Hi all, Materials that change temperature in response to electric fields are generically known as electrocalorics. Until I read the article, I was unaware. A search here turned up zip, so I thought I'd throw it out in case there be some interest. Sounds like certain materials, as used in a capacitor, will heat when charged, which I would expect, but they will actively cool when discharged. This sounds strange to me, but if true, possiblity is application as heat pump. Anyway, here is link to the article. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/11/capacitor-based-heat-pumps-see-big-boost-in-efficiency/Also see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocaloric_effect#:~:text=It%20is%20often%20considered%20to,junction%20with%20two%20dissimilar%20conductors. Regards, bi