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Author Topic: Bedini doesn't get it with respect to a Bloch wall  (Read 4810 times)
Group: Guest
I found some John Bedini interview transcripts here:



We know what a coil is: it’s a pretty steady electromagnet when there is a steady current. The coil acts as an electromagnet, and its two magnetic poles are in balance, one on the top and one on the bottom.

What we actually want to do, Dr. Bob, is make that magnet become nonlinear. So we pulse the coil to make it nonlinear. What we’re actually doing is opening a window in the magnet which is termed the “Bloch Wall.” The Bloch Wall is the space where the two poles come together in the center of the magnet. That’s where the energy comes from, from this zero field that’s in the center of the magnet, where the two poles – top and bottom – are in balance.

Bedini discusses inductors as electromagnets, and bar magnets, in the EFTV series as two examples of devices that exhibit Bloch walls, where the Bloch wall cuts the electromagnet or magnet in two lengthwise pieces at the center of the device.  For starters, by definition there are no Bloch walls associated with a coil (a.k.a.; an electromagnet).  That doesn't even make any sense.  A regular bar magnet does not possess a Bloch wall either.

There are not two "poles that come together in the center of the magnet (or an electromagnet)."  It's almost unbelievable that he would say that.  It's approaching "litmus test" territory.

More importantly, for emphasis, there is no Bloch wall in a standard bar magnet at all.

There is no such thing as the two poles of a magnet (or electromagnet) - top and bottom - being in balance.  Another shocking statement from Bedini.

As far as "opening up a window in the magnet (or electromagnet)" goes, that's a Tom Bearden-style tall tale that means nothing.  This is part of the "zero field" or "vacuum energy" argument where excess energy allegedly comes from and it's baloney.  The term "zero field" somewhat ironically means nothing.

Bedini says that he is going to "make that magnet become nonlinear," but he doesn't even define what parameter he talking about so his statement is meaningless.  In a general sense, ferrous materials and by extension magnets are already nonlinear with respect to their BH curves and magnetic properties, so when John Bedini states that his going to "make a magnet become nonlinear" it's nonsense.  This presumes that scientists and engineers treat magnets as linear devices, when in fact they treat them as nonlinear devices.

If you are talking about a coil, a.k.a.; an electromagnet, as long as there is no ferrite core associated with it, it is a linear device and and any kind or external excitation will not turn it into a nonlinear device.  There will not be any "opening up of a window" for "zero field" energy.

As you can see, almost every single sentence in that John Bedini quote from a radio interview done on April 6th, 2008 has something wrong with it.

Going back to Bloch walls, doing a quick YouTube search I found a clip that shows what a Bloch wall is:


I am shaking my head in disbelief after dissecting that Bedini quote.

« Last Edit: 2010-11-23, 07:26:41 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest
I have a little follow-up posting about the Wikipedia entry for "Bloch wall."


Bloch wall
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Block wall transition (B) between domains (A) and (C) with 180° difference

A Bloch wall is a narrow transition region at the boundary between magnetic domains, over which the magnetization changes from its value in one domain to that in the next. The magnetization rotates through the plane of the wall unlike the Néel wall where the magnetization rotates in the plane of the wall. For example, a Bloch wall is formed at the center line of a bar magnet where the domains switch north/south direction. An example of a Néel wall transition is shown in the animation below.

Bloch walls are named after the physicist Felix Bloch.

This entry was most likely created by a follower of John Bedini.  I have highlighted the outrageous error and will report the problem to whomever watches this stuff on Wikipedia so that it gets fixed.

Group: Guest
With respect to my tough comments about the "opening up of the zero field" being untrue, I know that this will be hard for Bedini fans to swallow.  He claims this in the EFTV series.  Bedini is playing two angles.  In one angle he says that the battery is the "antenna" for the "zero point" energy and the "radiant energy" (really current pulses from a discharging coil) facilitates the battery "tapping into" to this alleged energy source that you can't see.  Then the other angle is to argue that the coil itself is "tapping into" this alleged energy source that you can't see.  He never seems to mix both metaphors as far as I am aware, and uses one or the other as it  suits his needs.  That in and of itself doesn't smell right.

The burden is on Bedini to prove what he says is true and I know that many of you believe him.  As far as i am concerned he has never proven either proposition.  You also can't forget when push comes to shove the Bedini camp will clearly state that a Bedini motor is not a free energy device, just a very good battery charger.  Yet a Bedini motor has a coil that pulses into a charging battery, two devices that John Bedini himself states can tap into extra "zero point" energy.  This whole deal doesn't smell right.

