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Author Topic: Chava Paper - The Inventions of Willi von Unruh and Hans Coler  (Read 5771 times)

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

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An interesting paper published on Chava website.

Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
From the paper:

It is reported that the output from the S machine was interrupted DC at 180KHz rate
(perhaps being full-wave rectified 90KHz), so we are faced with verifying that the now
known coil and plate geometry can resonate at this relatively low RF. 

The drawings can be simplified into a "proof of concept" perhaps demonstrating lower output levels. Has anyone tested this? What would be the minimum configuration for proof of concept?

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The drawings can be simplified into a "proof of concept" perhaps demonstrating lower output levels. Has anyone tested this? What would be the minimum configuration for proof of concept?
I will look over the internet tomorrow when i get a chance to see if i can find some replications, i don't remember seeing any before, i always assumed there was not enough info on construction.
More interestingly it appears to not be Hans Coler's tech and that he may not fully understood it, i wonder also if there's any info on the real inventor.

I'm not sure we are allowed to republish snipits here though :-\

You may download the PDF for your own use. There is a download link at the bottom left of the page. You may not re-post it or publish it anywhere else

It makes you open your eyes when you realize that W O Schumman witnessed it working and claimed it was OU

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Kloss and Schumann wrote reports explaining the physics of its operation, which apparently amplified the Barkhausen Effect to a useful level.

"The basic principle is that an electron is to be regarded not only as a negatively charged particle but also as a South magnetic pole.

"The basic element is that of an open secondary circuit, capacity loaded, inductively coupled to a primary circuit. The novel feature is that the capacities are connected to the secondary core through permanent magnets, as shown in Figure 4.

"It is claimed that, on switching on the primary circuit, "separation of charges" takes place, i.e., Magnet 1 becomes positively charged and Magnet 2 becomes negatively charged, and that these charges are "magnetically polarized" when they are formed, owing to the presence of the magnets. On switching off the primary circuit a "reversing current" flows in the secondary, but the magnets "do not exert a polarizing effect on this reversal".

"Two of these basic elements are now placed together making a double system or stage with the plates close together in parallel planes as shown in Figure 5. The secondary windings are both exactly equal and wound in a direction such that on switching on the primary coil the electrons in the secondary coil flow from P1 to P2 [P = Plate] and F1 to F2 [F = "Flat Spool"].

"It is then stated that system merely has an inducing effect, and the useful current comes into existence in the system.

"A single stage cannot be effective but two stages connected so that the numbers of effective North and South poles are equal will provide a basic working arrangement. More double stages can then be added to provide higher outputs.

"It is then stated that as well as the normal electrons flowing from the battery and from induction when the circuit is opened or closed, "space electron" flow from "repelling spaces" to "attracting spaces" between the plates" Professors M. Kloss and R. Franke (Technical College of Berlin) tested the Stromzeuger in March 1926; their report was included in BIOS Report 1043:

Here's a simple experiment
"Given a solenoid consisting of two windings, one upon the other, of the same length and number of turns, enclosing a soft iron cylindrical core. Firmly attached to one end of the core is a pre-magnetized steel rod. If an alternating current is passed through one of these coils, acting as primary, the residual magnetism of the steel rod is strengthened during one half cycle, through the magnetism induced in the core, during the other half it is weakened. If now the other winding is connected in series with the pre-magnetized steel rod (as secondary coil) in such a way that the secondary current must pass through the magnet, one half cycle of the secondary current must be more or less subdued

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

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So here's the information on the Original inventors device



NOTE.--.T1e applinatiwon for a Paten- has brcome void.

This print s.iea s9 the Specification as it became open to public 7nspecitjow.


Convention Date (Sweden): Feb. 24, 7920. 159,487 Application Date Xin United Kingdom): May 31, 7920. No. 14,732/20.

Complete not Accepted.


Method for Generating Electrical Energy.

I, ROBERT NORRBY, 'of 10, lamingatan, Stockholm, subject of the King of Sweden, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained ill and by the following statement:-

The generation of high power electrical energy is usually effected by mechanical interruption by means of special and complicated arrangements which consume a considerable amount of power.

According to the present invention electrical energy is generated not through 1 mechanical interruption, or by chemical action but through physical interruption.

The method adopted consists in effecting the interruption required in order to obtain the cutting of the field of the lines of force of two current circuits by subjecting the conductors 'of the one circuit to the action of the alternate poles of magnets of which the cores are connected with the conductors of the same current.

One form of apparatus for carrying out the method is shown by way of illustration or example, in the drawings hereto appended whereon:380 Figure 1 is a perspective view of a section of the apparatus taken oln the line A-B of Fig. 2.

Figure 2 is a face view of the central part of the apparatus.

Figure 3) is a section along the line C-D of Fig. 2.

Figures 4 and 4' show the connections between the plates and the magnet cores, -Figure 4 being a view looking in the direction of the arrow E and Figure 4a a [Price 11-) view looking in the direction of the arrow F, Figure 1.

Figure 5 is a diagrammatic representation of the connections between the different plates c of the apparatus. 45 Figure 6 is a diagrammatic representation of the way in which the windings are wound between the plates.

Referring to the drawings:a represents a base on which are two 50 sets of frames b and between the frames ), are laid conducting metal plates c. In the example selected for illustration there are 14 plates on each side. Over the plates are windings d, so placed that 55 the positive of the winding d is led from a low power battery e over the lowest pail of plates to the third pair and so on.

