Greetings. Have been following this thread and others with much interest as a guest. Happy to be a member now. I write graphics software, and have done image enhancing for years, so followed up on Wattsup's findings and thought it would be illustrative. (attached) This image is a composite of 2 frames, and before and after. The plastic looking filter is a combination of some high pass, and gaussian work, subtractions, generating a lighting aspect among contours. I also adjusted the gamma to better illuminate the wires.
I am thinking that a Sketch-up 3D model of this would be illustrative, then all wires can be traced, modeled and their purposes be known, and such would also allow for a one-to-one wiring matched replication. I'll look into that as time allows. My own build, which will add Wire X+X to the mix, is currently at the mercy of cutting the rest of my cores. I have 3 of the 18 done, and getting them sized exactly has been challenging.