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Author Topic: Bedini 10-Coil Alternative Discussion  (Read 71143 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If any of Bedini's devices or replications produces radiant energy, radiant electricity, or anything remotely related to that, then you will be able to detect the charge-inducing products. 

The simplest detectors are shown in Tesla's Radiant Energy Patents:  U.S. Patent No. 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy and U.S. Patent No. 685,958 - Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy.
Group: Guest
I've already posted a few times on the site that I am not revealing my name.  That's my right and my choice.  That's not deflecting.  I have seen a few postings over the years by whackadoos on the forums stating that they are armed to the teeth and prepared to fight to the death if the MIB does a raid to capture their experimental apparatus.  I am not putting myself in potential danger by exposing myself to any possible nutcases out there.

When Bedini alleges that he has been roughed up by the MIB or when he said this about the Ferris Wheel thing, "I was offered mucho money to sell this machine and shut up, I will not take it. as I think it is very important for others to do it," I think that he is lying.  Bedini has never demonstrated over unity and nobody in government cares about him.  The real danger out there is from the armed and rabid free energy whackadoos.

So no deflection, the only real outstanding issues relate to all of the basic questions about your setup that were never answered by you.  I will quote you, "Redrechie, you are right, just imagine your car with a 10 coiler in it as you pass the fueling stations AND the power pedestals for charging. We have shown all this is possible with just a few items at the conference."

You have not shown this is possible Jeff.  You have never presented a single shred of data to support this claim.  The 10-coiler is an under unity device and will never be able to power a house or power a car.  It's a lie that you in conjunction with Rick Friedrich alleged was true at the November conference with the little computer animation showing a 10-coiler in the basement of a house swapping back and forth between two battery banks.  The clip is still there on Rick's YouTube channel.


Well there you have it then! A cowered at best. Well within your right to NOT PRODUCE any credintials to back up your claim of a expert, But until you can, you are still a fake in my book so don't ask anyone else to produce.

End of discussion.
Group: Guest
If any of Bedini's devices or replications produces radiant energy, radiant electricity, or anything remotely related to that, then you will be able to detect the charge-inducing products. 

The simplest detectors are shown in Tesla's Radiant Energy Patents:  U.S. Patent No. 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy and U.S. Patent No. 685,958 - Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy.

I am not going to get into a big argument with you Grumpy but there is no such thing as radiant energy or radiant electricity the way the terms are bandied about on the free energy forums.  A discharging coil sure as hell isn't radiant energy or radiant electricity even though Bedini and his ilk state that all the time.  It's all part of the game of conditioning and creating expectations within people that want to believe in free energy.  When you create those expectations in people, they are more likely to spend their hard-earned money on Bedini motors.

Group: Guest
Well there you have it then! A cowered at best. Well within your right to NOT PRODUCE any credintials to back up your claim of a expert, But until you can, you are still a fake in my book so don't ask anyone else to produce.

End of discussion.

Total bullshit on your part Jeff.  My postings are my credentials and all that you have to do is read what I posted in the Bedini threads here and my credentials will speak for themselves.  Nor am I claiming to be an expert but I have a decent background in electronics and a good foundation with respect to energy issues.

You are just pathetically trying a straw man argument on me and it's not going to work.

It doesn't take that many postings to establish your credibility and by the same token it doesn't take that many postings to ruin your credibility.

You ruined your credibility with the nonsensical posting about the voltage spikes and you are the coward because you won't try to answer the basic questions that were put to you about your setup.  You are either afraid to answer them or you are afraid to admit that you don't have the electronics knowledge to answer them.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I am not going to get into a big argument with you Grumpy but there is no such thing as radiant energy or radiant electricity the way the terms are bandied about on the free energy forums.  A discharging coil sure as hell isn't radiant energy or radiant electricity even though Bedini and his ilk state that all the time.  It's all part of the game of conditioning and creating expectations within people that want to believe in free energy.  When you create those expectations in people, they are more likely to spend their hard-earned money on Bedini motors.


So, um, what is a nuclear battery then?  They produce radiation, particles and/or photons, and this induces and electric output in the metal elements of the battery.  They are popular for satellites.

Isn't this a legitimate "radiant energy" device?

If any d Bedini's devices or methods produce RE, then you should be able to detect it.  I am meerly suggesting an alternate means to test the devices.  Tesla clearly shows in the patents that RE is detectable, and also illustrates several sources for comparison.

