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Author Topic: self running generator  (Read 5094 times)
Group: Guest
Boa tarde a todos.

tenho tentado fazer um gerador com base no gerador eolico para funcionamento auto sustentavel ,utilizando transistor 2n3055 circuito bedini .
estou tentando recarregar o conjunto de 3 baterias do sistema mas não consigo ,pois depois de algun tempo elas vão perdendo carga. gostaria de uma ajuda a respeito.

obrigado ,

 Marcelo Bullos

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3217
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
A translation of the above:

Good afternoon everyone.

I have tried to make a generator-based wind generator for self-sustainable operation, using transistor 2n3055 Bedini circuit.
I'm trying to recharge the batteries 3 system but can not, because after algun time they are losing power. I would like to help one respect.


  Marcelo Bullos

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3217
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
That is because it doesn't work.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 1579
Boa tarde a todos.

tenho tentado fazer um gerador com base no gerador eolico para funcionamento auto sustentavel
"I've tried building a bedini SG without much success..."
This group is very focussed on this task but you will need to learn English.
i.e. tendrá que hablar Inglés

Hero Member

Posts: 1579
"I've tried building a bedini SG without much success..."
This group is very focussed on this task but you will need to learn English.
i.e. tendrá que hablar Inglés

I should have said:

i.e. mas você terá que falar Inglês
Group: Guest
Boa tarde,

obrigado pela informação e já me inscrevi.
vou postar um video de um gerador com motor de scooter onde estava fazendo uns testes e um com inversor e motor ac configuração rotoverter.gostaria de uma ajuda para configurar um motor /gerador que pudesse retornar a carga para a bateria primaria.

Group: Guest
Boa tarde,

obrigado pela informação e já me inscrevi.
vou postar um video de um gerador com motor de scooter onde estava fazendo uns testes e um com inversor e motor ac configuração rotoverter.gostaria de uma ajuda para configurar um motor /gerador que pudesse retornar a carga para a bateria primaria.

¿Tiene usted una reciente diagrama del circuito?
"Do you have a recent diagram of the circuit?"

Utilizo un Internet Inglés al traductor Español para todos estos comentarios.  Le sugiero que hacer, demasiado, incluso si yo estudié Comienzo Español en high school.  Me puede traducir Español mejor que la mayoría Estadounidenses.  Sin embargo, si no como lo hice, puede obtener una mejor comprensión de los nuestros Miembros.
"I used an Internet English-to-Spanish translator for all these comments.  I suggest you do, too, even if I studied Beginning Spanish in high school.  I can self-translate Spanish better than most Americans.  However, if you do as I did, you may get better understanding from the OUR Members."

Nos veremos mas tarde, hasta pronto,
"See you later,"

Group: Guest
It looks like Portuguese to me!
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1185

Yes, it seems Portuguese indeed.
Group: Guest
Boa noite, é Portugues , estou no Brasil -America do SUL. mais tarde postarei um esquema para entendimento,obrigado.desculpe o ingles é porque uso o google traduz .

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

Good evening to you.  We'll be looking forward to
analyzing your schematic diagram.

Some of us have questions regarding the videos.

You're welcome.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Good afternoon everyone
thanks for the reception. I would first say that I have done some projects as a hobby and I'm not trying to show anybody that I'm good, or that my project works or is overunity or free energy.'m just looking for an answer or solution for me and the world (who if interested).
I have seen much on the internet, but without a practical side, utilizavel.so i'm starting to post some things I did and asking for help to friends who are willingly to help with their knowledge. every day I learn a little mais.obrigado all.

     Marcelo Bullos
Group: Guest
Boa noite, é Portugues , estou no Brasil -America do SUL. mais tarde postarei um esquema para entendimento,obrigado.desculpe o ingles é porque uso o google traduz .
In English:
"Good evening, is Portugues , I am in Brazil -America of the South.  later postarei a scheme for understanding,obrigado.  desculpe the ingles because use Google translates ."
...from:   http://translation.babylon.com/portuguese/to-english/

"Good night, he is Portugues, I am in Brazil - South America.   later I postplowed a scheme for understanding, obrigado.  desculpe the ingles is because I use the google it translates."
...from:   http://translation2.paralink.com/Portuguese-English-Translation/

"Good night, is Portuguese, I'm in Brazil, South America.  later I'll post a schema for understanding obrigado. desculpe english is because I use google translate."

...finally from:   http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|Boa%20noite%2C%20%C3%A9%20Portugues%20%2C%20estou%20no%20Brasil%20-America%20do%20SUL.%20mais%20tarde%20postarei%20um%20esquema%20para%20entendimento%2Cobrigado.desculpe%20o%20ingles%20%C3%A9%20porque%20uso%20o%20google%20traduz%20

Well, the word "desculpe" was untranslatable in all translators.  However, in Brazilian Portugese...


...it means "excuse" so the full context might be:  "Excuse my (lack of) English; (it's) because I use Google translate."

Now I think I see, but I still have to research the original language translation for myself.  It's time consuming, to say the least.

I'd still like to wait for the uploaded schematic and possibly compare that to previous Bedini Designs.

Group: Guest
excuse me my english .
Group: Guest

good night

 follows some pictures and the layout of the engine generator. I change engine Bedini pulse motor as a function of torque.
Ler foneticamente
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Group: Guest
« Last Edit: 2011-02-28, 00:45:29 by poynt99 »
Group: Guest
Boa noite,

postei o motor bedini com 3 transistores 2n3055  e do lado esquerdo um gerador trifasico tipo eolico com 2 retificações independentes .

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3217
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Is this your device in the videos?

You have put a lot of work into these it appears.

Are you obtaining good performance? Are you soon going to make any claims about your device?


É este o seu dispositivo nos vídeos?

Você precisa colocar um monte de trabalho para esses que parece.

Você está obtendo um bom desempenho? Você está indo em breve para fazer qualquer afirmação sobre seu dispositivo?


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Good afternoon,

 yes, this is my device!
 it is fed with three 12v batteries, but two batteries are not very good. means that food is approximately 24 volts. I'm having a Bedini consumption in 80 to 120 mA. I have a good rotation and strain produced in the generator is 70 V ac, which rectifies and store in two banks of capacitors. I would like to help with a return load to recharge the batteries driver. all help will be important, thanks.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Are you wanting to send some of the output back to
the driving batteries as pulses?

70 Volt pulses (2~3 microSeconds) at a 3 to 5 KHz
rate would charge/desulfate/rejuvenate the three
series connected batteries quite well.

Have you determined input current to the motor
with varying loads connected to the 70 Volt output?

It would be very interesting to see how loading
of the generator output affects motor current draw.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
obrigado pela dica .farei isso.
apos carregado capacitores enviarei para baterias atraves do comutador de 4 estagios pulsos para  as baterias e vou monitorar banco quanto a retorno de carga .
Group: Guest
Thanks for the tip. I'll do it.
 Uploaded through capacitors after the switch batteries send pulses of 4 stages as I will monitor and batteries as a Bank Charge Back.
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