You guys did a good job weeding through the entries. I have to say that @TR was a winner in my eyes because the first place winner had to many unknowns and was kind of spread out to thinly and we could not get any real idea of the build, the technical and the most important is the object of the build trying to answer "What are you trying to get across to the viewer".
I have to say it, you were the winner without a doubt if one looked at the proficiency of control required to successively discharge to 8 individual coils to create a rotational effect first against the initial load of the flywheel until it got going, so you get 10 on 10 for workmanship and mastery of control. I take one point off for only one reason. Although it is a great device to show how complicated it can be to turn a shaft via 8 pistons, as an OU seeker I'd rather see them 8 coils pumping out some power instead. Regardless, just to reiterate it would never be enough but your workmanship is just great.
Your device reminds me of a TV series called Gilligan's Island and I could expect the Professor to have made a device just like yours, clinking and clanking along as the rotations turn a shaft to do some crazy work like scratching your back or picking your nose or cracking coconuts. hahahahahaha
So the contest is over and my next question is obvious. Given you have all this in hand already, I hope it is not going on any forget me shelf and you will try and make this device go further.
Anyways, if you need any more "input", let me know. Sorry for pestering while you were in the throws of the build. I must say, I do not really enjoy such contests because I find it a major waste of time "and energy" hic-hic. Looking at all the builds in general, I cannot say I learned anything of great value which in my book should be the basis of all of these builds. In my book, such a contest should emphasize system efficiency and duration should be 60 days instead of 30 days. 30 days for anyone with a regular job, family, build or machining limitations, etc., is not much at all.
All the best in 2015.