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2025-03-23, 20:56:08
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Author Topic: Weather Contol in UK What is going on here.  (Read 5014 times)

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
OK so i am sitting here looking at a site called Rain Today which shows snaps shots of data from weather satellites, trying to work out whats coming my way, and then for 15 minuets a whole cloud front vanishes and then 15 minuets later it gradually reappears.

How can that happen, it's as if someone switched it off for a while LOL

Could this be weather control at the touch of a switch, surely this could not happen naturally.?

Here's some frame shots every 15 minuets.
Look at 13:45 a whole section of cloud front has gone for a while.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Looking at these images more closely is quiet interesting as well.

A 50 mile long narrow cloud comes out of Rotterdam at really high speed and proceeds across to the UK to join a major cloud front, i wish i knew how to join these images into a animated gif because it's much easier to see.

If you look at frame 13:45 just above Rotterdam on the right of the picture you can see this cloud missile.
within the next 15 minuets it has almost merged into the cloud above Kent in the UK and it stays there, you can see it merging in frame 14:00 and in 14:15 it's still merged, so this 100 MPH cloud missile gets launched from Amsterdam proceeds to the UK, find the nearest large cloud front and decelerates and mergers to join the cloud from.

EDIT managed to video PC Screen :) Not sure if it's high enough res to see the cloud missile, you might have to open up to full screen size.

OK Here's a close up video of the Cloud Missile
Group: Guest
You Brits are being HAARPed.  Click on the Link below to see it:


Hero Member

Posts: 1582
You Brits are being HAARPed.
How? and Why?
Group: Guest
Explanation more plausible than a conspiracy theory:
- real natural phenomenon (ask meteorologists)
- missing or wrong data which the pictures are based on, due to sat problems, to the links or to the earth station.

Hero Member

Posts: 1582
Explanation more plausible than a conspiracy theory:
- real natural phenomenon (ask meteorologists)
- missing or wrong data which the pictures are based on, due to sat problems, to the links or to the earth station.
But what 2real natural phenomenon?

We have had some pretty weird weather recently.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
But what 2real natural phenomenon?

We have had some pretty weird weather recently.
I think that goes for most of the world atm


Mike  8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Jr. Member

Posts: 90
The nasty but extremely able politicians in GB (the ones who triggered BREXIT) are indeed controlling the weather. They want to hit the EU (which they will leave pretty soon by way of a HARD BREXIT) with a spell of bad weather to improve their bargaining position.

Once GB has left the EU it will arm itself to the teeth in order to re-conquer the Commonwealth. Not only will GB re-take the Indian Subcontinent, Australia and New Zealand, but also North America and Canada. The EU-countries will be taken over along the way, first of all Ireland. GB will not conquer Africa, Asia, South America and Russia, because one needs an enemy to run an empire. The impoverished masses need something to do, therefore perpetual war.

The Duke of Cambridge has to father as many children as possible to have enough royals for a world wide Commonwealth. The future is monarchy, not inept democracy. Look at the tourists from all over the world standing in front of Buckingham Palace in London wishing to be subjects of a powerful royal house. Their wish will be fulfilled.

So, first weather control, then world control.

Greetings, Conrad (a future subject of the much loved and respected figure across the globe, HRH the Queen https://www.royal.uk/her-majesty-the-queen )
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