught into such a whirlpool or never ending compensation.

I can tell you this. Why does his bigger unit all of a sudden have 14 coils on it when his previous device had 9?

To answer your question:   Romero is replicating one of Bill Muller's device,  which is bigger and with more magnets.         http://mullerpower.com/index2.php

I know what happend and most likely if I can take the time off I will go over to see his demonstration.  I won't say publicly what was said in private.   Hopefully by now you should all realize the value of the output waveform he posted because you won't get another one.    By the way he told us it was "fake" and to stop replicating.  So why are we geting all excited?    It's "fake", replicate it or don't, it's up to you. He doesn't owe us anything!  

Group: Guest
From:   wattsup

To answer your question:   Romero replicated and is replicating the Muller device,  which was bigger and with more magnets.         http://mullerpower.com/index2.php

I know what happend and most likely if I can take the time off I will go over to see his demonstration.  I won't say publicly what was said in private.   Hopefully by now you should all realize the value of the output waveform he posted because you won't get another one.    By the way he told us it was "fake" and to stop replicating.  So why are we geting all excited?    It's "fake", replicate it or don't, it's up to you. He doesn't owe us anything!  


Well said. I hope you'll get to go see his demo. in the UK and make a video of it (Just make sure all the wires are shown so wattsup can really trace them this time! Oh, I forgot, he won't get a chance since the coils will be encapsulated by plastic material nor will he be invited. duh! )
Romero  conducted himself with dignity, knowledge, skill and class. The same can't be said about people who shout 'Fake! Fake!!'.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520
Since @Romero did not answer my questions, when confronted with the reality, he then changed the subject with his big wheel, that already says more then enough.

So, I had some time to see the third video.

So, about video three.

Take a backpack with a battery and a long stick in the backpack that comes above and in front of you. Connect the battery with a long wire going up the stick to the the tip and have it come down to his wheel connecting to both Wire Xs. Now hold the device in the air with your left hand and hold the camera in the other and do the video. Just make sure you do not go over the far end of the device at all times.

For that execution, I give him 100%.
No human can get 100% unless that's all they have to do is concentrate on that device not showing above the far end and walking around.

But no one is 100% perfect. Again 3-4 frames to chose from.

But even beyond the image grabbing proof, the simple fact that anyone with such a device before stopping the video would have put it on the ground and panned away to show nothing around. That would have been the nail on the coffin for any skeptics. No inventor would resist doing this if the device was real. He did not. Instead, the whole video was 99.9999% concentrated on you not seeing above the far end of the wheel.

So, now look at that video again.

I rest my case. Builder Beware.

This device and his three videos fall into my definition of Incitement to Replicate Under False Pretenses.

And as the story goes.....
All the theories and all the builders,
could not put Romeros' wheel back together again.


Sorry but no one with coils or without will impress me to think in any way. We have seen coils galore.
The secret to running the device on the grass for hours and hours. Well, it's called a trenching tool.
One seller describes it as being an "Excellent trenching tool for electrical wires, edging materials, and water tube". lol


For those that would ask, the image was at 52 seconds for about 1 second. lol

« Last Edit: 2011-06-22, 05:52:55 by wattsup »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

The most telling of this video three is that I found what I was looking for exactly and only at the frame I was looking for. I knew he was using a wire from the outside but he stuck his camera always very close to the device avoiding above the far end area at all cost. I knew the Wire Xs where on that side. And, the only time he slipped, bingo, there is the wire. What are the chances of those two rare events being present in the same frame?

When astronomers look at a far away star and they see this slight flicker moving with the star as the background, they know it is a planet orbiting the star. Because seeing a flicker in that same area is so remote to happen by chance that they are certain it is a planet. This is the same for this video. Big star with a small flicker says its fake.

Strike three, game over.

« Last Edit: 2011-06-22, 15:43:29 by wattsup »

Hero Member

Posts: 805

I will agree with you on this point:     he could have done a better job with the third video, which was meant to dispell doubts.  

1) I remember being disappointed that he did not set it down and than back away from it and show us the whole thing,  so I agree with you on that point.    

2) but, you don't need external wires to do his third video demo, just good bearings and a spinning rotor, that's all,  which leads me to my next point:

3) what disappointed me the most was that he was not running the dynamo in closed loop  WITH A LIGHT BULB LOAD, and than setting it down and than backing away from it.  That is the biggest slip on his part and I remember thinking why?  This third video does not dispel any doubts at all, in fact it's a waste of time.

so ... maybe it's fake?     ???  :o

I'm just messing with you bud.  ;D

« Last Edit: 2011-06-24, 05:35:29 by EMdevices »

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Since @Romero did not answer my questions, when confronted with the reality, he then changed the subject with his big wheel, that already says more then enough.

