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2024-10-24, 03:16:12
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Author Topic: Free Energy is easy  (Read 3740 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768

JimbootCertainly, Nelson Rocha has working tech because I replicated it and I believe Centraflow does as well. I wanted to get involved in Mikes tech and help out but it's really complicated and time consuming as Mike would probably agree. The timing, energy levels and geometry are beyond most persons capability but Mike makes it look easy. I have talked with Mike and he is a brilliant man who works harder than anyone I know to make progress.

SO you claim you have built a free energy but refuse to share any evidence of such a device. What sort of person starts a thread like this on OUR? You are like so many others before you that make extraordinary claims but have no evidence.. wait maybe I'm wrong and you're powering a stirling engine with all this hot air? I have more respect to the incorrect measurers and the delusional, at least they are more genuine. What a time waster.
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Posts: 143
Back to the topic at hand...
Consider the excited free electron jumping the band gap in a solar cell. The excited free electron may be jiggling back and forth but produces a linear motion or migration across the gap from (+) to (-). It reminds me of the Inertial Transmission having an rotating eccentric mass attached to a one way bearing. I replicated the Constantinesco device and it's a brilliant concept. http://rexresearch.com/constran/1constran.htm
The energy of the input or oscillating mass is always perfectly conserved until such time as the inertia of the mass can produce enough force to overcome the load force. It never wastes energy trying to fight the load like most concepts, it always conserves the energy.

You see, you just learned something new of real value which can be applied in countless ways.

What I just explained relates to Nikola Tesla's brilliant claim that all electrical systems can in fact be treated as mechanical systems. They are mechanical systems which simply act on a much smaller level we cannot see. The only real goal is to apply a force (field) to a mass (particle) producing motion (a current) in the most efficient way. It's easy and we could literally dispense with all the fancy equations and terminology so many seem obsessed with. This is called working with first principals, to discard all which is not required and only focus on what is. To discard all the complexity and only focus on what we want.


Back to the topic at hand...

The topic was easy Free Energy on an OverUnityResarch board. How is a transmission or torque converter relevant?

The only real goal is to apply a force (field) to a mass (particle) producing motion (a current) in the most efficient way.

No. The goal is Free Energy via Overunity. Efficiency, although desirable, is not a path to OU. Unity is the limit for loss reduction.


Posts: 27
I see a lot of people doing different things but I'm not sure they understand how FE works.

First, there are a few simple rules.
1)Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.

Right out of the gate you got bullet point 1 wrong. The Law of Conservation states that energy can only be transferred and transformed,  not just transformed as you stated. The issue with your comment is that you are modifying the facts to better support your argument, but if stated correctly it would work against your argument (as you did so eloquently yourself at the end of your post).

It appears your stuck on the transform part, and think that it’s the only possible underlining principle an FE device incorporates. Then, you go on to spread internet falsehoods regarding refrigeration COP, please stop.

As someone who has been in the industry for decades it is a pet peeve of mine when internet theorist armed with a Wikipedia education make false claims regarding the COP of systems they know nothing about. A refrigeration system DOES NOT transform energy as a product, it only can TRANSFER energy as noted by the law (Point A to Point B energy transfer). In a refrigeration system, COP is a variable (unknown to many) that represents energy transfer, and that is completely different  from the efficiency of a diesel driven generator. Those systems do not transfer energy, they convert energy through a specific transformation process.

In a refrigeration system, the rated efficiency (aka nameplate data) IS ONLY at a specific set of conditions. The BTU output of ALL refrigeration systems is variable even with a constant volume compressor. You would only know this through real world experience.

As an example. Residential AC systems (aka high temperature refrigeration) are rated at 95 Deg.F Outdoor Air conditions. So when we are coupled with an engineered indoor evaporator system and about a 78 Deg.F air temperature traveling across the face of the evaporator moving at a rate of an estimated 400 CFM per ton of cooling and a speed of 400 - 650 fpm velocity at 95 Deg.F outdoor air I will have rated nameplate BTU transfer and achieve rated COP.

BUT when outdoor air temperatures rise above rated outdoor (engineered) design of 95 Deg.F, guess what, the refrigeration effect is reduced and you can no longer achieve nameplate transfer even if indoor conditions are stable within design specifications (but that is not a possibility).So in other words your system gets smaller and can’t deliver nameplate BTU transfer (per hour). Here nameplate COP plummets.

