Hi folks .. I had an Interesting chat with one of this forums members Graham and It so happened that he has at some stage worked for one of the supply authorities now stupid as it may sound It never really crossed my mind that it might be easier to explain some of the 'practical' aspects of what is occurring in the terms of Heavy power and power distribution. It might also be politic to explain what is happening in Jeans posting and the bedine wheel that is slowing the power meters down or turning them backwards. because its related First a stupid statement, (I'm remarkably good at those) , A power meter does not measure power !
Ok so those few that haven't just removed themselves to another thread … No it doesn't . The job of that meter which incidentally is one of Tesla's more odious patents , is to record your energy use.
Energy as I bet you all know is Power x time , to use the simple example of a 2 Kw fire, turn the fire on for 10 hours and you have used 10 hours x 2Kw = 20KW/hrs for which you'll be charged a mere pittance by your caring supply authority.
So here is the first thing to grasp the power meter records energy use not power.
However it obviously has to gauge power use at any particular instant in time. Oh dear another stupid statement coming up … No instrument measures power directly, power in turn is made up of Volts and Amps (that’s not quite true in AC circuits as I'll explain in a little while .. (now's not the right time honey) so say 230 volts x 10 amps = 2300 Watts or 2.3 KW getting the picture ?
So the meter then effectively measures voltage and current which in turn puts mechanical force on the wheel which must then turn faster or slower with respect to time. (there obviously has to be a time relationship because its KW/
So lets take a look at a typical wallet punishing example .. Indeed whilst searching for a picture I came up with this pretty good video that probably does a better job than my writing so perhaps you might like to take it on board?
he was something of an engineer our man Tesla wasn't he? Anyway in simple terms although monitoring voltage which is pretty stable (230 v or 110 v) whatever your flavour the meters actually responding mainly to current .
Looking at the circuit diagram you will see the neutral line is simply a short circuit . If you physically look at your meter you'll see the neutrals are always in the centre . That is because in practice they are one solid bar the only reason the neutral enters the meter at all is to supply a reference voltage.
The neutral cable is also earthed on the supply side . In fact although not recommended these days because of the advent of earth trips electricians used to test to earth with a test lamp in preference to neutral . You could (if you so wished) although not recommended open a plug remove the neutral wire connect it to earth and plug the appliance back in .. It would still work. So now you can see the meter is really responding for the most part to current physically passing through the meter via the live connections.
(wow I thought this would be easy)
I'm afraid there's a little more .. You recall I said Power = Vx I ?
not in AC circuits it doesn’t it gets a little confusing because its meant to be that way , the trades are not supposed to understand each other if they did we should have had free energy for the last hundred years. Oh no in AC circuits P= VI cos θ and cos θ is the Cosine of the angle between voltage and current. Here then is a major key component coming up for every free energy machine Power = V x I x cos θ needs to be very close to zero in other words θ needs to be 90deg. Perhaps electricians never stop to regard things in this light because the concept of intentionally running anything at PF zero is an anathema. We are trained to avoid that area at all costs .. “here be dragons” and aim for unity Power factor still that’s exactly the area Radiant energy lies in. This 90 deg phase shift I speak of is known by other trades as “resonance” you see gotoluc trying to hold a 90deg phase shift .. or if you like resonance. The guys bang on target , the hounds have the scent! thats just where he needs to be!
So how does the Bedine wheel bring the meter to a standstill? I'm going to cover this a little better in a moment but in brief … The Bedine wheel is an impulse device it generates a linear wave (an impulse) it works rather as the human ear does .. like beating a drum.
This wave is not taught .. its effects are denied, all the theory is missing . With the Bedine machine in that configuration .. using the capacitors as an output , with a transformer to effectively match the impedance of the Bedine wheel to the grid it becomes possible to reflect impulses back that counter the phase difference which the meter requires to operate on in the first place.
