Conclusive Experiments to show that Energy from the surrounding can be lead-out or brought-in.
Experiment 1 – Four or more Tuning Forks in resonance
Proposed by: Lawrence Tseung Date: December 15, 2010
Performed by:
1. To show that the sound produced by two or more identical tuning forks on resonance boxes is louder and lasts longer than that from a single tuning fork.
2. If true, ask the question – where does the extra sound energy come from?
3. Can the extra sound energy come from the kinetic energy of the air molecules?
4. Is it possible for the first vibrating tuning fork to lead-out the kinetic energy of the air molecules because it changes the random motion to an ordered pulse?
5. Is it possible that the correct explanation of sound resonance is as follows:
A vibrating or oscillating source can induce ordered motion of the air molecules. The ordered motion can use the kinetic energy inherent in the air molecules to do useful work – such as sympathetically vibrate the second, the third, etc tuning forks.
Equipment needed:
Basic – Four identical tuning forks mounted on separate resonance boxes, a striking hammer, a sound recorder or video camera, a clock or stop watch
Optional – Microphone connected to Oscilloscope for visual display, decibel meter, data logger and computer for comparative analysis.
1. Place the first tuning fork alone in a quiet room. Strike it with the hammer. Record the loudness and duration of the sound. The sound recorder or video camera should be placed approximately 50 centimeters from the tuning fork.
2. If a video camera were used, it should show the readings on a clock so that the entire duration of the experiment can be accurately timed and displayed.
3. If an Oscilloscope is available, do screen capture of the waveform. Send the information to a data logger and computer for comparative analysis. This is the reference curve.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 at least 3 times to average out the difference due to different striking force.
5. Place a second tuning fork next to the first tuning fork. Adjust the distance and the orientation until the loudest sound is heard. Then repeat steps 1-4 with the video camera placed approximately 50 centimeters form the first tuning fork.
6. Compared the loudness and time duration of the sound produced in the two cases.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 with the third, fourth, etc. tuning forks.
1. The minimum order from a manufacturer in China is 20 sets. Each set consists of one tuning fork, one resonance box and one hammer. Four sets are sufficient for this experiment. However, it is a good idea to do a demonstration of all 20 sets in a quiet room. That quiet room may act as a resonance chamber.
2. Once we agree on the details of the above experiment including who will do it; when to do it; where to do it; how to maintain it and how to distribute the 20 sets etc, we can order the units from the manufacturer. The quoted price was US$200 including shipping costs. That amount of money has already been raised by Todd.
3. The significance of this experiment is to conclusively demonstrate that the additional tuning forks will produce louder and longer sounds.
4. These louder and longer sounds will require additional energy other than that from striking the first tuning fork.
5. Mr. Lawrence Tseung hypothesized that the additional energy comes from the kinetic energy of the air molecules. The vibration of the first tuning fork “pulse orders” the random motion of the molecules so that these molecules strike the other tuning forks at their resonance frequency. Such action is similar to pushing a swing. If the pushing or pulsing frequency is correct, the swing will go higher. If the frequency is not correct, the swing will not go much higher.
6. Mr. Lawrence Tseung hypothesized that the tuning fork itself is already an energy loopback system. When it pushes air in one direction, the compressed air will help to push it back to the other direction. (The stiffness of the fork is another important factor.) For resonance systems, the amplitude of oscillation or vibration will rise exponentially at or near resonance. This phenomenon can be explained easily if we assume that there is additional energy coming into the system.
7. If the initial energy of the system is 1 and 0.X percentage units of energy are brought-in. On successive feedbacks, the energy of the system will rise as (1+0.X)*(1+0.X)*(1+0.X)….
8. Thus the lead-out or bring-in energy theory can explain the exponential rise in amplitude near or at resonance.
9. If the phenomenon of tuning fork resonance is due to bringing-in of additional energy from the environment, can we extend the same concept to electrical circuit (e.g. LCR) resonance?
10. In the case of electromagnetism, magnetic effects can be produced by an orbiting electron around the nucleus. This is known as a magnetic dipole. Such dipoles have energy but are normally orientated in random directions. If some order is induced, is it possible to lead-out or bring-in such electromagnetic energy?
Thus if Experiment 1 is conclusive, the Lee-Tseung Lead-out Energy Theory may be correct. The theory is called Lee-Tseung because Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a retired missile expert from China, and Mr. Lawrence Tseung were the first ones to understand this and used the term lead-out energy in their PCT patent applications in 2005.