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Author Topic: A concept: Overunity with an led using its light to self-recharge battery...?  (Read 47025 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Daniel Pomerleau may have the ability
to "tap into" the true source of the very
strange and powerful phenomena which
have been documented for hundreds (if
not thousands) of years.

It is exceedingly elusive because only a few
have demonstrated that ability.  It seems not
at all dependent upon the device or circuit
seemingly producing the effects.

Those who have actually observed what are
known as "ufos" have seen it as well.

In the not too distant future more will be revealed
to the entire world.

Quote from: exnihiloest

Daniel Pomerleau's effect is a phenomenon very different from the other devices that we are talking about. Nobody can duplicate the effects. The effects have not been measured (what signal frequency? what current?...) and are reputed to occur with Pomerleau only. So we have not a solid matter with which we could work, but only shaky testimonies. A fact obtained from witnesses only is not necessarily a fact[.]

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Daniel Pomerleau may have the ability
to "tap into" the true source of the very
strange and powerful phenomena which
have been documented for hundreds (if
not thousands) of years.

It is exceedingly elusive because only a few
have demonstrated that ability.  It seems not
at all dependent upon the device or circuit
seemingly producing the effects. ...
Right, very good.   I agree with you on this.   I'm a Native American having had distant shamanistic Ancestors.   I knew a shaman from one of my ancestral tribes.   With that associative experience, I can say from my personal experience, you have a point in your assertion.   Whatever Daniel Pomerlou/Pomerlou(apparently more than one spelling in French) does, it's because he was born with the ability to do it and his being autistic may have given him a way to look into the way his coils work that I'm unfamiliar with.


I've come into contact with a different tradition than his, but I nevertheless feel something in my mind the at least partially understands.   I realize I may be criticized to some extent for this opinion, but I'm not criticizing you on this point.   I do see your point.

...Those who have actually observed what are
known as "ufos" have seen it as well.

In the not too distant future more will be revealed
to the entire world.
I can't say I've seen a 'ufo', so I have no experience.   Whether or not you're correct will wait for time to pass to be more definite.   I have no opinion now.   As a Native American, I won't rule out the possibility, however.   Petroglyphs on certain mountain cliffsides in the Western States show things that have been interpreted by some to be extraterrestial beings.   I'll still at least keep an open mind.

Group: Guest
Those who have actually observed what are
known as "ufos" have seen it as well.

In the not too distant future more will be revealed
to the entire world.

If modern Nostradamus say it, sure it will be. But some other Nostradamus say that 2012 will be the end of the world.
So I beg all the neo-Nostradamus to meet in a symposium to adopt a common position.

Group: Guest
If modern Nostradamus say it, sure it will be. But some other Nostradamus say that 2012 will be the end of the world.
So I beg all the neo-Nostradamus to meet in a symposium to adopt a common position.
@exhiloest & all
I saw on an American NatGeo or Discovery cable TV documentary awhile ago:   The Mayans predicted there would be a societal-changing Grand/Great Cycle ending as well as a subcycle ending at the same time in 2012.   However, for the survivors, the following subcycle after the last one would predict:   Half the people would eat well and the other half would have "difficulties".   Secdondly, The whole population would come together for resolution of a common problem or rally around a common cause.
        I alluded to this on OU.com:  The economy will fail for reasons outlined in the following thread:   http://www.overunity.com/8010/i-see-an-economic-diasater-coming/
After the economy collapses, the extremist Muslims will probably, IMO, become emboldened and really get into the mood for WWIII, which I consider started with 9/11.   Thus the necessity for coming together for a common goal.   It'll be us against them.

On topic:
My revised drawing with respect to this subject:   http://www.overunity.com/11686/perpetual-solar-self-sustainer/      (Initial post, top of pg.)
http://overunity.com/index.php?topic=10817.0,  (Reply#3, by nievesoliveras, Pg. 1)
...and especially...
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/2242-water-sparkplug.html   (posted reply #12, 1st pg.)
...is ready for uploading.