Just ask anyone in Arizona if a 5-ton AC system sitting in 115 Degree heat actually actually delivers 60k btu’s. Anyone who thinks it does has no knowledge of the physics associated with the transfer of energy utilizing a refrigerant. It GETS BETTER, what do you think happens when your AC system, that is rated for nameplate btu/hr @95 DegF, is operating well below that value, like 78 DegF. (outside air) Well guess what, compressor amps drop dramatically and COP goes through the roof on the grounds that now, per pound of refrigerant, I can capture and transport more heat energy and that leads to greater nameplate capacity at greatly reduced energy consumption. Not uncommon at all for a 5-ton system (60k btu/hr) to deliver over 75k btu/hr (been there done that with industrial systems). This is because refrigeration is based on energy transfer, at specific conditions, and that is a variable driven by the temperature/pressure relationship.

So when we speak of a FE device we are referring to a device which converts or transforms naturally occurring energy already present.

What do you mean by when WE speak? Who in the heck is WE? A system that is based on energy transformation is maxed at 100% output (excluding losses). A system based on these principles can never achieve overunity. This should be common knowledge (and sense) and WE may want to study the Law of Conservation.

In effect, what everyone is looking for is Maxwell's Demon and they would do well to research it.

Certainly not me. If your looking for a more efficient energy TRANSFORMATION technique all hope is lost because the Law of Conservation, as you quoted incorrectly at the start of your post, will not allow you to transform more energy than what you are starting with. But, a more efficient energy TRANSFER technique is the only clear and real possibility.

In fact, most FE inventors claimed the output is independent of the input. The input does not create the output the input controls the process which determines the output.

I agree with you here and much like a refrigeration system the compressor, plays a part in the amount of energy that is transferred from point A to point B. Output being independent is stated by FE inventors because they know the difference between energy transfer and transformation. Here is a little mind fu@k for you. Even in the OFF cycle (ie compressor not running) a refrigeration system is transferring energy with no power being utilized. How is this possible? Is it now overunity? Has nothing to do with transformation of energy BUT everything to do with understanding energy transfer.

In effect, the input energizes Maxwell's Demon which then allows it to control the flow of energy within the system. Similar to powering up a circuit to control some traffic lights. The energy in the circuit is not the energy of the traffic, the circuit only controls the traffic.

You should have stopped at the prior statement, now your making claims of flow (which is a transfer) of energy where at the beginning of your post you chose to educate people that the keyword in the Law of Conservation was transformed. Engineering distinguishes between transfer and transformation.

So if you correct your statement to fall inline with your logic it would say “ In effect, the input energizes Maxwell's Demon which then allows it to control the transformation of energy within the system”. Do you now see how that mindset is flawed? Your Demon will never transform more output than input (requires understanding of conservation). The solution has to be in the energy transfer.

I am not trying to be a jerk here, your understanding of conservation, along with energy transfer through the refrigerant process and its associated COP calculation are all armchair internet based. I have a hard time sitting idle when falsehoods are distributed as if it were grounded theory based on decades of real world engineering experience. I am sure I can learn from you, but this isn't neither the forum or the subject matter. I also agree with the others in that you do not have an FE device. 


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The topic was easy Free Energy on an OverUnityResarch board. How is a transmission or torque converter relevant?
It is relevant because the inertial concept in question does not apply the input directly to the output. The input can act on the inertial mass and the inertial mass can act on the output but the input cannot act directly on the output. Similar to how Centraflow did not build a simple transformer where the input acts directly on the output. The input acts on an intermediary element which can then act on the output but the input should never act directly on the output because we already know the result, it will not work.

No. The goal is Free Energy via Overunity. Efficiency, although desirable, is not a path to OU. Unity is the limit for loss reduction.
Does it matter?, if the output is twice the input and a device can do useful work for next to nothing does it matter what we call it?.

On efficiency, look at the history of almost every FE inventor and you will find almost nobody was looking for OU or FE. They were trying to improve the efficiency of devices and stumbled onto an anomaly. As one FE inventor put it, a unexplained gain of 10% in a system which is only 50% efficient is basically useless. So we start by trying to build a system as efficient as possible then take the next step where the output exceeds the input. We should learn how to walk before we try running.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 143
BistanderIt is relevant because the inertial concept in question does not apply the input directly to the output. The input can act on the inertial mass and the inertial mass can act on the output but the input cannot act directly on the output. Similar to how Centraflow did not build a simple transformer where the input acts directly on the output. The input acts on an intermediary element which can then act on the output but the input should never act directly on the output because we already know the result, it will not work.
Does it matter?, if the output is twice the input and a device can do useful work for next to nothing does it matter what we call it?.

