I can't tell from the video if your cores are welded together or epoxied, or whether there are shunts in place but it seems what you have initially is a very poorly coupled inductor pair, below the dignity of the name transformer. It has an initial k of around 0.01 Almost anything you do will improve the coupling and up the k factor.
Even with the PM, the k only improves to about 0.1, still way below what a good transformer would do.
You can take any poorly coupled transformer, add more iron and up the coupling efficiency, but you could not call that a "Magnetic Power Amplifier" rather it would be just a coupling efficiency improvement not an amplification of power.
Your signal generator supplies the initial power, and most of it is lost in the poor coupling, there is no net amplification of power, and the power out does not even come close to the power in.
When starting with such a crippled "transformer" and then calling it a "Magnetic Power Amplifier" in your title is questionable although it may serve other purposes for you.
Of course we could get lost arguing semantics, but the language of engineering and science is fairly clear as to what constitutes a "power amplification".
When you get the k factor over 1.0 then you might call it an amplifier.
Might be interesting to try a bar of iron held tightly in exactly the same position as the magnet and see what you get.
As an example say you had a fluid flow transmission torque converter, but the turbine input blades are tilted such that all the power input is lost in sloshing oil around, the force of which never makes it to the output turbine blade. Now change the pitch of the driving turbine so that it is directed squarely at the output turbine blade. Now the coupling efficiency has improved many fold, but it is still the engine that supplies the power.
The analogue of an electrical transformer is a transmission or gear ratio in mechanics, and not much more.
I think it would be interesting to take electronic components and compare them to mechanical components going deeper into the equivalents of for example in a transformer the leakage inductance, core loss, winding loss etc.
Regards ION
« Last Edit: 2016-09-06, 23:31:15 by ION »
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