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Author Topic: Open Question: Sharing free energy during War Time?  (Read 411 times)
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 327
I wanted to ask the community on their opinion on sharing "free energy" in times of war. I am referring to the Gaza-Israel and Ukraine-Russia conflicts.

We live in quit a technological advanced time and sadly also in times of great conflict. We have lost our ways and lost the golden balance. There is nothing mysterious about "free energy". Its a process science has known about for ages called matter/anti-matter "annihilation". You can do this on every scale. The "free" part is the universe allowing you to "sacrifice" something for something else, matter to energy for example. Nature on every scale exists in two dual entities, forces, whatever you want to call them. Which can be seen as the "mother" and "father". When they rub against each other they create (friction) children. There is "positive" (decelerative) and "negative" (accelerative) friction and the perfect balance in between. What does that sound like to you? To me its not a story of good or evil. But a story of perfectly balanced love. The irony of it all is that these are also reflection of each other, the same coin but different sides.

There is no "free energy" that is like saying "free children", a preposterous idea. The only thing I found on this journey is two parents coming together and creating children. Where the "Mother" AND "Father" are equally important. They "touch", build bonds and children are created as a result on every scale. Atomic, Chemical, biological or higher. A child is but an empty vessel though. That if care is not taken can be fully corrupted by parents that themselves project their own traumas onto them. Like fighting in front of their children, abusing them like they were abused in the past, making them suffer through their addictions and so on. The child observes and absorbs all like a sponge. We need to set the example of how our children should become themselves. But instead we make children while we barely understand ourselves.

I believe all ideas come from a "far" place. A concept that has been perverted by greed and selfish desire fueled egos that have been corrupted by parents who held to old and broken ideas like "money" and "power". There is nothing more disgusting than calling an idea "mine". They are like children, a gift that was never "yours" to begin with. A gift that came from above or below, in the hope that it would receive a loving and tender home. But we always tend to corrupt things with "my child", "my race", "my religion", "my side". However sometimes children do transform the parents for the better which is a beautiful thing to see.

But how is sharing "free" energy in a world full of wars, a moral thing to do? How is sharing an idea in a world obsessed with sides and "good vs evil", not realizing there is no such thing, only "parents" that have lost their way because they themselves have been forsaken as a child? How can you share such a thing when many are still broken with past traumas and are thinking of war, revenge or revolution against their "oppressors"/parents/leaders/teachers/politicians. How can one bring such a child in the world only to be abused by fearful war mongering individuals that are horribly destroying countless families on a daily basis and continuing the cycle of trauma, hate, revenge and prejudice that then later project into the future as more conflict and war.

I have lost many nights over these questions and my mental health has suffered greatly for it. How can you bring something that is so useful for everyone yet at the same time can be used to destroy families in moronic war games of individuals that themselves have not processed their childhood traumas or fears? That didn't receive the proper love and care from their parents or because their parents themselves were broken or not absent to begin with. How do you make people see that its not about "good vs evil" but about parents that have failed. How do you bring something like that in a world full of forsaken and broken children? How can you bring a beautiful child as "free energy" into a broken world. My heart truly aches when I think of these things.

You know Adolf Hitler from a young age wanted to be an artist and attend art school. His father denied him his dream and wanted him to pursue a civil service career which created a lot tension between them. It was only after his fathers death that he felt "free" and could pursue his art career. But alas, he again failed because once more a "parent" figure, or teacher in this case, thought he was not "good enough" to attend art school and was denied his innocent dream. Do you not see the obvious trends? Do you not see what abusing, traumatizing and taking a child's hopes and dreams can lead to? Everything a child receives at a young age can and will project into the "future" as they age. In this case a literal world war. It is never about race, color, religions, theories or "sides". We are all one big diverse family of LIFE. And the destroyer of life is ALWAYS about the "parents". Abuse, preying on and denying their children's hope and dreams. Forcing them in old and flawed systems run by broken people that cumulate in war.

If we blind ourselves to such fundamental truths there is no chance that we will succeed on any conscientious level. The universe does not favor broken parents, broken love, broken families. The universe will always bring us down to its very bottom until we see the simple and obvious truth. Anything else like "democracy", "religion", "science" is information to keep the truth at bay. The simple and obvious truth of: Family love.

The limit is literally our imagination that can shape any future we desire, but its a parents job to "sacrifice" themselves, by working hard, for that cause and to guide their children where necessary giving them gentle nudges from their own experience to heed them from pit falls. But its NEVER a parents job block their children from their dreams.

When you break such a fundamental universal law the universe will break you. Like the countless of "free energy" cases in the past. Nikola Tesla failed not because he was "ahead" of his time. But because he closed himself completely off from the world and then from the universe itself.

The universe does not favor individuality, only perfectly balanced family love. That is the only "path" forward in this story we call life.
Einsteins statement was correct: "God does not play with dice.". As parents ( aka "gods") we can choose how balanced we are, we can deny our children everything, traumatize and hurt them, or give them everything they desire and completely waste/spoil them. As a parent its our JOB to find the perfect balance in love to make them grow as healthy and loving as possible. That is the only JOB that exists in this vast universe.

I appreciate any answer and perspective on this.

Posts: 48
I would even extend the question to "Sharing free energy during time of progressive climate change, overpollution, matrial exploitation of nature and war?"

As long as energy is a limited commodity or is traded as such, and as long as materials and natural resources are only available in certain parts of the world, there will always be autocrats who want to use it to boost their ego and increase their power. It is always the same and even scientifically proven, the richer the country in natural resources, the more oppressed and poor the population lives. The only exceptions are countries in which democratic structures were introduced before the mineral resources were discovered.

The only solution is free availability of energy and materials.

You know the Replicator from Star Trek, don't you? It's the device that brought world peace in the Star Trek story. That's fiction, of course, but there may be a grain of truth in it.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 327
Hi Frederik2k1, thank you for your answer.

The universe provides unlimited resources. Things such as trade and commerce are silly little games to keep some people entertained and others busy. Family Love is and sets you free if you do not corrupt it.

You know the Replicator from Star Trek, don't you? It's the device that brought world peace in the Star Trek story. That's fiction, of course, but there may be a grain of truth in it.

Nothing is "fiction". Anything we can imagine we can attain, only limited by our will power. Or what "science" calls work. Work is always needed to achieve anything. Its only corrupted by limited minds that manipulate others to build structures around "work" for their own personal gains and pleasures rather than pull up their sleeves like the rest and work for the benefit of the WHOLE "family". Ask yourself this, what parent takes advantage of their own child? Do we call such a parent "good"?

Consciousness is a "spectrum". Some are born more on one side than the other side. But its not about who is where on the spectrum or labeling people with silly names like "Aspergers" or "Psychosis". Its about finding the balance that works for the family as a whole, just how the universe is constantly keeping things in balance.

The universe always produces the "perfect balancer" child. There is always a "balancing" element that sits right at the interface. Call it the neutrino, the neutron, water, iron (between endo and exothermic nuclear reactions), dark energy, friction force. These balancer particles are "children" that build bonds and keep things together and sit in between two massive forces (their parents). All we need to do is keep looking for the "golden" balance in that spectrum of life and we can achieve anything our imagination can conjure. Its really not rocket science or perhaps it is.

Anyone who has a child knows this consciously or subconsciously.
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