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Author Topic: Romero and Wire X Dilemma  (Read 106381 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520
Do you not agree that we see the BEGINING and the END of that wire?     
And that it does not go UNDER THE TABLE?

In this image from the self run video  (notice the cap)  we don't see this wire.  So I'll give you this much credit:  You found a wire that was subsequently removed.   Big deal !

It was not removed in video 2. In video 2 it now goes to the back and down through the hole in the table along with the negative. How come this is hard for you to understand? Now you will say, ok, but how do you know when it goes in the table it is connected to a battery. Well what else do you think there is. Maybe a monkey turning a dynamo? Fred Flintstone would be proud indeed. He put those two wires down in that hole to a battery so he could now show himself removing the visible battery. There is no error. There is no omission. There is no other reason then to make a fake video of his device. Once you accept that, then you will advance. Otherwise keep asking yourself how he made that self-runner and I will sincerely wish you good luck.


When I first disclosed this, I kept saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry and feeling so bad for the builders. But you know what. I am now more sorry to have opened my mouth. Next time you guys are on a false line with a new guru and I see it and have proof, I will not say anything. I am sorry I ever mentioned this, so forget it all and just keep on thinking what you want. I put in too much time already on this and have not been on my own bench. lol

For those who have not seen this post I just made to Romero after he posted at OU. It won't be there for long if PlengoPuppy follows His Masters Voice. lol

Quote from: romerou date=1308599022
Hi all,

many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.

I wish you all the best,

So let me just resume this for a second. You deliberately faked both videos, you lied about the threats, you lied about not having your wheel anymore, you lied about the wheel doing what you said it does, you lied about knowing how it works because it does not and now, you want us to thank you for doing all this very generous effort of trickery just because since two months, "we are talking about this wheel".

So maybe if I put you in a prison cell, you will have to thank me because for the next two months you will be talking about how to use metal bars to create a secure environment. Or maybe you are willing to reimburse all those that will make a claim against you. Or maybe you just find all this very funny indeed. Or maybe you just love the idolizing. Or maybe you are so pissed off because your wheel did not work, that you are getting back at those that believe in such things. Either way, sir, you are a really sick puppy.

So what did we learn? Well. We learned that if you fake a video, people will eat it all up and end up treating you like a king.

You sir should be ashamed of yourself.

Now I have seen and read it all. I am simply disgusted.


Group: Guest
When I first disclosed this, I kept saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry and feeling so bad for the builders.....

I honestly don't know anyone felt a loss for your 'undeniable' video sleuth findings? I must have missed a lot; each day I learn a lot more and the truth is Romero's design is unique and real, just as he said. If you can't understand the electronics or physics, maybe it's time to learn something new? And I don't mean looking at video frames alone .....

Hero Member

Posts: 805
It was not removed in video 2. In video 2 it now goes to the back and down through the hole in the table along with the negative.

wattsup,  I'm just going by the images you post.  I have not watched the videos with an eye towards figureing out where wires go or read too carefull what you're posting.  Maybe I have my own "blinders" on.  :)

So now that we understand each other,  I see that you agree that in this video 1 image we clearly see this wire X going from the back of the dynamo to the front controller card, where I drew circles to denote the BEGINING and the END of this wire.   That controler most likely is supplied power through that connector, so this wire X brings power to the front controler from the back,  either the output rail,  or maybe it connects to the other controller through another wire,  but either way it brings power to the controler.

So, if there are no wires going under the table in VIDEO #1,   are you saying the output was actually connnected to the input, or to the battery?  

Than I ask you this question again:

if he drew 2 amps load how come it was not reflected in the battery ampmeter?


PS,  when did RomeroUK post that?    I don't remember him mentioning my name, but hey I won't complain  :)
Group: Guest
PS,  when did RomeroUK post that?    I don't remember him mentioning my name, but hey I won't complain  :)

EM, see todays post: Reply #3232

And watch scratchrobo's video. Cool!



Group: Guest
  Aaahhh....  The voice of reason and sanity! 