You can test your detector with a spark gap, as Tesla suggest, and then probe a Bedini device with your RE detector.  A null result suggest that no RE is present or that it is below detection threshold.  With a little work you can develop one that is very sensitive.

You could build a detector that lights an LED with the charge induced by the RE.  The LED will blink as the charge is collected and discharged through the LED.

You do know what no detected RE means.  You could fashion the detector into a small pen and probe devices at shows.  It would give interested people with good intentions a way to sort out what is real and what is fake.  This way they don't get duped.

Hell, I need a few of these myself.  My detector attaches to a VTVM and not exactly cheap or small.


A small neon or similar hv lighted device may be better than an LED, or use the collected output to trigger a device.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
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When Tesla made those various detectors, what he called a "radiant energy" detector was an electromagnetic wave detector of some form.  Of course every Bedini motor produces electromagnetic waves when it runs, as does just about any other electrical device that you can imagine.  The thing that you have to keep in mind is that the term "radiant energy" in the late 19th century really meant electromagnetic energy.

But the problem lies when a Bedini enthusiast talks about the "radiant energy" being used to charge a battery.  That's complete nonsense.  The current spike from the discharging inductor goes into the battery, and that's not "radiant energy."  When the current spike is generated, perhaps 0.00000001% of the energy in that current spike gets transformed into electromagnetic waves that radiate away from the Bedini motor in all directions.  That's your "radiant energy."  It's insignificant and you ignore it in the case of a Bedini motor.  You don't ignore it if you are concerned about interfering with local radio, television, and cell phone communications.

I will fine tune my earlier point:  In the vast majority of the cases, there is no such thing as "radiant energy" or "radiant electricity" the way the terms are bandied about on the free energy forums.  If people want to be more precise and qualify their statements about "radiant energy" then that's great.  However, when John Bedini himself talks about "radiant energy" he is talking nonsense.  It's an invented or bastardized term that does not mean anything in the real world.  It's all part of a process to condition people's thinking like I said before.  It's the art of misusing language to mislead and deceive people.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
As you may have noticed, Jeff (Bits-n-Bytes), does not
handle challenging questions or criticism well.

It is truly unfortunate that Jeff and several of his cohorts
seem to lack the emotional maturity which would lead
to meaningful discourse.

I support your efforts MileHigh to get to the truth in all
of these matters.

Hopefully, in time, Jeff and his "gang" will "grow up" and
learn to speak with integrity.

While the discussions at Aaron's RE Forum do serve a
useful and potentially valuable purpose with respect to
the aspiring experimenters, it is very strange that the
few who tend to interject too much truth are cut-off or
banned from continued input.  Or, is it too much criticism
of the "shady merchandisers" which results in the being

Jeff is desperately grasping for some hold onto higher
ground with his continued demands to "identify yourself!"
Childish scoundrel-ism!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Regarding the nature of what has come to be known as
Radiant Energy:

Radio Frequency Pulses

Extremely sharp pulses with a spectrum extending into
the MHz range and beyond.


Very sharp high voltage pulses are capable of readily
accomplishing certain electrochemical effects/changes
which are otherwise difficult or impossible.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

I am looking at your links.  I have no idea why you would consider an air ion detector as a "radiant energy" detector.  It just detects ions in the air.  Why would you equate ions with "radiant energy?"  That's an illustration of the point I just made about the term being misused and as a result planting false ideas in people's minds.  When you wave your arms about in the air, that creates ions in the air.  Is that "radiant energy?"

Your neon tube indicator:

Ion-Indicator: This test device has been included to indicate that there is a release of ions when the Milty Pro Zerostat3 is in use. Insert the Ion-indicator in the nose of the Zerostat and then slowly squeeze the release trigger. The Ion-indicator (neon tube) gently glows (recommend testing in a dimly lit room).

It looks to me like the stream of let's say negative ions in the air is hitting one of the leads of the neon tube.  Some of the negative ions are giving up their excess electrons on one of the leads of the neon tube.  Let's suppose the other lead of the neon tube is connected to the body of the ion generator that's in your hand.  A small electric current can be set up to flow like this and the neon tube will glow.  The glowing is telling you that as the small amount of current flows through the tube that there is a voltage drop across the tube and this represents power being burned off in the tube.  Some of that power being burned off becomes heat and some of it becomes light.  This has nothing to do with "radiant energy," it is all based on conventional current flow.

