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Author Topic: Did we go to the Moon  (Read 48935 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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I just looked up Gary McKinnon. They let him live to become another obscure quack.
The elephant in the room here is he did get caught with his fingers in the pie (as in electronic footprint, which is undeniable) so the Government is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Here are the basic nuggets:  Nichola Tesla, Stanley Kubrick, and Gary McKinnon. You put these three in a room and you have 3 witnesses as to what is possible. One invented it, one hid it and one found it.
And you don't have a room full of quacks either. The government game is to let them disappear into obscurity. It is also the government that supplies the distractive delusions also to guarantee the guarantee that it will disappear. And it always does.. Which is why we brave internet soldiers are bearing arms against the lie every moment.

The real OU'ers are those that have studied Tesla. We know the potential and the ramifications. We also know that given time one of the monkeys will find and pull the pin on the grenade. It is just a matter of time in all cases where curiosity gets the best of itself. Our knowledge has passed our obedience. And when you throw trillions of dollars at a technology anything is possible. And there is no way to force accountability for the untold billions of dollars spent.

Aint it great?

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 841
But TK, the Apollo program was just a red herring.

By the end of the Second World War the Germans had anti gravity engines (flying saucers)

By 1947 this technology had been transferred (stolen?) to the States. Apollo was just smoke and mirrors to hide the real tech.
It is even rumoured the the US has a space fleet (Solar Warden)


GK, I don't think we can credit Tesla with this, I think it was more a re-invention of the Vril technology.



Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Well now, this is very interesting!  Perhaps very soon we'll
know for certain.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Group: Experimentalist
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Well now, this is very interesting!  Perhaps very soon we'll
know for certain.

Thanks to George:

Uses common sense physics and innovative thinking to prove that NASA never put a man on the moon and that the whole Apollo saga was just a Hollywood-like production done with the help of the CIA and other shadowy organizations. Did man ever land on the Moon? The Apollo Moon landings, scour every NASA film, photo and report with a growing sense of wonder, until finally reaching an awesome conclusion: America had never put a man on the Moon.

The giant leap for mankind was clearly a fake and we sure fell for it. The story lifts off in 1961 with Russia firing Yuri Gagarin into space, leaving a panicked America trailing in the space race. At an emergency meeting of Congress, President Kennedy proposed the ultimate face saver: to put a man on the Moon. With an impassioned speech he secured the plan and an unbelievable 40 billion dollars. And as the authors says, the great Moon hoax was born.



Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
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The LEM jet nozzle and the footprints segment really inverses the truth and conspiracy view.
No crater yet perfect footprints.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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The LEM jet nozzle and the footprints segment really inverses the truth and conspiracy view.
No crater yet perfect footprints.

!Apparently! the rocket engine was switched off before hard touchdown,and the LEM just dropped that last foot or two.
But,as can be clearly seen in the apollo 14 landing footage,the rocket engine was still blasting away for a good 2 to 3 seconds after hard touch down--but still no blast crater   O0

It is said by the believers that all the evidence against the moonwalkers,has been debunked-when in fact,all the evidence supplied by the believers is debunked,and the non believers have shown just how easy it is to fake the moon landings,and the moon walker hoax.


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As I recall the first folks in space looked out of their port hole and could see - Nothing . It took some time to comprehend why this should be but it transpired that there is are no transverse waves in free space. only longitudinal waves
The following rockets were fitted with refracting glass in order for anything to be seen at all.
whilst this doesn't comprehensibly prove no moon landing I suggest the pictures have been at least 'manipulated' - regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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It is also asked by the believers-->how could it have been a hoax when there were 1000's of people working on the project ?-surly that many people couldnt keep a hoax like that a secret.

Well,i work in an auto repair workshop,and the auto parts store owned by the same company is in the same building.
Nothing but a wall separates the two.
Unless one of the guys from the auto parts store comes into the work shop,they have no idea as to what we might be working on. All they know is-we work on motor vehicles.

So,there is many cases where 90% of the people working in a company have no idea what the other 10% are doing.