So, I had some time to see the third video.

So, about video three.

Take a backpack with a battery and a long stick in the backpack that comes above and in front of you. Connect the battery with a long wire going up the stick to the the tip and have it come down to his wheel connecting to both Wire Xs. Now hold the device in the air with your left hand and hold the camera in the other and do the video. Just make sure you do not go over the far end of the device at all times.

For that execution, I give him 100%.
No human can get 100% unless that's all they have to do is concentrate on that device not showing above the far end and walking around.

But no one is 100% perfect. Again 3-4 frames to chose from.

But even beyond the image grabbing proof, the simple fact that anyone with such a device before stopping the video would have put it on the ground and panned away to show nothing around. That would have been the nail on the coffin for any skeptics. No inventor would resist doing this if the device was real. He did not. Instead, the whole video was 99.9999% concentrated on you not seeing above the far end of the wheel.

So, now look at that video again.

I rest my case. Builder Beware.

This device and his three videos fall into my definition of Incitement to Replicate Under False Pretenses.

And as the story goes.....
All the theories and all the builders,
could not put Romeros' wheel back together again.


Sorry but no one with coils or without will impress me to think in any way. We have seen coils galore.
The secret to running the device on the grass for hours and hours. Well, it's called a trenching tool.
One seller describes it as being an "Excellent trenching tool for electrical wires, edging materials, and water tube". lol


For those that would ask, the image was at 52 seconds for about 1 second. lol

Indeed wattsup, that shot is at about 52-53 seconds.

Now, if you go back to about 42 seconds, you will see that those same wires appear to be laying on the floor (see top left of screen). He moves the wheel around, and this pair of wires remains motionless.

Just a friendly FYI.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Yes, you are right .99, this is a wire on the floor.
Unfortunately, this video does not prove anything. It does not show all the parts of the dynamo. Namely, the top of one of the threaded rods is not shown in this video.
The camera points downwards, sideways but not high enough to show the rod in its entirety.
Just a basic fact.

Best regards,

Group: Guest
I feel RomeroUK's path devil cross. He sold his reputation. Stefan ask him make false setup ou devise's videos because  overunity.com was completely dead quiet.

from RomeroUK's posts:

"I have made a big mistake without any intention and that turned back to me, but this is life, we all do mistakes, now is done and must move on.'

" That time I was making arangements for Stefan to come here from  Germany and see it working or I go there. I had this discussions privately but somwhere was a leak and russhed things up."

"I said that two forum members  knows the complete story about what happend and only one member here saw it working. He also have a detailed video and if he wants I have no problem if he will post it."

"I am not looking to make lots of money just to cover my costs and time.I cannot build or describe details about my previous setup as that does not belong to me and never did."

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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Without the clicking the server space is now costing Stefan. The web page slow down due to ads is ridiculous.
I don't doubt what you say here...

Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Something does not ring true about Romero's accounts. It is unfortunate that so many people have been strung along.
All these people are going to leave with a bad taste in their mouth and will be a loss to the community.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Hope that doesn't happen MB

It will certainly be a blow for many, i could have been building my Valve Pulser stage instead and the money would have got me there by now.

Offcourse there's no way it will turn out a fake otherwise Sterling would be waving court papers at him.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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Depends on what they signed up for.
Sterling has eaten crow many times before this. He thinks he is our spoke person.
He had contacted me in 2008 and I turned him down. I saw it as the tail wags the dog situation. I for one do not like those who try to cuddle up bringing only a smile. I have been telling everybody for a long time that as soon as you touch dollars the government has a stake.

Which brings up another issue then:
The Muller family then are con artists? I have the viedo some where of Bill's 1996 backyard party where the device runs with many witnesses.

At the correct speed reverbratory, sympathetic, harmonic physics  would enter the picture.
That is why I posted previously about the TPU gyrations.
Which brings another point:
SM puts the clamp meter in the middle without clamping on a wire and shows a reading. The device also thumps with no moving parts and everybody wants to grab it? What are they nuts? SM held the smaller units gingerly and I could be wrong but I dont remember seeing him grab the bigger units. He aint nuts... He is one of the few who saw the scope shots. I have to go back and look at that again. Also he stated 5khz and that is not unreasonable for magnetic RPMs.

