Looking at these images more closely is quiet interesting as well. A 50 mile long narrow cloud comes out of Rotterdam at really high speed and proceeds across to the UK to join a major cloud front, i wish i knew how to join these images into a animated gif because it's much easier to see. If you look at frame 13:45 just above Rotterdam on the right of the picture you can see this cloud missile. within the next 15 minuets it has almost merged into the cloud above Kent in the UK and it stays there, you can see it merging in frame 14:00 and in 14:15 it's still merged, so this 100 MPH cloud missile gets launched from Amsterdam proceeds to the UK, find the nearest large cloud front and decelerates and mergers to join the cloud from. EDIT managed to video PC Screen  Not sure if it's high enough res to see the cloud missile, you might have to open up to full screen size. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yGjwSU_u8M&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] OK Here's a close up video of the Cloud Missile [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBFCdaDObiU&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]