Even some of the astronauts had no idea where they went-->these are the well trained guys embarking on the worlds greatest endeavour .


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Here we listen to another !so called! ex-spurt.

The great Michio Kaku  C.C

Just another !some body! that has no idea what he is talking about.

Listen from 2:50  :o
Apparently the flags were made of tinfoil  O0
You clearly see that it's made from tinfoil  C.C  C.C  C.C  :D

But keep listening.
He explains away the different angle shadows  O0
It's earth shine  ;)


No wonder we have come to a stand still in physics  C.C
 There is definitely moon shine,and i think Michio has drank too much of it.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
I should  know better by now to get involved in this again ... but did you bother to watch the video lecture from Carolin Crawford that I posted in the other thread?
Watch the last part from about 41 minutes on if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

You need to be able to explain how LROC got all those photos of the Apollo landing sites where you can actually _see_ the paths that the astronauts walked... images obtained 40 years or more after they were there. Faked? Remember that although LROC was launched by NASA, it is operated by the University of Arizona, who are responsible for the imagery. This is not some car parts sales building with a garage next door-- it's a university full of graduate students and post-docs who rotate in and out every year. There is no secret photo-fake laboratory there and it would be _impossible_ for the kind of fakery that you are postulating to be kept secret at the UofA.

And then recall the Chinese lander and rover mission. No blast crater under the lander, and clear wellformed tracks from their rover.... so the Chinese are in on the fakery too?

I do tend to agree about Kaku though. He's a bit of a flake, oversimplifying and trying to be another Carl Sagan, but missing the mark by a mile. However there are other science communicators that do a much better job, like Neal DeGrasse Tyson, and the aforementioned Carolin Crawford, among others.

"Refracting glass"? "No transverse waves in free space?" Come on Duncan, you can come up with something better than that.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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 author=TinselKoala link=topic=3232.msg64185#msg64185 date=1502366829]

Remember that although LROC was launched by NASA, it is operated by the University of Arizona, who are responsible for the imagery. This is not some car parts sales building with a garage next door-- it's a university full of graduate students and post-docs who rotate in and out every year. There is no secret photo-fake laboratory there and it would be _impossible_ for the kind of fakery that you are postulating to be kept secret at the UofA.

1-So,were the photo's taken by the LROC before or after it was handed to the university?
2-Has the university since taken any more photo's of the landing sights.
3-Do the landing sites confirm man was there,or that space craft sit on the moons surface.?.

And then recall the Chinese lander and rover mission. No blast crater under the lander, and clear wellformed tracks from their rover.... so the Chinese are in on the fakery too?

Would it surprise you?
What is the one mistake in all the photos of the moon, by both the USA and Chinese ?

What is the surface of the moon TK,and how was it made?.

I do tend to agree about Kaku though. He's a bit of a flake, oversimplifying and trying to be another Carl Sagan, but missing the mark by a mile. However there are other science communicators that do a much better job, like Neal DeGrasse Tyson, and the aforementioned Carolin Crawford, among others.

I should  know better by now to get involved in this again

Lol,i knew you would be back--just like the terminator lol.

but did you bother to watch the video lecture from Carolin Crawford that I posted in the other thread?
Watch the last part from about 41 minutes on if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

I did watch it,and i see she just quotes nothing more than she has been told,and presents nothing more than the very low quality picture's seen all over the internet.

You need to be able to explain how LROC got all those photos of the Apollo landing sites where you can actually _see_ the paths that the astronauts walked... images obtained 40 years or more after they were there. Faked?

As i have said before--is this the best we get?
All i see is blurry white smudges on a picture,with square shadows that in no way resemble the caster of such shadows


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What is the surface of the moon "made of" ? SO you did not watch Carolin Crawford's video lecture then.

1-So,were the photo's taken by the LROC before or after it was handed to the university?
2-Has the university since taken any more photo's of the landing sights.
3-Do the landing sites confirm man was there,or that space craft sit on the moons surface.?