Bedini will never offer to take up the challenge of the burden of proof for his statements about coils and batteries being devices that can tap into "zero point" energy.  If you want to take up that challenge yourselves as experimenters it can indeed be done.  There are bench tests that you can do to see if a pulsing coil or a battery can absorb excess "energy from the vacuum" or not.  Just let me know if you are interested.

« Last Edit: 2010-11-23, 05:05:17 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest
I think that it's worth it to comment on another recent Bedini quote relating to the new "Ferris Wheel" setup:


John K,
Very , Very, Very good and did I not say in a post here what mode it was running in? For those that cant figure this out it is in an amplifier mode like a mag amp It just being used to collect energy. For the size it's 3/4 of the coil length and it is facing the Bloch wall of the other coils. I will say this again The coil is considered a time gate, gating energy under compression, just like a compressor. Quantum mechanics at it finest boy's. Very tricky machine like all my machines. I never kid around with any of this theory, it's all differential equations.
John B

The action of the coils in Bedini's new "Ferris Wheel" setup has absolutely nothing to do with quantum mechanics.  It's unbelievable that he would say that.  It's almost as unbelievable that no one is likely to question that statement on the Energetic Forum.

An inductor is not a "time gate," that's nonsense.  But it does store electrical energy over a time period and then release that stored energy over a short time period or a long time period depending on the circuit.  There is a legitimate analogy to a compressor so I will give Bedini credit for that.

"I never kid around with any of this theory, it's all differential equations."

Yes indeed Mr. Bedini, "it's all differential equations."  So the question I put to you is as follows:  How about really and truly explaining to your audience how an inductor works during the energizing cycle and the discharge cycle instead of shrouding everything in mystery?  You must be well aware that this is taught in Electronics 101 and any first-year physics or electrical engineering student knows exactly how a Bedini motor works without even ever having seen one.

The way inductors work in relay coils, Bedini motors, or the new "Ferris Wheel" motor is all basically the same.  So what is stopping you from teaching your audience how they really work?

Group: Guest
Hi MileHigh,

I started reading the Bedini threads as you suggested. Wow, there is a lot to go through. This thread was one of the shortest.

They are interesting comments you have made. I did some searching on the Bloch wall, but could not find anything that actually says what it is (apart from the Wikipedia article). Since you seem to a have a grip on what it is, can you tell me?

I have always wondered how magnets keep being a magnet. Where is the power coming from that keeps it being a magnet? Is it true that once it is a magnet it is always a magnet?

Group: Guest

Here is a very clear digram of my Bloch Wall resonant Radiant Energy circuit. It's based on the work and writings of Bedini and Bearden [credit where credit is due].  Basically, I stumbled on it after reading  everything on the Energetic Forum and doing bench experiments.  I got it to work once, but the adjustment of the pot is ultra-critical.  

When tuned right, it puts out a perfect 120VAC sine wave at exactly 60Hz.  The best I got was about 1204W using a Bedini battery charger and a bank of 2000A/Hr lead acxid batteries as the load.  I know for sure it was 1204 W because it took 17 months, nine days and four hours, roughly, to bring the battery voltage up from 12.4076 Volts to 12.9771 Volts.
Peak to peak averaged, I mean, with less than 4uV of ripple.  Just do the math!  It's easy.

I used a coil with an Ohmage of 14.0065 and a Henryage of 8 as a battery load, in case you were wondering.  RMS, of course.

Note that the construction details of the main Bloch Wall resonator and transformer are not critical, so you can substitute whatever you have handy, as long as it's wound in the toroidal manner with Litz wire in the bucking direction, according to Bearden's third law of magnetics.  Don't sweat the details.

Could you please replicate the circuit and check it out for me?  I think everything you need to know is there, except the value and proper adjustment of the pot.  Thanks!   >:-)

Oh,,,almost forgot, the Faradage of the capacitor isn't too critical, but the voltage must be precisely 27 Volts.  It should be able to support applied Joulage of at least 4 for at least two years.  I mean without getting too hot, that is.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-01, 03:14:34 by humbugger »
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Nice design h, but I couldnt get mine to work until I put a hocus pocus focus potentiometer between the crystal terminals and adjust the Ohmage.

BTW the antenna works best if it is a double logger periodic pointed due north. Then as RR once said you can "Tear Down That Wall"

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Funny..I tried one of thos pots you mentioned.  It was from a Muntz TV set.  But it didn't help and the BEMF from the coils made it get real hot.  Perhaps I should try it across the resonator termainls as you suggest.  What was your optimum Ohmage?  RMS or peak-to-peak, please.