Group: Guest

Thanks for your comments.  I didn't want to get nasty but I have to stand my ground with Jeff if he talks tough about me.  Like you said, the real intention is to establish a meaningful discourse.  I don't know why nobody on the other forums will ask the pretty straightforward questions that I have asked.  All I know is that they need to be asked and they should be asked.

Going back to "radiant energy," interestingly enough, there is also the term "ionizing radiation."  That's when a device produces electromagnetic radiation that is so intense that it can strip electrons off of matter just like that.  It's associated with some nuclear processes that generate very intense gamma radiation.  I read about it when I decided to refresh myself and I looked up something like "alpha, beta, and gamma radiation" and had a good read.  I suppose that you can say that it's slightly related to ordinary run-of-the-mill ions in the air.  However, the ions in the air are mostly produced by mechanical friction between the air molecules themselves moving past each other and the air molecules moving past solid objects.  Don't quote me on this stuff and look it up to get the real story if you want.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

When Tesla made those various detectors, what he called a "radiant energy" detector was an electromagnetic wave detector of some form.  Of course every Bedini motor produces electromagnetic waves when it runs, as does just about any other electrical device that you can imagine.  The thing that you have to keep in mind is that the term "radiant energy" in the late 19th century really meant electromagnetic energy.

But the problem lies when a Bedini enthusiast talks about the "radiant energy" being used to charge a battery.  That's complete nonsense.  The current spike from the discharging inductor goes into the battery, and that's not "radiant energy."  When the current spike is generated, perhaps 0.00000001% of the energy in that current spike gets transformed into electromagnetic waves that radiate away from the Bedini motor in all directions.  That's your "radiant energy."  It's insignificant and you ignore it in the case of a Bedini motor.  You don't ignore it if you are concerned about interfering with local radio, television, and cell phone communications.

I will fine tune my earlier point:  In the vast majority of the cases, there is no such thing as "radiant energy" or "radiant electricity" the way the terms are bandied about on the free energy forums.  If people want to be more precise and qualify their statements about "radiant energy" then that's great.  However, when John Bedini himself talks about "radiant energy" he is talking nonsense.  It's an invented or bastardized term that does not mean anything in the real world.  It's all part of a process to condition people's thinking like I said before.  It's the art of misusing language to mislead and deceive people.


Radiant energy is nothing more than a radial projection of particles or photons, i.e. radiation.

Tesla's detectors, are not EM wave detectors and this assumption has kept many people in the dark on this subject for far too long.  His detectors are charged particle detectors, as he states in his patents.  Charged particles create some intersting effects in various materials.

If any device, by any inventor, produces true "radiant energy", then is will be indicated by a detector.  Read Tesla's explanation in his patents.

Has anyone ever used any sort of ion detecor near a Bedini device purported to produce RE?  If your particle detection attempts are null, then how can the device be producing RE?

I'm talking about a definitive test that anyone can perform to sort out fact and fiction in these devices.
Sr. Member

Posts: 276
MH have a read of the thread  'discharge effects' on 'teslas inductive discharge' tag and get the coil made that I  constructed. The bedini enthusiasts would love it.
Still unsure of the 'radiation' that it produced but it the  term 'radiant energy' got a whole new meaning from me.
Then they can feel this radiant energy for themselves.....
It's definately cool to be near.
maybe then they will stop the hype thats so entertaining and listen to the truth.
Good to see you still trying to educate them..

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
MH have a read of the thread  'discharge effects' on 'teslas inductive discharge' tag and get the coil made that I  constructed. The bedini enthusiasts would love it.

You'll find the above referenced discussion HERE.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
I'm going to respond to some issues raised on the other "channel."

Originally Posted by Littleremnant  View Post
Hey Bits,

Thanks for the reply. I am running an 8 coiler with 175 ft of wire
and individual triggers. I have been running this thing for probably
3 years at every current setting you could dream up and still
have a sort of fluffy charge. I have never been able to get anyone
to talk about the tuning until this page. John always said in all his
posts to run all multi-coils at 1 amp per coil, so I have always
tried to get around there.

