OK i just did another video with the hall brand facing the nail North. So this is what happens Hall away from north nail end volts=2.273 Hall with brand facing north nail end but HV off volts=2.264 Hall with brand facing north nail end but HV on volts=2.259 I also believe because the opposite happened with the hall the other way round that this eliminates any possible electrical charge field causing the changing reading  so the mag field of the nail is definitely altering. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gndxl0aMiBQ[/youtube] So as a recap neutral mag field =2.273 no HV we have 2.264V which means we have -9 Gauss HV we have 2.259 which means we have -14 Gauss Remember the stronger the north placed against the branded side of the sensor causes a lower than null voltage so indeed switching on the HV does indeed cause the north to increase in strength by 35%  I therefore confirm the Nipher Effect  I also believe i have ruled out electrostatic influence because i get similar results with the hall face switched but the resulting movement is revered.
« Last Edit: 2012-04-20, 10:39:31 by Peterae »