The negative of the winding d goes to the second pair of plates and from there to 6() the fourth, and so on (Fig. 6). Between the two groups of frames there is a central piece g (Fig. 2) provided with a number of sliding ontacts h. which are connected with magnet cores k surrounded by wind- 65) ings 1. The contacts h are placed directly opposite the contacts i, and these are also connected with the separate plates c. In addition to the sliding contacts h there are terminals mi. fitted at the outer ends 70 on the front of the central piece. The terminals m serve to bring in a low power electric current from another battery.

The plates c are electrically connected with one another through a third low 75 power battery o, in such a manner that the negative conducting wire goes to the first pair of plates, then to the third, the fifth, and so on, while the positive goes to the second, the fourth, the sixth, etc. SO 1 ti9,487 pair of plates. Each pair of oppositely disposed plates are further connected bv means of eonLductors p. The end wires of each pair ot plates are connected with ) similar poles to the end wires -of the plate windings d, so that the circuits ot the batteries are coupled in parallel, but in opposite directions. The separate-plates, as for example c, are connected by con0 ductinig wires q with the terminals, or with the sliding contacts, oIn both sides of the centre piece g (Figs. 4 and 4k').

Between the two inner sides of the groups of frames b there -is fitted a central piece 1. in such a way that the terminals h are in contact with the sliding contacts i.

In the central piece (Fig. 2) a portion r is broken out to show that the cores with the windings are fitted directly opposite one another oil both sides. The windings 1 round the magnet cores k are - fed from a low power current battery s.

A conductor passes from the battery s to the connecting terminal m and from there through the windings of the bobbins oIn the one side and then through the opening t to the other side of the central piece g hel, whence it goes through the wind(lings of the bobbins oIn that side and then from the last bobbin hackl to the battery, thereby completing the circuit. The pole cores are therefore constantly in a closed circuit as soon as the switch a, Fig. 4' is closed.

35) The niode of operation is as follows:The pairs of plates are first and foremost - in electrical connection one with another, being fed by the low power batterv o.

The windings d over the plates are fed by a low power battery e, and lastly the windings 1 roulnd the cores L. are coinected to a low power;battery s. The separate pairs of plates, which are polarised through the battery o, are fitted with opposite poles ovyer each other, while the windings d (Fig. 6) are arranged in a direction contrarv to the direction of the current from the battery o. If all three batteries are coupled up, the currents from themn in r the closed circuits which are hereafter named according to the respective battery o, e and s, will behave in the following way:

The currents a and e, which flow in contray- directions as already mentioned bring about a constant state of tension between tlhe field of the lines of force of the plate current and of the current in the willdinogs. The constailt teniion is interrupted with verv highi frequeiicv 60 thlroue the action of the magniet poles as SOO1 as the third circuit is closed and the energy latent in the plates (rising up from belowv) is released through the high frequency interruptions. 65.

An increase of the final energy can he obtained by enlarging the size of the plates andlor by increasing their number.

The current consumers are connected to/ the current generator ill such a way tha, 0 the line conductor is connected to tWe end terminals of the current cirlcuits" a and e which are brought together for the purpose.

lRaving- now particularly describet ard 7 5 ascertained the nature of my said invention, and in what manner the sanle is to he performed, I declare that what I claimi is:1. A method of generating electric 80 enerorv without mechanical interruption, clhalacterized in that the nit er ruptiorequired to cut the fleld of-the linits of force of both eurrent Circuits i, efTeeted by alternately exposing the co.iiidiictois ol s thie one circuit to the action of tle pole, -of magnets whose cores are in connection with the conductors of the samlie eircuit.

2. Apparatus for carrviner out tlhe

method claimied in Claim 1, having the 90

characteristic feature that a set of plates, arranl-ed wvith their poles opposite to one another and in electrical connection through one with another with a low power current battery, lie between -wind- 9rJ ings which are supplied, from another low power battery, with current flowing in a dirertion opposite to the direction of the current passing through the plates:

while at the same time, the plates are also 1(0 in connection with the cores of maniiets of which the wiindings are connected with a third low power current. in Such a manner that when all the three circuits are closed the tension of the first eircuit 1() is physically interrupted with high frequency.

Dated this 29th day of May, 1920.

H. D. FITZPATRICK & Co., Chartered Patent Agents, 94, Hope Street, Glasgow.

Rcdhill: Printed for His 'Majesty's Stationery.Office, by Love & MXaalcomnson, Ltd.-1921.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
An interesting paper published on Chava website.


very interesting read,  it appears Hans Coller was the assistant of some other guy in the early days of the discovery, interesting.

I think that this device is possibly the closest related to the TPU, in the fact that electricity is passed through a ferromagnetic material, and a DC voltage is set up.    Could it be tuned to the power lines as well?   LOL   ;D   :D

Just kidding.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The Chava website is indeed a most
interesting resource.  In addition to the
paper on von Unruh and Coler, the page
on Langmuir
is also very enlightening
with respect to the properties of Hydrogen
(particularly Atomic Hydrogen) and Nitrogen,
among other things.

Thanks go to Peterae for introducing this
material to all who have curiosity.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Thanks Dumped, i imagine Chava have the resources to hunt out and weed the rubbish to bring the more interesting stuff to the surface.
I also imagine they must be actively working on replicating this stuff as well to have it on their website.

Indeed EM it had occurred to me that SM may have got hold of someone who had this information.
I am wondering if this is the missing info that SM hinted could be found in a place that holds technical papers  O0
Although it's difficult to imagine how SM could build a light weight version.
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