I feel insulted. No one has ever said such horrible things about me before  :D


I'm just glad he didn't group me with those unique individuals. Some I'm not very familiar with. A couple of them I know well enough to avoid at all costs. In fact, placing one of them on such a pedestal makes me doubt him more than any negative, factual video analysis could.
Group: Guest

Oh, Romero just released a pic. of his latest build! He spends between 400 to 700 Sterling pounds every month for his research. Well, at this rate, Wattsup maynot be able to follow all these new wires!


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

NO, NO, and NO again. Wire X, plus a red wire from D22 controller plus a red wire from D11 controller all come together to an orange wire that goes through his ammeter then to the positive of the battery on the table.
Wire X never goes to the controllers. It only goes to the dc output rail of the generator coils.
Just look a post #1 on this thread. I am tired of trying to explain it to you.


Ok, Mr. Dog Tamer. Since you know a Rabid Dog when you see one, tell me what is so fantastic about the "electronics" in the Romero device?

So let's see what I can bark up. Well he has a hall sensor connected to power and one wire going to the gate of his transistor. The other ends of the transistor are in series with the coil and ground. There is a diode there plus a cap and there is another capacitor across the power supply. OK, what is the understanding I need about the electronics and the physics. Funny hey, all the builders did the electronics and the physics just slapped them in the face with Mr. Lenz as the star of the show. So what is so different that you invisibly see in the Romero wheel versus all the other replications. Maybe the rotor magnets have to be blessed by an Albino Priest to have the effect. Or maybe you are the one that does not want to see reality for what it is. The "magic" is only magic until you know the trick. Now that we know the trick, so where is the magic. Or, now you will want to say there is a trick plus there is magic. Wow.

So tell me. Just out of my head I come up with Always On for D22 and Always Off for D11. What did you come up with. Nothing. What did you discover on this device. Nothing. The only reason I put some time into this is because @Peteraes' build was such a great build and I was so impressed with his devotion. I did not plan to find what I did. I was looking for more clues for @Peterae so he could advance in one way or another. Then when I had the AOAO idea, I wanted to look closer to the circuit board to see any deviations between them. That's when I saw it. Did I hide what I saw. No. I always post what I find regardless since there is no substitute for reality.

Funny, someone fakes two videos and all of a sudden, it is my fault. Go figure.


Group: Guest
Funny, someone fakes two videos and all of a sudden, it is my fault. Go figure.


Even clowns know when to stop clowning. If after all these demos. and piece by piece verification of bucking coils, biasing magnets, coil speed up on load etc by other members on the other forum and on youtube, you still fail to understand. And I haven't even shown my results! There is no medication that can fix you. Next....

Hero Member

Posts: 805
NO, NO, and NO again. Wire X, plus a red wire from D22 controller plus a red wire from D11 controller all come together to an orange wire that goes through his ammeter then to the positive of the battery on the table.

ok, so I'll repeat my question again for the 3rd time:

if he drew 2 amps load how come it was not reflected in the battery ampmeter?

how do you explain that if all the wires are going to the battery and the ammeter?       :o

Wire X never goes to the controllers. It only goes to the dc output rail of the generator coils.

I disagree.   wire X goes to the front controller connector like I traced for you in the image.

Group: Guest
And now the TRUTH, nothing but the truth direct from Romero.
Now, you don't have to look for non-existing holes nor wires, instead  maybe you can learn something new Wattsup? Or maybe you will continue to deny Romero's  answers.



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
No o-scope and only a few will see?
A patent too? WIll not go against prior work of the flux cutting method.
And the patent will have work that is reproducible? Nothing obscure?
And how will the cost of patenting be recovered?

Group: Guest

I read that post and believe he could have been pressed by folks who think they will be able to gain a patent.

I hope the fine details do come out but doubt it. Like I said earlier: this isn't a Muller and it isn't new or previously seen on the web (not to my knowledge). The folks who may have put the squeeze on Romero will probably feel a much more quieting squeeze themselves.