The new diagram differs from the last on the list in that it makes provision for a fluorescent light tube or incandescent bulb, with battery storage.   I need to go to the library to render the drawing into the .PDF format and upload it here---and only here.   That'll probably be tomorrow.


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
After the economy collapses, the extremist Muslims will probably, IMO, become emboldened and really get into the mood for WWIII, which I consider started with 9/11.   Thus the necessity for coming together for a common goal.   It'll be us against them.

I couldn't agree with you more, but your speaking to the wrong people here.  It seems the only people left here are those foolish enough to believe that America perpetrated 911 on itself and that Islam is a Religion of Peace! Maybe I could sell them a bridge too?

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke
Group: Guest
The Mayans predicted there would be a societal-changing Grand/Great Cycle ending as well as a subcycle ending at the same time in 2012.

Not significant. The same as Nostradamus "predictions": it is not a prediction, but an ad hoc interpretation after the events have occurred (it is clear that the world economic situation is already carrying the premises of a change). There are always changes in the world therefore one can make to coincide any of them with any Mayans writings.

Group: Guest
With respect to posted Reply # 21,
        Drawing at bottom of pg.

Will try and be back later for personal explanation.   
        (BTW, it runs as it should from this borrowed computer.)


Group: Guest
With respect to posted Reply # 21,
        Drawing at bottom of pg.
Will try and be back later for personal explanation.  
        (BTW, it runs as it should from this borrowed computer.)
Take a look at this:

I've been on the streets until a couple of weeks ago.   I'm drawing schematics and will try to upload .PDF's of these as my time permits.

Group: Guest
For a larger system, here's a functional set of components in order:

      Batter(ies) ------>  Inverter ----->  Floodlight  ----->  Solar cells/  -----+
           ^                                            (ideally LED)           panels                   |
            |                                                                                                       |

This might do for a large installation, but the solar units would need to be bought in a large volume purchase.  Large, but may have commercial applications.
LED's routinely consume about 1/3 the power of incandescent light bulbs, given they're equally bright.
To further demonstrate this concept, in my one bedroom apartment, the living room floor is completely bare at the moment.   Overhead, there are 3 moveable CFL lamp fixtures that slide on tracks arranged in an 'L' configuration on the ceiling.
       I was thinking, someone with the money might lay solar panels that were designed for roof mounting on the floor, wire them for the desired voltage, and then lay wiring somewhere else to wherever the batteries, inverter(s) and charge controller(s) are stored.
So long as the living room---or den or garage, if you like---isn't being used for anything else.

Turning the lights on charges the batteries.   The inverter's output can be synchronized with your municipal mains wall power, as well, to help pay your electric bill each month.

Group: Guest
For a larger system, here's a functional set of components in order:

      Batter(ies) ------>  Inverter ----->  Floodlight  ----->  Solar cells/  -----+
           ^                                            (ideally LED)           panels                 |
            |                                                                                                     |
      I'm returning to this experiment with a setup similar to this, but without the inverter.
Here it is:

       Batteries-------->  Incandescent bulb(s)--------> Solar panels------|<--+
           /\                                                                                                      |
Back later.
       I have 8ea. NiMH 'AA' batteries being charged up originally by 2ea.  6-VDC Radio Shack 1.5W solar panels next to a shuttered kitchen window.    A blocking diode prevents discharge at night.   At open circuit, the panels give 10-VDC, about 8" from a window facing South with closed slat louver blinds for privacy from neighbors next door.   In San Francisco on a sunny, windy "global warming" day at noon.   The NiMH 'AA's are in an 8-place Radio Shack battery holder with snap-on leads.   1.2-VDC and 2.5 Ah each; industry standard batteries.   Solar panels give 35mA, which should equal ~C/70 for one battery alone.   They're advertised to give 130-150 mA, apparently under a light load or no load.

