Reviewing my chicken scratchings from previous experiments dealing with the effects of PM magnets on inductors and transformers - I've already seen empirical evidence of much contained in your papers. Especially, the mention of multiple coils and power sources and the differences of coil vs. pm magnet fields. How many would accept that the magnetic reluctance of a pm aided coil would be different depending upon current direction in the solenoid?
What I'm having difficulty with is why the modeling of constant flux/shunt reluctance would have the (Ni)coil in series identical to the constant mmf/series reluctance model. Should (Ni)coil not be shown as being an external current source in parallel with the internal current source?
When you have some time I would like to be educated on why the depiction in 10b is as it is.
Hi WaveWatcher, Sorry about the delay in replying, I have been checking on other groups and neglected this one. Firstly let me say that the current in the coil creates an mmf, which in the magnetic circuit is a "magnetic voltage". And this is correctly represented by a symbol for a voltage source and can be considered as a "magnetic battery" of mmf magnitude Ni. It would be quite wrong to put this in parallel with a "magnetic current" (flux) source. I think I have it in the right place for both magnetic circuits, but IMO the 10b version is incorrect and does not correctly model a PM. I only included 10b because i had this argument on the Steorn forum where some guy objected to my PM model 10a and he put forward 10b instead. So I included it in my paper so that I could knock it down. FWIW until you get used to dealing with magnetic circuits in their own right, it can be very confusing because ones brain wants to always think electrically and then the two systems get muddled up and you think of coil current as magnetic current, which it isn't. It took me a long time to get things into perspective. I have posted another paper "Analysing Transformers in the Magnetic Domain" elsewhere but it deserves better circulation. It is attached here. Smudge
« Last Edit: 2014-07-06, 09:45:46 by Smudge »