The blind peru scientist has a better design than the improved Milkovic. the video at: is the theory that applies to both inventions. See the design page in particular. Some comments on the improved Milkovic (design A) and the Peru Force Multiplier (design B) 1. Design A uses an unbalanced wheel to simulate the pendulum. The Centripetal Force at the right time and right position will lift the heavier weight. This leads-out gravitational energy. The heavier weight was modified to be a crank shaft. This crank shaft will have increased torque and increased energy. If some of these increased energy is fed-back to the unbalanced wheel, the system will self-run. 2. Design A is further modified to have the unbalanced wheel to drive a crank-shaft mechanism on the RHS. This can drive the crank-shaft mechanism on the LHS. The crank shaft mechanism on the LHS is further modified to use an unbalanced wheel. What would happen? 3. The crank-shaft mechanism on the RHS will lead-out gravitational energy to drive the crank-shaft mechanism on the LHS. The crank-shaft mechanism on the LHS will lead-out gravitational energy to drive the crank-shaft mechanism on the RHS. They reinforce each other. 4. Thus if a low-power motor starts and drives the crank-shaft mechanism on the RHS, the system will automatically lead-out gravitational energy to increase the power of the system. The system may use the crank-shaft mechanism on the LHS to drive a much higher load. The low-power motor may even be taken off. (It may be kept for restarting and tuning purposes.) 5. The belt mechanism is optional but may help to balance out both sides. Does this look like Design B??? In reality, two unbalanced wheels at the two ends of a lever can lead-out gravitational energy – more efficient than a simple pulse-pushed pendulum. 6. If we do not want to use unbalanced wheels, we need to add other mechanisms. This appears to be the case with the Peru design. Have we improved the Peru design already just by understanding the lead-out energy theory? Or is it part of the Divine Revelation 2 Amen.
« Last Edit: 2012-05-03, 17:36:05 by ltseung888 »