The punch line I'm waiting on is ... none of them actually understand what they have, if anything, except the top 'squeezer'  ;D

Wouldn't it be funny if some arm of the Bedini/Bearden clan were the ones pressing Romero and they don't know what is going on either?

Really!  G-Fields & Kromrey Waves, shorting coils and octo-caps  :D

I don't get it. There is no magic in this thing. No need to discombobulate stuff already well named. The only thing strange is how most folks let themselves be limited by the observations and descriptions of the long dead and the rest act like lemmings.

Geez! I'm starting to sound like I'm loosing my crackpot persona  >:-)

See what ya did Grumpy? You attached the 'voice of reason and sanity' to me now I'm doomed!

Group: Guest
No o-scope and only a few will see?
A patent too? WIll not go against prior work of the flux cutting method.
And the patent will have work that is reproducible? Nothing obscure?
And how will the cost of patenting be recovered?

Romero is a LOT smarter than many learned people here thinks he is.  Some people on this forum have been writing big theories, quoting Tesla bla bla bla for years and have zippo to show. Then Romera comes along and showed a glimpse of something your text books didn't teach you and all of a sudden you see this 'disbelief' and 'no, that can't be true - must be a wire to a battery operated by some green man under the table!'. haha. Learned people and video sleuths. Romero showed you guys tricks monkeys couldn't understand because they were not smart enough.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Damn, Peter has been too quiet these last couple of days....

Maybe he's got a self-runner  :D

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Romero showed you guys tricks monkeys couldn't understand because they were not smart enough.

Nice try...


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Hi Darren
I wish  ;D I had to catch up with chores having spent quiet a bit of time building the motor, few more days flat out and i can continue testing.

I have a few problems though, if it was not faked then it would appear he's pretty certain that copying it will not work. Well that crashed by build working, I thought the deal was he was open sourcing this and wanting people to replicate and confirm it works, now it would appear we are very unlikely to work it out and he's going to build a bigger one that again we can drool over but not know how it works.

One thing really bugs me, early on in the Original thread i voiced doubt it was real because there was a mains extension lead under the table which had something plugged into it (That's strange)
Anyway so he's going to select a few people to view his new device, from what i see all those people live on the other side of the world LOL
Lets hope ctglabs is invited as he lives down the road, infact i am only about 60 miles away myself.

The only thing keeping me going right now is that we are not close to having a similar waveform on the coil.
Group: Guest
Romero is a LOT smarter than many learned people here thinks he is.  Some people on this forum have been writing big theories, quoting Tesla bla bla bla for years and have zippo to show. Then Romera comes along and showed a glimpse of something your text books didn't teach you and all of a sudden you see this 'disbelief' and 'no, that can't be true - must be a wire to a battery operated by some green man under the table!'. haha. Learned people and video sleuths. Romero showed you guys tricks monkeys couldn't understand because they were not smart enough.


IMO Romero certainly showed in a fleeting glimpse, how he achieved self-running. He's at least smart enough not to let anyone connect an o-scope.

Group: Guest
I have been watching this soap opera unfold,heres my two cents.
Romerouk at the begining acted different,this changed after he came back
 and posted again
after the "visit".My theory is this, when Romerouk posted the instructions
on how to build it,he believed that he was giving the correct
instructions on building it,however he made a mistake,when he built
hes device ,its the mistake that makes it work.He knows what the mistake is
now,when he came back,he said it took thousands of adjustments to make it work.He then
sent everybody in the direction of thains device(COIL SHORTING),which I have in the past build
exactly like hes,its not over unity.This to me indicates deception,now hes building another device
but isn't going to tell you how to build it,sounds like another SM to me.Now you have to ask your self this question
why hasn't anyone replicated the device,there are at least 5 heavy duty guys,attempting
to replicate it,one in the UK that looks fantastic,there building it,exactly according to the instructions
yet they haven't a self runner,as to tuning there smart enough to try every possible way and spend hours doing it,I would.
My conclusions are either,1 its fake,2 theres a change that has to be made for it to work
this change has to be a slight change from the instructions,so it would have been missed.
 Romerouk may have got one of the rotor magnets backwards an easy mistake,remember one
backward magnet would pass every coil and would change your coil waveform,but not enough to cause major problems.
After you try everything else try this,if it doesn't work then keep in mind it has to be something thats missing or a mistake
but simple,think simple.
Thanks wattsup for pressing Romerouk O0
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Don't worry I will be with you after today.


