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2025-03-07, 02:24:17
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Author Topic: Verification and theoretical explanation of the Osamu Ide experiment  (Read 5931 times)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
Just came across this recent paper at AIAS (Myron Evans' Unified Field Theories)
Perhaps something to get into here as the effect is repeatable.

Group: Guest
Good to see you still looking into this ECE theory.  I do think it adds the flexibility to explain mathematically what would otherwise be overlooked or dismissed.

As for driving transformers with modern high power, low internal resistance MOSFETs, when I use IRFB3077's, I can almost always get the ringing effect mentioned in the white paper.  In fact, it is extremely difficult to not get it.  I can get this effect at various amplitudes with many different cores too, not just ferrite.  When large source power capacitors are used with wide high amperage traces on the circuit boards, it appears to me there is a surge current that drives the transformer into saturation for just a brief moment, as though the core simply cannot deal with the initial power density.

With this design, I have to use a snubber circuit and bleed off the reflection into high wattage power resistors to prevent the kickback from destroying the silicon.  I've never actually measured the power dissipation of these resistors, but at times they do seem to be at or "possibly" in excess of the total power used by the circuit.  Let's just say two 10 watt 1k resistors get smoking hot when only using 24 volts, 1 amp DC for the power supply, while still driving a load on the secondary of the transformer.

So yes Smudge, there is probably something here worth exploring further.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
And this:
came down from on high.
That is why I then pursued it further.
The ringing should not be snubbed but pushed in phase with another pulse(swing set analogy).
This is what gets 2 transformers reflecting back and forth.
It also gets the TPU thumping.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
The AIAS paper 295 has this:-

"We have identified many situations under which that ECE system becomes Maxwellian and is
forced to stay there because of its stable nature. We shall now present the conditions for the
opposite to be true, i.e. the ECE system to become non-Maxwellian state, and stay there.

Whether the state of an electromagnetic field is Maxwellian or not prior to “turning on the
switch” is still open for discussion. Let us assume the worst, and assume that the state is
Maxwellian, (or has become Maxwellian by one of the mechanisms discussed above). To
achieve a non-Maxwellian ECE state, none of the potentials can ever be zero, nor can they ever
become separable nor continuous. This means that the system has to placed in a state of
potential that is either negative or positive, and remains that way, and that the potentials become
discontinuous making their derivative multi-valued, or perhaps “near infinite”. A pulsed
potential, with extremely fast rise and collapse times would have this property, for example.

Another case is a ferromagnetic transition, i.e. the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material is
changed in a state not being in saturation. This represents an effect of a multi-valued force field
and potential. The potential is non-conservative because the energy required for the transition
depends on the path in phase space. These examples have to be studied further."

Group: Guest

New Electron Spin Secrets Revealed
Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Cambridge in the UK have demonstrated that it is possible to directly generate an electric current in a magnetic material
by rotating its magnetization.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
New Electron Spin Secrets Revealed
Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Cambridge in the UK have demonstrated that it is possible to directly generate an electric current in a magnetic material
by rotating its magnetization.


That link gives only a reference to the demonstration of electric current in ferromagnetic materials.  When you follow that you find it is using electron precession to create charge pumping at the high frequencies of that precession, so it is an RF phenomenon.

What is interesting in your link is the main article that claims the conduction electrons travelling along a wire carrying constant current do not travel at a constant drift velocity.  That goes against all accepted theories so it is worth studying.  It claims that the electrons have a sort of drift acceleration, and this is accompanied by a variation in electron density along the wire and the net effect of the changing velocity and the changing density is a constant current along the wire. The one effect cancels out the other.  If this is true then it opens up a whole new paradigm.  I am not sure I agree with the findings, I need more time to study them.  The author thinks this could lead to a unified field theory.

Group: Guest
I posted it  here in order to don't loose this information, yes the interesting is
"the conduction electrons travelling along a wire carrying constant current do not travel at a constant drift velocity"
this could explain the TPU cannonball effect or Energia Celeste patent.
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