I only used a 1/4 wave whip antenna, myself, which probably limited my output power.  How many watts did you get?


P.S.  I see you truly get it, I mean where the energy comes from.  It's those transverse longitudinal waves the Rooskies keep pumping into the sky to control the weather and our minds.  Recent flooding near Queensland indicates that for some reason, Bedini and Bearden have secretly asked the Rooskies to wipe out Ashtweth's Panacea University.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
There's the problem, your hpF pot was from a Muntz...those were inferior to the RCA 630 chassis hpF which were wound with mandarin (i think) wire. A lot less drift, kinda set it and forget it. Never measured the ohmage, just set to around 2:00 PM when the terminals are pointed towards yourself.  yeah..that's the ticket.

As for the 1/4 wip, never was an s&m man myself, always preferred a lager aperiodic. The Watts I'm still counting, they go up and down a lot so I'll have to save them up in a big Farad, and see how big a spark I can get outa that puppy...that oughta do it.

Good luck and be careful.....keep one hand on the "kill switch" and the other.....well nevermind.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
In my pocket...I know!   :P

Oh, by "lager aperiodic" [in context] "never was an s&m man myself, always preferred a lager aperiodic"  I presume you mean a drunken female that is beyond menopause.  Correct?

Group: Guest
Humbugger and Ion:

Overheard on one of the other forums, ""Six munce ugo I cootent evun spell enguneer now I are wun."   :D
Group: Guest
Hi MileHigh,

I started reading the Bedini threads as you suggested. Wow, there is a lot to go through. This thread was one of the shortest.

They are interesting comments you have made. I did some searching on the Bloch wall, but could not find anything that actually says what it is (apart from the Wikipedia article). Since you seem to a have a grip on what it is, can you tell me?

I have always wondered how magnets keep being a magnet. Where is the power coming from that keeps it being a magnet? Is it true that once it is a magnet it is always a magnet?


A Bloch wall is a boundary layer inside a piece of iron or other ferrous material where on opposite sides of the boundary the magnetic domains are aligned in different directions.  For example, if you had a rectangular piece of iron that was not magnetized, and on one end if the iron you placed the north end of a bar magnet, and on the opposite end of the iron you placed the north end of another bar magnet, then a Bloch wall would form inside the piece of iron.  The fact that there is a Bloch wall inside the piece of iron is of no great significance.

There is no power being expended to keep a magnet's magnetic field in existence.  You are going to have to read and get yourself up the learning curve step by step to understand these concepts.  Sorry but I can't do it here.  Just don't forget that I strongly advise you to get your information from multiple sources.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Edward Leedskalnin's magnetic current pamphlet

Group: Guest
A Bloch wall is a boundary layer inside a piece of iron or other ferrous material where on opposite sides of the boundary the magnetic domains are aligned in different directions.  For example, if you had a rectangular piece of iron that was not magnetized, and on one end if the iron you placed the north end of a bar magnet, and on the opposite end of the iron you placed the north end of another bar magnet, then a Bloch wall would form inside the piece of iron.  The fact that there is a Bloch wall inside the piece of iron is of no great significance.

There is no power being expended to keep a magnet's magnetic field in existence.  You are going to have to read and get yourself up the learning curve step by step to understand these concepts.  Sorry but I can't do it here.  Just don't forget that I strongly advise you to get your information from multiple sources.


Here's a source that doesn't agree with you, MH.  I based my circuit on this [in addition to the Energetic Forum material] and all I can say is every so often, under just the right conditions, I suspect tentatively that it works!  ION replicated it and so I tend to suspect that probably maybe the results are at least partially somewhat unequivocal.  At least I sure hope so anyway, I think.  My whole future depends on it! :-[  Oh, plus the future of the world, of course.


Here, in the electronic version, the Bloch wall action of a permanent magnet can be cut off by a low power pulse train, of 60Hz.or higher, according to application, from the pulse generator.

The pulsed current, has the effect of make/break on the magnetic flux, during every cycle, that is dumped into the touching field coils as more current than it takes to pulse it.

Thus overunity is possble, with no moving parts.

Note to ION:  I was able to keep using the Muntz hpF potentiometer connected as you suggested.  I had to add a little cooling fan for it, though.  See photo below.  I used Imhotep Technology on the fan, so it adds to the Over Unity effects.  Clever, huh?
« Last Edit: 2011-02-01, 08:03:38 by humbugger »
Group: Guest

You need some assistance from modern-day Rube Goldbergs:


That's the ticket to unlimited energy!!!!
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