I am copying the answers from @Romero and my questions here;

romerouk  Re: Muller Dynamo   « Reply #3232 on: June 20, 2011, 09:43:42 PM »

Hi all,
many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.
I wish you all the best,


wattsup  Re: Muller Dynamo           « Reply #3242 on: Today at 12:40:29 AM »

So let me just resume this for a second. You deliberately faked both videos, you lied about the threats, you lied about not having your wheel anymore, you lied about the wheel doing what you said it does, you lied about knowing how it works because it does not and now, you want us to thank you for doing all this very generous effort of trickery just because since two months, "we are talking about this wheel".

So maybe if I put you in a prison cell, you will have to thank me because for the next two months you will be talking about how to use metal bars to create a secure environment. Or maybe you are willing to reimburse all those that will make a claim against you. Or maybe you just find all this very funny indeed. Or maybe you just love the idolizing. Or maybe you are so pissed off because your wheel did not work, that you are getting back at those that believe in such things. Either way, sir, you are a really sick puppy.

So what did we learn? Well. We learned that if you fake a video, people will eat it all up and end up treating you like a king.

You sir should be ashamed of yourself.

Now I have seen and read it all. I am simply disgusted.



romerouk Re: Muller Dynamo « Reply #3245 on: Today at 01:51:10 AM »

for long time I had a good impression about you and your posts and I tought you have good knowledge in understanding a real thing from the unreal.The fact that you cannot understand and succeed in making any OU device does not mean you are right.
If my device is a fake then prove it, if is not prove it again.
According to you we all should go to prison because we influence each other here, we replicate each other and so far nobody has achived any OU(actually some did), that means we all lie? What about Bedini? do you consider he is a liar? everyone here replicated some of his work.He was saying that Kromrey device can go up to 3.0 still nobody has reported that.
Well my friend, I can prove to you or anyone that I do have a working OU device, small but working, not the one everyone is trying to replicate now, that as I said milion times does not exist anymore. Is there any law that will force me or anyone to disclose our findings? I can prove it but I will not make public any of my work if I am forced to.We are all here doing what we do and we call it SHARING INFO nothing else.Most of us here found and discovered different things while experimenting and some info is kept and never released, should we call that hiding the truth?
I have hot published all my info to get something in return, nothing, how many time I said that.This was what I considered to be right and at the time I started to do first posts I had the intention to release all my findings, even if some of the things I did not understand how they worked.
It was enough to have a surprise visit and ruin everything.
What will you do after a special visit like that? I tell you, you will shit yourself and never touch anything.
I have 2 people here on the forum who knows all details about that and one of them saw the device working personally in my garden, we looked at it running for almost 3 hours.
People better keep quiet before someone will take this serious, we all know that the big guys are trying everything to stop all research towards any FE device.

Best regards,


romerouk Re: Muller Dynamo  « Reply #3247 on: Today at 02:20:25 AM »

this is a picture from my next build.Even if it looks somehow like Muller it has nothing to do with that setup.I will post a video once it is completed but you will never know how it works even if it looks so simple.
Why do you think I am so stupid and spend lots of money to build more and more? Just for the show? well, this is a too expensive show without tickets, free, and I get nothing in return.
You have no ideea how expensive this is.
I am probably very stupid and have nothing to do with the money, just waste and keep people here entertained.
What do you suggest, should I stop the show?

Regards, Romero
(See image below)


wattsup   Re: Muller Dynamo   « Reply #3251 on: Today at 02:36:34 AM »


The proof was already posted on this thread but Mr. Plengo removed them. You can see the whole thing here about proof.