On efficiency, look at the history of almost every FE inventor and you will find almost nobody was looking for OU or FE. They were trying to improve the efficiency of devices and stumbled onto an anomaly. As one FE inventor put it, a unexplained gain of 10% in a system which is only 50% efficient is basically useless. So we start by trying to build a system as efficient as possible then take the next step where the output exceeds the input. We should learn how to walk before we try running.


I checked with ChatGPT:

I said:
Has anyone ever invented free energy or a free energy device or method?

ChatGPT said:

No one has successfully invented or demonstrated a working "free energy" device or method. The concept of "free energy" generally refers to the idea of generating energy without any input, which would violate the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, particularly the first and second laws. These laws dictate that energy cannot be created or destroyed (only converted from one form to another) and that energy systems naturally progress toward a state of entropy, meaning no system can be perfectly efficient.

Over the years, many individuals have claimed to have developed free energy devices, such as perpetual motion machines, but none of these have been validated by the scientific community. These devices often turn out to be hoaxes, misunderstandings, or result from flawed experiments. Scientific consensus maintains that free energy, as often described, is not possible according to our current understanding of physics.

I said:
Thanks, bi

ChatGPT said:
You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

I believe I have said the same thing to you before in my own words.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
We could ask ChatGPT -is the output of a system always equal to the input in open systems?.

Answer: In open systems, the output is not always equal to the input. Here's why:

-Energy and Matter Exchange: Open systems exchange energy and matter with their environment. This means that the system can gain or lose energy and matter, which can lead to differences between input and output. For example, in a chemical reaction, the input may be certain reactants, but the output will be the products along with any energy released or absorbed.

-System Dynamics: The behavior of open systems is often governed by complex dynamics. In many cases, open systems undergo transformations or processes that change the nature of the input. For example, in biological systems, nutrients (input) are converted into various forms of energy and waste products (output).

-Interactions and Feedback: Open systems can be influenced by feedback mechanisms where the output can affect the input. In such cases, the relationship between input and output can be dynamic and variable.

So in a closed system we only look at the energy within the system ie. (the total energy of an isolated system remains constant). In an open system we must look at the energy withing the system and also the external energy flowing into and out of the system. You see, the output can exceed the input while energy is being conserved if we look at the total energy of an open system.

For example, it would be easy to trick most people into believing I had an OU system. I would show them a big circuit with many coils of wire, switches and signal diodes. The circuit is a joule thief running at 99% efficiency and in sunlight the PN junctions of all the signal diodes acts just like the PN junction of a solar cell. As they move there hand closer the voltage changes and some might think it's the electric field and not shadowing of the diodes. Thus many things could appear as OU depending on our knowledge and understanding. We can also see why efficiency is so important and if the circuit was less efficient we might never notice the extra energy coming from all the diodes. The same seems to be true of most FE devices.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 143
We could ask ChatGPT -is the output of a system always equal to the input in open systems?.

Answer: In open systems, the output is not always equal to the input. Here's why:

-Energy and Matter Exchange: Open systems exchange energy and matter with their environment. This means that the system can gain or lose energy and matter, which can lead to differences between input and output. For example, in a chemical reaction, the input may be certain reactants, but the output will be the products along with any energy released or absorbed.

-System Dynamics: The behavior of open systems is often governed by complex dynamics. In many cases, open systems undergo transformations or processes that change the nature of the input. For example, in biological systems, nutrients (input) are converted into various forms of energy and waste products (output).

-Interactions and Feedback: Open systems can be influenced by feedback mechanisms where the output can affect the input. In such cases, the relationship between input and output can be dynamic and variable.

So in a closed system we only look at the energy within the system ie. (the total energy of an isolated system remains constant). In an open system we must look at the energy withing the system and also the external energy flowing into and out of the system. You see, the output can exceed the input while energy is being conserved if we look at the total energy of an open system.

