Does it really matter if it was a fake or not, the important thing is that a lot of learning has happened because of it, and i think we all accept that the thing needs time spent to come to our own conclusions, specially if the end result is knowledge, more importantly it has brought a lot of people into this area of research and one day one of those people may indeed make a discovery in another area, fact is the more brains playing with this stuff stumbling around in different directions the better.
I have to say the only reason i started working on OU stuff was because of user Mike the guy that vanished without a trace with the window motor, that's how my interest grew, but it takes a lot more inside a person to work on this stuff, you could almost say we were born to work on this stuff, it makes us feel good and it can make us feel bad, but we are doing it because we enjoy doing it, and when we stop enjoying it we might as well move onto Stamp collecting or something.