If you know me, you will know I rarely give up until the reality is freed. I also do alot of bench work although because of this wheel, I have been doing less. I work with ether attraction now so for me, these mechanical wheels are play things. One day I will share it also but not till I know all I need to know. So I don't need any life lessons from anyone here. I am here for one reason only and that is to find the reality for those guys like @peterae that are with builds and others that are contemplating on spending some serious money on this.

So for me it is clearer then clear. Magic is only magic until you know how the trick was done.

So here are some easy specific questions that you can answer with a yes or no. I am not asking you to give up any secret that is supposed to be in the Romero wheel.

1) In your first video of the large unit, did you connect the battery terminals to the dc output rail of the generator coils? Yes or No?

2) In your second video where you remove the battery from the table top, you have two wires, a red and a black wire that are behind the unit going down inside the center opening of the table? Yes or No?

3) Referring to #2, do those two wires go to a battery under the table or to any other power supply? Yes or No

4) Do you agree that applying a battery to the dc output rails will bypass any other physics phenomena because the load will always be driven by the battery. The voltage may rise because the gen coils are producing some more output by maybe 3-4 volts. That is why you were reading 15.?? volts off the output rail. Yes or No?

5) Did you willingly create these videos to trick people into thinking the device was working in a way that it was not? Yes or No.

6) If #5 is no, why did you make those two videos and especially why did you do it in the way you did? Did you think that eventually we would not have found the tricks?

Your problem is simple. Instead of coming here and saying you made a wheel that does not work the way you want and you need help to find out what to do. I would have opened all avenues to help you. But you decided to play this big game.

Now if you want to come clean, this is the time and this is the place.
Just know that the link above cannot be erased by this moderator.


PS: Just saw your photo of your new build. Expensive, don't worry I know what expensive is. I have done bigger then those. 12,000$ just for a custom built gear system. But hey, it's only money, right. lol

Now one more thing. A person that gets serious threats to stop what they are doing, and who is really scared of those threats, does not continue to make a new build. You see the problem we have with what you say and what you show is always contradictory. Just come clean and let's start from the beginning.

romerouk     Re: Muller Dynamo        « Reply #3255 on: Today at 03:25:17 AM »

First I can tell you that I am personally against deleting any posts, good or bad.In the end nobody can decide for us if it is good or bad.

1) In your first video of the large unit, did you connect the battery terminals to the dc output rail of the generator coils? Yes or No? = Yes but not direct.
2) In your second video where you remove the battery from the table top, you have two wires, a red and a black wire that are behind the unit going down inside the center opening of the table? Yes or No?
= No, those wires are going to the bottom coil.
3) Referring to #2, do those two wires go to a battery under the table or to any other power supply? Yes or No = No
4) Do you agree that applying a battery to the dc output rails will bypass any other physics phenomena because the load will always be driven by the battery. The voltage may rise because the gen coils are producing some more output by maybe 3-4 volts. That is why you were reading 15.?? volts off the output rail. Yes or No? = The output coils separately were producing much more than 15 volts but were kept shunted by a procedure I wont describe.That helped the system to maintain the rpm and not feel the load up to a point.There was a point where from normal speed will turn all the way down if added even one more watt to the system
5) Did you willingly create these videos to trick people into thinking the device was working in a way that it was not? Yes or No.  = No, I am not that kind of person you think I am, I have access to lots of servers, banks main servers, many important companies... If I am not trusted I will never walk in but maybe that is another thing.
6) If #5 is no, why did you make those two videos and especially why did you do it in the way you did? Did you think that eventually we would not have found the tricks? = Tricks? oh yes, there are many tricks but not that kind of tricks you think I did.

'A person that gets serious threats to stop what they are doing, and who is really scared of those threats, does not continue to make a new build.'

That you will not understand as you don't have the complete picture, if you will know, I am sure you will understand it and agree with me.I was interfering with others on the same project and we have a 'understanding'... if you look around you will probably find out soon who comes out with the same build and with a patent on it too.

Soon I am planning to invite some people from the forum for a live demontration.That will be enough to stop all this accusations. These people are very respectable here on the forum and most of you know them.
Don't wait to release any info on how will the new system work couse I wont.They can come over, video record for as long they want, can measure anything but without any o-scope,that will be forbiden.

