I used my grenade and inductors (which i build years ago) inductance values for this setup.
My grenade (L2) measures 152uH (0.5 Ohm) and the inductor (L1) 230uH (0.4 Ohm) when put together, so when closely coupled.
When shorting the grenade (L2), the inductor (L1) measures 195.5uH and when shorting the inductor, the grenade (L2) measures 126.3uH. This way we could calculate the mutual inductance???
So for the grenade (L2) to resonate at 16Khz, i added a 655.3nF parallel cap (C2) and for the inductor (L1) to resonate at 32Khz i added a 107.55nF series cap (C1), see drawing.
The load on the grenade (L2) is a 100 Ohm resistor.
I pulse the series LC with a 20Vpp AC square wave 50% duty cycle at 16Khz.
The coupling factor for the grenade/inductor is set at 0.7, but any guess would do i think.
First screenshot is the circuit as mentioned and the voltage (green) across the series LC (L1 C1), the current (blue) through the series LC (L1 C1) and the voltage (red) across L1.
Second screenshot is the same circuit, but measuring the voltage (grey is hidden) and current (purple) across and through R1.
so we see a strong tendency to resonate at 32Khz, both the series LC inductor L1C1 (makes sense) and the grenade output R1.
Guess the mutual inductance and thus the coupling factor are fooling around here.
But this is a start i hope for further tinkering, suggestions appreciated.
LTspice file added below.