I have 3 sets of fairly new golf cart batteries (four in series) X 3
and one old set(not yet) conditioned, apparently along with 10
deep cycle marines, that has been cycling for about 2 years +. They
do hold some charge, but not the sort of thing that John talks about
(doubling) in capacity. I have been running them on 8 amps for the
last couple of weeks, but I think that may be a bit much. I am going
to turn it down, and see what happens.

By the way, I can sort of tell the difference in capacity by the new
batteries that I have added to these banks. The new ones run forever
before going down in capacity.

I just thought you guys might have some suggestions. I am getting
tired of cycling.

Jeff's reply:

Ok, here is my first clue, you are running seperate triggers for the coils. This would place the passing magnets not at the right spots. I would work to bring this in to a more conventional setup 10-Coiler type of setup with a single trigger. You should never be at a value greater than 3 amp input draw when the supply is 24-36V. This would indicate that your base resistance is not right and your trannies are turning on way to hard. What size of wire is your coils wound with? 18 - 23AWG works the best. 175ft is fine. What core material are you using? Can you post pic's?



For Littleremnant:

There is no simple answer to the questions that you raised.  Perhaps some of your batteries are old or they are simply no good anymore.  Charging them with inductive current spikes from your Bedini motor may not help, the process is not a miracle fix-all for all batteries.  I suggest that you read this thread and the Bedini measurement thread it their entirety.  You will find out that you want to measure how much energy you put into your batteries during a charging cycle and how that can be compared with a measurement of how much energy you can get out of them.  In addiction, when you quote amps of charging, you are not talking the charging waveform into account.  You really want to look at the waveforms associated with your Bedini motor to know what is really going on.

For Jeff:

I can't disagree with you about going with the single trigger, but it all depends on how Littleremnant is implementing his individual triggers.  Hopefully he will explain that soon.  There are big downsides with going with a single trigger.  The coil has to try to turn on a whopping 72 transistors at the same time.  As a result you need a big ugly humongous 10-watt base resistor.  I view the whole triggering method for the 10-coiler as just being a kludge where apparently nobody thought about the complications that would arise when you went from a trigger coil turning on a single transistor to essentially the same trigger coil now trying to turn on 72 transistors.  Certainly there are way better ways to do the triggering and transistor switching for the 10-coiler and I describe them in detail in this thread.

You should never be at a value greater than 3 amp input draw when the supply is 24-36V. This would indicate that your base resistance is not right and your trannies are turning on way to hard.

You are talking about the motor drawing 3 amps of current.  Again, it's worth it to mention that that's just the average current consumption.  What you really want to do is look at the current waveform.  Right now we have no idea how long the coils are on and for how many time constants they are on.  This is critical because if they are on for too many time constants then all of the driver coils are just burning energy resistively past a few time constants.  It's a shame that this level of discussion never takes place on the Energetic Forum 10-coiler thread.

Your comment about the "trannies (are) turning on way to hard" is where you are showing your serious limitations when it comes to electronics Jeff.  You don't know what you are saying here so let me explain things for you.  You want the transistors to switch on "hard" to borrow your terminology.  The right way to say it is that you want the transistors to be switched on fully, you don't want them operating in partial conduction mode, that's a big no-no.  You almost seem to be implying that they should be operating in partial conduction mode to limit the current draw from the battery, which would be wrong.

The real issue controlling the current draw is how long the transistors are switched on for each cycle, and the pulse repetition rate which is governed by how fast the rotor is turning.  The transistors are ONLY supposed to operate in switching mode.  To ensure that the transistors operate in switching mode you have to be sure that the base current is at least a certain minimum value.

In a nutshell it's all about the timing of the switching cycle, and saying "your trannies are turning on way to hard" doesn't even make sense.  Because the timing setup for the 10-coiler is so crude you might have to play with the base resistance and the positioning of the pick-up coil to find a sweet spot where the transistors operate in switching mode and the length of the pulse is not too long.  That's a hard thing to do with the limitations inherent in the basic design.  Again, in this thread and possibly also in the Bedini measurement thread there is a fair amount of discussion about options to upgrade the timing mechanicsm for the motor to overcome these limitations.

« Last Edit: 2011-02-21, 03:31:02 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest
From Littleremnant:

Hey Bits,

Thanks so much for taking this much time with me. I haven't had good luck
getting questions answered, so I haven't posted much.

