OK found quiet a good paper here on a saturable inductor chain design. http://pps.coe.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/streaming/PulsedPower/generator/system1.htmSo i can use decreasing inductance along the chain with the same capacitance and achieve 100% energy transfer with a decreasing pulse width but the peak voltage will remain the same on the output pulse. The other way is to have the same inductance but decreasing capacitance, this will give me increasing peak voltages and the decreasing of the pulse width with an efficiency of 3.6% in the example provided. Looks to me if this was ever to be used to produce an efficient pulse driving system, then i can only use design a) which means i cannot use the saturable inductor chain for voltage multiplication with width sharpening. EDIT Spheric would never have used saturable inductors to pulse his coils in voltage magnification mode because he would have too much energy dissipated in the saturable chain, this still doesn't rule out Spherics use though as he was after fast pulses and this would do that efficiently. I have a lot of trouble believing this chain would have been used above 500V because of the insulation problems associated with winding enamelled wire onto the cores. My dilemma is whether this is a viable way forward for me, i have fast pulses, what i need is high voltage, even if i did need faster pulses to get a reduction from 100nS to 10nS would require the first inductor to be wound with 100 times the inductance of the final stage, OK we could settle for a times 4 decrease, but then why go to all this trouble.
« Last Edit: 2011-01-07, 16:59:28 by Peterae »