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2024-10-23, 19:30:48
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Author Topic: JOE CELL Initiative  (Read 12752 times)
Full Member

Posts: 140
Here we have people who would like to learn/ witness this transformation/or transmutation
I see you reached out for Dave L( or tried)

One thing which is very odd to read in your posts ( I am confused by this save the white race or something?
Is this exclusive
Or ?
All inclusive ( the technology you wish to present ..
If you will allow some visits or teaching ?
I can ask our host about a builders bench ( which you would moderate)
Is that your plan to teach ?

I can also try to reach Dave
Chet K

The white race thing in the year 2020 is a prophesy of Edgar Cayce as an example of of Cayce's ability to predict and heal all from the same source. I could have used many examples as there are 15,000 readings to choose from, but I did make the post relevant to todays world. Perhaps one may now understand why such people were burned at the stake. Now we just ban them them from twitter or such. The truth is never what they want to hear. As with many prophets, Hindsight gives new meaning to his words uttered near 80 years ago.
It was an example of Cayce accessing the AKASHIC records which is another term for Heaven, Aether or the Universal Mind of God. Depending upon whose 'bible' you are reading.

This technology can give one these Gifts of second sight. Better to allude to them before giving the lessons.
This technology replaces every scientific fact man thinks is correct.
I have a couple Russians visiting my Pyramid as I write this to use the JoeCell Hand Cell. I vet people who wish to meet Joe.
I teach any and all magnetic healing.
It is a condition of Joe's that I say it the way he says it. So I do and then translate it into plainer english.

If you read the relevant line of every post, its all there. How to build cells. how to power them up. The sequencing what they mean. And the Aetheric Input to make a Cell function in a Mental Universe. All this is known on many other forums. Yet they dont like the way its going. If I talk about graphene and vaxx its because Joe and I know that this is the only technology that can INERT the Graphene thats being placed in the food and water. Without one's health. YOU have NOTHING. The world is in the first of the 3 stages of Revelation. Denial, Objection and then they accept it as true. We are still in denial and I am trying to avoid the 3rd.

All this aside. If we have such opposition to conventionality and new ideas, then it would be best to have my own bench. Can this be arranged?
And yes Its a teaching bench. There is much to UNlearn before Learning can begin it seems.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
Our strongpoint in open source FE community
Are open minded sincere people..

Jimboot is in your part of the world, and is ( like myself and others)
Genuinely interested in learning more .
Can you correspond with Jim ?( send a pm here)

I just hung up a call with him .
Will try to reach out for Dave today or ? ( might take a few days
Chet K

Full Member

Posts: 140
It falls into the category of "cool story bro" if you make an unverifiable claim. It's sounds interesting and good luck in whatever you are doing

Well Jim you do live 18 hours drive from Joe's residence. Literally 100's have traveled longer distances to hear what Joe has done next. I have made the trip of 6 hours drive each way, well over a 100 times over the last 27 years. We all go there to see the latest invention INSPIRED by GOD and each and every invention I refer to, literally 100's saw it preform.  Its not UNVERIFIABLE or a cool 'story'. Its REAL, Factual and its the Future (eventually) There is no where else you can contribute with a donation for the Lab expenses to witness any and all these inventions. Your choice to stay at home doesnt make them unverifiable for those who make the effort. Joe has built MANY CELLS and GIFTS them away. I have been gifted 7 so far. I know of many who still use their Cells for the purpose they were designed for.  Joe likes to exchange Gifts. conditions apply of course. Those of us who have received a Gift from God dont shout it to the world, post on Utube, we understand by the Grace of God, why we received these Gifts. Peter Stevens and Alex Schifflier literally "stole" their Cells and You and Sollaris are the Products of this Theft. Actions have consequences.
Finally the Truth about "EVERYTHING JOECELL" has arrived .... And it is a cool story bro.

Even Peter Stevens found the Truth in the end.... thankyou Lynn well spoken and i agree with you i understand Zero but Gods love which is important to give freely in the interchange of minds connected in our lives

I really do not like the direction in which this thread is going.

 I think it is time to let JOE(the man from Australia) rest.

If you Merlyn can teach us something or have something to show , please do so  , else I do not see any reason to keep this thread Open.

Thank you.

and you're not happy with this 'direction'. Really you should hang your head in shame over what this Holy Man has Gifted to the World. Do you have any idea the number of people who came to Joe's House for HEALING and not his inventions. HUNDREDS. Joe has told me of nearly every person/case and how their own personal miracle helped them. Where do Miracles come from? Some level of Magic or Technology or Higher source? This is the Science of the Kabalian or Hermes Trismegistus that BUILT everything in stone that poor brain dead humans cant get past slaves pounding rocks together for a perfect fit. Built before Brass tools were even invented. You are clearly missing something here. Is it any wonder you havent a Clue about JoeCell's origin or why they exist, that you now are violently opposed to?

The problem of course has always been, the inability to reverse engineer a device designed by GOD, built by a Follower of God and operates on God Science. (A device designed by Intuition, built by an Intuitive person that uses Magnetic Fields only visible by one who has this Gift of God of Second Sight to SEE these magnetic Fields and how to play with them)  Without such operating IP they cant be reproduced in your workshop as you have a problem with this GOD thing. Its not hard to understand and when one finally 'gets it' even life becomes more fun.

I am TEACHING everyone, how to reverse engineer the Impossible. Made impossible by closed minds only.

I am astounded that you havent learnt something "new" from the teachings I have already given. I would surmise that you cannot recognize pearls that are caste before your holy personage or you havent read any other post, SilverJoe Thread or link I authored.

Tesla's ENTIRE science is Based upon the Baghdad Battery. Without the invention of the Battery, there can be NO coil of battery Direct Current to magnetize iron to rotate past a copper coil and to CREATE Alternating Current. Never thought if it that way have you?

Most JoeCells are a Battery. The TubeCell that ran a Car is a very neat Battery. This new method of constructing a Battery will give rise to millions of new inventions if one has an open mind. Joe's Battery is a Scalar Battery or an Aetheric Non Hertzian energy Battery. Joe insists I use the word GOD to explain it. I would rather update the idea of God, but its not science apparently it seems which ever way I do it. Your Grey Matter is a Scalar Non Hertzian Battery. Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

This will be my last post on this thread. After buying in, its time to sell out. The moderators MUST lock this thread as it cannot go anywhere positive under this 'initiative' of denying the source for this thread, much less the total lack of understandings that must be corrected for any meaningful further Insights to the many JoeCells, that one can build.

To be honest though, I was about done with the laborious theory part of how these are god science Cells or Batteries with their unique operational instructions, but will continue in another thread their design parameters.

Please Upwise yourself if y'all wish to follow into another thread where your questions will be most welcome.

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