I did try to go with a single trigger, but when I went down to 100 ohm bases,
my tranny's started getting hot. Maybe 100 was to low. I tried something this
weekend that may have answered my own question on this. I went away for
the weekend and didn't want to run my batts down, so I pulled all but 3 coils,
and left them running for the last two days. When I cycled back the other way
tonight the batteries seem a lot stronger. Maybe I have been pushing them
too hard. I turned my machine way down tonight, and it still seems to be
charging pretty good.

By the way, my coils are 26 trigger and 23 X 4. The machine is set up perfect
for all the coils to trigger at the exact moment. I am also using the welding rod
for cores. I really think I have just been pushing them too hard, and also maybe
pulling too hard too. I am cutting down all the way around and I think that may
solve THAT problem.

I have more questions, but have found if I ask them one at a time, they don't get
buried in the past.

Thx Bits

It sounds like your transistors may have gotten hot because you pumped too much base current into them.  It's hard to say though, this would have to be confirmed with measurements. Too much base current will simply burn off power inside your transistors and perform no useful function.

If you are reading this, do you actually do useful work with your Bedini motor?  It almost sounds like you just swap the batteries back and forth but I of couse can't be sure.

Fell free to join this forum if you want to try some of your questions here.

Group: Guest
I'm going to respond to some issues raised on the other "channel."

Jeff's reply:


Once again, At least this guy has built one and is experimenting. MORE than you have done. Look MileHigh, you are truly MileHigh and full of Shit. You speak from your arm chair. This guy, amongst others have built this machine.  I concede, this gents machine is not exactly as the 10 coiler, but none the less "Has built the machine". So in retrospect, you can't find the gut's to identify yourself, and cannot produce any kind of certifications to show your rhetoric is worth the public ear. Just in case your interested, here is another gents experimentation; [Bedini_Monopole4] Monty's 10-pole results #1. I only post this because he has BUILT and is in testing the machine. So read up my friend. Go back to school has you have instructed others, but until you can show the public who and what you are, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Your continued Bullshit only displays your ignorance.
Group: Guest
Simple question to MileHigh; "When are you going to build and contribute?"
Group: Guest
Hey Jeff:

You are just a broken record with respect to your egging me on with respect to building stuff.  And you can kiss my ass with respect to your ongoing silly attempts to get me to identify myself.  Do you do that to all the other people on the Energetic Forum?  The answer is you don't.  And I know that certainly you have enough brains in your head to understand that revealing your identity is a person's personal choice and you have no right to compel me or anybody else to do that.  You know that, so what is wrong with your brain when you post that stuff Jeff?  Really, what the fvck is wrong with you?

What a truly pathetic display those postings were on your part Jeff.  Beyond your making an ass of yourself once again, once again you proved how little you know about electronics by saying stuff that doesn't make sense.

So much for your supposed "leadership" position with respect to the Bedini 10-coiler.  I hope this little exchange makes it back to the Energetic Forum regulars on the 10-coiler thread and they read it.  They will see what an immature little schmuck you can be.  They will see that you barely know anything about electronics.  They will see you panic and puff out your chest and make an ass of yourself.  I really hope they read it.

« Last Edit: 2011-02-21, 05:25:01 by MileHigh »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Hey Jeff:


What a truly pathetic display those postings were on your part Jeff.  Beyond your making an ass of yourself once again, once again you proved how little you know about electronics by saying stuff that doesn't make sense.

So much for your supposed "leadership" position with respect to the Bedini 10-coiler.  I hope this little exchange makes it back to the Energetic Forum regulars on the 10-coiler thread and they read it.  They will see what an immature little schmuck you can be.  They will see that you barely know anything about electronics.  They will see you panic and puff out your chest and make an ass of yourself.  I really hope they read it.


Yes, once again you've gotten to the heart of the
"Ten Coiler Cult."

Questions directed to the "guru" or his "cohorts" are
never answered with the purpose of imparting true
knowledge; but with mystery and hints which will only
serve to make the devoted cult slaves more and more
dependent upon all that emanates from Cult Central.

The devoted cult slaves (undereducated dreamers)
are slow to catch on but in due time will.  After having
spent far too much of their hard earned money or having
done some serious independent study into transistors as

The "Light of Freedom" will eventually be lighted.

Unfortunately, Jeff has little choice in how he must respond
to those who would challenge his "leadership."  He's dug
himself too deeply into the pit of "cult control" and has himself
become addicted to the "benefits" of being thought of as a
guru.  There is no way that he can let the cat out of the bag
without risking the loss of all that he's worked so hard to
become along with the adulation of the cult slaves.