I usually leave my last three builds set up. I blew an amp during the rotational field test. Just got it rebuilt but there is one more issue to solve then back on it.
This Muller device is a rotational device so that is what I am taking a clue from.

Hope I am not cluttering this thread. If so Sorry.

Hope that doesn't happen MB

It will certainly be a blow for many, i could have been building my Valve Pulser stage instead and the money would have got me there by now.

Offcourse there's no way it will turn out a fake otherwise Sterling would be waving court papers at him.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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From the man himself...

Group: Guest
  Aaahhh....  The voice of reason and sanity! 
I didn't know there was a 'move' function that can be added to text like the 'bold' and 'underline' functions.  :o

And, I do agree, testing a part of a concept or part of a circuit is a sensible way to go.  Simple and straightforward to me.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Besides the three tests I mentioned for you to try out when you can to see the waveforms, plus seeing if you can run your wheel off of one or two 9vdc batteries (the two in series or paralel), I would like to add another, but this one may sound really crazy so it is up to you if you will want to try it or not. I will understand.

The Wet Hand Test

To run your wheel in regular mode you connect your battery to the device as usual and make it run. But in this instance, keep the negative connected from the battery to the device as usual, for now.

The positive will be another story. On the wheel where you connect the positive, run a wire from that point to one of the long plate adjusting bolts that also support the wheel. Then take the positive from the battery and place it on your skin near your elbow. Wet the skin. Then wet your hand slightly. Now see if your wheel will start to turn when you grab hold of the adjusting bolt. If it turns, see if you can check the rpm. Then put the positive as usual and check the rpm again.

Listen I know we are all pulling on your strings to get some answers on different angles of this wheel, since you are the only one around that has such a decent wheel. I don't have a wheel of course, but if anyone with the tools wants to build one for me, I can draft out my own requirements and just name the price. It's easier for me to make the money for the wheel then to build it.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520
Wanted to post this last night but the site was down.


Please do not post to this thread. You are not welcome.


Forget the wet hand test.


You are right about the wire on the floor. But here is what I found.

Video 1
Wheel was connected (Wire X Black and Red) from 12vdc battery directly to the output rail. Battery also fed directly the drive coil circuits as we know it.

Video 2
Wheel was again connected (Wire X Black and Red)  from 12vdc battery to the output rail via the hole in the table, but this time the drive coils were driven exclusively by the dc-dc converter shown by him switching voltages and showing rpm change. He then showed the self-runner while lighting a bulb. Wow. Not hard to do with a 12vdc battery.

Video 3 - The suspended wheel of suspense

For this video, Romero left the negative of the dc output rail (Wire X Black) go to the D22 circuit and the positive of the dc output rail (Wire X Red) to the positive of the D22 circuit. D22 also fed D11. But in this case, Romero also REMOVED THE RESISTOR on each of the drive coil circuits. WHY???????? Because he also hid one or two 9vdc batteries in his dc-dc converter box. Since he was using such small power source just to show the wheel turning, he needed to remove the resistors otherwise they would choke the system. Once the wheel was turning, the coils would produce just enough to keep it turning with minimal battery power loss, more then enough to do his 1 minute and 42 second video. Since he showed the dc-dc converter working in Video 2 by switching the converter and showing rpm changes, he knew this would take away any suspicions. The capacitor was required to act as a stabilizer.

You know when you have a circuit running for many days, the solders start to get oxidized and bland. Then when you solder something new, or when you unsolder something, the new solders just jump out at you when compared to other solder points. Like shining stars they compel your attention, only if you look long and hard enough.

The fact is this. His Video #3 is supposed to be the extension of his Video #2 where he convinces you he is driving his system as a self-running. But we know he ran it off a battery. So in Video 3, the only difference we should see is him holding the wheel in the air and showing around it that it is not connected. So if that is the only difference, then why did he remove the resistors. I guess he was not expecting any serious voltages in the system. That's why I asked @Peterae to try running his wheel with one or two small batteries. If this does not work, then remove the resistors and try again.

Anyways, that's it for me. Although I was only trying to help @Peterae find more answers, I am now convinced Romero is taking everyone here for a damn nice ride. Of course the scenery is always nice on the road to new discoveries but, when you don't know why you are on the bus, it is difficult to take the right directions and you may have to do much more mileage before you realize you are going the wrong way. So forget that he flagrantly used outside means to do his videos, the guy is a star. Wake me up when you are ready to work an a real working wheel.

