To anyone wondering... About 10 days ago I sneezed, while reading this board in fact. What felt like a lightning bolt shot through the base of my back, along with the intense weight of an African elephant. A self check happened, as some may know from car crashes or other times when the mind does a base check on whether limbs are still connected. Apparently I made monkey noises 'uh, ooh, ahh ah, ooh' sort of thing and that was it, out of action. It took several minutes for my wife to get me from the livingroom to the bedroom (mind you there was no candle lit dinner involved lol ) A sharp tug on the nerve bundle seems to be what frayed that sheath that protects the nerves and why the pains in the leg are there. It's most certainly a pain in the butt, as well as thigh and calf. Walking results in an involuntary excellent impression of Joe Cocker when he sings. For about the past 6 months now, the old car accident injury from 1997 that gave an S shape to the back has flared back up and bench time has been very much hampered. So there is no lack of drive going on or wandering interests etc, but sitting for any length of time has me looking like a little kid who needs the toilet ! Apparently grapefruit oil can repair the sheath that surrounds the nerve bundle in the base of the back and I might as well try it. If anyone has other remedies or experiences of sciatica, please do chime in and perhaps tips for coping can be shared
ʎɐqǝ from pɹɐoqʎǝʞ a ʎnq ɹǝʌǝu