I hope I answered all questions



wattsup            Re: Muller Dynamo                   « Reply #3261 on: Today at 06:01:21 AM »


Thank you for your response.
Well we are not finished yet if you do not mind.

As per my previous questions.

1) Your answer "yes but not directly". I know that. You put the red output rail with the red wires from the drive circuit positives together, then through your ammeter then to battery positive. The negative from the output rail also goes directly to battery negative. Is that what you mean by "not directly". There is no difference in directly or not directly in this case. So your answer should be a simple Yes.

2) Your answer "No, those wires are going to the bottom coil." Yes we know about the orange and black wires from the top gen coil to the bottom gen coil. But what about the red and the black wires as shown below identified as Black Wire X and Red Wire X. These two wires are clearly going inside the center opening in the table. Please explain since these are the same two wires you used from the same unchanged fwbr locations to connect to the battery in your first video.

3) Since you now know we know about the Red and Black Wire Xs, would you like to change your answer for #3?

I don't think you understand how much information we have from your videos. May I suggest you visit the link I gave you above and scan through it, especially the images. You do not have to register there since all visitors are allowed to see.

Please take your time.

I understand very well about trust, patents, reputations, business, promises, etc. We all do and have these to one extent or another. What we do not do is make up videos and then have others build them who think the video is real. That in our usual book of definitions includes "not nice", "problematic" and many others qualifications depending on the location, dialect and moderator (hic hic).

I am trying to be as diplomatic as possible and appreciate your clarifications.


PS: About your bigger unit, I think the plexiglass is too thin so I am sure you will not operate it in that way at full force. The coils look mean and waiting to bite their first piece of drag. Very smart with the two plate per coil design this will enable you to switch your coils around for testing. I would say you still need a second plate or is this a single plate design. Really nice. But you also know we have seen guys build many things that we do not have the answer to why they built it. When you think you have a good idea, you usually build it. It does not mean it will work, and, about that building instinct, we know. My problem is, right now I am asking myself, will you need a bigger hole to pass a fatter Wire X. And there in lies the problem. Trust, but verify.

(See 2nd image below is what I posted for Romero to see)


romerouk   Re: Muller Dynamo   « Reply #3274 on: Today at 09:41:48 AM »

I have not seen the videos again but those 2 wires are going to the botom coil or from the lower coils to the controller.Again, I am so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.
Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?There are many other points that were recorded but people did't pay attention and ask why is that...
The new build what u see is just like a frame, the space in between the thin acrylic sheets will be filled making a big and solid coil holder, I need to wire all coils first as I will have no more access there after plastic filling.



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Posts: 520

Here is Romeros' last response.


romerouk   Re: Muller Dynamo   « Reply #3274 on: Today at 09:41:48 AM »

I have not seen the videos again but those 2 wires are going to the botom coil or from the lower coils to the controller.Again, I am so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.
Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?There are many other points that were recorded but people did't pay attention and ask why is that...
The new build what u see is just like a frame, the space in between the thin acrylic sheets will be filled making a big and solid coil holder, I need to wire all coils first as I will have no more access there after plastic filling.



His response if not right at all. Those two wire are not going to the controller.

Then he says he is so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.

Like I mentioned before, he would never have known this from looking at his standard video because he is not at 30 frames per second like I am. He made his video. he hadto review it again before posting it on youtube and he would never have known what he was divulging between the frames.

Then he says;

"Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?"

What does he mean, I don't know. Just gibberish.

Then he changes the subject.

Typical evasive answers when someone does not know what to say when they are caught in a lie.
Just typical.


It all boils down to some very simple facts that everyone can see with their naked eye, but again magically, these wire we see are supposed to be something else.

He admits that in the first video the dc output rail is connected to the battery although he says "not directly". But they are connected directly. So we now know he ran his first video right off the battery.

Then on the second video, the same two wires coming from the same two points off the FWBRs are clearly gong into a hole in the table but all of a sudden he wants you to think they going somewhere else.

Very simple. He is lying flat out about this and we now know he will never admit it.