Oh and turning a wheel that is producing less then 1 watt will not teach you anything about why there is now rpm loss, no drag, no perceivable resistance.

Also, on the flat part of the wave form, realize where it was taken and you will realize why it is the way it is. Maybe lower your applied voltage to your wheel, play again with the sensor positions and you will see it. The end of the long band corresponds with when both sensors are activated. If there was a hump in the long band, it would show the hall sensors are activated in sequence. By scoping both hall sensors when adjusting them to peak at the same time but at the right places. Put the scope on each generator coil one by one and you will have different readings because their relative position to the timing of the sensors will never be the same from one to the other. The scope shows voltage/time/movement but movement is regulated by the sensors. So which generator coil did Romero use to scope the waveform?

But what will you finally set the sensors at? Remember, low rpm means high torque because you are already at the position where the drag would hold you.

Anyways, enough said. I don't have a wheel so WTF do I know, right.


I will be off on a long deserved vacation. Punta Cana by the beach. Be back in a week.
I was hoping to have that Body Electric book on hand during my vacation but with the Canada Post strike, I have not received it yet. Maybe tomorrow.


PS: I thought about it and I will not post any photos of the no resistors because I would have to show all videos with comparisons of each of D11 and D22 changes. Then someone will accuse me of trafficking an image. If someone else wants to take up the job, be my guest. @none, where are you???????????? Oh and while you are at it, grab an image of the burr marks on the converter from prying it open with a screwdriver.

PS: Pretty crazy but in Video 3, you can hear Romeros' wife was speaking in what I believe to be Armenian. Something about preparing some watermelon. Cute.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

If you mean The Body Electric by Becker i have a PDF copy if that helps, i can upload it somewhere for you.


You are very kind but I was hoping to have the book on hand and not have a printout or reading on a screen. I"ll bring some Tesla patents with me and that will do. lol



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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Another eye opener is
'Hidden Nature' The startling insights of Viktor Shauberger.
by Alick BArtholomelow.
He fully shows and explains symbiotic vortexes above and below.

Another is since we are Haarping our ionosphere is this symbiotic relationship stress showing up as exacerbated sunspot activity?
Makes one think.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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There has never been any record of the last 'OOPS'.

Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Hello guys,
I am a professional engineer and as such, can not bring myself to build something without knowing what I am doing.
Too many people are just trying to build a Muller motor now known as RomeroUK.
I feel we should credit where credit is due.

There are some topics that share the similar traits: Kunel generator, Muller generator, the concept of shorting coils producing
more output etc etc.

I started to search for "sudden change in inductance" and I came across a few intetesting articles
which I like to share with you.

1- combine.pdf  - You are seasoned enough to know this but then I saw a video by Dan combine:

2- A fantastic book on magnetism ( hard core )

http://ia700502.us.archive.org/1/items/mathematicalphys00peir/mathematicalphys00peir.pdf  see section XIX starting from page 323

3- Resonance phenomena in nonlinear parametrically driven systems

4- Parametric Resonance


6- Methods of changing inductance

I believe all the information for building an OU device is out there but people like to spend their time nit picking released videos frame by frame.
Let us face it, if we know the theory then we can find building it comes easy. Of course experimentation is necessary. Shame we are not working
as a team.



« Last Edit: 2011-07-01, 11:18:12 by MasterBlaster »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
wattsup,  enjoy your vacation !

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

I believe all the information for building an OU device is out there but people like to
spend their time nit picking released videos frame by frame.

Let us face it, if we know the theory then we can find building it comes easy. Of
course experimentation is necessary. Shame we are not working as a team.



Aye, much is out "there."  What is available on the web is a mix of
certain titillating truths and some percentage of dis-information.

We are working as a team, don't you think?  A team of personnel
with very diverse skills and abilities.

Thankfully, certain team members take on the painstaking chore of
searching video presentations frame by frame with intense scrutiny.

What better way to ascertain whether what is presented is all that
it seems to be?

Those who are attempting "replications" will provide additional detail
as they proceed with their efforts.

Welcome to the team MB.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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Have a good holiday wattsup, now i wonder if he will sneak virtual dub on his laptop  ;D
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Hi MB.

I hope you're not ChrisC ;+}

Thanks for the links but maybe continue this discussin elsewhere as this is wattsups bench and we really should stop cluttering it.

LOL. No I am not ChrisC. He knows everything where as me ....
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