It will be interesting to see how much longer the charade goes
on until significant numbers of the cult slaves begin to awaken.

And a new wave of "bannings" to silence them.

I too share your hope that some at EF will come to your
Alternative Discussion and ask the good questions here.

But, it's not an easy decision for them.


For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Four days and no answer to Littleremnant's question so I'll answer it:

Hey guys,

Another question that I am going to keep asking until I get this figured out. John said in the EFTV #6 (at the front), talking about swapping batteries from back to front that:


Does anyone know what he meant by that? I understand not mixing the different energies, but things like that throw me. What did he mean?????


There is no such thing and positive and negative energies in batteries where some people claim that charging a battery with a Bedini motor gives it "negative energy."  That is all completely ridiculous nonsense.

I think that you are sometimes told this by the people that have versted interests in all things Bedini is because they want to deflect the issue relating to the charging efficiency.

It's safe to assume that when you use a Bedini motor and use a source battery to charge a target battery, that about 70% of the energy in the source battery is lost to heat and about 30% ends up in the charging battery.

Therefore if you swap batteries and take your former target charging battery and uses it as a source battery you will start to notice that the "new" source battery runs down quite quickly.

So, since the Bedini powers that be know this, they have made up a phony story about "negative energy" in the freshly charged target battery to avoid the situation where more and more experimenters start to realize that the target batteries only get about a 30% charge from a fully-charged source battery.

Now the Bedini motor doesn't look so glamourous anymore when you begin to realize that it's charging efficiency actually sucks.

So that's why you are told to not swap batteries back to front.  It has absolutely nothing to do with a "negative charge" or "negative energy" because those are ridiculous and nonsensical and false concepts about batteries.

Group: Guest
On another network Bit's-n-Bytes said:

10 Coiler for sale

Won't find a better put together wheel. Take a look at the Pic's. If interested please give me PM.



Well, I thought the 10-coiler was going to be used to recharge two battery banks by swapping back and forth between the two banks.  An inverter was supposed to be able to connect to either bank to produce mains power.  This was supposed to be a self-sustaining process.  The "excess energy" generated by the 10-coiler was supposed to be able to power your house for free.  That was the pitch at last year's Renaissance convention.

Speaking of Renaissance conventions, did anybody else notice that this year's convention that ended a few weeks ago seems to have gotten almost no press?  The added an extra day to the event and jacked the price up to almost $500.  I am wondering what the head count was like.  Anybody know?  With so little mention of what happened I am wondering if it was a bust and very few people showed up.

« Last Edit: 2011-08-14, 12:16:32 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest
Sounds like its not performing as he hoped as part of his free energy solution  :-[

Some suggestion from BnB that JB is selling his big wheel for $30,000! Don't all rush  :)

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Rick Friedrich puts fingers to keyboard:

John decided today that he would sell the big wheel for $30k if someone wants

Also, I have to decide what I will do with the 21' wheel that was not built. The
motor and controller are ready, and all the parts are waiting for final
assembly. Some more holes need drilling here and there but I don't have time to
do it myself. It is either going to sit or go to scrap. I have 40 6"x4"x1"
ceramic magnets for it as well. It is designed to be able to have two people on
either side to spin around in it. 10' diameter rotor 1' off the ground. I would
sell all the metal (aluminum rotor on two inch shaft, with steel frame), trailer
(that we used to put John's wheel on), magnets, coils (two 3' long zero force
motor coils with 24 strands each) and circuit/controller with 48 circuits. ALL
for $6k as is. This is my raw cost of materials, and does not include all my
time. Max power is rated for 15hp. I could assist in the final assembly for
extra cost. It is designed to have all the mass and stress only 5-6' from the
center shaft and the remainder is very light construction to merely hold the
magnets. This would be the biggest monopole to date. The zero force coil
arrangement allows for continuous motor action (in microsecond pulsations)
without the jerking of the regular monopole design that would result for very
slow movement while people are riding it. The controller allows for speed

Let me know if anyone is interested in either of these.


With his "over unity" lawnmower and his "over unity" boat and an unbuilt "free energy" Ferris wheel for two, and yet the world is still not beating a path to his door.

Also Rick has no clue how a discharging inductor works.  It's a Bizarro universe sometimes!
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