For example, it would be easy to trick most people into believing I had an OU system. I would show them a big circuit with many coils of wire, switches and signal diodes. The circuit is a joule thief running at 99% efficiency and in sunlight the PN junctions of all the signal diodes acts just like the PN junction of a solar cell. As they move there hand closer the voltage changes and some might think it's the electric field and not shadowing of the diodes. Thus many things could appear as OU depending on our knowledge and understanding. We can also see why efficiency is so important and if the circuit was less efficient we might never notice the extra energy coming from all the diodes. The same seems to be true of most FE devices.


So ChatGPT gives the following information:

I said:

In physics, explain closed
systems vs open systems.

ChatGPT said:

In physics, the concepts of closed and open systems are used to describe how matter and energy interact with their surroundings.

Closed System:

A closed system is one where no matter is allowed to enter or leave the system, but energy can be exchanged with the surroundings.
Examples: A sealed container of gas or a thermos bottle. In these cases, the amount of gas or liquid within the container remains constant, but heat can flow in or out.

Open System:

An open system, on the other hand, can exchange both matter and energy with its surroundings.
Examples: A boiling pot of water. Steam (matter) escapes into the air, and heat (energy) is transferred from the stove to the pot.
The distinction helps in analyzing physical processes by understanding how interactions with the environment affect the system.

From this and your post, I conclude that you consider the internal combustion engine a Free Energy device because considering it an open system, energy output far exceeds energy input; nevermind the exchange of matter with the environment. Your logic defies reason.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
From this and your post, I conclude that you consider the internal combustion engine a Free Energy device because considering it an open system, energy output far exceeds energy input; nevermind the exchange of matter with the environment. Your logic defies reason.

I can understand why a more universal perspective can seem confusing to many. I don't adhere to populism or the popular notion of things and only look at facts and first principals.

For example, can an internal combustion engine be considered a Free Energy device?. Yes it can if the energy source at work is inherently free or without cost. If an engine could split water and combust the hydrogen producing a demonstrable power gain and the water was free then by definition it is a free energy device.

With a few questions to the AI I found the quite logical reason for our disagreement. The AI does not consider a closed system the same as an isolated system where I do. Closed means closed and nothing gets in or out. As well, I do not recognize the notion of an isolated system because an "isolated system" is only a theoretical construct.

Isolated System: An isolated system, where neither energy nor matter can be exchanged, is a theoretical construct that serves as an ideal model for studying energy conservation in a completely self-contained environment.

Ergo, an isolated system it is not real, it is made up and I do not recognize made up things when using first principals. I do not recognize an isolated system or lines of force or positive charges flowing in wires or imaginary dimensions or any other imaginary things people choose to make up. These false beliefs in imaginary things is probably why so many people continue to fail to produce the desired results.

For example, in an electric free energy device only one concept is relevant. That work is done on the free electrons moving them more than expected thus producing more power which is inherently free of cost. This is a first principal and any other beliefs anyone may have about electrical systems are for the most part irrelevant.

First-Principles Thinking:
Problem-Solving Approach: First-principles thinking involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic elements (the first principles) and building solutions from there. This approach encourages innovation and creative thinking because it avoids relying on established assumptions or analogies.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 143
I can understand why a more universal perspective can seem confusing to many. I don't adhere to populism or the popular notion of things and only look at facts and first principals.

For example, can an internal combustion engine be considered a Free Energy device?. Yes it can if the energy source at work is inherently free or without cost. If an engine could split water and combust the hydrogen producing a demonstrable power gain and the water was free then by definition it is a free energy device.

With a few questions to the AI I found the quite logical reason for our disagreement. The AI does not consider a closed system the same as an isolated system where I do. Closed means closed and nothing gets in or out. As well, I do not recognize the notion of an isolated system because an "isolated system" is only a theoretical construct.

Ergo, an isolated system it is not real, it is made up and I do not recognize made up things when using first principals. I do not recognize an isolated system or lines of force or positive charges flowing in wires or imaginary dimensions or any other imaginary things people choose to make up. These false beliefs in imaginary things is probably why so many people continue to fail to produce the desired results.

For example, in an electric free energy device only one concept is relevant. That work is done on the free electrons moving them more than expected thus producing more power which is inherently free of cost. This is a first principal and any other beliefs anyone may have about electrical systems are for the most part irrelevant.


So, for you, Free Energy is easy because you make up your own definitions and rules/laws of physics/nature and consider everybody stupid and irrelevant. You've even made the case that a modern day 5th grader is smarter than, who was it, Copernicus, or Newton?

You are in an elite club; Free Energy Inventors. Have fun.
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