Will return with preliminary voltage test results and future plans for the experiment.

Comments are welcome, if any are posted.

« Last Edit: 2013-06-23, 00:59:34 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
Solar panels are at best only 14% efficient,so it will never work.And why would you put solar panels indoors to be powered by a CFL,when they could be outdoors being powered by the sun-for a far higher power return. LED's are no good to use with a solar panel(unless infrared) and CFL's arnt much better.
The losses in your system-the solar panels,the CFL and LED's and the inverter.
Group: Guest
...And why would you put solar panels indoors to be powered by a CFL,when they could be outdoors being powered by the sun-for a far higher power return.
      Solar panels were designed for sunlight, true, but they do exist on house rooftops in many, many communities.   I'm looking for the greatest efficiency indoors.
       This was going to be a part of a preliminary low budget prototype system that starts out small and is expandable.   I don't have the money or freedom to go with expensive items like an inverter.
LED's are no good to use with a solar panel(unless infrared) and CFL's arnt much better.
      Incandescents give more voltage than fluorescents, but use at least twice the power.   LEDs use 1/3 the power of filament bulbs, but are small and expensive and can't take much in the way of power surges or spikes.

I needed something easy and can be set up in my apartment on a budget.
The losses in your system-the solar panels,the CFL and LED's and the inverter.
(Look at the first part of this post; I know this but solar arrays are in use, anyway.)
I was going to add other types of input power and then try to interface the voltage/current/frequency differences in order to research the feasibility of an integrated system.   But that's a ways down the road.

Reedit, 25 Jun '13:   Further described my assertions and spell checked the text.

« Last Edit: 2013-06-26, 01:06:50 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
Solar panels are at best only 14% efficient,so it will never work.And why would you put solar panels indoors to be powered by a CFL,when they could be outdoors being powered by the sun-for a far higher power return.
      I thought about the question more and have an alternative answer:
I live in an apartment in suburban San Francisco.   No room but indoors on unused sections of flooring in front of windows.   Unfortunately, the views I do have are north and south only.  And the south view is part of my building's internal 'light-well' that's blocked by the apartment on the other side of the building.   The north view has a church across the street which is painted cream and white for the most part and this reflects light into my living room.
       I have the room in either the bedroom or living room to hide power generating solar panels from the authorities.

However, to answer "Why" do this indoors?   My landlady might object to my placing large solar panels around her family's property and after Occupy S.F.'s demise, I don't trust any legal or law enforcement authority.   I was present the morning the cops tore down the camp.   I think I have reason enough to be distrustful.


« Last Edit: 2013-07-24, 21:06:17 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
With respest to Reply #34, this thread and this page:

Experimentation to this point has obviously shown me the following...
       1a)   If I use a convienient place on my kitchen counter next to a window,
       1b)   ...and I get an average of 4 volts @ 35 milliamps from a 6 VDC, 1.5 W Radio Shack solar panel and also 2.5 VDC @ ~30 milliamps from a 4.4 VDC, 1 W solar panel...
       1c)   ...I and try to charge 12ea.  NiMH 'AA' and 'AAA' batteries in series with a rated combined voltage of 14.4 VDC
       1d)   ...then 3ea.  6 VDC and 1ea. 4.5 VDC panels in series give ~14.5 VDC.

This is enough to charge all the batteries in about a day, but won't run a 12 VDC computer chassis cooling fan from the panels alone because the average output amperage is about 1/5 the current required by the motor.   I would need 3ea. sets, in series, and at least 5 of these sets in parallel, (15ea. panels) to run the motor.

However, the battery bank, fully charged, runs the motor with more voltage than the motor is rated for---14.5 VDC for 11ea. NiMH bateries compared to 12 VDC for the motor.

I fully realize this is inefficient, but the simplicity of this system and the potential for survival application(s) are the main reasons I'm investigating this overall kind of power generation.