It's all typical and expected.

So he shows us a bigger wheel to keep you salivating. It is obvious that the plexiglass those heavy coils are mounted on will never last the long enough to run such a device. This is just for show as a diversion. Something to show so he can pound his chest and yell out "I am the king".

Sorry but he flunked the test and now we know.


PS: Builder beware.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Then he says he is so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.
He is expressing sarcasm here.

Then he says;

"Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?"

What does he mean, I don't know. Just gibberish.
He is referring to his third video where he is holding the motor in the air by hand and walking a bit with it.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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Posts: 520
He is expressing sarcasm here.
He is referring to his third video where he is holding the motor in the air by hand and walking a bit with it.


Can you please post a link. And what does that have to do with his two first videos that is the basis for all these builds?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Let me just take a few minutes to explain to you what is going on here.

@Romero does not know why his wheel is not working. Just because you build a bigger model, it does not mean it will work. Most guys will start small, see that the device does not work, then their next move is always "well if I make it bigger, or use bigger coils, or put more coils per plate, etc., THEN IT HAS TO WORK. But months later, the same thing happens. It becomes an obsession that we all have to be careful about to not get caught into such a whirlpool or never ending compensation.

I can tell you this. Why does his bigger unit all of a sudden have 14 coils on it when his previous device had 9?

Very simple. @Peterae showed exactly what is happening to the wheel when you put a load. The wheel slows down and the window of opportunity for the magnets to activate the sensors get shorter and shorter until they can no longer active them hence the wheel will stop. So, if you add more coils, this decreases of the inter coil distances, hence it decreases the distance the magnets have to travel to activate the sensors. But this is not the solution as he will eventually find out.

If you want one of the solutions to making this wheel turn you need to find the following.

1) Test with D22 always on by using a reed contact or modify the circuit to function with the hall sensor as normally closed instead of normally open as they are now.

2) The other method will be to use two (or more) hall sensors on each of D11 and D22. One of each pair should be positioned so it is activated when the rotor is turning fast, the other should be placed closer to the coils but diverted where the rotor turns slower. One activated with fast rpm, the other activated with slower rpm. I don't even know if that is possible but it is a logical solution. Or you put a manual switch on the second hall sensor that you put in line once the rotor feels the drag. This will change the activation point of the drive coils to conform with the new rpm/activation zone under drag. So you have one start sensor, and one drag sensor.

There are some other things you can do so this build does not become a total loss and at least give you guys some more chance to learn more effects then traditional drag.

The miraculous increase in rpm when loaded. That in many wheels is normal when it is not tuned to the best rpm level by sensor placement. Once a small load comes along, the timing changes and permits the wheel to attain its most highest rpm potential regardless of the little load. But place a bigger load and the miracle is gone.

Now, if you guys, mainly @peterae still wants to work with this wheel to make it work, I am more then willing to help out. But basing it on anything @Romero showed in his video is an obvious error. He came here to see if we had some better ideas. Otherwise, with a working device, with intentions on patenting it, what the hell is he doing on a public forum. What is he doing? Brain farming? He needs a new crop of ideas. There is nothing anymore evident in his two videos that spell OU. He used a battery in each video and he wants you to think those wires are going somewhere else. I am sure he was totally hocked when he saw the image of Wire X saying "how can I be so stupid to film that if I faked it". He would never have seen that frame in a you tube video or in his original video before posting it to youtube. He looks it over, sees nothing that can divulge the trick, then posts it to youtube. But little does he know the power we have to see the smallest thing in his video.  And now when he is confronted with it, expected diversion tactic. It says it all.



Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Can you please post a link. And what does that have to do with his two first videos that is the basis for all these builds?

This video is of the same device, running self-powered, and not on the table. It gives you another reference point to check the wiring if you wish.



"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
He is expressing sarcasm here.
He is referring to his third video where he is holding the motor in the air by hand and walking a bit with it.


What is so pathetic is when someone is so hell bent on 'discovering' a fake they don't even see the sarcasm! Once again, Romero was referring to the stupid monkey. OMG.

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