You guys seem to view the meter as the start and end of everything … It isn’t its just a machine like any other machine and just a fallible . Admittedly its a quite clever machine but then that's the phenomenal
'I see the pictures in my head' mind of Tesla for you! Given the desire I think I could quickly design a solid state circuit that would impede any watt meter but I don’t really think Its cricket old sport,
It is up to us all to engage in this battle together and as one united understanding force. Sure I can tell you how to screw the meter (in fact I have pretty much) what happens next ? Those who know .. screw the meters, those who don't .. old age pensioners , infirm ,fixed income families, get increased bills and pay the cost That's no use to anyone in my mind, I told you guys Its not an energy problem at all that’s just the very tip of an awful big iceberg. If you want to be honest with yourself and bring the fight to the opposition make your machine 'stand alone' because that's the real challenge Its the gauntlet that's been thrown, There are folks on this forum that have made powerful COP+1 machines they seek to make a better one ! Such is the lot of man … stronger ,higher ,faster
The impulse wave … how its hidden from the heavy power electrician . Rough and ready here is how electricians have connected systems to houses and factories for the best part of a hundred years
each house connected to each phase in turn , over hundreds of houses of course the load on each phase becomes pretty much identical electricians know this as diversity and load balance . In the bottom drawing the three houses are connected in exactly the same way .. but drawn differently .
You see its actually the same connection as a star connected motor …. which needs no neutral connection . It needs no neutral connection because the load on each phase is identical.
Houses like wise would need no neutral connection .. If you could guarantee the load on each house were to be identical.
Even so all the neutral cable has to do is carry the difference current . (To be more mathematically
correct .. the algebraic difference at any instant in time) Very economic the neutral cable could and always has been made much smaller than its phase carrier counterparts.
Until now! Everything’s gone horribly wrong for the power companies and they are having to suddenly come up with an awful lot of waffle and crap to try and explain it …. These days huge neutrals have to be fitted , extra unwanted uncontrollable energy is thundering into the system and blowing those cables all to hell and its coming from the Aether , OH and what is the cause of that I hear the deafening shout
Grahams phone call ...
The bedine wheel ? In a way yes , you recall I said it was an impulse device? Well over the last twenty years or so there has been an explosion of these
They are in every computer and virtually every office machine … they are called 'switch mode power supplies' Some office blocks have thousands ! All fast switching inductive contraptions .. all impulse machines … effectively thousands of Bedeni wheels sucking energy from the Aether and hurling it at the grid . The grid isn't designed for magnetic current at all . It is a conflict.. a war zone huge circulating magnetic currents are generated which eventually blows the neutral cables or just melts them . This is the same current John would be happily charging batteries with … lots and lots of batteries . Its reactive current created by the transformation of radiant energy at resonance.
So what sort of vomit has the power companies come up with to explain the requirement for huge cables ? Triplens ??…. who he?
Now this is like the curate's egg .. good in parts , but where its bad ,, wow its very bad . I hate to introduce anything that uses the term ampaged .. anyway keeping in mind that the very energy we seek to encourage harvest and use is the power companies biggest night mare. And also this guy does not understand the difference between harmonic and overtone
If you read this you'll get a very plausible sounding, impressive load of twaddle but with some very useful information also .
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.controlledpwr.com%2Fwhitepapers%2Fukharma2.pdf&ei=cX_CUrP_IoKrhAfPsYCgBw&usg=AFQjCNEd5DixgkrznDi_SiF9yT8PZS96qA&sig2=HvaN8XLPO6chYmEXWCyNlwThe truth is the overtones are cumlative on resonant points I'm sure you see that well enough you can also spot I'm sure the sequence containing 3...9... (for instance) and if they are cumlative whats in the middle?
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 Six you'll discover is hugly significant on our world and IMHO the reason snow flakes have six sides and so does water ... when you speak to it kindly !
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 [/youtube]
Its truly a beautiful world isn't it? I don't want these evil bastards who have it now to have anything more to do with it.
centraflow well understands the importance of 6 as a harmonic beginning (or difference in his case) here he explains himself some time ago. Due to events I doubt he'd like to again. But here in one post is explained how hugely efficient water fracture is accomplised pehaps someone with computer nous would like to expand this ?
http://www.energeticforum.com/water-fuel/6431-none-electrolytic-splitting-h2o-4.html#post111774Well the power companies are getting a taste of the magnificence now regardless of if they want to or not … and they would much rather it was not I'm sure. Free energy is a night mare to them … In more ways than one .. as I hope you start to see.
Can you also see why Gotoluc is going the right way?