Another point as an explanation of my intentions.

Group: Guest
What's your goal with this thread Lee?

You've got a lot of interesting stuff, but not sure of the objective here. ;)

       It's been awhile, but I finally figured out how to make the system I'm describing ,'overunity'.   If you start with an industry-standard 13-Watt CFL, and use it to irradiate at least 13 ea., one Watt solar Modules, then, theoretically, your modules' output should be equal to what the CFL is drawing in power from a battery bank.
       Right?   Theoretically?   More batteries can be added at will, in any amount, to make the system overunity with respect to the 13-Watt CFL.
       Does anyone have a comment?
       I have a friend with a job like mine and a security clearance like mine---but has the spare time and enough money to test the theory.   she said it works as I envision it.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
       It's been awhile, but I finally figured out how to make the system I'm describing ,'overunity'.   If you start with an industry-standard 13-Watt CFL, and use it to irradiate at least 13 ea., one Watt solar Modules, then, theoretically, your modules' output should be equal to what the CFL is drawing in power from a battery bank.
       Right?   Theoretically?   More batteries can be added at will, in any amount, to make the system overunity with respect to the 13-Watt CFL.
       Does anyone have a comment?
       I have a friend with a job like mine and a security clearance like mine---but has the spare time and enough money to test the theory.   she said it works as I envision it.


Your CFL is about 85% efficient at best--thats 85% light,and 15% heat. The dissipated energy(both heat and light) will equal the input energy to the bulb.

Your solar panels would be between 10 and 18% efficient.

So thats 85%(light output from the CFL) x (lets say) the 18% efficiency of the solar cells.

13 watts x 85% x 18% =1.989 watts output from the solar panels
Efficiency =15.3%    :(

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
"Your CFL is about 85% efficient at best--thats 85% light,and 15% heat. The dissipated energy(both heat and light) will equal the input energy to the bulb."
I'll assume you're correct, since I didn't know right off the bat.

"Your solar panels would be between 10 and 18% efficient."

       I did read that about solar panels years ago.   Newer types made recently may be more efficient than what we both know of.

"So thats 85%(light output from the CFL) x (lets say) the 18% efficiency of the solar cells."
       Well, okay.   For this 'back of the envelope' class of theoretical, numerical demonstration, Ill agree with your statement, immediately above.

13 watts x 85% x 18% =1.989 watts output from the solar panels
Efficiency =15.3%    :(

       Now, I'll try and further explain what I meant by my original post to the thread on this immediate subject:
       I only implied that 13 watts drawn from a CFL would also equal 13 Watts from a set of solar modules/panel(s).
       At that time, I knew the operating efficiencies were a lot less than 100% in either case (both cases).

       I assume for the CFL power drawn may equal:  120 VAC/13 Watts.  120VAC / 13 Watts ><=(approximately equal) .108 Amps
       For a solar panel, 12VDC / 1 Watt ><= 1/12 Amp. (.0833... Amps)
       The solar module output, above, should literally be that, actual current value.
       Now, I know AC and DC are different kinds of electricity and are figured differently, mathematically.   This was only meant to be a simple thought experiment.
       I also didn't figure in losses from the inverter, which is a variable, depending on the type used.  I'll let that go, as well as a blocking diode for night discharge of the system.
       I can see now, 13ea., 1 W solar modules, would theoretically give:  .0833 x 13 = .9163 Amps
       At 12 VDC x .9163 Amps = 1.0196 Watts

       Obviously, a 13 Watt solar panel would be needed to maintain the charge on a battery (of set of batteries).   That's because the CFL is drawing 13 Watts, from the 120 VAC inverter, that's also a little more than that from the batterie(s), since the inverter efficiency is less than 100%.

       Well, okay, got to go now.   You, the reader, can see what I've done above, and determine what you think.   I see now, without the math above, at least I've decided, now, to correct myself and admit I needed more solar panels than from the first subject post.


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