Or is this a flushing moment? 09:33:41) giantkiller: Weak men run in fear. (09:33:54) giantkiller: Strong men run into battle. (09:34:05) giantkiller: Wise men stand their ground. (09:34:22) PhysicsProf: Good points GK. Lets stand our ground; and carry on. (09:34:44) giantkiller: These are the days when Truth is the only commodity left. (09:35:12) giantkiller: Be not sifted by the scythe of discouragement (09:35:31) PhysicsProf: "In a day of universal deceit, to speak the truth is a revolutionary act" -- Geo Orwell (10:06:26) poynt99: Bedini has threatened to have OUR shut down due to character defamation of his name
« Last Edit: 2012-03-09, 17:50:50 by giantkiller »