With God's Blessing, I believe I may have completed the conclusive experiment on sound resonance.
The question is - when the resonance sound is louder, where does the extra energy come from? A. One traditional answer is that there is only one sound source; all energy must come from such a source. B. The Divine Revelation is that the kinetic energy of air molecules can be led-out or brought-in.
In the experiment, we have a constant sound source. The sounds produced by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 resonance boxes placed with their closed end at ¼ wavelength were compared both by listening and by the displays on the computer. Finally, one of the resonance boxes was replaced by a beer glass with a slight funnel shape. That final configuration sounded loudest.
The results showed that the sounds become louder with 1, 2, 3, 4 resonance boxes arranged as shown in the diagram. The frequency was set at 630 Hz. This experiment can be reproduced easily. Another team in Canada is planning to replicate the results with their own setup.
I believe the experimental results clearly confirm that assumption B is more reasonable. Resonance boxes are passive devices that cannot generate energy. The extra sound energy must come from the environment – in this case, the already available kinetic energy of the moving air molecules.