The LRO is still up there taking pictures. Somebody left those trails and tracks, they weren't left by a rover or robot!


Would it surprise you?
What is the one mistake in all the photos of the moon, by both the USA and Chinese ?

So you think China is in on it too. Yes it would surprise me, because it would be a major coup for China or Russia to disprove the USA manned landings. But they can't do it, because we really did go there and return.

What is this common mistake you are talking about? Can't see stars in the black sky? We have already covered that one and put it to bed.

All i see is blurry white smudges on a picture,with square shadows that in no way resemble the caster of such shadows

Wrong again.


she just quotes nothing more than she has been told,and presents nothing more than the very low quality picture's seen all over the internet.

You see... no amount of real evidence can shake your opinions. It's a religion. You've been presented with photos from orbit and you criticise their quality and resolution. You have been presented with photos taken by the men on the moon and by robotic cameras left behind as the men left, and you say they are faked. No evidence will be good enough to convince you!

I've asked you before: What evidence _would_ convince you that  men landed on the moon? If there is none.... then you do not have a scientific attitude about this issue.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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What is the surface of the moon "made of" ? SO you did not watch Carolin Crawford's video lecture then.

The LRO is still up there taking pictures. Somebody left those trails and tracks, they weren't left by a rover or robot!


So you think China is in on it too. Yes it would surprise me, because it would be a major coup for China or Russia to disprove the USA manned landings. But they can't do it, because we really did go there and return.

What is this common mistake you are talking about? Can't see stars in the black sky? We have already covered that one and put it to bed.

Wrong again.


You see... no amount of real evidence can shake your opinions. It's a religion. You've been presented with photos from orbit and you criticise their quality and resolution. You have been presented with photos taken by the men on the moon and by robotic cameras left behind as the men left, and you say they are faked. No evidence will be good enough to convince you!

I've asked you before: What evidence _would_ convince you that  men landed on the moon? If there is none.... then you do not have a scientific attitude about this issue.


I did watch the video TK-i was asking you the question.
She states in the video,that the top layer is dust ,caused by millions of years of meteorite bombardment.

So,what on the moon could cause a disturbance of this dust?-excluding mans interference,and further meteorite  strikes.

As far as the pictures of vehicles and tracks on the moon go,how do you know that they are what is being claimed?

If some one posted an extremely clear HD video,of an apparent self running,over unity device,and said it was such-would you believe them?.

Blurry  pictures that show dark lines and bright white dots,are no proof at all that man walked on the moon.

If this were anything else TK,you would be laughing at it.

To date,i have not seen a single thing associated with the moon landings,that can not be done here on earth-and with ease.

How much did NASA spend on research and development on keeping things cool in the extreme temperatures on the moon?,when your university  shows pictures they claim are the flags still standing,and casting a shadow.
48 years on,and the $5.50 nylon flag still flys-must be hot in the sun  C.C

There is not one thing i have seen that proves man walked on the moon-not one.

Have you ever seen pictures of a town covered in ash after a volcanic eruption?
Have you ever seen the tree's  on the side of a dusty road?.

The one thing i noticed that i have never heard anyone else mention before,is that in all the HD pictures of moon landings-all the bloody rocks are clean-free from the millions of years of dust falling from meteorite impacts--NO dust on the rocks-not even the flat topped ones-and no bloody wind to blow the dust off of them.

The list go's  on of the bullshit being claimed.

China's  HD pictures show the same clean rocks
« Last Edit: 2017-08-11, 11:46:32 by TinMan »

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
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Posts: 704
source of information regarding 'no transverse waves from the sun in free space' -

The information regarding this anomaly I find is from this lecture by Prof Eric Dollard please regard  from 43min to 45 min

Regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4727

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source of information regarding 'no transverse waves from the sun in free space' -

The information regarding this anomaly I find is from this lecture by Prof Eric Dollard please regard  from 43min to 45 min

Regards Duncan

Prof Eric Dollard  :D

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Guest
Now that collection of interviews is funny


especially from 13:30 on... :o.....ha ha 


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