I wonder if anyone can answer a question about rays of light. Last night while driving i became interested in that car headlamps seem to have maybe 5 or 6 rays of light, like a star, you would think that the light would be evenly emitted from a light source, but this does not seem to be the case. Maybe it's an artifact of our eye construction, i don't know Anyway later on i took a cup cake candle and lit it, i then got close about 12 inches to it and starred at the flame, and there were the rays again, i then started closing my eye and i found a position of my eye lid that seemed to amplify the ray, i concentrated on one particular ray and by adjusting my eye i found i could zoom right into that ray, after a while i managed to see a ray in great detail and it turned out to be a conical shape and i could see a conical semi transparent field that was slowly rotating, very weird thing to see. Give it a go it's amazing to see that cone, there was a dark blob rotating inside the cone. Does anyone know why the light is not constant and why there are distink rays coming from a light source.